HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-6-17, Page 6• �y /y ■.- OUL 1d ON?. TEU WAY J U141 17 197 «r•-Y.�-•. tai tR-'.r-.•. x. Tr^.-,.a�'„^r...� •.aa';! -TR R'tlt11Ir1M Ai/ OVERWORK Nervous �� 01.111,6/6110/4 ties II. el Ayer's Sarsaparilla "Some ynuf hep. as a remelt cd the dome attention to bootee. my *h1t Shed. I ,beoatee weak, nervous, was leea`ila to look altar my Intermits. soil 1t"ie Bested all the erupted/le el a de- an. I took three bottles of Ayers, /sm.pamW$, began to improve tri nem /.r7' d gradually tnoreased my w teneight front one hundred and twenty -Ave to two hundred pounds. Since then, I and my family have need this medicine when needed, end we are all in the best of health, a fact which we attribute to Ayer'. Sarsaparilla. I believe my chil- dren hitdren would have been fatherless to -day bad it not been :or Ayer's Sarsaparilla, of which preparation I cannot say too much." -ft,. O. Hnrsox, Poetmaster and Planter, Kinard's, 8. C. Ayer's* J Sarsaparilla RECEIVING MEOAL AT WORLD'S '*11. AY ER's; Pills Sem Doctor% Whin. OUR OTTAWA LETTER, What!. ¢o1nz must t.baCiipita.t. (fl! C m.apendest Gees late *tnwbery $Mew1*g-Rhee Pointers e■ Their Ctlltvathe-The Mat ter Mar- mot and Table. OTTAWA, June 7.—Apropos of this subject the Horticultural dtvMioa of the Experimental Form has recvotly sent to press material fora bulletin, which will tip- pler ibortly, covering the experience of Ave years in testing at the Central Farm • large .son or of the sew varieties of strawberries. no hl its ry of.tbe evolution of the onitivat. .d strawberry from its wild, original forms, reads almost like • fairy tele. By it is shows the areas falses* whisk principles and otilowro--otic obi ibou0 is. modifying the characteristic' of native types of fruit It was about 200 years ago that the native strawberry of Chili (Fr.gsria Cbiloensis) wee brought to Europe, and there associated w ith the wood strawberry (7. Vexs) and (F. Elatio-) the pine etrawbeiry. The lat- ter aster two are natives of Europe. As • result of this ..00lation, and se a result of the et - forts ot pioneer strawberry grower,, there gradually appeared type intermediate of obese wild forms. Within the lest fifty year., and pirtioularly during the peat 4.o- ade, the number and variety of new strew berries which have been prodooed and have boas offered tq the fruit oonaumimn-pubiir4 trey remarkable. Not lam remarkable to the oo.mopolitas ohanoter of the pleas un- ier onitiv.tion. Itis only a few years since that it was thought the strawberry could be grown rely in those regions most favor- able te fruit -growing Knowledge and .d- eem have removed many of the supposed e bsteoles, and there is now no place in agri- Palters! Goad& where strawberries tarty not be grows; in suffiotent quantity to add variety to the farmer's bill.of-fare, sad give sajoyment and health to the members of his honehold. Throughout all the the apple -growing sso- tiose of Ontario and Quebec, strawberries may be grown tor market with profit-.nd, isppme.king of profit, said Mr: Craig. the hor- tieeltarut of the (central Farm, (whose language these lines faithfully n-eobe) what Deep se there that will give the oultiv.tor a larger return per .are ? To say 6,000 bozo se .oro is not an extravagant estimate ; and 6s. • box, est, i. • return quits within the stark 1a many looations,theugb the average, probably, may not he more than 2i to 3 monis sot. Krimu 2 Dente per box, which would give a return of $100 per .tan, ie it 119.500 G ."r1:, 64.`. ....,.ser t.er tone a we tees worth Mobile' llte MINt4117 t 11 M amen eansomeery M gad tees �dm, rwa h�Jr:.berm eor.adbsaoo aNrwber thiee se ffee growers ander tM meet emerable elsemm- stanose. Rtnwberries are sow very ler/ay *row. along the Bt.' Lewreme and Ottawa Ann, Dear their point of is*mWam, la the vtalslty of Montreal. The coot shores el lake Ontario.., Bayed Quince regioe, •*d ap northward townds Georges Bay, are all of them sonnies. beetmah deservedly !amour for the productba of this berry. Speaktag of ebb lwoloae frele,ihel*te Henry Ward mother owe said tool " The Lord might have made a bestir batty. but the Lord certainly sever did." Do you ask what L the ideal soil ter the cultivation of Ibis plant! A sod which Is friable, rtoh, mots. without beteg iodate. sad ono which will as heave without from, 1s W be preferred above .11 other* ; but les ane tanners Moist from growing the berry beoauee they do not happen to possess a Mom of lend answering meetly to this de- .ariptloe. The best time to pleat strawbarrlee In all Canada Is in early spring. They may be set out in .utumo, but adequate returns, from obis syrNn are only moored the fol- lowing yeas to looalitiw where the mimeos is sstfiol.otly loog so allow of the plante be- coming well established, and making plenty of senors term frost arrests the yrowtb. The soil for • strawberry pl.ntatioD should be plowed in the fall. A clover orop turned soder the previous spring, and vegetables or a hoed Drop grown thereon, gives so ez- oellect preparation. There are two principal methods of grow. Ing the strawberry. The reunite of thee method* may be summarised briefly as td• lows :-I1 one would have large, Ani straw- berries, grow the plant" in hills ; H Many berries, but of medium sire, cultivate the plants in matted rows. The hill system oommends heli to the amateur, while the matted row is dutinotly oommeroiL In respect to the hill system the plants should be set 18 inobes apart emit way, end the runners kept trimmed off as they appear. A plantation will lest two years, so that pro- vision for renewing the bed must be made from year to year. In the matted rows the pleats are set lb inches &port, with the rows 4 feet distant from each other. Runners and blossoms moat be removed the first season, the litter .(itirly, and the former anal the middle ej Aoguat. This operation allows the parent pica/ to become well eat•bli.h.d +ad favors the gt ed.tition of strong. healthy russets. - . - -- In regard to mulching As winter bee, the farmer shonId not ior*e , par- ticularly if be reindeer!. • locality hams* Ight now LII, with alternate lressiag sad thawing in the autumn, and the strawberry plot is on clay losen, ihst the plants need to be promoted from the heaving process which follows the freezing of the ground in autumn. The ptante should- be dowered with *tris.. evergreen hoagies et swamp hay. Care must be taken about tarrying in weed seeds with the opvering material, sed for this reason oat sad wheat straw often do more harm than good. 1)o not oover the pinata too heavily, bus protest the ground on either side for it is then that the mischief takes plans. la the spring u000ver the plants and leave the mulching material between the rows until after the crop is harvested. It e bould then be cleaned out and the oultivat• or introduced- 1. the principal strawberry region" of Oatsrio. the practise of taking only one Drop from esob plsotation to now very much in vogue. Thu method has the advantage of keeping the ground cleaner in the matter of weeds, fungus dineaes or in- jurious insects. In molting for marketing ptvpoem the berries should be o.refully pinked and grow- ers now find that it pays them to give some Wale to grading the fruit. One or two of Met tense near JsL oaltiv*tors in the Island Mesa' .cad their strawberries to mar- ket in pint bores. and carefully graded, that tete my, one olw contains all them of first quality se to mire and form. Thee will oom- u ,&nd the top market prices. The next ohms oonteioe the eeoond grade from whish the Dills and bottom (imperfect berries) have been discarded. Such • ■ygtem of marketing will eventual. ly win • name for that partioul.r grower who adopts it. In respect to varieties one must consider them from the standpoint of the amateur as well as from the somewhat different stand- point of the o',mmeroial grower. Th. Ant looks for quality end produotdveuese, while Mnwetlns wrap a vanity whioh 'premies well and may be transported to the Donne er and planet before him in good *sedition. Por amateurs the following venetian are recommended ; Pearl, Berbaob, Martha, Brandywine. Greenville and Creston_ Among the bore oom.meroial aorta are : Bederwood, Cement, Wargeld, Haysrlaod and Parker Marla Home important points te be remembered in setting • plentattoa of strawberries are to place the pistillate and the perfect flowered varieties 1. adjoining rows so that oomplete fertilization may be dented• thus materially increasing the gwlity of the front. The Farm Horticulturist has found that the *Milan variety is mors prodaotive than the .laminate or perfect flowered kinds. Vheretore be advise planting these In the proportion of three of the former 1e one of the latter. Buyers, is selecting plants, should note carefully the sex of she yarfety to b. purchased. P Meas ptatilats er the imperfeot•flowured pleat ; 8 or B means stemitate or bi-e•zaal, the perfect dowered. Sweat behflatsg•ro le Aad appl. sera" Re took the Herter for • huge odium of the well•kitiemn Mantel symbol. The emeassey of treatise a thighs ma- iden is seriklsg the oa.dioete three times es the ssouldee llsbtly with the OM et a nerd, swne, ' Ree. Bir Jobs bat thm oedld•te ler knighthoodmoat nos ries mill h• hos received tee sited blow. A .erten■ po.talss► tenet HM admoalt/en, sad made a ti) to rtes after the first tap Th. Qs*. thermos& brought the owed down again guiokly and sh•apiy sea farther w•rsiss. These who saw le hod wentee i. de M wtnis their lent/Amen the wow& of tie. Queen tits. exhorting the mad to ries and ell the nam. Uma keooklag him deme again. A madtdme b William IV,'e roles was lees fortusets however. He else Wee. III too greats burry, and roes to his fen .(est the Ant .xbortmtim, wtuteepee the Sailor Kiat lost hie temper, and seat him away plans "Minter" Jail se be wee began Tb. lutitutioe .1 the Royal Victorian Order marks • sew epeoh is the Meter, of the Royal Orders of Merit during this trigs. The teadeaoy has beet for thine re- wards to tall mon and more Late the hands of Mi.isar., and to be *taloned "Moly for seniors to the motion. An 000aalonal civil knighthood, however, le "pared by the Gov • ernseen0 to her Majesty's mon immediate •ttendante---euoh as the Private Seo etary (Sir Arthur Blgge). and the Keeper of the Privy Purse (SM TMetwood Edwards). TM Victorian Order. however, a the Queen's own private Order. Site oonters H where she will -the higher clams' as marks of personal friendship, the lower ones a re- wesds for mews,. The result is ibis the order will be a earionely cosmopolitan oma, for it se conferred on m.mb.n of the Howe- iold, oft foreign primes and princesses, and foreign offioM u -+mob as the Mayor el Niece, the Prcfeot of to Department at Alper Maritimes, and the Manager of the French Southern Railway, who have all for years oo*lributed to her Majesty's oomtem whoa she M visiting the Smith of Frame. A omrtain witty peer ham remarked of this Order that 11 is the nearest possible ap- proach to s moisaruhioal millennium, for Foment English and German, Unionist and Home Ruler, Prime and Prefect, Mistress f the Robes mod manager of the railway. Christian, Jew, infidel and hereon are all united is the Order under the leadership of her Gracious Majesty. Sr 8eawel l;esstpy, as everybody kerne, who Ant berme tet •flank 511. bloodthirsty cads, He wee waled by the growth et �bee opiason mod by the fames, w"bo praat- repealed the laws, by retinue to ooe- vise 11 wM int, emit the vear1136 that Coos- a! for a prUu.er soder IruJ for teeny wits p rmitbd to address the jury. La the year 1864 there were 480 death ssat..o.a ; k. 1838, oak 116. I. 1834, 894 permits were mwtsaod to transporwtw for life, aid in 1838 Dale 966. URINiflY iROUBLBB DODD.'S KIDNEY PILLS A tit of IoW Wig. Some time ago whits I was trainee istsri eillap Menem et the clerks Dame to t4 rfi* sem waiting on me sad W E a-- is Watsonoath anent as.3 many a fs- b o R4 BICYCLES AN* WATCH ESpot During the Year 1897. -1415.11 p rlloel.►e'es eel verlle.me.n,etspell r • Ulla U, tie • inept fir, 7_fi • CONFERRED EY ROYAL FAVOR. " What I like about the Garter," said lard Melbourne, " le that there M se sten- seen of merit about It." As • matter of feet, then newer ►.m been. la earlier days is used to be emterrd on twenty Ave of the lesdthe .ability of the kingdom. It we so ',Neon given to s mem bet of the Reese of Contains. however powerful, that when Lord North, the eldest ma of the Earl of Guilford. who had • Beet in the Lower Roves, reoefvd the Garter, n ot Metss he was Premier and virtual ruler of the klegdom, bet boo.., M we aim the ohnef favorite et George tzl,s the decoration wee so didlnothe thee be etas free' that time invariably referred to me " the noble lord I* the blot tibbo*." During the present reign twenty dvm extra k■Igbthoad• have bees .dried by Her Majesty's motion, .red them the he safer. red either en members ef hes ewe Roney, es ea foreign 'eyelike to whom the wished to ley a oompsem►. The twmey-fifth tat added for the biome el tire late Priem Remy of Rsiiwbere. The Queen filled up the crested by hie death by wafer. rise the arts. es ID. O mws- Primes sf Dsamart. The ordinary Garton www sed by she Prime Mlafatre to reward their followers .f eh. Highest reek who are sot St tet 0.►• net teak. ere t.e gent for ebee*l.ab pew Otiose, tad have &nerved well of the peen br their perusal rapport, whlama" eteer fiusaske l, er It was ea Amcriesa sEllend.. tMet L.kr ata first Mae rhe whm e bread 2j rich* of Obi Clatter 'wren the *net d a *rube deem," mei, year law taw - pries sae t 1 pr Shah /Nim was am us* *Ale *Ws* ewes tai tesesl*llese r be - 1t 'merchant we evidently &may & " Why, what does he wont et • !" homier: "wet:ever eve them. his amount out of the book; that ion receipt enough." ' 80 I told him," answered the clerk, "bat he is not estis8ed- You had better sr him." So the proprietor sapped to the desk, and after greeting Pat with • Good-mormia*, said :- " You want to settle your bill, do you I" Ps replied ie the affirmative. " Well " said the merchant, " there in me need of my giving you a receipt. Ree ! I will oro, your &Docent o8 the book ; and suiting Jim salmi to the word he drove hie penin diagonally aero.. the amount. "That is • good receipt," " And do you miss that that settle it 4" gerlatmed Pat. .. Tbaa.ettlee it," mid the m.robent. And ye're mare yell stover be .•kin' mt for it again ? " •• We'll sever ask yon for it armies" said the merchant decidedly. "Fetch, thin," mid Pei, "l'Il to attar k.pin' ms money is ms pocket, two 1 haetle t paid it." " Oh, will, 1 can rub that oat 1" "Faith, cow, and I thought the rung," said Pat. Is M seedless to add that Pat got his re - mita. Ia Europe at tbi* time some 27.000,000, men ars ready to take to field is a foul. n ight. Some people .re constantly troubled with pimples end boils, especially &bent the toe and neck. The best remedy i.. thorough coarse of Ayer'' Sarsaparilla, wheok expels all bemire tL?ones and so snakes tie ehia bemuse tort, earl fair. • alletY W:RS AGO. In 1837 tare was es mwtratd paper ; there wee se Petiole. On tD. other Land Ewe were a many Leaden papees se therm sat to -d.7. sad aeorty ea many masaainee ,std reviews. The Times, whisk u reported 1e ben Rom had a clydalstlen not ezoeediar 10,000 a day, was already ibe Mediae pef?er- 15 debaded Queen Caroline, and advocated else Reform Bill, sled tram reported to be reedy to incur en *resew for early sews. Ybe ether morning papea were the Morning Herald, the Morning Chronicle, the Morn- ing Pest, the Morning Adyertiesr, and the old Public Ledger. The evening papers were the Glebe, wbkb had •beorbed sit otter eyeing paean. the Courier, the Rtamdard, and the True Sun. The weeklies were the Kxamtser, the Spsetater, eaten price seems to ban varied from nl upeno. to . "billing: the -Attar Ob - Geyer, 8.11's tire, Bell's Weekly Meseenger, John (fell. the New Weekly Mameoger. the Svedey Timis, the Age. the &Are* the Mark Leas Kzprese, the Cent, �i the Weekly Dispatch, the Pa the Christie* Ad'ueate. the Wetebetse, tee Court Joarael, the Naval and, Militate lle- sane tmd•tbe Carted 8.nio. (Gavotte. II we an until 1841 time the firma Sew et emigrants begs* m the dtrsstles of New Zmi•rd and Australia. The emigrants of /8324160y west h Q.uadie sad a yet the United States were preetioatly sne.Eeeied by the rush from the old oouptries. The papul•tiee e1 tihe pet ,ewes has for the meet part d.ablsd IemR! la the Weak des. Leaden thew had a million and a hale ; Liverpool. 900,000; Mi mehester, 260. Mt Glasgow, 960.009 ; Eltaltrbem, ISO. 000 ; Leeds, 140,000; .ad Anent 190 000. Peed aettl.m..a were Mehl flosriehimp, Between 2896 tied 1910. whs. tag. *MI empptesed,48,719 ea.tecs were mai MA* elydsey. A. smprd" travelling. to 1s.td0) raft airing the high reads wee sea smlluft how. Therm mos* fit tater-b.ae stalleteitelh 40 honidloese mesa* lk Nva ead there M re sad 101* 8eeWsd There gramLOSSaS.. eevalies is the *ovary, ell *MA 1./07 Mae. ad trim Leaera Is Ihefes M eh* .,*M g,y the kw re+s�Os�wA egMs1 ethaewt ♦ amtetpn to bashed ha .less t.r11 be appeared he dispel* em et tt mai j r ha eat lova wow t 11/ raMNq Y ist r t t 1l hale s gaayWlg iMrlhllerfddliiftwhisg.poor ashot' ias ewe lksek bee) ' wog t a Mae gtthey. 11 he Wpm falai plow a year. 1* Ilesk 1St Aid 60111 er Ih. Gersrm ..a* rots to gM fid oil chs Wt, eistt flewm by basting isms, It was I have been troubled for some years with urinary trouble. I could not hold my urine. Was constantly broken of my rest, as I bad to get up six or eight times every night. I tried doc- tors and many remedies without. getting any relief until one of my friends advised me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I felt re- lieved from the first box and six boxes completely cured rye. I cannot thank you enough for the new lease of life and com- fort your Dodd's Kidney Pills has given me. A. MCGREGORY, Cornwall, Ont. Dodd's Kidney Pilis Always cure Urinary Troubles A. MoKINNON, COUM'Y IAliGER FROST & WOOD Co, 11,0111e441e mad keep t* .leek nose sod WOWS Binder., Rowers, Rake. and Plewa, 8ylwter Drilla. 1Lewasise Duo mad Cultiva- tors. Chatham Wag.ns, Weetlaufer Pee LfMMt+r. Buggies, Cane, tion®ors, Sorrows, Maras, Washing Reseda Examine our BYnders Om canvass, steel tab e,simpleet keener, meet durable, menet ramieg and best-bal- ssesd ..whin• an the market. If you see ttheour borer's sock will not ed bath- ing wne ring and atter harvest. Compere 11 with others. Our 97 Mower • beauty, baying several new and import- ant featnrs.—gruabe width of tread, now fese lits, scissor out, &djmMable cutter boa, and roller bearings. See them before giv- ing your order. The Old Reliable Tiger Rake tu up -a -date, having high wheels, solid std axles, perfect rachet damp ' wdtd theft ommeotion with long and admirably ad- justed teeth. In Plows oar oestomne L Goderfob and Colborne townships ob.erfally eeknowtedge their su- periority 'over other Ikon of plows. berme very light of draft, easy te operate, dein splendid work. Benmiller Nursery) The Huainan heretofore carried on by the isle Joke titew.rt at th. es woad Nureerf,'bilLge of w111 be carried a M snit•) 11 Mae 4 s -MUT TUNS ' Brei sen Treea a Specialty! Tl,e utak le_ teinstilete. and intealMf- purcbasers will find 1t to their .dvamt. ante to purchase home-grown trees - - stead of ordering from • dustwor. A Fine Assortment of Hot -Horse Planta Hanging Baskets, and Bedding Plants in Season. Order. by Mall promptly attended to JOHN STEWART ESTATE BENMILLER NURSERY. Cakes, Pies, Tarts. Ready for the Rush. Cali at D. Cl an:toles, ti,e leading bakery, forour Party Cakes and Puff Paste Tart., Oyster Patties, Mince Pies, Shortead. All kinds of Cakes kept on hared. Orders left by ten in the morning mill be made and delivered the same der. Wedding Cake—Orn. ovkittng sad decorating of the latest designs with s fancy assortment et Wedding Cake Oreareente Almond icing * s*eoL►lty 17. Ca rtelc] PLAIMill KILL. ESTf1QJ81lEg SRL lliichaaiis 4 � BABH, DOOR and slap Dealers is e11 !labs ER LATH LUMB . , S MGM sad builder's material a ovary School ?arnitare a !pear. Tiara FAILM*t$8 tiiarirame .1144emine ASSURANCE COMPANY,, JAMBS R. STtr.e, Pstdi.il/, Jour Crams„ 7kmehme /1 D. Iii. OAt aaatyu. numP. M. um if •aag _ BEAD QIIICI, ,/h 1. sass,-..a A:7 est peas Sp *Sas Fp Iw.eaelearoIt sit* riteate*end efts% Drills In oar MONITBR DRILLS we boyo. without tee, of oontr•dlotion, the net most ooenpe,ot. be oalsaoed sad mom body ooalrolled sad sears.* to pert„ of say Drill os the market Cultivators TM .plesdtd roeeptios gine the Iteler GIANT CULTIVATOR. dE1,DE1r< sag DISC by the farmers of Harm prove tit out a doubt, whet we claim for time, SS ' bed is Caned*. Before yon buy s Pea Harvester call and see the W ETTLAUFER HAI. ViLITKR, winner of diploma a1 Week', Fair. Farmers and Teamsters de you want the W AGG0P1 that competed with and defeated the best W aggooe to Cu oda .ad the United 8M.., winning • paid medal and diploma at World's Fair, siva medal et Leedom, )Cog., sad ledusviei Br blbitioe, Terme' ! If you do, buy 11. raw CHATHAM. egalpped with Van el lee'. pane. distil malleable arms, Simpson malleable adjustable stakes, bet white oak bow -dried wheel. ; hlokery or maple .!lore Don't let • dealer encumber you with ss old-timer bolero seeing our Wagons. We handle the best assorted line ot Implements in the county sot being restrioted b deal with any one firm, aor .re we repreeectatives of say combine. Oar m.obtnee an built en Honor, .sal we sell them upon their merits. Gm our prto.e, examine out tas- am:ea, esquire of the best and meet progressive farmers who ere tains them, end he gabled by your own judgment and their expo -Moot. REPAIRS OF ALL HINDS for any machine. Points for all Plows fernuhed end at to say part of the (County. whet Cash d000mpeitiss m order, Plowshares 26e : other repairs in properties. BINDER TWINE cheaper than evw, Cell and .se our samples. • _ A r Molt.INNON, RAMILT0N-ST. r. w 11410 q'o TO STURDY BROS. irOltt FINE GROCERIES! Vessel Supplies a Specialty. FAMILY GROCERS -THE SQUARE. STURDY BR Jlu • J. P. BROWN . ' AGENT FOR THE MASSEY - HARRIS :OO. Wide-open Binders, Mowers, Cultivators, Rakes, Disk Har- rows, Diamond Marro w;s, Ploughs, Scuffiers, Carriages. Bug glee, Wagcns, Cart s. Also, Agent for Bradley's Fertilizer. A Full Line of Repairs for the above Machines, and Plough Pointe always on hen, '{eiremb er the stand—next to Buxton's Stables, HAMILTON -T., Q ODERICH. Benmiller- .5. meal I ara reputed te parches. WOOL, es the Htghene Market Price for emit, or mil Kob•gn fog my Maaalactared Articles. bly "Loeb of STOCKING YARNS HORSE BLANK BED BLAIITKET9 FLANNELS and TWEEDS . a i• sinew Complete, and guaranteed .sint*etnred of Home novo, mad tree from shoddy of cony dm n. 5 aforme I than tt(11. items. Mq mei. Ile. JESSE GLEDHILL 1897 -LAWN MOW sal i tam sible M seBe�it quality Pos PAITS -. AMU ' i Pure Lead and Oils and Ooh►rs WRITE LE AD X Elephant Brand Whits. -Ion & Bert in • the Market. . : We MEINZta C1d' TEl LOW PAPA= 4 D. V .TS D,i 1!* mases WAU mmO*i 'tliirlR ly....�r sem' and L°" STEMRENOWNCulvert Pipes wMu..d SrIMuarww alaqiw.ra row I*welelol, 'u1 *1000. er t sat' aloin I•A' , INS bo %See tialisieseakle Ae aria et Fun* 00- aim EIRIO SEAR AN a spei MameMrsmogat ughmemsAOSULIali alrasrr "row.► -'t'amo circa•