HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-6-17, Page 22
THE SI A.. .: ^,QDgRJO•H t"�'1Q'I'- THURSDAY JUNE-. Tx.. 1897
Buying weveat,00rio
Oar Gaols r�tt
Footwear. Oer Nricesare �e ri(it
Bay your Shoes whoa
The Assortment is the Largestiusto
The Quality the
The Priest the Lowest.
After oarefsUy examining oar Stook you will sap we Stn wooembeily
lay elfin w all the forestoieg fats.
Call. and *amine Goode whether you oars to NT or trot.
No trouble to stow Goods.
anoeataor to H. H. POLLOCK.
P.S –Repairing randy ad promptly ►treaded to.
sY Ranh x. iI XYOkD.
Sue, here, my little fellow, -
I've something for year ear ;
When mother says. "The wood.box
Is empty gatte, I tsar,'
Don't watt for her to oak yon
To bit it up with wiled.
But fill it wtthoat sskl.g, -
And she will.ay, " Tbat'e od r
.who r thesyr3trrte y►e�; gc-'
1 know you will be NW,
Beoauw"it utears she's proud of
Her helpful little hid.
When father cornea home weary
Of long, hard toil of day,
'Twill give you both reel pleasure
11 you to hem can say,
" Teo chores are ail done, father."
1 knew hie eyes will chute.
And lie will smiles thank -you
The, ,.'ane, " Thu lad of mine
le h.1F• , trusty, willing,–
God .ens the little man !"
Love father, boy and m, Cher,
And help them a:1 you c.u.
–Suudav School Times.
•' 1 forgot to tell you," he said,
" that the lady is rather touchy with
regard to her pa.t. You'll guard
against conveying the impreaaion that
the offer is made from charitable mo-
tives, won't you?"
Teddy promised to be 'ery careful.
He forgot the tetter tilt Hearty edit
tient, when he jumped from his seat
dieusbel d to the desk.
Directing the envelope to " Mrs.
Burton, Clarendon Terrace," be throw
it in on one aide and in it few minutes
had dasbed off the note.
He flattered himself that it was
little short of perfection–so delicate-
ly put that Mrs. Burton, touchy as
she might be, would find no ground
for complaint. -
Seizing the directed envelope by
his aide he hastily inserted the note,
sealed it, and sent it off to poet.
Then be 'sat down ot_ce store ard
wrestir 1 with that all-important letter
Mist Cliumbers. -However, the
opening sentence was too much for
" Dar Miss Chambers," he oom-
" l j A, ha ! Excuse me Teddy, but ' men ced. ghat was too formal. Then
really I can't -kelp it. This licks ben- he t ried " Darling Madge," and found
racing !" himself blushing at his effrontery.
" does it 1" growled Mr. Travail. " I .. Dear Madam " was Det of the vow
don't see anything outrageous about tion, and when he reached " My wit
it. I'd have done a little thing like guiding star," he rose hastily ani
that for you any day, and—" committed his brief effusions to the
But Ralph Chambers was off again flame,.
add his friend was obliged to wait un-
til the fit was over. When Ralph Chambers came down-
" She's your sister,"
when Ralph had calmed down a little. number of letters on the breakfast
"Of course she's my sister," laughed table. One addressed to his sister
the other. " What of thst ! You've
caught his eye.
known her as long as I have almost. ', se." he chuckled, '• Teddy's come
Just fancy my saluting Madge with– up to the stretch at last, has he ?
' I say ! Teddy Traves wants a wife Wonder bow she'll take it."
and thinks thet you would do. HeFive minutes later, when Madge,
can't ask you himself because his I after opening the envelope with a tell -
heart is in his mouth end interferes tale blush, burst into a merry peal of
with the free use of his tongue !' Ha,
ha ! charming ! Isn't it I"
Teddy's temper wag not improved
by the banter of his friend. Ralph.
however, was firm as a rock. If
Madge wag worth winning she was
worth wooing.
•' It's rea ly rich," he went on mer.
cilessly. " Yon, of all' wen, to hang
back in an affair of this kind. lifow
many ebarming little love scenes have
you deecnbed in the magazines of the
past twelve months t How many ten-
der proposals have you brought about
on paper? Why don't you copy one
of your own heroes? Scene : Conser-
vatory–choice exotics–ditto couple.
sigint=ifertilliff6iaa es`–=wlrlsper-
ed confessions–pop !–' Yes' – rap -
tun 2. ---and that sort of thing !"
Teddy pleaded guilty to have written
a. good deal of " bosh " on the subject
but did not thank his friend for re-
minding him of it. With the utmost difficulty Ralph
" Oh, very well, old fellow," said stifled an explosion. He realised the
Ralph, dropping his chaffing tone. situation at once. Teddy had en-
" There's another way out of the difti- closed the letter to Mrs. Burton in
culty. Write to her.",; the wrong envelope.
For reply Mr. Travel tdok an en- He wits still struggling to keep his
t velope from the rack and pushed it face straight when Madge came round
across to hie oompanion. It was the table and laid her hand on his
stamped snd Adresse() to "Miss shoulder.
Chambers, Fairview, Chilton." " Ralph," she said, " I believe you
" There's nothing inside," rewarded know something of this. The joke–
Ralph, raising the flap. if such it be–is certainly unworthy
"Just eo," replied Teddy. " The of Teddy–er–M r. Treves."
fact is, Ralph, the teak is beyond me. Ralph recognized a chance to fur
The waste -paper basket is crammed ther the intereeta of his friend and
with half written epistles and still was not slow to avail himself of it.
that empty envelope stares me re- " I can assure you, Madge," he said,
proachfully in the face. It was when "that Teddy is in grim earnest. As
1 found myself dropping into verse– a matter of fact and in strict oon6-
after the ' if -you -love me -as -I -love -you' deuce I may tell you that we were
style–that I gave up the idea I" talking of tis very subject yesterday.
" For which small mercy," laughed I myself advisod him to put his offer
Ralph, "Madge has nation to be de- in writing. For the past few weeks
vontly thankful. Really, Teddy, I'm he has bean struggling manfully with
ashamed of yon. You, a man of pro- this thteresting proposal. Driven
perty–By Jore, that reminds me 1 desperate by repeated failure and
The gnv'nor sent me round on bud- maddened by the overcrowded condi-
tion. He wants to know what yon tion of his waste -paper basket he ap-
intend doing with the newly acquired pears to have selected the worst of
property on High Street." the aeries and sent it off, He is in
" The ' Hand and Heart,' you earnest, Madge, ton can take my
mean." word for that. The note is a trifle
"Yes. Ranke was drunk again odd, perhaps, but ecoentricity and
last night and if you don't get rid of genies go hand in hand, y' know 1"
him at once the license of the old " Oh 1" was all Madge replied as
hostelry won't be worth a brass bet- she took up the note and )eft her
ton next meadow." brother to his thoughts.
" But where am 1 to find a success- Desai li■ Tuvs,--when 1 reed year
or r queried Mr. Travel'. note I was teottoed to regard is as a rather
"That's the point on which I Dame questionable jar As the result of a ma -
to see yon. The gny'nor gave me the ameba with Ralph, however. 1 bays d•
address of a lnci - a widow who has oiled to great you the interview repeated,y when the petallike,' will be duly Ms*
Odin better days --who would soon emend by
work wonders in the place." leets truly.
Mr. Travel' took the address and • Manes OwAtsesas
promised to write to Mrs. Burton at Teddy rears and re read the note in
once. Rale* bad r'8MO1111A j dpR beet of him bet noetd Mt on no natio-
when he teemed beak. ...._ «-- relory explanation.
he ceetieued stairs the next morning be found a
laughter, her indignant brother all
but betrayed hititaelf.
"• Confound it," he muttered. " If
she doesn't want the fellow she has no
right to laugh at hie offer."
" Something amusing, Madge !" he
Madge calmed down a little and op -
peered rather puzzled. To her
brother's satontahment ahe handed the
note over to him.
Dasa Min's– 6s read), –For some time
pest I have [tees on the lookout for a lady
whose trustworthiness oan be depended on
and whose social goalitioe befit her for the
oastodianship of my • Hand and Heart,' and
am folly persuaded that ou elms can ill
peetatert+s 011er tett+ wtiafaotioe.
If von will kindly grant ms .n interview
I ,hail be prepared to enter into particu-
By aooepttog the offer you will confer a
Iastuag tevor on • Your. very faiB
ED. tbf.Tit&vssv,.
I"I have writ i bo note," he
mused, unless_–.toy ! Rave I written
to Madge in my sleep 1 Scarcely pro
bsWe---couldn't do it when awake. I
have it 1 Ralph is at the bottom of
Wes. He's a good-natured fellow is
Ralph.' lkie could not stand by acid
see we in such a hole. Ralph, you're
a brick !"
Sitting down at the desk Teddy
had just commenced to write a note
to Ralph, asking him to call around
at once, when an envelope fluttered to
the ground.
Picking it up, Tedd, glanced at the
address--" Era. Barton, Clarendon
Tans's this 1" he muttered. " I
sent that letter away last night
Don't remember addressing two enve-
Then he suddenly became excited,
and feverishly rummaged among his
papers for another directed envelope.
It was gone!
" Good gracious !" he ejaculated.
"That explains everytll(ing. Mrs,
Burton's letter went to' Fairview.
What in the world did I put in it?'
However, be had kept no copy, and
he had to visit Fairview for an answer
to hit query.
At the Subsequent interview "the
particulate_ were arranged --2a - the
mutual satisfaction " of the parties
concerned, and Teddy returned to his
rooms the happiest man in the county.
Be' yesterday, it seems to him,
He waited underneath the dim
Light of the parlor chandelier
For her to oome. And then her de tr.
Sweet voice called to him trout the stair,
And said : "Sweetheart. I'li noon Its
there !"
Bat yesterday–vears after, yes–
He ',tumbled boom in vague dearest
And wearied to the vary soul.
Again her voice a greeting soot
Thai filled. bun with embera.seeeot.
1t said : " Brtag up • pail of coal I"
fast time &e.----'-
Wassail" is, 6 into her eyes.
And, dumb with love, reached for her
To try to mike her understand.
They hawed by the large front door.
As they bad often done before
But p•r.'rrday–one he forget!
He oh*ibed the ,tops, fattened and wets,
And glad to lave the muddy street,
Aad she stood on the frost -door .%T -._
_And wremasmdr---ie••-te.eats sharp aced
shrill :
" Why don't yea oris jser dirty feat r"
How They Fade When the Hand of Disease
and 1)s ,rder Lays Hands on Theta --
What a Godsend is . Ratisble and Wall -
Tried Remedy–How we Hail the Retero
of the Pink of Health Under its Widows
–It hie Good for the Maiden, it's Good
for the Mother.
•' My daughter had been ailiov for nearly
two year, from nervous prestratioo, indi-
gestion and other oomplaiats which girls in
their teens are snbiect to. For days .t .
time she was confined to her bed end could
retain nothing on her stomach. Our family
physician finally declared she was in a de-
oline. We despaired of her recovery. fibs
gradually grew worse. 1 had foetid so little
benefit from remedies 1 was skeptical about
trying South American Rotolo*. I, bow- THF STATEMENT OF A LADY WHO
ever. prooured a bottle and relief came like
magic ; the Hain left her in • day, and after
taking five bottle* she was completely cored
.nd as well and hearty as ever she had
been " Mrs. Geo. Booth, Ocangsville. Oat
:fold by J. E. Davie.
•$OT'CORN. ••
Livery man kaows enough w les well
enema *lona The dtttioalty is that no one
knows whom • Way Is well esoegh. t t
ladies Agent–Weil, what de you want
now r
Poor Lo-- W ape to chane pony for pike.
Ugb !"
.. But yon said she sang beautifully."
" No, 1 dtde'1."
" *bet did you ay r
'• I std she wase beautiful singer."
Speaker --My fallow citizens I' am 'peak -
fog to posterity!'
Vutoe !rum Audieoos--Aad if yin det.'1
soca flat through tbeyil'b e."
•' I'll be awful glad when I am aid Soongh
so do .. I please, aid Willie
"On, oerteiuly," said his lather- •' Aad
about ea sono as you get to ihat age, you'd
Net marriod."
Father–My son, di. you know that most
of the riob men ot today began poor !"
Small Son–Yea
Father–And yet, yet, inroad of saving your
passim, yoaap►ed them.
Smell Son–Yes, father. Mien 1 start in
life I wool to begin poor.
A remarkable temperance sermon was
that delivered by • mast in Ireland which
ooaoinded with tide oouviooing etaNmsnt to
his flock : '• What makes ye skeet at ver
tebdlords! The drink ! lays. Aad cabal
makes ye mos thin ! The drink ! '
A.–Didn't I hod you five henry skein
en steatite age?:
B.–Well, it you oso't remember a Wag
like that, you cite acareely expect me to jog
year memory.
Pat Him Right.–A clergymen says : " I
000e married a handwrite }owe oonple, and
as I took the bride by the hand et the close
of th. ceremony and gave her my warmest
aoorratnlattors, etre tossed her pretty head,
and, p01000g W the bridegroom, replied–
•' I thick be is the cue to be oowgretu-
lated „
Two Years of Bladder lormeot–Had kt•
tacks of Inflammation–Cured by a
Beta of Modell Kidbey Pills.
Owes Sowed, June 14 (epeoial)–Tbe per
pie of this town ere talking mai. of another
are credited to Dodd's Kidney Pills. This
1e the oaks o1 Mr.- W. erne, bsretaker of
town buildings, who, when sego, had Ora to
say of the matter :–
" For over two years I had beim as in.
sufferer fres kidney dreams and 000e-
aeets attacks of tr ilammatton of the
" Waa ander doctors' treatment and I
have been compelled to resort W instrument-
al relief stat times.
" I bare' taken eighteen bores of Dodd's
Kidney Pule sod am satisfied with remits,
befog pet fatly relieved of all suffering."
a. Ls int Lam weeds el Asks
bus a Ire Tort tedy ter
"I would haft add my testimony to
that of others wbo have used Ayer's
Pills, and to say that I have mime them
for many years, and always derived the
bat results from their use. For stom-
ach and liver troubles, and tor the cure
of headache caused by these derange.
mento, Ayer's Pills cannot be equaled.
n my ideals oak me what is the
remedy for disorders of the stono
let. liver, or bowels, my invariable
answer 1s, Ayer's Pills. Taken in sea•
e on, they will break up a cold, prevent
L grippe, check fever, and regulate the
digestive organs. They are easy to
take, and are, Indeed,.the best all-round
family medicine I have ever known."–
Mrs. MAT Joanrsor, Z>m BJdg[ Avenpa,
New York City.
NiglitsM loners at World's Pair.
>l � ahs al Mud aiji.L
It was before en Irish trial patios : TI e
evtden,e was all in. sod the plaintiff's at-
torney had made a long, eltgn• a: tad 1r ile-
al argument Tben the deteedest'e alto
ney took the floor. "Whar'e you dotsg r'
asked the justice, as the lawyer began.
" Going to pre« s1 one side of the Dame "
" I don't want to bear both sides srgoed.
it has a tindinoy to confuse the court" So
the defendant's Swyer sat down.
Always velli ye,
Teacher–Now. children, the letters oe
the black board, s -d -v -e -r -t -l -s -e -m -e -n -t
swam something wbiob has always been,
is every and will be published in every news
paper and every mesere° in this country.
What lit!
Smart 492 loom. the
mot eila iso joke, I think.–pfipkliatfo.
ran Cannes May
Where Nerviline– pain ours ---Is tea.
Composed of the mast powerful pain subdu-
ing remedies known, Nerviline Dever fails to
give prompt relief in rheumatism, neuralgia,
cramps. pais in the back and side, and Ohs
Bost of painful &Me otions, internal or mater-
nal, arising item infi.mmetory aotitm. U. -
equalled for .11 serve Alas.
A Glerions Oppernall/•
A middle aged man with what appeared
to be a load on bis mind, visited as sortie
seedmer and seemed intermit in what he
1 say, he said to the offioer oe desk, I'd
like to go 0o the next expedition.
It's awfully mid up there, remarked lm
ofoer discouragingly. '
I don't oars about that-"
" You'd have very little to eat and stn
have to starve"
„ That woslda't be pissiest." said the
rialtos. •
, i should say nit," se/erned the dikter.
"and you might be eat.sby year oomred's.'
" la that se ? Theo would be distinctly
And thea,', ooatinned the effiesr, " yes
wouldn't ea. your wife tor three years end
possibly longer. You keow you *wet Mike
her with you "
' Well," returned the gestlesiaa, "after
a leng tease. I think you oar put tie dews
on your books. Your last argument oap-
lured me."
Raked by Pain, Red -Ridden, Life Despair
ed of–South American Rheumatic Cats
was the Good Angel W blob 8tAiled the
Tempest end Piloted Solely late the Har-
bor of Health.
" I was so troubled wain 'Walden that at
titres the pale sad emeering 1 .xperie.oed
was etereeteUog. I tabled is Mab fo ►t.soet
a sbadew. I was almost oontieuelly in hod
Inc over a year, and I had spent hundreds
of dollars 1• dootering. 1 had almost given
op hope of • oars. A relative whir had hew
oared of the wee disease by Reath Auseric-
au Rheostatic Care, twinned net to try it.
The firs dose gave my testaet relief. Altar
wing three battles I was completely sued.'
William Marebatl. dw.y P,O..Oat.
Sold Sy J. 1 Dais.
))�fi1a mull a greN- dad of hair-dreseice
bel was hr M ►ave sit 'Kw
hese M Mhi the market. 11 Ayers
11191r Vigor had bete ebtainatde Mee, deed1-
Ies.hs world have tweed its merits, as es
dilMageldral teed feuhitest& peepls
NAUSEA AND vormso–Colernrartow,
grur ole TOid•OWin.
From Le Omelets. Seal, Que.
Dyspepsia, sod kindred disease* of the i.
a apes are bewaring starnitslftr"V
allot among the people of all aloes, sell
it ie ate to env these there are few ills sillct-
Ing mankind produetive of more real misery
than indigeetie . IV'.!. said ltbas hapni-
nem and a good digestion go band In bad,
Lad the etbsment oonaias more truth than
has been generally admitted. It may be
Wel, said, therefore, that e medicine that
will ogre drepeats is • blessing to mankind
a promoter of human hangmen whose good
work oennot be too widely knows'. Such
to the opinion of Mrs. P. Loonier, ot Sorel,
Quo-, and it is because of this that ebe gave
the following steteraeet to . representative
of Ica 8orelois. " For tome thee past," she
said, "I had been suffering from . malady
that at first 1 avid not define, but which
proved to be a severe attack of dvepepia,
After each moil 1 felt . sensation of ever
fulinese, even when I had eaten most spar-
iarh, This tailing was a000mpanid by
severs penes in the region of the
stotn.oh,. sod freque*tiv by nausea, and
seesitlm.. vomiting, Censtipati le followd
whish added to my miser.'. In the Marvel
I ssff.r.d from fever and slight be.denbe,
.ed bseame generally indisposed. At times
the pain in the stomach was lee* severe.
My appetite was leaving me, I bad no tarts
for anvthiuv and at this stage my intoe.
Allred. resistant meager of " Le Soreloe "
urged me to try 1)r. Williams' Pink Pill.,
at the ante time seeing ase to read aa se.
tiole in that paper which related to the ogre
of a proms Waded, afflicted. 1 was skew
tide and did not believe the pills would
help me, bet a few weeks later I re -reed the
artiole sad decided that I would try Milt
medicine, and I have snoh reason to be
pled abet 1 did so. 1 took a ample of De.
Williams' Pink Pills after each meal sad
little by little perseived that my digestion
was becoming mon sant. I oeatitoed the
use of the pills for a little were than a
montb. ted have pimanrs t. Mather that
Ste ears N complete- At my age (66 vein)
we greatly appreciates being able to solos
re's mall, and I ht.w the d.v I begs to
ea Dr. Williaam' Piak Pine, .ed I seem.
reemm.esnd them to nth., e.fferera
or. Wllliama' l'itk Pills dire indigestion.
rheumatism, nenralata, lceoiaetmr an dal
At Vitus' duo., nervous headache, ..ad
penetration, Masao' of the blond, sees as
scrofula, ebronio ervnplas, and restores
pale sad .allow oemplexfoas to the glow of
twKh. Thev are a spoof& for ell Use
Worthies po eltar to the f.iee1. asx, aped fr
urea aura all arss adobe fres wctre, else.
grab, eV (itemises Ae1dbv all absolute sad
8. Dr. Witliates' Mediate.. CA.. Rreektlle,
Oet, s.1 Me per hoe et six Deane fit $2 fie.
Thies are t.uttariee pills eelergd pink
o utcast whisk the radio w warned. The
getanlas pills are pet up la bract, the wrap -
pr sensed whisk tsars the fall trade wart"Do. Williesed NIA .
Dail PIM he )!s.1. Pavia
Papa–' Sine qua non,' mean something
you meant ds without,"
Little Freak–Ob •I £ wheel !
–eevn W aunt- -,
t ethttlkg ' 8 A
For' Dinner'!
u on do, go to the City Mee
and ren will end that
We oar satlaty the moot taste sin MOM.
our pr .01t everybody. W. have swag
thing in the Neat line.
Fresh Meats
Spiced Meats
Cooked Meats
t;urer' Meats
Smoked Meats
Prepared Meats.
and every kind of Seung. made. See
Btsoild Line If you have not yet toe to
the Cur Meat M.rket, do not fart to call and
give oar apse el boarder display your inspec-
A. S. C H I' Y'8TAL,
8ece sects OIlg0ldAaC
atatafnetarer of WI Wads m - - - _ -
Stroke Stacks, Balt Pans, Sheet Trot,
Works, etc., eta,
Aad Dealer ln–
ifagln.., Machinery Castings, Re.
Ml sizes of Pipes sad Pip. FitlMgs,
Steam and Water O e res Glebe Votves,
Cheek Valve*, Iaspirames, Bloaters sad Ia-
jeot.rr Ccastanely ea Hand .t Lowes'
A spooned line of Steel Wank sad Reg.
Troughs for use of farmers asketbillt,
Repairing erewpty attended to t
Alb 16111111171TA.L.
llhtp. %Aim Oodmrtm.
Cartago & Fuel Co.
are prepared to handle Beg -
'gage Freight and Household Ef-
fects with Dispatch at reasonable
rates. Dealers in all grades of
and Smithin* Coal
Wood and Kindling
out to suit customers and delis
eyed with promptness. Orden so-
Tdsphon. oily
;C. a F. Co.
3, g, herr, D. 0.'S'ra*nwi.,
Msaspe, lBeortleaty
Summer is here;
no oe prepared to meet it with s
good Rat or Osp whbn it cots
We have put to stock all the Lund
Styles of Spring
which for (-uality and pl'ioe aunt be
equalled. In stook are numerous s1
eortments ot the latest In
O. R.SHANE &Oe. yo -
The reliable Hat mad Furnishing humorists
.. C0
always on hand. The Best
and only Scraton Coal in this
market. Hard, Soft and Black-
snith__Cosl always on hand. All
Coal weighed on the market scales,
so that you are sure of Good
)Tosser. ell.
3AilZB & LIZ'S Stere.
New Goods and Best Valuee
in the Tailoring line at the
old -established and reliable
Weet-st Emporium. Satisfac-
tion gnaianteed in Quality
Style and Price.
been eatabifabad too shy dM
a stal4IYs esrvise with tar tr/ pi
tasat ion
1 is raaawi •.fradn.s insane sad la
the resines of es pattens.
II newel. nus of dyer/ p�sdedsaoo who
Missaconasistbie• ls lslb gitaoaell 11Lids
sat enlist
1* tamed state., (a mesa stns
Meet through enrol » W U
ltorthwe*tttrittsh011atatta OssM
01110e-8ontb S1de 'IY.st-M,
Ills Maaegsr Asearteli
are neoesary to mMikind, tMa bade
mileh more so are they to the b*sr
part–woman t As they ars as nods`
easy you shank' Dee that what yon est
are geed, thus awing in cash sad
health. Thtware or Oranitisrallr
bought from us is always good, and as
the latest inventions are always
added to our eboek a better Pelee**
cannot it. [candle Canada.
STOV S Aon rumi*cS w. woo
the tl1s111
oegpiete l Stones sad V11/1b.
sass la the Oasany.
_ •