HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-5-6, Page 7Y4 Yy , THE SIGNAL: tODERIO r©NT.t TIMINDAY MAT S. E9 new Burs Early Poems. The born. lfor whtoh extra oIslam are wad., wee included with other early eerie - Ws tested oe The Rural grounds to show whether ass of the wen potatoes were tul- ip e.rUsr that the Early Ohio. From the tris!, es reported to the Rural New Yorker, ,5s was .sumated that the Bove* is at lean tau days earlier than the Ohio. its chaps is Rosily patent, and its qu&llty excellent." /told Peas. Professor Shaw of the Minnesota station u credited with saying that the Prussia« Btu 1'ea is possessed of • wider adaptation then the other varieties of per grown, and should be suited to New garland. For the West b. names • variety known as the frrp field pea ; also soother variety called the greed or gray pea. The Chancellor L mentioned as befog a popular variety in this Northwest.• Strawberries It Mew Ierk. In 1896 over awe hundred varieties of strawberries were grown at the Geneva (N. Ir.) station. Of the ',metre' which fruited there for the first time in 1896, Bieset,' Ear- liest, Boorman. Thompson No. 101, Tubbs end William Belt are oosndsred especi•Ily ptomaine. Bastin:Am, M.ehett, Marston sod Teeneesee have been fruited ,two an - sem and are reoommeeded as worthy of testing. evepe ter Growl ■a.art.g. Country Gentleman says : We have used sliver, pees and barley for Dover crops with greet income. Barley stands the hot weather of Amnia and September batter than cats. We have also used rye to • bolted extent These various crops nosy be sown to the Dorn or on the inverted bar- ley or oat stubble and either roe or wheat drilled in os the potato ground. although the field may not he clear until the first to abs middle of Ootober. Fent/Men on Cera &ad iy.• Cooperative experiments with fertilizers on oore were carried out on three farms in Sate, and the results in the town ones are reported, in which the yields wen larger where either marine M yMink et tlitrate of soda w•s'applied. __ _ - At tate state= tit! Meld of rye where b.royard manure tar templets oomtawoial fertilizers were employed was iiwreas+d,•.d white mustard sown July 21, after the rye, made the largest growth on plate which had orsviohsly rssmv.d applications of pbosphaten.. . • • Weeding Coen /odder. Testi of methods of preparing sed fend- ing niers fodder. eondnoted ander the saw moo of the Maryland station, gave remits which warrant the following doe olussions : By wetting and mixing the shredded oorn fodder witb the grain ration there Ia more complete oo.sumptioa of the fodder—then G roceries Groceries II'/ wet the above right UP-TODATE A Idgma Ast artame et Otocke tests= itres. ballot 0. C. WHITELY'S CHOICE TEAS and COFFEES '110LE AGENT FOR GOLDEN AGE Package Tea. EAST 810E Or SQUAW'. RETIRIBU FBOI BUSIU3S Fkat 'i'i 'it 'bAYS Op' DOUBLE and SINGLE Harness Trunie, Valises Ohtb•Bags of All Wee. OarrisR►a Ra�s,� Robes, "Whip., , FR>< Ooata. - The Harness Stook is largest West of 'Toronto. and the entire stock will he cleared on!. at lees than coat of manuf.ctnrb. I am retaining no steak or interest, so foot or value of goals will be disregarded in this supe. A rare chance for Fanners and NOM, men as eve ger! of Hareew i' gear- enteed j, made,. and the beat al treion Oak Leather, while aloe Mount- ' R—+t[l.ar, Ai mer 6? rubber -at'l Of best quality. A11 book enemata streepltit V,OS•horNate etarm -'t..' e WM. ACHESON being but half .s much waste matter—t►ao when the fodder and grain are ted dry and separate. The method tf mixing produced more milk and kept the animals io Cutter flesh. The wetting of tate fodder when fed slow and also when fed with grain, made it more digestible. 'Phe method of feeding the ra- nge as • mixed teed briny) larger pero..t. age of digestible matter than any of the netbods tented. from those foots it is safe to say that the method ot mskiag 0 anted feed of a ration is the best method to edopi io order to have the most complete oonsumpUon and the beet returns for the food consumed. spriest .seeing to Grass. . Hen is what a Measaohusette farmer wttes to Tbe New England Homestead : 1 nasally seed down for mowing. My rule Is 10 to 12 pound■ of western clover, 18 to 20 quarte of herd's erne and a bushel by measure of uncleaned ootbern rsdtop per •ore, cad somstamas this is not enough. Experience hes taught me that if we would reap bountifully we must sow bountifully. I think thee • piste heavily seeded and the soil well filled with gnu roots will stand the dry weather better then me lightly seeders. Part o1 my lard 1e a oly subsoil and part sandy end gravelly. I hare' the beet sarcoses by putting es • good coat of barnyard manure, using from 24 to 3 busbele of oeta per •ore and sowing with gran Beed se described &boys. FARM NOTES. Milk should be set, before or after 000liag, in . badly ventilated room. It needs abundance of fresh air. Western farm papers state that estate stand cold winters better than:tor es. It hag long been thought that horses oould live where cattle would freeze. What bothers us is that either horses or cattle can survive • winter's expoenre W Dakar weather. The railroads are losing heavily on ac- count of the Nye Drives for oero he .1.e Wart. Coro is so low that i1 will not pay to ship it, hence the loss to the rola The fermiers are using it largely ler fuel, for both bat- Img.nd cotlidajf; else for furnaces of engines of ell sorts. Milk should not be pot Into a olosly•oov. voted vessel maul it 1. thoroughly omitted. as olo.. covering emacs st to absorb and rotate the animal dor, or any other unpleasant odor it may ooat•in. Where facility for sclentibo aeration a net •t hand the intik should be est in shallow pees or crosier Ind exposed to • current of pure air. We gather from the Hey Trade Journal that • syndicate of German Catholics have bought the Two Bookie ranch in Crosby county, and will organize epee it 300 Ger- man farmers, wire will grew sugar beets. A sugar factory is to be built or the roach. INJURIOUS FUNGI. The fotlowtnr .re •ming the meet in- jueiows inert tiet effect the products of the garden and orchard. They o.n be readily oo.trolld by the proper applioation of Bordeaux tdtttae, as dirgoted. The usual lifshistory of a pareetic fungus ie, that 1t arises from • spore that is mioro- soopio ; this germinates .ad it... rise to thread like strictures which penetrate the Miura upon which the fungus grows and derives its nourishment. Upon these structures in time spores are produced, as sew sources from which the fungus may de velop and matinee to be injurious to the vitality ot the plants attacked. APPLY seer OR " &'AR "- • This (thous attacks the leaves Ind fruit of the apple, eaosing the " spots " on the fruit. The vegetative portion of the fungus is chiefly around the edge of the spots where the epeltn0 r'« prwd.sad is gnat n umbers. Lt&Pfloe. - -. This disease attacks the pear, causing the leaves to show reddish spota with small pimples in the metre. When the fruit 1. •Stacked it cracks and appears stunted. " BROW;( WIT " Attacks partes, 'dkgrrtttr tett "peetfsee: Tbe Trait affected becomes brownish at Butt, then shrivels sad appears -dried. I. this condition it is termed mummified," gad le ellen treed upon the trees in that krsll. All " mummified " fruit should be and burned, en they oontain spores C1111:111 perpetuate the daemon ..nes. mem!' -,-s= • Tbie tempus appears on the neo of rasp- berries as *mall round or oval patches, with • purple border, end sometimes tomo the leaves as small yellowish spots with dark border. The afforded canes should be out ems aed destroyed by horning. " USAF eLMHT," " ere PORN." This dimes produces very oonspicions spots on the upper surface ot the leaves of the strawberry. The spots are reddish et first. then the entre bloomer somewhat trraylsh " POWDERY att.nOW " This mildew is the well-known blight oro the gooseberry. It thrives is • worm, dry atmosphere, sad sometimes is very deetrno' Nye. At first the berries ars covered with 1r grayish sah.taoee and later neeress a Iowa oolar. " POTATO 11t1sIT ytE /C;,; the potato, nom - matioiag with. leaves and Belly effect• bjt%be tubers, THE NEW TOWN OF " DRYDEN." When Ontario's Moister of Agriculture,' Hen. John Dryden. first undertook to estab- lish his Pioneer Farm near Lake W.biroom, elgkty mils* east of Rat Pottage oe the C. P.R., tow would have predicted that witbw 4*. yew WO .hoold see throe townships tgkssi up by settlers et this point. I'rebably Mr. Drydsa res surprised as auras that the develop•.ut should bays beta so rapid Ie this, as is everytbwg ales he has soder• takes, Mr. Lrydea ham evf.e.d Isle ovoid geed lodestone : bat he bas been aerated ky- le. tide of eveau. ;t was eery fortunate be ardert.ek t s spsdaf sed the Wibyem, amino, fort .1 the Wets wren the wonderful mineral Holiness of Northwestern Owed.' ♦s. weaning te atones huedto& a the distriot Gold minso, ta fest boeetatat• booming Worry. sad every foot of %erten). lora laid esus ���tswwoed ea eabao •d yahoo. sad 0 i• geat d«m•rd. r Thi Iowa -da of Dryden, 1yi«g Meoeits fife Govsrntae.t Term, was 1514. out lase The bee awaits sue survey tem gy lie addit al list* of load is awe bowel rsad %beawm promisee Si le- sion e.stem, • pima, et sews iderably ahem Imam ease thea wee enema. Ossteries stet. to 1110 Wailed slime N "Oaf*" 'ed " We seem hrea. ,-'tan sit the stlere tad et Lb . Iii &NM N medeb+--+ 140 there is N eonoeowea b.Mess the two place. as Ms mese antis lead one to the - poise, god to oe.aeotloa with the latter the Uoverikaeaat aoames nu respoasibillty what- ever. a aro informed that teen leu i. Dryd a ren sold kt raasoaabie prices to me- sal settlers only, and not to specialness a1 •• boom " prices. Sooh is the desire for inform•tiea reseed - lag the locality that the following letter from the farm superiatendent, • sops er which has been sent us by Mr. Dryden. w111 be read with interest :— Drydsa P.O•, April 24, 1897. Doers Sia,—Tbe tall wheat came through In good style ; apparently yeas .t 11 was Winter killed. Oo 18th and 19th we had soros sold weather which ohookd its growth badly. The clover is ooatmeooiag to grew again and 1 saonot find any of it killed or heaved out. Three are now only two Iota ter sale in Dryden Three representatives of English tepitel from Awarder and South Africa have purohaaed iota. two o1 whom, and perhaps the third, will build and make their headquarters there this year. Then are plenty of tabooing men here—e lot too teeny until the summer work ooea- msnots. Five aan o1 settlers' ed ot. ar- rived here yesterday and two more are ex• psoted today. The population of Dryden and vicinity 1s probably 300 or 350. wiled. ism visitors. 'Thee are a lot waiting to buy town lots as soon as more are sarveyd. The saw mill is moping night and day and cannot furnish lumber as fast se is seeded. Board lumber shiplape can be had for about $16 50 and B. C, cedar shingles .t $2.75. Our stores are reasonable. I hays sown clover on the fall wheat. The lend will not be ready for •bent a week. - A. E. Aegis, Superinteadsnle neuralgia's Persistent APRs hag but one source of relict. Nerviline— nerve pain ogre --penetrates to the irritated serves, soothes them into repoee,•ed affords relief almost instantly. The whole range .f medicine affords its paet►llel t, Nerviline • pain reliever. ygptpe Masse Analysed. An American paper protons, to make an analysis of the sound of the bagpipes. and goes on witb the irreverent process that :— •' Big flies on window, 72 per cent. ; cats on the midnight Wee, 114 per cent.: voices of intuit puppies, 6 per cent. ; grunting of hungry pts. in the morning, 54 per pent. ; Memo whistles 3 oar cent ; chant of the cricket, 2 per nat." ltttasl.'. Mursdt. akin Diseases. Relieved in • ditp."`Eczema. salt rheum. barbers' itch. •ad sill eruptions of the skis gelckls. s iIdily cured by 1)r. Agnew'» ()musses. Is wi1l give instant rs- Itef in oases of itebine. bleeding or blind pies, end will ears is from three to six eights. 35 net.. Sold by J. E. Davie. Mad teaselled a " rrotesser.- A sick labouring man, who " had spent his mosey on many physician and was nothing the better—satber worse,'' one day found his way as an est -door patient to the dimmest, of • lane hospital. -Having stated his complaints to the dis- pensary physician be nes naked if be had ever before consulted • doctor regarding his illness ' A doctor," he replied, indigoattly ; " I have ooneultd • professor ' " An ! " said the dispensary physician. "And who. mere I ask, was he ! " v " Well," staid the man " it was Processor (taming a quack). " And," he .dded, amid the laugmNr of the students Presort. 'tI have oomnited many ordinary doctors like yourself. as well." A GRAND TRUNK BRAKEMAN Tell the Story of HI. Exposure—The Fete that Betel Him, and how he wee Re- lieved of hie Spfferings. W. Lavelle, O.T. R br*keman, Allendale, Ont., Days : "Through exposure I ooatraot• d that dread dl.saoe—o•tsrrh. My ace became ohro.ie. I was recommended to try Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. In ten minutes •iter the first application I had re- lief, and in an )aoredibtyy short time all symptoms had disappeared. 1 fed Ioan not speak too strongly w reosmaeieding this remedy. It is • ple•eaatr-llehremd quick Duro." .old by J. E Davy. ' Fever f 'I'hq were driving home late from a par- ty, and she, poor, weary girl, dozed off auto an early morning Dap. Tbe temptation was more than any son of Adam could resist, and he nve her • swift, neatly-execatd kiss. There was no protest from the hall -parted lips so he cautioned the swift, nolselees and portly-.xsonted business When eb' awoke he frankly told her all and barred bar pardon. ' Never'" was the intense response. " Never ! How dare you kise me when I am not in a oomditiob to know It r He promptly remedied that Baer in the one ; and now he has • ling.rteg eto- piolos that she was wide-awake the whole time. The Very rages /or A G. P. D. thief. If you go Into • poet -elfin almost any- where in Mexico. and ask in Eagliab'for • letter, the obliging postmaster, or one of his depatles, will toes out the whole neigh ad- dressed to foreign name., whether It be a peck or • bushel, and tallow you to saint for yourself, quite indifferent as to whether you oonfine yourself to your own or other people's goods Although my oonntrymen are preverbi•i. ly honest, that is allowing rather toe much latitude, as has sometimes transpired, both in matters of love and More. I mot's* that they never work that way with thy bheh%� to>r goer.' bite's, the Marinas themselves' Wise more oarefn!Iy served trews vitiate'. holes slpbabetid•lly arranged. Whether this distillation 1. made because they aro 'melting to to ks extra trouble for " outside barbarian." or because they tune boo well their ewe ike', peeuUierltiss. is a matter of atom jesters. The law. •gatmb ermine other peoples lettere are eve mare ewtlre fa M.xieo than 1• ilmgl•nd. but they tush eat/reed ally enoam Mune et Msziesa birth, and foreign- ers* mod expires eci redress there ter wrong. at Ude Mak ren Iemt dahrew atshima A M.Met of Polley. A bs*atUal and boebtbl roam worms 'et Aro mentoem ewmmers sited gossipy N UM oMee of • Me lasw,aue agrf,and Wigg hist timidly if be could tell her hew long pepte et ♦ e5ehin age weald lila "Madam; NaOWd the ateal, .soghyg rooP"tfdly b.bind . nrsekrat e, and lbw. bee Mbit aura t• her,hereare oar Wks otiatata all Iles aM••!.a iii?, pea sum d1drwe, . " Wells° .0.12tistirt Ma 14 1144 IPS* 16 lot*. - mat `,`ani, asimpi.• to plied the agent, 'rho so.old on the averadv, *arrive eleven years, three inmate earl Mx• Seen days" " That." a•id the visitor. " would be tall eame .chs In Jaanary.madam, 1908." .... Bicycle Praoiesfy manias, oa the average a:• ps*t•titu of mort•iity. for we must all die, turd it is. therefore well to Inoue mono* loss to loved ones :n a oompwy wows char- - ' Livery. napier—" "Acid how mach oould .l Insure his life for Y' "tike ter any amount—say ten thousand pounds !" he answered, taking up • bleuk form of •ppllwtion. "let me recommend the exceptional advantages offered by our non•forfeltebls endowment policy." " W ell," said the young woman, " thea I think I'll marry him." • Insure bpm, you mean, ' oortjeoted the 'wle's "No, marry him ; you Moore him. You see,' she added, with • buret of confidence, " 1 love Herbert, and Mr. Dawkins is old enough to be myigrandtather. But Herbert is poor, ase I just worship Mr. Dawkins' balance at his banker's. And Herbert is very patient. and says it I will only fix • day, no matter how long he w111 have to wait. be will be boar. Now, yea say lir. Dawkins will die by January, 1909 ; end as it wouldn't be dens.s to marry WWI till I've been • year to mourning. I'll arrange to marry Herbert on the let of April. 1909, and 11 Mr. Dawkins doesn't die by then you'll at... ten thoueaod pounds." A child was curd 6f neap by seine or two of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. A osigb- bor's child died of the same dread dimaee, while the father was getting ready . .11 the doctor. This shows' the neosmlty d having Ayer's Cherry Pectoral snItfegi V band. The Duchess ot Cleveland, mother of Lord Roseberry, who recently celebrated h er seventy-seventh birthday, is an ardent and oonstant traveller. She has only betel returned to Loodoo teem the Cape of line Hope and aha Transvaal India is • Dation of p•wbbrokumeille _ - Ing to General Booth. The Wires tkl.k the olive:opt man he who devise the largest n umber of ways by which to borrow money. They put in pidn their lands. oxen. iswel- ry, themselves, their children, and their grand child ren. W ben fevers and other epidemics are around, gaiety lies is fortifying the system with Ayer's Sarsaparilla.. A person ravine thin and impure blood, is in the most tarn- ish!' °sedition to ' catch " whatevecIIis- eau may be floating in the air. Be wise is time. - tips* a fins In Nes Jiiii i gr ey open, ttoit, including growth, is laid to be ear on by electricity—electno plows. eleotrie sowers. their crepe being - ee Perfection in bull the ordinary ordinary Itipie trio (torrent. while at night MO faro _.b bright with *Metric light. --- AN- AUNT'S ADVICE. • BROUGPT A YOUNG LADY OUT OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH, • • .$ZHARKARLs OAS' THAT VIVIDLY SHOOTS FOURTH SEASON After three years of successful work we open our Bicycle Livery again this year, and trust we shall have a season equally succehsful, if not in advance of those of the past. In `addition to the larger nual- ber of Bicycles ..for hire we have this year added a Tandem, which will no doubt be appreciated by those who desire to go in couples. Al kinds of repairing carefully and rapidly attended to, and a vulcanizer has been secured for the rehabilitating of old tires. The Teaching Academy will also- be tsobe maintained with itl® usual eitik, L_ .r Remember the akl and reliable place Kingston•*t: YULE'S ICYC-LE-- LIVERY - The Kellsisfftof F mitiire Co. Ltd. ARE IN WANT oi DRY ELM, BASS- _ , WOOD, BLACK ASH. Fop, BALE AW, --A BANGAIN •0inirr role Ca'b or INtokesigo See Iittaaber. Lumber for Sae Pacific Telegraph Canadian . Patronise True .ComnetItIon. Tun OaNAotae PACIFIC RAILWAT OO ■ TOL.Wrisrir hes been N4bliebed to give the public a first -ohms eervlus with fair cod pe- manont oompetltlos. 11 is tuatugedoa melee* trlwept as and la the Interest of 1te patrons. It deserves the support of every person who belfevee In competition. or quirk despatch wee tate Cam Hies, connecting with all Once and rah y In Slatted Nates. Canada and eurosie. Direct through wires to all ante In the Northwert,Aritleh Oolnmbb and Pacific Coast Qmce—south tilde Wee.I. immures. Low Manager Oeder'iel 1897 .!.y. . Aratounteement. New floods axed Best, Vaieteri-- in the Tailoring line at the old -established and reliable Weet-st Emporium. Satisfac- tion guaianteed in ►,Quality Style and Price. HUGH DUNLOP - Wall' Paper -- The Ooderles Lumber(Ltd) hag for 'sal Y the Harbor andet the .Yard o. the Q.T.R. track. BIm. Ash. and Basswood and Pln., Heroloek and Cedar Lumber in all lengths and and Cedar Pert.. Alro Slab. In any quantity. An uptown office for the sale of Millwood, (Slabs, sta.) has hese establlehed at the store of HARPER & LER, who are empowers.' to accept orders and receive payments for our uptown trade in that lute. 5.tf THE OODERICH LUMBER CO GEO. THOMPSON, 11 Manager.' THI WONDERFUL HEALTH RESTORING POWER Or DR. WILLIAMS' POHL PILL ' 1 Telephone No. 61. /roc the Orangeville Banner. • There u .o doubt at ell that many people are prejudiced against proprietary medi- cines, and equally no doubt malty look upon the testimonials published es much in the nature of an exaggerated puff. It the Banner has bean tinctured with this feeling it has, se ter as one medicine is ooncerued, had its doubts removed. We refer to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, soaoerning On cura- tive ga•litias of which strong nano have been made, and proofs advanced in their support which seemed equally strong. Bat i0 is when one mimes &arose in their own locality a ease &Imam nesting any that have been made public, that doubt disappears and conviction foilowe. Snob a eau the Banner came actress ud wyestigated and now gives the fame. The ease se that of Mies Sarah Longford, tie estimable young lady who resides in the neighborhood of Camilla. We wen told she h 4 -br'ilik'°W aih''e door and had boas rester"' M health through the agency of Dr. Williams' Ptak Pills. We decided. however. to ore hearsay aside cad rove ti - sea f or onreelvea We found Min'Lsngford the pioture of health and good spirits, at her pleasant hole at Camille. In reeponee to our en- quiries as ao her Wales and age ether bee reoov(rv, she expreseed her williagasee to satisfy oar curiosity, and as she added. relate her imperialism tar the good of other &Meted as also was : " I had l• grippe in the spring of 1.8*. I did hot seem to wt over the effects of the attack, and as the Summer pro. Reword teem* week .hd listless, Aay kind of work became a burden to me. afar pumping • pail of water from the well. I would have re stead sad hold my hands ever my be art for • moment or en, 10 world flutter to violently. I amid not go epeteirs Without difboulty, ani towards the fast would have to rest me the .tape and when I gip to the top, l'e down until I 000ld recov- er my breath. I became • men 'kelate., ay *hooka were like wax sad my Zips oojog. era I ie*t all appetite and my meals atm went untamed. Medloine seemed be hsv• no effect upon no. 1 was gown, weaker •11 ►hi time, sad at last began to give op hope of recovery. My parents were ot wane is Brest distress, end I ens* by the looks acid actions of friends who called to sea no that they thought I was doomed te e a early death. Then • dear lady friend did and I managed oat of love for her a drag emelt to her funeral Th..enation of sonny her laid away, believing that I would soon follow her, was • utranes one. Shortly after tiller an anet of mine, Mra Het Henderson, of Toronto, mane to visit se ear plea& My eeadit6on troubled her very moots, and she insisted on my trying Dr, Williams' Pink Pile, To please her I eeasested but with little bop. of uy good Malt The effect, however, was wonderful sada pgap aMt surprise to me. 1 wee began to foei sore 'heerfeI and seemed to is*l streamer. Thea my .spoilto began le im- prove &rod miler 'niters to my ebake sad lips Opal 4pre I steadily raised streagtb, acid was *owe atjayhog my farmer lorati.ss heel* sod I ea sinesn ti orb k P�my belied that that Dr. w111hM'n de I awe my rawron.e etre amass senator corroborated Mier i a.r ars is More se to Wm illness sad rllmartb&&b►it.. reee erv. 1m her oats tat least Dr. WdWms' Pak Pills base evoke 'Sik- kim peeef that thew poises. wehdstfal metiM. , Dr. �Viutsnts' ;Ask Ptlle.mer by geiag ta litlttea.eed the dim.a They resew nail belle ty aha *51504, .04 semggebeaa the w arree. tam ebtelse She *Wm tree lbw mem. Aral lealteelasa et lasisibeg their 004Wy beet yes plaretwas dd �easissstl la a 1re' ; - t, a Dr. • 'KOOTENAY About ten years ago I dist became afflicted with Itheumattm and Gout, and during the last ten years I have been treetpd,by several phesledens, and they all advised me that it seas Impossible to cure me hero, and that the only remedy for me was tomo to a warmer climate. 1 wins oonflned to my house lest December owing to the disease, and wee unable to do any work whatever. I commenced taking the Hooleuay Cure which Mr. 8. 8. Ryckman, M. P., gave me about the middle of April last, and after abontone week's tieing this needlessness sufficiently cured to be able to start driving • bread wagon, which work required me ooeatahtly getting au and off my wagon. The pains which I always bad In my aides eempletereems, art Tsffi tieW able 141 work without any pain whatever. la thapast I have suffered almost lode:meth silo agony from this dlaeaae. My general health has wonderfully improved since taking itis medidne. Sworn to by MICHAEL H. DWYK)l, el Looming Street, Hamilton. used ger' pamphlet to 11. IL ii rcerlt&H Mi - Ont. CuREs 1111 Ii!"1III ISM For TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS DUNN'S':. BAKING POWDER THECOOICS BEST FRIEND LAt10[ST SAL[ IN CANADA. MN(f- NTA1t ARMSTRONG BROS. Pump & Fannig 1111 Works 1211.O7:dS1RI08, O141T. PaMP S tAila aierr A legate stank el very cholas Pumps. nmenu- faaarad item esesad Muskoka quartered Mae with Marts ear sot. Then Pompe ar'e manafartarod In • number of styles to raft everybody and every place. Very they werwigg pompe for deep we11.. Iron pod opined top ptmtp. tor eshool- yard.. Mute mumps. eta. PUMPS SAT 1l'S111ra ter sypent� gg eras oft..watering gaN.ad, fix rpor kili•ud give. to bwlinga��� =n iOamps. > �er WO M eke . stn, ill- woo WogNNh4 A well Iia?. L �.�"Mmiri�mo,il ow A**t$?ROIS IRROS I,; ;d Out A NEW STOOK, °' WAL-#.-SER LATEST DESIGNS Thanking my customers for past favors, I beg to anaounoe that I now carry a stook or Walldaper, and hope to give satiefeetioa In this line, GEO. WATSON PAINTER AND DECORATOR. Montreal -et, near the Market. Cakes, Pies, Tarts. Ready Sao the . . Call at D. CANTS ;oWa, the leading • bakery, for -our Party .14es and Puff Paste Tarts, Oyster Patties, Mince Pies, Short Bread. All kind' of Cake; kept on hand. Orders left by-len..in -the- morning and delivered the same day. r. Wedding Cake.—Ornameuting ma' decorating of the latest designs wt a fancy assortment of Wedding Cake Ornaments. Almond icing a specialty. ens TIIINarB grapiteivali a 4•:: ire! 494.iinkto /)' (1i ) ..yRi.a.� .• are fteeee.&ry ie iaaMkind, then how much more so are they to the better part---wotnigi f As they ars so mime - sexy you tthonld see that what you get are good, thus wing in cash and health. Tinware or Oranitww•re bought from us is always geed, and as the latest invention. are always Mtided to oar stook a better aeleotiOm 5atlnet be bund in Canada. STOVES AND FIJRIICES d00111sEs line d Acores and hes V the County. a a EARPRR`