HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-6-10, Page 1FIFTIETH YEAR. -1698 THE N13190''$PAPEM OF H'LTROrT qO T' '. , t GODERICH, ONTARIO, PANADA THURSDAY JOB 10, 1897. w ADVERTISEMENTS --JUNE IO ADEi1 1CIi. Gpd.rle6..Wben•8yd Ma oe .oar walked !• the plate to oeameooe the ninth is- . • ter alae Mae teem there nese a silence 'Vanity rd Dry Goode -x. B. Smith- 8 deep r death, *sok mddeoly breath when Omit Gesh Dry Geode SSM-Cetboree ' OoderIOh . (;♦amS. Syd *need oat • bat and made Bre. and 8 1Wa readied ..mood and third Si rattled throwing by the 'Varsity saes. But .11 ether seises of the day p.led into taatKalSe- tetat whoa oompared with the yell of de- light that arose tram Ilse sw•a-like throat et the 'sized multitude, when " Yeah** " drove •' porker ion Dain field, allowlat 8yd to arena the plate sad .more the. winnl0g run for the home team. Is was • real ne- •datented Jubilee shoat, .ad don't you for- get it. Following le the seen by Opines : Bron A .hank Of erlsg-Telford It Or Jades Day -W. A. H, 0421 germ's Jabllee--J. P. Doherty essends of Rdle of Wail Paper-Per- -nr s Book Store 4 Fsstw ear - 8t. George Prion 8 .egeittied Hems Wheel.. -- ole Co 8 W'lns a flood 9 8 8 : l.toboleoa is visiting t• . r Harry Ma sere whited 8e•terib flit. west. 8. Maloovdem was la the Qasss City test week. bed Cards*. of Seafor* ♦ieitai iii res aeardy. By. Harm. of Clinton, was la towel Inst week. B. L dimers. S.aftutb, mars tows rel bard*. J. G. War; et Sayan, 'billed (1oderish ss Radar. _ J. L &inseam. of - nes is taws bet friday. R. Agnew, of tliotou, vine is the oeeety Iowa hriday. i. bl,Doyle's serves .ad shoots to the tale of J. P. Doherty,* Centre. wee in G Wiese striker •ed oat- en S•t.rd•y. 0. Carrick, d• Kineardine, was anal old Meade oa Friday. W. P. Rp•idles. of Cinders. took la the ha8 game iastweek. lire. H. 1.00kw+sd. d Areheme4,>.ti.Je • guest •t the rectory. R. Seinen, of Kiao•rdls•. we. in i}lea'4 mi.ty tows 7. I 1 p. M•1o4S barriser, 0 peat Sunday 1• Mows. - 1 ;' Inspector of Public Sobeets, D. lY1j, wee` b tows the ted week. ere •a tee beet ammo now Played ea dm Cederteb oreaa4►-s to s when Ilse Math Ian1ar erpaaed -Maw t1e Ti. was then... A CLOSELY contented game of o batt was held w the *node of the °edorioh Base Ball (iab Friday afternoon lei The day previous bad' been • •• gather " from rain, end the diamond wee n et 1 good .00ditio• for " elides " to bases. Friday morning bad been tbreatenine, and *hie Lot told .i•in.t the .Nesd000s. d- tbgY/h • good turnout wee visible on ted /mad "fond end outside the ropes. Shortly Olds 3:30 umpire Cort Tilt °olid " Play I"sad 'V.nity wens to bat. Followise Y .nae by inntu*s : Parr. 'lfbwitsr.Gres bunted and failed to resift first 1 Barrow bit • .ky•.or•per to left Bot, whisk was nabbed b rood style by FTM Shaman ; and Cowen was hypodia°d 0ederioh-Malesasoa bit end got sofa b find ; Thompson mads • sacrifice. and Syd res azound to third .red .sated ea • esertHoe hit by Herb Roberta... Fred Shasooa got meet on bola .dd Collie. beagd • navy gw over s-4o-Geed, as wktoh Trddie reached third. Cherie Shannon bit • bed era bsterese mood end third, and Ind bene. O. • boat by Tilm,Ghatlle was eat at ..coed. • 500010. r W --Gena got lint o.. hit inside ..d mashed third ca bad and • •• ratted." Graham readied Ata.w was caught by Ksloem the foal tip. Ledest.y bit ..d r..isd and Hobbs get first as a IpaeswW.e the Oben fellows stipple, sserm4 Gun and Onham ...eod.-.b1 y died .t the plate. oh --A. Robertson ..d Doyle tit est: 1 first in ,aoo..si0s ; M•loo.sw reeebd firm oa . drive to field. and Tbemp- son fanned oat. TRItD. 'Dimity -Greer bit to pitcher, .d was e Mr. and Mrs E. M.L.es; tai Ites, e were is town on Satardy. Kim Tema Mal lawn ens Mef -j- 8.7idt Mesh is New YOB miry. Miss Khania Pager lett M Tad y. eft*, 'sheet rot •t hued, for Detroit. Mn. Iro•ddes. w Gordan. sad ohiUry 01 Manitoba, are reline as the old boos Jao. Davison, 0 Celberae, left this week ea • 'int to Meettein sad the North Wort. tie► W Getty* read K Oliphant oyold reetrud at flrn 13.1144 oraoked field sand M Leak" pest week M *Wed rwafaeseee, reached fist amity, but tried to stmt emend W. Drake, of V•s.sver, B.C.. was is 5d suet with '•hare at the hands of Cents.. tensa tie ps.t wool a • visit to lir. Cowan reached for • boon run .ad the Ralph. "Jody" eentenosd him to three mikes and Charlie Hoak, ter.srly ea Tun SiomeiL oat. thh.f, bat sow of Kew Yerk, M horse Ise a (i0derich-Herb Roberseon hit to pitober S aab's holidays. and was sailed •t ant 'Bee" gb•anem W. J. Ssthe.M.d. of Se.ioet6. wheeled bIt to field, rot to that easily ..d .tele tt.o- up a 0o4*Ish was week .ad .pests couple end sod third. Collins motes the air three d days bore eight aemee. *am .Pd wM_victimised ; sad Charlie Bin. midi ember il &dm* ere Simone bit t • sloe to Barris. whla1 was weep may W. and Mrs. Wm. Aebos's. 1 O. Alen. &seders .heeded the tt seed of 'V.rdty-Oman drove• Midi imed le -t +",`100 Weds . Brantford r Mid which wee gra a fire 62, LOOT arla1 dG!°b° e viitlag sS else of the tadt ipt- r0 TYr reach a ea • Mt, el flares • No. gad boa. ea • his Ag. R. W. MoH b.iw, sod 0. Sed the o..gri and a threw by Herb Robertson. $stMs d Aeeeb•ee..sd G. M. Eilteh m .t y dMd •t Area and Apew nes of Vietorl. •st ob.rob .t the Lades wafer- nabbed trying ..Sal third. .see the pep week h. -.Tilt drove . high fly to oasts. Mors. Gil. Abd Jolts esiverriebt. after wbW was moo rwhod. and ho get a fire. sps°diag owf •'assth with their deer sad .lel .•sod. Doyls dreye a right Mn. Stewart, jleamlller left Oedenoh os 1,44 And egad. son boom, dewing nit to mashed foss, sad so did Ifitfeast thwt at pia*. Bob Rehouse hit ter Bret, Ms De* died at pMM 1 and "Sed' drooped the pati hoe *6. bet s4 ted plats. and 1 yd was also vniisim.d me a -forged rare hems -.Bodes- Jae.Tlristi 0544.6 whls they will he the d Abor- Nth, theme ler „Aimali J. nee erk.p'ailing Cm's tilt `' MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. a*erl5LD. Coaril math es Saturday, May 28th. tot mord besbees sad to bed the seat r revision. Members d1 proem". M el pevioss neenag road •°d •dotted. The following •.para% were paid : W m.Prwetl. gleaning drat° ora 14, $0 80 ; lift Mr Loved, repairing raven ens. 14. $L i Neil Catpbell, rep irblt appraseb to Oahe, sad bridge aid for threes sed for erodes bridge, 8.R. 12 sand es e' $fi ; N41 M aid Torsional. r 101051*. & 12 mid 13. 50.0 W. K.apesel. 100 fan d that plash, 90s. 8445551 Caagatlr, °.valet advert nes. 9, $1.76 ; Thema (14a•. *517 lag dog. 25ai;elm B.ohley, dumb MLA. ea.b0 ; Retort 9Nd. me 05105.4. RR. D mid 10, $1 le I Wa J. Irma advert se K.H.. Ashield's iaif. SI t L.iab -- soder-drain o0 8. Jan.. Little, r D. I. ora 14.60% t.. 15 4... Tome 8. IL v. 1 Jells Kupwhil, 4 Mese ear t, 960 I W a tlss11dt er. repatr*g bwe salver% 8 IL 3 and 4 sen. 7. $811 40 t Wm. Risley, espouses in aedka Asa Tilsit M rRooue of Reims, W $ Jatene Bdwote, ,l "M.drise 1ak. BS MgJe.se ring holvert$.A 6 Sad 7, the. --11-1-.1K'; m. A. Brown, repartee wavers era 9 W 1• $2 , enhry Jetweeen, refund d eases, $13 64 1 W aY. $sod, + $R-80 t _Jobe Blithe, haltida ase wheats mu- S. is. $01 Rohr m Low. Eur tier Jasw Shawn taethela al Homo d Ref.ige. $1t sad 7. owe!. 14, l 60; 4 Mw.a.tarwarw [.nese-.► cC 3 d jrosed I *meet Susi. at 4 :Wroth gB e,y °•151si a0. . w.mmted Massa. *.watt. ewna e1 lth W. } 4, oft. 1 1L D .loaled en the grad that AL lot wee 11404M15101 high 1 esdeeed S100.gloss Jamas high farRename *pealed es bola 8. ; el ndested to high roc the D. R E.D.; easement .a.5dod. The e.M were entered as ata rid : Thema* Runk, Richard Seed". MN* Ryna ge R Sam.. (arse. Orem. Reid, O 561, Matthew O'Counsr, Jobe Laren. Abort Harter, Wm. P. Philo, 11.17 14- >~1dr. i•'snal A. Reit Z. ft, Moines and +7.555 ]D11bo e OA me of Mites sod llioklay, the theme 1r ' wee emoted es '.,Teed. 4 o'yl«k lett rammed. • the .dreg. -me Plass Nlses amtheg 1 beard at 1111 meeter het* Ike woad -41192aee leis. seers 'Yenity-Hebb set did Js*0 • By IM third, willeb wee °sespMd by =11; Geed+ hb M d 4gista, whist" oar neatly te usesadd .ym4 1s Rehires* s/as wand e Ied Dobbs rot and em •a Wilde *64 Sottas nes lobbed M Boo.. bat Col- lie. .weal. Tilt eat • Al N altsfethiRkgs b°dhit alle 4 4 sS limos end wwa p deep. ' nV1db11t--deeres nMdd•is dais* Sy he left d01& whish wee baaed1ily take. by )Plied /Deem mold Mad whams. Corea 1 mars whin woe ase rawt"ei. A gy Daest to eylhf wee pbMwi Is. and Omen wee head nab M good !p . dlm,1d lie iz rah o.eg►t nth ds • Mak Gd De M . Beide. IMl al If flash . htM.•etInds fer . k d expired at mod fer lane. wade: J Iifad umNhir Ay M fed bop** ibM 0.08.., The Ma't d• a Oho * 1 M4 It is 0.dg.1h.--H,.*."teen wad !des • Atl te Armor tie Bret Neil eh etsds reseed from We ed i poetefore a 51. resatiabut t mar seedMe Oho ISiwam. Iweee earth' by M spline Aluomost 0,.mind fire un • bed ybro, y@S1 d1d■'t roach fine, Omen Stew thee* en * fay to onto by aeerI 1 flhpn,.e. • Tho other $bastes - nhhd OwealrlY te eft Ied. AdsNsh-TM'. MIN 81 bit i.se h lid totem lel • arettemeelli 11110, ••Psi" J@bsetem, while y04 bones oast helm* the.Imeephere s 010011,0114 - am rem 01 the wast M Gres 1 /o l Orlin Hale Ay le emend nes wooed* Dorm a a1ddM a°w steed 1 ile 2, 4.8 q .ss andy rinen rt1M ea to whinb .bolt w1M tee Me where no. f1un11•o. $M p ay met the piths. whish was go by_ wrr _Msa♦i- -.1 Land i ppMasa t 141141141"enes ethos dirge wwa pm". whisk n ham by Doyle (Dew appeals ) Lwfeley. nth OOD5a10H. Al1RBBP0 A E M.1oom.o., 0 5 2 2 6 1 0 Thom peon, 1b 5 0 1 6 I 9 H. Robertson, es ... 4 0 0- 0 1 2 F. Shuman, If 3 1 1 L-6 0 10 9 0 0 300 9 1 0 1 7 0 97 13 8 Colltee, 2b U 8b•nnes, of Tilt. 3b A. R. Rob.0 s, ri Doyle, p '4 0 1 4 1 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 37 4 7 .. Y :e. • Greer. se ..••••••••i....4 at Barrow, Wbson•,--....-4 Q. Cowan, If.. 4 1 B ' 0.an, a. Grmho s, p Agnew, lb Leat.ley, 3b. Hobbs, r Johnson, at 0 b .1 1 0 4 2 1" 1 5 0 4 01 i 11 1 1 4 0'1 0 0 0 4 0% 1 2 0 1 3 0 0 1 0'1 36 3 6 '94 14 4 • Winning run moored sad now oat. ▪ boa hit, Le.e.e'y. 13....n, bal. F. 8bannon. Double play.. H. Robertson to Collins to 'lbo.psen ; Doyle to Thompea be Tilt. 8tnok est by Doyle 1, by Gra- ham 2. Pasted bi11T by Maloomeoo 1. by Gars 1. Stoles Mess - Maleomrca F. Shames 2. Tile. A. Reber...°. Graham Left on ba.e. - Oodenob 9, Varsity b. !Maria°, hit. C. 8haonon. Tums of game, 1:50. iimpirs. Bern Tat. 50055 R uIII . 123456789 R H b 900100001-4 7 6 020100000-3 6 4 TEl •505?TION. L the evening • reception was gives .t the 8.06.1 Club Roam, and the 'Varsity boys were pat on very amicable r.M1lione with not only 55. samba.. e4 the 8es1a (lab. but wit* macy of the leading saw et the town, amongst whom weed Mayor Sham - nem, Reeve Prondfoot and ether member of the tows ooaaoti. Toast, .said sed ease - meat were the order of the evening. rind ea .ajoyabl• time was .ewn. 'Varsity s. After '' M ~ " tat l • b e+ dt. 'Oat M. Aay'su ricoard. l/esd.T for bed feadfag series Mae y mA•... - -'' a abed - --- et ' They wilt tar '- a• rine York ea the *OM TOWN OOUMCIL mantes .1 rasa lieglar Neoatsp. Repalsr meeting of %ewe meant wee held w Fridley evening, Hi. Warship Mmy.,r 8Mnnos presiding. Member all present except Conciliar' Cotweit sad Tweedie. Misuses of last .fedi.! read, *permed ase domed. A Prem. of $5.00 was meds a 8. t°.ekle fer the maintainssoo el the lana Geo. Mor- ris The measurer's *tatoos* fait May. "bow- ing m balance carried homed el $2,370.68. wasysf.rrsd a Basso* e'snmiters A oommaaiatlse f •+s *hoe. TSM, math* that the loam hes lar h*aoi table, be "e- choed, wee read : when the rem tow *doe that s* ass' .satdg et soma he woad awn that the by- low gsd•g Mllhrd omeaded follow/ 800 nth Oak ail $10 •ter all ethre. \1. WILL PAY FOR THE SIGNAL Sow OSS Town D. McGILLIOUDDY, EDITOR. HURON COUNTY GO CfL rt:„": Rsmu,r :art= for°oOat't7...M NEW OF THE DISTRICT. throes.we ressmae•d that • cat Niel b. m ourowp 001 pondeat 0on0111810A of Juan . Tie ete.nntaesi ' ,user*. the Yolanie e ass r ...tsesse., $ r.ae el 16 15. 15, .ad sed COSMO °dle.rne mII_s.00 ' - .- Tays•DAY. 10 ser. Minato, of Wedanad y'. meeting read and °°.firmed. Mrs. Treasb, stare. of the House of Re- fuge applied for an tweets of salary. tent a examine oo.mitte s. Report et .ga•i6Mk5 eommtttes read. Commit woof into oommltte• e/ the whole, Robs Moines in alba .hair. The esesmiltee rose sad re titr -Me report was "doped. Note the only elan. tree Me equaIi s- leem el lad year is that the reoeatly daoer- pok•tod vilLge of Moon >. .messed at $126,000..red the townehip of Hay 1s re- dwood $1 per .ere The repert of the holm of refuge oemmlt- tam was read and passel Report el linene o.mmittee was rend and adopted. A aetiso that the eosadl immortalize the Uemieton Goveranmat to oompel rail rad oosa to proper cattle guards en rail roads was some to special oommittee. A motion that $3,000 be granted for boundary linos was sent to road and bridge commit 40. A motion that two valuators be appointed tet the county for 1Eq was esht_to opiossi ow: mitt s. . . " The ooaaod adjourned to b r.r. Council met at 3 r. r. Report of oduo•tioo oommuttee was read, peed threagh oemsaides of the whole fwd adopted. • of special committee reed, refer- red to somans°° .l the whole and adopted. Report of property osmmttsee was read, o..Md.red in 0.mmit10. of the whole .ad s as tar se elan* 6. e ooandl adjourned to 10 a r. Friday. Friday, Jane 4. Gounoil met poneaot CO adjournment. Minutes of Thursday reed rind approved. (,.wept went into oommtttee on report of proper committee, sod after strikes out Maths rind •...dreg death 11, adopted .Mee.. 7. 9, 10 ud 12. Causal resolved Itself tato oommittae on report of nod mad bridge oommitt a and adopted It witheat .meadmott. . Coonotl rid jearsed to 1 P.m. 1 o'clock t. e. The os.oty property ooseal1M'5 report wee again beton the soused b 0ommithee sad porril 4 Report • mivo eemmittee was reed. referred te the oeunoil in °.aminase and passed with the .zoeptiea of clause 6. The thane* went into eemmitbee ei she whole m repbrt of imams ooatmitee .ad d oped • eu.b,r a Its damns. The Hew et Rehm' .oamitt.o was dt- reot.d ee repot a5 sett .snapm as to the .dvidbWty of an oddities to the House of Rehge ; Sed if •datable, estimated moot et peippia1 .ad e.oting 000b addition. O0 150600 et Menne. McLean and Holt the geestio• of painting the outside of the Doan home was referred to eeunty eegjaeer to report at neat meeting as to oast, i) ►d• visibly . were! manes, to reduoe the smsmmoae were mewed .d lest. The .writ d jsarm•% 1s mm10 Was .1 - 1.101.e! ..r. De. Rollin. and °..mons s Me0was and /Keeney were appointed • ssamtbtee to en - entre late .red report at ea* meeting the S oon.. Won paid :nasty clerks in the jcwimes sad their duties generally. 'lheetesh wee Ise Mbar* 900 eon 0.00 Relive fathe Ivolow god d 1.44govertt the The warden dark were lwtwooed to purehw. 90 31.1* metal weights a be used ler hard labor, is e.uylsi them from ens ode of the gad yard M the Ober. Report of *wee 0•..1111e was h.km up 1° °..sato.° d the whole. and She rw•io- lag .lath... paned. The repeat wag .hon ado ted. The amen mdieuntd. o weeteeic•tien hem She sen - Of the G.T.R. re the r♦someS4 M tib is 4 bora tithed cam wee .sate Sad Welt Ohms the gens. ~w do shoe* p te ha held ss Jubilee Dewar ad.* he is A nem smese en awn J. 1. 0.b..* , st Woe Olimt.a. JMMu se tirleq ser dela' the eespee.Mem M Oasis on Mine 1).y, was rest Mooed. ds...ded and or red, tW the esemoni..eMm be whew- ledwed, .sad that. rc asps.-* b. loseeitel.elide, that tabs roused will ias.g. (.71 w4 Report ef epe1.1 .easafbbss Year Osmd1ee bane erasiiered A. ebm- moideglw d A. McD0 Ateaw•*5 Oo4liib seay.s ieZ ad .wise le ted o. 5 *visit .weans ted essemmt dewed by oasts NI 4JverlWsg, are nip* end that me seas* takes We r,wamend Mot the e*mdl bake. the "raper Oder to ?NW •.date fired oa the Qs*. p J.MMs. sped be ..mdmment 1p t1• rale., sae. 0 A. N.Irp,•,1lsA the has ...,d.. of the °ba.°ak ed .y rag. thrhsnit--_ ! s area WM Mrel The had at werlld dpi.WI dui $ By how bad been yawed for Pie Wag/ * Mamaet eewdehas twos reed pe po aha The 4r•s1 w 819$ ter IM- adage wee node. end lam Thompson, Om el Deudnilen w Cisam hilus. gad Gena app.ieeed to work tAth w MI- Tbs emMile- tlpewi he hoe d the Mlew!si ..000151 edema O&. $6 40; O. dA Whitely. $h L ■ Albs, $fs 97 i ?n Noway, 11126 } D, home jig t WOO Bees. jll$ I J. WM. 01111, 11164.47 Oarbeban Us. SIM I Outer- * ubar M 111. 1. , $36; McCfysasM, p.81I thea Porter. BILIN s W. 811111 ens. $1 9t I ria 8Ior «70 i O'•ad'i 0. B. 00., if0.- " ret tne.. d pfd. ' The barber iomaiete. midi Thr* a ab `teal islet 1. play.4 at the diel. Weed by Cs..eillon Geed..saf Oyd*a that 4tit wow .red l bb eesa.fttee twee pswan pee in eke oohs Bair. Cep'W. A 14.10. ter Moe 55g1le•Ibs and Heawdpa • odad e them toad read the AIM .. tenmehre de Ooa.mfee. .riot iv& 1 Thee in roierrea00 to the moan of Mown. Hays mid Mclean to grant the nom el Se per day M ♦olatorn la Caned., De be takes. 2 That ibe !..pester of Boom of Rohde be primed en My Sid while seesmAbt onset- bled wLead d Hew 4 Adage 55ssmt115. r Sinai $110 be 1reatld se the Gnat 4 lhme the .• .Item el Bore el Refuge •mam dm Nares@ ei DS pee ammo to W ary. iter 6 That the Ceftegfae Iodise« -mesio IIs 180? the follow .am.: liatertb 96Ana 14 Aima.. $1,917.06, Oederteb $1,- 6 That the data d Shp games ed the este en. Dinka.. fee 5.450ye Aided to have bas over pia. se matiep. 7 That on ..Sere el Job. T. Diens lee essays slimed N have bees twerps* be eh* erne! ter 1896, and the olein' by the eee.ty egained Jabs T. Dred.. ter .eney5 and M he des the esoley for 1806, we odies ernamItellalegall Io thatmade by the Legislature gives by this oouso4L 9. That with referee°• to the determines Hay towmthip, ere rthemio sad that gay pane be amide hoard, rid that Archibald ►°p, Matthew Lockhart, Auburn, ..d Doe. $. Cromwell be arbitrators. 3 That m the matter of the petisi0s for s now wheel .sotto. in Grey towable, 00 imam be takes. oouf'TY rsor.•TY OOnmerraa'e 1,10110. That the gaol was ezamLed and feend dean sad well kept. eboald be That • young man, insane, takes charge of by the town of God•rlob and pat to the •.yldm for s imourMlee as o ne es *seine. as the gam prop- er plow 50 .sub panto. We eerotatnasa that the stable M owed ids the wood yard, •ad the front of the lot I...4 •bet the stairs inside be repatrsd,sev Mews. Smorigett, who lad Mem NMliaty •Nob eider, Mr& tatrwrset. ieumllHl: 1Mt Wita.,.tlliluthrrd wt, who will bi II =NW oral deers be repaired and dusted, that 50 at hose he rebased the Oct !hare Tanager, Jane 8. Mies Flo'sie Fothstngb•m, of Brnos4dd, is visiting her sear, hire. A. H. Glutton. n om is gagmoawa fume T 411ssiit $tf .raped Aeywbero 0..-Keileaa1tr Dean* rtsstmllt aMoeesd Ale lash. ii 011th. -ra CARLOW. TOITDAY, Jane 8. Samuel BhsM$ es Tuesday ter Nis. * pee to bread the and Assembly of the Presbyterian ChdroMM to be held in that city. Joau.aa Pieoio.-The Omlon pia•io of the surrounding sign* will be held at Pees' Farm, 8.t.r+•y Jane 12th. All in- tereeted is edsanit are preened to joie w this Jubilee odeion. fart sew pa t tEfStJRN• Tired. the gaol wall pointed on the out- - .64. tuba come endows requiring g g lared, from the outside .sa that u1 night sowers be purchased for fem.'s priseoers. Reermese.4 new floors la shrift's sod disk's cages, that the wall of court bones he pointed whore the water oomee in, the inside el court boom Withstood, and the b iek-werk of faruaoo repaired. The above napalm to gaol and ooart hoose 1. be carried eat emir the supervision of the eeaseilima d Mw 1 division, clerk and en - That w y efi*w is la good repair. That Is ry/ M the ventilation and san- itary an- t ees djal lsMM11 the pool, no whom be taken Thhit1& 5enrehuo55 is dean and well kept. awes or wear donor raa's-ilrrV That the °°amines moth L. • Feb. I2th, end .seeped tender" fee 1.5'- 440, IOC forequarters and 5o. for hied, haat .t 20. per lb.. and J. W. Irwin', ter poser - Ina. That the lsepeotor ho in.ttao$d to ppaarorobase dry goods direst from winkled" boss.., that • refrigerator had been par- obased sad • pig pea mad Amery house .rooted, end that the wars* for emoting .mate was awarded to Ga 1.5,14,0 d, Mustard, the lowest teadeeere. for 1365. That the inspector had been authorised to poroltas trees sad plant or orchard of 1} acre,, and • mow had been purchased. That °eel would In required before next meeting, end 1555 the same be psrab.ed by the inserter by teeder. All the bod.Made 1.113 being in ane, re- oommead that Mr. Case be 'empowered to bay • few ..or. u se.gary, that Mr. Cone be allowed 16 tor postage sed that be •ad the oesmiwIIser preoa15 •"asap to lift re- fuse so that It stay be speed on the Ind. GOAD 1110 11!00& Reevermad se sono. to the applications of Ashfield and Colborne townships for • g rant towards repairing Lake Shore reed. That the by1.w passed by Hallett, clewing . poblte road be manned. and that the timid grins ot three tbw..ad dollars for boesd.ry limos b. made. That She °own ..00er's report bed been e>umiesd and ebould be published is the minute& 1111001 Oaineri an. Reosmmsafed pay -meat of • long int et •s..unte. Reported that the property bonded te eke e.s.ly by the rearm new star hast eomamose valued .t $2.',,750 1 that • bylaw he peered .atborletn g the borrow- ing of $30,000 for @arrest expemw. That with reamarer'e ateMtssee Bed tail esti. mated .zp..ditan tag 1897 $49,062 65, hes rwmiy1 $700, sakiier•Me gat eepoot ism* $48,362 62. TAM the tow equalised w- sul"" t bang $32.325.08!00. ramie - mend that • bylaw be path* to levy s rate e1 1} mill as the mid eaee"wsmb, .ad that tresenn'e letter •lgsawe estimate. the., be printed is the date& 1 That ggesdh bed wsmarirei-m Neo WssewwIh maty, adder hose pwvii.as fns sotlMngseamlelpal ease..* w aides he lakes, ea the losedelaere has ap jdNid peo,iwl5i wether. $ Ra the oe tme.b.tisa from W•0.d0 tome , whine no op.rataoa fa obtdafnr iihseia.e *oto the Jarp Ams se •dem. K That reward the s.atsrlal hem osenty that the warden sod clerk wNh Hung.. w pet8/emhtt w Lgdata 6. '1' thgabonoloe ..sash m.meridh a the Dem - Mee Goveraseet for the panne' of prayer hoe tris tediw.y inwards tee oats. 'j. That is the metier of sppebMwg two wise 1 M Wee the me.ty, se tykes 1e takes. - Mr. sad Mrs. John Chehoim, with their orildr.n, famed in lloderioh township Ude week. Ms. sad Mrs. Ji. Bogie. Of the Ciroalar Cijy, were traoshat visitor" hen this week "esisg relatives. Rev. Father Wes$, of G.derioh, visited members of his &segregation hen Wednes- day of last week. - If Sunday of thb week was W bitse.d•y, it might he tailed i noted ba Tim BIOxAL of last inapt. It was • wee one i•ded. The dowoponr of in the morntn4 pre- vmed dlepeneies' stmt lime after sere', ..iv'' KIWTAlL. _ • ,. Momper, JUDO 71•11. Debit Leeson ` in Leedom attending the tumoral el his aW..r. Goole. Grafin and d•.gbter vistaed Woods here e. Sera y. M.Kwde) paid we • LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. The Clerk .t the weather has dried cif. Dioyelee nem I a dieoeaat .. Mandy. The eorliy mud similar rink flame law hens painted. Geed been and heathens* for sale. Ap- ply at this seise. T15 m•ematerr.pbe was redly geed, hat the Mesad men was net so. The last greed* for the Jubilee Smeare MB take plass is the *k.tiag Mak. !V alltelidease at ted poblfo 'sheen ted May ev....,,sd 617-1174 bey. and 246 girls! It is prufened es put • portrait .f Hee Mahe* in sash roses et the public wheel.. The ..heel beard's regular bootie# wee sot MM e. Malay ter Ira* of a 4terewls, w' dweiia Dent have 4.401100101110‘ Mrs. Lawrence ( loot** visit Mies Kato Belga where alter ter. pas8 home from g Mf the past win Mina 8t. George and fMoPhee, of Latham. were the rants et . and Mss. Boogie ea Sunday. Oar foob.ball team has alerted fr+sioe, sad intend to play a friendly gams with ted Hackettstown Wyse& Seturd•y evening. It is reported that Jac McDonald, of the Buffalo tion, lirU be oomp•otod for Loa Day. Oartiter had • bas Net -week mitring riaI" ows Owing to the oath stern - Ina 1t did set go up very fast, bat before the work was finished it teemed out to be very dry: g to build a hall, ie fall a• D•Isb• AUBURN. • MOiIDAT. Jane 7th. 0o Wednesday, ;nue and, a very tater- e ating event took dre at the residents of W. D. Winos. er hie second daughter, Lilly J., was united- in m•rri.ge to Albers li Knott, of the Base Line. As 6:30 r. r. the bride eine p.dsd from the home, lathing e n the aro 'Of bar father. to the Iowa. where • largo sod beautiful ler* bell was e mmesded from • eider rieab. Hero the osre*ooy wee parlormed by Rev. Mr. Comma, pastor IN Au Methodist °baron, in abs presets° ot two heed - red people. The bridey 1• . aat oeste of Dream, tb ri►Meg . and pearls. TOOT The wadi wvI iloeepMbtj _ 'r'iad°tai Harsilii. After the owennay invited guery many from Goderich, Mssmiller, Carlo*, Blyth and Westfield. to the number of 198 or 150, eat down to a sumptuous dinner. tris. young maple are two of our best -knows . ad highly respeetsd reaidenta, end the presents were naaserone, oouoietteg of many meetly and nodal .Adana. Mr. and Mrs. Koos will residethe farm soros the read 10m the broom lather'. cis the Bass Lied. BLUEVALE. Trr.DAY, Jose 8. Mtge MayP.nIMad le i11. The sten an buoy at the new flax m111. Man- A. Craig. who wed ill. has meow - 'red. Grey. et W ingh.m, spent B day `art M Mho Mary Flake", of WI°th.m, is hem es dolt levo. Mates and bride arrived boas nth evening. Mies Darr left for her betas in White- wash. ,1 who wa W Mw1*c4 ltwmta,.., vn1y ' 71WIs °eedgriioh prom Co. shipped 7 etyma Peder Fowler. of 1l1 llisavaieTai;s M pen Steed• es Tuesday. besides larg. beining a fine .tone teethe afire d other Moes. L. Proctor, of Klupart, le loarntna the t Amoroso posehed in ViototL•mbIl5*1 sa.ktag INN 0th. li.Do.•ld. Mara ea Sn.da mega** sad is Nothoo 41, lig. Wok of Weedthooh. brother of Rev. Methodist thumb in the maims. !t1, J. Waal, is yidded at the Maw. A for of the residents have emeldo sSly MM moony. of Mrmmw.. wo vYltiT4 isprovod the npps•nnse of Wesc-as by Ax. her nes, Mo. Jehs Dint lees wash. leg q the sidewalk is Lose M their peep- Mi, $.1ww. timber. is peeparka4 owes !rte sheen lar the M1deo mer itemisations. Bert 11e°.pots Mwpled Ne pulpit et Nert-el Wethea./ ablest ia the mer Sew-, and that of Vioteorla# sharab 10 the eves - Ing last taand•y. Batter was • drag is the market oar 8.t- srdoy. and se la may h.M•ooe only loo sash me sIwsl. mord who W the sea- m•dity fee .d. leek N leak Wo& NM. Theorem Mel • valuable lane en Waft tM°egb ea ..58L_* While ma - *01.00, albillaklea bridge** esh5al peke bbral h.M and shoe. ash Yir7 that IL bed te Thr aid who et the _ddl1un Se lieeat is almost ..Spas•. ad the omen bei ihme pwrmi'ss n1e woe w. The new wing, se roes hear the meddle, emooldegably L..5..wr the a ".amass d She hYdlas. 14* the tare of Jehsettes ♦e. Oak. Weller fere Mod Jades Arrow hew kgs imekledoemot 15 Ahem* Wawa. him dere hem delivered' la fever el Mia *MK dewta4 her dower tad BIB stash. M,rsgeeMy *a Noon 4 Thr 11ie81.' blekfsrett Nit 4.01610.0.Mak t rw The little Mimes Pentland •►tended • eeriest to 1611.,01. last ?awday eves*g. !. B. Doff IN Mira( ♦toil. Iea.nna tie W. Peart. of Wbgb.m. Mr. Pearl hes se - garbed • ohms. Dr. Koanody of Win/rhino, had . runa- way sorway me the Bluev.ls road last week. Wes damage oar deem. Her gamey Mends are whirl le Des the ph°eaet fees 4 Kra Jobs Roberti, she *view se fee reemered se te he able be he me. King Bees. ere banding ons Dat. Wavy l1.1e *a double breek bo_pw*e work end MoGramr Dram. of Washes, on fall* tbo Werk week. wlade alma ed$b1 tatilmtiedtfeetePahhe- avens s ♦wens Atwood mrd Weirdoes WI heady. wfst*o., r bead. Stun bb. Aslhe, Rey. `Z. 1100re.hr wife "Bee 1 d•awbser. new visit** Jobs rea.14 last Inge.. albs p em•hed- fee Rem. Ri.rbr. Kith it.dq.