HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-5-6, Page 8THE SIGNAL : (IODRRIQ ON t TH t LMAY - .E.1811.7 • Just What You Want at the Price You Want Gloves Hosiery Paraaols Dress Goods Prints Musiins Ginghams etc., etc., etc • BLOUSE SILKS j In all the New Shades of Saffetal worth $1.00 for 65c A range of Blouse Silks worth 50c, for. • 25e C O D S E T S lf f WHITE SUMMER CORSETS, best f t s Turn-eorered $reels, worth 76e for.,, . 47e Cash and One Price Only SMITH 13R08. '°PO �a v al 'went motet o•npaerset s !. 1.s'maga met NEWS OF IVEE1b.e.wotdhetymyarbagIessrow ik William V ernoa Harcourt .tad • Mr. ;mesh Chamberlain coot -fueled fiery debate in the House et ()uranium'', Important Events In Few Words lower the Imperial (:owernmt:nt's policy For Busy Reatieti w------- tgwarda the Transvaal Sir Michael -!dicks-Brack, Chancellor of the Exchequer. presented another vary satisfactory Budget to the Imperial Parliament. Trade has increased 5 per cwt- the' BatiouaI debt has been re- duced seven and a hatf miltions, and the mtrplus is nearly two and a hat1,odirlisos. Tye Miss- world's t appealagu larets Csa pUed and Put bate ■Maly ural •saractive Shape ger tate Residers or Oar Paper-• *ells fa..r. Lej yaaamf t reraaraptsel aafeamauer. 1Hs LABORWblydt.D. The strike of the `cotton opstnitivesj at Oernwall is ended. Rhe men aceeptiag' the company's rates. _ IVOR MEN or PLA_ metmberata,Victorian seating hence nfiailter of British delegates foci 1� �$ _ prevent ia-Llardou, says the extrL �a/1tPrsai -Postal-Cor. err w Wi itbinit sloe of the close season for seal finding, tea arrival et NetheUnited States, w reds -Canadian industry. The fagot the Meyflower was formally - The tone of the principal commer•-dal !remold vcr by the Bishop p[ . Lend ie agencies in New York-itpcaking, of to dlr. Bayard. the recent -101iiMilltates coarse• 1►in reference to the bwautea f, of asbassador tar Lhiftatrd. the ruffed State.-te more apurepa;tic than_sfttbfactory. - The predominant tone i• a thee of disaplsiintnieat. The Commercial failures in the l'nited State,: for the week just ended 'amounted to 287, as compared with =8 in the col- reupoodlag week.Lse-gass. Ottani ARD CBIKI -ALS. Tweislt-six anarchist& is addition • to" those ahead _sentenced. have been con- demned to death at Bareeboa foe;.emn- plcity in the tomb entree of Jane. The $eptetae Court at Ottawa ne Sat- etdaJ decided that a British .anbjeot, resident in Canada who goes to another e•oartry to_seoore'a divorce, remsrri••s, and returns to Canada, M guilty of bigamy. Chief Jeatiee Strong dissenting. Mr. Qharles, 8churter, the late man- ager of the Carrick Private Banking Co.. of Mildmay, Ont-, was arrested on charges of emtsexakement and making false entries in his hooks. He war taken before the pollee magistrate at Walkerton, and admitted to bail. The arrest wee made at the instance of the theme -tors of the insolvent estate.' A. It. Swaim, station and express egcnt nt Rt. Jovite, Quebec, got up a renentinnnl story of the ribbing of the eaprwss ogee. Ile afterwards confess- ed that he had taken the money bim- sclf and hid it under the station plat- form. - The money. 11000, was toned -when• he had part it. Berthas hi now in jail on charge* of theft and forgery,. CAMCALTI 6a: ;;,�,. Furl Norton telt off the tinct at i'ene- tanguisbene while fishing •and was drowned. The steamer Roea•dsle was plitled of 1Ja1NEsa. -. _,' The Belgian Consul in Montreal has protested against any different ,rate of duty being Jevied oa itritiah and BA - Vis. -r- sons uc1l..ow ae w DI AaL Mr. Charter Natihaus has been appoint• rid postmaster at $erlin- Mr. Chords, Liberal was declared (Meted for Luniybarg, `'.8., at the re- main. In the bye-elee•tieli in Colchester, M.S..for the Dominion House, Mr. - McClure. Liberal, was elee tta1 br .lz Majority. TME QUEEN'S DIAMOND JQBILRit. The Queen, on her arrival and deplR- tnre in jabilee week, will be escorted oy colonial troops. The Princess of Wales has written to 'the Lad Mayor of Londou urging that h the schemes to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of_Queen Victoria in Jame the Tenants of London slates be sat overlooked. Her Moral flighaetw taA.cribes 100 poen& to provide a treat for them. RAILROAD itumnelleGe General -Manager Hays of the Grano Trunk was in Hamilton and denied be statement that the shops then are io be moved to London. - During the recent trip of Emperor William to Dresden the In erinl truth lass stopped en route for tally two bars. The engineer discovered the gear had been tampered with, nest that there would' have been a serious avti- lent if it haat been passed utitfotr .! TRIC rink RZOD•CIS. - Joseph Poloquin, caretaker of the Stat Brewery, Montreal, was burned to death !a a small Are in the brewery. Vick i' Sons' flour mills at ()Tillie. s mills at Dunnville and the Wel- .aur canning factor were destro • The wholesale grocery warehouse of IIi. P. .Bekardt & Co. Fruut street, To- mato, was badly gutted by tire. The has will he in the neighborhood of 17.s.- 000, 'with sufficient insurance to cover titre name. TRE RZLtulous w011r.D. • Archbishop Cleary was given a tecep- - ton at iteetvttte on his return from the south. A dist1tisaished French priest urges the abolition of clerical celibacy, which betfeves to be the chief obstacle to tie return of the Anglican Church to t0atholic malty. �, The Iloehenter conference of the Wes- ). lagan Methodist Church hai found the acv. R. C. Honer guilty of wrong net - rag, and has expelled him from the eon- /if/fence and the function of the ministry. , THE BRAD. .tames Keays, Registrar of Ras - County, is dead. Mr, Nelson Rutty, a yesteetrsod sod respected resident off Airy Ont., h dead, Aged tRA. LACE GURTAIN SitUI In connection with the Largest Carpet Sale ever held in Ooderich, and which is now going on in our Carpet Department, We Will Offer this Week 60 prs of Lace Curtains at Cost Price LACE CURTAIN SALE - 10 prs Lace Curtains, 3 yds long tared edge, reg. price 31.00 a pr., sale price 75c 10 pre. Lace Curtains, 3i yards long; 53 incbes bide, with taped edits, reg.,priee $1.25, Sale Prion r • $ 1.00 10 pairs White Curtains, extra Jong and extra wide, regular ritis'$1.55; Sale Price , . , .1 1.20 10 prs- White Lace Curtains, 34 yda long, 56 in. wide, beauti- ful designs, our regular 12.00 Sale Priv , .. , .. - $ 1.60 10 prs. White Laos Curtains, 3 yds long, taped edge, full width extra value at $2.50, Sale Price... . , . 1 1 90 10 prs. White Curtains, 69t, in. wide, with taped edge ; extra Icing ; large design. Our reg. 13.00 line, this week. , . $ 2.48 .'- T. -ACHESON. `mow 1897, LAWN MOWERS Latest Improved Make. Best quality, and Lowest Possible Price. READY -MIXED PAINTS • made of Pure Lead and Oils* and Colors 7111TE_LEAD Elephant Brand White Lead. in the Market.t t. Col. I. A. Stoddart, Ieetntary of, the ( Massif;on, Ont., tIonew•etadSo- kitty, died in that city, aged 66, Admiral Sit. George W . tltrmerly eon, maoder of the British .forth American flet, is dead., He was 'Ib years of age. POI. 1 TICS- POREiOW. It is reported that the decree granting reforms fa Cube was signed at Madrid sled Is to take effect Immediately, Premier Delyaunis nt Greece has re- aftaed, at the King's request, and a sew Cabinet ham been formed by 11. Haiti. it is stated to Berlin that (iermsn1. !ranee, Rssaia and Austria have enter- ed intoan arikaace to remota penes do OM Orient. anti rnsintaja the states quo h Kumla .% f ' , . in other words, it a eonbize.,'i.xi ',al1K for its object the rtwee king of the British poor-, of ad- vaneement. rrennet PitRAOBAt.. Mr. Bb 1- it eonfoeot M 111 bed to ()t- haws with we lwtteelse.l fever. .. - T e Qhs- f Rr•ter.' of R�pssis Is buffer- ing from aefrt.wta prflatrelion. Prix'*' 1'- ...rt, Meets, the aneared gang -Met t 1M )abe of Rata-tnbbrs sod flotba, teflon to ties with her'heis- baok reading emit eeandal. The favorite novelists of eseen, cn ling 'to a writes i- he (j n. w, are lane An,.t.n, Charlotte Barents M». Oliphant, (ieorge lake nod Edna i.,aB. POLITIC'S-- I M TER I Al. Lord 1ro,iR W aisitttggten replied a us - spew spas the Belt slag See eegef1. a r��estaid, The tasaeelld4 et the Meehoeaer-• b _R--__vc=mcxRasTz_m_ OF THE, LOW PRICED AND UP-TO-DATE EARDWAB$ TORE $biptnenb of Roli.li ui New York Baronr•la[ve-come/eked Again, Mr. Root of the, Grand Opera Horse, Loudon. is building a theatre at Spring - bank. Seeding le Manitoba, except in Rad liner valley, fr expected to be Ansi bed this week, There is a large increase in the-eelea=e this year. At the meeting of the �aatees e.f Qneea's lialversity Chancellor Fleming anounneed his intention of giving four scholarships to the university. Mr. Joseph Chamberlain testified Se - fore the Teensyvaal Commission, mad stated that the Colonial (Mice had so Mtn:lath:et of the Jameson raid. Y4ederlek Crowberger, a foortecn-yerr- old boy .ot Haapeth, LI., died on Sat- urday from a blow with a rater, said to have been inflicted by his teacher, Miss Johanna X. Scouter. The Grand Jury at St. Thomas re- turned no bill against Engineer Ed- ward Dittem for maaslangbter. Dutton was In charge of an agricultural en- gyine, which exploded , and 'killed, Alm Forbes. Prof. Thompson, the British Commis- sioner, in his report on the Behring gat weal fishery. says that at the pestilent late of slaughter there is no Chance of the herd increasing. and -Without ex- treme care it .will diminish -The .Mupremee ('curt at Ottawa has disenissed the appeal of the Gas Com- pany against the wssessment of their mains, also the appeal of Mr. Silas Hooters to the 15700 damage suit for the low of his ,brother Benjamin by an maddest at one of the Public whorls. TM 1Maib ra4 #r• Basalail!!ah patens - so Iwo plays Is tale Qaesa.'s Birthday -one in the afterseenon the Agricultural Park, and the other in the evening as Vi isei.'s claps• Luckaow Stage The Lneknow tae leaves Luoknew about 7 a.m. daily. reaches Ooderloh about 11.30 Leaves agate about SAS p.at„ and reaches Lock$ow about 7 p.m. A teerpassenaere are osrr:ed. but atter the Lith of May a sew stags will be on the route. oep•bie of carrying aloe ng ehoofhosspa �vd the horses only do 'Ms beat to made all who trate! by this route oomfeetacte. ADAM THOMPSON Proprietor, CAPPLE BROS. �T.;Y..,- COLtlORME BROS'. MATHES GOODS SALE be flntiuued for Some Time Tet ! - It has bee a great success. Big sales have been made last month. Every. thing _in the Dress (foods line going at Cost and under. This is a genuine CASH SALE, end no reserves. You are sure to ge'b Bargains at this Sale a, the Goods must be sold. CARPET uantiand No such stook ever seen in Gods. equal tc, L`itybtock. Brussels, Tapestry, 3 -Ply Alf Woorich before !l 2 Ply All -W t Unions and Hemps. Special attention is called to the new Axminster makes —the finest ever put on the Canadian market. Carpets made and laid. Ips want your Carpet trade, and if quality, quantity and prioe go for anything, we ought to get -it. All Carpets carried over from last season will be solo sl about Cost : some ends under Coat to clear out. A shipment of 1500 Ns of New Floor Oil Cloth, 4-4, 6-4 and 8-4, direct from the manufacturers. All New Patterns and Colorings. Chou* Goods commencing at 25c. Jape Matting* and Twine Mattings cheaper than ever before : alao Mats and ' CbLBORNE BROS. PB1JR J- H- OOLBORNIff. The Great Cat pct Wareha ( ilk County. MS tt;s i t. t.: _ i• ,t T. t t r i A A t t L ,, .- lAt 1 HOUSE OWNERS kNOWIctedspitt tray to maintain a good selling value for property's to keep it in good repair. Never int it run down. A delay in the jIb use of paint may not be dangerous, but it is bad r business policy. It is poor economy. Nothing makes more show for the money ht brightening up a home than judicious use of paint - The paint habit is a good habit to have. . You should know how easy 1t is to use rr,. a good h faint. 1'ou should know the ,f • Y 'rig t paint to use in the ri ht lace. A � •� w • th tt b hufr, table, cupb a iggy, e� w�. fir, plow, house or a barn will `_iso heworthmoremoneyifitiswell painted. l it will look too per cent. better. TNE'NERW/M-WILL/AIS CO. makes verciat paint for all these -a different ri ch parpo.e-a paint eaaalyr owe booklet, w t" true fir' lila dlrerence between good sad TNl6NERW/At-WILL/ANS DANE( paist.ittetb6artsiPatataad'- Paftppieseesdeforde•ceratt the inside to palet. 6rnd for it, it Is free, of • home. It is for chairs. Por booklet, address ipf at where Aa'ds'ltetscolor a dower twig tvsr int lillaolne Street, Montreal. gloss are-'• nevired •"' ' bright varaiab tre TNF SHERW1N-W/LUAIM CO. etEYEL asO emcAgo AEW VCR[ - .OXTRlAL I•v . I, la. j l 1. .1 io ey Millinery AT THE BIG STORE.. to Kingston.. A freshet in the Rest.gonehe r, in *he vir-intty of Campbetton. N.B.. hgs lone much damage. • The 'steamer Sequin. which ran on the rocks near }innate. has been re - h e ard. Earthquakes in the Leeward islands Imre killed a nttaahlr •►l persons, and caused great destruction to property. Four survivors of . a boat load of 21 men front the brig Valliant arrived at St. I'terre. They snots -Med life by rat- ing the flesh of a dog. Guthrie, Oklahnrgs, was floode i In places np to the eels of the bowies by the sadden rising of the Cottonwood River. The number of di wued is variously estimated at fnhn 21) to 10O. The Govet invent relief steamer sent app the lied Slyer to roiieve the ls•o- pie in the Boodle] dintri•ta found :hat one man and .his family bad lived for two day. in their one -storey home, with two feet of water on the &or. tp hr use in which three to flee famjliea wi re Living together sickness had brukee out arm,ng the cljlldren. and on account of there being so many month's to relit provisions had run short. a tang. Dnbltn. April 30. -The historic newspa- per The Nation, which has been nail' ed. 'Wilt to -morrow publish • warning addtraswt is the clergy and people of Ireland against wit tt K eI tructerhiee as a nefarious scheme Initiated in Canada to Induce Irish emI- granta to :wide in Manitoba. Two emigrant .ouunitadou.•ra, It •aye, have been sent to reside prrmaaeaUy in Dublin and Bettina. Both of these are Cathsitt*, bac*ue4 be- ing of that troth, they .wlfl lie !pyre Iike- y to fecllttate the plan. The Nation declares that Manitoba is • hind of Siberia. and, moreover., sa ■ that the lirntratant majority in the Province tyrannise over the ('atholk•a, who are de- prived of *boomand have Gni)a tow Met Thea M oke Caps. i Capetown. April 30. In the Cape "seas- nt to da Mr. 'Merriman, the anti. Alaeidea leader, moved a rem -dation of no eoattdenoe b Caps Ministry, which he .0 .pprted by a vigorous attack- upon the hoeC-fle ahlftoae eismmed DEAN, gape CO1- nay admiaAtrwtlon toward-ibI Transvaal. the Chamber was crowded and tiedebate was or the meet excited character. Bot the resolution waa Baan rerect.d by tating vete of the Speaker et the est coe douse It Y aenouaeed cher* that the eopamaneeir et the British (}ape and west Africa Beet, Rear Admiral A. R_ Itavnem. has received }rrmisalon from the Portuguese authorities I. land. et number of tela from the shim d t n rI flash pari, aimedt:nn r i ilo►. v ne w. r� erofthe gunstiT• w'illI ki nude tomo g to a dtrspnteh to The leap - don Times from Cape Tryrn the British Cape agnadron *111 remain in' irehitoe Bay until the mWdle of June. fantail Pasha, (hrvw. nor of the island of Crete, hna protested again*, the de- cision of the adwtirnls *Hewing food to be 'supplied to tnhabiMuts in the in- terior, • The French language is now featly ferhldden to tree n'scd In Ainn tw,wtr- raine In public ape•r•hee, and seems' meetings have been dienAlved upon *hat account. Lieut 71iiuf, thegrandaon of K Asgr ., who ~emir mode 41: ling M murk reynrelnpt the Qurea, has twee rein fed ant oppiArted tieoteseM' of the ria poli., . The (iovernene•et, taking Otto nevoid - oration the esunp kitsJlh hole Ise 'a 'vide respecting anrtinn, hits . de - tided to treyetnnew tat n m4+unitiAn. manures -lured a .Cana • ern_ The Berthacrrlvretprnitle elf The ikeify Mall learn, that the powers will niSt consent tri the 44vylrlg ef' esti 4i1r ut+•►n chime*, weer that AusgrKr epa. t'is•rtntany�ar* tr�ttg,te tnttferi Me Fail* to modify Its dSninnila- A telw•gram rew'ire'd st "Asay Mot a gretal bottle 'hna Veh'1fine between s fern* of Anon anA (let Rihatenr:l's ; q11• steepen* Mates ha • t1t! aha tirtas reeked filth whorreper ism work bass hero oa ate asaaraa save. rsaaet at 1RfaePra- Wali Paper Before you bun your, Hoose cls; Iisd see our sleet of ? . . -Latest Tints - Latest Ahad", Zsteet Destine. _-moble fot 'Libraries, Halls, Park* Dining-Rpoms, Kitchens, etc., with Borders and Ceilings to match, from 5c up. All new. This -season's goods only. - All goods ;masked in plain else.• GEO. WATSON v ,rtW*►1*. Mentasseet .as, Ma Martrat. • It's beginning to look once more like a large contract to make inroads into our Millinery. business. Competitors come and go and come again with the hope that the trade can be divided more equally. We guard the people's interests as well as our own with a zealous care, and never befo!e have we turned -out the same amount of ordered work this time of year. This satisfac- tory state of things may be largely at- • • tnbuted to Direct Importations, saving onr customers the middleman's profit. The Largest Stock to choose from, The Largest Belling Space in Western Can. ada. Excelsior Styles, Moderate Prices and one of the cleverest Milliners in or out/bide any city. There is not s shadow of doubt that you can get the best treatment in every way at Plumbers f $team -Fitters _ t ,-.._.:.... Tinsmiths l HAMILTO rIST God.exi. WALL • SALEl - --.,--1:, P, 4.- ,,, Ire bale only • aid NO torr' stock of Wall Popes lofts tslul r we are going not of Shia *a stn wish to clear the blames 00 hi the end of this tuatara, ireP alit gate money by boyhas of el fir• All grades from Se ap. .r, Mae•(. � �)t r TUFAYL • - w J. P. Baa =--y �. AGENT FOR -THE MA38EY•HARRIS Wl -rano .. Basaa.waL.:.MCWO"'° Cultivators, Rakes, Disk Har- rows, Diamond Marro w',e, Ploughs, Scufflers, Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Parts. Also, Agent for Bradley's Fertilizer. COE r-, t ...ra....�ltairlmslnl� A TStli lAsiet Repfi I for thrlibove Machines. acid au Welts stand— , r, STURDY BROS. FINE GROCERIES Vessel Supplies a Specialty. s VAIRILT erocUa_-THE 841/4011RDY BROS.. Y