HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-5-20, Page 4SIGNiaL : ODER.1CR ONT.. THURSDAY- M Ea 20.. 1897 Ring up 65 sad order • Cleveland Wheel whim a wish to ea oy • Ade, or tf you you not •!essay mastered the art, the same osll will pat you in eons neoties with une of the Finest Biding Schools to Gineds. THE OCDERICH SKATING RINK, where you osis receive private is.truotlen on New Wheelie at • nominal rate. We are... Dlstriot spmte for the E & D-tbe great (10 gear ro•d.ter, also Drava ton sod other lines, and from $35 up. See as for Sundries sod Repaint GEO. F. EMERSON Imo1s the old P.U. building. Ilit u PUSLaSD WEPT TAUR8DAY MORNING 111E x.110111 LICfwtri Terms .f aab.erlpsler m One month, In adman" Three months, 81z " floe year, 3 1 10 64 •dvertalaa bate•. Le�.l and other casual advertisements. 100 T•r ITne for firm Insertion and t nems per line or each subsequent Ineertlon. Measured by s nonpareil scale. Huainan cardial six linea and under, $6 per year. Advertisements of Lost, Tonal Strayed. Situations Vacant. Situation. „&arid and Business Chances Wanted not xoe.ding til Yore nonpareil, ill per month. Hooses on Sale and Farms on Bale, not to "sowed t line". ill for drat month, roe. per sub- segment month. Larger advte. I. preportta any special n013og the object of which is to wonted,' 11 a p.e.a.ar7 benefit of any Inds vidoal or ons 'any, to be considered AD ad- vertisement d charged sdwrainal7. Local nod. a In nonpareil type one omit per word, no notices less than 26c, Local notless In ordinary reeding type pe two Rte fowworhdaroNoe eenno"otor . rmttg end benevolent Institutions half rete Dubsorlber who fail to receive Tia SIGNAL ',ocularly by mall. will o inter a favor by ao• quadding us of the fact at a. early an dates" possible Publisher's Notice. J. O. La Tomei, of Goderieb, hes been sp pointed Local Travailing Agent tor the town- ships ot Goderioh. Colborne, Aabtrsld and W. wanash, Loos' postmaster' over the district ere also empowered to rein ve subscriptions to Tan SIGNAL All oommunloatlom must be addressed D MoOlLLt0IIDDY, Tis Stam., Telephone 0a1130 Ooderlob Ont. eODI✓ijj;WH. THURSDAY'. MAY at 1at7. UBLISHER'S NOTIOE. The Stakdsrd iteresatele Agency, CO Victoria-st., Toronto, sssjs$ now authorized to 'collect •c000nto due Tea 810NAt. otboe. REFORM CONVENTION. THE Reform Association of West Herm will meet at the Agricultural Hall, Dungannon, at 1 P.N. Friday next for the transaction of bunkum. This meeting ot the. Convection will is the most import at that has taken place in years, as a number of matters that are vital to the lntereste of the oonatita.noy wig be thoroughly discussed. A oompleie reorganization ot the Aseooie- tion ie oontempleted. Every man who has the interests of true Liberalism at heart should make it s duty to be present as a iletemeerrod-winvforemportenterertB-be af- forded the delegates and leading Liberals to manaietg their views on the questions that may b. brought forward. The members of the Commons and Legi.- later* have signified their intention of being present. Let then die grand rally of true Liberals, for true Libanilim, by tree Liberals. SNAP SHOTS. -The Sunday street car bylaw was earrid in Termite Saturday last by a majority of A21. Th. majority 1s not any - Wing like as large as the number of anti - street mor voters who will avail themselves sf the oars when they rte ea Sunday. -Our esteemed local contemporary get in • hit below the belt oo the editor of Tao Soisrst fast week by publishing a bogas telegram signed " Ajax," alleged to bane b.es seat from (tether. The Star probably intended the publionim of the paragraph + .; .ly Maunder mistiest on Mien 1t proves to be no joke, and we shield think that ea • matter of fair play to s brother joernallstonr eooaeiDorary would sot !negate to make hiss amends honorable iIs is next leas. -An item recently appeared in Tbd Beres Ezpesltor, whioh has been oopted and dilated upon by ether journal., in effect that M. C. CAisams. M.P., was going to retire from West Huron and •eeept the Ltont.-Governorship of the Northwest. Tao Brew&i. bas Mr. 1;Aassow's pdsitin s..ur- anes that there ie not a word at troth in the story tow in oireulation, and hi. statesmen .111 give .at♦staetion te his ooe.titaena Aad yet, wa feel boned t0 say, toes it not s eau is the riding who would not willingly On Mr. CAaitlton r"e"in personally the beet reasgnleton that the LAnarso Geneses* may give him a. a Mahn enlist to his pel• San esreer after a losg aad arduous albite lila -Ons of the strongest oheiracterie- Yes of she amender foe West H.r.s is tib ().commms was made 'smallest Friday ensu. MO Inst Inn Ice sneaked the appetationt of Roy. Mt. FAtat.r. to ohs wsmeho sadansy of tet Ldastrai inn, on Whelp*, es in grand that the fievsrnmast *MIA IMO -else. i$p 1Nad . Rey to thN .e say etbeft -11141, Catania" ler osasayroit minas Liberal and hotness that after hast tag and pray tag ler elgbtme lag year" the Liberals should now get the prelerepoI en Easy•Street. Hoa. Mr. Sterile replied to Mr. C^asuln that the Government would endeavor not to Misled agale in regard to Tory sppoiatmsota. THAT BOGUS TELEGRAM. To the editor of Tun 81eNAI- ain,-I regret to learn thstMy name has been used in oonnsotion with an alleged telegram from Ottawa, signed "A)ai. whluh appeared to The Star last week, and which may have bees prejudicial to your intereste. 1 emphaUoally deny that 1 bad anything to do with the pubiiostion of the alleged telegram, and 1 feel toured that your koowldge of me personally will ntt allow you to harbor the thought. As • further sasaraaue I have reosived a note from tho editor of The Dior. who possitively Mates that the p.ra.nph in question was Inserted merely sea joke and that I had no ociemotion wltb it. It teems that one or twe bu.y-bodies have taken the alleged telegram seriously, and that is the reason why I now write to dry that the whole thing was bogus, ant was originated as • lark to set the guys grinning. D.' idcDotiLD. Godortoh. Erav 1,1WL' . THE GODERICi1 DOST OFFICE Brussels Yost (Liberal): 1t is currently rumored that if Postmaster Campbell, of Goderioh, is removed that D. Mc1;,Ulouddy, of THs SIGNAL, formerly Of Brussels, will be his successor. Ws wood the motion And feel assured that -he will 11;1 the bill splendidly. If herd work for the Liberal party counts for eiiything Mr. MoGilliouddy has • strong claim. Wioghsm Advance (Tory) : Commissioner Seager, who recently investigated the oherges preferred against Postmaster Camp- bell, of Goderioh, delivered his finding in the ease in the tiler,: room on Friday after- noon igAke promeo°. of a large Dumber of epsoat _ numoer of the ok.rwes were sustained, and now as er may expect to hear of s new oostm.eter being appointed. Who will get the plsmDAD MoGilllouddy cer- tainly deserves it as mach as anybody. Clinton News -Record (Tory): Common report is test M. C. Cameron has given the Reformers of W.ot Haoon the throw-dowe. He will Insist on his eon -in-law Galt being alum tate pouImwtership at Goderiob, mod will himself be appointed Lieutenant -Gover- ner of the Northwest Territories, the com- mission for which be is said to osrry in his vest pocket. Thea the party oars go to -- ' ! ! Mr. Cameron has made many sacrifices fcr the party and himself, and would capably till the position he &o- pine to, but The News•Reoord falls to see any olaims for the P v. as/tent. Post- master Campbell should bo allowed to hold bis poeiMoo, hat if the Crit. are bound to pitchfork him out we most confess that Dantel McGillicuddy is well ga•litid for the position aad has stronger claims than any other man in West Harm. New Era (Liberal) : To our mind • strong point In the evidence relating to the Code - rich postotlloe investigation, apparently un- favorable to the postmaster, is the oiroum• stenos that some of the business men seem• 'ugly had not 000fldenoe in the postal de- partment to mail their letters at the post otfioe, but felt compelled to mail them at the station. We may be placing more im- portance on th's than we should, but taking akastridem. at.itolamnsaine.- AM .n undesirable sate of strain. The pubito must have 000fideoos in the absolute money and security ,of the postal authorities and there must be some reason for any other sate of feeling. 11 ammo to be taken for granted that Mr. Campbell will lose hie position, and there is considerable local ex - o tement as to who shell get it. We do not pretend to know who .re aspirants for it, nor do wi presume to know the particular claims of thong who may be looking after it. but we believe that D. McGillicuddy. wheel name is mentioned as • candidata, bas very strong claims, from • party nand• point, He has oertainly done h3roio work for the Liberals although we have thought hie pen was sometimes dipped in Bali too deep. Bot no one oan dean hia zeal Aad fidelity to the party. ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. Z. L. Diokee.on, barrow, of Wiaghs-, wan les town this week. Chas. Keener, of Hamiltas STMAMill visiting his brother, th. lelaad RAMP. officer. The gentleman owns partly to iltb, aad his Ant mak was an lmroene one, nearly four teat long. Cantina or DAT. -By an order of she Bleb Court of Jintic. dated Toronto, May 1st, 1897, the dale of holding the s1ttlegs without jury, has been chained from Tues- day, Jane let to Monday, Msy 31st. Swim' To Iluaiwraus.-Rev. M. Tura• bull will premie s special sermon to the members of Court Ooderiob No. 32, C.O. F., on Sunday, May 30th at 11 A a. Members of other oourte ars oordially invited to .t. tend. Omicron Wire -On Monday afternoon a game of football was played on the Antigul• curial Park grounds between Cllonon and Goole:nob. After.ioslleot play the visitors were declared the victors by 5 goal. to 3. FOR CLINTON.-00 Tburaday eyecups 'be- tween sixty and seventy of oar attizens journeyed to Clinton, most of whom mads the drip to see the Pinafore ones more. Most ot the visitors drove down. though quite • number travellect by rail with the Open Company. BASE, BALL NoTrs.-Tree following Are the players for Guderion in the game with London on Moeda,/ : U. Thompson, 1st base ; T. Collins, 2nd base : Ed. Tilt, 3id haw ; Herb. Robertson, short stop ; C. Shannon, omits field' Fred. Shannon, lett geld ; A. Robertson, right field ; J. Doyle, pitcher ; Std. M.looaisuo, emptier ; C. Ed• wards and C Pennington. substitutes ; umpire, tiers. Tilt The Goderioh team will wear their new suite for the tient tune in Monday's gameM.yor Shausoo has 000sented to Oben the game and to pat the brit ball over the plate. BAas BAi.L-Laoknow Sentinel: The first base ball game ot the season was played etre en Wednesday afternoon, between the orsok lioderiob teem and our own local players, and although the visitors were viotorioni, the home team pat up a good game and up to the fifth inning it looked aa though vic- tory would be theirs. Toddle Collins was In the box for Lao•now, and pitched • good ball, holding the visitors down to Lhree rune for five innings. He was welt eupport- ed by Filly Irmo in, as hulk stop, and before the season sods will make a strong battery. The other members of the club nude some very nos plats ,throughout the game, and as • aMtter they neve Do remote to be ashamed of their defeat. The Goderieb boy* are all around good players and a gentlemanly lot of fellows. Coate' Orat-.-Ss.forth Expositor: The nautical 001410 open, H.M.S. Pinafore, was presented in Cerdno s ball. on Monday eve- ning to a fairly large audience by an ama- teur Goderiob company. The opera in it- self is a good one, and it was presented ea this 000asioa to the delight ot the whole audienoe. The leading rolls were capitally taken, particularly by the ladies, Mies Eva Ashesnn, se Josephine. and Mie M. Bali... Little Buttercup. being partioslarly strong in their parts. The gentlemen in the oast were hardly as strong in their part* as the ladies, although the characters of Dick Deadeye. by C. R. 'thane, the Admiral, by James Thomsen, and the Boatswain, iq A. E. Forte, were well maiotate.d. The chor- uses were very well rendered, while the stage fixtures and oostumes were pretty and appropriate. The exoellent orchestra with the oompany added greatly in the produo- tion of the opera. Taking the company ool• leotively, their rendering of thia obarming opera was above the average, and far in ad• vanoe of many so-called professional oom• panics, and we are sore the people of Gde- rioh have good reason to be proud of the musical and dramatic alert of iLeir town, as displayed in Pinafore. C. E. L.. U• The following .re the topic* for the dif• format young people's societies which teen during next week : North-st Methodist church H. L. of C. E. Fr,day evening at 8 n'clock. On May 21st, " !dimities of Canadian Methodism,' by Mies M. Robertson. Question Drawer on missionary topics. Knox Churoh Y,P.S.C.E., Tuesday even. Ing at 8 o'clock. Topic for May 281b. •' to asak.it.ar d.Aoar. W ret. Baia. Vtotdns-st. Methodist 'church E. L. of 0, E., Itriday evening at 8 o'oloslk. On May 21, "A Good Name,'.. by Mia Minnie Hillier. All are oordisliy invit "tr"atpsd then meetings, which are held in dee'buamaat. of the different churches. Membssu from other societies are invited to be present, and will be warmly weloomed. LEEBURN- TIIahDAT, May 18. Mise Whaling, from near Stratton], i. viewer Mrs. James Chisholm. Cnm...ket .esti a :•v -A--'fit_ large unman of member' te par1ke of ordinases, whiok was edmisintdrod by the pastor, the Rev. Jas. 'Hamilton. The oee- eluding address spoke of the honor to be a follower of Christ and for all to remember these words, "I am with you always." BLUEVALE. TTr11DAT, May 18. Ram Freeob, of W Ingham, is home sick with the typhoid fever. Mea A. Rraos and Miss Oross were visit. lag be Brussels lam weak. Mr. and Mrs Fred MoCrackes, of Brussels. .pent Sunday 1• Mimesis. Mn. R. Maekeaai. sued Nye. P Link. later, of Whines', spout Thursday at Walter Rutherford,. A. Orktilaw, of bks Collegiate, "pent Div- ers! days last week at ha home is Shop- pardtem. Sear. Kahn. arrived la port last wens with a cargo at lumber for Wm. Rst.es. Aad sailed Neth again en Saturday for another earn, A lianas has bees proved by sots* prso Mee to be the beige Iowan* head eaves Mg is hot It M Vohs, sad while U ex - slake tae dines rays of the ens. permit. • free nesse ed air. • wreurnpafsal proposes le sonny heel no "he e ass beers el Ma /flash* and s *soared "noes& nab. TM,* en make thin osiers with the deet. IMO "sapnose er sse N wen& The ....t by lan se Iia hem akin few sears mels es *ma reached tee 0. T. R. dook yM-d y meg.-1 Afew w.11•bsilt heat hones an newt.' be seen us the harbor alaad. Tb. aohoorsa Claes 'rasa uWi.d Is part on Sa•arday with 960,000 ton of lumbar int N. Dyit'.at. ,Chrystal took the water weeks War down on Tuesday .ad afterwards pissed it w position. The 8obooeer Todman, Capt. Alex. Liter - ma, sailed into port oo Tuesday arming with a cargo of limber for no Organ Co. sad Baohaaaa. & Rbyea.. The stir. St. Andrew arrived .t the G. T. R. elevator on Sunday morniag with 36.000 bushels of wheat tram Pert Arthur, h.vtng leads the rutted trip in .even day.. Jan after midaiebt Jae Hys with his oompsa oommmeed uslosding sod they w.rksd with a will till the cargos was elevated. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. HAursa s BAtAa.-During May, Harpie's Baru will oo0csif entertalniog papers on outdoor sport by Amelia K Brainerd in her ""penal field, "'Tree Outdoor Woman " ; an article oo " The Puodia Rem.bai," outlin- ing the present wet is in Iodic et that n - Mat kohl, woman. .'y Lillie Hamlltos Frenoh ; and the first papers in a series a "Societies for Children," by Helen Jay. HAarsa'. WsozLY.-Harper'" Weekly during May IU1 ooatenu many features of pernioular interest in point of text and illu- stration. Tb. celebration of Grant Day in New York will be thoroughly daseribsd by pea ae4 peeoii. the new navy will be dis- owned by Lieut. J. D. Jerrold Kelly, and extensive ill stratlm will be given of all the .hips. Other anions to be treated will be the oelebnUm of the Bl-oentesaial of Trinity ok.roh, New York, the Usstes- nial Exposition at Nashville, Tenn., the Greco -Turkish war, and the pretreat oondi- tion of Cuba. QCLRN VICTORIA'S DIAMOND JUBIWi.- 1■ ite,June number The Ledies Home Jour- nal will oelebraa the Diannnd Jubilee la a way di.tinotly is owe. In an artiole by William George Jordan, entitled " What Victoria Has Seen," the reader will be taken on the British throne, and the marvellous panorama of the world's history for sixty years will pass beton biro. He will at a giaaos see the progress in art. mime* in- vention, mesio, education : the great social storms, the growth of onions and the ad- vaooe of civilization. The whole story of the world's program ot the longest reign in English history will be vividly presented. H'Anrrn's MAO *5181. -Ttt. Jaae ne)ldber of ttaiper'. Magazine will be dlstingniened by the first inealmeet of a new novel by Frank R Stockton, „That Great Stone of Sardis," dealing with the humorist's most ',Dimmest vein with events is the twentieth emtnry, in.:iodise a submarine expedition to the North Pole. Annoy; the other fee• tarns will be the first of two papers on the British P.rliam.nt, •• The C.lehntim of the House ot Commons," by T. P. O'Connor,and an Instalment of " The Martian," with drawings by Da Maarier, ow of which will be given, as it was left, wnfloiehd. The 11- ltetratore will inolad. C. D. Gibson./Fred- eric Remington' and F. H. Lungren. HARBOR AND RIVER B.thiog is pow • favorite pastime along the river. The O. r. R is making things lively at the elevator. Ed. Shartsas has finished the addition to the boiler hoose. Shippers say that strata s. eiosedinrly well handled at this port. Tb. steam barge Boyo., from Chiang* with 400 tans of pia iron for Erantferd, CODERICH : BARGAIN CENTRE 10 Days Sale of Dress Goods DRESS GOODS, MUSLINS, PARASOLS, FLANNELETTES, CURTAINS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, LADIES' VESTS, TWEEDS, PILLOW COTTON, SHIRT WAISTS, POINT WRAPPERS, SHEETING, TABLE LINEN, TABLE NAPKINS, SHIRTING, WATERPROOF COATS. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. 1.OI5DAY, May 18. We are pleased to learn that Mrs Bernie Wilson, who was dangerously ill of pleu- risy, is recovering. The new briokyard opposite St. 8tevea's ohuroh, is now is fall running order tenth expectations for a big Summer trade. FsotT.-Cherry, plum and pear tree., generally .peaking, are white with bloom and promise an abundant orop. There will also be a fair amo.lnt of apple blossom. Pu'IT1oN.-Jas. S. M.r.hall and Wm. Hake were around with aep.tition last week- with a view of having Wm. Campbell, postmaster at Gderiob, retained to elbow It .igoes oonat for anything it ahsald be suooessfal as it waa signed by evetr lgpr nal woman to wbom1t was presented. DUNLOP. TDx•1DAY. May 18. Mn. Allen enjoyed a pleasant visit to Porter's Hill Tuesday of lase week. Mie Andrews spout Saturday the sant of Mrs. J. Hunter, near Sbeppardtos. Qeofting is beoem!ng quite an evesiag oxime among outman men who may 1• t • iearWilara form . olub tit tbb NAME aad meat challenges from outside clubs. Gran foliage of tree have again none sad -*h. summer .wagon of 1897 i. opening. The year will be remembered as tis. Jubilee year of V ictoria a reign of sixty yearn the only Diamond ono ot a British Sovereign over this vast empire of oars. Her long reign has been the mast brilliant of all pre- deee..ors. ArrollnTastrr.-The Public Work. De- partment of the Government have appoint- ed oar wellkoown townsman, D. Cumming, as inspector of harbor work. in Goderich daring chi. ooming summer. Tuesday of last week be interviewed one of the Gov- ernment engineer. .bout the task before him and later the contractor aad daring this week be will start his official duties. Though many of his hollow town nes are not In harmony with the Laurier adminis- tration tb.y oongratwlste him on his reward tor indomitable serving to build rep party intere.ts is our midst. all Paper Paper Sutre All those who have purchased Paper from us during our Wall Paper Bale are delighted with the Paper. and Prices, and no wonder. Think of getting real good Wall Papers, with Ceilings to match, for 4c. per roll, and Hord• en for lc. and 2c. per yard. Pretty Patterns, suitable for Bedrooms, etc., for 5c. and ec• per roll, with Borders and Ceilings to malelL• Dining room, Hall and Library Papers, 7c., Sc. sed 9c. per roll -regular 10c. and 12c. SPECIAL LINE. We are 'selling all our new 12c. and 15e. tints, with beauttfnl blended Ceilings and Friezes to match, for IOc. per roll. THESE PAPERS MUST ALL of SOLO. Don't whets time wondering how we can sell them so cheaply, lent bay now and save enough for hanging them at regular pries, which is 10c. per roll, although our Papers should be hung cheaper as this year they are all full .12 and 14 on. stook, and are easier to i hang. Don't forget, we deliver goods to of town as soon as Ordered. These prices are llrrIICTLT Cum. Porter's Bookstore Obert Haw Pltlars, wand loot from 24selll-tib CiODE 108 EithtatiAliktthiehliSsiLJ SEE OUR GOODS. GET OUR PRICES JAMES- ROBINSON. t.0 dig ria rte, bra :re 11 -2 2 'Z' '1 1..•1 .1 1 1 2 1 2 -ikrti.11/ •y r .441 J 1'31, tai Every Housekeeper and evurhouseowner should be interested in punt. There are little things about ever Louse that ought to be painted, but you dont paint them, because you don't know just how 10 go about it- We know your difficulties, andbave prepared a booklet to meet them. 11 is called Paint Petals." It will fit your case. It tells the best paint for indoor use, the best paint for outdoor use; for Goon, for bath tubs, for barns. fences, roofs, for house., for chain, taI ies, settees, foe__ ing that can be painted. 1t L free. THE SHERWINdMLUAIS VARNISH STAIN --- a 8 1 is made to imitate natural wood-Maba�any, Oak. Cberrys Reaswmd, Walnut, Ebony. It gives a room a fink tinizh, and at Iktls con. It suits and varnishes at the same time. It is ready to use when you bay it. It is sold by over ten thousand dealers. For booklet, address 19 Si. Antoine Street, MontreaL THE SNERIIII-iVIILUA/i CO. CLEVELAND CN)CAOO _ NEW 7041 MONTREAL 1' G -O T O STURDY BROS FOR . . FINE GROCERIES! Vessel Supplies a Specialty. STURDY BROS. FAMILY GROCERS -THE SQUARE. AT 1/111ATRQ'S EXTRA . VALUE in Nottingham and Swiss Nett Curtains, 3, and 4 yards long, New and Elegant Designs. Swiss, Spot, Spray and Sprig. MUSLINS---A large range to choose from. Art Muslin, Art Sateen Draperies, Crepe Cretonnes, High Art, Crepe Reversible Cretonnes suitabe for Por- tierres, etc. - . - INSPECTION KINDLY SOLICITED A. MU'NRO, Draper CATPLEBROS. Plumbers Steam-Pitters . t. Tinsmiths • HAMILTON.ST C�-oche=ich Tie Co.Yugo Ltd. 000nasaa. ARE IN WANT OF DRY FLM, RAteti- W00D, NAM' F'OR MALE AT A. . SARQAI K Ovum .on Saws= - °ash or laihOW 1R Lnrbur. Wall Paper Before you begin your Spring House cleani_rs Rcall and tree our Latest Tint. Latest Shades Latest Deadens. Suitable f,r Libraries, Halls, Parlors, Dining -Rooms. Kitchens, etc., with Borders and Ceilings to match, from be np, All new. This season's goods otlly. All goods .nisrked in plain fgure& GEO.. WATSON PADITU AID D10o*ATn11. lgeatr alst awns Marta. Lnckaaw Stege y Sista itsew /saves iris! ADAK TRIM=