HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-5-6, Page 5•
Seasonable Goods !
The Sneet goods, and all warranted fast colors.
Line, 10e. •
All lovely designs. from 8 to 12ic a yard.
Novi is the time to buy your Lace Curtains. Our prices
will suit you. See our =1:00 Curtain : nothing like it in
town for the money. Other lines from 45c up,
is the regtaieot add is the year 1868 he was
Wee kis dbohar*e, bedding the mak of
Sargeant. He exhibit* with pardonable
pride five good ouoduut badger *worded
him at different periods daring hI
tern of survive. Sergeant Herbert wed ow
duty with the 201,b regiment et the corona-
tion of Queen VWtoria in Leaden Tower is
the year 1838. The army Gad navy vete-
rans ot Toronto have uoder oosaidewation
the advtsibillty of bolding • oelebraMoo of
their own oa.Juoe 2Etd, _one of the chief
features of which will be t>Sep.rade,4ead
led by three men who took part id the core
moniee of Her Mejesty's ooroaatba,aamely,
ETC. - Peter Sheppard, of Niagara Falls ; Sergent
Major Hubbard, et Paris ; and Sergeant
Joseph Herbert of Seafortb. Sergeant
Herbert is still bale and hearty and oan pet
around more actively and amine to enjoy
lite with as moon rebels as most Ninon
twenty-five years his junior. That he one
be long spared to enjoy his w.0 eared
honors is the earnest wish of a large circle
of friends.-Seafortb Expositor.
river was very high o- Meoday.
FULL LASSORTMENT in all other lines -Dry Goode Herring have been biting freely the past
and Ready -Made Clothing. prices the Lowest
Jordan's block, 81st Aero 181?.
Drew Goode Sale -Colborne Bras------
Goderioh Barons Cestre-Jae. Rallisses 4
Lawn Mowers- R 1V. McKeon/I - 8
FDerrant Wanted -Mrs. Hooter .. -_»::,.4
Lac. Curtain Selo -J. T. Aoke•oa 8
An Anne. Advice-Fallord k Co 7
Wall Piper -Geo. Watson 4
An Steeliest Lice -F. M. Dank•*6
What You Want -Smith bros. & Co8
'Pion 66-0 F Bmereoo 4
URR-At her late residence, Westar, on
Baturt•v. Mev let Mary groan, wife of
ices. Robert Ure h
.D.. la her 76th year.
Ifc�p ugh IioOntt•Ren` aged 661iyeeaiAprU
WILLIAM. -IIs Qoltiorse. on Sunday. May
tad 6.g t�tilla 8•nh.oely daughter of Roby
• NYrYaM, !"N years. Caueasiemend a
If 'serve a Rel. 6s a' ler Coeds. 1 rede
ire serol hit a Chee1Y Amanita Ye
Takla' Enos. as' late RV7i
creat 1L* -Emma.
Are you wearies one of Pridltam's Spring
e1lre 1 Ir net. It 1. time to sprit* into one, as
they are fashionable
P,rilement is again sitting. but the pretty
ladies stat were erten tor photos at Sallow.'
the oast week make the better laws sad are
equally end judges of • eabinet.
H1 WILL Jroos AGAIN. -A MOD jAllan
has ague be appointed • trait judge by the
manages; of the Montreal Exhibition tor
WALL PATNA -J. Yates has • complete
stook. Call and see tor yourself and get
prices for wall paper sad window blinds at
J. Yates' bookstore.
Mleslo" BAND. -D MoGillivrsy who ar-
rived in tows from China els Wednesday,
will be present at the meeting of the YOGA -
liven Minn
olitlliveny'Mi.sbn Bead os Saturday nett at
3 r lt.,•ad will address the ohildrsa. Altars
cordially invited.
A Taaneixu Corra( - Gderiob has
seemingly become • triols; centre for
racers Gad trotter,. and ie likely 10 oontutue
as *ooh on amount of its ezalle•t nada.
Almost say clay the best heroes to Huron
may be mesa exercising on Oar streets or utak•
Ing tet time on the, Aerioalteral Park
LAID To R1sr.- Oa Friday led the re-
mains of the late Rev. Jena MsaG1Uivr y,
B. A , K 1) , were placed in the grave at
- IitatlbTPli T'»ieMerl. y. Tenants-
aunt of the severity of the weather at the
time ot desth the teeket wee placed in a
vault until Sprtog, hence the Interment as
m.0 ttooe d.
Fon BIrTLR Rostra - ioat week (i. W.
Thompson started sweeping the road as
front of his store, and was soon followed by.
the merchants geoeraliv, so that to • few
Hours the Senors was clear of •'I dirt and.
000seguently, much more healthy. Io ad-
dition to making the air *oro salubrious
the gathering of the street refuse will re
dune the quality of water seeded to water
the streets, as there will be less loose earth
to swallow t1.
Tres Noevt<xia Is PaoaRratstx. -The
Gderiob Soars.., which is now under
woe ia monied with marked mneoas., is
fact, Falledok Colter, Dist. Mgr of the
company, ltaye ha has never found any tows
mors progressive in tithing bold of a thing
of tht. kind. Mr. Mallows is already tam-
ing out many ohoist bite of soeeery which
will erne the book and these together with
oats of up-to-date business bons. -bort
exterior and int.dor-promise te snake the
book what it M iate.ded to be, • true re-
prea.ntat re of Godedab.
Tut Tearless. MMltbr ite..a. ytoaa1
ertrir„ .. vee R..AV
rare -woes
be held in Exeter en 11•y a1.Q$ Obis being
the only macho they will bald title year.
The program ie as interesting one, and a
subject that will sot be the levet interesting
is that by H. 1. Strong os " Effeob of the
H. M. Regnl•tiooe on the Qaalifioationa of
P. 8. Tambora" Tb. evesise eatar-
t•loi..5 will have 'as i4. close haters •
dimension on " Silty Yeses • Qae.a- 4 Re-
troopeet,"'ta widish six well kaewa meetbere
of the t sobtne pretend.. will speak .f the
▪ developments erhMh have teethed the teles
of ear Queen
ON rut (korstmet0y,--T . Canada Late
t .. Jetereal Of Apo it -1T sati t ••'ih. set be prs-
vide for the assnelidsWt► Of the standee of
Ontario hens/ Meat& sod the work kslat
well ander soy, we ma] h.pm the et the
elms of the year we .hail have this helpful
revision on oar beefs shelve. We ate slid
to amine thss J. T. Oserrow, Q Q, of God.•
rich, was. os Msnb 3014, sia. added se a
ammi.slone, No batter appointment
mold have heel siege. He fa an skis is*•
vs.. with wade etpsrlssee aid at Mend
Judgment sed sill odd streaeth be the
comm lodes. "
Tin Juntas to Ncwoota-L oeneeettes
with the appreaehi.R ilfassMd Jubilee et
Her Mr(esiy. she Mlellauf•ef 1N..MM. use
Weed a ekealar to Ma beheld Isepaot es
Iblhipilista the Preview espmeeltre that
1hs'y direst tbo tisoban of their reipa $rs
fulteelettal di.t.le - - ' --•- therids•
tlSnlawe • tare to
.f of
be•riaft epos the progress made in senses,
Wrestles and dac•tloo. to addition to
this, Mr. Koss soya, the history of Canada
ist relation to the Empire might with great
advent•ge be 000etdered in briet address*•
by the trustees nod other.. Mr. Row also
•nggests that • portrait of Her Majesty
approprualy framed be placed is every
Mr -Kis /wt. --On Wednesday of Inst weak
the remains of the late Neil McKinnon
were interred in blaitlaud amatory, Capt.
Gibson and Meows. Jas. Buchanan, R.
R. Sallow*, A. Mole. Allao, 1). Stoddard
and N. Molex being the pall bearer*. Re-
ligious services were held et the house and
at the grave by Revs. J. A. Aaderaoo, Jos.
Edge aed W. Godwin. Th. late Neil Mo -
Eason had lived only • few years in Gods-
rlob but his positron •a market oleek had
made him widely knows throughout the
adjoining townships. The deosasd gentle-
man had been ill • ooauderable time and
for enemy tarotbs previous to his decesaa
eats been-minn•t$y .r *kstIy Mindy -fie
wee born 1 Scotland 79 yew ago and came
be Canada when • boy with ha family. -Re
resided in the neighborhood of Orangeville
until some eight or nine yew since wino
be moved to Laekoow where he lived five
yeti and thea moved to Goderioh.
McGRATTAN-Hugh Mo(,r•ttsn, one
she old madame et -floderich sad viol•
atty, died at bis residence, oorner of Bay•
field road, on Friday, atter a long illness.
The deceased. who was in hs 61st year,
five or atz years previously met with a se-
vore accident whereby on. e1 his thighs
was crushed, and for • long time after the
aocident his lite was deepair.d of, but his
strong oonstitation wqn the battle and be
was finally enabled to move around again.
Mt McGnttes was born in Co. Down, Ire -
Led, and he left the old Ind for Caned•
about 1868 He married 19 veers sines,
Jane, daughter of the late James Young, 01
t,oderlon township. The funeral took
pine from his late residenos to St. Peter's
ohuroh, thence to the R C. oemetery, Col-
borne township the pall bearers being
Deputy -reeve, Thompson, Councillor Col-
well, and Menem P Lynn. DnII.-Aiasstrong
and Neville.
A NARROW EscArt -Oe Sate Mat? at
some fiat oars were being token to the dock,
the engine they were attached to, seeming-
ly, refused to act when sed. and the
rails being wet and slippery, the train made
good time. As' it passed the harbor saw
mill It wet ruining rapidly, and just beyond
it it came to contact with • umber of
oars, some of which were loaded, the oon-
sequence being that two flet ow were bad-
ly damaged, One of them benne broken
snows the entre. The driver and gond
sew that a oollu:oo was inevitable, never-
theless they kept to their pate. and an
• wviog of commendation for snob • strict
sdberenoe to duty. The low to the G. T.
will W considerable. bat if the accident of
Saturday prevents 'future ones, it still be •
cheap lesson Perhaps the fester* most de-
• erviss of notice in the miraoeleos escape et
itenaft, who wvwOmdtat'rn
idg flat car. Noticing that somethint wee
wrong, he thought of jumping off,bet think-
ing that the oar might turn over on him. re-
fnioed. While he was thinking et other
means of mops Lbs oars cisme together, and
as they closed he jumped. An eye-witnees
of the mash Nates that wham Rees jowled
the la- broke under him. and the broken
Mmes. rising, .trunk Mr. Rist•Il's feet, and
the torus of the blew, added to the jump,
made him rise some nice or ten feet. Strange
to relate, Roes Dame down on his feet, and
wet seemissly barb the worse for hie high
jump. -
RIaourrlo$ a it QOs'DOLLNCt -At 'the
last regalar meeting of Xareks Ooasoil No.
103 R T. of T., the following resolattos of
oondoleu Os was passed and directed t0 be
presented to Mr. sad Mn. Reid :
&ante Council.. No. 103, R. T,,A1j
OODIRIC1, 11*? a.
To Mn. Anis. Yee. Joie Rein.
Utas Ftrtxuo.-Sineie it has pleased
Almighty God in Hie i.fl•ito wisdom to re-
move from your home by the hand of death,
a most lovlst sad dutiful son, we. the
• members of Eureka Connell No. 103. Royal
Templar. of Temperance take this opper-
tem y of extesdinr W you our heartfelt
.e Abe in vena marl 1,•.•avems .,.:w,..
the death et out a
brother, James A Reid. we, ae a soolety.
Mie Leet one of our most eeriest nod faith -
fel woken, tae who put forth every effort
is bis power to farther the clue of temper -
ase ; use who. was seldom absent from a
mnttng of the society, and one whams opin-
ion wee always sought neon all goestieaa
pertaining to the cause ever dere.& to his
But although we seism kis death, we
have .peat reams to Pelotas is oke • masons
Mss ke ls sew a* role is that Heeuoy
Palsies where in dr.rk.rd'shall eater, far
he Mewed es by hie Mile 11h that be wee
a f.ithhl fellow., of the meek and lowly
JOmms. Rs was a example rat iteseet
Christian Being, and them wt$kaals5455
bee* laved him meet.
Msy the greet God of .11 Trialnm Instals
yes beth 1. Ate year hour of s ffl'mine, and
ma His arms sad levies arms he under.
r Gad relied about yet•te bear you up.
Slimed es behalf of We Nasal
• ix. SOAtrrsttt. s.
�. t t A. $.us.
A Verssow.-h is. perhaps„ est raid
ally kiaiwa that We hove la this Wire air
•f ats4 Yoddeat. Who bee. is days apes M.
dl llgltilslMsd kiaaaen he IM latish array.
Ser meet Joseph Herbert, tithe bee needed
is 0•a1.5h fee oinit.l year. Is M hi.7llh
repoaed rejeieee in W sets birthday e
Valletta MI Mese el the oldest ow -
reek of Has Maio*, is Deemta, Melee
eiletet.d the EOM reeini•rt es July fen.
1817. H. bead sl the esberdl--a- -Mini.••
The sohoopee Cr•tt•.sliith* 'ppvr. of We'
ly finished.
Lumber. grain and coal hurdling ,*ploy
many men at present.
The yard and mill of till GoderitillrLam-
ber Co. is o bus, eoeoe these days.
The contractor for the engine house ex-
tension will soon have the job finished.
It is said that most of the river boat
hooses will be put up on Harbor Island this
There wee • heave fog on the lake on
Monday morning, and the same was duly
•anouooed by the top who'll'.
The schooner Todmaa,l;vain A. Lawson,
sailed on Tuesday for Griffith blend to Load
lumber for the (iodertah Organ Co.
Soba. Koifael arrived in port from the
River on Monday evening, loaded supplies
for Johnston's Harbor and sailed for:that
port yesterday.
The new tug, it is ezpeoted, will be
launched either on S•torday or Monday.
The launch wflt,pot be so attractive as those
from the dock used to be, as many thought
the drop from the dock to the harbor • bet-
ter naw than Gay's minstrels.
C,G0ML aAND.00INM --
,4i06.42ss'•fy is yids Weis raotarj].•.
-bow., .f listjsay was lie iiws
MO wee,!_
Deo. Baird, of Stanley, spent 3atalky in
Dr. Bance, of Clinton, was tam oa
e•tazday-.--- .
wins you treat the garniture
end oodwork *11h
Brightens them up Ike sew
Wort putttne away -prevents rust
Ws set supply al. kinds
Sassafras Blood
and btom•oh flatters
-a good 8pring
Biter than the old way. leadcleses or balk.
D4uiond,1 urklab. and St to lard YES
and other 1lprpos neon, tri w
F. M. DrTNHAM Chemist and Drug ii
Tone up your
horses for steins
work with our
Canada if they wen selected as pa01 of
Hoo. W. denier's body guard Uri the /dia-
mond Jubilee.
Another lot of dress goods jell iosyined
at Robinson's.
The Senile Observer says : " Our enter-
prising lumbermen, W. T. Manny A Co.
are orowded withatcdien •ad are allijppfat
carloads daily.*
A well -knows dgsra wan lost to
last week, one of the town's pet intents hay -
Lim dislodged from its fountain at,jy
some evil-dmposed person.
'One evening last week while st.sdfs4 5*
the Square end of West -.t we minuted 29
bayolns an the Square and 12 oa Weet-et, a
total of 41 in sight at one tame.
Notice of changes must be left at this
Office not later olein Saturday
noon. The Copy for change.
must be lett not .later than Mon
day noon. Casual Advertisementa
accepted rap to ager Wednesday of
each weak.
-;r _Traveling Guide.
5511.4.. - ...•..0-iUt*. .
Then are two requisite, ter batter and m 1 .
req 11[.11 and =spree•.... �.. , mac 0. a pm,�.
cheese making. namely pure water and pure Ml,Asr• •
sv watt, ward a ..sling epeag wiit•darsieb thr viii ,. w >cag,
first, add Rioe's Pore Salt the second. MaI and ][sprat"•.' ._ D•ni
l[tx ed..
Mrs. ChM. Blaek.t.ss *NMI ID lfliston
Lest lhudsy.
S. Hannah, of Se.hltti web' is Mia musty
town os Thursday.
H. J. D. (.nk., barrister. of Hss•oll, was
to tows es Friday.
R. S. Soott, of Clineon. was among our
visitors last Saturday.
.1. T. Garrey, Q.C., M.PP„ was 1* the
Quoea City the past west.
J. Carey, of Southampton. visited
Harem's oeauty'town Saturday.
Mrs. A. E. Fens was present at the Clin-
ton 000eert o* Thursday eves/rte. -
P. Maloosties, Decrease,' et Laoksow,
spent Sunday at the family residence. •
Mn. Shaw, of Colorado, is in town on •
visit to her oak easter, Mimi Gram Lee.
W. H. Witte; .,f Seatortb, was in town
lest week and had an evening with Pina-
Town Clerk and the Mine Mitchell at.
tended the concert in Clinloo last Thursday
MiM Isabel Proudfoot. who was so seri-
ously ill, 1e, re are plowed to •nnennoe, im-
proving daily.
A. E, Firm was in Seaford' the past week
seeing if Pinafore would likely be • profit-
able fit for that .urg.
Master Thos. Swartz is recoyering from
the very severe illness that .t one time was
expected to prove fatal.
JOo. 8. Cameros returned from Kmgetes
on Setardsy and took ..neige of • clan in
the, Collegiate on Moeda)
LOCAL NEWS tri.__. -
Have you sprayed your trees.
The epeoktlitl Steel, genion opened on
Monday. •
The nio.etithhlj Mi girls in •
L mature. e
The r.oretistee advanced. 5.1.ti0s eon-
siderobly. /
May day ass one of the dreariest days
tot weeks.
Don't toeiret the bargains in curtain. at
The sewer ooatraotore had to stop work
ea Saturday.
Time and this Hors. Tine --May 24th
hour -8 r. r..
Telio • look .t the dress goods Robinso.
le offering for 253.
Then was • shower of ambles on the
Spare as Wednesday. •
Several new awnings were pat ea last
week by merchants on the Square.
The foundation for Wm. McLean'. hoose
on Elgin Avenue is nearly Aateked.
J. J. Hood's black Spanish and miler
Wyandotte ego .tin holds tie yolk. I
hisead l .asst.. r -At 11..E
days W eatCblbe spas
Rebs M.Lean shipped to flit les18/44
berme be the Motherland op T1s'day.
Oa s000aat of the rain the pas►'*rub 1111'
• dell one for dry goods and milliary.
Regular meeting of Maitland lodge No.
36 A. F. and A. M. next Tuesday evening.
Tits addition to Jobn.tea MoBrien's r•si-
deso• as Waterloo -et L sr* ready for Mai -
Hates Raoampmont * I. O. 0.F.
will moot is Regales s adtt.l oselay
Fruit growers •5.eM A UMW
fr.ttltbl•srw iw`hh,, tt16.
setardinely. > r
We are rivet to sadar.baad ober thelffs-
gram for the Diame.d Jubilee o lsbntioe le
sew beim prepared.
The 0oderlsh bolder works is a bine M
industry jet* sew. 05rystsI having • fall
staff *ad lot,-ot weak.
If tis t amebae 0I oho Wools dab Neale
dear the .buss mit swim.*
nod etb0t
titre would bo ices tttlihood .f asseidestit
Mr. sad Yew fib. C. Ret& kayo moved
.•war W Me toddles Is the dwellias'
a. Wen .s moss* eeaepled by the 11i0w
,A *smite* et rimsmk..rho Iefb t.ws e.
14aadaynmeufsig fir aMgltberbIR burr sod
N01TOL-The local agency in Dungannon
for Tel Btari.z L at Chapatti. of J. 0. Ward.
J.P., oonveysooer. &a, wit* will receive or-
ders ter eat*crip�ttl1o�nis•., advertising and 1
work, and is authorised to Rtve r.00pte
amounts paid for the esma.
1tUUSDAY, M.y 4
STILL Banta Moss A AT1D -Ttlfl
SIGNAL. with its fund of and make up
d the latest foreign sews. la Seine more
and more appreciated.
Itenierosso.-Owing to your bumble
soribe triune been unwell for a few days
past, be has not been able to be around to
collect pawing local events.
Cuuocn Norsk- On Sabbath Int Rev.
Christopher Keine, of Hensall, oecupisd the
pulpit in the Methedtet pk*trb eery accept-
ably. He 1s a son of John' Kine Gorrie.
E. L-Sui:ieot on Monday, May 10th.
" My Favorite Bible Proverb, and Why."
by Min 9. MoM.tb, and short papers by
member.. Meeting to commence at 7:30 P.M.
COMING AND GOING. -A. R. McKay, from
Trinity Medical College, and Min Maggie
MoKay, who have beep attending Alma
College, St. Thome, retdtned here on bleu -
day evsaing last.
In consequence of the Episcopalian manse
having recently been sold to Jame Rose,
the enemata and popular implement *gent
here, Rev. Mr. Armstrong and family moved
into a neat dwelling on Albertus, leased
fern John Gay.
Recovsatxo.-It is with pleasure we
nee that Hngh Girvio,ex-reeve of Ash6eld,
who has for a tenth of time been unable to
len the house owing to an attack of sci-
atica, is slowly gettiag better, and, nothing
preventing, will soon be able to resume his
CONvAI.VarrSC SLOWLY. -Mrs, Jas. Rue,
who has been iii, u gradually recovering.
Mrs. John Glen (nee Rmit6), who has
ben for a length of time seriously ill, is al.
beat 66nYalke cint. Tfieii1.b of -ilii` " se
Merriam L1.i> is..
..Coderloh,1 t. wen
of M oleic and Theory-•etperienoed
Corner Elgin and Wellesley Streets. Gads
doh 2i
APPLZ8. Why are them to pedlars
at Half Price 7 Bring them to G. E. KING.
WIrtg]tam, and get full value for them. O. E.
RING. ' , 19-11
• Tonsorial Artist.
tJ . Hot and cold baths on premises. Pea-
toaming,sh.mpool.g and every other requit'e-
meat carefully attended to. and none but coma
ppeetent Sands employed, Williams' odd Nand.
Mclean's new block. next door to British Ex
theme MOWN 96-11
New Machine Shops.
of Repair Work done at Reasonable
Prices. Farming Implements forests. Mach-
inery. new and second hand, bought and sold.
Engines and Boilers for gale. tttasd-Bete.
old wagon shop oorner Victoria and Trafalgar
Streets. J. BA.kTEB 8UN01MA N. 69-11
fit uateone Va
vast. Referenoes required. Apply to
Mrs. Homer, North -•t, , 11)0Y WA WANTED -AGOOD Sif•ARTBOY
about 16 Years of •Re wanted to learn
Printing. Apole at 7.11 SIGNAL olio,.
of friend. is that tiny willaontinuo in the
restoration to former health
ANNUAL Mawn No. -At the annual meet-
ing of the Dungannon Publie Library on
Monday evening in the reading room the
following business was trane•ct€U : Election
of offioen, sale of maveflial and dairy
papers, reoeivisg ot librarion'a end treas-
urer's reports, oto. Further reference in
Iwrtamet T. -Tia interment of the re-
mains of the late Mts. Rodman, wbioh took
place on Tuesday, the 27th inst., was large-
ly attended by sorrowing relative and
Meade Prem quite a distaoa• The pall
betsmn were 11. J. Crawford, Wm. Smith,
David Glen, Rees Andenos, Thomas Little
and Thomas E. Derain. The obsequies
were solemnly oenduoted by the pastor.
>, It. Fatrb.tro, witted by Rev. Mr.
AiAetreng abd Rev. Mr. Sorsa.
lie man wean to be a woman 'longer than
it would take to show hie wife that be can
improve on her m.thode.
1f you wish to find ons the weak points 1n
the character of y ene of yoott female
friend., on M ,Teale.
Tal liar.
ttarOs. April i •76
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I+ M Prn.o,l tum. ge.pty d1r
j�e�iyMie? souring es IOW
'[as member, e1 •`_ 11•'1411". Op �.,it• eft Crane•miltri bo if "coda r a• rs.
15.110015 i• I'.,.at al - tl .1 ert10R .0 tent d •T0.°t Mu, •`�•
*araaarrizoR stoat.
Stabil., Ia.
To Think of a.
DSES 10R SALE -A NtJMIa n of
I.) hive, of Bees are for sale. Tern. reas-
onable. Apply to 1[118. GED. COX. Britan-
nia Road•- 1.641
and palntd this Bites : only three
years old ; boot Is about 16 feet Iron and 4.
light. ?Vat claw H
boathouse on arbor island.
15. euttit for $20. Inquire at this office.
eombined seed dri11 Ln good working con
dition, *leo the best iNso barrow manatac-
tnred to Cased., the only diad with spring
pressure on the inner port of disco. I have
Woo the common ditto. The bet 1s the cheapest
it you study your own interewg you will not
buy nstll you see the new BMA° fits Disc
manufactured by Neta Brea., Ingersoll. and
sold by.70H5 KNOX.
Notioe to aredliella
Sheer 11e taaoy good ones,
Gaffe finita as good as
The Season for Colds he
not over yet.
We expect CO .11 more
during MARCH and Aron.
h.o In all the rest of the
J. -&-DAVIS-0,:--
Medical lieJJ.
For sale or To Rent.
rear Station. MR9. A. 11. !HEP -
HARD. - 19 tt
-situated in the oast buglers, centre is
liedertcb. The property compiles* two
dwellings, one well-equipped grocery store,
one ud-to-date machine and blauksmlth shop.'
Reasons for selling, lack of railway •room•
modatlon. Clear title man be gives. A splen•
did chance for the right mac. Apply to D, K.
STRACHAN on the premien 81-tf
A or toeing, the dwelling on Nelson -et. •t
present occupied by F, timeetb. It ountalas
15 rooms. Includingdrawinit room, dining
rooms. Dario; and kitchen. and bas a library. a
numbmr of closets, pantries .n 'good attar
There lb half an acre of land tastefully planted .
with shrubs and fruit trine, and an exeelleas
lawn. App!, to 1. BMEZTII, on the pre-
mises. lO-im
TOR SALE --LOTH ei9 ANI --70
L` Hntrhlnwn's Survey in the Town et
Ooderich, upon which is ereoted • nice d well-
tng house.
aieo Iota numbers 18 and 19 Rich's Survey,
Goderlch, containing 2 acres. upon which is
situated • comfortable house, and there feel.
• good orchard.
Also the haat half of the North half of lot
46. Lake Range Concession of the Township
of Ashfield. Western division. .
Dated 4th Peatetsber, x696.
Apply to CAMERON. HOLT &1 11.
Ooderloh 86-tif
SALE -The brick residence overlookise
the river and lake formerly occupied by the
late A. MacDermett esq., Master in Chancery
One of the moat valuable and desirable pro-
perties in town.
1. The two-storey frame dwelling house on -'
South street immediately adjoining the Brit-
ish Exchange Hotel, ,at present occupied by
Mr. Andrew Waddell,
I. The dwelling house and adiolning grounds
near the 0. T. ft. station, formerly occupied
by the loco Judge Toms.
Priam and terms of payment resat noble. ap-
7041 Solicitors. Goderich,
In the matter of Willematiliiname, der enard.
Notiee is bombe wren OUresunt to chapter
0. et the Revived jtatutes of Ontario and
wandlike sots, that la creditors and other per
eons bovine calms against oke estate of Wil-
liam Wilson, late •f the Village of D1•*sane.,
who died on or about the Sid day of March,
1617 are required to deliver to J. M. Robert,,
of the said village, Esquire. .*eat for Mary
9Cilaoa, the.dmtntetntrix of 'hesitate of the
paid deceased. or to her solioltors, sntetn.ata
in writing giving their names and addressee
with full earth/awe and proof, of their
elates• and the natnre of the apeudty tit any)
neld by than., o0 or h,fore the tat day of Jane,
11107• after which said date the said *Aminia-
trstrit *111 Drooped to e•etrlbate the assets of
the said deceased amongst the antler entitled
Overate. having reward eely to the claims of
which she said admintetratrlx shall then have
notice; sad the said admisistratrlx w111 not be
*fable ter rise assets so distributed or any part
thereof, to Gay person a psr.ass when claim
shall not late been received as the time Of
the laid distribution.
Dated al Qederfcb tbls MA ley et April. A.
GA RPM of po AAn1nOT.
lbh "7140 tont faettAdmtnkltsatelt
Loan and dela Moria►.
it IS NOT W'4u u E•IM Nu?
WHAT TOWS'% /1/1471111U Nu?
17H I Ql �itTJ NT t7t UPA.X 1 H
ttthntlte.-Guam" Reit and Rolme
A6erT6--betweet (1dmDem of every en
�IMMOre sacs, poor aeonm. ea amine
rrlewerkas �oyy lseri asoft* endtk•age to tame •ad see s.5./_ 1wAs eawithout
e���Oah r.A 15.eray vtlss.A1
mai Wi'►ed1 kF tis ltwar0to ed-gfaRirmiaos
t -a- -- Wadi
nolt,ACIt HORTON. J. 11, OULH01t n.
Ma.aoer. Pendent.
I am instructed to offer for sale one of the
hest 100 acre farms in the Countyof Huron
situated within 7 miles of Goderic.
The farm has not a foot of waste land on It
and the soil is • rick clay loam free from all
obnoxious weed,.
The buildings are Srlt *lase, consisting of a
frame house with stone foundation and cellar,
kitchen, woodshed and all necessary outbnild-
inga. A frame barn, 52x34. and cedar barn, 30
x50. all in good repair.
There aro twosome at orchard. The farm
bee been In grass for the put twelve yean,
and te situated within a mile of postoffice,
school and church.
It Is fenced by an almost now board fence
around the front and aide, and the balance by
rails. A spring creek and wells suprly abund-
ance of water.
A;o encnmbeanoes now on the property.
Price $4 00),
Utl E. DAN
War -1, 1107. - --Ooderteb. Ont:
[rounds for sale is Goderloh.-Ma.
OW. Cox offers for sale the homestead of the
fate Geo. Cox. eita•ted nearly opposite the
Collegiate Institute, on Britannia Road. The
around. contain merle an sere fronting on
B Panels Road, Keays et. ma McDonald -et..
and are well laid out, containing choice Apple.
Pert and Plum tree. Gnpes Some 11 varie-
ties), and small traits of all kinds, • large
lawn and a variety of shrubbery. The Home
ie • two-story frame on Kone tonndatlos.
good atone cellar with concrete floor. and L
tted with outside shutters. swim windows
..a doors. It contains parlor, sitting -room.
dining -room, 6 bedrooms (4 entitles end 1
downs, kitchen. halls, closets. pantry, etc..
.wand and al shed. stable and other out-
uilding,. Abundanea of hard and soft wader
sloe waterworks service. The place is in good
repair. There is so better situation in Gods -
rich for residential property. Will be sold on
tenaonable term.. For further particular•
apply to MRP. *ISO. COX. on the petioleee.
Agents Wanted.
AGENTS "The Beet Popular Life of
Her Majesty I have ever
seen," writes Lord Lorne, .boat " Queen
Vioteris." melee unprecedented. Easy to
make five dollop daily. Big oommiaminn.
W ANTED -Men and women who oat work
hard talkies and writing nix hours daily.
for six days • week, and will be content
with ten dollen weekly. Address,
NZW IDEAS CO., Brantford, Ont,
WA1\TED-Indnatriooa persona of either
sex with good oharenter and nommon school
education, ea.. obtain employnnet for two
month. !n thin oommnnity.
8. Y. FRY. Toronto. Ont.
WE wA1tT this count . Canadian stook
guaranteed W live. Penman•
AGENTS end position, whole or part
time. Liberal terms. You
ase brake ten dollar. • week
gr better with ne for every week yen word-
nait gesyeZUO °OCTA It i,
Continental Nurseries. TORONTO, ONT
Q MILD .1,
irt1 Th'
I take tad oypitotr,tia
that I am ed1l in the k.aZiss.
all mimeo to the Genterery. •t.
do nlonroef wort (a fay s♦
• wisdom wIIb ma .gid roof, lr• W�
The�oth me, • opagelag h; wen Y
Galeria. Isle rel_ 1*0 r �Z