HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-6-10, Page 4Snaps
t►e sidewalk* s.4 geov'Wrg tin bi kwsy
where ..osseary, b ►u div ,
Joao FaOSr.--On Mooda7 slgts • ave
of trees visited this eeoM.s of eosatry, bot
a baps N was not t.iario,ee,
OS0.oa -1. the absentee ed the pastor.
r **V I Bev. F. Swann, Mrs. 8. Pe.sMwd etIIaiated
la the Methodist oharob last 8•blatb.
Inesaseritso-Tae Sweat's parsaray�
iatormattoo is well worthy et note sad de-
sones .pedal sse.tios a aesoso
esgdsesw.n al hethresting neva
FoutarussroAL,-Thr gioname.e of the
Lord's dapper will be deposed i. Freida*
oburin oa .est 8abbe h, June 131b. Pre-
paratory .seviow, will be condoned by Rev.
8. Whale, e1 8t. Holmes, oa Friday as 2
We visited several factories
last week and picked up some
Genuine Snaps in
We have Good Wheels at $35.00
to 160.00.
We got some Square'Pianoa al!
das new at ridiculously Low
oes. Cash or instalments.
Call and see as.
Ila the old P.O. bafldlas. We•t it.
Zkt $ignaL=�
i. rant.etlR�_�
•Il R. M. WJCg1.i
Teems or s.•aerlpdSo e
TOse hree soothetic.
U.. year,
• so
advertising osteo.
�,�� and other moue' advertisements. 10o
•r 11w tor first insertion. 'Lodi mots per line
for each subessees% insertion. Measured b
• airppsarrN�l seal..
Ru.lnw cards of .is hoes and gado, i6 par
7 A4vertber"^uta of Lost, Pound Strayed
Bttuatiene '' oast. Situations ss anted and
R.ulaiss C' the Wanted not se•ed!-Y !-
liner swear. d, $1 per month.
Hooses on Sale sod Fenno on Sala not to
- .toned ai(ri . Si for first month. bio, Fur pub'
meg t mon , Larger art.'s. la gesporttan.
ti.ettbbotofw is to
- promote the pecuniary beoedt of tmdf-
vidoal or company, to be considered an ad-
vertisement asd chanted s000rdinrty.
Loos! notions in nonpareil type cane os.t yew,
word, no mottoes less than 15e.
Local notices In ordinary reading type two
emits per word. leo notice for Tess than No.
Notice, for churches and other religious end
benevolent institutions half rate
Subscriber who fall to receive Tal StONAL
reeularl7 by mall, will center • favor by so-
(painting oa of the [we at at early an detourPossible
ruNM.ra three
.1. C. Le Towel. et t ederloh, hoe been ap
potnted Local Travelling Affront tor the town-
ship. of (todertoh. Colborne, Aahf0d a•d Ws
Local postmasters over the district are •iso
empowered to reo. vs subscriptions to Tse
All eommunloatlone must be addressed
1) Yoo1LL1OUDDT,,y
Trades. Call IS
Tan Maw.
OODK .UCH. THURSDAY. 3W31111 1/. 11117.
The Standard M.roa.lile Agency, 60
Pioberia-at., Toronto, is not now authorised
10 collect a0000ata due THE StoNAL Offish.
-South Huron Reformers will
meet in Cozworth'. Hall, Hassell, oq. Fri-
daye Juoe 11th to ohooso a o•adtdate M
oon{ee1 the nett Legal eleotien.
-It is expected that Parliament
will prorogue before June 22nd, and the
members will be es•bld to go home and
o.lahraut thalithiles with whatremsia. of
- their indemnity.
-M. C. 0Aa1110N, M. P., for Went
Huron has the thanes of Tat StmNAL for
the supplement to the report of the Po.t-
mar ler-General ter the year 1896. It deals
principally with the letting of certain oon•
tracts for mall servioe, and is loaded ap
w;th mon racy readies than in usually
found is a bine book.
TUtwDAy, June 8.
Te■ Wanting Sra.ns.-IIs Stewart,
d Od.rtoh, with Rev. D. ttlhOUllvny. the
rtt.r returned from mbd•wry work of
eine yore an China, is Henan distrten of the
, Flowery load, mime one on their bicycles
. eeiirfrla.da la•ee-m 1•w days ago.
ON OLD Btvousc.-Nightingale street
.sniping emend has had ion first vi.it from
lead itiooraet.. They cam* with
large ages loaded with merohandies
tats., women and ohildren. The men are of
the mai horse -trading .tamp, while tin
.wise perform the duly of oaks foe Its
MMs w serenely pretested Io tine
ass ai leaveller that they were " na
Srt.Lats AND flaeve toL.- Oe0y Sootlend
boa greatest reputablen for lent of money
sed keeping the Sabbath ahead of any other
arta,.. The item below will tell the gold
wife she aren't oh•saggee the Spday rose
fer unitise He ea before .r after gets/ N
the kirk : " Cews Keep Sunday. -The story told ie tin amok oolumna of
s ▪ Coobo.y •.wgpaper sf a proposal re.eeutly,
the story -Niter sae, was made In sober ear-
ned by the Saab Sabbath Althea, i
that ems be .tade to heep lir Sabbath.
The ides is that by drokl.g the odmsl sae
toed hs . week she wind be able loathsome
wish the ....espy el Sealey sank*.By
v.v et reteterong lin esgxoMMes, it has de-
sired K. a report that the ermelmwt has
beet tried by • OhriM•..+p1s st of lathe
with bather el rrihl/s."
eor* rT e-W7lr W 1. Ds�Sarls
seer. wysew. &la. 1 im4vs
5week. sad 50' ate taw yr rm..4r rte
T, ii, J. &
Machias --Oar yew tMNda aw bag
and .r des se masks et alta
1 L. -test �stlhm� will M bald .s Ma
d� aysalag. mss. +lis Maim of Meese
e. „a,ra., -OM telt*
rea.+ov. Lithos. - Fetbs ..hr. w .0
�ea�rlthis d see /kvly ante N Ib
>>rip) am/ mas die geed week Met ath
Assat.on'e Bsrowr.-West 1>r•wanosb's
esssrmeet appears os assessor's roll for '97
hollows : Amount of reel property sed
lame, $1.112,726 ; population 2,094
Wheel ohildras of all og,si, 901 ; acreage of
wheel. 2.411 ; cattle, 3,682 ; sheep, 1,772 ;
aw`s, 812; horses, 1,098.
Vote or Telex.e.-Ls ►be noes{ mon-
foe of the I.O.F it was moved by Bro.
Allen and seconded by Bro. Derain and nae
nntmoasly carried, •' That oar most oorded
thanks be tendered to Rev. Francis Swann
for the.toellesl a4vioe and sympathy too -
Seined in hu sermon to the Foresters on
8noday renew.
COWING AND GOING -Mrs. Thos. Pent-
land left last week tor • reit* ear saw
relatives in Alreset We wish raw a plass
ant visit sad • -anti lratee.....
Dunes, who bad been atm: dine the Tams -
to School of Pd•ttogy, is roatiasttn, as IM
bomested.. ...A tribe of gypsies wes i•
our villas. lase week, plying their v.o•Mss.
Bert Treleaven, formerly of Dengue
nos, but sew travelling aria for Es-
ootl A Co. • groom, Louden, was is the vil-
lage lest week, as he wee on his tear 1•
other points .
A Tisa. -On Wdesdsy of last week
Me reeve, deputy and councillors Cameros
and Pltuketl, atm • number ot prominent
ratepayers of tin township of West We-
wnoeb, s.ssmblsd oe the road opposite
1.t 15. oon 2 and 3, to see the road•msobloe
tasted. Tbs made. is manufactured by
Austin fkC•., Chicago, and bean the same
of Aossi Steel Reversible Road M•okine.
J. P. Beewa. implement agent at adanoh,
�.ataen.ehs eempany, tem on hand with
his .lag to manipulate the meoltiaa: itse
work performed by it, although time did
not permit a Coble M es made on the part
of the read ulee� ite'; she .babies,
was prononnoed N Li geed aid sotis1 otery
what the bad .oadltion of the road was
taken into consideration. The new method
is quite an advance on the old style et road
serapes. (heat interest waa raltasted is
the testis" of t6. machlw. - _
The London Conference of the Methodist
ohuroh opened in the Dundee Street Meth-
odist ehueeb, Lowden, vederday (Thursday)
at $ Aa Beare 300 std 400 were is
at The foliate, ministers from
el eases. watt erred ,by the wiles to {fie
W&i,J DA1.
Re6bas. vin Jehwtes-.n sones ou a
prowlreeY .... 1•etad all the niece* sod
at its rtelmtd o jed,m.ol was giv.n toe
plaintiff ter $640 sad soots. R. Panama
ler eiautiff ; Boothe fan defasdane
The following is the preseotrl/M,et
Oar re PISMO'�
The lis fTom
sat soro1 W1 rt
.aresed tee the pressed edible e[ tM
genial useless et the pasee,beg to sattffeol-
.late You Hale ..d the wanly that, le
this We v.ar of Hee MW Grades. Majesty's
DVaeod Jubilee (and whew, reign we the -
seemly pray ay be boor osotiaeed) so
erlmloale are la j.11 awa slug;trtsl•j
W e bavievieitd the jail sad found it well
kept sad la Rood repair bat wish t• per-
tioateriy point eat Chet s preper system of
eoweetgaabedi Mw is •per
daisy so • premed= agues. _
of se epademis.
W. Mead weaned in the jail three prb-
ewers ander .5.600oe for short terms for
trivial armee one vsereat,00e on remand,
the awaltiog removal to the peottentiery
sod one oommltt•d as those. The latter
bee been awaiting removal- to proper quart -
ere for over • year end we 1e.l that snob
should, It possible, be don. at coos.
As the unfortunate inmates of the Haw
e1 Refuge w so helplsss and am gathered
Prem all gm•rton et the ooaot we feel that
.as• mesas .bald be provided to allow of
pad juries friilt{e. Ihat iastitalioe
W. bag to .spew,. set thanks for your
klatd and lucid explaaslion of our duties
sad also to the county attorney for his
eoartssy and assistenos.
All d which is reepeotfelly submitted.
Josses Bac. tore o.
Court Hoar, Goderiob. Jame 9th, 1897.
etm.se n a.
detailed aceowat, fevm uffi
Ottawa, tits Ptme.kr
k.delves a
vial iototmatiup, of the ueuurrcucrs
'whith had lad to the wttmltre by Al-
mighty Voice and his Wittig, the asnlu-
ary bnalaess was sow on with. ]1r.
1)obell said, ie snorer to Mr. Davie.
that he was neither s member of nor a
director of the Quebec Railway Bridge
k81r Richard. Cartwright said the
overua.e.t had ruiummp4ed to the
t ervosabl. cosaideratio. of Herids
the arteries* of 1888 and had prayyed that
a medal be rotted to them. lir. Blair
said, 1n repay to Mr. Jameson, that the
Government waalwt aware of O.P.U.
discrimination 1a freight ralas at. Fort
William, but 1f it were so om brag
sagest to the soots of the department
jaellas„jsX he looked lulu f
"If Iliad fair a,.J
/alperannaa$oa of Mr. Shawn from tbe
postoMee at Kingston was W the public
Itteee.t bad proved that to be the fact.
Mr. Wallace resumed the debate oa the
tariff raooiatioas on e motion to g
tato Committee et - W ayp sad Meana, Ile
discusser weenie: the preferential
resolution, sad Mr. Foster ofler.d an
amendment to the proposition providing
that the (tov.reauent in Arterial :mg the
countries that should be accorded favor-
able treataest sheodd take into carder-
the avertse twig nim itnaored
6J thew,countries apon slats lnter-
•d or interchangeable_The Prime
Minister stated that the overnor est in
laterprdiag the clause would consider
the average of the whole tang of anutb-
er country. The amendment was cried: -
4. It wee tetiowed by another dedlH-
Iag that the benefits .1 the ntlaium
tariff should not be extesded to a
country Until tines 'Newt of Parliament
has been signified. '!1M proposition had
net been disposed of elan the Committee
of Ways sad Mean/ rose. The Iiouse
adjourned at 12.10.
Ottawa, June 1 -Without delay the
Howe launched into bwMueas to -day.
Mr. Davis. on the orders of the day be-
ing caned referred to the trouble with
Almigbty Voice la the Northwest, width,
be thought, had been unduly maguiaed.
He said the statetneut that the Minch
half-breeds had recused to turn out to
tee as•i.taoee of the whites was untrue,
Mr. Prior, on motion that t. house
Leas go into Committee of Wan and
Means. asked for a definite statement
from the Government as to what tine
kneaded to do towards implementing the
greets that were by lsslatatio.
-ire the swam.04 Iniad eroono e
la British Coluss r Richard Cart-
wright said the, delay was owlets to the
extreme pressure of business, whieh pre-
vestevi the Government stylus a SW
coosideratien to the regulations which
lad teen framed. The motion was car-
ried sad tbe House went ino committee.
Mr. Sproa a .seamed the discussion est
dam lit the preferential resolution in
the tariff, ad the eousideration of the
reaol.tios was inept up by membess until
12.15, when the Howe adjonrued.
Ohara, Jae 2.-A bib to amend the
Patent Act by diseen.iog with the Pa-
tent Commiereeer was lairoduotd by
Hon. Mr. Fidler and rad a first time.
Major Beattie's bill to extend the ticket
acalpifeature et the Railway Passes ger rlcheb Ant to steam and terry
ratticker was read a gut time. Mr.
8iftoo, in attrwerr to Mr. Lister, maid the
area of land gnats to the Canadian Pa-
ntie Railway seder ppaatent is 1,
acres. M:. Davin oriSeisod the Jubilee
corps. Mr. Leerier and Sir Chadha
Tupper, the mover and seconder of tbe
Jaibiles address to Fier Melee'', as pass-
ed by the Senate, made eloquent speech-
es in support of tete resolution, and after
the adoption of the address the Howe
stag -God Save the t,Jaeen." The Howe
then went into Committee of Ways and
Mown, and a spiritual debate tooklace
r-otaclause • the bineeclause of the tariff re-
stitutions. The debate was adjourned
at 12.50 a.m., at which time tbe House
also adjourned.
Ottawa, Jae 3. -Sir Richard Cart-
wright, who was leading the House to-
oday in the absence of Mr. Laurier, in
answer to Mr. Bennett, said )Lr. George
Anderson of the Royal Oil Compete, of
Toroote, hag been appointed a commer-
cial agent te Japan, on behalf of the
Canadiau Government, at a salary of
$3(10 a month. Mr. Fitzpatrick explain-
ed the release of Convict George Gra-
bat, end tines the House went into
committee on the tariff resolutions. The
c�o tns clause woe permed without
d witht
chanb�geltt)e:_ -Tine •comiaUtee rodZ, 11
Howse adiverged at 12 midnight.
OttawaJude 4. -Mir Charles'1•=ar,
ea the orders of the day being eeh1M_ i,
drew the intention of the Minister of
Interior to the fact that the U
Rtates Renate has moved an amend
to the Mediae of the Alaskan boundary,
commission, and that the matter might
W sta.. tsDouai important*.
ishing to obtain the best information
passable on the .abject, he had written
to Major -Or -neva! Cameron who had
bees detailed p0 a former bees idol by
the War Olsce to report on the queries'
for Her Majesaj's Government. He
wished to see the report incorporated
with any other papers whish would he
printed on the anbjeet. Mr. Bitten eon -
cuffed in assuming that the subject eras
of importance, which was indicated by
the tact that the mom vetnable of Mateo
mines were located a very short distance
on this tide of the boundary line. He
appreciated the force of tbe observations
made. Mr. Fieljinl, in reply to Mr. Fre
taw, mid he hoped to have the
tarles for the current year down -M sl
day or two- The House then went tato
Committee of Ways and Meese. Coa-
0ls.sb*swasmade, which was
a■Mtt+j-:+" .=e7» �twPsafitiw.. ar.lA. Nnar*.
"Iso rtin_ WNW- -•"-- •
A pearisi /tat..
Sarnia, Oat., June 9.-A very sad se-
crdent happened at the Port Huron end
of ,the 8t. Clair tunnel till' morning, by
which. Daniel Gillles, a -tunnel brake-
man, who resides in Sarnia, wee ter-
ribly mangled. OYBee is employed as,
a brakeman through the tunnel. .1 t the
tithe of the accident be was mnklol
what railway men tail a drop at. He
was standing 0n test bumpers of a freight
car, ready to pull the pin from the
draw head and let the tunnel v.ti is le
from the train. He pulled the pin read
the thin and tbe van parted, but, un-
known to him hes coat had become
tangled with the bnkc and. ad when
he attempted to jump from the freight
ear be was jerked backwards and fell
o0 the track i• front of the vas, 6Mch
W1611 following the babe He could not
Cest of the way. and e wheels of
thear passed over him, severing Lie
lett bM sad left arm from his body and
otherwise braising b.tn. Tie notnrtn-
aste ma■ was picked s and conveyed
basic though ole ldane and removed
N tin Gera) Anepltal hero, where hI
injuries were attgiid to. Gitanes is a
m�trrried mat, and retries hen oa
Samuel -
Commercial fishing off this port is very
The yetelijierMlee was is pan use
The Casa TOMS Naha ea 8•Nrd y mak*
tor Tbesealen. •
Black bass ever tee tasleitle 1011011411111V
be legally aright next Wednesday. •
The Sobooers Catered and Todw left
pert ee Tussday evening for the North
Pere.. may still bs osught, though they
are not .5, *.t51al s. they were law
The ache -Ohms Yonill arrived to port on
Fnd►v from Thw,salon with 300,000 feet of
lumber for N. Dyment.
The eehooner Todman sailed on Tuesday
✓ est with a earth of Balt foe Wiartes, ao.a
will load lumber ter this posy,
The Kin/arra, Review hso telte fellow's,/
to say : " H. T. Hardee, harbor master,
has secured no news ea to the running of the
ooaetiog steamers Cambria and Carmeoa of
the Brown Line. In the meantime many
passenger. and maob freight mW ge by
✓ ail to pats in Algau.s or M••iteba, of
else go to Sarnia and take the Batty boors
this sn memban e1 tin elastoning .r to 0 coma Sound and talcs the C.P.R.
oompthj Wmghtw-Rays O. A. Olffard,'steamers. A joint effort ought to be mad.
Wing 1 1L.r. W. W. Leech, Whits- by tinie towns along the lake sbon to sN
ohuroh. i O*dertob-Rev. J simple Edge, two of the Oollingwod linea to adopt ten
tlederiobc Bev. & Rood, Se•forth. Exeter tint.. Toure ie no persistent demand for
-Rev. N. R. Willoughby, D.D., Exeter: the Brown steamers except the fear than it
Rev. H. W. Look., Exeter• they don't run no others will " An effort
rINAL DAAR OF sal LONDON DONre*aFQ has already been mode by the Ciliatae
Mill Mag. Coadmittes to get one of the Oeorgsis Bay
The slatioaine eommimes of the London lines to sell here, but we de cwt know
• ,1 • r be conference at mall alter mid- whether they bays asked say of the others
night Teeday before the final draft was d.- lake towns to help or not. Tree object be a
oid.d upon. Tney had bean in session for good one, bat if anything is to come el it
s aonple of days discussing the transfers. this mesas it should be sena to at cone.
The following are the appoiatmente in thin
motion .
Wingham-W. S. Pasoos, D.D.
K noardine-Andrew Cuoningb•m, Fin-
itlay M. Small.
Laeknew-I. B. Wellwtn, B A.
Brume's -SS. J. MIS. ; John L Kerr,
Richard Paul, W. Norton, superannnated.
Tamarac 9. W. Mu:worth .
Ethel -James Walker; (A.C.F.) Beoje-
man Sheriook (Trento) and J. t. Watt.
(Walkerton) superannuated.
Fordwioh-T. Wesley Comes.
Gerrie-Ieha 8. Fisher.
Wroxeter -J. B. Kennedy
Btaevale-D. Rodger..
A.hbld--A•h•a•S. sou <Lmknowi . .
Bethel -W. M. Pomerort(Piis River).
Kalem -N. 8. Barash (Greenock).
Ripley-YT.nob Swan.
Bervi.-W. H. Moes (D.H.F.); A. W.
Dever, T. Hardwle. superannuated.
Tiverton -A. I. Brown, Ph. B.
Whllobaroh-W. W. Lssoh.
B.lgrays-F. J. Oates.
GODai1CA Diwr*IOT.
Ged.rioh (Nevth Meese)-Joesph
Gcderioh (Violwd.wrgd)-Rev. W. God-
CU.ton (Retteebity Street) -R. Mill-
Clinton (Oelarin Ssreet)-B. Oleme.t.
Hoary A. Newcombe. sepsraaouated.
8.fortb--S0spben Bead.
HohnesvU'e-G W. Andrew., B. A.
B yob -Welter Rigsby; Wag. Mill. (Ter-
De.gs.she--Benjaahi L. Wastes.
NU. -J. W. Pring.
Bu.milei-E Olivant.
Auburn -C. R Oaten".
Weibga-Albose Tiffin.
Lo.desboro-J. W. Aodrew..
'1'soker.mitle W. A. Finley, under super.
tnlsode.t of OUMtIe (Ontario -se). Ohara
PAIL 4...r;.ev..e• •.. _
bea. -R C. lavas..
Reoemmendd Mae N o lisl.f. P.
Wastage.. -
The Jane math of tee peace for the
enmity of Huron *reed a Teesd•y at 1
P. r., S5. Homer Judge Mama vrssidiag.
Tb fellewiag pensions were swore is
ss • greed jury sad addressed by tie judge
Joseph Beek, saittord ; John B. Orly,
D•ehweed; Puler Flea Je., Oeiboeoe; W.
B. Fiber, Cilboree; Ties. Handent s,
HallettLila lwvMl, Tarebaery ; Wm.
Mama Marais t Jean Males jr., Wawa -
mesh ; Jabs Meter, Bayfield ; hobs Me.
Allier',Grey; Henn ileNaneht, Ola 1
Wm. ear. Rewirk. Joseph Reek was
eases lemma.
Those were mw, .efml.al ow, the ceased
saw* rap six reit, sane N be Wed by
jury sad bee wUbst, the fstl.wIoa bM.g
Witt vin Oerm.N11-tinOl jbe m-
eear a Non tr r Olathe 8.
for plaintiff ; Oaerew & Prepdfeel tee jeh
l'sstlethw•he vs Bros --Am aka he
illegal Astra. Osmeres, Sett ! Helmet
fine pJlaMg I Ill. 0. Hays ter defendant.
O. the thee% them* h.tb them hares wept
adjourned te Iha Pal torr.
The led ea salted mut Mattes vin
O'NM l -am thetas es eosspl delivery 4 e
peembeey INNS. P. Reh sal L $, phone l
sou aware far plutons.
Yak its +Ida ethos •• t ietadaglt iMi't+b est,
fes plalette wither eases.
The O•r w.11 Os. vin Dems.y---sew assists
en 55 sussed won salad est ed rears
Garen vm. 1111101 --tin ribs. ea • kill
Tut PEMBA.-The High Soboel Entrance
sad P.blio School Lavine examinations
will be held oa Jose 28th, 29.h and 301o, at
the following plaa in the is.p.otorate d
West Heron : (io•lenohr Eteter, Zurich,
Hensall, Bayfield, Dungannon, Rioted, St.
Helena and Urandelieod. Then are about
340 candidates for H. 8, Entrance and 110
candidates for P. 8. Laving. The Hiatt
School ex smiostions will be held in Gode-
riah and Exeter. The applications .re a
At Goderioh-Form L-27.
' II -66.
" Ii1. -30.
•• IV. -lb.
Tttml.-429 a a
Al Exeter -Form I,- - 4.
'• I1-10.
Total -14 osadidate..
Form 1. examination begins on ,lulu 2nd,
forst Il ea July b:h, and form. II1. end
1V. on July 7th.
auaw.ssr w lemmas.
London, June 3, -In the House of
Commons to-daty Mr. John pilins,
chairman of the Irish Parliamentary
party, •eked if the Government r�ooppoo••--
ad to follow the example of all c*vtlired
nations upon oc aaioas est great nation-
al rejjoiclag, and grant amnesty to the
Iri.b treason -felony pr
The Government 1eadatd lard
Lord of the Treasury, Mr, A. J. Bal-
four, denied the relevancy of the ques-
tion and declared than the prisoners re-
ferred to. In the view of the Horse, did
n ot belong to the eletsitlestiea at poli-
tical prisoners.
Ls a..vm... villus..
New Tara. Jane S. -Richard. De Qeeseas
and his badeom, vette went *read be
United States wont stmt. ►swab to -da
and accusal .f torghg peon Htcaa
He 1e the proprietor of a smell
basso le Malden -la and he 1�
to have set 5.4.51 0Y0 ee
..,-1sr-,r,v. �.iwS... -
Pert COML'I:St QoYD.h the
rests ba. *bees na .. TYe .welts of the
.sarlon. bards sales leave been, It le .aL ,
dewotrd to a oseaplreey against the rel.
AdminhRratlen. De Qseeeos and kl.
with deny N1 sit.gatlaae.
cls a new .r. 1111wieeweet
(Ispe Tow..' Jae 41. -In the Landis
ere Assembly e►dayL O_-e-�Beentsry tee
Atria -skins P. H. Vases, aaseaeesd
that the asooting et e.ttl. had Ma
as -a dreg
a as.).s attempt to
tea eta41dreg belt. He added that
it was Impordble to prevent the Ander-
part ha emebleg supe Oniony.
wilelted by Isagw.Nem,
Th, tide of Ib. great magaette• moun-
tain that *54154 as • huge Moad.te.s,
drew BindhaA's rile N atetrnettbn,
*etch is one or the most delightful elf
tin. "It rablan Nlrbb" narratives would
✓ at to thy. scram buds is fact 11 tier.
sired Kowa the wreck of the Ishii*
tranapart Warvw H..tlngn are to be
Iwlkved. This steamship we• wwehtd
nn the We of Reanles• .t • use Irma
tlhr i't+ennloo wares tete they settee.
*od It 1s claimed the .rtlos eased the
atmmet eve •'te be Marie ebarged wltb
m,pmrtl..t," se that tits comps•• wee
detected sod the +air eo +nese lbw,
wnrekod. Aa this ham WPM IMs no-
ticed before is esamal1150 vigil a vow
al's !W5655ms M settee vole.aess, the
St hie► aAmhaity has bus saw .1.
mi.e late so hgselast aIt lo * la
k amain -itis mar
may be
Indy seer - ImeY
For Quallty and Price
We Will not Take Second Place!
Extra Value in Dress Goods
Extra Value in Parasols
-- Extent Value in t W s
!ii m Value in Lace Mitts
Multi Viklue i4 Hosiery
Extra Value in Ladies' Veda
Largest Range of Veiling and Laces iaSi aim s1
the Lowest Prices.
COWARD 4u -writ marts* -PliVis
Th. Assad Meeting et the West Hares
Farmer's I.stiede was held in {ha ball at
the Nile ea Tuesday Just let wmmendag
al 1 v. desk es Wm. Balli. the Presidium
in the .tor. & Derain of Dass•nnes err
rotary pro. mine the tint order ol.bareess
brag Pnsld..t'. report
Mr. Bailie wave • very fell and able re-
port of the week et the Isamu toe the
year, m.mbsr.blp. s*tstdaace at mama
eta, .bowing %bat the pew year had bra
oast of peogro ds., also a amber of nl-
mble suggestions tee bus base/ of min As•
..Makes.. -Jose tars diMMeisa
war sashed end adapted -.
Owing to the sheathe of the esuswft'y no
dans No. 3 and 4 were dispersed with, hal
order No. b, Auditors Report, was lakes.
The report .f the sadden Meas. Joseph
Mallard std liai&04*gl.s. whisk was m
writing. nes resolved std adopted.
Oa meld... the aerate were hoard
The ambers s.ge•.t.d that the regular
Mee day mating. he held at Daagsenew.
The peter .sggestd fee supplementary
mediae were Helmesvtlis. Aubars and
Whallaa. Messrs Ysli.tab sea H.th.e-
*tee were rwel•s6d Auditors. It ws.
'ordained advisable them the Dividers be
.toted from each ssoaf0tpality, whtoh ea-
•nit.d is the following :
Askird-Messrs Hayden, Girds ted
Wes{ Wawaaesh-Messrs Bailie. Vern.
aced Howatt
BeW W•waneah-ldeesrs Lohki 1*, Ms'
Oeose and (,orris.
Wiagha-SlewUN,.. Grams, ./ .old
Binh -Masan Moran, Bassilnes tai
J atria.
Clinton -Math
4.04100, &SW, •.d
Forester sad
Godertob Tp. -Messrs Wetter., Elford
sad Tibb•tt.
Ooderich-Yessn M.D. Allan, War.eek
and 8•nadan.
Uolbeese-Meuua Yeasg, Nista sed
TTaesbb.rry overlooked.
The du -.outs sot at **dem e� 11. ss►
d o..ad sleeted Wm. Bala $IratNatl� last
Bosnia vise. J. Harr!-fL4atl
. a_
H. Loam
thers army.-tra. __•
She eves* meeker life' :' mills
*hair. A. melba* program eithealog
sTessIs by the NU* abolr, reeltaMass asi
smear wee oanded the Mr. Heatoa's
salvia wee Rd -Moa ot Farmers' Seen
Mr. Allow'. eabjed was Fruit Or�o=�l�aag�,.
an east
Beth et these were slilyemeses.
O■ busing introduced by the president, lbs
seersary ogered s iow ,assuring- A meet
user ental meetin, defied wish the deg*
the Natioosl Amara. -
Toa eerie Pira, -Tb t•ar{b at of tin
dpiips win ;dad yesterday, and as ea .4 -
dialer peg .f INS o•aineneed week it
will some be Oohed. The Meth tier m the
drat al the 7116 deb. the three lower ewes
beiag a heli. Tl. 1o.ew s.agsld, hem
whish the inside tow week. aro airy. se
that will flee weather gad ewe names M
week, the job will seen be e•sspisead. 1.
MY be m.atb.ed that is will take 17 ton
tr immobile the pip•, that ll mhos wields •
kW 1700 belts he uses h..eso, and Mae •
1St /he tab Maks a •.6see.ti*1 use.
Another Bnap!
bNe ea to nes. tnaswet.
Lades. Jaaaw� fin -"--A tolthdon ,,emoted
to is the ♦a* Chatted f bertha
booed g▪ and the frtt►thi .twos.
s7tt sluns.4 the ilk wee ha&
ame& and is being towed back tan
gars •Win Part of tbe erre a• v slurs es bead ern e•• j ^ . i*
We have dosed contract to get rid of every roll of Wall Paper we
have in stock, as we have been appbinted sole agents for the largest
mannfactare of Wall Paper id'Cenada for 1898. We will aleft repre-
sent two of the largest houses in the United States for next seawn's
goods. But in order toldo thin we must get rid of every roll of Wall
Paler we have in stock.
Owing to my long illness and present state of health,' Move been
compelled to make this change in business. It means reedy money to
me, and the Greatest Bargain.. ever heard of for those who have not al-
ready bought Wall Paper. ;We anticipated this contract and have bees
sa,•'taf... .,.....s..- a... 7.,..,.116A3. i -
+hilts da~1'lIi',rCioiE'il�i pttople rtba11t t+odsj, T�U)�
DUN.R�rd, will get still Greater Bargains.
630 R.ila, rsgnler prix. 6. sad 7a. Sob
1,400 . " M 80 • Ilan ••
1,900 " .. " 10e, 12to lino "
2,400 .. et a lino w
1.600 •• •t •• l8. '•
860 '• " '• ;be and 300 "
35. and Ma Papers 's,
Prism 3. ted 4o
' 6. bad 6a
.. 8.
" 90 and 10e
" 160
Pick up your catalogues and you will End thaw ate 25 to 50% cheaper
than departmental store prioes and no expteell abargee. The only com-
parison ie that you must pay us Spot Cash before paper is delivered.
Ent we give special p ivilege ; if you have any over it will be
taken back within two weeks from dais of poroba* aid money cheer'
fatly refunded. These Papas have all been be libt for Cash by exper-
ienced bay
In the better Papers yon save more than enough to pay for hang-
ing them along with the ehesper meg.
Experienced salespeople to assist yon in making selections. -
Watch show window for prices, always marked in plain figures.
Prompt delivery to soy part of the town.11Telephone No. 100.
Window Shades, !6 per cent. off.
��lh�rrtaf tie kat .anter a�r•e.a� t 0 w7.:20,4r ... g.•- S9t. .1i.SMse' °pant
!/ •'rae[snit Am et bed _ J118Y ,er>.itsew,�.-fe-'- L- _..� f .- •1"`�--
t.:9i.;11 ;:..w4i40.altJt' .'rt vel