The Signal, 1897-5-13, Page 1iigLLO, HURONIANIS
11oto` Clime. Ii..
Of y�p! �) sr
OQR'\ OTTAWA loss bilk IM. 7
Peg 8
Wm. Burrows
Red Study-Felford A•Co
Pesters to Rent--Marttp and Wow.... 5
grannies Wooler Hi11-J 111•dktll:... 8
Boge for Sale --M re. MoKinaoo 5
Phreouhoe-F. M. Dunham 5
Barium Costumed -Est. Jae. A. Red6
Well Paper St1.-Porter's Book Store. , 4
Court of Revision -F. MoDooagbi - 5
Giving top Oin•se--J. T Aokeaon8
Keep Cool -J, H. Worsen 1
Hero: s Greaten Scor: -R. B. Smith`
Bin Clearing Sale -Jas• Robinson
geesial Stl. of Millitttty-Mise HillierT
Tb Trotter Wase -=drew ` t 4 -
Notice -Mrs Abbots
Tseders--Lake Medipa
a Rent -W. T. KWy
For Sale -Philip Kiel,
Sewer C000•atiow-Hanth & 4MM�
B g :Bargain Day -Wyatt% bines .
C.'d--• Molvaaghtoa....,..........
C. E. I. U.
The tollo+ing are the topic for the dif-
ferent youoR people's societies which meet
during next week :
North-st Methodist cburob E.L of C. E.,
yr.dy evening at 8 o'clock. On May
14th, "Sestina the Lord," by Bert 'Memp-
his. Several *otos astd duet. will b.. gives
dating the eventing.
KDOM nag at $ uo'clock.rch N P Topic tor Map 18th,
",ems thine• worth Heine for." by Miss
Je.o Gibson.
Victoria -et. Methodist thatch E.L. of C.
E , f ridav evening at 8 O'clock. O. May
18,h, "A wise soa," by Henry Horny.
All are cordially invited to rtte d these
meeting•, which are held in the basements
of the Menet chnrobss. Members from
o her societies w Wetted to he present.
end will be warmly welcomed.
bliss Chilton is still ttopervlil
Wm. Humble= was is HIPS lest week.
S. Kitt, of Mates, eUr lilt tiara last
imp rotor Paisley was in town on Satur-
D. MoCorvie. d I..00know, was in town
lest week.
Mr. Ramjetoia, d$sais'ad. aps!t 8iaody
in town.
1.3i1J► DXlg43. ', C ,QP 2.E1 TRO T csOTTNT'st-
los Olts Yuan.
and pre..edte .« ptOA.s• I wg OF. THE DISTRICT.
1:4"."8"1".' ound so doingMoved by tVilron, eeeoadd by Colwell.
thee the rrpert to adopted.
From out own Oori'etspo>tli8nt/ •..7
LETTERt tonin. th. enermaes w
W .the gree oar Northwest,
late the a elder
Northwest, not at the meg I meat a Goode, .eeonded
Nos of the otdu provtnoes, bin by drawing Moved to t►mwd y
Whitt la OoingonbattheCtltpt* this the oonlested &striate of Europe the Thin a11M1111tiMt1 tiK the �afI�• by Nur°, i that •the report Do oaaetdered
�r desirable tofu[ settlers wbioh snob Oleos. by alarms. Amendment carried.
-- dualote ars able ataruek. • His plans are Cause ow was adopted on motion of
laid to .tee the rseult. When we Dos- Holmes end Nebel.
rr.g•rssl.R-rbe eider that the C. 1'. Ry. has been a open' 2Ner Clews two adopted on motion of Hafted
interests Excised-rreM►le aloe for over twelve yen and that the and ponds
es population ot Manitoba sod the territories Moved by Neftel, seconded by Wilson.
Is not ball • million .Dols, a becomes pain- that cause three be adopted as Lost.rof
tally bappareote adopt that some drastic mum* Castes fear was p
most be adopted to solve this tmmliratios Chem
and (hint,,•.
problem. for in the speedy populates lead The report was then adopted u am ceded
settlement o1 the coats, depends Eb• ego Berra p se motion of Colwell and Wilson.
oar of this greet highway from ooseo to Yres�l--Mage Sbasws, The maned then adjoined. .
wean. A. V. W , -
the $eelaee. Is
A iPoOI 1.1101% wwl,-'Mvoral la/aeeMf�ag
ies�enb 1<m'Ms.•1ad
caw. lbs AMsi-'tae Cay
NW Will Bee fa1OS•
Dtagley 1111- amts•'•
Itor<graatea Pettey.
OTTAWA, May 10. -The consensus
of °pintos wanm now generally to be that
Parliament will 1prorogae within six weeks
tlVJmIet, melees, some untorseet matter
rises Ss alter the evident intention of both
parties in 'he House to get away by the
middle of the next mouth. to is thought
that business may be so expedited that pro-
rogation Dan take place before the 10th of
Sons which is about the date set for Mr.
Laurier to sail fee England. On every day
of the week except Mondays, Government
business will now be given precedence for
tie remainder of the session, and tins step
usually presages the nearness to proroga-
t on. In carrying out the intention of the
Hogue to get away as goicaly u is possible,
there must be an unusual " slaughtering of
Thos. Jaskssl, �t C11 , sits is taws
OM r ridey. •
S. Megsw spat 3 days he aids* the
pest week. '
H. B. Pollock, of Leedom, woo a town
ea Monday.
R. Irwin, of Clatoo, was a the dusty
town Monday.
Mrs. Holt was visiting in the Queen city
the pest week.
Joo. Gentles, of Kiao.rdine, was In town
the past week.
M. C. Cameron, M. P., returned to (ft-
' Zees on Thursday.
R H. Collie., of Exeter, was a the
County town ea Monday.
Mrs. and the Mimes Hatohiioa arrived so
town from Montreal last week.
Miss Nina les is now able 20 bi
.._deli. Mite Untie is Mill very -
-' Tom Wbeetley and B.b Wermer, of Mil-
ton, were in town on Saturday..
Mrs. W. R. Rol •-tacn has retnrasd from
a volt to Toronto and Brompton.
Master A Dinkson is reported to be re-
oevering from his long and seve.e illness
A. Lwsront. of Mount Forest, who is
cashier of the br ektnfra, job. I• m town
The Gderioh Ake Ptsafor..0Ompdwr
will give • comic .para Is Clinton this Oren.
the iunr.centa " io matters of legulatice
now. before the Hous.. A good deal of
the Government program will bate to so
over until next sewtoa. Thio will unlade
the Franchise bill and the peotttbi-
tten piebie:n a measure ee weal. I wee told
upon good authority that theme -was a tacit
oaderetandtoe between the Premier lied the
leader of the Oppositiof'Teat l .rttemeet
will be anemooed early in the next year.
probably in January, and thus rive ample
time fix the oo .ideration of deterred busi-
ness as well as the new m rs then eo
tome up. 'The next session, refore, will
run five or mu months
Th• ,nuounoesaeot of tie lumber sobdaie
as contained in the report of the finance
committee of the United States Sen.w on
the Dingley bill has hit Canadian lumber-
men harder than win aottoipated. To the
Ottawa men it hu not brought • oremb of
ceadort Should the oomentbee'e report to
adopted by the Semite and House of Repre-
senatJvee, without any material modt6oa-
tion in this item. it will deal a serious blow
te the 1saadian lumber trade. It u re-
garded u • deadly menace to that interest
by lumbermen kir•. who say that the re-
sales of snob • tariff will not be hard to for-
ted. In this lumber d °Cths ni told
that tt weold seriously altos
year's est, -ea aU the big Eoslish costrseta
have been 1st and the market for the out-
put has bees prantloslly arranged trr the
leaden. But it • radio•! change is not made
towards modifying the lumber schedule be-
fo a the bill goes to White House for exeon-
tive sanction, the •Front of the ter:if, at Its
present high scale, will be disastrous in its
operation upon the lumber inters." iu thin
dsstrsot during subsequent seasons. "- A
member el tee Hull Lumber Company said
that it was impossible to force Canadian
rough lumber on the English market to
any great extent, and the home market by
aeesos of its -limited demands is altogether
inadequate to deem. the output of Cana-
dan mills. The Unitd saw is really the
one great purchaser of Canada's torsst pro-
duct•. Otawa lumbermen ate very spore-
beaslve of the Goverbment being torod.te
the necessity of imposing an export duty be
log• since, is the event of that step being
taken, it would bring lute operation the rr
sanatory promoe fn the American tariff.
tPR%-_ pretsttrw-1' tette. breeght to
however, opera the Government to levy the
export duty if only as • measure of self-de-
fe.o. easiest the anoono•aled hostility of
American I.aishil sin : end it is now n-
mourd, with much of the• element of
aathentioity.tbat the Government will pt oe
an export duty oo logs and pulp wood be-
fore ptorogueoo, or provide mean for the
im,.01M. of pooh duty in 10. .vent of the
Ametio.n tariff maintaining in its lumber
schedule the present high standard of duty.
Should snob prove the nue Candi& i lum-
bermen mast patriotically aocepe the situa-
tion and plan to develop our foreign lumber
W hue • .atbdaottes f1 is for Liberal• to
feel that M• Liberal Cabin./ id eosposed of
men who are above oorrnptioo, and that
than who hold the public trust are •o i mp-
able of guarding to interests and bold so
.Wetly tree to the oath of oaim. The rei-
'sot si epi y • large geld mining concern
of BriWb Columbia to bribe Sir Henn Jely
d. twttisl re, and bis dignified rebuff to
the bribe !m bat ant ept index et the
hooeety of ear Liberal leaders in adminis-
tering the .1.11. of the people. Here was
tic. Gold Property Cm . of Vietoris, B. C.,
about a forteieht ago, offering Sir Heeri an
.14ottenthe el 2fl,1)w ad41eltur sp►1d tin
fou-asseemable sharp is eoedderatfoa e
" Iwdla/ hie melt able 1A..... " to facili-
ate the operations of the aimps,. Then
we see this bold endeavor to corrupt the1
ComptroUsr of Reve•n4ue, not only
at mate •pursed with oontadaps, bat the-
ts st of the briber and Sir Henri's reply
thereto met ee the press fee publication.
Libras years of Tory ale have evldent-
lp led psspie A believe that Ib• spirit of hea-
m1y and lategHly .t •baraeter was het a NI.
eteet et the tamgieaMsu ie respeet to • Cans-
dieaabfeet. Pr.m: Menshar•• bad eontreat-
gifts Irmo tbla Ant delighted the Tory
ti art, and ems ssq searesty eeeo.ive ft s
peeslhility Ise him a refuse tsoy yeah, eves
when saoompanted by tie "a °amblers-
tiem " orevi•ie.
The i3•venmgel has many d� o-
blame Io serve, bet. without ane
imtoigratte. m see rut tie mese imaertantt.
4 .sued, iwdM. intmigrarMseni plias bit.
SUtem bl sew � Nl bealpu s d oo
1 LMte
. Quads", is
,.pidly ad1 Aosta Ove bee tM wm le'plb
to anycae wM t.a elves 6b hub Mee-
iries le the islattmg. *a comilisetne wheA
. bald bate baa M reap etaw
rr. t e /l0. tttlsp b s au-
r.tttw th.h _
e.+wt tie r< q. posit
br'. t Iso t►. m. atlfp tf apelethe lathy pa d
dMnw >sa► seg at L D.*. � oi.t
bis e,5op oDO ISM0d
ha wed .imltwa tt bas seal' a bet
Thirty•tbeee of oar .allies test/ ..nlsd
the Pinafore Open Co.'to Seaforth els lies -
Jas. Mullen left lsrt Thurday per sfibs.
Craftsman for Gore Bay to visit he Doe
W. Brows, of Pert Hares, was tie past
week vsltinr kis relatives, Mr.9,snd Mrs. H.
Don't miss this .,,Ides opportunity.
People mr re than pleased with the sales st
The Falr.
Mr. Hone arrived a town last week
and rO�ooboa . W,... Deaths is tie Beak sf
Cidiessi d. ,
Mr. Coes 11 LJw i tad three ehild-
s:- '?Aa t,.h-. l{ Mrs 8dwards,
Br'ee.. a Rend.
Mrs (lin.) Howell, of Aotce, who is
l P teent
e11 is the guest sf Mr. sa7d
Miss Miod Robson has been appointed
colleowr in Godcrloh for the York Loan
nod 9tvioga Sxi .by.
Inspector Toro arrived le tews.n Satur-
day, have been enraged tee provisos day es
es arbitrages o..e st Hases11.
Dr. 1felines was a the teeth t7tte loot
week, .o4 while there ataad.d the alatin1
M tin Provl.eial Board Of ffrtitb
Jaden �le has ban ..ppol. toaal
• wile • r et the supreme Dater, of u4ieetare
la Flares dnrag the Alcestis es (gave d
4. Mtbonthe..
F. R Dineen, et the Bank of Cemmerne,
ltdt leer weak for the Stratford Wwob ea
promotion. V. it. D. will be missed as be
was • general favedta.
Mrs Ooderieh, 1.1t co Meedey Tire hf r etM a
R. p•wt after a pless..t vfelt to her asia,
W+. WD..0M. 81. Patricdt-et.
gee -ties rudlMl fit
en•d was gin tem wank , i1,
yam Asha 1Me eset/•r
C(.+ CIL token da iridsy at $ P.M.
Deny. Thompson, 2nd D•py, H0M.I, dad
Co, Tweedie
hors Goode. Colwell, Wil.
seo, Vohs, Muth, Dude,' Nnoholsoe,
5siltel. Cade1M tied Craig». Minute of
last peed% read; ',proved ansigned.
_-Th. local agency 1s Duna no
tar Ins Bions. b •t the oaloe of J. O.
may bmjspmllyp.>tMaagt Mon- J.Y.. eonveyneer, be.. who will receiveor-
dadverUW.g and �oo-
day. t.d d woorrt antor d a16 aut orised to give neaps. for
The addition te into �b1sr Tia -
Inisstda's Milk paid for the same
b needy complete." t
dbawing r•odp4,
114,11116:40, sad diebareemect $14,776.13.
wasfeadired referred to linage committee.
A iseinmtuas was read fromM.
r a boy named Letson. gem -
Omitted to the industrial sohooL On motion
ot Messrs. Helms and Nair., the matter
sou rot to 'the town solicitor.
A oapmuniostiod was read from W.
Bawdy sating that • shed and tenon on
01 Bawden's survey, had been de-
n •
' motion o
Councillor Niobo a case •
to public' works committee withpower
lune, ties read Beni citizen.'
days. On motion ofe rears, .seoo
L re-
quested • ubtio together of theoise•
gene tor oar ► evening
communication wee
zens' committee requesting the tugs roan-
calt the G. T. tore-establish-
e-•. i• -
•e office. Moved by
the reeve. '.Deededby or
th.L a earths petition be preurging
meh o e office,
bythe mayor sod °heck sod
{ to the prop.( official of the ooss-
•Won fromt -
tog time the steps at the foot ot Wellington
ro r-
ty ,rag read and retorted to public) or
oar from re-
garding she town's interference. with the
old steels d complaining
been 1 ite ...Mine eat
was �$tiad.
Teatime. Malay.
Commerolel fights, was is rery profit. Result of annual meeting of Dung mmo
able the past week. Y Public Library will be gives in our next
Wm Ruled has returned from Moir* t�mtifew •6 t House owning, palnttog sod gardeoisg
to Johesimes Harbor and tr utrton. engages the attentloo of all and sundry oen-
A new hand rail has been plaoed at the o. rued.
upper end of the Harbor Hill side walk. C. E. -Tb. subject on Monday evening.
Last west herring of very large sire were gleed May 17th. " Bedtime and Harvest, and
caught in large numbers by load anglers. W 'Their Coaaeetiaa." by Mrs. 8. Pentland.
The schooner Kollage gaited on Saturday New Goons. -B. J. Crawford. our genal
with • cargo of .supplies for Johnston's l and popular merobant, is duty reo•ivtog o
Harbor. de-
stroyed, sod requesting K that the town re-
new stook of groceries, sot., with which to
People are afraid to put up boat hooded Disc• tl1e,lame. Ila tic 1 t me reeve and supply hos numerous customers.
the usual place oo the river on soconn1 of boa, the was referred OPs1eID.-Oar new drug store it now ter -
the breakwater repairs. to nlshed with a drat -claw stook of goods, sad
The schooner Craftsman. Captain Duncan acs thee* who favor it with their patronage will
be properly supplied and attended upon.
to Iced a varied f Thursday for timet Bag A oommea holt Pgrs..ossi .-John Sands left for Manitoba
to lased • .torso of lumber. tommittge regarding -the
The schooner Canton with 560 toes of cb dud by ea Monday, the 3rd Hugh MoMath
*cal fey the North Amerioan Chemical Co. (oonoillor Goode, H Wwebip the r. arrival home on Friday after an extended
arrived io port on Thursday. quested to p visitM bis two laughter.. Mrs Hare. of
T rsda to di mer the Pontis., and Mrs. Bsamisb, of Detroit.
The steam barge Jennie, Captain William yasstton. He sport• having had an sjnysble visit.
Rohmesin, ►alt last Wednesday sealing for A reed tdtemlttM tuti We are pleased to me the venrable gentle -
Kingsville to take on • °ergo et •linage for w lookiog se hale and hearty.
Buffalo. to request R ail h Vterr.-During last week Mr. and Mrs.
The schooner Honore trout Sandusky with iO1 $ dove town tick Patrick Fitegetbbou., of Oswego. N.Y., sr -
239 tow of ooal for the water works and 150 Councillor Nleffd, rived here es • ',Sit to Mr. and Mn. Bern-
ier Wm. Lee reached this port onThexeday pared and Redmond, of West Wswonosb. It is
morning. tt egab4,h i t the t os toad that about 60 years .Inc. the oouples nod their
the steam barge City of MI. Clomps it signed last interview. Mr. Fitttgibbon• was
from Wallacebarg with a cargo of red Drieks highly pleased with this section of the
for the addition to Knox Church arrived in pan,. (,rood country, and with Dungannon so • seat
harbor oo Setarday. a esnemasto C. Widths, sat villa'.
Captein Baster bas bis boat house in or- DuTH. -Rev. R. Fairbairn haatee re-
encroached on Mrs. W i bli pro cetvd a telegram on Friday last that hie
der tor • s, Misty
tedbus, and His beep brother -in -tow, Mr. Sinclair, in the county
have all been nicely a Captain'.
throe Deed- oomdtte..
ins bcets will Ned the Gptain'e every wog fain Hebb
ot pay, had dsoses,dt there was no service
satisfactory. A memtoaawti Lap a Erskine Church here lost Sabbath. We
The schooner Corlsande with 300,000 feet deeply sympathize with the rev. gentleman
of lumber for N. Dgmget orrivd in port J'd 1 that he had and family in their bereavement On
The Cori- • p the remain. of Wilbert M.. 'maw 1 est son of Joseph Steamer'. formerly of
sands gelled coin oo SWIM 1q 10 load lam- A communication d th Dungannon, bat Dow of Blyth. were inter-
ber for this port. red in Dongsnnon cemetery. The ohild was
Tee "team barge SI. Andrew tram Fort fferi to bear only ten months old. Th. parents have the
William with 35,000 bushels of wheat for sympathy of the oomesunity in the bereave -
millers along the O. T. R., arrived in port to castor cod g moot of their beloved son.
oe Sunday mornise and commenced unload- Ths 6sano. J T gat f th tr be William MoNolly (eacoss•
mg at cis G. T. alsvator early oo Monday of paying the sur to 8tepben Slathers, blacksmith and
morning. oarriage builder) we ars pleased to be able
to sate, bas se hr recovered from hu re-
oetat illness that he ie ibis to resume and
superintend business. end has secured the
services of a ynuog man who comes highly
recommended as an energetic and fir,t-olass
mechanic. Mr. WIN/illy is, therefore, pre-
pared to diva good lead general satisfaction
to all wbo may favor him with their patron-
age in his tine of, business. 8. Stothers is
still earcyin4 os business in oarri^g. work,
eta• a the menet pace -upstairs in the
blacksmith shop.
v baro * �sr*UMl Stew rase a�..a.. he •
sa.� Att�beee iiia.--tasws at iib -
plso4 05.elslb MNwer4
r e The Olson.
inceoar. May 11.
Renj.min Pwkwood toes • 6.. mare use
day last week.
Wm. Hascke is improving his property
by the erection of • mew kitchen•
Mie McGregor, of Porter's Hill, ie visit-
ing litre. tVat. Whitely, 7th ova.
Mw Jack lett on Thunder. last ea am
extatsded visdt te Loader, Windsor, Terse -
to. li•oanogae mad other pinata.
Goon MTOOS -Ow well-known m ins
breeder. R. A- Thompson. hes a thee Uttar
of pare bread Dane Jelmsy red pip.
he *lig oposelis
prevails* 11.111Alai het fi
.t mama
•'winemos ThMwdty' Merl! from thothmill
to visit tisk defer_ tat,.t�ie
, lam swset, of
liatmtllw, goo or • sweob
takes deli�yeM
ta.bwai; 1110$1411111
/i oJtla .
was receive from e
town treasurer, requesting that a telephone
be erected in bis office, andoffering
half the annual rent. It was read and sent
light oemmittee.
committee reported in favor
Thomas, 51.25 ; Robt. Clark, $50 ; Tp. of
Colborne. 55 ; National Carbon 0e., 90:
Stevens Mtg. Co., 512 15 ; The Packard
Klee. Co.. .5160 ; Mrs Bingham, 56 ; The
Good Road Machine Co., 5235 ; Henderson
Bioycl• Co.. $2 60 : Digby Gamete's', 115.-
06 ; G. N. Dave, 517.66.
Os tootles of C. A. Nairn and J. Creak
the report was adopted. "411-
Mark••t uummitis• reported as fellow r
Your committee have considered the Cem-
m.a.roation of Andrews Bros. & Co. for
weigh aisles at 11.e station, and recommend
that the, town offer to peg a third of the
cost of potters in • suitable set. The seeks
to he purohasad under the 'emery -beton and
to be tberand odder control of the
tees: wsealawed to ay over_
The fire committee reported that the old
fire engines had been examined and one
found useless, and that the other needed re-
pairing, and asked that the committee he
given power to sell the one and repair the
other. The report was adopted and the ro-
qset granted.
arse number of s000ants were read ad
ea to tisanes oommittass
wed by T. Natal, sseesidt by M.
Rich Son, that the ooenoU take Patton in
the nutter of the line fence letterset the
town add Horse property. Cetried.
Yobbo works oommittee maned :
1. That Wm. MaCrsath be appointed
caretaker of the Square for the season of.
1591, and that he be meld the Mme salary se
u r.oelved in 1896.
2. That David Reid tie offered the sum of
550 is full tor any clam Meech he may have
against tie tows sen result &putting the
male sewer three/6 his property.
3.'That 200 shade trees be prepared.
4. That sufficient lumber be supplied to
oo.strnet 120 feet of drain on Cedar -ss. se
L D 0as..ron'e let. •
6. That tee drain at Thom. MoObe's bete -
The large tank at the bead of wombat will
be 611.4.
The Quarter session will epee M llstlisy
Jane 7th. -
The Oriente of London will play ball with
ear boy on tit. Queen's Birthday.
Aachen sale exclusively for ladies tomor-
row, Friday. afternoon 64 The hair.
Beggar meeting .,{ Hares Chapter No.
top. R. A. M., next 1uesd•y evening.
De*aj, "gee. gone 1 Come quick before
It is the late. • The Fair, MoLean's block.
to.siing oT170 irtetb Coabell
157 C. O. C. F. jin Horton', hall this sea.
May bowers of .11 varieties may be semi
in great abundanoe around Mooesetsng
Park. .
Specie' sale oar Seturelay M Miss MilUer's
Kingston -.t.. of smiler. hispi and tourists
.s ... -. .
The Q the 24th. the beim 8 P.m. Bs
sure yea are primmest with en admission
Several isterestfag budgets trent threes -
pendants, but too ate for last immar.will •b.
towed os page 6.
Anotion every evening at The Fair, Mo-'s block. Private sales duri.g the day
.t great redoottea.
Spsoiaf male of trimmed bats and winners
at Miss Hillier',, Klsceto.-ss., en Sates -
day. Cell and nee.
Keep 000l by using • /laminates refrige-
rator and o bin flame ell heals
only by J H. W emelt
The Curling and Skating rink lawn is
really lnoh a pretty sight that 1t seethe a
pitysto hide it with • olose board fume.
Friday last was Arbor Day, eoosegssth
the afternoon was spiel ny throne seao01
pupil• in fixing up playgrounds and .edea
The organ factory It .hippie, piano .ad
organ stools in large quantities, and erases,
aoloder a beaaufat obarob Imstrnaxest to
Nova Scotia.
If tke shipment. from tie Ke.eiageon
furniture factory matinee •t lbs rate tbap
.re new being and., • •pond beim vodi
soon be needed.
I'.Iee'. Fans 8.11 holds she tort tertian
melte are tried together, it makes goad
cheese and b.e.s to please. and Swore
Mode the weather.
D. K. 8traebee 0.. besetewtNspe.dlse
with rise eatbod5H u neeiboso. Chsth.+
sad li.tewel, arae expiate te all oath et
dothe berets the of bis street sprinkling
Will net wbeeribrs leak el the bte en
their b b.b be iee if tbly are sig le dila R
mot pot it aimed et cane by analis, the
seoamary reldsterad letter at Heol, 044
Io this eflals
&meshes Wireet,tt d 111(4 _1% eel oe.-
sa in s.reole as ate W inane sIiel at Torr
tfyr Duret. W. YM madyy. wltk, bs*Mg
by L. 1. taw.h1M tlSJ5it da. •bw�1
es the' mule* 4 tie Mild .sate., to
wdebr tfoe Obis .Duet, WI fe411 • poosesil
at the peter, ' Nava
t*teak, wipeelefoisleWilds ` .
se 21 atelier r week ter sbe ~Mr, at lg.msLir. dinerflear W 1lhmatmtea. meg
VI /hdeo sins ve
rear. a me" ll be domed ne tic w4 twins et`
pagfrgyffiefltiflitpl' duo&o
as M fl s Mr Oda pm+AS.e1tMa
- 6. 8s■is' "radia, ad gravelling on awe
1.27►:}.-.i.w•-wr:, -.. ,...r
7. (undine end grovethall eh South -the
• 8. bide walk r•pa r$ es Gibbons -et.
A `Ude calk on east side of Keeye-N. re-
po10Side walk and culvert on M.Dss ll
11. GnveHing tad rayairkms MIN ` eth.
W Mlagtoa-et.
12. Britannia road gravelled Stift rte
13. Gravel M Pe lakes fres.91448418111*
11. Th- task. at tisa hese et 11111111411. fljl
be Ailed op. -
16. 1te. ilk 141W 1R'
W be pi .al Neaals is Wdl.'
17. adis walk en 01.ettttsal•sb. Se be
'Zee report wee althea r
the steal emsm.lttse reported the* toe
Wm be takoo le lth esel se not greetise
aalmteeee Aw'mrde tins eig.MSriai sf • pier
N M..wtatI park, es he Idemplaieu of the
ethimiISee the .sssa0 sae M pw.r to
grant web ssiebsaee earsilla Obi ssrpore-
2. That toe seise be label' to as matter
stf Mr. Marne ouvesedewtea Om. reme#-
l That I. reterel'w to the .amen .issues
of Ms Wet-., Me willow bell A. adapted
H from and thee **ow* be peened rid -
to Oa ems •
4 1110411 ebeedr be losarti tel
bet eufeppp _ bltllrrieg •. the stolid e►
BENMILLER. +i -'v.
vinlroaai-Messrs George and Jdr ileiv.
wrigbI of Aberdeen, Sootland, are visiting
their sister, Mrs. Stewart at the Beamiller
nursery. They arrived by way of N. York,
tekioe in some of the cities of the Union u
they came along, and porrow remaining in
Canada for • few weeks, tbenoe returning
home by way of Ottawa where they intend
oslllag on Lord and lady Aberdeen who tee
persoasl friends of the above gentlemen. We
wish them an sejoyable time, and as their
visit to Canada is timed for the finest seethe
of the year, they may on their return be in
a position to refute the impression that the
poet Kipling ha• sent sbrosd in hie limee
••Oar Lardy of the Snows'' and tell their
friends thiel this Cern __ .1 pp it not snob
a b.d, pace atter a1L
A Letter et sinhelliv.
The following resolution of sympathy
11011r t ire reltP* board of tics
Hall. explains ieso11 :
Trustee Beard, Temper nee Hall,
Goderiob, May 7th, 1897.
're Mr. and Mrs. John Reid and eon :
Dash FstiNps, -Ata meeting of the
trustee beard of the Temperance Hall,
Gaderioh, held this (Friday) evening, 1♦ was
requested by ea aaenimon• vote that we
convey to yon its heart -felt sympathy for
you in your hte bereavement, •
The Board feel that they, by the removal
by the hoed of death of your beloved eon
and brother, have lost the meet choient
menthe. of the Beard.
For years past the ate James 4. Heid, ea
sorstary and treasurer of the Beard, had
fait htolly guarded every interest pertaining
to the Temperance Hall trust by him jodiol-
oas management of the affairs of the
b strong tempertnoe principles, oeuoled
with the Christ -like example of his daily
life, although exercised in a quiet and unas-
suming manner. stead out asters the oom-
en mity far beyond whet we cies express in
While, with you, we feel deeply the loos
of our late brother, yet we are assured that
bar loss is h ..lain. - - -
The prayer of the Board is thee yea stay
be dl.imety sustained in your affliction, and
that 1he bleeiog of our Heavenly Father
any resit span you until Ina shall meet
lour loved and own, in that world when
morrow never comes.
Signed on 1x0.2( et the ISoard,
R. St.oarrs, Chetrmoa,
J. W. VAIe.rTss, See'y.
1 1.SDarer M.oaxtia APS Rivilo roa
MAT -This is a epeeist Qwees'e Jubilee
•umber, puked with lewd sad patrletfe
papers. piotmres and proems referrer lo the,
Queen'. long reign. There are ae
than ten articles nn different aspeet. et 'him
enhject, inoleding able papers by *hp Rev.
Dr Carman Sir Edwin Arnold, iRly. W.
Harrison. Of smog intermit are the illu-
strated articles en the ravel palates of
Windsor, Reline& end IN. Jaime. i side
•ketobee of " Sssday with the gaoea." mid
" Whole the Qo••e Worships, ase Iteoa4i
lowly intereetfag smooth* ef tie OeroesMoe
sixty years sett, end a IS emelt r the
Petresee Altai. Other segos, ars" �)The
Moral T.ekisg et /M Did lie by
Rev Dr. i2»wartI ")(Dyad.4 thin Ds�+�
en irlltrty teb.aa•eketob. b 1. 7
the '. . 0.
Animist, with the athMrlM se "inulin
ltettw s. " toad "' mune " nitPIM-
.rev portraits sad Sinn et
Istsrest. This amebas .blseld ha4e
wide elrealatlen Seery MOhediN
held *.sial haw** pie. Toth" r
ysipsa. Prise p spar
,gyral& sUibt)yi 20
TIIs.DAT, Ys, 11.
Sealing was meek delayed by that heavy
rains of Lath Week het is now es a big rash
to finish. This week all the bachelors have
an alarm clock to Mike -t Haag bear of
the morning that the married tots .sa.11•
in bltesfal slumber until aroused by their
better halves.
CHURCH Norse.-Tausday of this weak
the regular C. E. Meeting wine hold. Wed -
nes the pastor held a totems prayer meet -
10f at the residence of H. McManus.
This evening the weekly prayer meeting
will be bold and the pastor will welcome
any who wish to be000e obaroh members,
sod on Friday morning at half pact ten the
Rev. Sir. Anderson will preach the prepara-
tory service for oommaoton that will be dis-
pensed at 10:30 a. a. es Sunday.
ToxeDAT, May 1L
Arbor day the duly observed at the
school here.
Mr.. John Natal and Mie Neftel, of
tioderiob, visited here on Monday.
Ed. Maconkey, formerly ot Barrie, but
now a resident of Huron s Circular city,
visited his uncle, R. Summoned, this week.
8t. Q. H. Witham., of Petoskey, Mich.,
visited his paroou and family circle here
last week. His visit was a sad one and he
arrived jest in time to bid the last tarewell
to his mater who knew ham though she was
tearing the end. During the few days pre-
vious and .Iter the•1 he met s number
of hie old-time friend. aid comrade of boy-
hood's days residing here and in Goderioh.
14. returned to Petoskey on Friday.
--1Rthr. -, 'rawdsywrarning of Het
week the funeral of the ate Mist Williams
took place from the family residua•*;
Lsodereton, Rev. Mark Turnbull, of Ss.
George's oborob, Goderioh, reading the
solemn burial wren* of the Episoopal
(March and making an impressive address
on a Cbnatian's trust in Christ and pointing
out that it was for ail of tie to gain a felting
borne above. A large amebic et Neighbor*
and others with restive. followed the re•
mains to Colborne cemetery where they
were lowered to their last rating ow..
The pall bearers were Perry Stewart, F
N. Shaw, John lawsst, M. J. Tobin, W.
H. Jewel, e1 this pace, and Chas. Spathe.
Oaderioh township.
' • • • • •c • AUBURN.
Twomey, May, 11.
Jamas Carer is, we w pleased es say
ab1e to be op again.
Mrs. L Wettlaafer and two children left
en Friday for Tavistook.
Mrs Rog, mother of Dr. Ross, who has
been Hattie, in Brumfield the returned.
Mr. Sharpe, of Listowel, Is engaged bete
at present, cwKiag stoves for Jas. Young.
u Cauls wile returned from the S.. •
tbort Um• sire has engaged with Mr. J1tdt. -
Mine Jennie Celli., daughter et A. E. (,'al -
lie was seriotuly 111 last week, but is new en
the meted.
Betem et the wooers from Oederioh are
the tare pretty otte.. Wonder if any at-
tend to hogs here'
R... G. R. Grsnreb.ok the new paster .f
the Fvaisg.lfeal eberoh has arrived, and will
!adds with 0 F. Yo.ngblet.
R. Leach him been laid up for some time
ea aeessnt eh taking toe heavy • lift while
badliag timber at J. Yen'''. mill
At the eseetYsg of the Quarterly Beard of
the Methodist oburoh held here ea Monday
of last sleek John Knox wee appointed der-
ogate to the dlstrtet me.tap.
J. J.bnes a, wbe went to Manitoba gout
a mouth ago. with the atontten of Hayloft
there fee the Sommer, ►as reter.ed, amt
they well eatiefid with the comfy.
Bev. l . 2
le.tine. s, be thea soriNs Wow lest ween
wa.. *be bad wee chert 4.r lraatmrt
bee r.tdaed mad Mie. Commiso a inapeorillia
Moe. J.bp WL2 ss, calla bad bees males.•
1,$1 tee *ire peat is weak., paa.d a em •
make. Her death
ter for eyes tiesss ea ebe bed �ss� ii
-Ma health V s" ember el yaaw. Sita.
t s 41101110.16. somber ef the Pm. 05s..
*04088( sod lama bar lath MAIM
/be hates s 0esbmed sad s�em
♦110 ben. glint ...w.>r> .f lbs •
spt+irtt.tiy ` Obeli