The Signal, 1897-6-17, Page 3Aust :.
• There doesn't seem to ba
very much the matter with
your child. He doesn't ac-
tually lose weight, but there
is no gain. He belongs to
that large class of children
that don't seem to prosper.
You look at hint a Iittle
more thoughtfully than you
do at the rest and say " He is
pot doing well." Failure
to gain in weight in a child
is a danger signal. Scott's
Emulsion should be taken
at once. It puts on fat
where health demands it,
strengthening the digestion.
SCOTT es BOWNe, neared., Ori.
, ememet--
- Dentlletry
111111 Posiomoe
6! • Wort a 8p.otaley.
Rs TaiN *iNlI asst
LM. MASER, D.D.R , l..l).B.,-DfIN-
. TAL UUP1.WN.-L•teet sad appeovd
� et the
slmudral t tit• operations. Pr.s•rvs
teeth • p Malty (>Dln
imar so waist me he M sq..r. ds tdoniow-
• M. TURN : Jud., D.D.B., L.D.8.-
0. Dental Svttoh. Mandy asudcisted
with I)r. tams. of Monts.,?. li and porce-
tes= Wens, sp�wtsl stl*nttoa h unmated on given to d or th.
preservation of the natural tooth. OStoe In
bleinan's saw block. IIU-U
Wd THOMSON. M. D. . 0. !t
odic at Ralf ut formerly oseaNet
by Dr. Gs r as eoath st. Telpher. M.
LI fossa. &0. Moo -arum street, the roe
dance look occwpted by Dr. Melwas' i.rh
cella from residence. Trine se 10.
TSE` iGNkL �� -1 P� JUNE 17 `%
A Dealt Clover Baabrald.r.d en taw B.sel
Why might out expert women -those
endowed with noodle skill sad good t&etS
-try their hands at the ewbroidertni 01
book coven? Cyril Davenport shows hs
the Portfolio the most noted of all 11*
broid•red book covers, the work of Queen
Elisabeth. The volume so decorated
was Matthew. Parker's "De Antiyuitate
Britannicae Ectiris.," and was possibly
a pre.entatioa copy 'from the author.
who, in 1671, was Archbishop of Cuter' -
The Queen elves a dark gteen veltwet,
for green was a Tudor color, and she
embr.idered in gold. The design has
its peculiarities. The idea conveyed is
that of a park, and the Qoeee tr+ew to
indicate by a wooden tnclosnre the name
of the slither of the volume, Matthew
Parker. Decorations of book coven
with what is called a heraldry "a cant-
ing device," are very old. There Is a
kind of palls running round the four
sites of the book cover.
There are five deer, and the royal
neldtewoman has made them all does.
An antlered stag the (!poen did not
ranee. There are two emit**, possibly
a °toll tna taapere" whim of the greet
lady's. As for flowers, there are many
nondescript ones, supposablyheartsease,
daisies and drnattoes. It is conven-
tional work. One deer bas broken down
the pally& and the head of
thea Omar
browser through the gap. On
side of the book there are fuser panels
with the Tudor epees.
The embroidery was not the coup d'er
sal of the Queens, for when she was 11
lean oW she worked a 00117 for • hook,
"The Stirotr. or Glasse of the Synnet
Boot." for Queen Catherine Parr. It
W in braid work of gold and silver, em-
broidered on blue silk. Elizabeth's ta-
vortte Sower being the heartsease, she
embroidered tour of these Sowers at the
Queen Elizabeth may have been to-
ward the end of her rife a bard old wo-
man, but the was a highly educated one.
tor, wben a child, rhe bad translated
'The Meaner, or Glasse.' telling ow
she did it "out of Frroche rye Into
Englis prose, jnyaing the sentence+
together as well as the capaeltie of my
ample ttte and small learning cookie
miracle themselves." The dedication M
pretty. "To our most noble and virtu-
ous goeene Katberin, her humble daugh-
ter wtsbeth perpetual] felicitie, and ever-
lasting joys.
Elizabeth was better educated than
moat women of bee day, and knew her
Laitin sad (hs.ktand.lad tat faculty of
not forgetting eittme says that or' one
oeepsion the Polish Embaseador was ap•.
parently wanttng in restore[ o her:
there•evppoonn she rated biro in choice Latin.
and when she had finished, she turned
M. O. CAMERON. BARRISTER, SOLI t about to . her courtiers and said:
171+ char, Csavemeame. &s, 011os--eor. "8'death. me Lords (for she was addict.
liar U:oa sad M. Amens-att. spp. (embers' ed to sweanng% I have been obliged to
17-17 .00dr np my. old Latta that hath long
ERNEST HEAT& - BARRIBTER, hslB. _ > •" -
rottdt.r. ?/Marl Public. Arbogast 1 J♦sasaa =zr.rt,
$teak. Nese Street. bee For matt, a down years Orieton
ECAMPIOif,Q Q. BABRIIIT$R, 80L• Campbell has Meed almost entirely upon
. lotter.MatariAe. oaks otter Madla•1 baked bananas. Not only has he eared
H•It. %uses. Red , hug, arms in grocery and hotel bills, but
he h&* grown fat and robust on hie
diet. and declares that be has acarcty
known a sielr moment since he discard-
ed dtber food and began living on the
tntpical trait.
Mr. Campbell h&* delved deeply in oc-
cultism, but be Mallets that that has
nothing Jo do with his baked banana
diet, sad that any ordinary person can
live and prosper on It,
Mr. Campbell Warned the nutritive
pee�aetles of the fruit when baked while
stndyini is India. He noticed that all
the laboring men seemed remarkably
eteaa� and eigovoa, and opelt enguM7
Sound that they subsided altogether up-
on baked plastein'. He tried them him-
self, and with such good results that be
hes a a staunch advocate of them
e;e "Take ordinary b•naeas," esld Mr.
Cgnpbs1l to a New York Press reporter,
"don't peel ;them, but tut the ends of
oe an TWA 1* tinea
On. a n • quarter tter• Siam Mime
without any other
G. WARD, 00NogYAN�R.1 sdditJ bate da`� Oiateen minute+ is a
kot bake .even.
wringo..sad.on,miaatais takimi saes ato Thea Damn are soft the akin
sarmtiess. or oakum
mddorie-s- will burst of . ,I1ke • baked apple. Then
Yea, la or SK1os, sett ee p• o tarn them over so that the under aide
ehlt T 1 coast ed Joshes i . will become perfectly sago NMI take eve
UL. betas. epsaisdaasr. etc, Moa.; is
moots. how: cot
Hamilton asdSt.Aladdr•w''
L SdtMtar. Ooorommesc to.. sic Moser
is Ism at lowed rotas. Barton
Posted Colbert* Bend. taodeetoa, oat, >014M 1
. lar 1S- Vltava Omits. yf. emtat+
..,me�eonek oe■s k.OM
O. ▪ OS, _Mr.
(BAA.ItsRISpTtEhR. SOLIic. moatCIT-
ennui Ones. PeeweeBleade al
hem rates of ldtsess.
NA Mins. Altb1aoenao'igsb,� noors,Proatoot.�s
dek. J T. Gamow. Q.0..
eantst s., Solicitors i* OhaswrY mo.
S odwiak. M. 0. O.msrsa. Q,0.r P.
hesas Li.iai Bsr esNe,s ries Whetters
They harper* the *era laiaataas
B.,4aatams Iavated by Methane
telvlltsed man is tbe ody •alma/ that
does out possess a high degree of seam -
theme," to atao n/hertc cvndltems. Whe-
ther the human race has ever purresred
this attribute, it wuaid not be easy :u
pay, but from the fact that brute, poi
beta this Sneaky in direct p*epertion to
their wild or uatunl eoimdition, it may
be Inferred that t sou t t uttrlldne a
sbeltered and perfectly bowled condition
human beings have lust tate useful
faculty of foretelling the weather, 1r
ootding to the law of notary, that re-
moves any attribute after the necessity
for k has ceased. Thanks to Torricelli,
tbis deeciency has been, to rogue extent
anppb d. but the fact remelts, that other
living creatures have the power of mak-
ing forecasts that aur far mom trust-
worthy than .W the ingenuity el nun
has yet been able to devise.
The spider Is a good. example of n liv-
ing barometer- Ile is coneteetly making
alterations in his web to suit the wea-
ther, sad, by watching closely, consider-
able skill In weather prophesy may be
acquired. In fair weather he runs out
long filaments of guy rimer for hia web,
Tbe coming storm causes kiln to shorten
Riehe.'R the storm lei to be long rand'
serfs•_ tiles guy ro .. S-7* .trengtheucd
as well &* shortened
For the benefit of tibo*e whom nothing
coold induce to study the 'eider, it may
be remarked that the common domestic
animals evidence coming changes in the
weather. Cats and dogs are given to
'cratching and other restless movements,
and their fur looks dull when a storm is
approaching. It is a sure sign that the
barmouteter is falling when a Hoek c•f
sheep become quarrelsome; when gaits
bleat incessantly and reek sheltered
spots: when p begin to carry rtra w
Into the sky: when the barnyard fowls
huddle together and SII the air with
their eackling.
An observer of the wilder animals
will soon realise that they sue still more
detaonstrative when a storm Is approach-
ing. The hedgehog is very diotiaguL,hed
as a weather prophet, for he always be-
gins to strengthen wed -fertile -big homes
when be feels an unpleasant change la
the weather a mipg. The wild bird' are.
probabl the best objects fol .bservs-
don. .Tbe tow Syi ow las be-
come proverbiaL Otos, birds geoeratly
remain grouped together aid do not
venture from their houses in the face of
mqaing weed or rein.
'threw bays been sareeal,suco*smfsl at-
tempts to make ptv.4ahle tar of three
remarkable and. untaeiilliing tnetincth. In
Tonne harts of Germany the "ream bae-
emaeter" is a common objet he the home.
'They have a small green frog in that
country. which always tomes out of the
water when mid or wet weather le a
prnnchittg. These fvogs are kept in hill
filled jam In which is a tiny ladder.
Some hours Wore the atone, the frog
will conte est of '?eater and sit on
the top of the iaddel, he will re-
main until the strnsji has hmked. There
is -a stary of an old meteorologist who
need Irecbeee for the sante primmer. He
'nr•raneretl his hammetes in ,itch a ,wny
Gest when the leeches crawled rep the
side of the jar a b.. would ring. nail
this gime warning or Ike 'dorm. The
little creatures wrenld gather second Hb.
top as long se the alarm was ti pro-
OOwelased� la
• a a�Da■mhaaen Od.
or la r ossaty
mftrnttea longer.
e, The bananas, &cording to efir. Camp -
"e"' • bell, should be served extremely bot and
on the same platter in which they were
baked. Eat the 1itfge which' has run
sea Ininumateee of of tetanus • b eat the meat
bOREY To LLoAN 410.60406 -'urtertsethse tl*+h■a bread sad
sushi. M. G. OAJIt fe orlon lt tt'bs�7 ratipning. deelarti r
ewoed,s Ooiborna auMi ee6*rtah. loyal vtryaa t +�Ibne bF■ana* he says.
-- the or of the ,kin with a tea -
Meet reads is toed et H per use Bananas evoked In this wee anl'n
PRIVATE FONDS -PERSONS UE- weighty* one see email • h sour-
sironeof.bethalu t es Brat -class ishtde■t to twenty-sbl pound& ,of bread.
hr1 aeenrtV eau 4o eegs I coat. by ■► The trots tpnana is a small variety of
elle l� J. A. McDllI eon: 116e the plantain, and t. never shipped to
hvY 8st)di■des. Teresa. war northern countries. Wiest we bqy as
0 BEAOSR, OOI YANCINO AND ab■s■elle ate the maser hriediep, the
t■s moss class. swdta llartt,'ll astaL trims`
oes toad Fast of pia■
MONEY TO LsUUP ON MORTGAGE ism .f tisR put o as 44 to 1, and to
y�siee �s1w b4 0. tint all what as 13,4 to, L Bgked ba-
iRAsedee�,NoWer Mm-Fdb isarmi's Bolsi. hem nape pe. 4swflr digested..•
? s ^Hare .t stp1..'
• wesvbap11 Deet dr
M0)t)i! TO
.—,► ./..• a el 1wow c the pewt7,
ncno id Ili tsvoMm.s that w to seg. of aids re'
ra�pht��� tit
�BIIOq R tf . ----- o ken t fir► �tda. """
R. BAI r1 Di :Reel and with goad tempwr•
14 ••a..•.il
lies, the Her et, �■mome - a
soommd" i n Es Elie joDke and ersompl toed. in }l'10
e.•a, at ehe rape eft w ghee �t pb■vs 1 with
h Meet doe' m`it�N`'
IT yrs, sr W t7M1 . to malt •
IN d twee Batrsts. 1►ml lab =attend s 4nyr' 1 t
Oodos"fimob il& ceJeal a that tktAla a to
sit t 3 a lowest the Salle this in the House of Opm-
YsL tbnars a tlt7ls i11 It
sod. giose who se ra b have ipb Ited, at
- •. -s' e"a yb tyere1m• aartlilst0 *. hater psr-
aseasia11M1' etetulaite• -'coal attack. Renide+ti tate of ever
G"112"11 1q CewDp�t>($TI- taytIomashy: tsitmtrvta.nM+cbujobiyt emi? t,rr-
1= f1AseM amt News it
ctsl et rieew after by stt'oag hosanna?
1 This b the style whir+ edr.
Onset from 1rapSr lied hem ?Mt0r Bitfrrer 6,s cultivated with great hIll-
AArOhT�1 _1000 V I''S IN 11BR.B'e1.1 En Midi this e. mace. that Fre now
^"�� moi. stay ori fed to 11ateta•d to with almost teua1 14easnvO
ill de. es Pils
p� aloud sad tee. -T, P. O'Connor. to
• t�tyLs+o Notasfae.
Mg pLa B.ciee few Meow Meeh '
Opens political ant.euni,m are united
Arrilistdows tot resolved w A* ok! smtty melt* foe &ye beer
Iilet,flea eros t to ea�1y made to able :
R OOJ.lttiOA111L Si
iStSeh HANj1�ep� oar sad one -haft Dotage of grants-
L1aISM aYft!n a hale toeor . end
tioderiellb 111116 owe astes at pare grnd gingerbbd
* et belling pester isee se-
r over these
A e stir late the
�IHOMAIt AO>tiPlt , AIIOTIONEER then add on atter out a
Ous.�ea new 'that baa been stv�a l.. t die
a . hors unities nal as. Wes w bottled Itad restos perfectly meltsw'snes4•
"WM to to Y; peri of rhe musty. VIM Keep the betties is a nendeaat ttatier'
ewes Id kenos. *tad ritsp ow h • owl
Bow the F..mi. .t a eratNt.*we *wow
Iti L7ssra
Hallowell, MP., bee an improvement
society wide)] nems ogt once a Lear "to
clean the bdwn. Look letradny w'aa ob-
served by the eoekte, ease The Lewis
ten Journal.
At 7 o'clock the man std "boys began
to collect at City i7AR Ile; converged
from every One hundred
wrake11 Tineas s. bola t000s. Mr.
Tenney was eetzensadeedissehief.
Hallowell N IbM out ,with 1pvr streets
parallel to The K' sad e'veral
streets infsrrtectisly� thank *!'tight argres.
The hundred Ism end bas Isrsto divided
*goad was
�'thrrti elaarr 1 .: dttu°roll sad v hem •
•1101 tura all Motto of sumer, d
Os tae treat' and lraerant hay;
w-fum and a tow hug
Oa tohay alt sod Gott.
At wy house •way back yonder.
la the old barn loft.
Bow the pimento used to Satter.
And strut shoot add cool
1.4 make love to on• soo(her,'
1.1 • rw..tbearta used to 6o.
witIM i walked the deity sreshmes.
Or Jlnlabored bleb elott,
Wish half latest of tailing
to the des bars loft.
How 1 tilted to frighten sister,
Who was looking tor the re. sg ewtlsd,
As I dangled the
Holdingby -y lop.
ado pvI theta a awing 01.tJ ,..
I' strike the lay so salt,
At 'air some away back ;Tarr.
In the old barn loft.
The twittering of the ewalbws.
Indio making homes ut
The gleeful gam And na seek,
The stip. thethud;
'rhe pattens` of the raindrops
Above the hay so soft,
AOt Lsb.wold bauf a n kat. any■e
-s. A. HarIYsa.
" Eanent say they want Weir +ea and want it quick ' (the mews Neel
A foW years ago good boo uu duubr a luxury, but today
A delicious 43aecan be bad from leading groww% la neat
Leade'"Packets, at 25, 40cc, 50c, & 60o...per ib.,
Black or Mixed.
mlb--� ,QUICKCURE----�-
The Bicyclists'
Where the Moser 't. !.gale • ke wtrnstf�
comes tiros..
The elalonica correspondent of The
New York jierakf writer: ePlitspie are
&*king wheat, comes the error am-
ount bf arnev necessary to support the
1�rg� army '±nrkel has sow tgipl�
at•d which she tnaintai..-its t ntauuer
whieb arouses* -the euthusias of all Mal-
tary writers. Let me meote the words
of Midbat Effendi, the wee -known Turk-
ish patriot and author, who explained to
me a few months ago that Turkey was
always In a position to make war. 13e
said :
In time of war every true Trak will
deprive himself et all luxury .t fwd. He
will eat neither butter nor any rich Mod.
Teske So long as the war lasts em Tar
so that oar wether* may eat, in order
that thee may Ight. For that•pttrpo•e
we deprrve ourselves et all bot the ab-
solute necessaries, in order that we ata)
give whatever .oey that we otgbt
utberwtse mend towthe arwsy?
"7'htu It is that ewenaous stride are
poured into the Terhfstt war cheat M
ppritgte individuals. That le why the
Turkish sad* always dads 1dawR pa-
sesaed of posh wherewith to Way -weer
ssiics. -
But there are kfterhOeilie Vige have
equipped books of vd kssrs at their
own -expease. Far instance, the 11 -
hankies, who started on Thursday het,'
14300 of them. .and about: whom 1 wrote
you, were recruited and equipped by
Iiadjl Chuan Bey; • nMabie of Ttelceb,
who h(maeffj took the ieadersblp sI that
warlike leoklig aaad. mei/meat,
�tat*t voloa-
teer, in dditlon to Ib - 'Turkish
Bey presented two peenda In
money Further, be supplied them *her -
ally with povirdom.
Cheri! Aga, Mooed Another Albaa11�i asntoftable,
'of 300 ,00hrn slims he Isat ts-
equipped andt edg . d with funds •
provisions. as of each like ear
mats of elect patriotism abound. I!
not in one partiealar wy it Is In asci
er. Tradespeople et the richer chasm
ask no money for the thee -being of the
Government ..tad sappbr to the utmost of
power ail war aistt.en. One
will supply lamp of Oaten
for tents, another 1000 worth of bis-
Eaffeedon. To ndi said, 'a0 wars are sacred.
and ever;good Turk considers k his
sacred duty to give hia utmost possible to
the cause of war. "'"
'1 noted the other day tbe caw of a
small bey proudly going to tbe teat of
I hsl►e several mere stn&
wow wwassw
put ostler the
captain, and a Mtn
Wade atUtter"
Second NSW,
chargee, Lad
tie 11Lme. P
aid other
,Me. were
ae'Moneta two-
Nwies agef fetal
Now the river
beauty and a
w'be pans in
WAS. •
ok.tnb tit
put s nfillltAL ALIO- bear ready ba Ole
he n eaistd.waN• a:ss*lsasm in WAN* et Ilrso!■A'-
weer, tieei Ardor*
aldek, ha l n
ziott V1n•tew •.dwisp filo Lily* WI.
• �� R se e is a petresea to
iv m,
nN r tss0a•a�d bN S-A
P. o .t
�� oa
R Owner tee Matt
kitnlnat. !� 1�g p5 ss� erWa t it era Weiss !R tat boorbit tui agriderlow of An
5 br
1b a tseent doped
dtbelse WOO Vier
as Otstdfs
n em" tate ball'
only got 744 Ant
on the bash •
en the streeta
were held St fi&
t f 6athehoe* "ere
t seiMob l
tow est eel
irawrow sd i.>.et1M bss•
��Tjhi eat
Set tS1
over.MAO *el
tFse11 'n
1Par. 'me
of 'raf}tkehie
been taeitkd gradthe More
nuisances www
would bare die •' .i
ReareL of 11 *0 Man
•iho aortae, m1>%
eh•pe1. tp►ft'Pat
and handwoeneatwr
means a Mina
wvne .t mita tier •
-o Mort of the
after hall 4.40'rats. deettiltintet157:S
■eineivats broad* of code
scow babies, LIN eerie
S competent
atteekk was
Third street
a 11
42 en;
m to
w }re it was
Mich/, pepsin
i► lir• 4l it elf
t', r
tbi of
t Ir or
add teres
1 •,
He's a wise wheelman whose tool
- bag contains something besides
medicine for a damaged machine. o
He is jest aefrable to puncture his s
own skin as to puncture his tiro— e
ism. A', • more liable to bruise h tl
rte. r i may iced a 1' - i, a ct ' to break his wheel.
-"' "" uickeuare
VOW ernetgeocy cure for .Loot for Applying
-Canes with every pot of Quickcure. Make your Own plaster—lay it
. tip the wound, Quickcure will do the rest—quickly, surely; painlessly.
At all druggists 2 5c. , roc• and Si . oo.
s t----> OUICKCURE ��--�-
New Millinery
M188 CAMERON wishes to announce that she has wonted the Newest ■Soots in
ery for this season's trade. including
All the New Shapes la FanoY Straw*.
.41,11-11 11, SEM Shades in Green ;
Millis -
Also, the Geranium.
Ia thanking my many customers tnr past patronage. I again sash theca tames fading
ooaedeat that I bave the °armor styles for the 1185011*
Tq•0I frau a Roderick,
EXTRA.Jr LVE in Nottingham and Swiss Nett
Curtains, 3, and 4 yards long, New and Elegant Designs.
Swiss, Spot, Spray and Sprig.
MUSLIMS ---A large range to choose from.
Art Muslin, Art Sateen Draperies, Crepe Cretonnes,
High Art, Crepe Reversible Cretonnes auitabe for Por-
tierres, etc.
then. cleanly sad tharonghty egtlI>heel
and that with the minute care which' •
telht of a woman's hand.
"Tint there are rekewise iutleresttnS
ranee of aged warriors coming to the
fore. not* more to than Haiti AM Aga
of Priehtina, 110 years of age. and who
on Thursday last kft with the Albanian
volunteers. It: mac his seventh cam-
ltd TRaa
•0Il►,endIt* MR
Row t. say •Yo...
Dr. Snmuel Appleton gives some rules
about t�epttwedr which eery person will
derive eeemfortein heeding:
!Never wear 'a shoe that will opt al-
low the great toe tae lie in • steseg et
Newer wear a .ht1r with a sole nen
Shia -the -outline. .fkt.-teat1001
witha pencil clone anter the rounding
Muer wage }a ire Inst tirs1is1111m
d ai the foot IsNever VOW
Never wear at�
may has demo -
stone In ty meet of sole tp drop veli'
joint or Markle below the bevel plaije.
Never wear a whet with the toe tont-
artine nee very meek, as this causes ills
cords on fib .pger fast et elm feet' es
QON. er'
wear *Awe that pewees to Its
the Bellow et the feet.
Neel have :eate3 the borne
ate h latertasthe sedate .1
elf drfroie �one walk ksdlp
stb6s ae.
cis a ¢*hemties p. keens to loll
Never wear ON pair et Ansa all this
tier mine did to' o ss. 'kw. sets
pt th
boob Toth Wes" 1 a ins alba sal►
b a*4den and stye mach more
wast afasri teal isle pestes t.
wRIte Nines drifting or
ROOM iivsltweek butter sad, mope health -
Newer lemur a siert ataeekfiig, ret woe
�a�* beteg washed le pot, at
.BR-kalf inch bugs than Ore teeed,
Is feint !het stockings slwith. De
Men eat they will 3*nw year taw As
armed trot to extreme �i
, se fins
kaadr the }Mats la piece
of Orme and D m ttractive digital or ""tinto c-
tte otioeldate Is Vie bust.
2tavnr think that the .teat wilt ggrrorw�
targe from westing proper AWOL Iel-
1 * saes dlstortheg wink," theta grow net
tory dirge bat aaslghtly. A proper, nor
telNd ire of at1 the Ulf 0101111 ashes them
or spot and sbsae .-health Osi-
*dais Snarl. tar . tMiwtoiik
1 rtes reeerwOr Nckfbl/ns est 1L>MrtsY
wag the admiration o1 Stemma entre
end M roksft■, homes* 11 alas the Seat
gaeeraratul atom b est a ,ttog►toat at
eietene. aresegue
Ihlfsciltlrs la la iod 01 e.UlMial •-
lrraads, as the p'tolme ha.*, a etteaeromia
*age endo of
ar eh halrAs veds.iAy stadia*
ander toin
NH se ene-
mas' menus "%this rre.eb. A r r".1111
ittretteedarfnl sea lbws* years
Elhat s 5 ii ■ew.mptf l"+i by
Dr dm" Will opt M. As odic
i 0110. Min raid amt Nm The ring fs *boll (4,h* tuf hon he
• .� - "•ytl,• •-•-- elms Y. "smoker, is tis Irl flutes.
V . .r__ -. sat dee wake
e wiry 'rnr t �raeb
DZ Ai gra' 'r .O traan
• •>,,
A. MUNRO. Draper
se Asst ea•elgm-doe4, eia. mitt ural
The Kenainiteit hafts cs..L�l.
orrerrr roa•,4ullltmt
cads els K1oha*Nt be JtA1t1ie
igen . .. -
Parlor e .
They have never been known
to fail ,
BootslhaX-are B��tS'
Shoes'that are Shoes 1
are sold by WM. EiumutAx, JR,, who has
of the Lrgesetiitooks west of Toronto
The goods on the shelves are from the
best manufacturers on the Continent, and
vee------- 'rr
" W1i b� *n easiest -fitting, beat -matte and
loegSet-wearing pieces of footwear worn
: Eby man since eiie day when the
AM goods sold are seleettttd with the
greatest flags, and Ova K,iowt ?mot OV
Us To Crimea Toa Rios, Bon/' to VBAR
Ordered work a .peeialty, and repairs
neatly exeented.
oicumitil -*wog, OQDERICA.