HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-5-20, Page 3TT1 Iro. to. tram , int 1s. id Hog s. ■hr. cry tb :lugs 11ty s isi ding In- -Rouge adding I to • NV( Marko TS lee. . every flea est beet sell sad n impse thele with a 'Latest root be mos as 'EAR. overtime COI Bag - Id Ef- nnnble of ig deliv tr! no- bO WWI atriet TH SIGNAL, , ODI1:R,t ONT 'THURSDAY MAY 2e NW. One loaf of bread may be li iwrdet_and digestible. You may use the same ma- terials for another and have it heavy, sour and soggy. The knack is in putting the in- gredients together just right. A substitute for Scott's Emul- sion may have the same in- gredients and yet not be a perfect substitute, for no one knows how to put the parts together zs we do. The se- cret of to how " is our busi- ness --twenty-five years of experience has taught us the best way. Two .ire.. so its asst Ir.m SCOTT & IOWN6, s.11etes, Oat. Dantlste IA NICROLBON, L DIE D•wraL .Uaaaptr, limos opps.W the Post Mee Gee FI1110R. Clirwilla_ _ work a Specialty. te Years Dined see. L. TAL 8M. MABEE, D.D.K., L.D.S.,—DEN- methods and approved methods for all dental operations. Preserve Idea of ibe astoral with • p (salty . clue, svor J.mes Enka, ma's err c d• .toreineor- a.r d Watt* stat tholepin's. M. TURN + JLL,LD.B— • Desna' lions eon. (Lately ammoniated Dr. Diane. of Moaneel. Gold and poro.- artiflcial teeth mounted on gold or alum- inium. special attention Elven to the ration of W malaria teeth. Office In *Lean's new block. !YD -t! I1�tltdfeslal. A. THO ii N, M. D.. C. M TT ode mai wb oeca p Gas as r on aR TaMphoo• 40 . DE. HUNTER. PHYSICIAN, SCR- AP to. OMoa—thrice strait. the reel deem lately occupied1N.9Dr. Mh0a•clean 'Nigh calfs from resideaoe. 11. Lava (CAgCBRON, BARRISTER, SOLI- gi • ober, Conveyancer, to, Ot8as--nor. Ilton gad St. Aadrew- 4 .. app. Ceibone 1R-ly EtIN FST HEATON — BARRISTER, ticltelier. Notary Publics. AOheaw'. Block, Wart Street. Thr -1y E . CAMPION ,t.i. , BARRISTER, BM, • loil(r. Notary, 40. Moe OW Medical Hall. 'timers, Ood .mobs It( O. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, tiO- I.J1. 'tenor. oowmlesloner. etc, Ironer to Item. Deices : nor. Hatdltos and Bt. Andrew's tweets. Oodertch. flit. set A MAY -DAY SHOWER. Birth are singing. Il neve rtaging. briagiog (Jerked*fair Maids .re Sooratne Clouds of warning. (3•y adorning Os May morniog Gala will wear. Rain is falling, Heart. appalling ; Someone's calling, ' Homeward skip !" Isabell•'s, Rath's and Ellie Maud's and Stella's Wet umbrellas— How they drip ! " Hat and feather, Altogether Spoiled by weather. ' Ruth b.e o•as ; Dress and frilling, Sash and quilling, All so killing, Maud, unwilling , Ruined 1" awes. Heyday ! Hoy.dy ! Choose not May•d•y For • play -day Out of doors ; Or. prepare ye, New gear •p.r. ye ; Old clothes wear ye ; Never oars ye When it pours. — st Nicholas. A FEAST OF CHERRIES. JCILE de Vere wag a yonng French girl who lived in Paris. Oae day, in market with her mother, she sou admin. lag the arrangement of ell the fruit and Bowen, when something very beautiful met her eye. There were some green breuohes of cherry tree twtned in • wreath, from which gracefully peeped the tempting fruit, like so many scarlet flowers, through tb. leaves. " Ob, mamma," she cried, " please to buy me that brilliant wreath.' Diadems de Yen wee surprised. for Le- ad., knowing her mother had little money, usually contented herself with jest looking at pretty thing.. But .he bought ths wreath and walked on, Lucile examining her cearteter (treasure as something vary wonderful They sauntered to , !it• Harden of the Tuileries, when they lief -laws under the trees to enjoy the lovely alsrtdjag. It was about ton o'clock. and before the fashion - 11b1•11 same cot- So they had the place al- most to themselves. t'rewotly • lady •p• poured with a girl .bout Luolle'..ge, and they took .•ate near by. • You have • handsome wreath there," said the lady, after the first sslutatio0, "and quite booming to • young maiden 11keourself." • Still more suited to year yeang friend," said Madame de Vero, sod glanotag at the bright red cheeks before her, finely j OFTUB L DANCEY, BARRISTER, ooatr••tine with the green color of her L eoltottar, Oesvg••orr, te., ME. 1iiiiI ;sand "I- to loan st lowest rate.. Horton's l3look• Op. " But I de not know how you could have Palle Colborne Boal. Oodertob. Oat. -tt helped eatug fruit w delicious." said the younger, " I find them •o handeoms to look •t," replied L.ueile. " But, mamma, can 1 eat them wow r' On her mother's consenting, she named the wreath over to the young girl, earnestly inviting her to share them with her. • Oh," replied oho, " how ono you give away seoh delightful things'" breaking off one off the cherries .t the same time. • Dividing," said Lucille, pyly. " hives double pleaders." And, after taking ona for her mother, .he paved the wreath around, equally sharing with all till the cherries were goes." The lady sad young girl looked at each other as if they were gluts Impressed by the pleasant way the (berries had been dis- tributed, and they separated. Lucile and her mother, too, were greatly pleased with their morning Interview in the Tailerie.. " I wish 1 knew their names," sold Leede, on their way homeward. O■ arriving at the gate they wotioed a liveried servant following Nem—the same they had seen in the Tuileries with the 1.d►• haeme move prim saw wk.ws .thug lived ba tared away as 11 in heats. A few days afterwards • package was left for Ladle by a policemen. On opening it, .he Mesiad • bouquet of ran, fresh dowers, ormlommiled, •aqui ire ewes -bow., sad then wads it writing : " DiviVies 1s double ples.mre.- bee Imam whe .h* i.," said Lucile to s, who bed just nom. iso .11issd east was wariseiag at the gift At his rogissubsits d..aribed the girl with the gees mead hat. sod he promised to look through the eit7 till he found ber. But V1 is vain. L • taw s oaks tams New Yaw. Madame de Ten was poor. having boat her husband. sed •asiHwr gave nor r.osivd many pros. .M. Her way .ea was at • polytsobalo .(heel, sad ranked high as • scholar, bat it would take years for him to reaob-a modems in the regelsr stay sad rapport himself. About this tint' • pwokags was •Rota bnarht by the peliesm•e. •• Why," seed Ladle M the old somas, as .Mit saw hat muse w its " did you sot make Mai toll by whom it www seat," " I did my best," answered h.. '• but, miss, be said M had boon paid • orown net tan toil" Whoa the faiallyilliettsrsd so sate 11. tiny were troubled with the mystery .1 - Mediae. And we allay lodge that their auroras was great *boo then appeared in • new ambit a.p•rkfwg ga. set to heavy IoM. sad w it .eg'ev.d **Dividing le doable pleasure'' " I sever own war this," .Ned Lucile. " without bowleg from whom it nano. Whet oma I dos Oh. mamma !" " Yos ars right,".said the mother, far she wag osbarretud its the value of the gee •• We will pot 1t .way ter the ps'. Se what ,rs d.slgo.d eor as agreeable swrprise gays ossold.rable somakss.s-- oem- 1 g.4 is did from an ankaewn atr•nsw— 0.etretai1y looked up. Eagles tloe00ti0 was W ssorra. s•r. Eat a naw sashay was Is p ep.r•hess. Than Mrs • largo bandits -41m des el web sasafMM as to e:dts smith osrlsslty. 00 .pori.s ib ease sgesered the sward sad N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PROO- .4 1e•--8oat4 owl= Ommts 51. et Oatarioat 14 0. HAYS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT I� next Nortb.t., sedoor Shah ♦ O Odes vas loads JO load •1 lowest rates of Interest. 1U.e• (iLRItOW A PROBDTOOT, BAR - k.1 ristees..rro . Q.0..tW. eillaProud .(> • 'tet, J T. barrow, ri w °AMM ON, HOLT • HOLMEB, ) souelt.n is Obasasr1 to. �s . 0. Oa.roa. Q.O. i P. holt es. -t 0. WARD. OONYEYANOER, u. ta, and seem mtsaer tar midis and rs- vtsw or bail. .fisohnsa h, amu hi or IKrr�w asMsa nit er ore - or I me s& the or la was Mealy P.O.P Qlappw.� q.�Ida. Cos Loans and Inca Weida • MONEY TO LOAN. — 1110 ,000 00 Privet toads to led at 14 ear ie. G. CAMERON sus. ea• rears Meek. • resit• comae RoodClederiab. Wet PRIVATE FUNDS — PERSONS DE - strewn of obaalala* mew ed a at -class farm security oma do so sPar 0•••••W *rag to J. A. $cDONAOH, Room 11{ bold Buddhist, Toronto. war CIMAGER, CONNEYANCINO AND . Insurance Mlles. mash* Manta's ldstsl, boderloh. 1k�1UNEY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE AT -1- ti ppot. -Nott. dtaoountsg. O. ellAvER, Gam coop'pceits Martin's 001.4.0.a.. • FJ. T. NAITEL, TIRE, LITE AND • saddest 1as�s.s asset as lowest 'eta Odea—Oar. lfeetY•s1. and Beare, 0.4- etich, yt- MOr-EY TO LiLFD.—A L A R d I AUL. amount Tana tier tavatm.s 0 us%Igoe lxr.iiDw t1 ert�saa•w.Apply R. RADOLINTE, i0IIPERAL 11- tpnl ' !e lmoa`og to m r..•aa. Maw t. lead an SU**8$ •.ass, at the lowest rate of bhte'.st�olas la • way salt She oerAwer. tJss.t,rimers• .._.�. sse•ra � Wass :664fsodw• sbhael resQtttf. GODEISIOA 1tZOHANIOS' II<BTI• TIME i.IBRARY AND IMAMS e, eor. of Meat tib..t cad flume* he owes from t to a r.m. gad fres W� /1��lO r.�s,� £NOUT 200E VOL.'S Li LIDRAAT. Lending Davy, Wawkly sited Iiltslnuhd e s " '�`eStftPa�=be s. [tasId•ir Meticulous tis >tasbsmelet seadvwd bF U Wn. tatwa. • LstROfi tie •6 r'"L"Vell.- Astasisseswasts. COMAS ou110111, * u 'iu1 ria maid0: ad (fors Italie. x • ladles .f a somas% aaa • aaaroom prs- ----11.1111.14 --- to la ar; Ball" 1 411/11.4 * ''``.1 bulbs .srMay a es�l igee a 'h JOHN woLiwhd` vM1aMr►L o• the army. Mersa, ty dm IdirWar d this ext 8 ti Dogmatises* wad a mai a1Mussd be le Ir Limas , .si • as I peourWn aha rte "Wm tho fa sa to rottroragekg " & dta. r • d.abfs.Re.w•s." w..to doe liksa. with VT.. �w �-l�'ii' iht' ral•v1 Be was tmpattas so •ssostain th wham be owed Woo disetagulehsd IT.r,wad aawU- llag to leays kis plate MH hs W •ap•ra•d ML warm Masks."has l" sided Lagoilsi • u Y stas.d I,y the Masao, of War. Bo (sold toll ss." •' Aad let us go to him at oa0e," added ber brother. v.beaseatly. The whole tonally, tilled with gratitude, r paired to his hones. and were r•o.Ived with special restate as friends of the an - knows, the Minister not dreaming that ray thing was (000.•1.4. Hs m.stload her sem• capitally, and It peeved that she was the daughter of • geosr•1 of the hytbest rank--• man of .ofiueoce with the king. But they were .1I anxious to see her per- sonally.(oared her By mesas of a directory they reddens, which was in the finest part of the city. The house was 51.10+80. 1t .5reeand d the furniture such as suited peep le wealth. They waited soma time after they were od, •0d were then oondooted thr•oaeb different apartments to the primates of their aogaaiut•aoe of that Tuileries. They received • most hearty weloome, though flimsy mums wore made for Living followed an odd fancy to keep the oonoealment of their Dames. Eugene could only sxpre•• his simple thanks and say he hoped to disgrace hie country while fighting under Isar flag. •` $u?as prolong this happiness." said the lady, " and finish the day by dining to- gether." It was • merry evening. Eugene wore his uniform, which fitted him exactly, his measure having been •vo.rtaind through his tailor ; the rest ot the party appeared in the e.me oestos•es as at the Tat!•rtes. Lucile, however, for the first time added her precious susses 1 shall forget," said her young friend. " eur morning at the Tuileries, or my eujoyme.t of the Feast ot Cherries 1 lemon.learned from you a new lemon. which w •Ire•d• added to my happiness. los us frogn this time .hare each other's friendship, for, yon know. ,, •' • oividine le doable pleuttre." A VIOLET IN HER HAIR. A violet in ter heir, A rote, upon her bosom t•ir But, ole, her eyes A lovely violet diaolem§ Aad ber rips lips abs sweetest roes That's meth the skies. A lute beneath her gr•.ds1 head Breathes forth music au her command. Bat still her tongue , Far richer music calls to birth 'rhea all the minstrel power on earth Can give to song. And thus she moves in tender light The purest ray, where all is bright. Serene and sweet, And thedt a grseefol influence ro.•d rho• hallows e'en the very ground Baeeath hes foot. New York L.dr.� A WOMAN AND THE SONG SHE SANG. AN EPISODE IN A LIFE. CAliR1AGES had been rolling along the wide thoroughfare on that hot, snitry Jane evening. There was a dinner at the large corner house, and fluffy white and pink nebulous drifts resolved themselves into fair women stepping daintily from their broug- hams on to khe scarlet carpet laid up to the .loon. Just a white flash upon the scarlet for one moment. The windows were open, and a pleasantly confused bum of voices, well-bred laughter and abaft cbinkle of silver and glean fell harmlessly on the ears of the passers-by ; odours, ex- pressing nothing in particular, but merely • general idea of daintily pre- pared dishes, floated out end mingled with the rich perfai.,e of the gorgeous L France roses that formed a grace- ful scenery to the open windows, To Major Ru•hforth had fallen the duty of tilling Miii ire o0 N61'tte- they adored ; the harmonious coloring of her iireu appealed to his artistic sense ; the warmth of the evening and the ntaguetic intiuenoe of his pre - mace upon ber inverted her with a (arresting languof which reflected it• self back on him. He decided to speak the decisive words that evening. In the• rose - light of the drawing -room Orace North was even more beautiful, and he drew her into the balcony where,amid banks of roses and lilies, they sat silently drinking in deep draughts of delight. The silky hairs of his moustache gent- ly brushed her ear as he bent his head to whisper the words that would make or mar them both for life. They could almo4 hear the beating of their hearts. Major Rushfortb took her baud ; unresistingly it lay in his ; he was raising the fingers to his lips when, suddenly, with a hoarse exclamation, he dropped it and sprang to the rail- ing :— " Then is no one beside thee, no one above thee ; Thou .tandest alone as the nightingale sines." Only a street -linger --a woman— slowly snaking her way down the street, apparently careless whether her efforts were rewarded by donations from the inmates or not. It was a curious song for a street -singer to choose ; and the effect was rendered still more oddly incongruous by the banjo accompaniment to the sweet plaintive voice of the woman who sang. In front of the oorner house she paused in her slow, mechanical walk, and the light from the balcony streamed full upon her face, on which was written the story of her wrecked life—broken heart—ixtardered hopes. Fier lnsterous eyes stared out on the blue -black night, as though looking through it on comes long passed and gone. "1 love oboe so dear NMI osl v can leave thea '" " T wan g— t wang^I°''''gflie"i$e to this despairing cry: --- A manservant here elft- eat*vd o'dered the woman away. " Be off with that caterwauling, mieais ; my people can't abide such rubbish. You won't, eb t Then I'll help you." And seizing her by the shoulder her pushed her Away. " Leave the woman alone, will you?" cried Maik Rushforth, throwing down a piece of gold, which a little urchin picked up and gave to the Binger ; and she parsed on into the murk and din of the London night, the " twang - twang " of the banjo echoing fainter and still more taint from distant E 0. .L,' 'aims iM0 t sea alis aaltse•as to dinner, and the two were talking in a low tone, only now and then join- ing in the general conversation. They had met for the first time in the hunting fields the previous winter and, since then, frequently during the season. Nothing had been said ; but each felt certain of the other's liking. There was no hurry ; time enough to speak definitely before the swifts and swallows of fashion migrated to other scenes at the end of the seamen. Major Rnshforth was a typical specimen ot the military man-aboot- town ; handsome and manly. The slightly weary tone which im- parted a somewhat pathetic inflection to his voice arose rather from real physical weariness than from any sentimentality of disposition. If his days were spent performing his duties at the altar of fashion, his nights wave >R w•eelai 0lw anomic . and the exclusive a levo% bow cb he I °longed was noted for its high play and late hours, ib four -in -band an its cook. Mark Rushforth had deliberated seriously whether he would stake the plunge into matrimony.' His. present manner of life was sewed nature. Could he give it op I Did he really love Miss North well enough to tot all his pleasures on owl Ms and settle down 1 The seamed meinbers et his ehnb were nethes the happiest nor the best men of his acappaiMsaaa ; and if that was all that pia triage led up to be might hest w well remehr Y. U WANT THE BEST as 3 • Then waste no wore time looking for it. UDELILA" CEYLON TEA Iells the bill. It is not only pure, but always fresh and delicious. In Lead Packets. 40c, 50c, or 80c., per Ib. ROJ►[ .A X -I TI3B1 LH1�1121sTG t}gOOZDRY 8TORJQIB W•11, perhaps It rn r.sy foals, baIds :.a `rwind, law • or "Vnctcars' .soy ro ow boo.re beton. we re how.. Yoe steer saw any- thing ht. ,hs way a'nU teal . swami orate, it of joss kiwi, sad for ..w. sad ..'.ins 'HENRY 1EVERS, L.D.S., Quebec, writes: "One e><, my children sprained her ankle, which became much wollen and discoloured. Some ' Quickcure' vas spread on linen, and applied ; the pain ceased at once, the swelling w"If-(otte the next day, and on the fourth day she walked to school as usual. 1 have also proved it to be a wonderful remedy for cuts and bruises. se s,. streets :— •• 1 lows Mos so dear tie. !" The man tnroed to the beautiful girl beside him, who with set, pale face awaited the finale of this strange scene. To her astonishment, he grasped ber hand tightly in his and bade her "good night;" then strode away, leasing her standing in the balcony alone. His opportunity had passed, not then only, but for all time, for the wreck of a woman's life had risen as a barrier be- tween him and the girl he loved. The door of a closed chamber in the worldly man's heart had been opened by a long forgotten hand, and the ghosts of past scenes trooped through and took possession. This night, at leasties.held sacred. -to the.meomry..• at an old love that I only ca0 (save A turban has been prove by actual pro - tics to be the beet partible head covering In hot oonatries. Is m ltrht, sod while it ex - eludes the direct rays of the sun, permits free passage of sir. ar 119.500 Seeds .Seeds Seeds! CLOVER—AU the best 1 No. 1 TIMOTHY. SEEDS for the kitchen garden. Now FIELD SEEDS. Our harvest of seed,' is gathered from relish overs only. An Huai we shall have the BE.MT OF FIELD CORN in a Tew daysrprepsre' es' your silo. Store—Masonic Hall. Fust-st J. T. VIDEAN THE RELIABLE SEEDSMAN ew . MI88 CAMERON wishes to announce that she has secured the NoweetEnacts to Millin- ery tor shy season's trade, tacluding. All the New Shapes In Fancy Straws. All the New Shades In Green ; Also, the Geranium. In thanking my many customer's for past patronage. I again solicit their favors feeling confident that i have the cor•r.ot styles for this season. MISS CAMERON `lamiltou-st. Roderick'. mitt evening, as he dressed for dinner, he almost derided Is glide throe* the rest of the serape w Grass Forth's devoted almi.* rod part at the end at It. * w it % • win sgi, bat one he weld gbh f1 el% ss be had dose dosses et bliss bsdlee. Dot this night albs dial yso�w me b•astdl.L Jest Y at hebdtive pereapides 11411 km tags slave envy/red Ltlntl. the Ira rte all tett Simms M el�re fid the but advantage ; tbe seen et alt,Ma llor Ado '••---+— eultdele fit MINIM r�Ne�l� lb O r.ti. Y:.' ibri ab YR1i...,P1a.�I9�;.adl�ifL; - . IN some parts of the world det produced in this ifficult and arduous way: . • • In Canada the people produce fire Eby the use of E. B. Eddy's Matches. WAY (CYCLES AND Mtn ,fallemI *SOAP RAPPED During the Year 1897. THE .SL.&TFR SIWuiSIN}RONT 1 ...And Ever Will Be ... rat tier p.rtlratan see rAvertiseseet., or',pely is Val UM.. try.. fig ban IT . Vitt warcetaelasmo p1.�S1�Ct MILL. 111711111.1111111 ,su. 8&U, DOGS aid BLIND air*, fa al Mods .f LUMEN, LATH. SHINGLES dreg basuri mow.* • sew •aw.frit.rt n.."•'1. Bemuse fns Style, Wear and Price it's a Daisy. Well -made understandings meanev Health and Happiness, but ill-fittixig slop made ones na° Discomfort of all kinds. The reason Will CAN Ned Do please our patrons is that we ardPrat.t.d our business : no badly -fitting, shoddy gtedll oast be palmed of oe to as gen- uine footwear. We know something about Leather and Workmanship, atilt use our knowledge is buytig aid mak- ing goods. THE SLIM egos areas ... - ". _ afar. •