HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-6-10, Page 7TAE STGNA L : QODRIRICB Off'.• TgUR8DAY, JITI4 E 10 1897 pj!ERS ON PIGS.. ings sed roll Tea ltailtmS, ..ab le by P. W. Isar e mer .d pawvMM' stethsMN gn. is retest slides d Vestes t . pep man is WNW se W pewee on thin we4fiba 140 te 99O reeds. Isb•R Was and deep in the Ades. with Incas, and lean' peahen have Mee asking she a this ons.. et hop for scow years. I mr g • to say s ey are mese es with Mosso U is an rural to take a 10Q le 180 i.p la whleh there will o orsr halt a dens .mieotna. is o the s how sn, bewever. • .amber ef hog 1•w os the melte' who either de sot wood whet the oistheraly es since . ere of or, which are saleable only 51 mach TM die mad for heavy pork N lmtd with what t► was yet,. •Re, The lumber and mica fpwed mawn ai refirag meth liftiktla ne pr. • M bane. The `rat bulk of the Ca - as Made dense•A {eau meats, and the sn wine almost surely don •o. fuser hat ady to week say sew. - e le see the dFasre.e• beteg made he- ✓ the pries of lean kap sad that foe tat Aad ye. curse this dieeriminutiou iW oempeembe the packer be the M- oos in prbe of the produce wee pet oat lean asked agate ted.gsim what bleed ,og we prefer. To Wei Weald shy : any e Mat will torn see • ion egbby Ina boo log 160 to 901 MIA u six to eight AM •1d 0t ion feted W Tamworth and the Aped y.rksblre ls tenable Oben re- nown, YAW we euro feed .zoeUent ones wham gams amen are .sere teed to erste with them breeds. We sioly naiad have ma floe begs Wein Talavera sed 1mp.mv d Yeekehires net with the Baltabbe. t a braver bas pa[ehesed •me el either new breeds he __ made • geed sums reeds ream that Agin elms d hem. But beet bred beg most be wen tad and well ✓ 1 tr. II is deplorable M see she peer bee provided ter begs by Mme el ear wee. The bow Weld be w.semti We i well Iblbted. Pies beside mei deme ape •renheep.r Win es phonic V� set laws memainlandnet trouble Ion !M feed they •gees to keep the Mg wane whoa bs nW Mn • koala and straw Md M de Is tar him the bow should be divided Leto pons, se it the bop Ma be divided ap 1.M mull s. There all is ern se men begs in 'so lit these will sake more tikes their ere of the Nei Thine *said be plead by thenneI,s M gyve the weaker.' u Thee fa • read dm.1 d esedreeremy be- ▪ e 1l•• Ionia who teed masked and • e whe iiiir-maseesed glair M thew gat Thee herr must ride this pent pod Asst tree him or warmer. 1 .1d .ay it wound be Wad mere pras- e M knee the pig 'grottiest es.M.aomly m than of weeniest until be Is reedy fee s market, rather than Ilse oda shift for e melt for web. sad *boa seam hies feu teed to base bis fee tee f 1 hither at the prowl prime ter arae-ulem leo op there Weld be a end new el prod. the furm e. Grain te 'heap, Wanes s ehssp. •ad wine dsItybt is carried ea ire should bs a gesdnissd drove et Min- n haw brims a very high pries in t►n mush erre ea womb et els .zeelle. tvw. 1 stink tile ma] be pas down al - on altogether a rheM.d1. There the (mesas are oinked and led to tee pig with m•1 sad milk. Some farmers objets a nein hep In sessile with their dowry. This. I think. 1 a mistake. The h -pes am be kept Ise and odorless as welt as the mow -sable. I Meads apes the wry is is iookd atter y the termer himself. I have seen or Ws that U wet a piawre be leek We at I Wee was ethers he width N was • ds. me re :tk. m.w. 15 ▪ orli ;1iiiitahire. • Weenie t Pen raver. hem per merinos with Yorkshire'. as Diapered with all ether breeds. we Maned erase theyheatimpere ey, mat oely fee sale, but abs let ilk as e •wa anti fee U is Woody streaked with le .we 1M55 tow be proper - Meese Wee lea rase O•, opppmn les of be Yowls Walmesd will Rin yes nett rt. Appled every eight tee gree be eh eights ends our* is effected is the art etnbburn owe of blind, bleeding er Kohn' puem, 1)r. ARaew's OLelmeet ones enema ted all hailing and burning draw It mat like angle. b6 asses. Sold by J. 11. Dawn HOT CORN. Nothing be speak et. -Your notpihbor'e ageism. •' There ie . sed deal d " Msoh and o" *been the pate, lllla-I heard something row about you today. Bells -I thought you leaked pleased. They any very new asthma sleep mere than sena hour. • day. "Bas think how much. slumber they furn- ish other people 1 " This swat you have sow seems very nice and quiet. " Ob. yea ; she doesn't even disturb the dost when clown" up a ram. Toon--Now, hers is .a example in mortal &Ma►mwr. How old would • plat • e on be today who was born in 1868 ? Toesny-Paas, mem. was it a sea or • women ? - •' Small thanks to yea," said %be pl•Inett to or of hie witeemss, "for what you have laid ie this cam" AI, sir." replied the whams, "but lest think what I Mal say." wigwam nogg, lir WINT rain& The e•M.tttlo seedy of e.L f t Ise throw a new light epee deaas.1M p.thleme. National sdweios should races r dm per portions the scoop Mase whloh the n sIIT affords. gap deprtare treat ebb rale ime bring esspphe. And so we see kat in - eerie aaledinated andemm u4.os5•e W bees dMtendan t as *matey by deleted les roue people be seek Le tee NMM d the COMA Mato* the 000.psas.m for wok they have beta trained. Al lase the seam have taller treat the oyes of the pasp a. and the cry bee been .seised Mr .s ed.Ntle. imitable to ea serieeharal Bat, after ail V said WI dens.• store thea u well-brepestsmsd ea -airs d5 is .ie dolly athe Wean even. l 'soaks all bbl siert ; and w mese do sosMUag Is •eeeterao.th melee - ratpa of optimist's rade end the possibilities el silty Ute his ideas of social • nbars satd Mei world. The arednates Wools and whirl minor obaised M she public expense the means of keepl* body and seal together. They sorry it their heads their Nook -in -trade. Bat the eget- admiral modest most nurepaie • taw sad stook sod Implements before be w leeks an tndependene living. He starts M a dead - vantage. Whitt Una are we Se de 1 les se look ab other oesotriss, lar She drilling- to eto chis, is • world-wide problem. Ie le more that asys.ty.gve 715"M° siaoe Hol- ler!, to relieve bar oaossstad pople'•. Ares roes rrat.d her labor ooloalee leavossis le emoted.d fres ., s fume brink bloom o abbe d on emoted. for slob truly in the erre let is the labor ooleay. whore thi fam- ily mines fruit apd vent blw sod le employ ad by the Governesses to week oa the land. milts end d Am yams N. halt which show. that 15 mesas esm is alloweid M join tee tree tree They are gins a Weis farm. wbtob they pay for out ot their sav- ings. avings. ped (bus rat ems becoms propeitun• et the soil. The (lees•* Oovsr.meat, too. have woe with great sewn is their efforts at home edosisati•s-ie Premien Poland. The set. 'lore sr% sarstahy ssisoted from the mewl of applieasn mod are furnished with pro• vireo aotU *heir tams bonen esti•... mislay. Tbsy are sainted to pay the pare oo.t .h there plasm by • lees melee el ga- mest* eased** ever a d suay years. The story is pee►taby a system eI load bsake..Twe yeoman 68.000 awes lead base eetil.d Le title manor. sed •spll- bents were maim tar farces Nies er toe weeks. In Reused there are sweat native so- oner sad •sseci•tlowe engaged l the come work. They an s.ppatsd or waft pbllsstbropio psopla. winch p .baby se - eerie fee she tape than as far the Govern- ment hes (ekes so seep is this dredge Am•tnlr. le • mow easmfey like oar ewe. Bet as A.M.m4le•s are widm.•wska Three em• the Parliament d 8.01b atm - paid lee ♦tllsge Bettleeseat Bill setting sport aeetein public lards se the Murray River ter the me of ooloains. 11 also snared for an advisee of 8960 to cath .saber of the ooloey. The oolosbte are said ter resting the public land in eon- ditioe for reniewrt. Tb ezpery.aa of these sonatriss is very 'Unable Bus pre eotioa is batten than sere. b b mere statesmanlike to go te the root of the cell mad to team oceans et ear brews' sacs. whoa they are yoo.g. thea to alaapt to deal with city t•ilaro.. The idea ley be new. bet tt i. •beelet ty practical We have plenty of room lying le, Le both Oet de mad mew a1er W and we can Ree the me ill •myoes say that what Ms hese dors be Ger- m•oy.Hollesd and A.smtesll• swot bedews in Cannes ? Will any or say that yore re °sandier are lees 1IMIy Masted etre IM YNses- ites. or that we should be se.e liberal e foreigners thea be our Owe ? It the expense in pat famed as w objeotisa we ems e ply teal it is cheaper to oolosime mar farm- ers' sass tear M Wean them nes et the °emery. and then to se abasing eve te 1.sreps for foreigwn M All op their plasm, .mad every *my we firm will help to pro. vide oe landaus ter these who maws farm. What's We 1 bear you're gene le de fir -- mid • Soottlfa bib to another young wo- man. " Well, Harris, lees." was the reply, •• rat gonia re marry that term over there, sad 11ve in' the link temp on t0." Mistress (be wee; looking for • place) -Why dew's you thew year ref meson ? 4rvtas-Bowes I den's wish to r fkM e the Wrenn et the employers who .hasp Hark servers every f rtaigbt. " Why le a Mess mea like you fee f r M Abe. leaden, it is the only prdemf•e h. whlek • asauNrb or address • beautiful lady without the 1oemsllty of an ineroduo. Mee." " Nearly •(l Maple .t the seaside who wane wilt Mestere edvertits, " (Made- line sd. " Yea iwaldw wley ?' " Yea nab may Mont eon plays tee lllila•" "belt isms ssf$ M • WSW tisk- •' Yes : M 4.t.hed the day Were TOW- " Sh-don't a.d.st..d." " He Mid to sloe • wild breadth' Little Mamie- Mamma pep Ys. Ugh . Wad is . very superior Mete. What doss re mese ? Little *s5-1 don't Yell 'aotly, bat Mea Hlgh.Led ham travelled .ssiderably, mad perhaps she ot. read • railway time- table all by bs•lt" A healthy appeals. with perf.N digestion atd esdmileadoe may be neared by the use of Ayer's Pill. They cleans. and streogh. esu the wham ddmostery canal and remove .11 ob.trmb..s to the natural 1u.ob.os of either sex. without any unpl.sm.t effects. leas la Attu .m. The males are quiet and wily Madrd. ad are good. tare Nook -pipet Th• femaier an bettor molt f other broods, ars most proggs ed also .n quiet to handle. The males ores well with otbr bsede, speoially the Berkebiree. the prepay .e• ✓ ising the ob.rsoteriaties et the sire. The purebreds, borne. give inter re - 511r shut the onuses. By *Nell amt Le eat ,ea pm with pip et /M same op and with the .sone fed, the penere4s gaiOed thirty weeds agree more thee the erembreda Finally, ae • proof et the quality of the Yorkshire, the herein nee very mimeo to pi them, and giro top prime 1 std they ay *ma 1. mon satisfaction as beedn•a 15.5 (from • menet plot of vim) than in %andl- 4 other breeds -4. E. Conies in Parm- way 1 gra AIM" WI N& Whoa I Ares &sided le busses • breeder 'Whet breed .51..11M! 1 eek a dei" b t�me•tmew clue reset to ell *seek wen. mid read ail the keg news 1 meld tial, I .sally omen to time Cordials' Wised 1 limdlp .mantat Hs had Rat held d thee !M�'�p e tea ai 5. wsr . t shoal that sr:+ :lager let'. rseng i�� «Nd eat li lisp halle tee lo! abl clever e.00gh be eats. M was sesthe eve of the old Reetlemoa'e ,MM•.e.te. WI by lediomnsl, ••>patnl apes, mad ter pestles them. to .coke two appose as kb verb" what almmese (tae Nit mosso Alma the addle of she seaway, Lm.- swat N. 1. Maury, the American 5y415 .54 . bssrele(l•t. advoo•►ed a t sue�rd g[svttotlon ae the chid owe of seem anew. Mainline stun diffusors ie dewily. doe te differ/ens Le temperature sad ate, rola sufficiently anew for the ooes.b eirswl•Ilee. This theory Raised great pop.larlty through the wide ousels, Mew et M y's Pbyeloal Uet:washy et Ohs Sew. whisk is std M bare paeoedMN re eduie.. thew my other solosMat Wye of she pried.bet is wee ably and vii= sambaed bl. y De. Mims mad Tian, and latterly the cid theory (Let mesa ourreae ..re doe to the trade winds has again mate into feeble.. Indeed, very remedy • model has has oo..traoted, with the .id of which it is said to have demonstrated that previlias winds in the dtreotios et tits actual trade•wfads would prodigal ouch • ewer as the Gulf Stream. - H•rpr's Mag•use tor Jam. Mrs. Bit roan • was enure the lettere at the breakfast table. •' Jebe, dear," she remarked. " Mee'* • bill ter MO fora mew dr1..-" •• Jai like year extraverooe. What then `Ter • new dress suit from year tailor." •• Ye. sir,' said Walton. who had jest renewed frees a fishing trip. " I o..ghl a Moet which welshed a little over tweetyaz e e.That was • whopper." " Tee, indeed. the ash was • whopper, I tell yea.Rat--sr-you alluded to the fish rwppeee r .. • ;Mthe Mere. "I bear Bilk etas pat op soros new bosses leo year eeiRhb• ." " Yawata e.d he's raised the .eigkbeeheed " Hs saki yea had spelled it with theft Muse. el years. • Now, nal it jest that keeotsfel l ay e my • thiuR like kern all his lib? The K+►mt-Anna, -Where !e you gore to .peat year raos ti.Willie teadlmp thOld Mae -Paps and memo* *n - .Mn at 1 visit them at the old term. When are you going ? The Ballet-d,reer-Oh, my Rr•odohildrs have arranged a nes quiet tiles toe .n at the onside. A CASE OF DIABETES. Ho hope from ..diad ms•ySof Bred ter many years - Oared by Dodd'. Kid•e7 Pill. North Ernes. Jew •ha (Bran•A)-A$ old and highly -mewed settler in this town- ship, Thos. Brooks, who Uvea ea los. 7 ..d 8 o. the 14th o.00ee5o., is rejoicing with h1. oeighboe. In 111. concent r.sovery, sod be eat: was oared by using four bozos ot Dodd's Alda.y PUm and as sorbing .bs ever helped me I say they saved my ht.. 1 had tried all ti. rotors of this vicinity and wee s.o•td ter Diabetes, noire sad sussing for years. From readiest of sures 1 detonator to We Dodd'. Kids.), Pills, and I most say that alter ming the first hoz I would haws ooa- ddered dna reasonable as t.ma dollars hoe box Ute M.rpsan to one spas. ""Remo•* mamba trout denttm tremens that are surrounded ahigh�� . passible ire of this hd ae._Mms 1. offered by the result et el- ls ru.saby cede •e the 8elleyea hub is New York. Sixtus •l.ebolie priers were ezamtmed With the rpt limo - beeps, Mad 1n every sums te was found that as minute bleed .vemwis sa the ram of. their eyes were omop'ped. la this octal. flit• 1a1Y*pasar biaek sad p ej*sb.d h1. the add d masa. when Maar men manb resemble the gakslog and twisting of ser - Masse • rhe. -ache miracles. •' De my rata tme.e dieter% year .a - .d w /011111111emega with mngsl weld - Hem NM chair 1 knew et," replied the iMflld fel yoan1 m•.. •d kola M Z •• Why, I *heed think lou DODD'S ZJDIIYPIIM I6e sesolosion that I Weald ley the Cheater WNte, the etroagMt plat be Haeme of the 1l a al ter N Mat Nees, home its ml the element l.4 5.55 Nwasls. is my opiates. rudy ler Ike s.rbu.sad me fa evert eM.- yv pretested tee the some way tAi • ow /mach. 1 tam sees medm* e of su.l w lee was moa1A en yen o1.sdb sg with a�tbefr aMtleae reamens e them, hens sad bps hes the OMar %Huss ••ism a Pm. l% melt •ant "7wt eta's et- --ft," " . Tber balelf dwelfit - moth a IMO*k•patHie t le ipffy ter-... brat u1 W- e ehs tai. +•lard..( ter star +bait +th t55,Dim awl s tlily ries w hem tear etltksa they iw dews aria. train t bbeioit lata ped spas. ass. ,..`""1,21•7 tee mond-watered ereeteree al* Mt • °sett U.pb t" the cell wee p4101e•• th••tmms. I have ems ie MOM*eta Mae a sew would prey Its Ise a pig sed we tonal sails hem mewata to ghesat• li.r r�wtDt11��• pea a1M ohs ems Nsab hem Ions M aaelbee week. t Se t►- t7lastan Aibw 2 wawa that, he cit lie n I hent bra. him ileac ems i.r M wt" ihrmillee. ow ist bet a w rat 'laritatifirittt +M. Midi Of nem w ,1 e.rt'• you're per** meets or be's I. km preform." Neessee mew been l '-'•+T'ke meshede of teases seed Wieners seri s .arces std naiad, that H is • serf, .i....keep a++se.insk_. mods detective the ether dry. No is w dodm piayd out than • Mq ase b toms Fart yes I have been boated with Female Weakness i. Kidney Disease. I have used many rettieclieh, bat nothing did me any good mil I triad your Dodd's Kidney Pills. I only used two bozos and am cured. • I wish you to publish this, as it may catch the eye of some woman who is suffering as I have done. Yours sincerely, MRs. Wu. CRABBE, Chambers, Ont. Dodd's Kidney Pills Always Cure Female Weakness. Dr. Agnew's Cute tum the Heart is with- al* a pew. This deet remedy relieves in - AMU, she sips w israted and distreesl*R far ellen. diessise It b the surest wad gqnkked nag .tln.eeda far heart trouble enure tom own *cleans, and thousands et tire bas the band of the grim destroyer hens stayed Ily ie re. If there is palpitat- e... sheresas d breath, pain is the lett tide, smoiherime seesslieom--den'► delay, or psi may be owed Le the baa list of thews who have go.. over to the great majority. Mears the ben remedy in the world today was not premplly used. Bold by J. 8 Veen reedy. I kayo lost twat. serous •mother phase of tie madmen trick. The other day. • w.U•d.tssd, mi.ely- spoken yoeeg titan fined at • Deme. rad asked te wawa -lot ea em -lib. J.5.., ea elderly m•ti•s•s et i0Mpeasst mma es. Itvhea with lege oe..in-1•w. It did rtes mat- ter. he emplaned. if 1[t. Jdsmte• meld en ems kin feat tee•, ea Le may ease be had le e.11 •.•la. He had Jae arrived Gem Oen- ode, sod bad alba to bear bow Mr. Jelin - sea was muting en, meld to osuvey M bin the teepmete of Ns old friend, Mr. Braes. of Keenest. (Of .ears., I'm &Mang bbe saw amid *lace. ) " The /L gpsllemee.. ea resolving the * Dmeasle. rdiseely mins ee the doer, p.esud the young elan meet mffa5v.iy. and !� Mark dellghed le maim my.•sd1 dhe assw tree hie der old bleed Draw.. He Levied his vM1or In. tad, k wilts d repeated rst•.1b b.lsted ams he sN.ld eta to Mem & as do yaw *test ass mslmsIMdIg wwmallll "views* i.- anelegarir iter ha. rheel rs be ailed " A few very pie .seat baba were epee. The ban w1..l"irsre pet ea Mbs table. ter. as the be pIable old /cath-.- said- ", We omen .steads be.eftwtlesm.M mrylbelybe as • ��e boa dor ea Tum you g m•• had Melly to •wt N.. oaf sway t bet he meld chat ISIS t d be explained. *151eoeta a ample shilling* to• Intl* s o5W who 5.ppen ed to be pprrsesaee.et. Bim was sheet to do so, abs. he dlesysr5 to his dismay that hie perm had either been lost w Melon. Quire as • Bash. be pat bat heed to hes Arne- yoheM, ..d eaty .ervwsd Ida breath when he firmed that MI N -i ee5 sr refs Ira leder I bared( lase tidos for ft sus af*e • dish e• tum-.••-•..-.Bmmk fw AMA' he to* as ito sherd NBM in had wage the .bee draft e.'e doe bot a Num der. sed I wvw's any reedy sea y M tea M with.' lausible did Ids Abry i_ wise lie oagpsssd Oat tie mW mea Maid • ne ed•W film with •dib, ter wen* ma ee wend leave his droll, wpb eseteelly. the was e•ed es.whims, latah'. *earl . .-reud M tads the init. But she .M.Ns eels news mess ode tram sobea 1. wt& fiemak is was disevsed that deealt sect! iters C J ynisibe to4 rfMat atiss Igen '.1.11111,11110 11011111011* -..• =n always on hand. The Best and only Scraton Coal in this market. Hard, Soft and Black- smith Coal always on hand. All Coal weighed on the market scales, so that yon are sure of Good Measure. W ram or - Harbor gory. LiYli • =WS Store ?esuceas i.+errme.t. On the bland of Java, Maws". the d Swaney and Batavia, then exists a small ease -the kingdom of Bsatum,wblok, Ins far ea repute the form d revenue s► mad the masers and mamma of ita inhabit • e ats, tar ersseds the wildest dreams of the votaries of Rab eleaeepstioo. A1.beogb trfbetary to Holland, Bantam le •a ladepende.t slate, possessing meaner - able wealth...d has treat time immemorial bees governed by women. True, the sov- e ealp b a men. bol all tee other meatball et Ib government baking M W fair sex, the king btmmlt heal subjoin Is • oomml et throw women. The hlghe.s dtpitriss, all megteM5/es„ °oars Wenders, offioets and saddlers as% lenient mzeeptes, name The lee mn ezdseirely sesepisd b sudesitne sad.a.sne•eoe. "I Ns'b b•tp beteg a Ride a I- 517," ppgI bls r tagy. " 1151 se m.•y own .seem, But 1 net help g over the .ldsrlu.s of two Meads of .Les vibe nerdy warded. gat m girt wee ate suck sod hems em play y, the prem.. The ether got sae who wkis how " te gnu sad tmbb ea KID(1`Jii11ID. Ikea American Kidney Cede Mw gels- sa a for Kidney DMetw--A Lispedand Behest -Neese lafY that solid weilloal esteem) ools" Mh1e► ppreyed rem •hreegh as Warm in the oranary metes ef W d - aid Wear t ssM•medwwat they le �Masmere liimaind sad will - perform the fe•etf.ee for M1ah tbey we crated-. regslr. • .1vert UAW - see mai ersdlo•ee trots the slew the herrn sai•rsew. end the sees Seeti Aga. velem Hasa Owe hes proven M ion the Imo and .vet ad.Mee .95411e remedy kr swath. mod 11/e Ms*MeeI of threads who • e We eared (t wine pm dams eve Y y tbe! b'a'i'rYw.a.kifmlMdM�If itr es* Asa The body -gasmen aeem.i t�s1iA/ et n of Amur, wee tide eta tele. bask Ilk. men and handle • elterValearp Isaac with the same dezWity se the tea, width Woe female asldids Are with /real aoorlfiney et atm while riding at (mil gallop. The mown usually dssnssds to the eldest eon ; bat, ft the king atm without mem heir's. a hmadted Amason.. specially ap- pointed, mese sad chow • s000wor from •mate.• their ewe ase. The serrated one ie tees proolaitrd as legitimate severeige Adman* a Mb. A phryAMua, who was ate el Me Ensiieb m edle4 •toff fa the Crimen Wee, thin. in "Seventy Years of Lite fa the Vattern. Seel a Mery width be sails the " baby n- ether." A mead•M had gone forth that • esrlNa seberb of Sebastopol should be rac- ed. by a lobo► body ef Buallah : the •Hank arms to take plane at midday, wee the en- emy wee •t direr. 17s veneers was s q*dekly weeded that M *as ooetplstey maeendtd, 1M semi - pro's d tee eowgsu had tied. lawns timer Omen so..mmdei ea 1M table add the 1307... . .'0'aacement. HU Bicycle Livery. FOURTH SEASON Atter three yearsof successful work we open our Bicycle Livery again this year, and trust we *lull bare a seaeon equally suckessful, if not in advance of those of the past. In addition to the larger num- ber of Bicy:.les for hire we have this year added a Tandem, which will no doubt be appreciated by those who desire to go in couples All kinds of repairing carefully and rapidly attended to, and a vulcanizer has been secured for the rehabilitating of old tires. The Teaching Academy will also be maintained with its usual ei$- Secyy Retuember the old and reliable place New Goods and Best Valves in the Tailoring line at the old -established and reliable Weet-st Emporium. Satisfac- tion guaranteed in Quality Style and Price. GH DUNLOP KingstoMit. YULE'S BICYCLE LIVERY Canadian Pacific Teiegr�apb Patronise True . ComDetitiona Roof\ -W &boat ten seem sips I leve became stdiotsd with gLemiletllm mad Goth and during the batten )ears I limo bees scented by several phyionne. and dad an sdvleed me that it was bousenble le elms am ens, sed that the mil wady tier see wan te W to a warmer climate. 1 won tried fs my bare teat December mien be term haemes. and was unable to de any wont vie toww Iasmmeaseat•1dn[th•==t nayCamwhlai Hr. 8. a. Rpol wan. 1f . P- Ave loo shoat Use Midis dAegaWM,sad Mier abase's*week's minis Me s.kleisl was mainstay mama to be eels. le Ma !dohs bread we/es. mask week sequined ss oeemlm "7 winkle es gad cane woo. 'the yaks *fish I allow lad in ay ease amaaow nnilMi b lies . =1111Al r Obs TO O4XA*t.5 Pacoep =<rtwAT 00 TQ.Maags W Wive- t.MetlMed 10 gtve *5 seethe • tlekelem swim wpb fate .ped po.- • mild, iamb deiLed Wed asleep fait. grf& u odl.er estltsd away lin pet see as primmer of war B ase end mast the emirs el kb 1* Ward WINO as . kegs LordGahm le �L.w asdwrat *AO 6s et Woe* *bead be .oat est ma meraleg, sad seas all possible ,Heol and LeouIry skedd be made foe the mother d the child. Sam. ag the •Meer( were •mt.ssd that se much breable should be taken about m stray bb.bye�,kat make oases sedan had is be lie meths .nn fhtebe.mkmg, bewares. M veld ewledge Mae lett watt. Bat tide'► (lir a woman le the del. hsl$aed• with a bib? • few weeks mid wee wee m•1gleR M minden hsl 'double duty. Meat times weeks shps& and then " Reglan thabeed" nal aaetb.r *curie to els Nall. As bed 4115-511* nil els.( the adopted Milk, directing that b- oth, b meds after "the rear end bum Wed same b.1k Me* l5. cwt AYdeee awe amebg ad.deady. WM WA the nether 5s.541 ksi.A wens god Mina. " Haw may sae mat awn fw - etehs Ba/lee. wee"TThee." dr.. wee MselLdeoffla eYt 5, m"omeronyd tee Mrs dew w bulk et milt Atathie tad *Nile ,.,.M,.. haemic temp pmpdee • ea.t.t.mi►d bone Abase mad M MM old tee wait ass •ampani bei eaik Sere p iamed enmesh eb.tlie.r peiefts�liil Zhi wadi unbend enz pea la Um peat lune were.& ea■Mbr1.esev►---_. + . •bio camel bons tele damn lite ae•nd beak\ has wieel etewiy banned sloe aides this m ailha n. Swam le b 11f2CZCW 1 51, DV/11=1. M J -i-g f4Mw4 Hamilton. seralerpsmpbleeM • B. Rrcoum Mee fun O••. s nO1ia. Oahe .. Ut11t t:''I TIS1l For TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER TM:.CO2C.s„EESTr�RJENo 11interest or me asse.as lis saw et every decreer de Skis lir, esasset 1 with w as.gill. ileii.Ai_.e ta 5Walled einew emotes mal - xee�` h *14. "o'a.Yland • lkaitorlMA Jel Loos Mawr Sw4.5 .i Tinware raiutem FINE GROCERIES.' If you have not given 1{ta trial fQr .QB.Q ' I1 - IES, please do soon and tat the Dustily of our TEAR, COMPILES old all Qur goods.^ . Although its Bwimes but a jets Months we have ad- ded largely to our trade by fair dealing and keeping only A 1 Goods. A large and choice assort- ment of CHINAWARE; "-- GLASSWARE, etc., is stock. ere necessary to mankind, then bow ideals mon so fire they to the better peat -was as 1 As they ate so noes - sty you should ss• that what& you est *5 ood, Asa saving In cash and Tinware or Oesaitsw•re bush* from no is always good, and as Ike latest iaveations are always added to our stook • better .sl odor. manes be found b Clee.ds. STOVES Aim FUMES the tape accurate line of Stores sad hra dols in fie ijus dj . E.LYtS i LB. G WHITELYy `"" " """71Lii'tNf*7 blodl: _ "'- PHBBIOLINH Medicines Mit 081.T afmor.i7T*t.T 111.1•1 141 fasrahsw• nose ox ems samba. *nmmmn, etre end /Mldeftii' pligigin Guaranteed te etre Rheemsemm 8ona•tee, Imabsgs, Gest sad UM*14.111164116$pO01�0 __ i IIRUOL fl Pills A sere qef• 4 - itit e MOW FlMasa*slet Mame. an; Willa ole Mme 05 //Id eau 1.• w. �� .;