HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-6-10, Page 6$ LOOK HER IM Y Ht EYES Or ye. leek Mr is the ow. my WM- 8he Nee der doer %resoles arias. try Mt_ ewehMar metier, who . le feed sad proud of you. Who is marc that yes stn de fimbhog then the world woad blame. Retinas that would ben her shame— Cas yea look her in the eyes, m7 boy Ora yea look her In the eye, my bey. As yea hear her Osader sighs, fey b7"' Ater yea we bad year tea. • • Aber all is said and doom-- After you have wooed and wet --r ' Have you eothbyg te rearm -- Is Nee setbtns you'd forget— Ostt yea look her to the eye/. goy bey t tea you look her in the eye, my boy t though you've on the worldly prise, ay boy— Though your name's on every ragas, The byour pr.I.e is being sang, Though ood fortw•'r doors an Math Qpm* wide that you may pea, 0, year tate is sad, also, L yea rennet look her in the oyes, y boy. FOR WOMEN Frith Jew Tern. I am • oommiesfoumeiCI doing beet• SIM to the West Indies. 'r owed some of year Pato•m'. Painless Corn Extractor When to Canada, and think it is the beet etre tor oorns 1 have ever ween. Please send me • few dozen boxes for my oa.Nmers Is South Amenoo and the West Indite"— William Gould, New York city. _ Mneme ter areskasiL the banana wheo served he She tropioa, when it crows, U generally divided length- wise. For breakfast ohill ie and sprinkle a daub of tweedy or suaresquine over it. The ordinal red baaiaa wilt need a little Inger, unless it is "dead ripe." but the fig banana. with its melting, booey•tiaotared pulp, will need no such oddities. teIlarieu Shirt Waists The introduction ot the separate Dollar shirt waist, which has and is enjoying . creat vogue, wee. It 1. said, due in the first *thee to the laziness of • oatter in one of W fashionable tailor shops where ladies' waists are made. He suggested and advo- _rated tbe style to- save work ; it was dis- msttly talked up to the bead miss woman who received t.be customers, sod the thing was dose—well done, too, moot women will testify. Mmple tare ler reams►e. Lessee el .Idem beedaobe N freemen* aota its a great relief to bathe the forebesd with • sponge rung out of water as hot ea you tan bear it. Repeat this as often es the sponge 000la. When the head feels tired it le refreshing to duh on the forehead some oold water, wipe it off, and lie down for • while. Closing the eyes toe a taw minuees st odd times during the day has a wondea• !ally beestiosil dhoti, sod will ward off many a headache. tate •beseer terser,. !tor country houses oozy corners are more than ever the fed. Porches ere being fitted ap with heavy rolling blinds, whioh win be • protection •geloat midden showers. Tbs corners ere hang with beaded portiere with • ',Joker lounge, plentifully supplied with oaahions; chairs. small tables, rookery sae • Nevja rug make the oorner • d•ltgbtfai notice phos for • summer day. A number of pictures oomplete the ooadore of this ideal loitering place. sreaktast Puttee. Small scraps ot meat of severs' ,kinds may be utilised for patties for breakfast-- Ahiokeo veal or any other delicate mute Tin SIGNAL: GOMM. ONT.. THURSDAY JUNE 10 189 -.-r .. ._...,. TU rG CiY i V�rl .L 4 A. MoKINNON, eestfl Siesinalis Wler • leap FOR pal rTS'f a wading. water, tool ON doll With S then add the ♦ yaws et s.l.a..at.4ehaw eadl. _.. eddille pial el whipped memo. ner.weerries nae a1e.a Ad.ew ehosld stead half an hour with the ether oa hdgh� WI them. the pithne ebuold seek a/ ha« 90 esiMiss. If wears le le thlok, this wish as equal gality at mak. ee i cab tlem ase • t den. set e gel•u•e n>.osr•eed weak eees1 !testes• Ytord deoor•tioo baa of We yeah led is t greed estieveganoe, thorned' .pouade lumber stns eapsa4as Sd ea hawses •leel the of 1M soot,*eaistlatameer riven dat- ion the height of the Loodes sasoet. A ts.si W eooaomyy Is this rs eppeoe Oaes from the load of mt1tksalttte. for is le re - pearled thee the Amerw«se. weary al or- chids. ream s$ (lithium., s;odes, and os ly flowers .t all Made, have Woueonosd potato om blossto be the hese to F1gre'e kingdom. th hostas las e way, and deoorstes it rooms, its diaper tables, its Youths 'sad thee*maidens with this lowly Uttle bloom. Amer- ican thee*being tired of both*«doh .r min be bobt wttb mosey. The Ysakes tasbiaaables have discovered that the baIr- est flowers are times which octet them little or nothing. purely A d•woing appreciation at rely sedan' floral benoty and etmplioity, it a revela- tion to Boston and New York. might Prove equally agreeable is Loodon, and oar. tainly might be toted with eat • little .d•os vantage to all o..raed- may be shooed and served in this wily. Veal and hem patties, which roost' in • small way those " ws+l and hammer pies " whioh m. " lland the organs of Silas Wogs." are szon elleae served wife the coarse of eggs. For • simple breakfast patty tin patty pane rs may- be lined with Ohio layeof pie ors« na• and filled temporarily with rioe,b•ked, emp- tied, and the mipreparation d mast is saaoo{YIO la BILL'S TROUBLE. I've got • lett.,, parses, from my eon away cab West, As' my of heart is beery as an aril in my bees«, Te think the boy whale !aril I had these* proudly plaatlt0�e._ `Should wander from the path o' right •n' ovineooe to such as sed i I told him when ha lett as, only three short years ago, thee* find himself ••plolets' in thee*crooked row— He'd miss his fathers ooanssle, an' his toolbar's prayers, too, But hs said the fate was hateful, an' he guessed he'd have to to. dn 1 know that's big temptation tor • yog- stst in the ti est, Bot I believed oar Billy had the overage to resist, An' when M lett I warmed him o' the ever 'nr waitin' snares That Us like hidden serpents in life's path• was ersrgwherse, Bat Bill he promised faithful to be kt.rfal and allowed He'd hand • reputation thafd mats se mighty proud, Bat is seems u we bow wy oonnesl ao' fad- ed - ed treat his mind, An' now the boy's m tem el the vary as wtast kind 1 His Letters oams so seldom that I somehow sort of' knowsd TMliI Billy was a-Otay.11ln' en a mltbty rooky road, sever coos imagined he would bow my head in shrine, An' he dust he'd wailer his of daddy's b red name. He writes from out in Denver, and the story's mighty short ;an I just o't tell hie toolbar : it'd wash her or poor heart I An' «I reckoned, penis. you might break the news to her-- Bill's in the Lsgiti•tur', bat he doesn't say what far. �fv* tinge el relative tine limy sna►Mr of N to Fit le by hila Etta Meese Illwddees IS woes i repeaA ting. The of o�- ary to is included the table. The woman who +steres the 'Mahone or maxtnium weight for her height be recot•soeridsd to last carefully attar >orr' dist, mot one that be IEtwe tun, what k rbould be, but ter the same a ebwr repent h.altb. The table ir4 Aver- 1ftal.`lenf- age.muss AMA 6 t� . ... .....111.0 re 138 tab lm las ata 1e/ lee lfrl 111 160 115 156 140 U9 101 11116 1141 IyS ler 48 OS 110 1135 2111 171 s het 10 inches. } 104 6 feet 11 Inches........ ve 1W 116 6 feet 110 111 Se The article in wbfeb the table is oven contents a restricted dtietery, whk3 is dedicated t. Mrs. Mem." In selvt*i«, Mie. Nth as to bow she may train Seib, Mrs. lladdevs un '• that ere shosta- tat ar, only what agrees with b, eat sMsw?7 chew the ood thoroughly. est pinny et noariehetgf esslb digested food, but, she adds, do not overrat. Plenty plenty of ebeer•faluesa, and meanerste ex- ercise are recommended. No tee water or cote drfsth are to be taken at meals. A cup of bot water atter meds tr said to aid digestion. Highly•eessoned foods. pickle*, pastry, salt.. -1 and pacified meats, acids. and fried foods are to be avoid but few sweets are to be taken ah name if the stomach le easily deranged. neaears •f tiea Water. A hot water °emprw, last as het as you AIM bear it. is the very best thing to stop • eat from bleeding. Ordinary headaches almost always yield to the aimultsneoas •pplio•tioo of hot wa- ter to the test and back of the nook. Nothing as promptly outs short a oeegee- Mon of the lungs, sore thra.t of rbeum•tiato as hot water when applied early In the cue a.d thoroughly. It 1s always proper to throw the road hark when the noes is bleeding, and • piece Of paper put eetween the upper lip and the name will seep the hemorrhage. HINTS -FOR HOME. Sale throws os • coal are whoa it is low Mill revive.* a feet 2 Inches 6 feet >s Inches II Leet 4 4neara e fest 6 Inver 6 feet 6 ladies 6 Leet 7 decors 6 toll 8 Mabee ton Never wash macaroni. for the cooking water dissolves and removes everythMi ea - desirable. Bathing 1)'e chest and robbing it vigor. only every moraine well Mlp to develop and strengthen it. To preserve the slastiaity of India -rubber wash it five or six ttm,M s year with sUTbaly alkaline water. Tinned sad bottled traits ekoald always, if possible, be kept is Oh. dark. A dm ono. toward le the beet plane for them. Fish outlets may be toads from •leesn any kind ot fish, bet s•tarally the tetter kinds mike the deists* dishes. Japanned tea trays should eine be bathed with bailing water, as it will thaw the vessish•to amok ad peel orf. -To keep nei1k•eereste of soda is the proportion of the plash la every plot, end keep is • soul pleat. If fruit stains are w•ab.d to tepid wealth wilboat soap, they will immorally be erased sad se inhere will be done to the febris When drying htsok .bookie.'., de wt pat them 1a the sue or tb.y will term grates. All woollen good. are best dried in the shad.. In making mosso the *sok sbwld always stir thoroughly with • wooden spoon from the bottom of her pee, oe the yams will be lumpy. When maklug lemon marmalade with ssoeh.rins add half •e unnoe of «1•n« e every throe pints of pulp, end boil 11 thor- oughly. To .eoure clear jelly let 1h0 Jaime Ards through • flannel b*• withehe tgeeesaeag. Keep 11 near the fire doting Ode pewees. es teal it will he liquid. to varnish eleograpb■ preemie • with tarnish took as ie need tor wall papers. Ae ply this thinly with • .dt heath sad et .eat b settd.en it. Te.est..m for ---Ams tiara her Levies. A memos of livelihood now employed by • member of women la that of aesdiag eat in- vitations. overlooking lists, and geseraliy .aperietwding the distribution of Iovilatioo for busy society women. Women also find employment in another peculiar Uoe•—d- ' " . deemisr advertising oironl•n. AU whew we" efiamojctimoial direetnnupg. ir ktial1517sf. IsrishantMn bs.ai tMmarks of eaver- tise.nents. The envelop« addressed he these young women, being verities in • swell angular band, reosir. at that the *0 - emetics of beieg *posed. Meath la the •`Ola,dat ""/"V"O""/"V"Let us now exam«. into some of the to.,ditioss serruanding domestic 1001•1 end springs to the larger "ewes and villegea, steadiness which «iso prevail sometimes about rural brews- We ellen then be better able to understand how a well. tike s Nevada silver mine, nese' have millions in it," and b•.' "the end oaken bucket may bring with � me depths elements of disease draught that refreshes the thirsty throat. For convenience a well L attested to the hack yard, perhaps a hod sway front the house, or it may even be nearer. Certain other tbiwgs, aLo her eeaveal- eaee sake, are grouped close abort the beck door. Herr- 11 a cesspeot bat a abort distance, pevhhpa only a hew tees. tram the well ; there is s nett, s filthy institution. A little further away Is the trap. In other t djseewt locatS- tles are the chicken coop, the pigpen sad the stable, with their accumulations of decomposing filth. It may be that he a corner a dead animal ler been boned to ave the trouble of cosveitas 11 to distance. A damp and ar'e+kdt •pet neer the back dear marks the pM0ce where - the slops titin been dcis)Iwd deet the drain to the cesspool lsecarne stopped up with the aceumulated refuse or half a doaen years. Every one of the •oa.ee5 of overhead - nation mentioned is a centrtfa/oy to the well. A part of the putrid material floats upon the groused and is disposed of by evaporation, bat the grafter i por- tion of it goats into the group a common error to suppose that what- ever has diamppeared into the tlwesd is destroyed. The filth wbpeh has disesp- peered from the surface wow be sang of sista. bat it is not amt strrisereer 11 the soil is filled wttk vise of narroos kinds, the well will ne contaminated. Every reit washes the filth a little deep- er down with it reeeqhem the well pro- per or one of the nndergrmwad veins of water by whient it is fed. It may nut be generally known that a well win draw water a distaace of,ebhty. Peet The Arega. a ` reset Local nervtee. ,• "u._ .... -•_ • ► _l.__ r t-ts�"e�ilt til _ I. ser the v • AId a the B arjte y Ansel y AYER'S . "Nastily forty years ago. after some weeks of sickness, my hair turned gray and began falling oat so rapidly that I was threatened with immediate baldness. Hear10 Ayer's Hair Vigor bigbly spoken ol, 1 commenced using thin prepare. tion, a.nd.Wfla7sP Wen satisfied with the result that I have never tried any other kind of dressing. It stop. ped the hair from falling out. Elmo. fated a new growth of hair, and kept • the scalp free from dandruff. Only an occasional application is now needed to keep my hair of good, natural color. I never health/4 to recommend any of Ayer's medicines to my friends."—test H. M. HAIGHT, Avoca, Neb. Ayer's Hair Vigor 8mara*ID AT * 1. C. MER&08thLOVI1L,NUL, ILL A. 4•er'a d.eoyar4Uw lum•••es P+e*sies. OhJRTY lAil FRO? kJOftll CO. will beadle sad keep 1e teeth inose sad Weed's SMsM.. Moneta. Rakes mad Plows, Sylvester Drilla, Maas 011mt Pin mad Oldenn- ters, Chestiest Vfi agpa., W eetisafer Pate Harvester, baggies, Oar*Wafilen, Harrows, Menet, asilag Examine our Binders 'without fear of o.atndieties, the menet moo$ oompaos. bare e•leased sad mem Mr nothly eostcolled sad nearest M peen:eke .f say Drill ma the market Cultivators Oetesaavams,.5.d 1•Wt,dmplel kaottas, most durable, theses ruoateg and b..sW «toed ...kine en the market It you ere the. )oar roes.n o.ok will sot reel beth - lag dartag sed after herniae ONap les ft with others. Our 97 Mower le a bsssty, theism several new wed Impart. u► feateres—greater *Mel of treed, sew toot lift, wiser out, adjustable owner hr, and roller bearings. Bee thea before de- inr year order. The Old Reliable Tiger Rake r ap-M-d•te, levies Ment wtrest. solid Wail seise. porteoi rewhse damp, epbue►dtd .half commotion with long sed admlrsbly d• jested:tooth. In Plows ear 'aoatemers to Oodericit sad Colborne townships «mortally sokaowledge thee se- peNort$y ,over other lines of plows. baby very light of draft, easy be operate. dews splendid work. Drifts 7. L oar IIONITSR w have. We heedlo the base .asere.d 1lae et Inelemeale lm the county sot Wag reserietel Is deal with any ooe firm, soy are we repesseneetins of •ay combine. Otte machine' see built ea Honor, and we tell Nem apes their merits. Gee the prion, assetse eat see ' themes, esquire of the bat and moos progressive farmers who are seine them, and be Raided by your owe iodine« mod their saperiaoe. REPAIRS Of ALL KiNDS ;�.e; a. C.v0*y. fee � famished.0•esesaies Dram Plowsbares 2&o : other repairs in proceed«. BINDER DRUM cheaper thea eve. Call sari nes oar samples. the splendid rsapid es 4Lvaa the GIANT cULTIVATOR. UNDER DIBC by the tares« of Hares prove wp►. eat • doubt wise& we owe for them, Iles hest in Qr l•. Before yea bay • Pea Harvester tali and see Ives WETTLAUFER HAR VEBTYB, wither of diploma at World', T•1r. Farmers and Teamsters de you wast ell• WAGGON that oompeud with sad d essed the base Wooten. in Cie ode and the United BMus, sensing a grid medal end diplomas an World's Fair, the medal al Lend, Nag.. and Le n axial El. W11151ea. teethes 1 If yes de, bay lei sew CHATHAM, equipped with Via Al. lea's priest giant eoatleebl..z , 8tmpsmi excitable adjustable stakes, best white oak bees -dried wheels ; hickory or maple auto Doe's less • dsalor enoaabtr yes with ea std -slater Woes .wives our W.g.IM. A. Mcat' ON, HAMILTON -ST. 0 O 'T O •eeeew ]cue. A young oospte were rettlsa Soddenly sea absurd idea eaten the reed of the bridegroom, sad he blush oat tel. 1Ler009.0 the el•rgymaa ane is o is/ pestes • moment sad says gravelly— " 1)os'1 ia.stb, my friend. Yoall have little 000edon for mirth to the shalt yea' saw teetering." Nara« =tat Insane. How tree the skyline N•1 wooden sous cease"As hard as marh« " Mas .zol•re- •tton often beard, and yet is Rome may be seen, .moat the treasures of Prison *erg - hese, els slab of marble which may be teat backwards sad forwards. Ween laid btristatu Iy sad raid as the end they form a curve ; if Owed as a able sad • picas of wood or any eller ss10Wo. 1s laid soder them they fan Into • 'vena et tares. oath sed Iosobttg the tfkls. These slab of elastin msttle were dug sea neer the tows of Mondragee Is the ki.e- dam of Naples. Tees grata 10 lake ehan of 8s. Carrara or the SOAPS Green. A fish of sha sr marble M Me he •stag the British Mees* amastias. are el the fastest local services in the world is that rem over the Cheeh_ era Lines Committece's ante«, between Lev- i and Manchester, a dietanee of th-four miles, which le aocrompplisted. in foray minute*, Ind by a aarober is forty -Ave shateS. - • e •As orientally that, these ensures enable 40 bas 11 suet, of which IT teas 11 ewe were noes the drivers, and with their whheelw 7 feat 4 foehes b diasaeter. dr >re s►aers 17 1-2 by 2d ihclsese, at hernias service, they speedy adgident an ean - *hle reputation for eAl1ithen, mW�W1 tabey quirk In getting PP�aM raMe fosters la so slat a seta., At �.ent there are twelve a flee iscomotives in swede. t what bring altered to,88 tone. of w se was than 10 torr 14 cwt, are avarflabk M Wbeslws aewest.4 theneaee ea fish des s the miles hone. They t Their Wen le els bogie seeethes. dielleatt talk on an avert est ed tjyt;'ty two roa of mai liar awes= - Te Chea tumor Vilma t e paint is not esrn1hed, pet ap- es • plats some of the bee whiting. have ready anew olat,whrm water end • piece of 40.el, whioh dip inter the water and equesaa nearly dry ; then take as math wblttag as wail adhere b In, apply t1 be the paha, whoa eaeefsl rehletag will remove ail grw.a Wash off ebwoaghly with whet, .ad nab 11 dry with • alt aide. Pafai them *tenth Iseke like new, .ad the mem delleam rotors may be tr reel In Nb way. Tido protea will tsw..w,$ the pales math loaner thea 4o woo ole -sed with wp,amd Ow pleats as1y mon** shoat h.if the ilea id the sail seek.& towaihreif ill_ Neste b mnwb ettee Aad arta. w • d.. Nefe.e di.k oossased m. Se stwwberry enter. The fellowbg win be head ea a. Wise* melee t Bask e.* halt b.tfal el gelatin,e la sea btu .sped •t gps1Mas 1• the half emptat K geld wait t wade• to methalfmenet tet hot weer t .tesla. Mash - 'awed ✓ ewhrwy 0, edit elft little pepper to ••mesa, jest before theft ea toast. The white cloth Dollars now so faehionable on ladies dreams may be ol.aoed by rt;tet A with bot flour rad • plea* of alma Aaoti. Shake of the flour ab.etly it is sdlad, and' ata meta. Msbngaay stain is made tee.: dna pint of linseed ell, the manes of alkaset reel, one Danes roes peek. 9•t thea inewei leer is as earthen vessel *ad lab them renew an night. Stir well, and apply the stale with a woollen oleth. Infante' tries should not be a .mages elf •larva le mothers sad aureole A need, bealtby my does so liana tee ea Whet, and no greeter mistake i• made thea to deme a child in nob times with "'reposed oesdfaltb whieh an «jerkins Ory1ag M really a fee of .modes far b.Mac A ere of pals is Nam detested, ash that, of ewer" shoat& set be allowed be eent a.. witbeei lleoovmtag the GAUSS. The Fremeb safes M follows* Ohm) owns terrains, skin .apml, parsley. west, and w *try 11111{rbellN t ped lime Is ..senor: ed add a l.(t1Iek comate sees, or Nre mod 111Ua Frsk mrb*rd, Ns 75410 ml the nee imp wad these WWI Mit Aad popper. Pies ain the ts*edleate ha•bars ted with t► Weed.ee apse* «ark is isbp0et b ohvea is zt*. .1.11411boloy , hal Ora A OMNI .t Metwes. '!here wen threea &ria ea 1e, the pwple o�see tl�tagatO . p.'stb tittle cotton noose 04 the flowers to • new handkorchtets �erevery frca mid sad the teaches' smUd u rho desk. "Where 414 Pyeeaw treat to little Leen, the ailed, for tete thew neem pot eo muck as o gear d ��a 1h tfr esti rand of Leven% Low's. 'ti A91s�i m/1eeRr a tcheet and ttheemet�/ lily, M1tt • beSlud stn [ kk. illtetafl4 Me the to the to *1 ttbusu Me toe to the to Ter t i alp $19i09 •a^ - STURDY BROW« • ...''Qi.... 3NE=7aRO-GE RIES Vessel Supplies a Specialty. STURDY BROS. itAY1LY GROOMS—TIM SQUARE. J. P. BROWN AGENT FOR THE MASSEY - HARRIS CO. Wide-open Binders, 1 Mowers, Cultivators, Rakes, Diak Har- rows, Diamond Harr o w',s, 'Ploughs, Scuffiere. Carriages, $bgglee, Wagons, Carts. ,also, Agent for Bradley's ertilissr. A Full Line of Repairs for the above Machines, find Plough elate always on been. Remember the stand—next to Buxton's bleu, HAM ILTON-T., QODBRIOH. 187 LAWN MOWERS taut Iapored Make. Bent quality slog Ulna ,Possible Price, , ADY-MIXED FAITS s4e.5.ts New eases Atte. The than Of the Oa 07101 11110 110. visaed ; and see only hen =reed, Lie timet� the ephil> st ..r.� �a'gt 1 mere erCielaa VCS ewe 00 VIM it tee 1'. we sheaf esucempi.ts ammo mad e��p1as fistares of His Rtiee £Voris «III., asJ. 7th i11a etaratjpn, a ode of Pare Lead and Oils and Colors HITE LBJD Slsphaat Brand White Lead. Best in the Market. During the Year i $,T. flew bun particular, see sdvrtiatfewem. ve Iggr� 1511 gess.. tri.. '.41 tun IN.. MVO R. W. MIKE NSB OP VIZ LOW PRIMO AIM U-TO-DATR HARDWAB$ BTORB OW BenmillerWoollen Milt lei► Mat}� i 0* , 'di o i i tM, ; Tres for Cook or wail Argokr. nova) rotate ;meth A ""el pjate Mager nesse* own* ed epeeists on * pkw 5104 1M waist is the nitre and two Sae .« i tea the earth seed tithes either Mite taws Hes • Sehuge wheelie eioneset ems * Se * wWl iteisedel r.e f ►Jeep•ee skew - I 10 elk 1 le Gest meal M tislrll Ui ate deb o► met M draws dlrtr4R ea �rlkae l0rwa Meth theles aapp4.* Mhl�rg a foe hiittap the blastso mown Lorreveetwie s a • ah • bl'ai sn twrs��gnM ererefrp AISL' 116 aAiwte'11Ms mita tri 1m wMij MmilS MTOCIMIG YARNS SAM BLANKETS BED BLANKETS FLANNELS and TWEEDS . • e Is 'eV Oseepheit, and rosewood :aat1` theme w e . rr . s N • i t o H.smlllar. lW iaah, IfA. We ,Alen-. end Culvert Plpes �al►artal emit 1110 + r Po* po0111Alt Wig MK i . CI t..rrlti►�� 413,6 • M� JESSE GLEDUILL wesseme (OD'$ Sygrpi-: P�V&T PURIM'S mal t?R1NCSTa $ 1rt 11000. MaisIar ss eiw *eMrn vii Os Mar slid Ilidispri, sod 110 be baud ladiegmesslids Is err N ftp + 4160 Obey lesee=s. tam= sistes.b.kasemosp likosmows til