HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-5-20, Page 5ITRE. is ELETTES, TWEEDS, RAPPERS, ,HIRTING, alis I voun wto Mee Jird tells !foe tee, free. erry, little Ole L ES! ty. BROS. (visa Nett Designs. Tretonnes, B for Por - .per tper 7011r Spring and see our IM tries, Halls, m. Kitchens, Ceilings to 'son's goods in plain TSON iIODaATOS. AirPtiON THE SIG : (3GODFlR1OXI. OWL. :111WRODAY MAY 7$) 167. 114 66, SneciaIS • It is a well-known fact that thi. store L without an equal to the county for Staple Dry Goods. We want to reduce our stock of Prints by one-half, and prices 1ilre tdlseasboald clear them out within a week. 300 yds Print, regular 1S4 to 17o per yd for 10o 300 " " 10 to 12 o " " >M 850 •• y •• 8 to 12;0 " •• 5o all beautiful washing goods, and our guarantee with every yard or your money back if you want it. Fancy Gingham,, regular ISts per yd for be 16 Ii} " 41 7o 64 " 18o " " loo td.. guess=es bevies EMs ,nosed by the death of the late Jas. A. Said. The re - taming allow 'rave Q•rk Miriell. kering 7.7 tnll.d ter neadnaMease. .o..ou1r mid Jean • s>agiaated tr Csaigfe as ,obool trustee, sod Wad tablallep cent sosof the s the p000 tbaredate duly the •add the hoar d•ol..a d5oled• 1 at - Waded Wm. -Titers wee a largely aseeting of the bowlbig club a antally sleek L1s.'s ethos ss Friday erm- ine. priaelpal bwiases of the meeting was the amides ot officers fee the M510 the result being se follows �y NpA 1 RU. goo, prim; sW. L. Eliot, Reynolds, and +resat•. / Wm. Lana F. Jord•e and A. Farrow, committeewas of agesteaa Th. membership o placedmao. S2. A'Ptuz Wu' 't -C. A. Dan's. sea of JollaDnttos, druggist, Stratford, bee jest graduated from the Detroit College of Medicine, ttkino rite firebreak in • oleos of 115. He was one 0 the six who parsed ea alas psroentags and was not required to take • final examination. He m G os she Webber prise for the beet gamy ool- Coale in -look around -compare values. There will be sharp cuts in Dory 1•d the Walker sold medal �t .0 prices of other lines every day, and you can bank on the Quality Lore w07 ow surgery. flee mouriea betters a the college. Dr. Dutton a well- krawn a Godericit, and M brother of Mrs. T. McGillicuddy, 0 Torusto. 250 pairs Ladies', Misses', and Children's Hose at about Half Prioe. Est. JAMES A. RECD. N▪ EW ADVERTISEMENTS - MAY 201 Page. Farm for hale -Thos. Bssin'-~Gaster 5 ?dieting otf'eW,`O0u-Wm. Lusa. 5 Court of Reg=ains -Wm. Mitchell 5 Oedema/1i Bargain Caste• --Jam Robinson 4 Specialties -Estate Jag. A. Reid 5 something About Shoes -St. George 8 Pries Bishop Ars•M--Fulford Z Co . 7 The Rtg Ave -R. 8.8 8 Fermi,* Implements -A. MaKim.a.:.. 8 Etrery 1)ay Bargain Day -Smith bei a Co 8 "--1W BsOlats for Sale -Thos. Gundry 5 )=ears fur 8.1• er Near -Tho.. Gundry. 5 GirWi Up Bashiese-.1. T. Acheson.... 8 Boarders W11101 d -Mrs, Weary 5 He was dead when arsietanoe arrived. De- ceased was bore at Goderiob, wag a oarpen ter by trade, and lett town • few years since for the oity where be died. On Monday the repatios arrived in Godefiob by ,the 11 A.v. trate, the funeral taking place trom'Lhi itis• Mon. There was • targe attendance at the funeral, many old friends of the Wilson family being pteeent. A Ban thou. -Ex goal* Dickson is suf• tering with • very sore hood. c.u..d by a pact of pincers be was usin, slipping end m.kisv 1 set•ni wound nsar the thumb jotat. .ilk. s time there wag a feet of erysipelas. but good oars prevented it, and our old &Deal is past all danger now. Fos hanwrt.-Mies M. Aikens, ot St. Marys, 1•t. of Goderiob Collegiate, who bas spent the past two or three years in South Afr=os, has lett her home .g.tn for • trip aoroes the Atlantic to visit points of interest a Greet Britain. She will alas visit i Perin and probably outer European oi.ass. BOttN. Drbsav&D Paorarlon.-In r.0oynition It, I,saban, Mee Soh tits mlat -M the energy displayed and the splendid Mabel"ct +tt9lt !Glum' of btwissae dose is ilia loealit y by their local ansa,. --Mr. A.'IIe dinar; the -"SER- At the zo Ehaage hotel. uua oP. Front & Wood Manufacturing Co. at Saadi witoot Wm.Gleam of •iso _ galls, have appointed him their tsaasNr jjiA1RN lm Ooderioh. on the 15tk falx.. the for the sisal= with headgaartere at Deas rich. • S. 8. 'i'tactasa. -'rhe aka* of Englead 8. 8. teachers and ohurob workers associa- tion 0 W Deanery of Huron, will hold their fourth annual 000venton in Exeter on Wednesday •ad Thursday, May 2bth and 271h. The meeting will oommenoe at 9.30 A. r. with Divine ervioe in Trlvitt Memor- ial ohorod AT CLINTON. -OD Thursday the Amateur Opera Company journeyed to Clinten and presented the Pinafore in that burg. A tall house aniseed the visitors, and the anthem* was appreciative sod enthusiastic. As ap- propriate tsoideat, Thee 0 presenting Little Buttercup with a bowl .et of buttercups. oc- curred dome the performanoe. H. M. S. Putiroas -h ie sot often that the people of this tows have the oppor- tunity of listening to such • treat as on Monday evening last, whet• about forty young people from Ooderioh rave their very -floe opera, H. M. 8. Pinafore. A.E. Fero, Bader whom treat and direction the Play was .tras&od. u to be oomplimeas sstteed on lie very: sees,,, �l other eir differ seamed to surpass out pasta. The solos were exceedingly fine, sspeoially then given by Mies Aoheseu. who by the way is a born artist, and de- lighted the sadism* by her very pleasing manner on the stage. Mies B.11 and Mies Wilkinson were also geed in their respec- tive woes. The male vamp were ver rood, James Tbesw.- ds- 81r Joseph Porter, is deserving of great prides for his good moth*. Mooser.. Forte sed Edwards were perfect in their parts. It would be impossible to exceed Mr. Shawl's *Alae of Dick Deadeye. if Goderioh should ever care to favor us *gain we know they will be made welcome by &IL-Seaforth Sus. A GOOD START. -A game of base boll was played on Wednesday between the Ooderiob and Looknow teams. resulting in • soore 0 13 to 28 in favor of Godrioh. It was • ist.ametat roma, sot cote dispat* taking ell•O whore •SSee •; Aia *1...: A•lesarR Ooderieb boys were entertained to • The fol- lowing hitt• bayonet at the Ges Cain Hos. o lowing it the more : ooDmu•n. M aloomeen .. 4 Dew . Thomissos ... 6 J. Shannon b G. P. lWesmsoa 'Ted Collins Frank Rsaklldr0•.1 b A. FtolsyMS 12 . Robina.....1 Billy Irvi. Home Run - 13 28 An .m.siag incident in the grams was Sid Maloom•on putting his brother Percy out in Lackeys'''. last inning. end Percy doing likewise with Sid in Goderioh's last. J. D. Niobol, ot the Bask of Hamilton, gave good satisfaction as umpire. Wits of Chas. A. Nairn of a daeg�ee, DIED. • $ AY -In Ooderfo\, on Wednesday. May -- . lid Christopher McKay. seed 72 years. 1/111 -la Roderick ea Saturday. May 16th. of William and Matilda La ageGrace Kam Lee. mooed d ars and 4 mostls. 1-t1Dai.IE-le cloveiss4.Ohb. o Saturday. May 13th. tom! Irene 1.4.11.. rsllut of the lea Frena Kaden,. aged e7 years, 4 months and 15 d•7•. rHE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the Reporter's Notebook If %we're Male le a• Tee Cents. 1 rode es teat n t a Ceders Amami is Takla' Seats. as• ecu lV11 Frees M. -Sorsa. HOW BRIGHT HOME LOOKS ! .14 Wso k w�ttn arena w CLIMAX FURNITURE PoLISH ltrlghtw them up like raw COAT PIPES wITH BBiA.Eh�LL before putting away-fieniafe rest DISINFECTANTS we eau aupoll all tads and Stusisoh the Bitters -a good tlyrlsgtoine On the 24th look In Ballow,' window and see the choice views of Roderic* and thea visit Ws studio and hapset the prettiest photos in Canada. 7. J. 1'ridbam has some of the choicest of Summer fabrics end as be outs and fasheo.. teem At for • king they would be exceedingly appropriate oo Jubilee Day. Coax G.U.oas. -There's oorn in Gods - nob. all serve of Dora Bring along your shekels and V &dean will All your sacks. Ir s MICA Now. -Thos. Sturdy retuned ea Mosd•y a vin:t to his property in Parry 9oaod pastries, end brought back fine simples d mica taken from his land. Eacca .liana. 'r.. o la.--rdio�..L sdo$ Ma. other mails off the stain line will for the fu- ture arrive in Gdderich at 10:59 A. e. sod 7: 40 r.H. Bowt.*.-The first. game of bowls this ,•Gaon wag played on r he bowling green Tuesday afteraoee. Meson. Wyss and Late beast .ad FM nfls ended the trouble. being the skips. 'T`0. first named gentle- . HAtut.r t LTH ARSON. --On Wednesday man '• side woes. FRESH FLOWER end GARDEN .. SEEDS MOTH CAMPHOR FOR Frill Her thea the old way. 100, boxes and Du' r. HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA, D C A .;74 rrd DYES W. C. GOODE, CHEMIST BEDFORD 11x1.001 PHRENOLINE: JCBILYZ DAY. -Her Majesty's Jubiles will be oelebr•ted is Goderioh on Dominica Day, so far as outside apogee aro 0000ernd, it beimg considered inadvisable to have two days' games so near together. So on July the First we shall have • big day. Jubilee D•y. June nod. will not. however, be for- got.eu, as there will be the Sone of Edgland meek*. and a grand oonoert to the skating rink M the evening. DIED IN CLsysLAttD.-Mrs. Irene Ked• alio, who • few years sums left God.rloh for Cleveland, 0., died in shot city as Setae• day, wed 67 years. The ... hoses brought to 1;odertch for ister(ste. , sad is Monday afternoon *is was plead beside her husband In the family plot in Maitland monetary, the funeral taking plata from the reeidenoe ot her daughter, Mrs. John Dun- lop, Huron Road. *Sid •H GRb•noos R. Edwards I. Doyle R. Polay R Elliott A Tone up your horses for Spr,ng work with our OON DITION eOWDKR8 GUARANTEED CURE FOR RHEUMATISM NOW IN STOCK .. • • - 4t F. M. DUNHAM Chemist add Ducat. AGENT FOR THE MASSEY-HARRIS BICYCLE. Ltl&ttltow. wrento . • ..1 5 •D �bompaos 0 2 1 2 2 1 CorLD NOT Bs STZZR'1D.-O0 Monday a steer being driven to tows got wild sear Dunlop, and tossed a men wbo, however. ism. tat.- After some tresble he was get to the itraiDierialrffill he made • wild rase at Joo. Andrews, who 'soaped without serious injury. 11 being imposiibls to get the animal foto the oars. 1S. R. Watson was tolled on to shoot tis Nona.. MEETING 01 HURON COUNTV COUNCIL The council of the corponlion et the county of Huron wit! meet In the oonaoil clamber to the Town of Ooderiob oo Monday the list dared this month .t 1 o'clock, e.a. W. LANs, Clerk. Dated May 17th. 1897. (COURT OF REVISION OF THE �J TOWN OF OODERICH. ♦ meet*, of the Cour of Revision wW 1e held in the Town Hall on Tuesday the 4.t 1•y of June, 1897. at It o'clock in the forenoon, for the paroole beerlI4 appcWiwi twi the aesessmant. W MITCHELL, Towp Clerk and Clerk of the Court of Revision. Dated /day 18th, 1897. Dis) YODNO. -On Saturday. Grove Kate, mooed daughter of lir. and Mrs. Was. Lee. paned peseefally away after an illness of wo months' duration. aged etehtuso years sed four months. The oommeneement of • illness was so attack of la grippe follow- ed by poenmooi• and these led to a serious imam that was incurable. Some weeks as before death deceased knew that there w &rewell to her many friend.. On Moodsy no hope, and bettors het demise she bade he interment took phos in the family plot. Maitland cemetery. in presenus of a large number of trends and ecgnsintssoss. Rev. Mark Turnbull officiated at the house and grave, and Messrs. Juo. Cameroon, D. B. Grant, Chas. Shannon, F. Lawrence, jr., Char. Shone mond Chas. Harper were the pall bearers. At the Lee residence there d. were many friesto sympathies with the bereaved, and bmw deome floral tokens ere exeeedagly numerous. A very lona Bee et wrrisges joined in the sad marsh to the silent city. Gad the presence of so many at w.a M... Lea andifamily have the (sympathy of the pnblio fur their bereavement. RzDDcrlos SALE of WALL PAran.-For the next three weeks J. Yates will offer Genuine bargains in the best Canadian and American wall papers at bb bookstore. Be tors to toll and nes his stook. Ku.tsD rN Drraorr. - While welkin/ along the et4t 1 ear tweet es Jefferson Avenue, Deux**, hetwsea the Driving Perk and Fox Creek. David R. Wilson was in- stantly killed Sunday •ftereooa, May 9 At thi eporoe*b of the dews'b0and ear he stepped frim the trrook, has miatoleaL•ted the dir,.aoe, sect before. the motonrsan could tarn off the power the ear etr+ok him. t • tl d f last Elizabeth Doyle, of AMfield, who bad been committed by polio* magistrate - on • charge of setting fin to • barn b.ISIF big to Arch Johu.too, of the same toms - ship, was brought before Judo. Memos for *Icarian. She decided to be tried by Hie Ha.or, pleaded sot gsily.aad the trial wee •se dews for Friday. the 28tb, inst. Defend. eat, wbo was defended by E. Campion, Q.C, Wale .ddtted on bail. Tarr Ass EL.c'TsD. -At the 80101 •tion meads( he the towel hall there was but • email attendance. It was tolled for the deaden of • councillor for Sk Gnome's ward mad • wheel trustee in St Andrews'. COURT OF REVISION. COLBORNE TOWNSHIP. Take notice that the Court of Revision for Townabl of Colborne will hold Its Ars! actinic Carte ea Thursday the 17th day of May. 1pa{rps8� We'd**•>e far coempl•ints &tele•t or erten on the roll of the presses year. All parties Mtere.3II are requested to afou1. l. W. McDONAOH. Clerk of the sold Municipality. Carlow, May 114,1 1217. td. For reale or To Rent. TO ADVERTISERS. e N O W IS .,SHE TIMI. To 'Think of • SPRING x TONIC. There are many good ones, but none Quite so good as our IRON TONIC BITTERS. The Season for Colds le not over lot. We expect to ell more ICRRYPU'LMONIO. during MAncfl and AI'IIL !ham to all the rest of the W toter. J. E. DAVIS, Pbm. B. Medical Hail. Notice of changes mast kgklett at this Office not later than Saturday L10R SALEI-HOUSE AND LOT ON L' Weat•et. A11 have decided W give Pp keeping boarders I offer the above protterty which 15 to rood repair for ea1.. Stable el moat sew. For particulars apply to MRS. McEI1INON. West♦!. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR Tel RENT -A good. o.mfortable, 8 room house. with furnace, hard and soft water lee. for tale Or to rent on re.asasble terms. Nies quiet street and good .sgboorhood. THOS. QUNDRY. auctioneer. Hamilton -et, n-tf VALUABLESA PROPERTY 101 LE --situated a the nest business spcentreses la Goderioh. The •wroperty o dwellings. one we leclulpped grocery store, one up-to-date macho•• and blacksmith shop. Reason, for selling lack of railway •Doom modston. Clear title can be glues. A "plea did chance for the right me.. Apply 81.E S. STRACHAN fro the prendl15 noon. The Copy for changes must be lett not later than Mon day noon. Casual Advertisements accepted no to noon Wednesday of each week. Music. MLSS ANNA L. SHAW, TEACHNR of Mos* sod Corner Egtn d Wellesy Str, cosw , r=ob .TNE WEEKLY MARKLT REPORT. seoweas. Maw Fall Wheat 10.141 r , palest. per ewt r g0•utapis -... -1 OldPose,•y.. .. .•_ Potatoes. Meese -. Rides. PLamb-Skins I)*essM Horn paeoa.. use Ik................... Boarding. BOARDERS t eNTh.D - - HAVING leased the premises on South -K.. nest OM* Examinee Hotel. I am prepared to ao- �te_�e somber of boarders. either et bo! end room. Rates re•- It9 ar Tonsorial Artist. T FRITZELY, TONSORIAL ARTIST. tJ . Hot and cold baths do premises. Sew foaming.sharnpootng and every other regales - meta carefully attended to. and nonold etaodbut - ppeetteeet heads employed. McLean • new block. next door to Ex, change Hotel FOR SALE OR TO RENT -FOR SALE or to cent, the d . rl+lmaeeetb. Itg on son -et. at contain" 1too 5. n cdu by F, 15 rooms. Including drawing room. dining room, parlo. end kitchen, end has a library. • number of .lceets, ptntrte. and • rood oetiar There 1s half en acre of land tw.tetuliy pleated with shrub- App at' to fruit SMSITtlaea the an lent ma Wye. App'./ l0-im mtess. DOR SAI.E-A VALUABLE FRUIT 1 and grain farm ea . rood rood within mi: I It to their advantage to Dome OM us miles of G7 G • ^n. rh *4,4.11611p. lot is No a, co tLnd Loess -Mei be ..oared ltit4�• without Twractirel Gateedch to annually i and O to 100 delay on the security of approved desirable 1 IS, 1W7. 71 to 072 00 to 100 g to 116 O toll W te1o0tolit ! 00 to 0 SI 6 to 8 60 to 0 10 111to013 00 1O 8 60 00 to 000 40 to 060 60 to 0 76 00 to 60 onO,666 00 to 0 10 /0 to014 10 to 0 11 Marriage LleenSM• New Maahine Whops. NEW he AUHrNE SHOPS -ALL K1NDE of Repair Wort done at R.aso able Pries. Farming Implements formals. Mach- !eerr77 new and mooed head bought and sold. ire 4toee and Bourn for safe. Stand -Bates ofd .-loon shop earner Vlotortland Tratalg•r Streets. J. BAXTER RUNCIMAN. Agents Wanted. AGENTS "Tb. Beet Popular Life ef` Her Majesty I leve ever Been," writes Lord Lorne, about " (Jesse Victoria.' sales unprecedented. Easy to make five dollars daily. lt,g commission. Oat& free to movlsers. THE BRADLEY f1ARRSTSON. CO. Toronto. WANTED -Men and women who oan work hard talking and writing six hours daily. for six days • week, and will be oontent with ten dollare s. NEW IDEAS CO., weekly. Brantford. Ont. WANTED -Industrious persons ot either sex with good character and common school eduo.tioo, oa., obtain employment for two month' in this community. S. M. FRY, Toronto. 001. t0 boods established trade this county. Canadian stook Perinea - .11 p guaranteed to lwhols part ant posltics. time. Liberal terms• You can make ten dollars • week 0Datfar with us for even week you work. Noekperieuee ueoeeeery. 3/.0175AOssitbseatal �T` HERS SICs. TORONTO, T For Sale. WE WAIT AGEATS Traveling Guide. BRAND TRUNKMA1LWAY. Onward Mixed •- 15.89 as Mdlend =repress ..• Ll6 p.m. Mixed 7.40 p.m. Mail and Express• 1DQArr1. 10.be pr. 7.15 Si Mall and Exeress -- Llo.e.m Mixed •... 0.16 am AFIBST•CLASS BARBER BUN- XV nem. fixtures, lease to. for rale by Guo rich.aonthe Tuesday, * 2 25th at 2 o'clloslime ck Gods inventory of Artw ee and full particulars 0•n be 1* doles wood coaling busfrom the iness and terms are reasonabie 11 It THOS.security ie auctioneer. eer. Irr IS NOT WHAT YOU EARN, BUT WHAT YOU 81iVZ, MAKES TOO mem THE HURON AHA BP4TCE LOAN INVESTM NT OC MPANT 8oucrntae.-Cameron Holt see Roimsa Dsrosrrwr-Interest (Sompossa easy as fmambo rom one file per Dent• per. a than wwttI Loon nae collar upwards. 76 •oleo t Heide anesell7 f rem NO to Expense moderate. A plloatione Motels o � i ter so, 1 � good elesla �1h� by the Manager or MHat r - ., '. an•t fe tore. farm. •/'•• l,nd helot .. a . 1 . l•7 loam. '.en The Com s otdoee are located on North is t 5 t frsta noun• on tbe tor, a 44 1 barn 541,58 51 Hones egyni.-0ppodte was Mane stables t&nde;ns ch,vs aa4 g of ellthis Hawse Moist Moe. ,...•..s,tmoosyr-a - ii+m&L per ,. _.._..i. a parolee• , etc_ y 0 eS. BURNS, M.nager. lent P. 0.. oto.. app W. FARRAN liintos. bwP.O..rtoW•W. R SALE -LOTH 69 AND 70 F, SMEETH'S tete - somber. 18 ud 19 Rich's Survey, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FAOTORY, OodaSleb. eeasdalag 1 sores. upon which le - pq�ort to situated • otptortable hen, and dere laa1s0 1 lake this !het I im Mill Is tbemtbe dnMs tseevrlthstandlne aone the public lee 181 Nast halt of the North bolt of lot •d111 rrensmerrlaeiliee ea.trar7. sadasy is 90.Lithe Rime -Oe.j-I d the TowaMmlp I w��aw Marts �o,kopMti `t NNtills Ilat.d 418 v►,aeptsmi her 1M L�1 littm.teeg�dio Roderick erick CAMERON.. HOLT d> M>� i rhe of bottling material. rash se � and Ismoer • specialty. F. SMEETH WLANE. I89UEA � MARRIAGZ . Limoges.00d•rk,8 St. 1642-1) 0 AT THE BIG STORE. Bttuations Vaeant DOY W ANTS D -A 000D SMART BOY Dpatnt Atpply et Tar of Bww t0Wee. ted to tears 4. e We open today the contents of three cases of the very latest crea- tions in Millinery. Very special paces will prevail this TIIURaDAY F11IDAY aid SATURBAY Publis Notts*. g j�ooa, Survey of the Town of I PLANING MILL @odetMk, sp,. wh=et 15 emoted .abed well- - AND bu tai. kudllou Sales!! AucoB Sales!! VALUABLE TOW 10 PROPERTY FOR e Ali-'pn Delst*� �Wset the river_ LR. 051.1 88.vai . Gad We - l& o_1F1r�____, eMgl.l >rI s�r�'�'er�� .et Yr. Asdrsw rhtttwa• it 'toned taw lNss total tt2.lmMi la�a�the et ply to 70 -it RRO beano ea rts WANTED-rEGGS 9 OEN rti PER DOZ. M7 mantra** ds and. 11.000 per week. Ws .re Nw lar s~ n l. 11... Why not save 11• order. O. E. YIIw®. Whet - hem. SEWER CONNECTIONS - MEBBRS. Humber t °assay are prepared te (sw- need dw.1 had prim* th, n new cotter. an seailssilris. 11- 10)da t CA . New llressOv�Dark and Light Pine Prints, cboioe for go. a yard. Printed Choline, Dark and Light. Sthite Oates,1 wide ; r=oan Prints, new designs , Crinkled Cor ---New Arrivals, choice for 4}t. a yard. Were bond the rt,s et errata lame wham& pools Lam, and are fully Prepared to reset any and all ctlopedtion. • GOOD d PANTURE-100 AC1 38 tar .sew. L •• rest , ter48.• a'driaal�t. tt�d Iili. awl.., sr IaR IATI�hii' -- - ISA O! 1 wat58- 0s R. 13. SMITH. C. W. Andrews. � Manager. PIIREla'OLINE ... . 'DARK 7014 wattle. ap- t DIKKYIP 0aL re. Goderbh. I la ter sale one of tis bsa�ter'ms to i4a t of Huron situated wltha 7 Guiles el The farm las sot s Mt sr west, aid the 5e11 le • risk d e toe trvm all p w•NOS. arstelasi ts� o1 • (�t��aTpfea with saretogie LM.gaitiw sad Eller. kit,lo woodshed tad an amineary outbutld- M frame barn Hi1lt, fond cedar barn, 88 all la are two neves of grebes4. The farm p Off Ms poet twelve 71115. elf altla • mile alt psis -sacs. y2 tyw beard team she wanes by raga eamily Nee, et woe* Nd elammbetaese sew IN the ptwpertY. Prise SUMO. Mow 1, 10l1,he tan= 11d t 110a,t it Ont.. = s i n a. S L z ninin1RtC= AND 1 r. MNthe"l r sto ts* TAhtom ItttM. oR lartfs.Ns - AS We M lira Rod Will be held Every Even- ing at The Fair," Mc- Lean's Block, until the stock is reduced. Mrs. Ferte de- siring to carry only one line of goods, everything else Will be sold to the hlggheat bidder. As the stock is n• be Great BargaiCome everni ht and make your- ve T� FAIB. We are ')a eri.k.Jdv4el 1007 Still to the Front ! At net note She tasdtng the ted that Mare rtr,J are thoutoll tde of cheap wheels se, s0 without a gaaraat.s. • rad Tie Well Kim Trott' SWIM THE HENDERSON �• • WOOD LAWN Will bed Kept for Yervws daring lessen et my Premises Oa. 8, Oolborae Township WeNlawi is ems et the vr7 bo.1 beep .at bat ted tMallo w a 0.Irt. a.d I►as yes* ses. Is 14 18. wN�es4�, � gyros oke sew flhesmst s Homed•, $l 00 BROWN'S BAIAA$ FOR GOLDS. WILSON'S IRON MLR. 28c • box =re Li.. L I sleet, 888.$1 die �J'TlOW li'ITWOI .:rhetioerCfse Y k.site arezthresert 6 wa la a as dans Oda egi