HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-5-20, Page 1• • 1 J C. e ti 1 Q nales NE DOLLAR WILL PAT FOR THE SIGNAL BOA ONl Yius. TH37 LE.* DI1Q'CQ 1•TL7W317)API-32t OF ErtrRON 00T.TNTY_ D. MoGILLICUDDY, EDITOR. FIFTIETH YE$R.-1622 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA THURSDAY MAY ,20 1897. • history of its origin and growth may not ( certain reasons of. the year the oompsny prove uninteresting. 10 the 1.11 of 1891, • noisy three hundred tboaa•nd dollars of m - few of the reeding farmers in the neighbor• aurone. bood of Brasher/, among whom were the late Jobo Hope, (manager of the Bow Park Farm), Hoo. Thos. Ballantyne, Mr. Joeepb Stratford. Robert Berth, ll.P., Jaoob Nott, Mr. T. 0. Currie the Labe Mr. Wm. Camp- bell, Mr. Tbos. Currie, Mr. Roddick and others, met to Dee :f something mwufact od not bs dabs to form • oompany to nt binder twine, as they were m strongly im- pressed from practical experience by the high prices whiob farmers were then oom- pelled to pay for their twine. Every spindle in the Dominion of Canada at that time was owned by what was !spews as sent o ed by Con- sumers' Cordage Company.' the leading spirits. Messrs. Fulton and Waterbury, of the Nationel Cordage Co.. of the United States. The result was thee • mummy was formed with • provisional board of directors sad so confident were OUR OTTAWA LETTER 1 Lurked byth , raal wr: k party'ea"- BENEFITS OF the rimersAble member from West dada. beta. The member of • miarosoopio major- rimers ajor- Oo1nionattheCaplttal it), lied • Samiantan jaw -bone is pursuing an indefatigable endeavor to fill up the of Hansard. He }ally appreciates the F.7.7 .0 d)ibt, that, atter Ib•• sessio., it will be a very long d• before he gets an- other opportunity to talk to the official re- pose and vacant benches. But be is net disturbed by thoughts of the inevitable nor by the refieotloo of what will be lost in ses- sional indemnity end good mileage allow- ance. He simply rises above all these de- preesing ooneiderattoss, cad goes right en talking, regardless whether the jaw -boots tells upon friend or foe. On Wednesday he toroth au issue and tested its effectiveness by a motion is re.peot to placing agricultur- al implements and lumber on the free list, but the hand had lost it. Dunning and the time-honored weapon felled. Detected by his party, his motion was defeated by • majority of 111 votes. A. V. W. Ma Great rerisieat Upheaval la Illaebet- aew the News was Received as «taws-Resrikstlee Sas Over- takes lass. ■r. Man. OTTAWA, May 17. -During the pest tow days nearly every other polittoal typic stems to be completely overshadowed by the wonderful polltic•l 0.teolyem is Que- bec- It is still uppermost in the minds of pohtiaaot et the Capital, and it will have to ran is 010.1 sans ot nine days before it comes to be • wonder. " Marvellous !" was • word 1 beard repeated by many people in the corridors of the bioses on that eveetfnl LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF night of Tuesday W0. As the election re. Ge* Robinson's penes on parasols. Masa from Qaebee peered in. crowds gath- e red about the ballettae posted up by the Tice (M•7 24th) and the Hoar (8 r. r ) telegraph 00mpanies outside their reepectiee °ilii meeting night of the town oottnal oa Friday. .(hoes in the parliament buildings, and the The sewer eoatraotore have again turned multitude of joyous exclamation. from Elgin ave. groans of Liberals .tauding around and Bees ball is Frain • favorite with the eagerly warming each lot or paper as it rising generation. cad. au appears*** oarrytsg its owe par There wt. • religions meeting on the Madeto blush .tory ap • vNnvocabul vocabulary would of put &liars ea Yaada;t.- UV.. the wee moan arta A small gnantit of wars M sees urs. It eau an .exceedingly interesting y pew, study of natural anemone to watch the prime at The Farr. various expressive. ot amassment, jabil•- noire= w the Square has tis,, di.sppointmeat and dejection which greet improt.mant. were the chief obsrsotaeuties exhibited by It it staid that every bicycle la Lawn is those who peopled the lobbies mad chamber rented for the 34th.• of the House on thkt 'vests'. The fi¢nr.Don't mime the big too days' eelsr.tlley .l the leader of the Opposition drooped goods at Robinson's-peroeptibl• ss I watobed him enter the CommoCs alter renew. Over hs future po- There wall 8 A M. Commvnlos akal. huoal success brooded the gloom of depart- George's Met Sandey. Mg day and he doubtless keenly telt for the Joseph Goldthorpe, jr., ie .rooting a first time. by LM ewers Mid aimtstakeble dwelling oo Albert street. fat from Quebec, teas his Rao el power Aadrewe Bros. & Co. shipped • carload of would shuns no more is 1i1. Am to the naw eaNle to Toronto on Monday. of all b•d)y beaten people the rsvaluon of It s takao tor granted that Time and feeling ie usually vested upon their unhappy leaders. Not long after the the Hour will be •'rand otiose. result in Quebec became app•reat there was A oar lard of hogs were shipped on Tuet- a loud whispered rumor etrcalated about day to Collintwood by Andrews Brom. k the lobbies, and the report ie said to Co. have cooe boo remarkably well interested Messrs. Orono and Tilt. of the hameb•ll quarters, that a gathering of the Conserve- club. were selling season Iioketa the past cave puts' wilt be convened very .horily week. when the question of party leadership will It is impossible to make good bullet be the principal quell= to be weathered, without pure .alt, and Rloe's Pure Salt MIs The Tories oomprebesd sow that they have Lb. bill. -Aething to expert* or gain soder an antique- TM auction eels will oo.tis0a for an- . The secret and o that party other week at Th. Fair. Great '.rims' =��i1iioo�� The m*oret le out that Fetter's bOing given. less ambition stops amber, .bort of 1 rain McLeod, recently ot Purim, Ont., the leadership of is party is the hope that Cap some day ha may be called up*o to form • is now the leader of the Goderioh branch of esb.set. Neither, it ie alleged, bas Foster the Salvation Army. any oo•6desos i. Sir Charles, and Moe. very The idea .leets to prevail that Yoe - ter should be promoted, and the te.deoy n this direction. if sot accepted by Sir Charles, will terminate to a soap similar to that which led to tis deposition of Sir Mackenzie Bowe1L It is $ notorious fact that the leadership et Sir (harlss ie now sed always has been exo.ediaplyy distasteful to an tsoresdsgly large and isfisenttal .eo- tios of the Tory party, and they are pre- D. McLaren oommeDoed on Monday to peed to merinos him at any nett. This is moats Mrs. MoOrettan'a dwelltng to the bat • snap& of Tory gratitude, much of Hume Road opposite Mrs. Marney'*. which we have see. Is the past two years It hem bear said that after Sir Charles, the deluge -but tis Tory /singe did not wait epos the passing of Sir Charles. to a former letter it will be remembered • -that 4- wggeseed-emiia wield safely :autos the prediotios that Nova Siete would re - min her Liberal .dmisistrstioo, and that Qtebee would follow in lige thereafter. Aad thus it was. Tits wave that roes tip from the Atlantic provisos did not stay its warm nor break ea Tory shores in Qaeb... but .wept en and assailed them in a flood of Liberalism here white they will sot Mal' ably emerge 4t. 4sg the .u* 150 dessdes. The devoted low esrvivere et Quote's may Dow joie the toady three of Nevi Bootie and together embark in their marina a ark with their comrades trees P. B. bleed. There the sY1y sea afford tothem goat, in the cool dudes of opposition,a with bite their prleps.ths Ararat of power, b somewhere. p.m4bly,' hamlets the wide "barge, to emsde them by 'heat of a far•fetnre delivumai. The Liberal party la Canada hes .best imbed btgb water mark. to cs.tin.o the liquid simile. aid tram the Athatb be the Peel& over all the wide expanse {here rets • p100d see of ub.ni power , aid in Jose most. In the Motbar iead. *bare will spear Wore Mer mese Graoleve Majsety the Qeet*•lbmw.m.s, pre-emlnest in hr feeity to her Crewe gad Pe..,.. .tztbmwq less*. Clyad•.UN_ espre est. •;;+r • tis whsle gad fpF 1017 u midi rna rtfy of Wised lead asat whit* In tw.d aMs the eadsrteg fecndaties of an eabs•s4pd lerfahy M ibe Rmptrs of whish this Cmsada of .w+ forme es Rs' the Impotent and htdidifii • de c1 the Province o} � esma new be se room tar a roommate dwell that the _room settlement et the lesidfsha..basl Ilslhol1. � bmeeptabie to the lope Qhs dmsl,r.' o ti gabh Mlriso bib esedemat- ties of the ta4.s sed •rhilrary iatoefer'ame mb the eeeledyWs.lp•rty' Tkw, Is wart Y•toa is tbi• off' vista?, emend the trhliph .f Tabloid ea , t04pe em lyeett destiliag lsswn. raw &tattle* time. ib finger ef ties Mesita. brines He seam wages.-. The bum b.- wavel brad debts W Mr. Ayer lift Sam' Jel , to dies party have lilt tmr,MMiy s."fnlly avowal. 'line beamed baa hem rsi«d to ase eft tis -rehab ewes bis t Federal Gmee srerw, reehab�r*bssnlorb 1lis b !seal mint Main- pe11M• 1hem M, *lair booboo NO/4 Ns sawn ler the epee ml bee tee sheet year. 1f the vele, ill iM purple b the vise lel Gad thee the dlefee setwibsts of /.dies Peas edesur�w. lkrpb's.d,..d Sir Hteri their eeteitell,. rise has areaddrss emphasized by the liuOONtr of the Farmers' Binder Twine Company;, HON. THOS. SALLANTYNE, PRESI- DENT. A ■uafaessey Swami and ■•miased bl Farmers ter Warmer, -It bas Lowered Ike Pelee of Mader Twits* Over One Matt ,r.e --i•r•atees tate marmite Mead • CosaNMs la the ietars-d 1ri1111111 agli tee wash. --TM ewer M !liter evlala awl ?rearms Writ 1111 Told. DURING a recent visit to Brantford • representative of Tux :StusAL had the pleaeurs of being shown through the works of the Farmers' Binder Twine Co. by the efficient and euergetio manager, Mr. Joseph Stratford. The modus operandi of bustler twine msnufactare wee witnessed in ell its different stages, from the entrance of ibe raw manilla bad deal into the preparing maghinss, oo threigh the jeaniee to the The oomp•ty is purely • farmers' ores - 'ration, Be stook being exclusively held by the farmers in email shares all over the Domtniw and oat« nle amus be sferrod to ion to farmers. It oomp this oouotry of being the only manufactory owned and managed by the mor dd that for farmers, and the only foamy vends twine from the jenny three* to the binder, the stockholders and agriculturist* through- out the country acting as agent. end taking from one to twenty tons for dietribaaoo among their fellow farmers. For this eerv- ice these agents are paid • considerable com- mission by the oompany. The enterprise has been a pronounced themes from the start, notwithstanding the violent opposi- tion It has had had to oontend against. No- thing appeared to affect ire solid bearings and le hervi! ea and pros - they that farmers would generally respond venin, has tsd u,' lowering the price el la the takisa of stoat, that oontrant* were twine, •.d has been instrumental daring all .just about being completed for the building that tints in bolding it at • legitimate ad. 01 the works when the Provisional Board vaow on actual Coe of production. its sao- wen oohfrortted by •grave diffionity in the oats in these undertakings affords evidence parohwtog of necessary machinery. They of what no be aoaomplished by oo•oPSr•tioh fond that all the manhtactursn of binding among farmers when intelligently directed. twine machtosry were ander •bond to the The oo-operative (mutual) insurance 00m - National combine not to sell • spindle to p50y and the oo operative cheese factory any person or company without the consent had previously been (need to work to the of themselves, which oottaeot wt., of smarms, advantage ot all commuted, but antil this invariably refused. But fortunately about oompan7 aces organized farmers had not in - that time the National and the John (:nod vded the manufacturing field on anything Machine Company of New York had • fall- like •large scale. They are now beginning ing out, lend the way wee therefore opened to recline the wide .nope there is for dowel - for •little time to seam • twine plant. oping the oo-operative principle, and the The machinery was pnrohased, and the pro' day is not far distant when this oompanv motors, t:rominent among whom was the in. will be applying it to the manufacture of The Jubilee 0000ert program le nearly complete, and, from the prectioes held so tar, it should be • grand .aocaes. Humber & Cawley would call attention to the fact that they are prepared to *mooed hoam drains with the mals sewer. ISverythtoi at and below oust during the day at The Fair. Ladies, don't miss this chance of getting cheap fanny work. A large number of cattle were weighed o. the market sealer on Monday, Robt. Mo- L..n cad J. C. Martin buying animals to pat ea the gram. Th. Orison will play our boys oo the nett, tad the mateet ie liket9 to bs a keen bas, ne beth club( have been preparing for it the past two weeks. Tb. old Dotter building at the desk le le be turned tato • brewery. D. Mebane. .omm.00sd jacking It on Tneedey, 1t hav- ing to be raised • few feet. 32 -hob flannelette for 50.; 50o. table Rem for 39e ; 35o. table linen for 230.; 25e. cottoned. for 90o.; 124o..birttsg for 10a; sonde, 25.. ; ladies' vette, 40.; ladle.' roses. 15s1ae.,Mire' oarmies, 25o.; 1Oe. �1i.hg. 6o. at Robinson's. DOMINO AND GOING. • Jae.Cbark rtlaraed from Wisdom en Moo- dy. Hies A. Mingo le law reportd se oat of dame. lies. (Vow. et lleatbeth. was in tows this week. R.M. Nevi's, of Mates. was la town as Sunday. T. G. Atmeldi. et Ottawa, was in tow* *Mat Inn• ROM toe, of $i�1d. As in ribs t B og•at9tows last week. 111r Este Moreleee, of Detroit, it vide - lag ander the matiraal rod. • Sheppard. opine may d the family S taley Hays, barrister. of Se•lertb. wpl is the sssmib Mere on Meaday. Shelia Hays. budder, .f Beaten►. wee in Ms esamty'WWII ea Mendes. BIM Standard : (dim Eats Jdh'stea is She gesst of Mrs. T. 0. Metelroy. Boyden Williams. f the mores. Ssafertk. spent *d Saaf i tows. Mr. amid Mrs. J. T. Mserhwe r,y�- de14, woos b Somathe many * ea 0. G. Bear* .1 the Beek el Messcwl. Seralferd.wee Met*g old hinds b Iowa e* thtmday. - Mita, Mr. men Yea. the ladle.' reydMthmr. Alm eidar Wallace. the weak. upeder of Pablie omMo LIIS i_`ll Tom, Merged teem ea gait to the �°asmi�te pan 11 lal ?WAN. W. T. '..sus , ath�e low Tea. Neel ireekridri h lI•eiad Ry. M hie a'sla. $. lr..ose.ae. Oisreb ee. k bee% IAN R Mom ese$lyseaL lt. U i be will b pm et lie .heio Wee is gas O teseka wadefle. • fart Zak hi Gale - et bey +et. taus •Slilltrillia am)Mali en oil Imam The -hew et an ars le said to bate zreineate•= ' pili ,,,. deibeta in ▪ eame1i WIrin w Itawmt, Yyrllliriiawd eat to pill bin eta nese is • 1 'PIE ADVANCE OFCivILIZ TION. k -Co - ope rat lye move men t ue , ousenda of Farmers . in O' tarts nitoba an ec. • e' 5ePH 5TR,A►-rFo GEN ERN- M%1NAG� R. 1 offered lad • shade lees. By no doing they depress the Termarn' binder twine areal, and necessitate thdr terming the grated several times, and foram upon the oomps•y the almost impossible task of distributing their twine in five and ten ton lou ea the very eve of the harvest. He minim with • great deal of force that the tanner she ad b..ringed with the low o aQpri prices on twine wbioh his company based on a very small margin above omit. Order early and thereby lemur* thio oo-oper- •►ive movement being kept in ezietsaoe tor future oompetltioe. It would be •a oafor- tuoate thing tor the farming oommUalty if they should, through lack of interest or .e- eleot of their own company, allow the old days of the oombine and high prices to re- oo The many leaned of leanethrough- out the oountry who are f asoolally inter- ested In this enterprise, and who are the basis of rte suooewo, in that they constitute, •a it were, the main refry tor the dispoei- tlo0 of the output. have reason 10 be proud of their undertaking._ Remember there is only one Farmers' Binder Twine Co.. headquarters lit•etford- Hon. Thomas Ballantyne, president ; Itobt. Beith, vioe-prsstdent ; Joseph Stratford, general manager. Don't be misled in any shape or form, but ooscine* to sustain with all p oar might this great movement which has been iae,rumeetal is saving the farmers of this country hundreds of thousands of dollars on binder twine alone in the past few years. You have a factory under your 000- trel that a nation might be proud ot. Sand to your guns, and let there be no uncertain sound in your response as agriculturists geo- erelly to this great enterprise. DUNGANNON. Nance. -The local •senor la Dnbonnoa for Tan 11.14.1. L at the aloe of J. G. ward. J.P., conveyancer, Re., wbo will redelve or- retar ortpUtoadvertising wgive rrooeipt• fox . _ Job - work. nod.,,, 1* L authorised amounts paid for the same TUESDAY, May 18. RESUMED. -We are pleased to sea that our wist•nt teacher, Mir Yossg, i• rsla to resume work after a lengthened spell of theses. ffooLmetse regi!.• -'ilia eervlee will be held in Erektatr-reagalissrastt ben until further notice at 10:15 A. m. instead of 10:50 A. r., oommesoing next Sunday. RanarnieSTICAL. -On last Sabbath Rev. S. Whaley, of St. Helens, and Jame. Wil- son, of Drummondville, exchanged pulpits. Mr. Wilwn 000duoted Divine eervioe with great aoosptanoe. PusLIc LIBRARY. -A meeting of direoton was held on Monday evening, the 17th. Owing to a,further adjournment on unfinish- ed business, we defer making any statement until after next meeting. RleaoviD.-Our popular implement•gent, James Rose, and family have recently moved into the premises on the west side of South- ampton street,whioh he reosntly purchased. We wish them health, happiness and .hooses in their new home. Epwo*TH LaAwi r. -Topica for meeting Monday evening, !day 24th, are •' Loyalty to Clines. our Church and our Country, " by George Statham and Misses Trio* Millig.n and E. Whyard. A good attend►nee ls oordially solicited. Boors.-Dbnf•nnon is still on the boom. Our new and fashionable drug store is now in full operation. Dr. 1'. E. Cis is erect- ing am office on his premises on Albert-sb. Several other improvements in horticulture, beautifying residences, eta., are the order of Lite day and 000upying the attention of oar progressive oitixon.. Sneer er.-The masiotp•I council of est Wawanosh will meet at 10 o'olock obeli) is the town ball on Thureday‘ the 27th lust, as a ooart of Revvistoo of the assessment roll of 1897, atter wbioh other municipal business lbs. seta ao br*sgbt Wows tha ooanail .will be attended to. All ooaoeroed will govern tbems.lvse seoordingly. EARLY CLoatao.-Oar progressive mer- chants have this year adopted the early aiming plan, and some fourteen of them egadhave egad ea awr some% to close their phase of benison as 7 r r., except on 8.01 arday .v.eing., when the nese will bs 10 o'clock, from the first day of June until the Brat day of October. newt. This useful cus- tom ie fast b.00miig • universal clow, and Duoi•000s in mot behind band in furthering 41 NM. Binding Twine made by the Farmers' Company iind- ing its way direct from the jenny to the Binders of the farmers in the Manitoba Province_ On one shipment alone of three cars that went into Souris, Manitoba, last season, there was a saving of nearly twenty-nine hundred dollars to the users, which created great entli'usiasm in the interests is coro�i't - - T eases*, ' vement, w -the . a .. time w was pro,,....:. nounced the best that ever found its way into the Prairie Province. • b.w.o r where it le bald ready fee the n rks$ and • most iniereekisa eight it wan The employees seine moody -five he amber, me well trrgW.ed sod dieeplissd. sad the work proceeds wife a regularity •ad presides that do oredit to the ea•eagemeas. Tbsy are aim etg►aisod into • fire brigade, god /staling toe bruit • Leet el their edoieirey wee ghee. The alarm win eo.nd.d hp as may stages whistle• sod is a fine meseds e ll the heads epsstsi0e0 bad lett the t.« aid W ilk* w▪ all the• om of ibil See sf mR7 wwaep 7. T1w diode d) the befepidi, width wow* /t, esoefe ty, meshes y M l sse.H.a.-Z►es. Hallam- *. iso. 1� two mimeo .m . ball. whoa 1ys. }ees. I Robert petal. Y. P' vise -pew f IV "bete els bus maw She .The of ids J.m•ps Stretterd. gam.,st wamget t id tbiIr b t1N flee Mprtmf* o.e The pier lir. Ala:. B•lIm.bse..ednsnt m.esgir. d ies w1i0 "WA Mites gear t. tbek tltkrsei Mitred oetfetal tntitl*o. The 'M- The rtstriifimmrt peke are loosed •leag- densd, ail /here side l• �rls��si�" `Nrs� bird ata' ill le served 16 Um setae dm. lial lib* DOM 11161 sane severed art deme. �. tummif*eey Ise( the s.wet kgyrsted .hu.eter ..d is NOslals it outs- tay est live test et to bah gi.skesty Red � eMli4rmwei4 is doe FhiMplesbraid swiss do. The paw •Rd as Was GM, seines/► el leases Awed s iwnm has its kwgtiea, a siert j delis ea M • Nene. res lime flet Mat ea dshtigable m•aeger, Mr. Joseph Stratford, hold a eetin s ikresgk tb* ew*irs newsiness of Oesarb •ed Qssbme and ealised the sym- pathy mid support es seeekhetda a of them awds of heaters. In tbh way a *pleat of 114.000 oat of ems basdrsd ttoaea•d wee rapidly .abmribd. A pomades board wins afterwards ebsstsd w►0 have eeatiao.d to Ely. the enterprise their °heed *Mediae. mad the rust& has bs* 11 every way Mei.• feet.ey-1 s prim el series has bees redound me half, and a healthy .emit>•Meiss estab- lished. Midi .win proved Lbs farmer's twists *vee badman mals Is this sesetry the -hit w orssia lashes* sash headas=eiakin Zere et the sell area the slim a MOM" it a agrrbemltaral implements and every appli..m ted ea the fats, whoa times will be ao- thfar to provost the Treat people. the fann- ers, from weariest nearly everytkiig Mott goes en to tlsmir feriae b the shape of ea im- plement at about half preemie prises. The e.as.awsties of this mus►-be-bs-dedred wish will, beg/ever. largely dsp.od apes the isyalgy femme display la sepp.rHag their pioneer eo•ipsrative esterwebe-tis Pena - ors' $adios Twine 0e.. limited. If the tl.•adira farmer esti..se loyal and meets hi srtdsia tide kis ewe 0oesp�•by e• he by shieg 11 the p sIarsess to hie %who. eederbww it eat early .ed gluier prompt esaistwei setWesM*. is tsome. el an Mon eahrp1lses of a Mmllsr sb nmimr efllaiaatly smog - id will be .mmrod, a.4 the assay anima whish eaia•lh go out .l the brrmrs' posks* to farther swish .beady * molly madly mea tseberwe taut the ter: them./ a ea have bee. ndfag spi Yl qts ewetry fes the law twenty yaws will be . this( el the poen 1. talkl.f'ii►1be manager the roomette mad tat nee sf the miser MAIM- bee We wore .rremg _ we _� lase nem ihrma.% wits etef a lilathe Wed derma k.A ii bity wA• a Ott br M sin wise iiss ON is h. McO..gbs. Wilms othe• esthete, 1itt. ss iederyr.. N. Iutraivo0ID.-We niers% to date that Master Herbert W hyard,s.a .1 our set.smad towsemen. J0m.n Whyard, who wee seed- ing the Coll.giate at Goderiob, was on &0- oout of as Nta.k of 1a grippe *blind to leave tor borne about two weeks ago. He le now eafferiog from an attaok of '.sales. However. tkreagh the aid of wood medical skill and good dtteada..a, whieb bs to ha. - bug, we Pepe to bear of his reeteeoUos to forma health asd vigor is doe time. Ousts Cam. -We regret to bear time Mrs..)essph Willies, it. of Weer Wawa- w►ialt.. termed from. 4,,.pinb►h j•- --9. ye*. ohs Wilma. of Hallett, le vary low, from the reel% of an sodded 'bleb betd her as the r•$ homeward*. The Mee be- ing frightened. it ale4 off the read hid the tlhoh, sed fairest tbs baggy with Its em-. ppalat•, firs. Wilma and her son Wiliam. William fortunately eaeapd without ready - tag any bad injury. but Mao venerable lady. we are informed. was e.ri.ealy injured. sad ea the ie 5511 advea.ed b Tease. her reosw- ery se doubtful. However, we bops she will recover esti be spared to her family for ma.y year,. Oosn►a AND Gotta. --.lasses A. Jens, who hoe bees 'is Algoma for ammo time. re - tamed home ea Moeday 10•k _Mss. McNally e. Wednesday el lest week, visit- ed her .M.r-im•law a• Blyth. heelsg re- solved weed that site wee it) We hope aha win sees dower Mrs. LAare Wilma . left sere the latter part, .f last weak. via Lmskasw, w .w .Ytawdd vfeit le relatives them at the Feast City, sad s% ether • pjade& p .foe at 8bertemille, Mexico, salis New York rate. W. wish the vaaseabl lady • pleasant toter sod Rab Mora Patnsk Ptt'gibbose, who ►.s heal .s • visit to ha brethse-b-leer. Hereesd itedm.ad, aid finally. WM Waws.ss►. WL here few Delleho maid .uses, potato se bilines 'Pirhdq. toe 1110, Maytag his wife M an Ilse/ bee vale *Ph bageleme. Yee. It. Med,, rites.