The Signal, 1897-5-13, Page 3II t.: THE SIONADr GODERTCH. : THURSDAY _11A.Y...13 1397. In advanced stages of Con- sumption, Scott's Emulsion soothes the cough, checks the night sweats and pre- vents extreme emaciation. In this way it prolongs life and makes more comforta- ble the last days. In every case of consumption -from its first appcarance to its 1nost advanced stages --no retnedy promises a greater toes for recovery or brings iodfort and relief equal to Scott's Emulsion. Book on the subjtct free for the ask- ing. sk-ing rscorr & HQWNE, n.IMvtl4, Oar. Delathitr MNICHOLSON. L D.B. . gmrrac SUMMON. Rooms opposite 114. Post Officio Gold FWInR. Crowns Bridge Work • Specialty. 35 Years hived.- see. _ - 1M. MABEE. p.n.st. /. TaL SURtsgON.-L.ett and approved methods for all dental operations. Pres.rea ties of the aster& reale $ p olalty use. ever Jones Reber tee �r7 ode storenor- mer West et Se amt t tfsgare tf)it. TIJ N i ILiw D.D.A.. V ria- • Deatsl Simeon. (Lately associated with Dr. Ixxem. of neater bold and purow l.i.. eft lloW teeth as given to told the ... pps.srvetion a the s.atural teeth. t)Alse to Mclean's new block. fb48 th '[wiles'. W. A. THOIMSON. IL- D., C. M Mo at Reeid.eos fee=esb ascuoted - M ,Oss r ea Iloath•et. 7W.►bene,lt. �1It. HUNTER. PHYSIOI♦N. BCR 1J aeon. hae.O oe-Inmos street, thgeyree LrtgAL A SAD SPELL OF LOVE ♦ yens* Lady siop la osz oboir, Whew Mair is the osier .t 'heir 1 Bet beg Wenn it unique, Bbe tag snob • fair obtgoe, 1t is really • joy to be obuk. Whenever eke looks down the stele And Oval ms • beautiful mulls s Aad .f .11 her beaux I sin certain she Meaux She Llkee ms sae lest of the whale'.. Leas Sunday she wore • wept', Low -out at the front and the b.cqu. ; And. • tovelyibougsst Worn in snob • outs suet, . As only few girls hese the koacque. Som. day, ere she grows too antique, Is marriage her bend I abet' gigue, It sbe'. not • coquette -- Which 1'd greatly regrstte- She shall .hare my GU dollars • wtque. Norwtoh. N.J., Telegram. HOT CORN. Johnny -You're t he`meaoest, hatefullest, spitetulest thing around. Tommy -An' you're the craitbedest, ugly- haat- Father- Boys, boys ! i ou forget that your mother u in she room. Mrs. Wellment-Bot why don't you argue with your lover about his drinking habit., Norah '. Norah-Arm•h, mum, 01 hate t' epboile his face Wore anlage. • "Who made you!' asked the primary teacher. The little girl addressed evidently wished tole veru accurate In Mer reply "God made me tie Wag, tndiostiog the lenetb of • short baby, " and I growed the reef." leglsigb-I see then is a melodrama coelia[ out watb reel water, and • real we- ber. and real polar been. Watletgb-1 know of one that be mon realism) still. Tagleigb-What are they going to haus In Oat - _- WagWgh-Real Motors. Takiuy no Risks. Guide -me Ossetia man sill pay est in advance, Weimar! ToerielehoWhat's that 1 - 14Addl rd•h R- berstrwe-s�q snootlwssa fall and w kilt on see rooks AS, CAMERON, BARRiSTEit, tiOLI. Shy, S vAndddeww-sta app. coiboorsse Y.rel - 77-11 ERN EST HSATON - BARKIST KR, Salictter. Neer? Public. ♦cbeeoo'I ck, Won Wrest. taw-ty EC AMPION,Q.C., BARRISTER, SOL- . ,titer. Notere, deo. Office over Medical ILI,. ?quarts, Ged•rWb. MU. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, SO - . tenor, commissioner. etc, Money to Init. U cw : o°r. Ham atm. and St. A od row's tureeis tioderich, Ont. 601 uF1'US E. ^D 114 CQY, BARRISTER, I- ';,honor. Oonvsr.ngr. oto.. eta. Money es to... at lowest raw. Norton% Block Op- pyi,.• Colton' Hotel. Ooderfob. Ont. 2.6141 N. LEW111 BABIIIIfTZR. PROO- L. r to Marittew Oestri. of Ontario ere -South Oslb.rse beast. f() 0. HAYS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT - ll.. 0I Etc. Odes North -et.. next door D,aN aL Oacme yrvt1 sate Funds to at 1; ....et rates of Intares.. WNW 1 1 ARROW Ao PBOUDFOOT, BAR- rtek. ] T. taarrewi0. (`tkMEItON, HOLT 4 HOLMES, V Barristers. SoYeitee. la Ch .sry he. Ociderioh. M. O. Oameres. fj.o. ; P. Melt . Dudley Hotaeos. JG. WARD. CONVEYANCES,, U. ae- and ecessabslauer terand ret sill ationtiMeneWring rimmeef v a Mvstl or fro - mediae e m ens et halo% the Oeurt of �ar 1.a 7 Ornate Divides ts•.•sa.lt.a. saladtressiromDtty .e es OWL ftp " A wen dhotis wsr et iso'.' int i1 is Sled away so e.refal)y smisli.rm that it is bard to find it again. A.dvios is a readmits that we offer as • gen for the diseee.d of others. sad whist we seldom take from them without making • wry floe. Hs --I don't think there is anything mucb finer than to have a beautiful refit. Bb. -Lm surprised at you. Haven't you oo.sIdeeed • beautiful wife! He -Ob. yes ; but 1 mean oe the ground ot economy. Answered. -" New elms yam tell me what is the best isolator known!" inquired • pro - fewer of physics at • repeat examination., '• Why. poverty, ot course,' II Mb the prompt reply. IdoribbI.r-I always make it • point to submit my poems to triends for suggestions and criticism, beton publio.tios, and I have broegbt Dome pares for you to look over. Bibbler-Um-yes, of ooureee ; but why sot take it to Nibbler ! Serlbbler-Hob ! He's • born idiot ! The last time I showed him • poem he found fault with ifs. Always listen to •dvios. if it has no other value. it will enable you to show your friend, later on, that he- didn't knew what he was talking about. whet amu intakes • UMW extra wave, his Ant duty is to make bis wile a pre! int of a b•sdesms dress. b.se•d Individual --You are • philosoph- er, I pregame. Nos I sen a draper. Barber -Mao oredeaa 1 yea veal do. New lire-You.oboos4 Witt me te go to work. bat off. es Burling -No. Notes w 7� my hair 1 Nyou .re bald. restorer. oh? • Mouot•ie Golds (La Switserl•ad)-GeaW- Men, ens are now coming to as esebedi sly dangerous .pop You will have te be vary omelet, as we have bad several fatal fall. Isere. I teaks tele opportunity te submit m7 prospeetuser toour previous taspwtiw for I am also agent for • life insanities °one• Pony. Habitually the Sultan drinks only water, brought to the patios in casks under special His food ie extremely plain, telly of vegeteblir. Few moo - mobs. If any, work bards: than Hamid. Hs takes tow homer el sleep and sometimes passes the entire nicht pea ie hand, dguiog every document himself, tram the appoint- ment of a Reverser to the lowest officer at the palace. Like mos. Orientals he 1s an early riser. After the ars said ablu- tions enjoined by her he drinks • oup of coffee nod t*SS smekheR cigarettes, which be esmtUas se and 4 ell day. NEWSPAPER STORIES. - Gauged.-" I hadn't been talking with him three minutes before ho called me an era What sort of • person is he t "• Well, I never knew him be tall a lie." Thew His Cogoludoo,-Mr. M. -That vest-p.ssay. bonnet that Mus N - had on. Mrs M. -And pray how lona have you hese • judge of millinery ! Mr. M. -Never claimed to be. All I knew is that the other women declared that 18 was hideous. HD-1 understand you have been &Weod- Lat the ambulance Mama Can yea tell me what to the best thing .n do fora Isogon heart She -Oh, yes ! Rtnd up the broken per - nes with • gold band, bathe with orange. blossom water, and apply plenty , f raw ries. Gaaraatsed to be well in a mouth. Amy -I understand Miss Moneybagpe is no be ()Marie, Smith's helpmeet. Lues --Yes ; probably to yelp mese his Pn°Mo•117.-" Then you hays learned te love we already 8" he .sptero.el7 ori.d. Steulght tote the eyes of the m•• of wealth looked We. " Tea," she ••.wend, end her wards thrilled him strangely, " I was given a thor- oughly ph"Maal ed•°1.tus'" Hoetseus 1-7.1ON EY TO LOAN. - MAO 00 M. Q. Q Privet Tads toles' aHo es% epi ■wally. _MON a ioeite Cottons, MOM Q.d.rfeb. 10T Pitt ATM !WEEDS -PERSONS DB - .L r1. OM el eiggiallan meaay ors p-�fi•pe- harm seourl Mat oast. 1'e..• piling ile K to J A..i�etr,lWAO Dor F ttielrs. Toronto. elSEAGE , CONNEYANCINO AND r issus11•eeod.s, r uposit. Martie. s Howl, litoderleh. M ONEY'To 1J N • IN MORTGAGR at Si ler seat ..uw d4No°ontsd. C. ' M.ebA.Aft - 0!411 oppeette Martha's Hoag. weds. J. T. NAVTEL, OPIR , LIIJ AND wick Car' �I.rtL.et. •ad gipa:r 4- MONEY MONEY TO LEND. -A L ♦ R It d •menus el private ler lavesis e0 ',rest suss es �• AOph Is ARROW a PB UD p mu se. Real Ilt� l[eaw 1 •. a'aba••e Itetl fires .e�sa�p D stashed. Morey 10 Lead ee err•1fmS est • .t •.• lowest rate of Worse .M e7 way to nthe noyrowsr. tlinew-2 . bib MR door fens Sonans. West Street.1006-efdod► _ 6fwef11112110•• Igulttntw. ccbkiuoH 11.110BANJOIr INSTI- aillADTIM M,.ra, ever. Of Rae warms .aa Nimes tor Ones from t tot rete , and from 10 rage ABOUT 2000 VOL'i iN Y. Leading 1)a.Zy, Weekly owl IUwMatsd rwyri.,ate , Nit /O.. us H tge ign" 1, o1=as gra *Law fres ma et i1Msr •5 and sts11a1 •wileast es !.t Iinewbeself/ renewed b Llbrmeis• to - • R. S>g�8, H. HA1f[Ib.T a°SAN . iiereh''lib leek A ettOneslrfiaR. 4;0 OUNDRY ♦UOTION!'HS ste 04414 Se maty ,tart .f swats. joint Kit 0I, (tsfi*♦L - .ad Ora w.0 I.temtteaM. , - "And," said the Old Party. proposing the toast of the evening at • silver wedding, reepeotlnq our host, 1 oan say this -end I .peak of him with great ooatidenoe-that • better fellow never lived. - Hear, hear ! ' I was proeett at his christeoing. I was present as • banquet given whom he came of y., I was present at his wedding. I am present tonight to celebrate his silver wed- ding " Hoer, hear ! " And I can only ezprees the hope that I Nall be present at his !caporal." Hear, beer ! oosatry ewe he wewered ; "1 will seceed w which will l baso discovers/ • prertWtoa bring me moose soywbeso. Jost lot m. get • start with one p•tatao and huedrede gill foll.w." The frit patient cisme two weeks after he had den* out his ebiorle. Rh. was • prse- ty bet bored-looki•R y000g woman. Teo minutiae after site entered the offing eke Dame out flushed and Nailing, and she reed the presoriptioe • dozen tunes on Mer way home and sash time she uttered as exol•mat on of delyibl. Next day uses women -all friends of the first p•tiest-o•Iled on and went E way one paid leer fee Redly happy, reading the precious pr•scripttoa over end over *gein. On Clap fifth day six- ty -savers women and young rids filed into the dooeor's ethos before now. Three latter the number of the day was joie Dee buedrod. Then worms Wotan to pour in from Brooklyn end New Jersey, end the doctor fwd to employ several as•utente, eye 'rhe Now York Journal. Finally, is order to ate Ar., he bad has prescriptions printed on •hps of paper with blanks to be Ailed in with the name of the passes, and each 41,41•44110a4 to pay $3.00 for • dip The proscription's*. as follows " A bicycle. Use after each meal and e oigtit beton retiring." no time is this world than thetwejsated Wm Ons .nob man tells how the humorist's wife called away her little boy from papa's 9134 door. " You must not trouble year pap. 1••t sow. deer," she said ; "in has preset mood be is not to be .rifled with." " What bt he doing, mummer " He is writing •.hung s to make people laugh. and he's awfully crow." Temporary fa.lty. Mn Kelley -Yee, Mrs. Casey, ms hoes - band left home two weeks wooed 1 hav'o'c seen him siaoa Mrs. Cosy --A$' phwat imide him do Y, Mrs. Cmee7.----._,.-4_e.-e-e-, Mrs. 'telly--_fellk'ihr iMtor says he thinks he rota away in • fit of temporary sanity. CRUEL SCIATICA. Inosesaat Pala-Tormented-Rasked-Life Despaired of. - John Mendell, Varney P.O., county of Grey, writes these strong words : "For two years I was completely laid up with sciatica. I doctored without any permanent relief. I -hid given up hope. A friend saw the notioe of • cure of what seamed • parallel cos to mine, by South AmericanRheumatic) the Cure, and knowing my little y of any remedy. be pea:mred a bottle himself and brongbt it to me. 1 took it, end to make • long story short, it saved soy ltfe. In a day o. so I was ant of osd.and in three day, I was able to walk to Durham. • dis- tances of fe ar miles, to puncheon •nether bottle. I am now entirely oared." Sold by J. E. Davis. - Like eke Ree. Mrs. Newed-Are you sure you love me se much as ever ! Mr. Nosed -Perfectly. "And you will , never lave anyone ei.* but me ! " Never. "And then isn't anything you weuidn't do for my happiness !" Nothing. That is, of omens, nothing with's the b,nnds of reason.'' •' Ham ! I thought ens Yon are just like all the rest. You've begun to rangers." Tea week se Rip.et. An excellent .tory is told of tbe weakness in spelling of an old Ind • as oelopel. One day • brlrade res joe approached him with the remark. " Very sorry to hear that you've beet suffering from goat, colonel." •X30.1, i1 ' Whit The death 'do yo* mean, air!" reared the ooloneL " Why the-wb•t the --when the --should I have asst' Never had goat In my life, ooefoaad you." Well, I am very sorry to best effeaded you, eolenel, but only this morsings 1 r.- osived In the brigade office your .pplioatdo• for leave, and you dinUnetly asked fur tt en the ground that you bad been suffering fres gout.' " I daresay I did," answered the eeloeel ; " but what of that 1 You eouldn't axp.et me to spell • weed like rheostats= r USEFUL WORKSHOP HINTS. Clean and oil leather belle without taking tbem off their pulleys If taken off they will shrink. Then a piece must be put in- to them and removed again after -the belt has been on a few days. The deeav of stone. either in buildings or monuments, may be arrested by heating mad Meeting with paraffin unsaid with $ Bale aeeeoesv--A *imams " mint bsseter." may b. up.d to beat the ,tone. Set engine upon three or four movable pointe, as upon three o.0oon balls. Con- nect with steam and •:hetet by MOW .f robber home, it the engine will run op to speed without moving itself back and forth, thea Unit engine will ran a Wog time with little repair. If it shakes itself aropid the room then boy another engine. When you begin to fix up the mill for oold weather don't forget to put a steam trap in each and every steam pipe whish can be vetoed into the atmosphere for heat- ing purposes. For leading steam iotnts mix the red lead M litharge with oommon oommercial gly- Nrfem instead .f itoseed oil. Pat a little osrbolio acid in your glue or pasta pot. It will keep the (entente sweet fora long time. Look well to the beariog of your shafting, engine and machines. Sometimes 25, 30, 40 and even fifty per cent. of your power is eoesmmed through look .of good oil. When i1 beoomes oeoess$ry to trim • piece of rubber it will be found that the knife will out mnob more readily if dipped in water. Y\. U WANT 1 HE BES T Then waste no more time looking for it. DELLA" CEYLON TEA L111a the bill. it is not only pure, but always 1„ and delicious. In Lead Packets. 40c, 50c, or 60c., per lb. 39` RQ T3HE3 L30JDINC3 t„}1-4,O0113RY E3TORMO tettr.1** Thetas.. Aa athlete dine mean fame gays that et enteri•g • Turkish 'lath we night b. found • stranger straggling is the swimming pea there was nobody near. zed the NUM was evidently cable to swim. having jumped in probably without .eesrtai hg whether the water would be above bis bead. The athlete sweet t. the .sretea.s of the of agglbg man. Oreepleg him by the Mir, be towed him to the aide of the teal .ad .egitted him to Meg ea mead he recovered •• Tet onitee torA . sa *4 •M- his kee.th. a lovers' warred.'. What ware the Brit vett ►Mrodfoy the •' Winos wee the gesture of It !" ,mooned on. t Did be stammer est Omaha " ♦ dispute between them se to whish to Heaves or his human preeerv.r t We. laved the outer the better." rabidThee bemoan Ott,. As the • b.lf-drowned man etre/riled a lledback to cow - Mischief ter Idle E.sde.-" I'm .hold esloneasee memories of ea aid jest sesupse te tit tbr.0 It hie bride. for he sail - By jive t Leaky far one I me.0 4 bald - heeded I" these will b. • green many people sat of week this winter," mid the pblla.tbropia4 " Yea," ea.weeed' the editor, en gloom ewers soar hr fade, " mad every one of them wp1 asdartaks to write Sprlat poetry. 8►s (with •.gen)-Yet Wittig pretty well of yeurielf. don't Tel Se (a masa of snot) -I t I Walt I'm met hr from M enf1•i• Jri.. Mott-11hikpe-I Sa'% eta bow yea sea Seat as Sapw•d'e Mess Poieee. Wipfins-Teg would If yet ha.w 4840 wear ether. Tho nary calms =sot ti )ha follow who brows nine erill impiellabe hs/no gasmat 110-reetea petals rose ie 18 sayable be reset'.* eareattrettall $Mt n nem sheet Tiro-thibis el ..s Ufa le gest ie waiting fee eta geed task Na. ewer swot ♦stmt --Ie fie sneer L..A"g "er meY.t }loan 1leshew•4 N11 gay .a Th• p...t are Sew laws desidd ed be aeon nersirmLn 10011100 maimattera ore 1.W►_ O•e►--team* ova It Iy ettysiiiteg This, Y the deft i.ie.w' 2/42r1470 11;s• M1 erfiat1. Of• 'dirt eh* Many farmers in Southern Towels Co., Mich., aro plow tug op wheat 6.1d. •ad.ow- ing Lata Farmer.of Lbnni t*., Miele, report that peach buds were killed by the extreme oold weather, and they expect no crop what- evf r. HEALTHY STOMACH. Hipp Yea-ee46t•t{ ertpsetewW shone using the Great !loath Awnless Nero* line -What it has done for Thoweafs f1 ear to for T.s-Rate are [IbeuR Wass Iron a R.Uable Ba ivies Mos -Basi TMn, I have Mosta prat seA..1 frees Mon sad fysi./ds. I bred way tint .be.lmed 'wry Halo sI 7 70w Vsefeaa 'herniae .4•.4Wd, ani .es. .fried to give it • WWI, tai t nest my I 411.Md.r 18 alma *wry hest medlsl.e i ting Owe meed. I Attained groat relief belt tib Soft low 4ssea I haw .rip seal owe heti'.. .ltd.= ham t. •a7 ft bee andel. new 0=e el m.. I .tragi/ I1.rroomestotalC11% Orr 1t to Wows Oases Mew thee', .s k seism% 0.P1Oatf . Geld fy S. R DMA.. i As Good as Gold wORTM 1s the HA that stand, "r as bre on emergency. " e2uIutcva-" Ir 111 Mlfilf�T• t ff p� The Great Emergency Remedy Many of the best known people In the land testify to its efficiency. It promptly cures Toothache and all pain. Quickly allays inflam- enation. Wherever the akin is cut, bruised, burned- inflammed or diseased in any form " Qulekcure " will do its einedudul work. T1M��7r. 8 Ibbotson, Major Royal Scots, Montreal. and Com- mandant pf Ilsley Team in rliy,f, writes : "' Quickcnre' is a treasure, and does just what you may for it ; when ft is known every household will have it. It is worth its gweighl in gold to parents, who should keep it in the house for emergencies such as toothache, burns, cute, etc. • Seeds Seeds Seeds ! CLOVER -All the beet 1 NO. 1 TiMOTH.Y. SEEDS for the kitchen garden. NEW FIELD SEEDS. Our harvest of seeds 1s, gathered froin reiiible growers only. -Ai l we shall have the Bort Or ate 1n in a few days --prepare for yourf:silo. • J. T. VIDEAN THE RELIABLESEEOSftMN Mr. Root of the Grand Opera Hosea Loudest. sm. ie building a theatre et Bi i it h Seeding in Manitoba. except ht Mid Abysm vinic is expected to he tabbed ibis week. 'There is • large increase is Ow sewage this year. t Ibr-meevas- .tee the te.oaet sett ataloommense'yeratiIds tetontlMou ooglving far fear e`riatillos tet the .dirersitt. Storer71 11. East -at.. ♦ d•relees reonewer. " I saw in oo• of the papers the other day," said • Gnsweld street tawy•r to • Detroit Free Press man, " something about W. careless way in whish most men sign petitions end it reminded me of • remark• able case lo an Ohio city. - r. v.gstMplaina. 'Y',.w Deets, Jobs Tobin owed sot r - Io i . ' 1414 swam etemi.tatp part* ...r "Mr r''u• hi wanes le fie WIC oilP 'dem? ,• .dant p7441614aweb ef. NM 16. Nage whet Of bele Nab M 11j.elt er mpg New lVlillinery MISS CAMII:RON wishes to announce that she has secaret the Newest Rfraot. in Millin- ery for this *omen's trade, including All the New Shapes In Franey Straws. All the New Shades In Green ; Also, the Geranium. In thanking my many customers for past patronage. I again solicit tbnlr f.vore feeling osnfldent that i have the correct .tyles for this mason. ., A shrewd bat unscrupulous member of the bar fixed hie ambition on • Government ffifJ, in the plane and eased to be tircel- •ted, as quietly as possible, several pet'• Slone wirier for the removal of the inoum• bent of the post, on • fairly plausible pre- text, duly Dot forth. These petitieoe were placed In the bends of oo-oonrptt•.ton, who Loud little dilTi- wlty, owing tie the terelomessi; wentioned, h getting numerous signature. They were forwarded to Wasbingtea, sod the bad of the department be whom they were referred admitted them to the Congress. man of the district In *Mob the office was legated. that neJ -eies� a warm personal friend of the edictal w removal was asked, went the petitions to bite. witti- est ae meoh am examining them. bus with She nugeution Shat the official sow them esrefally and quickly «44 op °bunter peti- tions in him own favor. The *Steal n- oosed them In sarprfn, kw the Sabena bad hese ear quietly worked that he, being 0 sees deeply absorbed to him duties, had nail net heard .1 %been. And oe running ewe Wpm be was dssafen•ded te fled ha ewe itisO nasty thea. Ne this vaguely ?wand stone a pN11Mon far sssuetbing or Wier, wit yesst4.a, wed realised that he had heft slowly duped tete asking for bb own rtlMvol 'by a • sharp fellow who heaw eseagh &boat Ibis biting of the aver - wag to rink tub.INing the petition to 4840. r y as • joke. The om.t•) tad no 4ebble Netting stronger pedtiOUe asking fee kb rosettes sod he, kept Na plata" ,. 40 RBD -COATS Pat N Relit ae Army of PoraYab8 Tres- passers. Dlokges., Pala wader the SbasIdee*1 4/ , Melt Heads.ohe, Depressed luta... Bleating Atter =5Hmgla Dti4INte gat tas.*sta. MISS CAMERON Hamlltonyt Godsvl0h. t"'"'t N some arts of p .� r the world fire is .eprocitieed 11 r ! -4-is tl difficult and arduous way...•.. r In Canada the people produce fire by -the use of • -1" E. B. Eddy's Matches. THE SLATER SHOE IS IN FRONT 1 , ...And Ever Will Be ... EMMA nam as Worm Lrv.t. 1),. Agaew's user pia, 40 IUtM, 11•4 Owe es • gnat of 20 agate .Mil es yet Ages wwu *It er. ll DM«li, Pfi1•_ �! bwtl=eml s rows M/ J. Rename for Style, Wear and Price it's a Daisy. Well -made understandings oats Health and Happidees, but 111 - slop made ones mean Dlaeomfort ot all kinds. The reason We CAN and Dry please Our patrons ie that we ulltlf,retand our business : ae badly -fitting, shoddy goods .•o be p•basd oR ors ea aa gen- uine footwear. We know iemething about Leather and Workmanship, and use our knowledge in buying and mak- ing goods. TEA $14T$R 8H0* BTORIa e