HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-5-13, Page 4/' • -, .41102tAL SOD MICR , ONT. TECURSDAT• Ring up 65 mad order a Cleveland WWI whoa yes wish to miley ride, .r if you /them sot already mostered the aff• tag sense oall will put you in cion - nettles with ome of the Finest Riding Schools in C•narle. THE UCDERICH SKATING RINK, same yen asa resolve private instruotios os New Wheels at a nominal rats. , . We are Dielgtot apenta for the E & D-tbe orate 80 -gear roadster. •bso Drsv• aad other IAN% shad from $35 W. See um for Suedes. lied Napalm • GEO.. EMERSON - NM the 04 P.O. building. - Iht clika lit • RYEttligH1711SDAY MORNING MA. lassiniAMAGeolk, • • Tempt et anateese ratie - Dan molitS:fs idWissts vileartartits. "• , • • • •• • •!„,..p.t.e.f.i • ra 11111. UN L. AdeNthilea Mateo. Lord and other casual advertisetnionta. 100 • tine for Brit 'wheelies, and cents per IIOS Vot each suhsequset Letiertiou. Measured by a soorieroil scale. Finsloros oards of six lines and tied's?, $I tor y.01. nvortisements of Lnet, Found Strayed, !timelines Vomit. Situations s anted sod Horn's' Chances Wanted not :eroding 8 linen none. rod, per mootn. Boilers on dal° and Farms on &ale. sot 10 •xoeed 81. «.11 for Ono month. 50o. per sub- sequent mon• h. Lamer sly -s. in proportion any (meets! notice, the °Wort of which is to optsoltete t riecriniary benefit of any lode •t di al or r tory, to be ()moldered .n tot- • on...mew ad charred sonorimboy„ Local In nonpareil type one cent Per word, no notices how than Inc, Lo, al notiot,0 In ordinary reoiding type two elate e'er word, No notice for less thea N ot lees or onorc coo and other rolhigtotia and innailoit intimation* ometate • lumen bar who foil to renelve TUN BoOltet. r stulorly by mall, will o leer • favor by so- Qtlaln tir/ uo OI ib. tent aLill • e.rip an &titian head • OVAREK hportft Kvanill In Fr4Welletili Or Busy ilteadeell; In" lifentaW•441 Illsoatlesters eamtany letespillon sad rat Iota Beady sad Aurora., gams* Wee the geed*" Ili few raper -• Solid ii41141411 KIIPIVII41•18 as raettanwaisa aorsysaatmst. TUE LAUOIL WORLD. The ruiners' rig/sellout bill was reject- ed in the British Boone of Counnous. POLITICS -IMPERIAL. lu the Ittipertul Russe of l'ontmona the miners' eight -hours bill was defeated by a vote of 227 to 168. TASK IIMJEENtil DIAletisas #V1411..S.B. A. large htunber if tht• promiuent mu- tates of Buffalo Intend to celebrate the Qu.. Diamond Jubilet• by u dinner. AU the appeals to Loadon twilevolence ire meeting withocuertom Tailliolltwa ex- cept the Priori- of Waled'', appeal tor the eity hoopitale. ., etti-urico-rottlgitus. --111ichael Devitt, Home Rule lead- " . . hq. Woe in Washington, expressed Est lattlefaction at the defeat of the *cicarbitratiou treaty. All).-itla a itrativu treiety boa Iteeti defeat- ed by the United States Semite. 'I'be trete stood 43 . yeas to 26 nays. not the neeemary two-thirds required by the con- stitution. The resigeadOnfeef the German 101- -pride! Obaneetior • did -lbw. Minister of Foreign affairs are hi tbe hands of the thaPertie, but be bag persuaded them not to leave the Cabinet for tee preeent. ••••PnixtletimellarAfith iv: : fila McClure. the uses npresentatere of Colchester; N.$., has arrived in Otta- wa. tju As a rem& of the pen entiary eom- iiiiiisioe's enquiry, Warden Inuit tif St. :Vincent de Pnul bas been .uspended. Moyers. John Shidons. 41. D. Sothem land and J. L,,Williatua, custom* °Meer* at London. hffor beer superanuttated. The general disposition to facilitate the prorogatiop of the Dominion Partia- l:tient was mildewed by the reedy ac- quiescence of the House in the proposal of the government to devote erery day, - 21ouday extepted; to t.iversicient _lelle: nes*. Si Bebe" Nosier. J. e. Lat Toorsl, of liodrrich, ha• been ap Pointed lootol Irv.vsltiiva Ascot fur the town. ',no of lhoterioh.Obiborrot, Aninteld and Wa ni•notol. Local postinastery over tbe district are also 9 opow•red to rack. re imboorlptIon• to Tan 9 tosAt. All tionsoottaioations minas be addressed MOOILLtOUDDY„ Tax nionsla * Si$ptt0$O$1i thodortalli Utak - , ott•Ititien. THURSDAY. MAY SS, litst. PUBLISHER'S NOTICE. The Standard llerowstolo Atone,. 60 Viatoriawt., Toronto, is not now authorised to collect amounts dm Tu. ElniXAL Offlite. CONVEst7tot4. THE Reformers of West Hurn wilt hold a convention at Dungannon on Friday, the 21et init. M. C CAMIC- Roto, M. P., J. T. 'Gainow, M. PP.,and other apeaters erill be present. Each polling subdiyhdOn will send six dele- gates. • . QUEBEC IN LINE. ITEM _RrOvincial elections held' in Quebact_con Tnesday resulted, as gins anticipated, in bringing that prl vines into the Liberal line. The • Lenit Govern -Moab that Went to the (*gen _With it lihiOnty of 20 is now in a minority of 36, and before many day. M. 3lanclianD will be • en V, form -.Ii that will represent the views of 'the silsebors _ Quebec. .„ fL --• • rrevsseist apasississessa.' nu 'Honor the Adoilniatrator of te.tioy- emaneet has made tbe following plIbilst• inent• • Bernard (Jerre?* retinolly of Renfrew, to •n oneoclate corose, for the l'ounty of Renfrew, In the stead of Thome, Mantel Oulligan, M.D. Illi. Honor Judge smiler. lodge of. the County Court of Lincoln. and Michael Brew tom, County rrovim httorney and Clerk of the Peace of Lincoln, to be cotamiscionella per dedinins pottatatem fur tbe Comity or Lincoln. • William Watt, tbe younger. of Brantford, to be 4•41111410.40144.7 per dedlimns poteeta tem in and for the County of Brant. Vloirl,.• 1, Liddell of Cornwall, to be a bath, of tbio 'Phlrd Div/Rion retort of the Counties of Stormont. Duadve. try. • - THE DEAD. Mro. Boyd, wife of the late Governor of 16O•o• Brunswick. died at St. .I.obn. The UoA. Eldridge Gerry Speaddiall. known a. the "Father of the Green - %melt." died iu Buffalo. aged 81E--05 Welliver* about fifteen million dollars. The Inse A'Autnale died at Vette: teoga-mailae apoplexy, the ahoek experienced by bearing of death of tbe Duchess d'Aleucon In -the Patio fire.-- - - M.ra. C. S. Ewart jowl Mom. F. W. Cumberland. two Toronto ladies widely known through Cauda and very active in charitable and church work. died on Friday and Sunday respectively. 01101,4111100. The lest consignment a American trozen poultry arnvcd in London hoot work, and gave greet satisfaction. The commercial failures in the Vnited /Rates for the week just eloeed number 221. as compmed with Z18 iu the corre- sponding week of lam year. A scheme ,is on fool in Chicago to con- trol the fishing interests of the great lakes through the formation of a eom- paloy, backed by English capital. , The excise income for April. was while for the same month tbis year It wan 11-8,41.700. The large in- crease is due mainly to the foresight of the distillers in ontkipsting the uew tariff. HLP* wen iraluireALS. • Daniel Cnne of Brooklyn, N.T.. Is un- der armed on the charge of throwing his wife out of n third atorey window, cattle in, her instant death. Miss Nellie Peterson, daughter•of Mr. A. J. Peterson. clerk of the Surrogate Conrt at Bertio. committed suicide by ',wallowing a quantity of carbolic acid. Thomas Wood. wbo was eentencerl in London. Ens., to five years' penal servi- tude for fraqdulently advertising loans. had grovionely nerved ten Years in • Canadian penitentiary. Dr. Waluer Hamilton and Polito Con - **Ole William Bustard were found gnilty in the Toronto Assize Court of attempting to perform an abortion Imola Mary Jane MeNally. Judge liaelinhon reateneed them to two and a halt and three yearp' imprisonment respectively. FOR 1114.): or WAR. I despatch from Crip-17:77.7en says %let the army reserve ot the colony ofNtsl bas been notified to hold itself readinsie for active service. A dempotteh from Accra, Gold Colony, goys it is reported that Ratmory. hitherto friendly to the 11111111111, Lo. captured Lient.Jiriderecin'ojOggion at Wit. •• The tepeel of the Transvaal Immigra- tion Aet, complained of by Mr. Chamber- lain, le repardel as a complete baekdown by President -1Kratter. and, measurably *men the cbsures of war. 1Wmolike preparations to Natal and the j'rs flow reported. It is said int r front the Transvaal ban bees d • ted to Cape Golony and the esiretzt ind hailp vs.' • State. asking the Afrikand- agi le r1RJC stucoww. Jamas Fitzgerald of Hintonhurg. a suburb of Ottawa. was burned to death In a fire in hip house. Mrs. Greet -ea the colored woman berme -at 164. Catharioett by the expto- Moo of a coal oil lamp, is dead. A heavy fire broke ow in E. A. Smut' & Co.'s. wholeank• clothiers, Bearer 11*88 HUI. Montreal. the tipper portion of the utchonso being ray gy.tvOraillIbers ints a hear,. temIr damage le placed at $1.5,0teo. fire which broke oat st Paris oil the 'Eris IS RN MMARRLIR There were over '..110 -01tbe in a erowdercharitable baratir in the Bit.' J11141 ioujon, at which the flitches; d'Uses and other toed -known patfonesees were prewent. Many of the best•known and mod aristocratic people were. burned to death. and then- wall a terrible panic, diming which a large number of persons were injured. TRIM Ritt.10101114 WO1RLD. Mrs. George Linnaeus Banks, an Mos- lish poet and wove/ie. is dead. A modem roans for the repose af the 'OYU. of the Gra Grams of the Parte are was celebrtited with extreme eoletanity In tbe fiathedral of Notre I Mum on Saturday. The May. Dv. Ithinerord, motor of etc theory'''. aversive, Church, New lork. V. suffering from orrery attaek 08ront, and has lett for Hot Spring& Va., where he hones to obtain relief. At the Aesseici synod meeting in Are_hbiobov lasebray stated that lie would vote against e:ohibitton in the plebiseitt, hitlievfng that the Scrip- tures regard wine is a good gift of O.M. • beil presented to thc church at Gatineau Hoist hy Lora and lady Aber- ' dyes and Capt. Sio.4air etimniemors• non of Her Excellency's rescue from drowning. wait begged the other day, teed Aberdeen made a very graeatul AI) 111e. 0.4 an. Illosea• Graham .1 Ma/ Township Lilted Oyer HO ems. Boaverton. Ont., May CA -With this week elates the remarkable longevity of Mr. end Mr* Duncan Graham of the township of Mara. The former breath- ed, hie It on Monday Dicta, sad me Wednesday night, only two days later, his partner ia life followed blus, the tome" bovine completed the mutiny nark -10O yearstbe latter 202 yepra .lo04 kering lived together for upwards sI VS years. Three onus and one dough - Us Survive them: M rt. D. Grabs*. B08vrills4 _Mai. %Wee Meistan, That - ah. and !Aroma. Junes and John Gra- b= of Mara. It is doubtful if them'. Is a parallel in the province. 130t few «as claim birth in the eighteenth cen- tury. and • life extendius titter a per had of ouch remarkable advances as brae taken place driving the part, oft - tory. from the steady pagodas( of the es team to the swift), mynas eipseetel virbiebas. To the Ordure coop* this did set appear, titanic Meet the...= es part et their Owe* in the retirement et tbe fans. Oolithig ads froothind in 1$B*. thee lirstded la the toirsaIttp of Mara. whom with lb. sty pawl whteh Aaractmisild tb• sorb filooteb settlers they estoess•- es% reammesirod tis• struggle to tsars- pearleam sa mitpatowa taw it a lonasea 4wa, toe dela •PrIoto.44. E Mat dam ia large anniberi, abowiste lair tie Mtn. • HARD STUDY IN SCHOOL 1411.111.•.•0110. 'RINGS ON A SEVERE ATTACK Ob NT. VITUS' DANOZ. ,partalww..•••• • IrOtHIO comes UPI NOE • TIMI MAD* wig. lanaltLg-ouoin.11/ "WOMB 1S imam FOUND IT D1111011KTO WALT -RIALTO A 1 ••way444/404.40 From The Naliall/0 Uremia' • Ner•Oninos• ia Um frequent mum el math ausisty sod angst ton Donal the edema a( itos Oreektad up of the servas, portioalarly among young people, Wag ottotee or St. Vitus dance. A ootiespeadient tolls et • pain 1.4y as Selby who was badly attieted with this tronMa. He nye: "I never saw anyone auffertag so badly Wore trim Ong. vow disorder She was violently *knit; and twitchiag oil the cline end could not um her right hond at all. Anything she would try to pick ap with it would Lament. ly fall. When she would attempt to walk her limbs would twiat and turn, the aaki• often doubling dew. sad throwing her. Lately 1 beard that she had been cured ball doubter the troth of the statement -mid went out to sae her. Tbeamtaansat mewed speeeb. It1taISI.1100111 Beginning Thneeday of this week the Nevy resaum nallwas will try the et - premed of resssinik effilneMI trellis by olpetricity. The linitalssion Bridge and the Detroit Brid Gompaay twe bee* atIo true, and bellevingliall factsot the ease would' hip to someone who might two Nadia, Neer. inv. I asked permission to make them k..own, which was readily granted. The 'tome lady_ ra Mi.. H. U. Guayas., a sette- rs' taverna rinong her acquaintances, And thetiolte that her trouble," se ta net ki- lognently the raw, was brought on hy Mrd study in school." Mia. (hkyou gave sari isitovinr oastairest " Alt through the Fad, of 1894 1 had beast /*shag unwell. 1 dal not. speak to aneese albeit, it. for I wait rotas to school and was afraid 811 mid soy- * hiog about it to my parents they woutd at hotne. I kept pantie worm% and at last grew so nervous tb•t 1 000ld not b. Id my pencil My right aide was affect- ed gtest though the tenable maned to go driateh my ulnas .systesn. to dimmer). -'411111 so bad that I bad to diSOoLitintill going to school and 1 was Coalisntly growint worse I could not use my tmoos becames. I wnu'd let everytirro drop, sad frequently when I attempted to walk I would fall. My brother had been ailing for a loom titne 004 was then using 1).. Williams' Pink Pills and tooting better, so I thought •• they were helping him sO mach they would be a good medicine for me. litters the ant box was done I wow fooling mach hetWr, and attar UPtnfthe Pink Pelf for about a month my health was hilly restored. 1. WIDOW Moroi than • year mine. I disoontinned the Use of the pills and I hove not had the slightest The Well Know Trott ill Stallion WOODLAWN' will b. Xept to liniviinrIring this Season at my Premises Con. 6, Colborne Township. Woodlawt 8. one of thavery heat bred aall beat ratted stallions to Obtarlo an/ taw proved miaow a gond sirs. He lu br Ridge- wood No. 103,13by itystlik's Ilambertooles Po . Ills dam was Eider Downie. by 11.111ot0, MC 4 years old, r•dord, ISA Alamo. by Abamt. No. 38. by Alexander's Aadolah. Ridgewood. the etre 08 W notliewn • has • pumber of horses with naiads better *boa 1: 0 to his credit sod se Woodlawee dem wee equally well bred In speed producing 11= there is no •110110n WIty sbould not develop IN...quail/ fast Ceram, (food pasture prorlded at reasonable retest For terms ancoforinstion apply to ANDRIC A. TOUNO, Carlow P. 0 1 • -4-t trr • tram el the melody slaw 1 eis tbasa Dr. Williams' Ptak Pills saved tall from a lite of mum, and 1 would etrossay treagmenesd them ler morons troubles. Dr. William'. Path Pale emote new bloodbuild up, ins serves aad tans at tea diem.* hem the systinn la huadreds mass obey have mired gator all other stem bad Wed, thus istablisloas the whim that they are a marvel stoong the triumphs of siodera ruedlmol osissoe. The .geo111110 Pick Pills are sled Daly to bozos bearing the full trade math, " William.' Pok Pills for Pale Peopla" Protect yourself hunk laVolgibtie At $I'4 my p111 that does set Year thibOupititsred trade stark secouod the bee. • - • • vononamm••••••=141•44.444.44.444.141‘14•444.14441411,441.4,411.4114•44.60..........„ hICH = CENTRE • 1.-4 4- • t • , • t •A 1'1,11,t4 P1/11111LT PltacettsAA. . Capt. Rorke, R.N., wbo had been in- vited ao r accompany *the Hudson Bay exp••dition, has declined to tro. Lord Rosemead (Sir I -hinnies gobitt- at 0). the former Governor of Caw Col - Mas, has arrived in London. Illr Oliver Mowat has been confined to his house for the last few days. but he was vouch improved In health yesterday. The Priuee sad Prineess of Wales will take luncheon with Mr. Gladstone to- ' day, and plant tees in Hawardeu in Memory of the °cession. The Queen delighted the hearts of Mr. sad Mrs. Gladstone on Thursday last wage she smummted their .granddaugh Vorothy Drew. to Wiudsor Castle. a .Mo„. Ardor. the American tail - Omar.. Ins showing the Dochese of Cleveland. the magnificent marble stair - twee In his .new office buddies( in Lun- e dqn,. e quietly rebuked the ortenta- tigm "thweseverie riche by remarking: 'Y it is far liner than mine at Bat- tle Abbey, where the steps are spoiled by the marks left by the kti4s,hts' spurs.- lINCLAIUSSIVIMI---,.--- - The first wheel forged et" the Perth COT wheel works was turned out the other day. Capt. Duan or the Goverunient steam- er Petrel seized a lot of American nets and fish near Rondesa. Oold weather attlft mei& in came parts of England, and os. Wednesday there was frost in Loutloo. The annual Canadian lawn teinne championship matcher will be held at gara-on-the-Lake on July n. The Montreal Police Cimmtssionere have passed a by-law to regulate the speed of bicyclea Hatt miles an hour is the limit maned. Mr. Robertson, Dairy Commissioner, explainecj the cold storage arrang•.-, clients before the Agricultural C,ommit- tee of the House or oinnsons. We. -Ann 1,runty. et-'521trint'ef . 'loom of Rogue* atMol.mikeh... bil,til"-- gun an action against es= ayor ek- ett for $5000 damages for alleged slau- -1.... • .._ lig Clearing Sal < . at 144 ROBINSON'S _I••'" '1.. W. • f THE NEXT THREE WEEKS 4,14 •'-rvt1 •4 11 _ - .4010,00, Plumbers Steam -Fitters . Titsmiths HAMILTON -ST Godiexic11. Wall Paper Before you begin your Spring ifonsekaflingtt-satt-S66-trtit stock ef Wall Paper. LAMM Tints WA(4S had Lamm Deslirns. Suitable for Libraries, Halls, Parlors, Dining -Rooms. KitChens, etc., with Borders and Ceilings t,o mhteb„fwm 5c up. Alt •ew. T1011- season's good4 only. .„ An )narited in plain figures. „ GEO. WATSON... 4.111D 01.002•0011. anlawesees,seme sae Norks• - r „ zir4iascwoaL-Nv . • - - 2.--,wertatatretterr-- • • • • A.. 11 jr... • • Wall Paper Sale Alt damn '.84. 8.,'. plombased Paper from es eyr. hit ger Wall Paper Bale are delitthead was ibe patters act Drupe and no wonder Think 08 nog real veto wan Paper. mita Oolliass 00 pastc8. ter taper roll. sad Herders for Is earl ai per yard. Pretty Patterns ettitates for Rodrooros. •to., for Is aul.Ss par sail bsoca Ceiglatts t0111•10.- p innlog room Han arrtwory Popes to. le sod to er eon. testier ted tie. inpestal Line 1 • 4. besatirnilaissiled also and rri•goeta Matth• tot ere are minas im tea Ile ants. with gm per roll. aft Pavan meat 1.11 he gold. Don't woulte 111116 trOadstlast bow two can eon lbws m 10o p I. w them, as ~Oar prise *MN la ar art so °beep, hat boy now 504 save enonoh foe thongb oar Panes sbmsid be boost ellieseer 0 *Ms year (bay are all full sad ea. stook. Sad NS ossior to hams. Baal forma wade as sliota ordered. 1-4 '4 ‘1*, • • POrteeS .1k)lq OkStOre ektartibesi /hawk word lit tiet$. QQ1ABAO/L 4 -Prosperous - •. will always have an air of success about himself and his farm. Nothing will give such an air of prosperity to your homes, barns, wagon', buggies, tools, etc., as the careful use of paint. There is economy is paint, A barn that is painted, and kept painted, will net wear out half as fast 00 010 :Mist is allowed to become weather beaus. • That is trie.guvirphing paintaldis TME SNENN71.117Wella: .CREOSOTE PAINT' .. u exactly suited to -48*-ysomripahma woods generally need bum, feces, etc. W -ellemets. Creosote is a disinfectant sad prevents decay. Oar booklet, Petit Nina" fells why la monomial to eis pant. It tells what to paint, and how to paint. It is a handy book tll: about the house. Send9,for it to -4.--k. • free. For booklet, a 19 St. Antoine Street, Moaned: - TNE SNENVII-WILIJANS CO. CLEVELAND SIIICABO NEW YORK MONTREAL .3 .2 :3 23 :2 2 STURDY BROS. FINE GROCERIES' Vessel Supplies a Specialty. STURDY BROS. FAMILY GROCERS -THE SQUARE.,s AT DIUNI3:0'S EXTRA VALUE iu • -Notttughattrind Swiss Nett Curtains, 3; and 4 yards long, New and Elegant Designs. Swiss, Spot, Spray and Sprig. MIISLINS---A large range to chetliatwm. Art Mualins, Art Sateen Draaeries, Orepe Cretonnes, High Art, Crepe Reversible Cretonnes iiitabe for Por- tierres, etc. amen -nor XINDLY !mum ED „ A. rainvitoot BARGAIN DAY . . WYAT T'S FAIR.... ..,,,S,B,TVItD.A.V, MAN 15th. 01 • Almme......... . . it •Ate , ' 1,A1 ADITIIEUIVED A NEW SHIPMENT OF GOODS. - -- --- Athough see have been ti e means of bringing within the reach of the_grefikaria of Glocierieh more genuine bargains than any other store in obi WWII, SW we ate notsontint with this, but will give a BIG BAR - OM DAT on SATURDAIM COnvince Cie public that we are really sell- ing chi"-Clinne and'!" fur 3.°urseDifz:en's Jet Blank Oshes 1'I. 1)8.84 ipar.....05.. • TINiVARE. , 10' b. Task lissome, Nsems, all pie's. 46•41:00104.1"74 Window Clash= aid BraMOO Potato Ilsoltwe ...... , • r op* • . 4 4, • • • • • , be* Wiadow Shades Folio Beeves Jeliy Ttet. n 8t. CHINAWARS, Eta Full lise of P1110 101 WON" . 5t. No Lootioe Pitehare , 10o. Charlet. Toe, Pete _.., leasehiesi Chseat sad SIIISIDRIZIL Pleb, Hocilos Oeste' Rpost Iltroadt, * 1111...t. 10c AU wire Lame alsele. Ontehot Theett , tt,,,.4.14e.0,410. be SOAPS. 0...... smIkihiattre=31, P,'" ti. . go .. WOMMI Larti a. 2 petzatiermset 1,111111*v. :1 tid4t.wl 4".it. 111"111111440W! WNW° illims 11.11.10, la* w 6 Ne.... PoItd A "solo VrIntesseli bash 1,...4 .., ... lbe. 14 lien beet Lawslailln. •• ***** 0 id 4 14 glitillgr 44 '.I 64"Y* i 1 rb. package Owe& ....6..*:, .it re i'4 .' ih. Abe Wife Nil lb. " ...IL ..., 90*. i.leetilaer: