HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-6-17, Page 5e
-..- THE [7 li� v �. �.. uvea 4'
Stale and Fancy Dry Goods,
- Made Clothing and
en's Furnishin s.
aur-►e.-.•ss...�hw ►- - - .
ready end willing top bo4i Bebe
fills tie bill t • mosey s
ll ev
d.y well to Mud. Pnbile Sokeel Isep.e-
tess Robb, to Bast Harsh sad To M the
West Riding. render ma diktat monism
la their ooerooe rad m*ltiterio.s Delle, are
pueeiu.l. oowpst.oI end agreeable. No
mosey te better invested by the musty thee
tsar wblob L expended es the salary of Co.
Commitaieaer Aa ley, of *Mabee, whose
deet 1. cbe Ot0nosb► et bridge*,
roads &ad public bidding". Tbe work bo
Ihas done stamps him as • Nr. 1 offloi•l, sad
has saved the nyQ•ys rs hunted. of dollar.
•s e.tapsred with the old system.
Domt$los DAT : WHopx "to Bow 'pe
Brand IT. —Visit (ioderiob end water
along Its pretty Meets. shaded groin Old
Sol by lb.ma& of Meant maples. W MUo
in eewn see a d Am• of ball. •ibINM
games of •11 Iiia some of the beat t.Hllag.
peels* end mooing horses in Canada "bow
their speed ea the Agrtonitnral Park frock
sad • msgoltio.nt pyrob.obolo display. Be-
tween these items yes may ... jOT alete ile
trip on • palace steamer,
ears of • row boot, take • trip os the lake
in a sailing yacht, fathom the depths of the
pleasure afforded in Landis* • *Fiord
black bees, haul out, • few
dosses dooms
parch. ryeastpk g pbod o . the
yo,lunch (that is if you "'ring
beach, with the 000l waves greatly rolling
over your pedal extremetiee and whim you
have tot through this partial list of ear
Domthleo Day bill -of -fare, you can take a
dip in Lake Ramo asd then oateb the troth
sad get to your downy ooaeb before the
rhumb bells chime the notion that Damian
Day, 1897 has passed away. As soon .s
yes retire the iso atter mini • deg yea will
be in the bast sit lid, bemuse year visit
to the prettiest tows in Letitia. will
*ender the thought that you epee day
in • inmost bitting • loyal Canadian.
Brum Co. Coepca.—Oo. Co.noi.11ee His.
lop is the best public, speaker in that body :
Councillor Mooney tomembered
.a the geOer•lbbuiniUoftoCnnell;
Connoillor Hays, the joker tor the company ;
Oessoillor Ro1Mae the dressiest and most
business -like ; Councillor Holt the legal sl-
aw aged geaenlly rlgke ; Councillor Mo -
Ewen the meat e0000misal and beat sorutin-
iser; Ceuooitler MoLean (Gottortob) the
readiso to talk ou all subject. and the big-
gest hearted ; Councillor Cook the meet
nanny, end .nwilltnr to wrong anybody ;
(;ocnciller Mo1n.b the most willing to ao-
knowldre hie lack e1 •oquaint•ooe with
certain Council netters, and yet well post-
ed tor a new member ; Councillor Miller as
fed be•de&as any sod • hard weeksr In
esomiteee ; Cosnoilbr Mabee Creeksr-
aad1b owe of the most interesting ambers
IS waverer with and loth rise epee 10 -
admen ; Co.noUlor Snell, wade awake tor
anything mod sverythteg b.tP
oilier Stuart Dere see as
Business shrewdness, careful
buying for Cash and honest sell-
ing has made this store a success
the past eighteen years and our
sale is drawing a great crowd
economical buyers icclass ofh
o where to get a super
goods at prices that are beyond
the whisper of competition or
k t�dtblrorattdro
Bt1 bow theta up like mew
before Madan' awn —irweats roe
And come to the busiest spot in town.
Remember our store clove. M $ o/1i0gk-army evening excepr
Per S. J. REID (Administrator).
MARRIED. — they wan a .rest* to the burg, sad should
be fully shown in any illustrated dittoe of
APJoEBY—ltev— W.
Iwres 11�_MlM We pretty town. The gentlemen's remake
Jose ars. by I11111160. of e. L.wr.ses. a. os �� wbo was the
'�'ha�a� lio'Q�dl, La. q� a taped the RovdJahn Appleton. of �"• N.T. Vis ae of planing the tress u their presses
r.glttss, and though he has been • resident
eg old Use lead for many ye•rs,we o•n still
la ow mriod's sys see the late councillor K.
B1aRbsn s•p.rtnbsedisg the job of plaatise
Prom the RepoiKsVs Notebook
If Tes'ys mese q a' Te. doss. ■ reds
is Load M t a Cklsr. Assrg Se
Taken ..M.. as' tank ■eta
Wrest a."—*lug... ,
Ar • memorial of tF day t get a Mead
tables photo b7 pillows Tuesday.
A Local paperm70 mat bretbrea etas iing
the Jubilee parade wfl " wear Mainly• J ubbt
lee 'sedge with white eases."Woud It not
le more mien to have Ole /1f Prtdtam's milts
elder the badge
&lames Visrro*s.--Summer gusts are
*My arriving- Oa Saturday the Hotel
Bedford rsosivd two from the States. sad
es 1'useday ti. Park Heu.s two from rer-
Baro Ietrrsomas'rs—Os Tesedsy the sow
hetr.me.te to eamplete the outfit of the
am bead, arrived i, Ooderbb .tad are now
bung used by the players. Their arrival
sass Dooiawa Dy mono aeert•tat sad
It ay be that our people will he lyes h
program baton that day.
AT yna SYNOD —The sysod of Mos Hertel
trassatited the yearly boohoos. Goderieh
represeated by Rev. M. Turnbull, P.
Holt, and E. Heatos, Delegalleoe by Rev.
T. L Armstrong. Dr. Cese, and Joseph Tie-
ert, Clinton by 14..y. J. F. Perko, and Jae.
Runford,and Hayfield by Rev. kl. H. Sada,
F.. R Smith, R. Stavenses. sad Jail. Me -
Kens Cliraell —The son wkis of Knee
thumb is elmost oomplote, and the masa
will soon be through with the Wert eMe.
The inside work is also going shoed. tits
frame of the oiroular !gallery total D'ew 15
Positive. The gallery will ooeupy the earth,
at sad south wings, sad th• °heir the
wed one The pulpit will he in th• 'root,
sad will be se placed se to give the preacher
TIM AMAMI Calla —Oa Mayday Albert
Ban was Merged before the Polio, lased -
trete with sttemptina to shoot Frunk Rus-
sell. After hearing the evidsmoe, the ems
was thawed wit b oosts. Basil waa
brought up on remand on • °hares of as-
saulting Miss Bert.. His Worehm remanded
the defsodant uotil Tuesday, with the in.
timatoon stmt. he would then be °emulated.
On being brought up on remand he wits fully
oommitted for Tho case is hksie te
preys a mosatiosal Doe; as it is intimated
by more the' one witness that tha complain -
sat was spirited away from home with a
new of aiding away with her, while others
ststo that sash s oentention la Intim. my
basis of truth.
Rs ram Easton. —Final arrsagemeats have
been tos4e Mason the G. T. R. and the
Deana Government for s special refriger-
ator ernes for dairy products to be export-
ed to the Old Country, eon -Immuring co
Jam 14th. The ortrvio• is weekly one, is
larply sip /rheostat sod will run as fol.
jitratiord, Goderith to Smelted, Moneta
tes, Belleville to Brock villa, Stratford to
Toronto, way freight from Allendale to
'footrest Wedaseday —Hamilton to Tor-
onto, Brockville to Meetregth Toronto to
Belleville. 'These oani mav be used foe
We can supply all kinds
n,oWmsaad SEEDS
Feuer than the old way. Ills. boxes sad POOL
1)tamo•d,Turkish. a�'a d DYES
other and Spring.
—s coed a� � w. C. GOODE,
le•.• Ns. 2: ?ono
ter into • still .4..s ss any and blessed
Liberal views ; Councillor Torrance.
sopereeded as en all round man, full of ex.
I Committer Pennons, the "d.d-
the Council es brides, who only
talks when it is neosnrry : Wards Oox,
last bee not Last, akar headset. quick wit -
td sad esselld by some i. geniality. Ws
will bark Huron C.. ()outwit easiest that of
any Smiler body 1. the Provisos.—Poet.
DIATH Rasa sir Oooxatctt.—The deaths
registered 1. Oodsrlsh from Jet. let to J one
�thousandmd less than the averagsaber 26, or 14 per e
4per thof
Leedom, 1{og., the healthiest city in the
world, and ',Mut the masts mug per ass thou.- T REPORT.
and lLies the avenge of Ontario. While THE WEEKLY MARK*
the rete is low as oomp•red with other lmomt>•
plate, it is high tor Gdericb, as its rate for
the p..t tins years has been leas then 10, but
before the year is out it i. likely that the
average of the lase dads will toe be ex-
ceeded. Tbe deaths resordid show that
4.. females died. whose united des maks
409 yeses, er ea average of 81 Mils Mg 9
month., and eight woks stills ITT TI
d b
gate 604 yeas, an ayerage years
months. Then are also five taunt• shows
as having died under a mouth two a whom
did sot live over woe day. The ►ter 18dot d
infanta, it will be .ret, •wooase er he record t et
Lha 26, and r is this owed the normal. The
mates the me boy
leading oases of death was old age, 6, and
is is admitted that in several others it pre -
vested recovery. Pannonia sad la grippe,
5 : oonenmptieo. 4 ; diseases of the heart,
4, sod typhoid, 1, the latter being the first
death from that disease im Goderioh for
some years. Is will Live be seen that the
many wild stM. NIte .beat • hist death
rate are not bottle ei b s fact., and that
bet for the enemy patriarch. who passed
away, sod the (Mane who barely breathed
the breath of We, Mere would have oily
hoes use death a month for 189'l.
Tone up your
hetes for Spens
work with our
r'O W DIG1t4
TIM balms is me et Exeter's moot proonislair
hign. 001 iv already makine Dame
eg ate Walt. He wee sueosib-
Tel as Mimi ender Dr. Amos, of Elsa.
and suomesful as • graduate of the Detain
College of Modiedus a ysar ago, sad eases
la Isis adopted profession awaits him. The
happy eoup/s left for their Minnesota boom
on the eorly train for Sarnia, where they
wtll take the beat to Duluth, to visit with
days. Wkule it is sot gratity fag to see snob
popular young people waviest the lend of
their birth for the Wed of the Stars and
Stripes, oar beet wishes go with them just
the mom. sad we onerstalate the people at
C•Jedonia on the addition et such good "W -
INN to their town. [Mrs Ferguson Is •
secs ot Mies Ana Dosses. of Goderiob-
anima *ILL A000111110DAIII (310DIMICII
Ernersos, of the Clevoload Org.
the Jubilee celebration committee of Ain -
a, has mowed tbe a of the Ore hail of
thst tows for the ocsavealesses et Goderioly
wheelie's, wile MrPeeted to be path*
15 15th. number* *a Johiloo Day. Wheels
will be shooks' and takes eare of at the
Ore hall without alms&
Tes Scow WILL Free Ur. —Ai •
Th. tahm.onstscijosiew-A. dif-
ferent young people's simasues—Misik moot
autism nest week :
North-st Methodist chunk ILL.-11—C.E..
Fraley evening at 8 o'olook. Oa Jame
18, " Policy of the Methodist Church," by
Rev. Joe. Edge, with question drawer on
gement topics.
Eno: March Y.P.8.C.K. Taaaday-ines-
tag at 8 o'clock. Forme people mese la
Hell oti Wednesday.
Viotortsot. Methodist ohms& ELL. el 0.
E., k riday eating as 8 o'clock. Jose 18,
Conseeration and roll oalLled by Mies Barry
All are cordially invited to sttend these
meetings, whioh are held in the baeements
of the different Aerobes. Members from
other moieties are tante& to be prase,
and will be warmly weteemsd.
Boldest of ',hangar mast be left at edi
Office not later then Saturday
noon. The Oopy for changes
!oust be left not litter than Mon
day noon. Cannel Advertisements
koctepted CID to noon Wednesday of
ISO week.
The oar from Wisdom to Stretford sod
free (laden& to Stratford will run miters-
ato Mosier".
Creme° Aso Demure —Two recant so-
oidenta to oyelists makes it smeary to In-
form drivers ot boron, mho's. that riders
of bicycle' have the siune right that they
payees to me half not merely of the brood
MO way but of that °Mon lesser portion of
it whieh'Is suitable for Moyne travel. This
is made perfectly clear by tbe legislation of
laso mean, obey. 26, which spade the Act
to radios *smiles ea highways.
whereby it broom's loperativeapoo persons
bens" charge of vehicles to give bicycles
sad trioyeles going ia the opposite direotioe
" room on the troveiled portion a
tbe highway to peas to the rioht.” If • bi-
eyelets or a "tricyclist overtakes a 'shied.
and west. to pee" it, the driver is booed to
tura out quietly to tbe left " se fur es wisy
tie kees of the statutes. thai low will be
—1•11•11-paidlsied sit loge 23.341-101 Gated°
°Ma of April 24th lest.
'watts, of Incase., Ouse lona of floo‘
land Mid kat week, it woe deceitful m adopt
the recommendation of tbe Greed Chin of
the order. and have • balm en th• night
of tbs Mad. 15 is mated that the bore -
lee pile will be awn at Mites, Tod "'lad
that tows sad these eat of it, adopt the
taw phs there will IN • labile* light from
Toros& to 1415 Battik.
Two Ono= Sot/Turns —The petiole of
Clash see ass surprise. that the Jubilee
parireit of the Qosse." Mesa in by the
Manna Star. hod tise Sew 3stelos Modal.
Were them. Bat Ms pas* ef Rae
Se sew aealrbia bat of Win alieedd*,
tad eagerness my the OWN sourstit* are
Sid boot out *Ober Iligload or my el Mos
relonsti besides Canada.
Tea Lem Alas Ogurfrall.--Thsee dad
se the twedams of Mayer Eska" Miaow.
talsof lairs. Rolinvi, aged 7615 roam Tb•
had boon ailing for some maths
sad sassabed to mesa pas. Her
fernier hem* was fib. Oaltheristes• Mr.
Put ago. Thom wee Ise family
estmented. The forr--1 iota" pees on Fri- I im • thersogio *wows eimme. a. , „4.
theses to St i s,' Ifeers-Posont. los Inas apra*** ,
Dustmen Justus gourmets — The
Greed Trask Railway System will shortly
mead Jubilee Souvenir. The design le ems
of the Asset preelection. of tim Lithe.
grapher'e srt, sad is alslernetio al the
HAMA Empire, Caaads the Premier misay,
sod Olieada'a great railway. It ataiss
Ottawa ef the Qinton, she pHs..
of Wake. the 1)ults a York mid Priam
Albert Ildward. At Ow tea of tise desks
Is a tallest star. is tho aeon* of whlob
ea' liners 4' "t sad an either elide el
am& te dos Net of Arms et Cease* Sad
Waists,* clews of the new Victoria Johi.
toe Bridge. idestres1. sod the am Me&
An& Steel Bridge, Nista Valhi. Reams
the two bride.. le a smell trade lank of the
Aroma. The damn for the soseenirs will
bas beat Opelded te dietrititto slew to
See Oesaparfe paeress le the seder 1. whisk
Asa laws. De. Massa. la Us wale& es
eke pestles* pail does Ms +web
Mks of a via
mu who I,
For. sale or To Rent.
N ow
To Think tie la -
There ara many good woe, Virs1"1"1""alt
nose quite so good as _
The Samoa for Colds le
not ever en.
We expect ts ell more
01EC 3E 71,1:41r IstYr...zsc;FT
during YAWS sad AralL
than in all the root of the
Winter. IP
U wean-ot. As I have decided to give 1111
kseping boarders I offer the above pro
which is in repair for sale. Stable
most now. '1M Wtionters apply to MR111.
1 or to rent, the dwelling on Nelbsan.
grew:A occupied by It, etmeeth. It cantalas
13 rooms, including drawing room. dining
room, parlor arid kitchen, and has a Mama:
number or Mena, pantries and a good
is half sa acre °Mad %usefully planted
&rubs led fruit sad an 'scaliest
LIMO ta F. fill& B. ea the pre -
Fall Wheat (oldl 1 25 to 1 2S
Flour, patent, per owt
Old Bey. *test ......••-•-•—•-•••••• I ye to 0 g A TALUABLE TOW N PROPERTY FOR
Potatoes. eribeeti.....-. ....... —.. 0 13 to 0 V BALI—The brick reeidenee overlooking
Tinte.,, punt ithloo11514 • Isia0 7 to 0 li i tate A. MitcDermett nip., Master in Chemed's,
Pelts 60 tootol 2. The twonorey frame dwelling boom on
.......r 611 to 0 75 south street inimedietely edjoining the Brit.
to 5 50 Mr Andrew added
ish Etch") Hotel .st present occupied by
A' sad femurs a good road within sls
miles of Miron. The lot is No. 67, Maitlind
75 sores. It ileitis annually from 93 to 100
barrels of Winter apples, and Is a good grain
farm, th• land mina a No. 1 clay loam. There
is a No. 1 frame house on the lot. • good barn
with stem stables nederneeth, and it is well
watered in every deld. A large portion of the
purchase money may remain on Mortgage.
Poe terms, eta, aesii to TI4041. BURNS, Car-
12 Huschinson's Survey In the Town of
Godetich, upon which is emoted a aloe dwell-
ing house.
Dated 4th ltennesiber.1896.
All'ailta Wan
AGENTS "Th. Best Popular Life el
Her Majesty I have ever
seen," writes Lord Lorne, about " Qom.
Vicrtorie." sales unprecedented. Eaay to
woke tire dollers daily. Big oommimion.
Outfit free to canvmsers.
WANTED—bden sod women who oan work
hard talking and writing six boars daily.
for six days a week, and will be content
with teo dollars weekly. Address,
NEW IDEAS CO., Brantford, Oat,
WAN TED--Industrions persons ot either
nex with good character an4 common school
eguitition, ca. obtain aniploymeot for two
in this oommuoity.
wE 'Art_ wit/aims estabisped trade:.
Me Gees Canadiam nom
to live. Fermium -
AGENTS widti.. who'. or pot
Lihorsi terms. you
or better with ne fog every week POTI Week.
BROWS ZEOTREE6 00311tAlfT, -----
Continental N arsenic, TORONTO. ONT
Haas. oar 114. 10 to e 14
Cheese. ear . le to 0 11
of Musty and Tbstery—orperleneed
rIch -Tr
Pablo Ratios.
kJ Humber It Camay are prepared to gon-
na dwelliers sad private desks with the
new save. Prices on repliestim. HUM-
Pod laundry Work dome as moderate
retitahroly to MAK PRICE.
totorksing event took plea* in the Iendosiso
et km John Goole on Friday marshvg.
May 911114 el 7 &Pooh. bolas the mandop
Tonsorial Artist.
feamtagobampooing sad every other require-
siontoisoarstolly attended to, and asps rant oom-
t heads employed. Williams' old Med.
n's now block next door to British Ex -
MVO, idash1no Shops.
2. The dwelliog_houee and edioining scrounge
neer tbe G. T. R. station, formerly occupied
am Instructed to offer for sale one of the
beet 100 sore farms in the County of Huron
situated within 7 =no. of Obderich.
The terse bedi seta /not of waste land on D
aad the soil hi a doh clay loam free front aB
obnorions weeds.
frame homes with stone foundation and cellar
kitchen, woodshed asd all necessary crutbuild
Mae. A trams barn, gliM, and oedar barn, 30
x50. all in good repair.
There are tire ogres of orchard. Ths farm
has beets in grams for the omit twelve Years.
and is situated' within • mile of poet -office,
school and church,
It is foncal by an almost neer board fence
around the trent and sida and the balance by
rails. A spring creek and wells supply abtind•
uses of water.
110 enoombraase now au the property.
For tams end further Particular, apply. to
AA of Repair' Work done at ReasosaMe
Priem Paroling Implements tarsals. Mach-
. sow and mean bead, bang and sold.
yses sod Rollers tor gale. gad—Bates
wagon shim awe Victoria ead Tensaw
A-4 to rest fee July sad Aoadd, lodY's
itioyete. Amity at JoadasZtei. adios et ad-
dress P.O. boa Ilk lt
TT tot obeArs. fra boom Irene new
seek er=ebilnalliARS/1=-2ri
Hones eouvmdent hp. atetioa_giLd
of a nuasbor of !whoa fetlock sed Motives.
T'ho %rids *a open sway by bar meth
James Gould. Ibillesnatel *ad groom Vert
asysteed wt., are tittle Nis Siva Art -
raw* Uwe of dm hrtde. Doted as odd of
bower. drama id white a...-.. sty. apiensed
With Valseslemos bee. est mereas a boas*
Stet aressass et _ii eat Itat Wessels&
TM trite litee it44 la a meat asid besea- rica•Auji.—A WET WA . PLAT- =1...11=riallyronviri every ere
a yes Imes setae eat taws hease4a, Wm- aoses.teleley "num& Mem I n• le Fitbo at few tLervi= pgicts= ell some
will lad
weed 'alb feent Abloom awl Jewel eiwp. The Inane- ay be ag mg
at thelelberbeltivantagear to mill us.
Amen sod kre. remosoe are Imola SNAlk--I NAVE • NICE MEAN taw so 1
Win be iept for service during this
Season at my Premises Con. 6,
Colborne Township.
Woodlawn le one of the very best bred and
hest gaited stallions in °Mario • id has
proved himycif a good sire. He is by frt.=
wood No. TWA. by ityedylee !iamb rt
No. 10. His dam wet Rider Downie. by Alamo,
Mk I years old , rootird. 2.24.. Alamo, by
Almeat. No. n. by Alexander's A.bdalah,
Ridgewood. the etre of TV oodlawn, me is
number of horses with reoords better than
equally well bred in speed Pedooloff lbw
there 60 10011012 why Woodlaws'e col&
should not develop into equillv fast bora,
Goad pieta seeplds1 sit reasonable rate .
TRIMS—To insuro • hal, 43, payable Tab.
1st. la& Insured arm saust be returned
regularly to the horse or the, will be cerise
fall inanianco. Persons disposing of their
mares before foaling time will be he ld respon-
sible tor insnranoe money whether in toal or
nat. Persons trying their mares and not re -
Pinang. them regularty to the horse will be
chanted tall insurance price. All socIdents
• toe risk of owners of mares.
Giretutes for *ale in Goderich.—Mm.
Goo. Cox efbre tor sale the homestead a the
Guo. Oox. situated nearly onnosito the
Collegiate Itistitnte, ou Britannia Road. The
grounds costal* nearly an sons frontimt ou
Rennie Road, Hears st. anti MoDoneMot..
and ars well lald out, °sunset ei:cdOLoo Apple,
Pear and Plum trees. Grapes sae it verde-
dee, and small fruits of all • tam
lawn sad a variety of shrubbery. 'The House
is a two-story Mine, on none togadetkie
good stone osier with eorlyllaa floor, it k
RUM with outside shutters, name window"
am doors. It *retains parlor, sittinsproom.
down), Meese. bells, closets. Natty. Me..
wood and mal shed stable and other out-
buildings. Abundance of hard and soft miter
shoe waterworks service. The Place is In good
=. Thaw boo better situation in era.
ler ratedentlal property. Will be Dote on
reasonabkmaterhys. ref taller particulars
errs MEO. OWL, es a formats
p• EaffErrilli
that aim om I. she bmiamenotwithetandinp
all rumors lathe osturory. sod so
de everniveseSaisof work limy Pne
with Estimates
skinnier sod knatier •
teIdeolek.left Mb lir
glekleargeralpi=111 irs?,:d:r1411- ft? NOT MILT i_9141.1.11_, TAM
Far Sala.
TUESDAY. JUNE Md. lfilffie
rrmaPootated its • genera
gbout Hee Majesty's
• Grand Promenade
homes io lbseter. sad rt. seasonsia. sod* week of
sad bereatal .9,—`4 motif, is to tbe high
-*masa be • — .wee held by *dr tarosiitlitillt
fiunitmly knew* on thl,
Metteyeetmlueseeskts W. A. tom
A Chorus of Sixty Voices
widet.d by
The Harmony Orchlelra
The program will contain the 1111•11 jet
best Jubilee Choruses sad Part ftutiM116
Duette, *to
delselealee 4111111411res seder 111,
the sow Ithonmatio Remedy, 51 00
Pwascurphost STORK