The Signal, 1897-5-13, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODFABICH• ONT.t THURSDAY MAY 13 1897.
Tao kote 'costly, lay him lees,
and by will tome the snow,
today the green thugs grow.
)lata his neva,
0,2 y Iblossom bells that ring,
no founds of leR�
Fairy birds that sin
Screens that murmur, 7.
For be knows not anytbtcg.
Idako his grays.
Happy in the happy. May,
Wooing with lin roundelay,
His brows melte but yesterday,
libthe DO sank --.b, none so ray !
Make his grave.
Spring wstbout him comma and goes,
Aad the royal Samoan grow.
Glad with ;,1y and with rose t
Autumn ripene,wister tow.
Rested but pave.
A e Chasidic Mehlton, in New York
e le rieiroes blow,
Wbac+ the pe p
A preltaissry oaten made by tee
changed scene a would benefit his. et he will brown eyes els ntnw ,I,` she ems% alpacas in )ber fel win lsttuetry o! .:." )game Wires
! oh • at yoar0. � ......... therefore, probably ex:
The effect was almost magical, Wel%
chanced to find a partner in a young
and very attractive )sere, with whom
he immediately fell " in love."
From that day his progrees to-
wards complete reoovery was rapid.
and week after week he met and
danoed with the same nurse, until a
month or two later he was discharged
recovered. A year alter, as he con-
tinued to keep in good mental health,
and quite steady in his habits, the
girl became bis wife. This happened
four and a half years ago, and the
former lunatic, who is a master car-
penter, is now living very' happily.
with the former nurse for his wife.
It is quite a common thing for
lunatics to conceive a tender attach-
ment for members of the Royal Fam-
ily ; and here the complete absence
a sense of proportion or for the " eter-
nal fitness of things," which is a char-
acteristic of most insane people, leads
to extraordinary actious on their part.
In reading over the letters written
by the patients before being posted
(this is always necessary, or else the
moat abusive or threatening epistles
might find their way to some inoffen-
sive person), 1 recently came, scrota a
most extraordinary documents,• being
nothing more nor leu than an offer of
marriage to Her Majesty the Queen
It was Douched in the most affection-
ate and even passionate language, .the
writer (who was a tit: -plate worker
with a wife and &,jsrge family) grac-
iously promised to waive `tib right to
the title of Prince Consort, and prom-
ised also that Her Majesty (whom he
addressed simply by her Christian
name) should always be sure of a
happy home '
It is needless to say that the letter
was not forwarded, but, nevertheless,
the patient was in the habit of tering
everyone he met that he was " engaged
to the Queen," and that he was "quite
sure she was in love with him, but
rent writ'T tell him so for fearit
would get into the papers !" This
Titm�i itched a portrait of his Royal
sweetheart, cut from an illustrated
per, on to his abirt just over his
antreves Ivry disgusted when
tbei picture was taken from bim when
the garmeat required washing.
The snhiect of queens reminds me
of an incident which happened to my-
self. A female patient, of uncertain
age, suffering from the delusion that
she was the Queen of Sheba, tilongh
her exalted position did not prevent
her from being a ,vbotrful worker in
the asylum laundry ; her task being
that of stirring the linen, which was
soaking in large coppers, with s thick
stick and very heavy pole Her
Majesty of Sheba, in default of other
mate society, " fell in love " with me,
and, as she saw me daily during my
visits t3 the laundry, soon manifested
T is generally conceded .that even
insible folk are Ivable to make tem -
ayes absurd when " in love," so it
be readily understood that an in-
ine person in love is s very strange
r ludicrous being.
A few years ago a young mon of.
rood social position made his escape
vet k-peivate lunatic asylum where I
�cupied the position of doctor, For
few hours, in spite of all endeavors,
,o trace of him could be discovered :
ut then a wire wee received. stating
bat he was in the hands of the polior-
t M and was awaiting an ea -
ort to take him back to the asylum.
The reason for his escape and his
Slings:during his few hours of liberty
rere certainly most romantic. it .:p -
pears that whilst at the asylum he
cad received a letter in which he was
old. quite casually, that a young lady
his acquaintance w -s about to be
n arriecl. On the evening of the
ame day he he .rd at a dance, held in
be asylum. a w ed w h he
tad not heard fiveyears
when he had danced with this lady to
:he strains of the same air.
Although he had only met this girl
ince or`lsioe. and knew her but
thgbtlts• }s told ns afterward+ that
gearing this waltz caused him sudden -
to fee► that he was in love with his
Partner of years ago, and that he
must marry ber
Consequently he made his escape
early next morning on his bicycle,
(wni•h he had been allowed to use
when out with attendants), and at
once made his way to Sed , a dis-
tance of eighty miles, where his new
love lived, Arrived there, travel -
stained and scantily attired as he
was,with only a few coins in his pock-
et, he called at her bones, staked for
her, and, managing' to SIPS ber alone,
begge 1 her to elope with bim then
and there.
The poor girl, who heard that he
wag in an asylum, was dreadfully
frightened. especially as he threaten-
sedeto kill himself at once if she re-
fused. She managed fortunately by
evasive reolies to put bim off for
awhile, eventually he left with the
promise of returning in a few !roan.
Bot beton be came back the police
had Seen sent for, and the insane
lover, to his intense cbagrin, was ar
rested on his return and sent back to
his asylum.
Here is another case exhibiting the
suddenness and apparent carelessness
with which the insane fall in love. A
_young. man, ajournalist, was dis-
charged from an tuyTnm rron Pena;
tion,' which means that the patient is
allowed his liberty for a oortain time,
and if be cotduotd himself well he will
be absolutely discharged at the expir-
ation of the time stipulated, but if he
. shows signs of mental breakdown, he
can be sent back to the asylum at any
When the span was discharged his
friends foolishly sent him to the ee-
eid sebv himself, pr3viding hini also
with plet.ty of funds. He told the
afterwards that, on the afternoon of
reaching the seaside resort, he felt
" something snap in his brain," and
had only a dim recollection of what
happened afterwards, ?hie is very
etranpe, for a very importsitt event in
his life-ocem.r'ed during his time of
oblivion-te got married !
it is diffie.�d1t, too credit the story,but
that he met a girl on the pier one
evening, and, afttr intredeeing him-
self to her, they went for a stroll, and
in a very short space of time they
wen engaged, neither knowing any-
thing of each caber's history, position
or family. The girl, as might
be expected, wee of a much lower
social status than bet lover, cad did
not bear the best of ieputations, but
within six weeks they were quietly
1 saw this man only a flaw days neo
skid he assures me be remembers peso-
ttoally nothing d his fateful few
weeks' doings, and though ins wife
visite him eeeadsWally, be doesn't ap-
pear to reCognles or remtusbsr ber.
A still more remade and much
more satisketotry aseoent of a "falling
in love " may be narrated as a •1111.08
to the above. A young fellow, as the
result'of alcoholic and other excesses,
found hirnseif in the asylum at the
age of twenty-8mi. This IONA il! 1
• groat deal of troabls on soaotes$ a
his violence sed HOW
evgw, r es it With deslasd
Mkt he ba t o
tea tion wieldy daeew►
tows u M[ es: d Is Do baste to se strd) teeth
Yet taw owes: seem • Yu., I know Mr. oversees; Si* are
ali jRsse on the t r of ear •iwmm L' trio she said. "flied I
dad Roes knew him .017 by aftlka. for a U- quite Rood beak to you yea, Miss
ber Reverse*• wee • Oranges Is W salsa.; think be will toil sm-IND shoo" y sale ss
ono had sego bine la aural two or three tlsew•rt ; faded.
times, and 000satonally oo the deist ; but wtlL"
And rising quickly, she wareis pad • few
be had severlain,sought ea u.ymd • patssel
word.. thou totrobtaff 6.r .•id lies
glare of the piste road. lie/rd • parting tl to Oaryl Stewart's brow, hastened
glance of admiration, had not writhed any Irmo tyh• room.
venial 000ios of hes •toramtites which Ob, why didn't I uta him 'Yes' at rag
Perhaps that was the very thing
had emaciated Rage's 'interest herself him. AL m t anguh ish of heart• him eo !" cried Roth harried 6 me.
oil eveeN, abs often roughs .nee dreaming „ Then it would all helm been goaded, and
t show thaediono,
eelth ld do eyes, erd wonder- nothing could lithe oh•aged it, but now-"
wewhat she doeW do U M.1love soh ob Her resolve was already taken ; and whoa
were palms often NII ber the story Wilbur o•leed that night, she gave him hu
she old bewe heard from other Ups. • answer promptly rough. It was " No."
Bo: then caw bit
den's et that, es " Yon cannot mean, Roth, that you have
atho lies. bio her Up o cher, e to
that t b. who scrod itself upon her, even deliberatelynly no woman decisive
while age lin was mirror
; & t,oR her up could have • heart so hard sod faits as
leim•gga in the mirror ; end, b..ud' nly that ! Do not trifle this time, Rose.
leer wbe room d wentgardh Est, age oars the
gest the and went hurrying dews the Whatever your •west[ u now, is Inuit be
path with • kind of desperate &Warmha- your final one." �adil " I
It i heal," she .towered, s 7•
lbs inf kyr heart to get �oe from the dud- shall rat the loos of your trtesdship, but
D ON of everyday acne sort trot and ring in ad- I can ver be your wife, Mr. Severance.
borers of comm sort trout the unwilling That is my deliberate final answer."
boucle ot go do •` And I hurled book the Ile in the teeth
"I'll doves to the river," she rid, of all those who tried to warn in. against
after a 1 oa ofi of indecisionoat1 •t the Rets. you for whatyou are --a soulless coquette,"
•`and If 1 as find • boat, I'll row about in •` I might
the most dangerous places I can find. And he said, with . bitter laugh. would not.
I hops something will happen; but it won't" have saved my beeper/ea, h
t he added snroseticly, " notes. I upset the and—well I deserve my fate for being such
' boot on purpose."•feel." but Roes
Turning int* the winding road that led He turned on big heel to go,
out of the village, .he thou Home to the stedphp.dquet y beaolre him, of fruit and
river and toned • fragile shed of • boat mall
dancing at anchor on the waves, u if left flowers"1 in hid like to ink you to do pat one
thee . tote for ler especial chain
tags little favor," she said, ooldly, Dot seeming
Rosin ewi tlyd the chino tad was soon to have noticed his bitter words. " 1 have
shooting swibrr down the ersow, readies • friend at the hotel wlfiob you will pass a.
ties with her tan to her own readies you go home. She is ill, very ill, indeed,
thoughts. cad I wish to sod her these. 1 promised,
All at • wand. her attip..d towards
bat as I could not go myself, 1 must•sk you
of the woe, anddrew hal glance
d to take them for me -and this note," she
the .gave ; with that then. Reedoes'a added, offering it. " Don't refuse, pleas.,
heart gave • mad bound, tad rho seemed disappointed. And if you will
w stop beating, for there on the book, only .he will M dwpp
a few feet distant, beady anemmiag a pike of kindly take them up to her parlor
fishing tackle, sat the hero coot her prevent -I sever trust these things to the revokes
thoughts -the handsome stranger with the secants there• it to the only morviom 1
laughing brown eves. shall ask of jou,'' the added, with • half -
And tb'sy worm gnistly laagbisg at her pioadine little smile, as she saw him hesi-
sow, Rose thought, u • blush of (confusion tae. course he bad no choioo but to stoops
dyed her cheeks.
The sadden start she gave jostled reaching
one to the
eve he took booth and,
and note trom distantr
the mother
tet of her "somerasp,thing"
" w, h she hand and went bin way.
s. over ts, the shed for
wntd6 she had And when the door had closed behind
n recklessly waited for happod ; ter 1M him, Rees sank back in her ok&ir and
roots itoten►. to her disguieuert r she found her- sobbed until ber heart was ready to buret.
N ail overboard, and Ile like h ideal
the „ 1 leve .ant him to her, and rarely -the
water, lwkisg as Rub like her ideal hero- oan find wee w*, to win hl back again,''
ma as ,,,ve an a has es • the moaned assize thought of Ma desolation
rescue,Mr. land when
b. had .t gook , ber she had brought upon her own happiness.
and ex and who he had brought harm pang Row losg the eat then weeping Rose
and exhausted, , t a the shore, o n eyes,gum/no never knew. Bat ages after, so it .sen.ed,
shyly ueethin saw three brawn eyes, no • step sounded beside her, and Wilber's own
loag.r teething .t her, but full of grave P
anxiety that 611ed her heart voice was tenderly calling her name.
„ I am net at all injured," she .ad,reply- " Look up, m7 Roth. and les me tell you
ing to the look, •' and I hope my boat isn't what has happened,' he was saying sadly.
treas. for 1 sat try my luck again with it yet with a deep nodertone et joy in bin too -
by starting tome at thee " tag voice. " I executed your errand, end
•• Bat your strength is quite .xhaassed," beton 1 weld leave, (%aryl in some ws
he said decidedly. nee .b. rase slowly to her made me asderatend the state of her teal-
feat. •• I shall row yes slack to the point Ings towards me. Von know the whole
from which yen .torted, and then. it you story, Row, so I need not repeat It. Then,
will permit ase, I shall *company you to In my pity for ter and my anger toward'
Your home. 1 really think it is unsafe for yea, I was weak enough to offer to renew'
yes to go alone," he added, seeing the tide that old engagement. I need not toil a''
of crimson that swept back suddenly to her
white eheeke.
Row offered but faint objections : and
thus began the acquaintance which win dee-
med to prove eventful to both.
Asd Rene was happy.
It was jest in the hush of her happiness
that Rosa met .t the •illags hotel, whose
the total popeletine of Egyypo is now &boat)
nine minions, and, there 1
male that of the period of its &onset
For years I have been troubled
with Female Weakness and
Kidney- Disease. I have used
many remedies, but nothing did
me any good until I tried your
Dodd's Kidney Pills. I only
used two boxes and am cured.
I wish you to publish this, as it
may catch the eye of some
woman who is suffering as I
have done.
Yours sincerely,
Chambers, Ont.
Dodd's Kidney Pills
Always Cure Female Weakness.
Cakes, Psi' Tie
Ready for the Rush.
After three year! of successful
work we open our $ieyele Live
again this rxear, and trust we shall .
have a seasiln equally euecessful, if
not in advAnce of those of the past.
In addition to the larger nnni-
ber of Bicycles fur hire we have
thi! year added a Txnalem, which
will no doubt be appreciated by
those who desire to go in couples.
A'l kinds of repairing carefully
and rapidly attended to, and a
vulcanizer has been secured for the
rehabilitating of old tires.
The Teaching Academy will also
be maintained with its usual e13'i-
c Rewember the ori and reliable
Call at D. CANTzLoit's, the leading
bakery, for your Party Cakes and
Puff Paste Tarts, Oyster Patties,
Mince Pies, Short Bread. All kinds
of Cakes kept on hand. Orders '.eft
by_ten i,ti tIteL morning will be made
and delivered the same daay.
landlady's daughter was one of her fneads,
her feelings in no uncertain way. • lady who Demo there hoping to regain her
One day, however, "the Queen" saw lost health.
Pale and delicate, but still very lovely,
me walking in the grounds with two was C.ryl tawart, and very noon she and
ladies, who had Dome to be shown then •{ lls wen tut friends.
over the asylum, and apparently jeal- •. ker pbystois . gay that my ailment 1•
only filled her soul, for next day,when aonsamption," said Caryl Stewart dee day,
in the laundry, I heard a warning 'miltng a.tow, ed smile that
to Ro.s's heart ire:: "t I know Miter than
cry, and a blow fell upon my shoal- they. Rens. I that I am dying of .
der. On turning round, I found that broken hurt. Some day I will tell you.
my admirer had attempted to brain You •will sane
i ing amen
me with her stirring -pole, but for- wbtfOl tool.
tunetely 1 the blow bad been inter- ., Ob. 75.,' „tamed Res.. with • bright
oepted oy another patient, with the smile. "I wilt cease is any day—every
result that I escaped with a bruised day, Miss Ot,wsrt"
She wee thinking of that oonvereatioa
shoulder. 7.117t Wttbar ti.varenes tam. to her later
The reason for the assault was not ..m.sing. 1 i
long in doubt, for " Mrs. Sheba," But she amid next X17 °�i W
*hen' > g . -lit-•wags& tO m Meagan. led14
marched back to ber ward, exclaimed, ooa, fee tM sxplees pares..s oi'"lnft'4
boar feed
.*d hast.
vindictively, " I'll teach him to walk Rollo had ohm' *Mired this memwik to
eronnd with his fine ladies. when he's herself. and she bed resolved to be ell
got td marry me '" 'mesterei and siseerity to this man whom
— she loved with all het souL
THINE EYES. Bat -how it w.s she could never tell -
THINE her old wilful .ptrit of oognetry
Thy, eyes .tilt draw my soul nate thin. ..wood to take pommies* of ber all in a .o.
owe ; meet, .ad .he tweeted, teamed and evaded
Although our hands have etnoyere grown, ber lover's questioning with • gerdateat
And Ups bat. never dearer known, wilfalsaes that •maesel hermit.
This, ey...11 other levee dethrone -
I will .wwar you tomorrow .vwiing,"
Teem eyes with peados !lithe sown. esu the reply he finally orad from hair
essay lips. '• I most have a little time to
All that the tyranny of lite dei
that she eagerly accepted, and then, to ber
joy or the agitation ot the moment, 'be fell
to oougbine severely, and raptured a blood-
vew.L Yee-" in answer to Ross's horri-
fied ory -•`she to dead now. my duling,but
not before she made me understand the
sacrifice you tried to make for her. She
knew that you levied me, Rose. And now
I shall not alk you for that sneerer, doer :
I shall take it thus ;" and be kissed her
quivering lip•. " My love -my heroine !"
he added, proudly. -
Reee had never owe thought of it in that
light ; but no one now ever hears from her
sweet lips that old-time, tooli.h wish:
"Oil, if I ooald be • heroine !" -Dublin
es— regret on so dreadfully serious • matter.
Boort-broken vows, untoioed replies, Mr. Sever'aaoe."
Ytdwis time swift forbidden rise- But there Was that fa the ha blue ere
Live in the tehdern•ts of tiros eye,- Nat belled the wilful lips, sad Wilbur Sar -
Thine eyes, too tender to b. wise I armee west away with a cheerful heart in
-Harper's 'sear sett* a all.
M, tike sotto aM had just finished
with • deep ego of dieoontmae. " I'.
pretty oeedk. I'm rare "-o•atiut a to
pnoietive alasc. N the mirror opposite.
wMnh ber p•gtaat floe and oerliet golden
heir were p essisg reflected-•' but moth's.
ever happen. -nothing ever will happes.
either, so Isr se 1 hat
bit of roaaeas in it. Jost t the hsato* •h m-
drum life ; I's. tired sad leek of it. If sarM
spit' startling "said wily 000ur ! If I
,veld eves fall desperately is love with
nom the low, diacostenl•d &range d
'RIs:'s roam emsd, sad a Mot bleb seeps
fate Mee pretty beelike as her ebeek5
&riled away awards a certain "some me
wen bad Miter fordie a bed so etrt that
..d w
gen Me of *high
WOO, e•a/lei .hitlS ..dnelr.r+... taw
Rase dd +a :trade NsRe &Ivan will trays,
dear ! I wish I could be a
seder to sleet V ,die dI*
as peel .saber .t
lir bar lbs
►rid :scrod a 4e
Mase Hto.
Bet they were tame alsM t her hest
bed *rem lis. 1wlly iatwawed for a r
Asfar the mead pesetas Rene knew ten
Atm of to rata bar day drama sad hi the
snipe of her WOW* *ovals.
bat lesebol et W eresld•be inion.
eat ■.dared boa wayentise )bet Hour se
teslas so Hai Is reel 1*14.,
lata fleetly items W beim M se.
� ti/tsaat epistle ea *bet
Niel. `., w+s
4*hr/te.oa: fie se: A pair. enaasl eat bas Nsrl, need 1111
The following day Real paid ber p01101.ed
vett se Miss Stewart, and It was thee that
the invalid made her a ooatldante.
Wedding Cake.-Otuamentiug and
decorating of the latest designs with
a fancy assortment of Wedding Cake
1�fiDDtt Icing a specialty.
TIeza de Tan NNARK@r.
Carl Stewart lad been hetbrothed when
asaroeiy more than •(hild to • youth a
u el a el
Kingston -at.
The geasi toll FilriIitllrz Ca Ltd.
Cash or Exchange for Lumber.
Lumber .for 1
New Goods and Beet ' Values
in the Tailoring line at the
old -established and reliable
West-st Emporium. Satisfac-
tion guatanteed in Quality
Style and Price.
The Ooderich Lumber Co. (T�) baster Desi
at she Harbor and at the .Yard on the fi.'r.H.
track. Lm. Ash. and Basswood sad PSn0.
Hemlock and Cedar Lumber in an lengths gad
and Cedar Poets. Also Blabs in any quantity.
As uptown office tor the sale rt Millwood
'Saba, etc,.) has been established at the more
of HARPER it LSE. who are empowered to
aooept orders and receive payments for oar
autumn trade In that blue.
Telephone No. di.
Qboutten year's ego I fdtst became aflllctetl
With Rbsanatim and Gout, and during the
last ten yeah I have been treated by emend
j ddan s, and they all advised me that it was
imecesibla toasty. me hen, and that the only
remedy for me was to go boa warmer climate.
1 was confined to my house lamb December
owing to mei disease, end was enable to do
say work whatever.
I ootmnenoed tekLsgthe Kootenay Cure which
Mr. 8. 8. Ryckman, %. P., gave me about the
middle of April )amt. and after aboutone week's
using this medicine I was
sufficiently oared to be
able to start driving •
bread wagon, which work
required me oamatantiy nettle" os and off tl y
The pain which I always had in my sides
are now completer,. gene, and I spa now able to
walk without any pain whatever.
In the past I save naffheed almost indescrib-
able agony from au disease. My general
Lard* Aso J �iwO alms toting
this medicine. Sworn i;o 6s iQCHXZL E
DWYICI;. M Leming Street, Remittee-'
Read for pamphlet to B. 8 Ryrzxtz Msan-
oD * Co., Hamiltos, Ont
*Mass., °age and Madillibt
PHR11OL1il ° .ri .•a"e
D j� n� t� }� SoiasNm, Iw.baRo,
Bheninatio j �� •
A sure dun +w
Headache, Diadems
Coo.tlp•tioe. Wt.
modes, Bilious...ea
Brigitte Disease,
Diabetes, Paralysis,
Convaleleas, 'Heart
Ditm&.•, eta, .to.
1tassfactered es Weser a Mild ss went
Bold in Ooderich only by F.Y. Dnnhatn
little older than herself.
e ed beta made esti
Bat as they grew older. with a better Ino- 'CT•:
&nomadism d the tlteatiM, Caryl realised
Hat her whole heart wed hvelved in the
.stir. while her saints prated ledif�eseat,
sad featly rebelled outright agdsst the
beads aihIeh be bed ss part is sweating.
In ber pride Caryl had granted him hie
freedom, tk.ugb she brims her owe heart
by doing it,
(Mier rebore *he had had, bat she would
sow leve Web le Wm dying day.
' And that will not w tar .B," •h. ead.d
p•bbetiely} " mama 1 sag sola YAWS Arid
I don's q. to a et debt. tetatyet, eRese.
away frees& s.8 rfT&>Iw cid tRas� bud -
car -Itis IMAM, Pkat caecal �
mere time all. vibes be realises ebbs", time
bw'1rwe, es. enol- Witt eta nese sty Ube -
de yds Wyk, dear Retie Rene. slit ..y
bey. of yes maxim bite es soak a w4M sae,
No, Indeed. I de set. Wm Stewart,"
.M •ss .tl replied. " I des'% think be
mould help but leers to love one, did be
tees .11 the era*. If bo meld be here se
hasber established to give lm.
santeo with fair and ver-
sa mows
aahrttslass irtnoipl• and V
lies its eatrem.
l��e si� of every person whoall
l gt e.fs Me elth alt Maes *5*4 .ablss
Meet elor m* t sine w In the
xherest tOtasdotee Omit�enia
r tt Looa llean•g•r Gsesrleh
6r -ties
It you want the above right
Tin ant
k Mine, II taco
fifer Ta
Water Bervioes
for TILE Draina.
All Services
and �TIat. Drains
oareftllly put in.
"Cie bore sad nem* mat Ida smog SehigoreteatWhite Load.
d 't ks(r" the IOW
inw-ra sal` 1 MO Paints grog Oilsh) tiW f`ssSee lass hr ts�
Web yea knew bre ai. *see, -LThese bult fella did Mem "Ilk
nor.* Is Wier Iletesesse:
A Large Amsortmeat of
° Crockery
to eboosi from. earl &t
W illflAtAtE NETtlt
7f1:;1 :! i)2J3t1'c 7rsg 1Meai'±r: i - art sox ars apart.
Pump & Fannias dill Works
ce-c Dlumaf ,OOT_
Mir DEPAHT* WT r i
A ed very *bolos Pampa. mans -
Ice is
Wesselout Yttsioka Qn&rtered
els eat
are llsaufsctered le a number
a everybody sod every plea.
Isis a~my wersteet 4, a top vetoes
ew Looe schh000ll-
rarH, 6sMi pneplioto.
mells' - PUMPS
egYageeat Pellet* for ger Stag trees
pslsm. watering '•rows, exile-
ugeatdm gives to drswtsg water
trama Memo, from pampa Iron •/d
owedi w• , tree noreeeisla lined er
writ Aw 1 w •gip, ROMP
~epwarol ste•ehg ISAT.
1_ 341#41