The Signal, 1897-6-17, Page 4. ._..:. ...+s-.........
ap� nsevestsrp oast. Jubilee Day. we
mrW M�ys•.W e . deok-
To Ride a
Cleveland Wheel
is to *ay to its fullest extent the
pleasures of Wheeling.
you will reoeive prompt end courteotas
sttentiou, and good Wheels adjusted
to you.
If you own a wheel that needs some
'little attention, bring it in and let us
= have a look over it; we will be pleased
-to auigt you.
Come in and
Get Your Wind
Our large pump and a well filled oil
can are at the service of the wheeling
We aim to Please
Give us a call.
Our Sundries and tiepin at lied-
-irate price. wilt please yaw-
Cleveland Cyo1e Livery. (ioderioband Clinton
�hc $jnaI,
j ^ ss ass ssue
tit 1i•. insetLNCV tet
;Terms .1 ama.rrlptier t
fl$rs. advance
Biz e
me year.
Advertising Rates,
LaS&1 andetber atonal adten heinnats, I0o
et ns tor tint tneerUon, and 3 cents per lice
Tar each s*lmequent Insertion. Measured by
a i sppaa»»male.
Hmtame cards of six tae and under, 16 per
Advertteements of Lost, Found Strayed
Business Ch ncesWanted oanted aot xoetedioa ►e
Itoes nonpareil, $I per month.
Houses on Sale Farms on Sale. sot 10
- weed 3 1116.4.$1 for danis month, boo. Per sub-
sequent month. Larger •data- In proportion
Any rpectat nottoq theobfect of onion 1a to
Promote the pecuniary basset of any tmit-
vtdnal or company. to be oonsidete d an ad-
vertisement sad charmed •000rditutly.
Local notice. In naswrd1 type one osnt per
word. no oedematous tltuate Mo.
toosl nottw 11 eedlasry reading type two
No nooe tor bee
N ootiuoess per
churohee and other religious and
benevolent institutions halt ate
have been good enough to place them
1061 position of members --in the
ilit they might make good .er-
now believe that they are the
To this claw Tits Sweat
does blit hesitate to cry a halt..
In' this county Gush a oeurse would
not be tolerated for one instant. No
man is greater than the people, and
most of the members would be very
small potatoes were it not for the
bolstering up they get from the peo-
ple and the prem. In our own con-
stituency not many years ago we saw
a Cabinet Minister killed politically
in eighteen months simply beeriness
the people and the leading news-
paper@ let him alone during that
time. And what was dome in Huron
once may be done again, and may be
done in any ooanty where the people
are determined to stand on their
rights and keep the member honest.
The men who are in Parliament are
well paid for their .ervioes,atd should
any of them sem flt to retire there are
scores of otfieeatesg& end -willing to
take their please. The 21b members
who compose the Parliament of Can-
ada are not all picked men, and it on-
ly requires a trip to the capital' to
prove that there is more basswood
than oak on both sides of the House.
In the Dominion Parliament today on
the Government side, outside of the
O;binet and a few men like Livros,
CHARLTON, Dr. MActiorate, D. a
p_ Faasaa, and possibly young McInnis,
we don't know a man who could not
be easily replaced ; and on the Tory
aide there isn't anybody.brat 1
who would leave an aching void, for
FotffSR has brains and an adtlqua$
Subscriber who tell to receive Tis Strtx.L
(Instating ai of the fact amall. will o nti. early o date as
P bStaker's gsel.e,
J. C. Le Touzel, of Ooderlch, has been •p
gtointod Lonal Travelling Agent for the town-
ships of Ooderiob, Colborne, !Willett and W
Local postmaster" over the dletrlot are also
empowered to rec. re subscriptions to TIM
AH oommanloatioss mut be addressed
--- --11- 1Eotill.UOUDi,L, 1 lie
Tan Sesta., Cattle ood.rtob Oat
--Who owns this ooantry, anyhow,
the members or the people!
-"Our Lady of the Snows " has
taken off her ice-osp and is perspiring
We are pleased to know that other
journals are waking up on•tltis ques-
tion, as the following from a special
correspondent of The Guelph Mercury
will show, and the Mercury, by -the -
way, is owned and edited by an ex -
M. P., JAuss Lewes, who doesn't look
upon a public trust as a private snap :
-All the fulsome laudation d
Lamaist has not caused hint to in-
crease the diameter of his hat.
--The applicant for a railway yam
now wires, " Send me a ah a-- i." The
pointer was got from i
-This week will wind up the
House of Commons for the present
will probably be wound up before
another session.
-Hon. WILFRID Lallans, Premier
of Canada, site In the first seat in the
front pew among the Colonial Pre-
miers, and mighty close to the head of
the synagogue, so far as British
statesmen are concerned.
-There is ,just i � too ail&
sneering at WrnTNEV'e campaign.
There is a big fight before the Liberal
party, and sneering is not fighting. If
other constituencies are like Huron's
the Liberals should be mending
fences instead of grinning.
Apart from economic socialism, however,
it is observable that there is • quiet but
penisteot growth of political socialism
throughout this Provinoe. Of coarse, we
do not call it by any such name -we refer
to it ss democracy, or a demand for the
people's rights -but oall it what we will,
the feeling exists. Your very **tient
Fervus correspondent has more than ono*
referred to the injustioe of sppeinting only
politics* to offices of honor and emolu-
ment, and I find that some ditoontest is
mniteited alone this line in different parte
iel ahe Province, and a rSroveervetivss
se well es formers. When in Cornwall
last week • Toronto paper mashed me an.
nonnoing that a o.rtain defeated candidate
THERE is another registrarship va-
cant in Ontario. caused by the death
of NICHOLAS AHRRY, in Hamilton,
which sad event occurred last week.
It is to be hoped that no member or
relative of a member has a hungry eye
upon the job..... n Id .t._ _ „ng*y e.
is there, it is to- be hoped the
Government will have the good sense
and common decency to do what Is
right in the premises. This thing of
making public patronage the private
perquisite of the member is a fraud on
the electors, and should be frowned
down by every honest Goyernment.
Instead of being a Government of
the people, for the people, by the
people, it is fast becoming a Govern-
ment of the members, for the mem-
bers, and by the members and "their
sisters, their cottons and their aunts ;"
and it is high time the thing was stop-
ped. Tag SIGNAL has opposed the
oxime against the people for many
, a, and_sske pleased to ay that
public opinion in West Huron is now
so educated along this line that such
an appointment would muse the poli-
tical death of the member who 'Ilia
responsiole for it. t -
The spirit of MULocit's bill loot
year in the Commons is the spirit of
pure Liberalism, and Tes SIGNAL
stands boldly on the planks of the
platform then laid down against all
comers. The following, from The To-
ronto Weekly Bun, bears aptly with
the queation at issue :
**It is asserted that, of late, no minty
atfiee in the gitt of tie. Load °oversrs6
ban Mese to say M/ ks*hbers of the leets
Were. er se their sons sad brothers, er la
modiste relatives- It most be said that Mr
(lorron s see* of pablio duty, pass to have
1.d bins to lesist oti the prota.tion of the
d.pety sheriff of Huron. Sir Oliver Mowea's
era wss made sheriff of Tomato Mr. OU
aver left the legislators to here** reals.
War .f deeds, Mr. McMahen to bsemn
stamp di.tribstot st 'Orgeed. Bell, Mr
Drury to arrear **riff of Simone.M'
Gibmn's Mather was meek reg .w..t of
Renee. Me. Dream's, renewer of Seem Oa.
torte, sed es es- Prattlers like these,
whioh toad to Offle the p1hle vole, eei•et - - -
he too sheer ly eesdeetsed-"-Major Rase Meal= hair lost hie
And three are others not in the Lek istieatUy, llie lit "bow as moth of a
Wetter. who. try the flattas4ejj ensetimai � hi (L ' bus born is
to their foals that became* thin pee*Ya1r111dtf. -..
was likely to be appointed Warden of
Kingston penitentiary. It was not claimed
that he was specialiy qualified for the posi-
tion. but it was stated List owing to oir-
cumstanoes attendant on his defeat he had
" the drat claim." I showed the paragraph
to one whom we shall oall Aoga* McNeil. •
noted Redicat and former supporter of John
Sand6eld Macdonald. and the said lir. Mo -
Neil became s furious man. " What!" he
enolsajimed, " u every good thing to go to
thoei we here already lifted, and mune-
times far too high! Aro there no .ervloes
but political ones to be r.00:eized! If this
s sit wive
demand his tit eleatiea many officials
th.ii iiiw flet sjp.isfinelds .o-oalled."
-BARNET BsnlATo, the 'Mouth
African " Diamond ging " is reported
to have committed suicide by leaping
overboard off the Madeira Islanda-
BARNsv always valued life lightlj,
even when a circus riderbefore hk
a lean osis to him- atm >I-insii lli�
- - ' -•-r----- --- -
-The members of litigator/Int in
The last Administra8oa thai int they
owned the earth and the fullness
thereof, so far as having influence
with the Ministers was concerned,and
we have one or two alleged Liberal
members, who are so old and dog
that they have not yet learned that
the old Tory style of bulldozing the
Government is plated out Tax SIG-
10-NAL will dust the jackets of one or
more of these back number members
one of those days.
Metbeslasd. is little Diawead Joints, yeas
of her Majesty, is Indy • mspiftesnt ad-
v.rttssh•ut tor Cased*.
Suaferib oel.Qraw Jed*, Usy with k
We bill of tare ea the And.
Wes Marion 1•ghs, of liisarrdim.,
wheeled M Goderiob on Tuesday.
Don't forges that th. speotal train for
(Autos w JabUns Day leaves at 9 A Y.
Messy et our restdeete *captain that their
oases* basher have lees greatly daa•red
by isesota
Miss Saad.reoe. of Burlington. Iowa, is
visiting her cousins. Mrs. Was Athena
aid Ufa Peewees - y . -•
• To Joaturtla-'haul bole for the
Mateo 'Isaias dMsaseeeMoti will Imre
the G. T. R Madge sharp at 9 A.m. en
Tuesday, Jule:119.
Fos C,*Drrox.-A carriage lead of Tem.
piers lett early yesterday reaming for Orel,
'iton to irks part in the di.lrlot m.sti.g to
'be held 1e that bug.
Basassi.t..-Looker... bad ociladok dabs
will play in the Axr.oattsral Pork this
(Thursday).ittera000 as 330. A good at-
tendants is requested. Gate tee 10 mom
Gurnee 1sro titters -No. 1 Company
01 sea Heroteflattalton is still drtfLng regu-
larly, and at .belt prsotis there is • poti*-
able irepreveaest. ray the time our boys
ace drilled is Leedom they should be vary
good soldiers.
Twa gYnasa.. Tie smoking mama i•
Vkkeio Opera Hoose on Friday swaint
still be ore et the est .ver giree by the
Beare Bell Club, as the Jebtlee Mandolin
Rand will give s full program, and come
surprising novelties ars in prepsratka. The
smoker is plaosd m the bill uf fare to keep
libg boys oat of a hole, and it is hoped that
every lover of ball will laid a helping band.
-A subscriber writes, " why don't
you give us more editorial, in your
old-time style 1" Well, honey, we
have had a few outside chores to at-
tend to lately ; but don't you worry,
and in the course of a weak or tw
we will dish up sontiiikkeg filial joky,
which will tickle your palate and aid
the literary digestion. There is a
lot of fine material to hand, and when
we do begin to deal it out you
will be pleased immensely with the
feast after the famine. There is corn
in Egypt in store for you, and you
will get it with no niggard hand. Oh,
yes, ,you'll get it, and get it soon,
seised ftp 1n the latent and best style.
WILL TaAmr ore or Towx,-e bumpp
was before the P. M. of ea Tuesday oh•rll.d
with vosrnoy, having been arrested the
previous moat by Chief McLeod. He was
allowed to go free on • premier, to get be.
yood the boundary line of Goderiob is quiok
Bowl3.----A rams at bowls ww plsy.d on
the bo ulterior** on Monday .tt*r*oom be
ammo tete toiletries aides -
J. Galt W. L. Eliot
A. MoD Alley W. Law
Jos. Wynn A. Farrow
-21r. Hunter -Dr. Holmes _--
.kip, 21. ship, 14.
We always have and always will give the
most for the money.
We do not buy a lot of worthless trash just to see now low
we pan quote prices in the newspaper, but everlastingly use
our might to sell reliable. satisfactory Merchandise at lower
prices than elsewhere. Facto are what count -not promises.
Compare our
Table Linen in price and quality
Table Napkin 01
White Shute •'
Ladies Vests rr "
Shirt waists
Corsets "
Flannellettes "
Cottons "
Prints "
Dress Goode "
Sailor Hats "
" •
Results sreikerstrogest coalmen.
stitndosal history ; W. H- B.ebertsoe Mand
the he yeast Bonooa H. Goad, with boner,
in olsssioe, J. J. W. 8lmpoo. Of those Mr -
Guest deserves ep•stal credit, haulm Drs•
pared for the examination at home since the
teatime( of the year Amoco the other
names is the lista we ootios that of Fred. a
11Uwood, formerly sa the self of the Iwai•
tats, who 'fadertea. at•edimg mooed in
biology, and that of Mies Emily G. Pester,
• strident for • ooseideaale time, who
passed the 3rd year WWI modern Isajsages
end history.
Buae1.a3T. - Us. Tuesday afters**
'mese --315*.-ileattie lr. • 13, and
pro. Labia 11, were *erred Ware the P.
M. with bteakinr 1s6e Knight's Groosry
with snout so oouxaM • be,glary. Fres
the *less* it appeared., that the store had
bean broken into on several eights the pent
week, cud that the owner bad bees os
watch MB b.tweso four sad five, and the*
about 5 a a. Mr. Moore, who lives over the
store sew Lett* ester the eters by • bask
window, .ad afterward *hats Beattie by
the door. Mr. Moore afterwards .pus•
headed the elder prisoner 1a the store. bat
Lex ton stoped owe: a► Shelia* Oa being
guestioaod. Beattie admired that be had
hoes away from hemi to two weeks, dar-
ing which pied be bad slept is betas .ad
sheds. As the elder boy's statement tet Isar.
toghome wee not deemed satbfsmory by
Kr. Soarer, • reamed wee node till later is
the evening. is %bet Bootie's father might
he preoral. At 6 r et. the boys were egad•
brought up sad atter Jas. 13..bMe hod rives
*riders*, the elder troy was allowed to IN
os soepesded science• sad this lessees- one
wee sent toast industrial school near Terms-
*, for which sstabliebamas he left yester-
day moreisg is obarge of oeeves►le Ka.R.
Madero. E. N. Pastor*, of Detroit, rad
Chas. of 8t. Loan, arrived in town Too.dsy
evening and are speedier their vaoatiose •1
the old home ; they *vise wbseled up
iron the City of the Straits, Wavier there
Monday evening end taking the route ria
I.e•saingtoo, Wrrdville, Logsdon ass Cho-
fl, Goer -
Snit Pumr.Gat see of Arm-
eisosg'■ portable force and spray pumps for
spraying your fruit tees, shrubbery, potato
tees, wateriem opuses. washing berries.
•xtiogumhing fires, or any work that oan be
done with a first plass fetes and spay
pomp. Highly r.00mmssdd ; priors low.
Armstrong Brea. Goierlob, Out.
D.C.!. Guevara.. -The following are
game of the graduates of Gederioh Collegi-
ate Institute who dietinrniebs3 themselves
at th* resent ioiv.r.lty exams. i• Toronto :
Chas. Darrow. Ent year is Lew sod the de -
degree of L L B.; Brawn Gust. honors
in olsasios, nos year ; Egerton Armetrosg.
third year verset course ; Arobie Dickson,
sewed year boners in political soieooe ; S.
P. MaMordl..
III:IAL Asm*xozmzwTs -There wee •
goal messing of the Lomiates Dry .ob.
ration oommittee the town ball 'Tuesday
evening, His Worship ilayor Shannon pre-
siding Fto.1 atrasgements were suede for
the celebration of the day. Every •ab-
oormttte* reported was appal -nomad its
shore of the fund, and will prepare the pro-
gram ot De list of mime" in time for publi-
cation in a few days.
THERE has been a good deal of talk
about the wholesale manner in which
dismissals have been made on the Ia-
terco;onial Railway by the present
Government, but the reondiscussion
in the House shows that a very sma11
retail business in using the axe bas
been done.
It seems that when Sir CUARLss
TUPPER was Minister of Railways in
1$80 he out off 400 beads and lett
some 2;596. This, be contended, was
was done on the plea of eoonomy, yet
in February 1881, the total number
Of employees had been swelled to 3,
310 or about 800 more than it had
been a few mirage before, although
no appreciable increase in traffe was
apparent. In July, 1895, the number
had reached 3,941, and in June, 1896,
just before the general eleotion, and
with no perceptible increase of buai-
nesr, the list was swelled to 5,296
In April, 1897, that number had been
reduced to 4,083, as the pay roll had
become encumbered with about 1,200
useless men, and the line is giving as
good, if not better tervloe today than
ever before.
So far as dismissals for active
pa1'tisanship was eonoerned only 110
had takes place up -to May 11, 1897,
se follows : In Quebec 81, in Nova
Bootie 21, bed in New Brunawich 7,
as against Tusona's 400 dismissals in
All of which tow to show that the
Opposition is snaking a Mg cry about
very little wool.
Bdeayeesei Ind.peodsn►: "Ballo. there,
Jolts RIM I Whet'. the matter inti► yes? A
team a our oi6y dudes •otaelly ksookmr
the tar out of your regulars. S•y. John,
you need to slake yoarrelf and wake up,
for we have a whole regiment as good as
that team, sad we oould get op a dozen
regimsote, i1 it were • •eeeesity, to which
those Toronto Highlanders would sot be s
oironmstnoe. h la all vary well to do a
little blowing .bout the teams we seed over
to the old sod sad carry away the laurels a
their sports, but at the same time it is not
. pleasant thought that the father of the
settee is petting so old and effete List we
ooleniot bide has Doff him ground h own
yard wither.. al sur hands tied.
Tan PUPILS' Juan -ss. -0o Moody
afternoon the pupils attending the Central
.ohool will commence the *biles at 3
o'clock by meeting in the double roma up-
stairs and novealtna the rax plotures of Her
Majesty Qo.en Viotoria that have bee.
placed ID the school, There will be s pro-
gram in which petriotio speeches and weep
will form the I. d „features, a.d el its
oonolu loo .cin saaeli rs and trustees
will picnic* theo8.mI lawn.
A Inxxitsa °RAIN Ix Qtttsytoa.-Oa
Tuesday afternoon aha P. M. waGoalesfd
trying Jac McDonald. jr., of oddssrr
township, nn • (Marge et eto.lisg a raging
.hal., the property of Louis AI/swarth.
The proseoutlon eras oonduotd by E. N.
Lewis, and McDonald was defended by M.
0• Johntton. After the plaintiff and other
witnesses had been exsmiaed,the magistrate
adjourned the ease till Satnrd.y afternoon
to •lbw the Drown to furnish additional
'video* , •
Globe t is.-asbikbisi the prooeed"nge of
Its lest nasal ming the National iddn-
oational A. oolsMw directed ilia Secretary
to observe the bUewiug simplified forme of
spelling .-Program. the. •lt6i.Ikon.
Sterols*, limo. tbruost, .rtakik
deo.Mog, dem**,pedavog.• ovetf $My
do res look w bad.
Hamilton Times : The cable brings Daly
the merest outline ot Hos. Wilfrid Lwrter's
speech at Liverpool. bet if the despatch
only said that the Canadian Premier spoke,
there would be no misgivings *mor* his
Meads !tare, who Ismer se well lir.
Laurie's happy tenet of always d ssy1t
right this, is this SAS way. Os**,
OM have bees lister represented at My
twee la bee history, and May hi
Ibetsgbt here et the merits of Jet.. miss
Mg'' pret•reettol tariff, 1(1� M
to stake e web)** of tiro .M•
M.g•et In England men eAhsfe thaw N
would have bees seder *likely stresses
Terms* (hobs : Mr. t nner represent",
therefore, the higher. stems whorls the bruit.
sov miss *lefties son attain. I1 ht •
metier far .inose* ee.Ratel•tion thsty er
wpyl•e this dl.Ms,stsked Di•m is the
reeks, we are reproseibd by ens se wholly
*rte mss house. Nevem sharp ear
party divide* may lit, there Iter been as
.dyer.m best&. by se Mr. tm.rier's Mia.
*Hay to fishtail rearmost Nm•da it Rel.
We durum this seisms entpeerise of rat.
Steal 1plrit tint hes already sso.hsne:1.
• • •
The dui► et 14wike LW* M the
Two. setae-dkw dark red. Saar
aged 4 y.en ; use yellow, gyring tnUk.stpd
8 .d.r Any
will be rewinnded• g them
hee ua
Hass, Huron reed.
tisy8sld : Peter *detests, formerly of
Wssgham, is now landlord el' the Ryer
hotel. Bayfield.
Seltlatrd : P Mollwn has Mr. MaLares
sod his men busy patting the roof os his
Salt Works. The old block is begtsalog to
he itself again. John Retell is still tees of
66. cooper shop.
per a ttntrgAK
Ski 11116 In the
mamma of the lie. Seeder ABas
oecttpkd the Blair. ;Speeches were made
and a very en oysble evening was vest
The Pope 6*. sent to Queen Emmet
fJbrhtlna of Spain a piendld merry,
coe'gbting of a said chain bet tthereatel,
with diamonds, tables and emeralds as
beads. The gift le sceneips3med by e
letter roar•Sing the Panel benrdieeom
and ezpreedeg admiration or Her Yee
jjaoudes coarse* and wisdom In the las
Milniutedial milks
.*ose•yalS q sedum
eeattsl. Shoe 142ra lispttb roe hsl
kers beg allala, the residence of the 1a
stem Orronsomma officials durtng the heat
Jig praise' of as year. $moues•• series
treat* as the northern frontier, bad W
gtsfseaase of • number of With*
and salt.. .oldlers t* thi Qor'assimie .___.
sews Y. From the particulars obtelhabis
at presoak ft mesas the. two maw begoef
tag pe a Bombe, serried battery resoled
D' to the F ltastmaat
ot Wel gad to Mat truants Intutry.
were treachnoa•!y attack in toe
Valle, by • large tepee d lost9e n• ria
is. 4,,t report odd that OoL Danpy, two
odium bad M privates had been kmeeL
tied that three officers and M tarn had
been wounded.
Later reports, however. seem to Indicate
that the alfalr Is more than • mere crus
Viet with warlike natives, and that the
gtotortoes Mullah of Poladats is at the not.
tq of the trashier.
Mow emirs Keeps re ut. W.
Boston, Maas., June 9--Cotopel tIDep-
pard Young, a well-known local watery
a, in an interview divulged the &n-
rof a secret Cuban expedltlon which
Bootee on May 28, and picked .p
1 recruits in New York. To -day
he "red • cipher telegram from Jack-
.onvll conveying the new' sat they
had ju sailed from that city on'a fast,
light d aught steamer, 115 'troop arm-
ed with rides ,if army pattern. All bare
stem service in the militia. A move-
ment has been started to organise a
monitory commission here to supply
Fos OAS/AN-Wednesday svomam • nem -
her of Gd.*nh Mesons visited Morning Star
lodge, Carlo*, the 000ssion heist an otsoi•l
visit by the D. D.G. M. Dr. Shaw of Clinton.
There was • very large •etandn
ao• and ooa-
sid•bl• work. On he oompletion of the
lodge work the visiting brethren ware euter-
l*Ined at 'upper. An hoar was spent in
toss sod sentimset, otter which tea *sab-
res deported for their several homes, the
Gsdsrlob osetaasess r.•ohins town by the
light ot the horsing star.
Tun (Immo aSonvesee.-TrioGoderieh
Souvenir wet he bdore the people the tore
Part of, mixt week, and will he on sale at
Porter's book sts�. The Cw•di•n Pb.*.
engraving bateau, of Tomato, deserve great
praise for the exoeltesee of the lll*trstio.s,
sad oils townen.n, Mr. Mallows, for the
eatistie view., There is no doubt but that
• work of fhb kind was seeded is
G srioit, grad we or. *re the citi*sss w111
spareeat* K. Tb. pebtbhsn am doing all
In their power to make the work • big sae -
*es, ss etdeebtedly 1t will be.
Cma nrls tie Ss oiow Aon ow ram Winne.
-0s Teasels there was • meeting of the
Berea ALfeM Cele ter Me mementos of
badness '' ng the archins Thos. Nairn
was sleeted espatm of the •lab, and se-
rnngern•ets perpoted for several sal N
town runs. At • ceeeludoa of the mese•
leg the slob teak • res isle the esi_m_�yr, et
lease number *3 maxib•rs participants,.
theft. the DOMINO else mem will be asa-
hrlr made, cad .r thew lees ars most sa-
ble every wheelmse .bth
oeld jean e
tiews. The tows Mob le alfillat.d with
IgM O. W.A.. bates every member et the
Hone is entitled be sit fie privileges.
Ota Rots AV nes Uttnsrsrr*.- .Tks atl
lea esmves.Mea ei the Unineehf et Ter -
eon was held DO minis$ lmst, fad ben the
elSs6 dam liese yrs /Mbar the bushing
d•thll. b marl taw eMellas et the
Mesdso Me wise trees ear Os1Mleee 14.
Ahem. UrdaaM.d le one i (nets 1L
Deeha--a. w1.8 let ebies besets le eieslee I
Joie O. Weld. with 1w sl�ueraliinen lit phi&•
e.eeby. Noma the Sri leac eresisaMes,
Cess. Y. lhfne. walk b
oh•sa t Deena Ama.trty, some/ the
Sed your exasehniaisa t A. D. li.erbsod,
with tee slaw hearse le phU•sapby t Perry
IL Te ami AMM O. Didoseoptlit !erten
hi Musts-' Mites% lestineeeks sad me -
tarot tin 1Thane aerie to =Sa•
eases' sadLoaner. Jima 15. -rhe Times publishes
this morning • table showing that in the or-
dinary war* of notate the future ruler. of
Germany, ItassI•,Gfoeoe and Roumania will
be the immediate deseendeate of Victoria.
Coarisestitg editorially upon this fact the
Time' obetrvee :
" The British mo•arohy of today hes
more definite rseoga"tios among the ooarte
of Europe than even • *eatery ago, when
ti. King of (irwtt Britain was abo the
eoverign of Haaeveee. Such dytse6ie ooe-
sid.rstiess .re perhaps of lees important*
Dew thou they were formerly, bet they
may tend to develop frissdlp interooares."
tat.*Alai Rsll ha setts.
San Francisco, Cal.. Jane 9. -In th.
Travis will case to -day it was 'bows that
the ashes of the deceased millionaire
over whose property ble heirs are now
wrangling are being bejd by Undertaker
Schuyler of Philadelphia as .ecerity for
the sum of 0890 the value o 3the casket
armee MrPttfdiiO4 -rep before
being 55- mated, fait well se for tbc• pm
cess of embalming. It is contended by
the other side, however, that the ashes
only remain in the custody of the under-
taker because no one bas say assmedty
to take charge of them.
Lsb*seb*re Tail.
London, June 12. --Mr. Beatty Larne-
rbere, in the coarse of a lone address
is • meeting of the Twiekenham L4b.?*1-
Radical Aneoda(ione, orf 'Stick be is
this evenings violently at-
tacked policy of Lord SsBsbury, *Y-
in' that England might es weft guaran-
tee the integrity of hell said the doenin-
ic.aa of /the devil as oe the Turtitb Em-
pire. The
m -
The nation of the Go►er.atent
t ne fait Mail UbaeIfe. Ilii the rvwtrwr ahmad. be sedated. lad dlagrxvd aa r
of ' iorrg artie3.'om este btlstrremst nndl FnglWsman, bad fire ortuntry
political outlook to America, ways that
ling hem an org$o of Toryism.
ltfr. McEhies i• a dlgeteet fhilare, and anbel* emirs 1leame lima 1 tttlr4
hes pta►varf hlmsPp mpee_ot a party ;nfi MUwaukw•, Wia., June 11.-'!'b. Oa
r.gen the■ a +esiiMr. t r"o Arend a of the A. O. U. W.
The nondiervative wtt6 lira 89rlaid mesttrrs las S5USW.
tr,islea•fTvaat from the purest oet+aaiatlom.
Is just finished and will be mid .at ,
It is the Neatest. Prettiest, hosier►• ad Handiest Souvenir ever
hinted of
The SOUVI +TIR will be an sale to -day or tamotrow
at PORTBR'S wine bat the exclusive right for the
County. Leave your onion at once, as ally a limited
number of alptas (beyond than ordered) will be printed
PRICE PER COPY, 25cti. ,
W. J. CONNAN. oQr auntibintoll agent wataids of town,"twill tier
licit and deliver ordetta