HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-6-10, Page 8• sea or (tip •'ariealher.... Gloves Nothing looks eo natty as a nice Shirt Waist oar selections are from the Latest Patterns in ¥uilins and Prints SEE OUR RANGE at 50c worth 75o. at prices never before'thought possible : but our CASH BASIS does it All Silk, Lace Mitts, Black and Color, 11c Perfection Tipped Silk Gloves, Black and Colors, worth 50c, for 30c. Hosiery ` Hermsderf Dye, worth -=6e fee 17e..., .. Assorted Tan, d o ableaek, worth 25c for 17e. Miitrnery: BIG LOT Or LADIES' HATS BOUGHT CHEAP Our Nev Prices' for this week will he : A range at 5c each, worth 15 to 25e A range at Rbc, worth 25 to 50c A range at 20c, worth 35 to 60c. • SEE OUR HAT WINDOW Any Hat in it at lesa than wholesale price. -S.a;...; CASH.AND ONKiRI DNLY+ GODKRIOH. ONT., TSi7 Y JUNE _ 10 189 w, .liftant_ COT.�O �$ Qs HURON'S GREATEST AMONG the many .niters who anw the home team vanquish Varsityon Friday was a merohent from Clinton who saiu he smiled and shook us by the hand, " Well, one would suppose by the placarded fronts that the storekeepers of Goderich wanted to jump their job. HE' WAS A WISE MAN. We endeavored to defend ourselvesby saying " There are Others"; and we are among thoee who are not looking fora purchaser at a discount. The buyer of this business mast be armed with a good sized premium. We keep our business in a business -like shape, so that good will would mean something to the purchaser. The mute appeal of stock, old enough to be pensioned for the space they've oc- cupied. the frantic efforts to unload witb ao little latitude to work on has made matters'deeperate. Meanwhile, we awing along at the same easy gait as in the past 3 years, giving the beat value that can be of- fered by responsible and legitimate business firms. We don't mind the others. This week we sell $1.25 Kid Gloves for Glia pr. " " 31.00 " 480 pr. " 75c. e' SS350 pr. Yd. and a half wide Chiffon in Black, Pink, Nile Oream and White, regular 75e. for b0e. yd. Yard wide White Cotton, worth 10e. for .... ,y___ tr. 40.- yd. Blouse Silks,-rtigii err 40 and 50e yd. for 1 17}n yd. American Cbahies. - .;., 8}c. yd. American 'Prints , L.,.., Bic. yd. ' erican Zephoe Gingham., worth flit. for 9c. yd. ladies Belts. worth 30 and 35c. choice for .. ... 174c. • R- B- SMITH_ C. W. ANDREWS, Manager. SMITH BROS. & CO. MoLEAN'S BL001-S.. NEWSTOPERANK ' sldporttttt Events in Few Words FOr Busy Readers. Tb. na.r World's lappe.Usp eanhllr r..a.tied sad Pat Into Rawly sad Attrartly. Naps r.r I. Lad.rs .r ear Passer -A 1.11d •..r'$ L.1.1s.SI it rameraN$ IalOrm.tl.w- POLITICe-IMPERIAL. tIt is reported that the Dublin alder- men at their coming meeting will elect Mr. John Redmond, the i'arnellite lead- er, Lord Mayor of Dabble - EUaIN1ta�. Mr. W. Molaon Macpherson has been elected President of, the Moieties Bank --le secced the late Er. J. lit- R. Rotate. The Council of the Loudon Board of 'bade has passed a resolution opposing -the Dell 'Telephone Compliers applica- tion to the Government for permission to Mersin their rates. st1ICIDEs. Dr. D. J. Rain, whose home was in . Paisleeyy rt'ecnnmitted suicide at the Jeffer- son RoteF-1letroit. Mrs. Edmonds of Port Rowan, Ont., committed suicide by sbopting herself through the body. A ten-year-ola boy in Berlin committed suicide *mese his sister was given a larger piece of cake than he got-' PURELY FRKSONAL. It is said George Goold tele go,to Eng- King CNulalengkorn of Mem. arrived 1n. Rome, and 'was met by Hing Ham - Sere 'whrrse guest be is.'The-welt day be will resit the Teeple. The Berlin public were excluded from the great spring parade ea the 'lem- plehot, and in consequence the Emperor was Mote{ on his was to the parade. RAILROAD E131M1LINOS, Tbe Winnipeg Board of Teeter passed a yee.olntinu objecting to meta* features orthe (.row's Nest agreement. The arrantwjp�rcent with the C.P.R. eon - (terming the OTb�w's Nut fans Railway Rae was announced at the Liberal cue ens at Ottawa. The boons is 111,000 a mina Premier Greenaway in ap Interview at Winntpee expressed his cenvtetioo Abet the Winnipeg and Du hth Railway Mehl My. and that eonaidevabh' Ameriesn traffic weed he devoted to 4lnnedie■ territory by Its construction. ru L IT1 OtI-CAIt A U t A ls. The preliminary objeetions to Rt, Benifare election case were allewMll, and tbet petition dismissed. gid Rilbord Cartwright is a busy man .._ ati-teanbt He is Mtoiater of Tree* and 4 n ti gmidttAi of -tie 1!ielis i - las 22fepenter. It is stated that a dediion bas been reasb.d by Mgr. Merry del Vali retard leg the [attire attitude of the ftithoflc e deslastiral authorities toward Use =Robe sebonl taw, sad that all bom- b the law on the part of the Cath- olics will soon cease, TRE RELTOI•UI WORLD. Last 8aada wan erdination den in most of the Mctbodist Conferences.. The annual ennvention of the i)ace:dem of Ontario is is session at St, .Thomas. Tire American *shops of the Epiaco- et1 Church left New York on Saterday fior London, to attend the Lambeth Con- ference. l7hri0t Cbnreh, Ottawa, bas teen pent - ed into a cathedral. Arohbtahop Mach - ray, Primate of Canada. s nd Bishop Hamilton took pars In the eeremony. t oprmieaioner Ara Booth of the &Rea- dmit Army, stationed nt Toronto, accom- panied hy the bieyele *bade, visited MAMMMns, and le hnlding .peeial services. POLITICA VORR1fl . 01 .J Faure visit trove Paribus a the et Judy to .fait t►. Orate is '•a burg. ace•tttal of Hen vee Thank the etfbYileett or tit Sottas areret polite -Wilfred/0e letteraellowe ,te kMtedefeat or A retain. the teietey for I* Premier. Sonet (heves ilsst s, 4• teedseeA to tb p irleae lettn eb list ^»t the Qabla.t Mreatsed ie anerrickg, tbe Mlidebr a ev- rue a► view ee the P.sMaa Is.ue"aas► ation caned by the refusal of tbe Liber- als to take part in the deliberations nt the Cortes. The resignation was see cepted. Later. matters were reconsid- ered and Canova. was restored to power. FOR WEN Or WAR. The sea armistice was signed in Ath- ens on Saturday by the Turkish and Greek delegates. The Cape Legisietive Assembly has unanimously adopted a proposal to con- tribute towards the maintenance of the Im rial nary. Japan bas ordered a battleship of 11,090 tons burden to be built on the Clyde. She will be a duplicate of tbe British ship Jupiter. Alarming news has reached Saliabnry, Matabeleland, of the movements of the Insurgent Maahonas. Tbe town of Bally - booty, twetve miles away, is surrounded by armed natives. Hattie Michele' as chief of the Cretan lnanrgenta, hes issued a proolamatiou ceiling npotl the Cretan In elect a gen- ernl assembly. to resume their ordinary everyday relations, and tp res wet the lives and property of the Mussninn.nL ORDER AND CRINIJIAL$. Wst. Deiane mita sentenced to five years in the Kmitaingston Peninestistry at OraMevine vee his coonectioe with the M,J•nothon anon case. Jolcph Maloney of Grantham Tows - ship ia in tete St. Catharines hoagitsl suffering from a genabot wound in- flicted .hy hie father in a queried. Tb. father boee been ermined. The son of the Rev. fo"u7r (hbewwIae known e. the PdnZe Mr1inft Letter Weaves," whe.e ,,1���y were exposed lel the minions Of +ra.w,- attempted to horsewhip Mr. Labse- The menet, Gabes, who tweed Moe. R. R. i)ohefrs name on a olwwk tet P00 - recently, was endeared by JawUbe- veto in the Quebec Ponee elotvt to ten years In penitentjjarr. Gatlin was re - e ently Massed f3roriil penstsoijep' weer. he. wild vs+ . a lefln foe WPM I te- THE oveatiii DAaIeetis .srmaa. e. TT�iltee.. King of Btaare wbo . W. eel► in itcine. i. on has way to Idngliend I. at- tend the jubilee ctwemoniets Mr. Leerier snits? from New York en batarday en heard the Leeman to attend the Qnetet's dfamera }eb0er. Wellington Openly Omani bas tabled a mess a to Her Ma the Queen Anew the jubilee prt ber bag teen.e naming of Great Brttele los bee. atm - gelded. • The two antes offered as tats- atttnees see Wilseland and je•wiaeyltla. The imbibe sadeeea b the Quetta was gamed in the Renee .f Onamons, Mr. i Tier and Mr Charles pyper a titieg 4e neir tribute to Ds Majesty's many virtues. Ha Manatee Sous el Senthrnd will light a bnndre nil thei metettein brew on tee is* of Jnoe 22ed, end will mere ;►ha Ants. The departure of the Cssesdtan lobe lee ceefeepvt mons Quebec hy. the tl/eamer Vhneosver was withstood by For Divers Reasons .. . The a' very day snit that a sae wears. to be comfortable in, to be busy in, the suit that he is seen most in, should be a strong. good -fitting, well made. substan- tialsuit, in a style of cut see 1.bdc that it up to the tiled*. This does not necessa- rily mean en expensive suet. It means one of Sborey'a Ready Made Salta. which are guaranteed in every respect by este of t lair guarantee cads in the pocket. it it darn um turn ont as guaranteed bring It beck and get your money refunded elo other maautactutet of Ready -Made Clothing nest ettt gerer. Ask else, and see that you get Sbotey's melte t ss sting a precipice to the roma and tee 200 feet below. Conrad °Mabel, a painter, jumped oil a moving train near Aivinstna, Ont.. out Saturday. ilia tread struek the roil or ties. and was oriented in, the in ales proving fatal two hours A man named Osborne. aged 24, who was with a reedy of five awn from Kira• berle Eup a Township, Oat., was drowned in a deep bele a floe river at Meatord while fishing lir mallet John Milne, an .oejatant engineer at the American Rattan Coopaaj s factory in ,Toronto, was fatalty scalded and (*eked by -Obelus fro mistake seine Sold water to run no hot nibs. ?be steamer Hall and the tog fair :lec- tor, both owood by tbe Ottawa Forward- 4lespaary, melded is the Ottawa , neer Hig Day. est Wedeesday logit. The tug be at the bete► n of tine river, and the Hall is badly damaged. Ne uvea were lose U` OLAtelTItt:D. 'MY. Gabbier'-flaltee Ware won tide 11M -We cantle! in Reath* tin rotate fish t1eIerwosks and systems. Boma 'noOttato wa Selwyn oil Critter, M /raeheergtbrs �s CSkristltte •Tie teetuner Itinnn. with the Hod- donBety expedition, has salted hamAMTbe Ohio Enppgeqvs1pe Omen has deelated the law oneorstiritSnelil which last Win- ter tnI the Torten apstean of re- eesdisg d tines. Ti. tuition Ineetrn( of the Siestetallic L llejle wale bele to Maaehea%t ?be reParl- talk.a _Dem. view_.1 _tre- T he Winn' e** Ciente?' has made s pr ret qt 0, *wards a fend to be raised gee trsethife of a wing to the hospital to be knew.n es the Vieneria wing. • A cable menage Pre.n TeelE *, throes* n New ]fork ehmuable D pa es are mat twin a cable Despatches are set naked for by the aa1 Per'ltassent- ary �n m gOrs Is heels* they 'roue!' floe Prince of Wails bad a knowied/e d the Ineeaddil Jameson 'reed. r WWI 1111* re. ?par* ew $u s tailor asset •esewean Iswd.a. Ottawa, lane a.-tepeetal.)-A..IAt the eteen sal harm* el a targe iml -tit- preaeetative a0114vlag at the ending de- pot this ate le}ao bostreal trate Mean- t/ qeeaam- t/ oat. beaded tis parolee and .thionic leerier and pat s bend for t1�sed to atthe /WOW* to t4,Iti�a. ecdtes of Ott t ettta.aa, ochidi 1( C*b [net 6Nntstetm, members and Senates, bra iAd Me lsetemi*t went�r 10 bid adios tg ¢tLyda'a repr easaln i bet ser 1. stosaands of people, and the aslant ooldlert wear wtsttir *beefed. A remittalna g *fins the Irtdi to abstain from taking part in the (Al- mond jnbiim of Qaeee Wit -fork inns carried at the anneal meeting et Ate I.rtah National League of Omit Ennis, held et-lilaaceretee THE »LAD. Lieut. -Out. of L.odan k deed. Me. Thomas merchant, and ter several years nliage clerk, M Rol- land Landing, 051, le dead. seed 67. The sixth anniversary of Si* death of Bit John M.r ier,ajd wee observed at Kiogeton. the hate chieftain's Brea be - log deorated with mneb eeevmoey os Sunday. Mr. J. H. E. Mobem's was pro- bated at Montreal. and et an eatM. of *boot $2'.000,000, div smug relatives and friends, Glyn a omnber of beet:mete to ppu�ttt,ee lastittltigs, todeding 190.000 to McGill U■tforeity. Tbe =rated, . Pburias rwwbd 01venny of Wet l 68 w.. evtabrated, le eAesresaee telt► tisk Meal cannot. by the veteran ed Tomato cad identity. who placed Masai bdbs* on the tortnenient he Qae.'s �tntteeled ihe k'g1M M rummy of es awn w lour Mere lean how hes Ili le tb. it oem s& letpa • Pete rLuisa t elssh wka. Oerite; -ri e, waited` -r betty torr to their d.pantere Ron 1. 115 e i Minted lime Iter itt t ata t Lady Mat ase r or r safe journey. As the mala tied set tram the Patios the Premier me ¥me. Lauder homed their artapwledgetaatrts for ti. enthusiastic sendQ y the may pee let• CREAT CASH DRIP GOODS SALE; NOTE THE FOLLOWING REDUCTIONS. DRESS 10008 ssa eye Asn 18c $1,00 for 706 20e. " 160 1!}0. for • • • • . les 86e. •' 6bc 12c. ,. ye 7 a 550 SHIRT WAISTS. loc. " "'" 84 666e. " 47c 1.86 for ...... 1.05 FAST BUCK NOSIEEI 60c. " 45c 1.115 "ba l0a lla Iia I y 1.00 65c. " 88o 85c. " 600 se. 50e. " 89c 75c. " 80c 20e. 15c., worth sp 60e. " ... t...374e We" 45e per cent. more. 40e. 80e 65e. for 450 39c. a 80e 50c. " 40c 36c. e 8710 30c. " 22}c PRIM All Wool Cashmere hose, 20c., fast Ruga, Jap Matting and Igo black. Curtains. Gloves in great variety and very White check muslin at wholewM cheap price. CARPETS --Best stock in town of Prices to suit theard bbliss, all kinds -Oilcloths, Matting Are not going out of business yet but mast led** as, dock. 00L130RINT _ ER08. PBR J. ZEE- OOI.BORJ:TB, The Great Cs.pett Warehouse of the County PAINT YOUR HOMES -v Paint them inside, paint thus Osie aide. Paint will preserve tits It will make them look better. Use the right kind of paint_ THE SHERW/N-W/LL/AMS PAINTS -- H `, ere the right kind. i --- right, tear r are -a, sad they bright- There is JNERWII-WILL/AIS PAINT for every purpose -not one paint for all purposes, bat a special paint for Paint for your beadiegr, paint for yourodors. paint for pin e. Paint �t i gloss, paint without a guru --just the right Ideal for anything yO° paint. Oar bodkin, " Pared Mets." tens all about k. It 1. free -meld for & lady. For booklet, address 19 St. Antoine Street, Montreal QUEEN'S JffBILEE! CLINTON TUESDAY, JUNE 22 A Dav of General Rejoicing 1 ORDER OF PRO DINGS 1 1 a.m.-Parade of (*.tea Bras Baal to de- pot to welcome vetivers 006 athlsdo wale. 11 a.m.-Open air 00a0.1 bp Neuter Bitch sad Chains Bran Haydn as tee Market 1e a m.-- Reese. Pargeo of then Dater, Boyo' 7.hesa 8 a.tes.colum pWheal aa.Clubs, Borsesm /stemma and Mem, Chaos, eta -the gr.ateat ma -truly over a ma tense NgbPt ! 11 an. - Hsvi.w of Boy. RsttaA..1 1n command of cwt. Cosset In an= et Sante. 1 m. -Parol. of Banda. AlktsMe alms, W heat mw, era. to Pana 1:1bknd.- Bruneqil.. karma f ad1s, -Lt lie, bad eS60 : 1 t f le - ba N. ted 9l set M el N. Weir ; Course. J. JlieLian: w Clerk 1:E p m.- Lookers se. Diana : Real" r. B. lbseatedit. Par'kor=Partello Troops is etnaolat Ptathra s� aTre bone h t.t ' !vs idh •, aetGa�sdlaeaat W Pastimes Ws -The -Distaaser 'Pelle T. Kilrtar Bros. macaw Deasiep- lot genie leovAtty. =pray Diagram : Wee Wrai sed bis daughter. Mrs Booboos s.ln�� 1016 Tuesday etgrniing a:a fear thrsegb Milssla sed Dakota.! FLBM888, ATT$ITTIOIT I HEMLOCK BARK WAITED At RODERICK TANNISQ. W 70, te. Bigh.st Prins, toot Cash. . . CATTLE EROS. Plumbers fiteara- -Fitters • •glia••-� lees. steel tr e�atU/. Bohm! 6.. osuwsta.ti y 0101.. Trap 8..1 i9at "I. Rot .a wiesua : Sp.haw. Umpire. l Peelle ools, s ter* •Re 6 f+ala Ode V*rns 014 tort berenie l ligeold, Tal Ver. - Drily Dorfsues, et M Mss1r. DriPatkoFles Br�al etc PA1.AaitrA 'oi' //vera, 1saeersg d "el et neeloal i>rerpm/M,tra6tl miens of Mr- John Hada At tbe does nt the even * goat =Mood J dice Roo S la trod a Jubilee the Par I t g0 home without Nat1O. NMI MOIJI ARTLE'8 ART Rerr10 will los open s11 day and evua Amsip Orand el.nd res., pyg�e -sae a ere to see mad hoar. Dead* ea by Bayne' C testil ern Deli yls i+..ryettgtl �Llt J. P. D0>sl f bonq.et Q son doderleh Celetweries„ July IML dC5,roeght gnsd wtabns tog teats 11x..1- 1waelnl'lCa t ti.l Wi��b•..: W. J. Memos lett w Tbars&y last for Rewe, Col. Tbs r e p.rty of hie dammed sone, Mr. naming - tea i le be acid and our teineessais �S gess Wen to leek attar be Manse, in Es Pmts. COMMON SENSE ... HURON BICYCLES HAMILT ON -ST: are favorites wherever they "are UM: Aak anyone who rides $ Commit $Russ or Hoeoie and they will recommend it. Our Sulky Wheels are aka favorites with horsemen others. AU kinds of repairing done et the foundry. Henderson Bicycle Co. (.) QODICRIOE Attempt to weseete a tones. Leec of , Jane d.-1VMM Yr. iieary Labotiehere, the editor oil Thal. and member 01 Parliament fer Motthampten, was on his way from his resident. to the Hone of Delano* to -day, a youth man *vested kion an attempted to as- sault the editor with a btraewhee it ticnaitprd_ that the assailant was the son of tilt Rev. George Brooke other wise buses as the "Prtnels of Iiegg(n4 Letter Wrings," whose dstnp were powrd earis the entente et Trelb. Brooks, wbo was foelp s Metbellet Fenton, M sal4 to have Minden! the sten ol il0. Ise with!. • period td eve years ()W- ein Ministers, Deins.� g r 6. lenses b o. (k- rottnrl of the RNA Atdnhirbeptm (k- ronor, er_ edentate sad. It i w to W1asr Waldorf �. ertrreeMtad ee � r�islb sendLeir is morning 11 to pet 11 very woad. essed Nib a Does* bet ever iMenstereeden Pens Jose atrca --* of Wall Paper Before you begin wont Spring House cleaning, eall and see db stock of Wall Paper. Latest Tints Latest Shades Latest Desiarea. Suitable for Libsarfee, Hills, Parlors, Dining -Rooms, K144.0a, eta, with Borders and Oda* W match, from 5o np. All new. This season's goxis h'• iOids ,narked in *ill elturia - °fiat_ WATSON ' shin) Irllnr)RAm*. sWeteth e,fisrlie1rrtlii DAVISON 8i.00. ii VP -TO -DATE MARDWAIE 1 have • Tan Ason.sat of the tollewfast �, winners lads sl es W mar komeet prime with GQQD GOODS Lawn Mowers Lawn ashes Garden ask.* 4107416144611 PI . Bpsdes and Mactsrels Picks - Screen Doors Soreeo Windows Screen Win Oloth Poultry Netting • Remmooks Glue -Urged Tackle Gue-Iaar*e.t sametmest i 'jetty Mate in revel. NOTEp FOR 0008 �iOOB. Howard Heater Buck's Leader n efrfak 1P'...4.6..6.119:D,IlJettirt F. 1 . Amit.