HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-5-20, Page 2e 2 THE1mt3Tf NAT.: GUDERICH ONT.• THURSDAY- MAY 20. 1897 451141A18 -.OPEN BYES. ► /.roJr r4$Lllx�l�rr sasAnes Nettles► et ars Ne1as• he ,ts west re.. Ottawa. May t-Xite preo,edwgs los the House today opened in sue moons - ally genet manner. This is private ttweer- bere' day, the first complete day afforded since Boater for the promotion of Orn yam Ieeielatiuu. Quite a mustier of petv.te bills were read a second time. Ln reply to Mr. Clarke. Mr. Laurier raid "1 have ratans W believe that the Do- minium Kithib akun authorities have been informed by the Mintetet tat Agrie')lture that the Government does not see its way to give any Inaucial aid to the Do- wiiivo Mehibition this year-" Mr. Mc- Dougall naked: Waist was the rote of duty on Scotch and English ouol im. w,rted into Canada under the old tariff 1 What is the rate under the now tariff for the tint year? What will the rate be after the first year under the new tariff? Mr. Laurier. iu reply, said the rate of duty under the old tariff was W cents a ton. The whole matter was under consideration, and a further an- noune'eme'nt will be made. In reply to Mr. -McLennan iGlengarryl, Mr. Laurier Raid the cost of estabjabing the binder twine factory at Kingston was $40,28). There were employed in 1894 four WS - el r', aggregate eateries f3,1120,nnd about 40 couviets. In 18110. Three °Meer,. as- gregate salaries $2,800. and about 40 tons -iota. Sales had been made this year to the Hobbs Hardware Co. The ails includes the actual output up to An- gnst 1 • approx•1n.ntP quantity sod, Mil tone. Ap the geode have not vet been placed U1MH1 the market. the poke can- not be ,heels .public. at present Tb•• term, and conditions of sale are esi.h on deiivcry.- No conditions bare Aeon exacted. The keen competition of The tient few years. and the lowering of, -the duty in 1 have made this uuiwcrs- nary. The Matter of stilt. continuing to nuenuf'aeture hinder twine is ander con= eidersitlon ..t the Government Sir Chao. Tiip(wr moved for s copy of schedule B. Showing the recommendations Of the 'Treasury Board. as submitted) by thr report of the Council to flu Exrellen••y the Governor-General on t11e' etb and rtlt of July, Ii(90. and intended to he. approved by him. Laid npon-the'tahle of the Hno.e het swbk,n, with a state- ment of the action taken by the Govern- ment no. each of these appoint/nests. art made by the paid order -la -Connell so - proved by His ExeuHenev. or where ne a.4{nn has been taken. the rearm ,'for SOME STRIKING RESULTS OF TME WAR WITH JAPAN. Lomita( flea Areassl to the' blesamety al l.earal.g tragllth-Itiere I ,or show■ te ClertieluIty-W rk for Mt.1egartes la Teaelses. Despite the pea.im)stio views of sev- eral foreign writers ua China, their Judgment that the Marquis Themes faith in the awakening of Chian. tgs° only an enthu.tast's vislun,'the moult . of tits war with Japan have brougt.. changes which would be rernarttabie in any European country and are little abort of miraculous In leu oonaervative an empire aa the Middle Kingdom. At fat It wan difficult to convince even Intelligent Chinese that China hal suffered at the bands of Japan one of the most crushing defeats of modern times -et defeat more shameful and humiliating than ter•ances endured at Sedan, because, Japan is not much: larger or str•onngger.tkan any one of a half do;en provinces of the nation that she conquered. ' But after Vl kroy Li returned an.' - the facts became. generally known among the educated .issues there was a revulekhn of feeling which. in the slow ttay In which ab things move In China, has pow brought about moult, that would Wave been regarded as vis- ionary two years ago. Tib moat im- portant result in the edict calking Eng- lish compwsory m the higher school: - of the leading provinces. Even tin: Marquis Tseng would not have had the hardihood to predklt such a rafntzt as this ten years after he wrote •hfe 1sm,uu review .w•tteie. And this -edict iitvuded a command for the tesohing .)t Western sciences. This radleal change of system has been produe-d by -Lae war. but It may not be emirs to ask how much df it le due to the slow influence of the English. L'or• elm% misetoharies have been labor Ing ter years to open the minds of the Chinese literati to tale defect. of their national Intellectual staining. May travelers and a few pubtic)eta tta a woken tlfppgetly of the rileagr' regatta of mia.Leaary work In China On the surface much of their acrid 0000frgqmmeat /Lama tqo true. Wh014 an aat(loa1. .. •the converts Is roads tt .presents a pitiful figure beside the ex perch n &terse. Atter remarks by St'r .pitalbsna..of lite. enthttalaam ani! C'leceisa Mr %nt.r and Mr, istitrior. money, which bee been lavished by tbe.moticar wan carried. rind in Mr. Moe - go maty 'Maslen aovleties. Yet 4ny tin's motion for papers relating to the - ,--era- old mingle/Lary to China will telt 4np pct 1 smith branch from loathtwtrt - -. Ming quality of religious lnatructton aid (Kinds) moved the adiournmeat of es even At characters that. appeared the Melte. Tin Hose ndj.wvned at bey4}�rnid t�� �r�reieh of all setter impalh--_IIiinck. ra. EspeelsNy npOn the young this re' Hakim teaching has had d deep tie en. of the p'eriadtca) outrages against missionar- ies has been without some nonny ex- ample of the devotion of ..00nvertf •10 •• their teachers' and gutty,. In the new Chrintfeli 1H,,,.. The new asrnelgieaP- la..It7•g11sh s4tr Ostia* at (lana M Mire to tome." the lmportattee of the ">L1Ktasb and Ameri- can rattatonarlei. The reit/limy mis- sions will be centres of education in English, h science, and In foreleg lit- erature, nod an opening will he strode to faftuentlal families for tut: re and governeree,. The prominent men Sri Cbla.Jtfie"' long felt the n eeewtty of a knowledge of Engflah. and most M there understand the language fair- ly airly wen, though they may make no et - fort to speak h. This 1s the case with Lr Hung Chang. who picked up many things not intended tat brie ears toy his pretence that,he could not under- stand Eagileh. There ere Qtanp fat - Cirri posts open to Chinese who know Flattish and Fveneh, and even in offI - clal posts In Chinese cities whish base a foreign quarter the ability to speak Englleb Is a great advantage to Vice- roy or Taoist - - tt The opening of sebobM ffi this vari- ous missions In . China is sure Lo give religious teachers a far strung -Pr hog) than they have ever been able to ek cure -over the bent slam, of youths. It h the -working flames,- --terataty;--'tn whoa they have appealed, but mow �.. they will to brought rte intimate 1ig- 1atioes with the .sonft of the official clam. Bow great has been the cb age M sentiment among 4)1,eirati taweed foreign missions and Ity 1r shown In a letter re'eeatly sent by a city mairisfir rte of 8ungttlang to the Rev. W. 13. Burke, a mtrslonary M that place. Mr. litmke had seat.the Chinese official a number of ).solo published by the Sorl.Bty for the D4Rurlun of Chris- tian and General Knowledge, Including the Rev. T. Rielitar ' t .• . . - a, tieefey,- tures of revesal Western aattens. with ruggestlo ns in regard to their Intre- (uction in China. The magistrate 4:r - elated he had read, the books carefully. and tied then given them to kit ante to read. He dwelt on the •prteelptes • tbe old Chinese morality, based nn __Alostfveiu.'a teachings. and eXPrelet'd regret that Chinese, through ignorance, have spoken bar4bly of (vhrlsttonity Japan, he Med as a country that war oath Buddhist. but is now half Chrie- thin. and he attributed mach of the remarkable progress and developmewt Of the Japanetae to on face that their -minds had boon awakened by title new religion, an that tber were able to mI'Pt foreign nations on equal terrine. lite letter closed with the hope that Mr. Burr may make many convert, to Christianity and promote Moser rela- tions between Clans and the Western nations. Such a letter as tht.w••eM not have been written by a prominent Chinese geial ten years ago• Equally stwng ol of recent change In sentiment Is furnleh.d by the chief examiner of the 1R•ovinoe of Hunan. who Is laboring tl9- trtttoduce the Eng1lph bgoks which Sitio meant/ate of lunglWtag so warm• be understood fully when It in added that Hunan for many years wan the centre of anti -foreign prejudloe at,1 was the last province to hermit the introduction of the telerraith system. It was also the imam M Chau Hen, who pntAlehed the infamous books si- tuating Christianity, which led to fbe fatmc.htilen and Wusth outrages on mitt . innieiew. The reading .r good 'Cor- nea books promisee to acennse4t.h more In flu next decade hi awakening China than all other influences coesblaed. It to sure 4', reform their me'thnds of edu- cation and it may even put hnruaty into their *yawn of government and jsstloe into their .et tnletratlon orf the law, -New York lien. The Pram' et Wale 41111 • name A statement was recently made by e to prominent evangelist at a politic norenilnat to this city that the Waco .1f Wales had been obliged to withdraw from the )daaonle fraternity because tppe F'r.ernascme NM not believe in the Bible. A Boston Marion, who stanch' higb In the order, addrwre.d a Inter e t iesetdry to the Prince regarding the trisect,. A reply has Nat been tw".ty- Pet frmn Reward Letchworth. Arend e•oretary of the Unit Grand Lodge cif England. Is winch b. says : 1 .1 .tesired to state tbee say report that MIs Rotel liattrnem, lima withdrawn or e.oatewap)stes Ltthdrawiner Moth his pm . tans .•t (trend Wastes 1s a pari n. betaataon. Tim statement made 14y the reHHgloaa teaettar towhett refer is ~he t scute t--aAst tap/ee',J�. Ottawa. May 4.-fioon after tbe Snook- er teak the chair this afternoon Mr. It W. Jaaarwn. the recently -elected hymn - her fee Winnipeg, w•1'r introduced by Mt. i.narier and Mr. Siftoe and took his w•at amid Iuvd appluunr troth ,the Gov- wnooelt begchtw The tot owing bi11e we're- int odttred and read a3 tiro( time Respecting the -Men real Bridge 0.9m - pant, Mr. Bole'yevt: respecting the (treat Fasters/ Itai way Company Mr. lime - vent : to ined.rp orut. the Colombia had Wesiero Hallway Company, Mr. Poe - tack. The ilouse then went into Com- mittee of Supply. Mr. Bain acting as ,MtSrmaa. A dhmber of items 'for the IMterior went were, after diacus- don, The committee rose and the. adjourned. Ottawa, May b. --The attendance of tneember% to -tiny wad fidr y good. Bills were introduced by Mir Henri July de Letbinier•e to make the Qtnen'a Meth - der a perpetual holiday (from the Yoe - ate). and by Mr, Bell (Pietoal, to amend chap. 20 of 54 and us Vktoria both of which were read a first tittle. )dr. Davin httidacwj a bill to amend .hap. Mt of 5r. and 56 Victoria (the Criminal Code), which provides. that once n plea of jam- fication in an action for tibia has bona .et amide the plaintiff may net renew the action,, and also that the libeller, if he fails to prove his charge. may at once be put on trial for that. The bill was mad a first tinw. Runty qui -odour' reh- a," to disminaais were caked and an- twe,erd, and Mr. Davis resurrected the Emmert tura, and the motion for pa- per.. ea.ricrl. Rome mail euntaneb and poeVtiice efinmi*saln were under review, and two hills reeeivcdl their third seed- ing without diaeuaaion or optwatkkin. Mr. Casey's bicycle baggage bill was read a meeahhd time and referred to the Railwey * ientriU4'g. 11r. Iletin nwmrd the de- bate un Dr. 11e4d's motion to favor tit a bones 10 the farme•rm or a cent a pound on Ranh ereamery butter exported to 'epreekee.- Mepaas. McMullen and Broder. Mr. lesnrie•r gave an ' aaantwne.• that there would he another opportunity afforded to speak on ihi4 question and the de - hale was adjourned, The House ad- journed at 11 p.m. Ottawa, .'Nay 13. --The firm iocident in to -day's action et the Hoose was the prywmatiou of Mr. McClure, member - elect for t)okbenter. by Messrs. Laurier and Fl.lding - A debate on the Hudson Bay expedition was precipimted by gees - lions propounded by Mr. Richardson. Mr. Davis replied, after which ILt. I►avin moved the adjournment of/the Ho and the dila-umbel was con su- ed. The motion was lo.t. The Beams- ville poMofSce diwmntsol was again dta- cnaad, and 41,. Mc('Ie•arj s motto') for papers therewith wax carried. TheHouse adjourned at 11.50. Ottawa. May T. -At to -day's session of the Il..nne a number of private bills were advanecd a stage. Mr. Tarte ex- plained Ilia eyatPn1 of diamisaais of Dins 0311a guilty of offensive partisanship, and thed the House went int (oftmittee of Supply and paused a number of Items. 'rhe 1.111 to incorporate the Mining llrv,h oyy.ownt Adyiaur •l, lAritish A m.•rii n, "fflf1t 1** Marotta time, and t�frnm the genote •o-iult IN: a livors, to Ado►nide Alyrtle nI ears e.•1• read it limn t.a4P. AAfter passim: several items in supply atter ruceNthi douse• adjourned at 12 o'clock.• . 144aee.l ft Sean St Thoma', May J. -Thi- I1omnlion (:ot,•rinneut .tcaurahlle Petrel urrite.l tat Port Stanley from ltondeaa Inst night. WYhe'tt aleekt midwnv and 15 miles (ram chore, Cnpt. Wool noticed three Ami-ri can 1010 is Canadian waters. After further int.dtt'action he di.eovgnrl their nets and e.t:tnndl 77. containing about a ton end a half of fiat, prineipalty pickerel and herriftly. The captor* ia worth about $4(), and the fish wen' di- et to Brown Baoa. of Port Stan - P( y. plgas•tat'ter A..her Teras Is rwlsea Kingston. Ont.. May 9 -Oe Friday an ex -convict went to Vtlnlee talent hired himself to Wiluarn Allem sad we *need a horse and rig to go to the ferry dock to techs lila thank. He brought tie rig to KMgntou end started weat- ward. The here was traded between hem add N•pane.. The boggy hes b - n located In the Canthbell house N.paoee. Th. pollee lope to mesas the exebnvlet before maty beet,. angel. "peewee's Mlle �s�•t Msy a--*Itg10 am w ei Pelt her. art .t q�� veil lettt pdice �sae midi et la theft - Taarwseth aortae. TtI1e dassiritptisa of to Tiw*ertas gives in Thu Public &heel Aerioultaee ie all right e• jar .e it Ages, Mt I would add.that Tam worths . s very decoati ve in weight, We - math .e they always wash mare than lar appear to (A one setae, to my naiad. A dealer wneh lay* tbou..nde of top pat a four s.ontha' *Id Tamworth low at 190 lbs., but whoa we/abed she turned she amass at 166 lbs. ) The eaPot of the T.mworths is sot es lone .e It appears to be. I tied. in meow - mg 1t with tum moats of Dome of the other breeds .t swam, Whet the Tamworth's snout IA tau 10011er, 11/ proportion to the weight o tis, bog. than any other snout. I''b• Tummies are pod geezers. and en t n o. teeny lett elf their test. 1'oey are test growers, .ad Often weigh 200 Ib.. at five mouth., thus making quick returns. -- Aoothsr qualitiatIoo a that they produce Ljg prupurtieee of leen meat. The pork curers, as well as the general po91w, are disoriminMiue more rad more w favor of leen pork, and tau is the groat eh.rsoteris- ttio of die T.m worth. 1►.ery fernier kuowe what a good thing it 1s to have quiet mothers to .oy kind of *tack. The 'Tamwortb pows as mutters ars very docile. They are &ho very prolifio, usually having from ten to fourteen pita at • litter, the pigs frequently weicning fear pounds eaoh *hen forum ed. The sows are also very good milkers -Fuming. ,*nary Pard. la prepsriou epri.og chickens tor early markets, says Farm and 13ome, do not lose digit of the tact that the trade demands .[seed wergsyisay 14 to 2 pound.; little obeaku are akdalreab.e and usually uoprof- dente. Farm and Fireside: The keeping of poul- try does not interfere with gardenias, 4x• coot when the seed. are ID the grained. A t r the planta are well uodet way the he..a wtll prefer the young and tender grass and weeds; and while some of thegardeo plsni. may be fates also, yet Mere will be • lace cumber of Insects destroyed. If gee.n fond Is plentiful the ben. will do but male d.Ioege. A ben with • brood of yoaug ohwkks will tiud many worms end insects that would perhaps do more damage than that iztlicted by the bee and brood. 0n. pound of out green tone, says Farm and Fireside, fur a d..sen hen. ono. • day, whtth should not coat over one Dent • pound will eroduoe more epos than Ave times et ma h grain. t'o give green tood to fowls oondned in #.4s u- meet- be ooasidered that the birds ink the grass, and minuet utilize it unless a is cut Sae or 1. given as e piece of eon. rut the fowls in yards tor two weeks to fatten Mem before moiling. This 1s urged to prevent loss. When the market a full only s class of poultry Delle -those that are fat Ia dealing with you.g turkey., sega Feria and Fireside, look for Los every day, as a lame louse on the head of • yoaug Cor- k.y will kill it F•,n. ead Perseids: Goers seem to be snf- Bolentty wise nee to prang forth their y000u oro .ones, bat 'bey hatch the goslings Duly enough ion lose .euro of thorn ualmo the fsrmer ie careful The goslings are cos end e a•b down, whish allows them to b.eow.e (milled if they ge on Fronde of cold water be, hire they are well feathered. By keeping th.•m away from water while t•eyare young they .hoal1 thrive, and no leases occur, u they are u.ual:y hardy, and have rood .p- 6 termer of Clare Comity, Mich., bee found that he con increase the egg leyin, abilities of his hens iy feeding to them old n'worriment tors to boa and soaked in soar milk until the whole hemline a pulp. The hems, it le said, 1 he t be new toed. If you ask • per.oe's advice follow It. If you don't mean to mho to do not bother them with silly que.•ticne. (hl is s'. loaf •• to be poured on troubled wa'er. A. • . • •a •pptwobes a she'.I filled 1.4111 0111510 b. Bred from a Ruta to its dire°. .tee- The *hell will be perforated with e mail holes, so that the oil will continue its work for . grsarer length of time than could otllerwi.e be the taw. TlTmewa ,.•sura` AS DM Wreak' L00000, May 8, -The Geeat_ Western hallway has bans so encouraged try ties success of ta. soma liners In making Ply- mouth a port of coil that it le now engaged upo/4 _Iterser asheme0. It Is bettered t0 be 41,0 intention to induce the Canard CAM - pa ny to lend its mails end passmserr at that pert 'glee Cunard people will . M mm anI at-__ mag.-_. haze -gyp It Is oedaretood that the 44044tH o is• nt111 open. Three Nis nkelMaas Qnebe'e, 11Lay 6.-Woikmf�sIs�� engaged In the proloogetion r.t 1414: Llkn-street came aerosol the skeletons o thhhree bod- ies on the McMahon si.l.• of the fc.rt:ti- nations. The bodies were n9 those of big meq, one of them r.raouritig 'no *re than six feet three tnebr s. (1tb.wwt, M.P., will ds the memory work. Ofacials of the Mlentgan Central and Canadian Pacific hallways met et Ham- ilton to perfect the plans of the joist op: Motion of the T., H. tad B. line. ii is said the C.P.I. trains will start reli- ning between Toronto and Buffalo on laity 30. At its emisiod' In Chicago the National Association of Railway Surgeons chang- ed his name to the Iaternat:to.al Asaocta- tloi, and elected Dr. Hutchinson of Montreal, first vice-president, and Dr. Riordan. of Toronto, chairman of the Committee of Arrangements. The next meeting will be held in Toronto. e:AaCALTI4.. Mr. Edward Coleman of Seuley's Bay was drowned near Morton. (Aeries O-"01113. -MOM al Ottawa by a cab driver, died from his isjur4ea. The family of Mr, looepb Alford of Chestervi ie were thrown out of the car- riage arriage by the horses running away, and a aoeng ebUd was killed. ltisrdd Fetberetonhaagfi, the seres- yeear-old sea of Mr. S. B. Fetberrton- ustt. was k111ee1 on the street railway truth on �padina avenue in Tomato. Last Friday debt Fred P. Hatrt:aan, son- ot,-Mr, C W. Hartman, franker, of Clarksburg, Ont.. while returning home atter a short ride on his bk,ck, ma into a vehicle. Be died Runde/ as the re- mit or his aedulaist. Mr. W. F. (aarepbell• Ontario Ruuppet',► iatesdeat oe Bonds, arrewh tcg at a pnbtir meeting, told the people of Ottawa (bit their s an. woes thea any contw- akre roadie. TM Nnstaslip Mentemrsa of the Elder Dempster Lige, wbieb galled tens hoatroal for Loudon, lad eta board the first e[aidgrtmeat e1 beffdiaiwawniaterial for the Canadian building at The *milers of the Oaaadlan .ties which will start shortly to tort e ikredee toammiioaednavigability ofHadom haat to 111111M•h • g 100 ngety ter the porpclea noveyelpty *Ma e=0 flshr are at preemie rtaod)11. 1tr. G. W. PAW *Mario Mahar. of Brhteatien. la aa &harm to the etu- des* and teat ee the Reeilea1 and Moth% veinal. et Ottawa, said that the Mersa' sAneI tars would h a theft time be ._ Mat lyes. tea lased* et Drat 41..1._"0.111 ,611* a mama � TIMELY FACTS ABOUT WIEEOI. It bas • waist/ea of 2.187,9044. It M salted •' Hells" by its people. It leas wares of 114,977 gleam alba The mesa temperature of timers is 64 de-` gree. Fareabeia About one-half of the population are sr- rioalturists sod shepherds. The collimate km two pwaltarltses -the hest in femme, and the sold is winter are far* more iateese than those of asp other oousay in the world lyi W in the same lat- itude. 0,14 oaoe remarked that in travel- ling through the Mona In Marais be head summer In Moments, sprbgh I.a.oaia mad whiter la Arcadia, wItheat barna moved beyond • ratline of 60 miles." la the as,risesame- Rummage the premises previous to heath oleaotee. and - Give same .tteatiou to the cast-off cloth- ing. Dover fuotstoola with remnants of ohiatz and carpets. Give the old furniture a coat of enamel sod make it do dw..y in odd °ornate up• stairs. Utilise clothing wkioh is very much -worn by tearing Into stripe and having it woven utterer, or mate. Hite clothing that cannot be cleaned and made over, dyed, and begin • fresh sxlst- es.0e under another oolor- It you are beyond the need of economy. remember that there are thoughsd• who will be grateful tor made -over dresses and " rag rugs" THE FEMININE DIPLOMAT. The feminine domestic diplomat is • pan• sou of utlimited tact and goad muse She has what not to do red/rood i o a wimoe,aa I, .Dove a11, .he is attractive. It is obeervei: That she is e martyr. Tbat .he Dever apolorisee for the food. That she never describes her aches sat paint. That she lets everyone haw deign of their own. That see never dwells on usple•saot re- miniecehsers. That she niter oommnnioates spy sews ltefore dlnner,t hats r ale.• ))• polo• and oordW M the ehtldreare !ri•atie. - That disorder of a weaponry Nature dN not visibly disturb liar. That she trey* /corrects the ohildrei h tbe presence of any perms. even the family. T1tat when thi famiff'4r tribe threatens she knows how and whoa to deftly change the subject!. !'b.s she trots rid o! a giNei wig bares bet by simply folding up a livupapor and the other never ■.apeots. That she haver divulges her methods.- Illuatrated Amseice., I TO PARENTS ANO TEACHERS. He wire takes the child by the heed taker the mother by the heart. I esteem it better to keep children in awel by a sense of theme than by fear.-Totol• ■I ALL cte(Rala-She. Use. Your ens is safe just in proportion se you develop the whole nt him, and deuterons i• proportion .s you stunt him. Your child needs sympethv as much as it needs bread. The soul is often hungrier than the;body, but no shops can sell it food. CANCER CURED -AND A- LAE SAVED By the Persistent Use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla ••I was troubled for years with a sore on my knee, which several physicians, who treated me, called a saner, assuring me that nothing could be done to save my lift. As a last resort, I was induced to try Ayer', Sarsaparilla, and, after tak- ing a number of bottles, the sore >u: began to disappear and my general health improve. I persisted in this treatment, until the sore was en- tirely healed. Since then, I use Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as a tonic and blood -purifier, and, in- deed, it seems as crouch I could not keep house without it." -Pere. S. A. FIELDS, Bloomfield, Ia. AYER'S TM Olde World's fair Sarsaprila. Prior's P411s Rngulato the Liver. .d cigarette below put into their month. After the that or mond phf trem the oiKar- rate they remain motionless and centimes smoking and puffing until the entire orgar• ett• L consumed. The thick gouda of smoke drive away the insect pests like 18.1410, 3FeBY1"Q 08=10: 11111 CEYLON TEA Me. and lees. As the Sunday school teaohersite among his boys he ought to my to himself, " 1f God be not here, why am I here!"-Spar- geos. Yon m.v ae well expeot to dream a hones er a ship Into being as to expect, to build u p the habits of boys by easy iudiffereuce and well-wishing. It is computed that there are 30,000,000 of girls in India ander fifteen, and that only one-third of a million are ander any sort of instruotlos• • Do not break your boy's spirit. By na- ture he is not play that falls and Battens, but an indierubber ball that springs up every time it fall,. " Dee% touch," generally is a bad rale. Children have a t.aoh•hnnge,, and it must n eeds be gratified. But a wise mother would superintend the oper&tioa. A sleeping babe ! V bat a sight for any ,411.&, to !nimbi.. arpeof&11T for shoes wee hays in large development the large beauti- fd lots of ohlldrea-God's gift to woman• hood. Then spek• lbs angel of mothers Ts me rn • gentle teas, "Be kind to the ebild,sa of others, And God win blase thine own," 0RI8P AND CASUAL. Brows cam to be vary popular with seamy of the yosneer society girls. It is calculated that 196,000 women are employed as dressmakers in Paris. tallorm.de ,ir1 never wears ooil•r that are seep the tiniest trifle targe for her. Forty-two sew islands bays appeared (by aid et vole&aio .otic.) during the present santegy Of all •the •wfal things • boom. -made Ewa jacket is the wont, sad yet the wood* are fell of them. The French Government is propesbe to pat • tax ea people who &dicers to 414.4, old este-repnblioan titles. The tt.I.erslty Prase Of Oxford has ap- pliances fee printing la tae b segesi�asd., fifty diterenehnirsagss, _ The [steme of the industrial psilLtfon of Great Britain hes grows io goy years three times taster than tbe populations itself. Flower, are now artiesl.11y pertained by subjeaNng them to a bath of osrbonio *aid lee charged with the areeas&ry essential oil. Meek Anthem anises average ter the ads* male Ave fast six inches, but the Amadeus, Raaiarde and Portuguese jest un sheet of this .se.dard. Ti. two does of se. human fetes art sever alike. Ie two oases out of dye the eyes ars sal of Ilse, tae y* stronger than the Mbar, or On riebi ear higher than tib 1e1t, Old-tesbteeed beauty books 'dyne tbs sem of ettawberre isles to make rad teethe. This is • seseonable hist for theft seem b rouge of the regular sort -Philadelphia!! Ttmw. latent marriage in ladle eer4tly thews e. sig, of dying ami In Lower Bssgo' slew there are sow 34332 ata•n.d girl. sad 67440 married bays wader time years sf sr. Insides se... 7,000 widows. while sear - ▪ 4,000.000 54,1-wty* are seder are yeas Md. There are hoed la Tomsk lsg he masa serious of MWrsehema, eke glass bu111Me1ea by re se Lore Este. They aused te deisw away sasegNte•e by a eery edgiest sera*. /r. Theme er Mar eft the help an take. .4 p M the mime lei a is.a Rib& Victim Of what ? Rheuma- tism? No, A rail road accident? No. Acy- clone ? No ; ); tee is the vic- tim of a poor BICY OLE, which was represented to him being just as good as ours. OIIR ¶t Ilii - Yale' X11 CIODASIOE STEAM BOILER WORKS, A. S. CHRYSTAL, Smut•,, Oarg1ML • �.eli, manntsetures et WI klads et BOILERS, Smoke Stooks, Salt Yaws, Sheet Info Works, eta, (do., And Dealer in - Engines, Me pinery Casttnp, as. All sines of Pipes as- d I'tpe Fittlag., Steam sad Wat•r (burse, Globe Velem, Check Valves, Insplratoas, Ejeotere and' la. jeotefs Uooe.nUy on Head at Lowest prA�sl line of Steel Water and Hog Troughs for use of farmers and other.. Repairing promptly atten- ded to. a8 A. S. C83TSTAL, !IM ly P. e. Box 3!, Ooderi.n, Benmiller Nursery The Business heretofore carried ea by the ler. Saha 81. -wart at the named Nursery, Village of willbeserried ea as urinal by D1Illiiring; . APPLE, PEAR, PLUM and CHERRY .TRS. Evergreen Trees a Specialty! The stook is complete. and Intending purchaser" will and It to their advant- age to purchase home-grown trees In- stead of ordering from a dlst•see. A Pine Assortment of Hot -Hoose Planta, Hanging Beakets, and Bedding Plants in Season, orders by Mall promptly attended to JOHN STEWART BSTATE BENMILLER NURSERY. Do You W axt ott►ttll► i, g, XLtb -Fete '�o1wt�►�r - H 1st l► -M W 1M City ¥lea Hath! _ al Ilea t,01 lad that • WE LEAD IN CHOICE MEATS We can satisfy the most fastidious tauter, our prices snit everybody. We here every thing In the Meat line Fresh Meats Spiced Meats - -- - Cooked Meats ' Cured Meats Smoked Meats Prepared Meats- - ad MOM kind of sausage made. Hee s! /peel Masa If yon have not yet beam w the City Meat Market, do not f►il to tan seg glee ear speedo.' 8aturdav display your Inas► ilea. ANDREWS BROS. & CO. Spring is ai Hand. Se be prepared to meet it with s ;ood Hat or Oap when it seam Ws have put in stock all the latest Styles of Spring (1l i' are made by a firm who under- stand their business and give the customer the best value for his money every time. Buy a Wel- land Vale, and save a repair bill this season. DAVISON & Co. Oakes, Pies, Tarts. Ready for the Rush. Call at D. CA14TRtole's, the leading bakery, for your Party Cakes and Puff Paste Tarts, Oyster Patties, Mince Pies. Short &sad. All k.inda of Cakes kept on hand. Orders lrt by ten in the morning will be made and delivered the same day. Wedding Cake. -Ornamenting and decorating of the latest designs with a fancy assortment of Wedding Cake Almond long a specialty TD. �e telos� Titin FARMERS & TRADERS (LIl►g 4ND ACCIDENT) ASSURANCE COMPANY, ltd. June 1. area, Prosiest, Joint CAMPmau, Vies-Presdsat, D. IL O taaates. Semseary, 1'. 1L. hale.. 4araugi.g Director, BIAD OPIIQz, Bt. moms., (A.t, ataFtal 8600,0OAt I 4140mts:useasteasermaweeji HATS which for uality acd price annot be equalled. In stook are numerous al sortments of the latest in GLOVES COLLARS. SHIRTS. HOSIERY. MITTS. CU?FS CAPS. 14T>1CKWEAR. C. R. SHANE & Co. The reliable Hat and Furnishing Itimperiam Cartago & Fuel Co. are prepared to handle Bag- gage Freight and Household Ef- fects with Dispatch at reasonable rates. Dealers in all grades of HARD SOFT.. andC8mithing Coal Wood and Kindling c n to snit cnet'oiners and deliv ered with promptness. ,'Order* so- licited. Tel spume 1941 J. & Q linLASILIA lailaalk 7 One Yu gr" terigh heavy, knack grediel p subs, Sion til gredica perfect knows togeth cret 1 Hess -4 experii the be Sd M M( Re mad Flllir M Yea M. L. TAI reethods fe Iles of th ever Jame ser of We T M. 1 4,.Dent wnh Dr.' Itis, arta thei l�rsnuesto1r.i McLean', W. asA, M Dr. tai Dil.H woos dense late calls from 0.1 cit Kau 41100 440411• EKg.N�.I,, atok.'tyo CAI E. ia14 Mali. She u, . ile Isae. (Re ttWets. 1 oFTI tioho eR ai (/ol E.110 ter ,hle�-8a 0,E Re. 013 boreal n ('1 ARIL NA rt,t L' J. J '. OAHE • t3. stem W IW1 le 0 ▪ s• ol'. D: vbm . dtri s-- lies MON Yr . eMt,4sao lip Mrt 8Rs1c b. 9daroMessA,�..RettI a wy 1101' Mori oar., ' 1 alai URI F. Inn molt elm . IL, ( 4e'u 4O 90 JON est, p thole ieria L y f• E. vela 0114,_