HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-5-20, Page 8THH BIQNALto OODFRIQB ,S?I'1''i 'hWURSDAY. MAY 20 1897 Are Eve1'Y. Day II lb— The New Store, with all New Goode, is , going tc stay wiih you. Our new prices "z _ tnay have hurt others, but we cannot help it. We propose to sell you goods as cheap as can ba bought in the Cities. CITY PRICES, CITY METHODS PREVAIL WITH IIS >T _ Seirfo r Cas h --_— and One Price Only The newspaper is the medium by which we come to your notice. Prices quoted in the paper don't give you a fair idea of our values. •.� SEE OUR BARGAINS 2,11 OPARE OUR PRICt- InVING UP .J r BUSINESS Every day since this announcement appeared in print we are asked " Is Mr. Acheson really giving up business, or is it an advertising dodge?" We want to settle this question once =_`"-fbr elle Yate we are giving up business, and the sacrifices we are making is the strongeet evidence we can offer that we intend to convert - this immense stock into Cash in the shortest possible time ,-__.- _ - • • ' • COLBORNE BROS'. CREAT GREAT DRESS GOODS SALE. Will be Continued for Some Time Tet It has bee .reat income Big sales have been made last month. Every. thing in the Dress Goods line going at Coat and under. This L a genuine CASH SALE, and no reserves. `Yoe are sere to get Bawtaiaa at this Saje the Goode mast be sold. OARPETS- doho `beforei ` ! Quantt ty and GS yequal to CityStock. Brussels, T , Ply All -Wools, 2 -Ply Ajj.Wonia. Unions and Hemps. Special attention is called to the new Axminster pukes —the finest ever put on the Canadian market. Carpets made and laid. We want your Carpet trade, and if quality, quantity and prioe go for anything, we Dight to get it. All Carpets carried over from last season will be solo at about Cost: some ends under Cost to clear out. A shipment oS 1500 lbs d New Floor 011 Cloth, 4-4, 6-4 and 8-4, direct from the manufacturers, All New Patterns and Colorings. Choice Goods commencing at 25o. Japan Wettings and Twine Matting. cheaper than ever before : also Mate and Rugs. Iinniense Bluai¢s iaDriitl YOU=-WILL TRADE WITH US! Here is where our thorough knowledge of the buying centres, our ready Caak-- counts,`and where we give the benefit to -- our customers MO 010 C000S'-NO OLD STYLESI Dress Goods A new lot Fancy Silk Mixture double width Dress Goods worth 50 and 75c for 25c. A range all wool French Serges, 45 in. wide, worth b0c for 25c. -. Gloves and Mitts HOR SUMMER All Silk Black Gloves, worth 25c for 17e. All Silk Black Glo'ea, worth 50e for 30c. All Silk Lace Black and Cream Mitts worth 25c for 11.1. Waterproof Coats } Men's Black Waterproof Coate, 24 in. Capes, plaid lining, worth $5.00 for $3.75 '*11 the new things in Prints, Organdie Mus- lins, Spot Muslin, Crepons, etc. 1 Small Profits:tiro ! oT301air, b0a11 atfn ells WRa'f 0AsH CAN DO FOR YOU f• ' ... • Hosiery A few left of our choice Summer Hosiery. - , Feather Buffs Ladies' white and colored Ruffs worth 11.00 for 25c. Men's Ties in light colors and lateens worth 25c, going out at two for 25c. - Men's Dresden Cambric -- SHIRTS, the lastest de. signs, worth $1.25 for pec. Shirting Do you want the bee4 Shirting in the trade ? Try onr Epglish Grand Drill, worth 15c for lla Ladies' Vests Ladies' Summer Vests 2c each. Men's Straw Hats A range Men's .8b Hate at new prince,_ • _ , .:. An along the Drees Goods counter you can see see a solid row of _shoppers snapping up the _ the Bargains offered 25 pieces of • Dress Goods, all shades, ranging from from -35 to 50c, all marked at one price, 25c. 10 Drees Ends of 7 yards each, some of onr .choicest goods, regular pries 51.00, sale price 75c. All onr Ilk Dress Goods, including some beautiful figured Blick Goods, everything at 75c reduced to 55c. A full range of our celebrated Black Henriettas all prices marked to clear at Cost Price. iigrj1binga-g Siore of CozI. able Linens and Table Napkins at Oast. - -Plannellettea and Shirting. at Cost. 'Oottonades and Tickinginntit. Tweeds and Worsted Snitings at Cost. , Our trade hu increased beydmd oar ax- pectationa, and goes to prove that the peo- ple of this vicinity appreciate the Ossh basis - , Prints and Ginghams at leas than Oast. Cash and One Price Only! SIWITH BROS. & CO. Hosiery and Gloves at Cost. Berlin Wools all shades 5c. Twisted Emb'd Filo and Boman Sloss 2 c, Cottons and Sheeting' at Coat. Ladies' Blouses and Corsets at Cost Waist and Skirt Linings at: «Olt J. T. AQHESON. -COLBORNE BROS. - _ _F d. -_- OOZ.BOon2P112, The Granit Clwpet Warehouse of the Colasty We treat you Right --Our goods are Right --Our prices are Right SOMETHING ABOUT SHOES Do you want really good Shoes, better than you get at the ordinary Shoe Store 1 We believe our Shoes are better than any sold 1s town. We are not compelled to buy from any one man, but anal with the Manufacturers with whom we m do the best. Call sad per linea of 8priiig and Bummer Footwear. -he Shoeman. 8eeosueoe be B. B. Por tont. A. MatINNQN, COIINTYIAIIGER ERUS? & WOOJ1 CO. will handle sad M asci *via mad Weed'. Rhodes. Mowers, Rake* and Plows, 1� Mad Waist Digo use Cnlav♦ ton. Chetbam Weems. Welitkelar Pse Hervssatr, Bttights, Carle, buyers, Harms, ( _Ay Ms.bh,a s - - Examine our Binders 'without fear of o*otrsdfotlon, the heiress, moot oompsot. best balanced and mast par featly eo.trolled ..d Dearest to perfeotiss of say Drill on the market. Oss canvass, steel tab) e,eimpleet knower, meet durable, easiest running and best -bal- anced nsekiln en the market. If you w one, your hews's neck will not seed bath- ing during sad alter harvesa Compare it with others. Our 97 Mower lea beauty, having several new Ind import- ant feataree--greater width of tread, DOW foot lift, miser oat, adjustable outter bsr, sad roller bearings. 8.. them bailors Eis- ler year ender. The Old Reliable Tiger Rake m up -le -wets, having high wheel., solid steel soles, perfect rookies dump, splendid shaft se .�wi wills Wag sad admirably ad. do you west the WAGGObl thee eoespeted eaten with .ed ds/e.t_4 ih►besr Weeesaris °air ads seri ahs U0Md Brise., whaler a god mad.l sed diel. a as World's Fair, ales oar anatomise% 1u Oed.rieb and Colborne seeds' as Loodos, 11.e., sad led.nrlal Re - township, ebeart.Ny $i i,wledge their au- MOW., Toronto ! If yea de, bay abs perfority never ,obis Maas of plows, beim, c.w CHATEAU. *quipped with V.. Al- very light , ease to operate, doing 1sL paean g e.t mslle.bl. arms, Simpson', mslki.ble adjustable stakes. bees white .as bane -dried wheels ; hickory or maple aids& Dee% let • dealer Is oar MONITER DRILLS we esve, old -Mase before semen u, Wer HA wls► on se*ing oar Wq,as. We handle the beet ouortsd Ilse d Implements 1. the meaty not being reetrieted te deal with any one arm, nor are we restsesofatives at say eombiae. Oar maehlaes ars bails oe Honor, and we sell stem upon their merlin. Cies oar prima, =muss Der sae - *hinge, enquire of the bees end mast progressive tsemer@ who are main, thea, mid be guided by your owe judgment nod their eiperisnos. REPAIRS OF All KINDS k's" pari f Palatal". w� Plowshare. 26o : ether { opsit, le prsportio.. BINDER TWINE chanson thea ova, Call ala sae ear sampler, A. MoKINNON, HAMILTON -ST, Cultivators GIANT eedCULTIVATOR.�M S the MANNsad DISC by the termone of Huns prove with - eat s doubt whet we claim tin thshl, Ike beet is Conde. Brion you buy s Pea Harvester .a11 sad see the W ETTLAUFSR HAR- VESTER, whiner of diploma be World's Feu. farmers and Teamsters Plows Drills i CARD FROM JOHN NcNAUCHTON I desire to take this opportunity of thanking my numerous Mends and cus- tomers for the liberal patronage I have been favored with during the past months. It is a pleasure for me know that during my residence in Goderfah my association with the citizens of the town and county hu been of the moat pleasant and sartfsf$ctory character. might_ fust state that my .daugh- ter, ' LUGHTON, hu taken possession. and control of business ii the old staid, and I trust that my ftisbds and the public generally will accord the -- same patronage to her as • they have done to me. The stock of Boots and Shoes is en- tirely new and up-to-date in every re- peat. Repairing neatl3r and ecu'ted. Rips sewed free. promptly Rig MaNAUGH1'ON.