HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-6-10, Page 54 CENTRE, id Place 1 town, and at ICES -_ 4. foDo old, Swell, and 'tpbidy, Foreseer sad ears Watters. Elford M•D. ABM, Warlock Yeast. Dsslptr sed Ad. t��l el Op Jggia I0 ... 41 1.8 program eeasnt sit aaolt. roeftaciee. ted 1 oat. Mr. Hostas.' re of Fannin' So.. was Fruit Growing. as tram ably treated. by ate president, tits ' w remarks. A mast end with Um twit tin. -The Werth Mer of its taday, wad lir as ad - a e•esesno.a work it Tm (earth tier m tin the three lower ewe lasts, eoadold, from t work. sets steely. • ter sad two gases M MI be e•meid•d. It .t ie wtU take 17 Mors that it .ken wipe• • telt ••ars•. ma tett • b'last1 est apt 'ER it PAPER 4 .IYI8, �f Wall Paper we e for the largest e will also more. for next season's Irery roll of Wall lalt�b, have been s r money to whobave not al - set and have been today. T$UBS- Mgd 40 std 6o ►ad lfb D 5 to 5o/ cheaper s. The only oom- aper is delivered. r over it will be and money cheer' or Cash by exper- to pay for hang - selections. - n plain fignrea shone No. 100. STORE • • THE SIGNA1r . IRI ONT. ,,d , Ro u °moxa LOOHH I FRESH e ;LIMAX 1i URNITURE POLISH Inf atdakt de Eks wry COAr isms wits BE,AT'EMALL &,y, ptiYlse sena--prvtru rust DIjII� rsNTS will" apply •U ldads a�desertrsow. e°B twee 1 W. C. GOODE, CHEMIST -a stood t nliouis • Bl6ptORD BLOOM wr auawt�«»mtw.t woes ren (been--^.0.0seb. W. Lase, Jobs Koos. D. D. 0r� Debs Ni DiNG-UPSALE!1;:Lt. Proadl.eo. F. J. Psidb.o. TlO . vim. . UMW!, Dr. Olark, w 1 T. • OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF R. Trois'' Boleiwtingg ged0•11i eireg- i . ; A. MeD. Allan. as Missimii Dim - Works -0. A. Humber, D. 0.T i a .rD. Meliay. Rebs. Th.mpes.. W. taple and Fancy Dry Goods Ailing Wsobnto -Year p there was • try pretty wedding w d readmit J. IMpw•rt, of BL Oettrtte's Ward. Tts Ready - Made Clothing • - •ad bosses.iidduu'op � lie.. Ray. J.•epk Mem IMO omoi.f 1118 Men's Furnishings ', `'th.t Rebut, : d deem fiesfor"• .' oousia of Ns woes we• best masa. An ./ &C., 84C• . ddyf; sllest weibawdiest was served •t . the oosolustoa d the o.e.msy...d shortly ��. - - ---. ___. __._.t _.. altisrwerds ihs wedding' party drove to the Mathes M •osmess.lb. hos ynews trip. [',,�Y, JUNE 10 1897 t .sees MUST POSITIVELY BE CLOSED OUT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE We Commence this Sale on SITUBDLTtrJflfi 5th with the Best Bargains ever offered to the people >t of Goderich and vicinity and which Will be Continued Qui the "hole Stock is Disposed of fa. Feiss P ibrs. tales M ateled. to get ps. t.M/eMat1 Ladies' Black Cotton Hose 7 pairs for 2804tt-,_ Ladies' Parasols from 35c up. 33 in. Factory Cotton 3}e per yd. 33 in. Factory Cotton 4c per yd. Yard wide Factory Cotton, good goaitty. tic Yard wide Factory Cotton, good quality, 5c Flannelettes, 27 in. wide. 4c per yd. Meas Flannelette Shirts 19c each. Men's Braces 5e It pair. ' Gingham Shirting 4}c per yd Rem.ufbar this Sale commonness on SATURDAY MORNING. oars3t lr the lj. Msktaism.- R at 6 o'elock every ,.n:a; except Saturday Bet .3A/111113 A. REID Per 8. J. REID (Administrator). Fos Toro Yted.s --Oa Tbased•y Elisa- beth Doyle. who had Mss j os shot" on shaof arms the 100141000. w bromtht before Jodi. Motto for At the opening. of the sear, E. C•mpio•. Q.C. pre•esi • petite fres W people ot •ahold i• fairer of the orbostior, •t tee same Mme making • etroom appeal for 01x07. Hte Roper. atter noting bac o of the !waist Nets, .ted distb°'•Oi i bs proved beyond • doubt ofort had twould be weed on. Having sated that ho Med sot a shadow el doubt se to the primatres guilt, be .entmew.d her is three years 19 tA0 Kiswtes Ptmitesti rye Iftworton.-Tonake MaU sad t Janis 4th: The Rev. C. A. Sesser. A.. was lost sassing inducted into the mtg. .t,yt d Si Oypria.'s church. Cbristisi . Zjeru was a large oo•mrM•tie•.•od the sot• mos was preached by itbe Rev. Cases Welsh. provost of Torosto Untvervity. Ties Rev. kir. healer bee been minister of the mart sines May let, when m anoee'ded lib* Rev. 00, H. Shorts who bed bona imam - bent Wings ties cbeech was built, and who 1s now at Bt. Thome Mburah. Mr.,, .t1lows r • gees, sg seand an wreath MN M' r. soil hes already obtained a good place ria oI6lo of kis oengretl.ti.s. • f HE TALE OF THE TORN`:.1 :� ��ha .i ai S~ntday will do well to resin sed see this excellent entertal0atrt. The Clistan .sd Seafartk Pries, in •ddtttm to ties leoalper. ham been load In their prows ill the opera. . the go will be aof tee tormast D.loisess Day e.lehrstfein. Frew the RepeP6er's Notebook Y iw'rs tit M a' Ter sones. 1 sees Pe sant Ct a ASM'• Ansa/ ie Wan' set•. am' Ods& MV Wrest R:. -Memoir , Teem we*Y sot be hall the slokseer then Is I. w world It mea wase property olothed kr the .saes•. Pi -idioms • a ova mW. oat •wiy t. e.•a.faehl.ssalr-••$ gammas lilas Witt tee dealinsown lac hada busy kale WAY.al views fro tles sownW (L11 end see tis. "Wrath it you want to knew kew easy WWI loathers there are wlihla • Awl diseases sr rhe .1.410. Hs Gor stn 8&c,t. - he • wail -know• ham? of A.hi.M was laving for tows Ma alter day, kir wife a.vs NM ALS sacs -t• est 611•d with RIms's Pan Salt. ROYAL Satins -As will be ems from ie. ton of Iowa sego it prooeNisHt • Royal sahebs will be find M Weser of tits Mooed Jubilee of Her Majesty. Queen VbMorla. A Srogis.-•.Tb bass ball dab will have . smoker tomorrow week. It will be bold is the Victoria Open Hess% sad will be the moa Istorestiug ono yet gives by tee dub. Do You Legs SAL -9111 10 • lsxsry. un - . *.s4 bd d.s..aaras- .1* 3140104:1114. b ebb North Awake" Chemical Co is rows all over the Coati.ent u •' Rtes's Pars Halt" Coioitizerlox - An 110ter010004 extract from an article by Bream Heaths. an wat.s- ti6o oolooineties, is lilt. Jut somber d the C"nadiau Magmas will be Mand .0 Me 7. A Bin lltwele oe.-Walter Hick gr., lot 99, Huron road. kilt at Tgs Sweet. Ake Tuesday dandelions averegiss thetas I. length. Mr. Htok brought lib trophies in- to tow to chew the wonderful growth this sows. Tag 3iwiro HOO.L-It is rumored that Cep. Babb will move his part of the folios! &ewe away olein • Moist dde- w•lk is bath be eoss.M it with tin Harbor hilL We bps do beim entail will not •1!w the taxpayer to loon Mit sesta for tin sake of thm few d llr0 She sfiti would oath THai*uvlA.Y RenevaD_ -The iOo tier Metal Wry es Monday first donation at this hands of Ike public in Wm shape .f two sew mambo' from Mr. Blaokets0. Tb Society highly aporsoi•be Mr. Bi•okstose'U kindness, and hopes in the sear blames melt the 1sather approval.sd esterase, of lib publle. Exottrssa--TM president of tha Mimes' Committee moistly wrote to the theism a< Public Works, poistiag eat tb..soesity for the despots/ of the barber M tee elevator sad the removal of the bar. Yesterday he mowed the . tneer will pd o (Maria leg.. J. Israel Tarte." Assets Rairomgo.-Freak RimuU, like ens Marred with a arising ..aa.lt, mid who was ,,,redid last wok by the P. AL. was brought .pan Monday and amain re - mended fora week. T caps is R1 eed . thesome- what other t _ the brother .1 fire wT,iilf 1r1r-rtR.g.d 8. ha's a.ssuleed snla It aapM•a 0 •beet bio rLowEE.aa G SEEpi3 MOTH CA ddP130. R10•iYOR er than tin oltontMkI �11' HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA, D ne on ac's DYES Tone op /ow horses for Wing work with ..r CON DITION ••O W VEILS Socroris ie Swims -A foIrly well at - b of iocisties be - 'envies ed O.rieh moin He Orange ball es Friday emelt at the invitation of the See of England. to orftaiae for the proper oelebrstton of Jubilee Day. Atter 000sider- abl• di-.sstos !t wee agreed that all the Orden with sad marod...to church, the of- flsers of the S. 0. R. weaning regalis. the Sons ot Scotland dossing their bonnets and .11 others wearing Jubilee bodges. A strong committee was sambaed for carry Ing out the °solar y •rraspmwb whbb , will be parteotcd M a meeting gelled for Friday sight is the Ur.aw hslL SADACITES"-_: The nett time you get one try Duw.L who .has so Satoh e'aidenee in his HEADACHie POWDEMB, that Fa away-b$w: kirss iaatplf for the asking. F. M. DITNHAM Chemist and Druggist' r 'Wheaki..-. Them papers were •U of • hires order sad wore to:lowed is each cues by fell Th. place of westing ter seat 'arils WWI/halo. The � *tweed fa tin owning y John does . M.. Lows, of W in•h•m ; V ion -Pres. . Ross - bird, Clinton ; 8wreiary. Mrs. Foster, Witham ; Roeordiat Secretary, D. Dyer, Meter. Kew tbresca.-Rev. Jas. A. Audi/ram, B.A.. Ms Rose to stood the meeting of th. Geoesst Assembly of the Presbyterian Cburob, which is to b held this year in Winnipeg. Daring his absence lib servio•s in Koos thumb will be ooednoted by Hooter McKay, a stsdest of the Presbyteries Col- lege, Montreal Mr. Anderson has antssed epos the Math year of his pe•terete is Knox church, during whish time tbe nos. grsgatlon has greatly increased and brooms compacted together. The •sst,Urs•ry of kis iodisation was remembered by the Y. P. B. C:- E:, when at the •lase ed • resat meets the following admen was promot- ed to him. •coompanled by • beautiful floral . gift : " Deus P•srorn,-We ere re'oieded by the opening beds that we lave toe mom arrived at the anniversary of your settle - meat over e. as pastor. The C. k. Sothis y, wbioh owes so mach to you °asset let e1{p the opportunity of marking the ooca.ion by the ofierir to you of this bouquet Tbtak sot that this is an empty cersmeey. Tb frsgranoe is truly embleatlo of that oder of a hely life whittle yen exhibit before w, sed which ft fa our aim as Endeavoring to emulate. Farther !t these flowers bs to you a froth reminder of the loving a[sotios to yourself which is .bed forth from tbs heart of the young people of Kee: oburoh .s fragraaos naturally Howe from the C. W. A. Nalos.L Mew -Tin Wan- direre' Bead, of Tomato, which bas peen re- sposaible for tie• nosier portion of the ten preview National Meet, will be on hand Chatham is all its glory. This famous gaasatMQ in now stronger than ever bo+ as& if its previous r.00rd be lived up visitors to the most will be amply ester- t•is.d. The Wanderers number among members maty of she eldest and bast t sows wheaImes in ('•nada, the president of the C. W. A.; Goo. H. Orr, being o0 of the most promla•at el its mans - You won't nave to look for the W ago dorms at the moot. They will be fare to you knew they aro there. Their bated twenty -she penes will fsroiah the musio the usok wok day. at a8 or fore, to. Met k bora let et ser JUPI Lg. CoxcsrT-AltbOJh • lary• number of oar peeyoaro expected 1'e vldt pr.prww. Clinton an the QOsa t. .s. ahw big day. allens by orderingMamma the issue of • •mma ns moogo, sad fir thaw who slay at home 3.M1 s peets/e .tamp in .11 denominations. there will be- to JEW&• mosses in the eigkte s a ail, on which tin head of lib Queen apeman .. eta looked es ascending /betas rink. the threw sad as she .posers today. The No. 1 COttNa 1 Comp.•? of the ver is does to • very bold style sad 33rd Batten... 1 1. . getting hits ghapo and U •faro• �eawm •n e.r1eM P the members im/rov. daring tie sole two week. M the math rabbi as they did tan pert cies ib•y WIN b. • sadit o Goderi0k when at W Lathan oast. - Snar BATgtxo.-11'_�et Nen ssi' dent are tbinki•e d lib bathing have to sadit wondering whether �gnae the bathing toil throneh deep will sot. se beach boss Ise et hopy shy but would Waller a ill net t8s it is 1.. G�eb � benofbetter e highly ib. s� sebemes that many of the ttyhly bars at thew met the apnreval of kb town eoafoil A J 0011,50 STAM for Postmaster General heti pro p. national osiebratios of Jabase both sad leasing. Then will 1.muoh more demand toetb.us stamps as stamp collectors well all wast • complete set. 1 lg es 011100* DOMINION DAY C$Lsaaaswt.-A dot. A Nnw Pasts dawn.. - W. J. White, several years proprietor and manager d • Brendan Sas, las been ippointd by Dominion Ooverom•st, Pres Agent for be Lmmigratiis Deportees Mr. Wkit•'• alis• wtll w o wpermtesd the oompila- tMS sod distribution of immigration liters• re for tie Government, and for whioh his g newspaper •xpsrteso• eminently quah- og him. Mr. White was a resident of the arty of Huron before going to Manitoba. • wig o•es•oted with The Exeter Times, is a sea of John White, the present proprietor of that journal Hs will have ie head quarters at Ottawa. Ws ooa�t- lats our old friend en his appointmeot'•od • have so doubt bat that ha will be as tel in Isis naw .phare as hs was to the ow•ypsr w'aealieL-Horns Expositor. for Th the to los 6 H end pro h w noontide! x.. .a. - - .--.*i Tem/•v 1saaftsr a `V mss • "i'owl player : " Ws beat Bothwell Sassrda7 efa se 6e., and Bothwell beat Wisdom. tad Iron Is" we, 80 you tea • deb you Wean Plxaroat. - bare bee' wade te reredos* M.11.13. Piasters. Dose - 1010. Day. Bann poet kabalism will Tse ia- aed.a.d, and the perteedeote will preLab- !ae *ilii tlkrbhtdst • 7- It- Pr,dbam stator as a---- chillias seerstary. The mayor was appoint- ed renames% ebairmes ted treasure' aid W. L. Mertes monitory. Atter sono die. 'modes is was resolved the, the b to be pewee Is the maa.t•t. The lter- sees and 6lnwstks leb , 0005W/• AT RitsT.-On Monday Mr. and Mrs. R. Hstedereos were called o' Hume pownealis Krum musty by the .ergo0.• illness at the tody'e mother, kiirobsti Haeb•nd.rtAoi. the lake Dayan McTavish. Atter tits 'nit that rotated to town ad had not bens bees* tour hours before they wore informed .be had paessd sway. TM Wowed lady was be her 78th year sad bad bad reed health esti]. • week Whirs death, when at- t•dkd Pith &IamOne►Aen of the Was. Tb late Mrs. MoT.vish was ono of the oldest r.utdst4 of the townsdp whirs obs was muob respected ; she was also knows to many in elod•rtah.as she mode many kleads by her kindly manner when visiting at tho widen* of her daughter. The fusers! took plans on Wednesday and was largely astaadod. TO 'ADVERTISE RS. Notice of changes must be lett st this Otbooi not later than Saturday noon. The Q for changes mast be lett dot- lei* than Mon day noon. Casuist Advertisements accepted av to noon Wednesday of each week. Buying• ca mt U , o Footwear. oI P_o a u ntt Bay year Shads when ?Beat, The Assortment Qusu e Be°t, �e Prices the Lowest, Tor e•retelly eraindefag ear Suet yea will say we les ease natally bS *de fie all *tie fare/d111 fate. Coil, wad 1x.1.4'• 04045 whedow yea oars M lies M nM. We tree&& te ober Owls. PRICE THE 8WOaMAN , PO14000 . t wooly sae p'e"Mly wed era.. P.14 POP Sale or To Rent. Tbet eo IN away goodVie gee good o ea oar - 1RON TONIC BITTERS. The Beeson for Colds is sot over Yet. We expest te •u more CIBJDRFi'Y PCTLMONI,ta. daring hen In all tohe rest of the . Winter. FOR SALE. -.HOUSE AND LOT Ojd Westin. As I bare deckled to givearo keening boarders I offer the above propert7 which is 1n good repair for sale. Stable al- most new. Fee particulars apply to MB& MCBINNON. Westar. VCR SALE OR TO RENT -FOR SALE 1' or to rent, the dwelling on 741minot. at t 000npted by T smooth. It ooetatns rnem, d sadudlsl drawing. room. dining room, psrler and kitchen and has slierso7. • number of closed.. pantries and a good Cellar There Is halt macre of land woefully planted with shrubs sea Irk trees, and as weellest lawn. ATdutFR IL on the pew mime. - j,WR BALE -A VALUABLE FRUIT A: ted vela farm on s good reed wit s Mx mnles of Clinton. The lot U No. 67. Maitland ooeoessien, Qoderboh township. and contains 75 acre.. It yields annually from S7 to 100 barrels of Winter apples. and Is a good grain term the land being a No. 1 clay loam. There 1s a No. 1 trams house os the 1ot, a good barn with stale stables underneath, end it is well watered in every field. A large portion of the purchase money may remain on mortgage. Tor terms, etc.. appply to RRA BUYI N Car- low P. 0., or to W C. E L. U. The following are the topics for the dif- ferent young people's societies which most daring next week : North -•t Methodist church S.L..1 C.E.. Fr.dsy evening at 8o'clock. On Jut lite, there will be an " Old People'. Meet- FOR SALB-LOT• IM AND 70 Hutchinson's Survey In the Town of Godsrich, upon which is erected a nice dwell leg hones. Also iota numbers 18 •ad 11 Rich's Survey. Goderieb. oontalninf 1 acres. upon which 1* situated • oomfartable horns, an there liaise • good orchard. Also the Et half ot the North halt of lot � lP COMPANY. Lake Range ern der don of the Towtehtp Daated 5th fleotember.11106. Continental Nurseries TORONTO, ONT ti prieto h. CAMERON. HOLT k HOLMAI L 1-3m Bodo G1t:LD1 T&U1I$ BAILMAY. apnea etas lsaPaa-•...�....•-•-•----: (ball mod nxpr.ss Men and Express Mixed 10160 a.m. 1660 pp. 7.15 a.iet 5.35 am Agents Wanted. AGENTS "Th. Best Popul.r Lite .1 Her M.jsMy I leave eve[ miss," writes Lord Lorne. about " Quest Vistab-" .els. unpreoedenod. Fogy t aka five dolls! daily. Big oommimi.a Dani► tree to Geniuses's. THE BRADLEY -OARRETBON Toronto. WANTED. -Asa sad women who ow work hard talking and writing six hone daily, for .ix days a week, and will be content with NEW IDEAS weekly. Address. Ont. WANTED-Iedustrio.s iformos ot either sex with good character and oommoe .ahool educstion, o.., obtain employ meal for two months is this oommunity. S. M. VEY. Taaast% Ont. W E WAKT AGENTS to handle satabitsn.d treks:, this musty. C sjradisa sla guaranteed to Uve. Poitmas- ant pcatttoe, whole or pare time. Liberal terms. Yoa as make ten dollars • week or better with us for sway week you wort. No experience neoess•ry. eggs" to which all the parrots are invited. VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR Nesting will oommeooe a% 7:30 beamed of v BALE. -me brick residence overiookisg at 8. the river and lake formerly occupied by the Knox Church Y.P.8.C.E., Tuesday even- late A. MaoDormett seq.. Master to Cheaeary lug at 8 o'clock. Young people meet in atate1 thein most valuable end desirable pro- pert ge0er•1 prayersNing in Temper•nae L The two -stere,' frame dwslltng nonce on South most immediately adjoining the Brit. ink Exobaage Hotel..et present occupied by Mr. Andrew Waddel 5. The dwelling house and adiointag grounds neer the G. T. R. station, formerly 000upled by the late Judge Toms. Prices and terms of torment resienebls, ap- ply to 70.81ARRO . 6<BP�ttobopitorsD Goderich. Ogles ! is W seo,1. r Hu - ['stoat reports of the lrowi.g crops is Wogs Hans are f•verstAs, as the c.••tles of the relho sad a bright. though not over warm sun, W. mass ovary growing planta troth erre. 'Pagnhy from residents of the different ms.leipaU- ties enabler s. to give the following .tate- .ass1 : Hay, 4.senUy heavy «ap ; Fail wheat..ybsdld growth. sad, tarring roto bids fair to be as of the heaviest yields RR years sewing sowil Oa** eh"' vi456 ' ANTZD-IIl008 (toe.) Ira -CACI geevlth • li11 ght and blab [end.. sed ems% hr el�ilw ttwh bsttergl0�r. .00w _ ' yeO, nate.. sed .." "3n+�,yit. . w dreirsoo es ehyr'lms•mi wan tweet rr..M_- ---+- - reit. dip.li.i sty ti.1Msre$tl e Ba* ttw postai have Moa p1•QMd. pati as 10401 we hi light smile, they ley.mere4 bet sassily Trait .Mtell' lbws well. apple bade bibs fairly pfenli- tat sad swosr. Pear Meadow see abnsdsht. sae as tow have Mea Winged either by la- sses or !reek. • forge pommy .t fruit should he pothered. Plume. (math nesse plentiful us 1. 16, show up fairly well and should also •a aver**. while .b.rna..err SM. posOMnIls, .ed etrswberetie will she dire eft worsts Rima'. DUMMY Air q. 8. Ocanw rioia- A ,sootier e1 the Rural Dwsry .1 Harem fed a,8FL d the des•.ry was held is JoMur eraliassay. Soo Tbsei wee • gee+ yok"belMbdre aaatd.ees hew ell purl.( et litb tle•rla'y. Tin prs.Mi- bhp feoraime t b DM•e-servis is *1 dome at 0 see. At 10 at 160411.6 ee reties cast 1s As gibed e a eared et wetssoe 11011 deer Wee eine. teed Roder, Rey. Morelley. TW. le - palm boa the .eines SandM eMwl. Im ch• d•m1.ry were Shea Wad. *WW1 sob• . 8.011.1 [espreessanta W oast ter dse- rrarsletkrg ea thisb.s•rimetlire•* et the Aerates work. At Qtr? then wen r Mew* .ary W is the ebwsb and 3 *Week the emb- roider .sots eget h rho wheel boas. At this seeder Ares poems were read sod dr- nomes& Tbe then esu ea "Tho bAMi et R. S. Wirt," by Mtn dmallaseemb.ef Rao* • --dr egg e'.A Pooped,�pi�sry "1t6p0 WJath is cif 01.a, acs siege tidal, fel - Hail on Wda••day. Vlotoru-•t. Methodist oharob S.L. of C. E..IArley evening .t 8 o'clock_ Jane 11, will M Flower Evening. All ate oordtally invited to attend these meetings, which ars held is the basements of the different ohurohes. Members from other societies are invited to be prss.nt, and will be warmly weloomed. THE WEEKLY MARKT REPORT. ilatemtaL ,J flour. Oam--- PM Whe.t/. per ... nir. 19 lo 1 fes FMom.pper cwt.,, ..... «« tell 00 owedir...• Oar. As 0g tall ON plyer.•••••••••••••••••• . 0 ...... 06 0 00 M a be.... .lige ••••••••••••••••••••••• a».....".. Olid HayW . i .�,......«.. 7 Se to 32 Potatoes. 07.ha•is, ••"•.. ••.w..•••• 0 13 100 ., �.0 l0 t 0 11 >p�,ten . freak >m0aet k F _....••••••am....; t. s 3 ,,...�..« . 11 es ts Weed ....p. »--... .� M ►� . M �,............ - - 1100 1. b 9tlr05076 ... • 51j 8o0 ..,.:...:::.... �..� oe to 00 0 10 R> iLrN,......•'•• .... 0 11 w 0 11 8211111841. *,IB ANNA L. SHe�Aa r,, TEACHER l701 and a°weuwe wry.. ` ifs& w erisemo. Wanted. FARM TOE SALE. - ism instructed to ofor for sale one of the 100 acre withtnr7esmiles of Gode rink_ of Runes The farm hes not • foot ouon enl e waste it d the soil 1 • rick 01s7 nam e from all obso:i u it stags arlaRE ' ,tettng Of s The Dolorosa see frame bane. wits stow anon and Delhi, kitchen. woodshed and s11 aeonssary outbuild- ings. A triune baro, 52x35, and cedar hare, *0 x50..11 hhi good repair. There ere two scree M orchard. The farm has bees in gram tor the past twelve years. and 1* situated within a mule of post -dice, school and church. It is tweed by an famous new board fence around the frost and sids. and lilts balance b nils. A spring creek and wells supply ebulli- ence bu.� woe of water. No enonmbraaoeu now on the property. Prins 45,006 • Per terms sad farther %Osapply at(T�lI Mat. 1. 1197. Oodenoh. Out. DES I R 1 BLE RESIDENCE AND Grounds for sale In Clodarfoh.-Mrs Gran. Cox otters for wale the homestead d toef the int. Ono. Cox. situated nearly ot-lto Oollegtats Institute. 00 Britannia VV. bot . an grouts motilin forty on aasd13 i are welt laid ooutt,yaonta8*Ing eehooloe Apple, p5.., aged Plum trees. Grapes Lome 1l aerie- wad small fruits Leenaitma variety of.hrn bsty.f all sl'be Rowsto • tw►wterframe on Mose foundation. stens caller with o0NnO. Clear. and is aria& obeli fS,restm weadows It ennWns `oos• w acs tin; Au=. d •leo w• service. Public Notion. dswgi COMMOTIONS - MESSRS. 1.7 Illomber ft Carer ares see- med 4 and private drake vi the DEA t CiEY• ea •eollo•tfos. HUM - . Tonsorial Artist. T VItITZIILY. TONSORIAL ARTIST. d . %t and ooM sad mom mom �•- semet1ssgradow sew s a fll mat e� tp, ales le eom- •mt aaMtw aspic ser, V/ eta eland. a Wont. most Weis& Ex - 'lir torsn `*snit 1111hOk1ne Mope. * W M�A,UeH�s1) slit o age s ie m% f r smack bouabt s sad Audllou Sesft kucoll $a103!! BOARDSBII WANTSD -1 AM M. midi te ues.tltslseste a sellsser of 8 0..7I i t. 1yiit V. I"lelsTa *AlfthV•••y Lv WARDERS as witting -room. Upstairs wl � ,1 (J repair. Them Y so batter sit in iinode- rich for residestf•1 property. erinmate ,e.eoa•hie tern.•. Tor further pan apply to .100. alto. OOX. nn the orouttsee. 4 F. sifEgrus LANIINO MILL dael�l slicx>B A271114. -IND FACTORY. MatIu bis ��ersa AWN all ruiners to eatrary. dowtrvv�idow Irar7 .lees•. of wtrtls ey • =1,4* Mag • wale m•simed 1,4* s The p• Mt�rs pf Eng rn•eewiali. ntdb es a•A Itisa.er • .,.o1$1i7. r. Bi[HETB Will be held Every Even ing at The Fair," Mc- Lean'• Block, until the stock is reduced. Mrs. Forte de- siring to carry only one line of goods, everything else --- will -be sold to the highest - bidder. As the stock is Bright and Clean there will be Great Bargains. Come every night andmakJmur- self rich. FAIR. 'j JUBILEE DAY TUESDAY. J1J1$1111 d. W, MbhaT throv=s Her Wear, D•mtaims.day see sa as a l•aen a • Greed owned* oncert mane libti eivolisinliblp a W.A. QJU win be xi... IN THE RINK WEfb'r-4T. GODERIOi3. BY A Chorus of Sixty Voices O dens„ J1dy dla ta17 rafflOtIWUTI=A117111 1 D1f19TdinATie lro e%nst. 114111)41 --reeseMeminget .m ne$Vis Vero 0�a�p d0ss.tM'•.1nboasean•oc y t �i����� i tom..: • > lo •w, ib: 7w. -8.11.°192gla assisted by The Harmony Orchestra Tess WOWS= 0111 cantata the Walt sed bust Jabele.Ottarsesw sad Part Songs. sole.. Degas. ate. Doors open at 710 ; to oommeeoo at 0 iJL AAm esNs l6e esitldrem maMer 19. Me. Taw farther p.retsl.re.ee progress. 4 PHRENOLINE ... . the sew Rboumse& Itsa..ay, p.M BROWNS itaa,Ait soil WIIAON'S L=OW =as .tee a hent 1 et Y 1L oranDtt7 dist Wilrao-s FRINOMPITOi‘ WWQRB. Year mesas cast ter IU4id irC f