HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-5-6, Page 3010 OYMISERY UMATIS M r U11.72 41114., cared by larsapprilla tars, I suaered untold misery r rheumatism. I tried every 7, consulted the bat physt lot hprinp, Ark., three times, there, besides doctors' bills' In only temporary relief. My ted away so that I weighed res pounds; ay left arm and u out of shape. the muscles Led p In knots. I was unable q` acept with assistance. and !o about by wing a caue. I 1, and was assured, sy the told not live. The p01e)t at twful, that I could pelmet*.ane of byptderamiw Wei* A-1 lied ay limbs based tar, In poultices; but Mete nary relief. After trying suffering the most awtt, to take Ayer's ontb,, 1 was able to We In three months, my limas ten, and In the oourse of a 1. My weight has increased id I am now able to do my a rai;r-•ad t ieksmltb." ER'S Id's Fair Esrsapseik ILS euro L•w.sda.b.. wont Dort'ThatJ i ae ikij C if; 1 CHOICE MEATS! most faettdlens testae, an trybod,. WE Ips every lne. t Meats :d Meats ed Meats li Meats ted Meats lrtd Meats. Sassoon made. See on- ton have not yet boa to ter. do not fol to call and order display your !new - IS BROS. & is ai Haid. d to meet it witia._ - rap when it MOM stook all - THE SIGNAL, • GODERICH, ON : THURSDAY MAY 6 1S97. One reason why Scott's Emulsion curea.weak fig, weak lung! makes j, blood, and strengthens puny And delicate children is be- cause all its parts are mixed in so scientific a manner that the feeblest digestion can deal with it. . This ,•_ xperi- e the has only.conie by doing Nest thing for nearly 25 years. This means, purest in- gredents, most evenly and delicately mixed, best adapted for those whose strength hes failed or whose digestion would. repel an uneven pro- ' duct. Irate frith all a�'rttggam se alla Mid is Dentists . M NICHOLSON.1FD.S. DSWTAL- Stla0KON. Rooms opposite the Poet Oftloe Lipid l 11t11tR. Crowntand Bridge Work a"Sp•.41ty. 35 Years Expert nee. LN. MABEE, D. Oat I.. D.S., -DEN • . TAL 8(• PUItON.-Latest and approved methods for all dental operations. Preeerva Ices of the natural teeth • p *laity . (Mire tow James Robia n's wry o ds store. cora Ned West di. mu the Square. of T Yr TURN • JLL, D. D. 3., L.DS- af . Dental Bart son. (Lately sesoclated with 1)r. Dixon. of Montrer 1. 0o16 sad pores. Isle, artificial teeth sweated os geld et Isom lasses, *penial Ittiontlon glvsn to ��sweasaarrration of thsrangal Moth ( 2 1icLaan's new bles><. >•tr A. THOMSON, M. -D, v nolo at Residence formerly oocuoled M De. Cat yea South et Telephone t0. gene. =ETU. PHYSICIAN. SCR-1 ��w.1� •e. Once -Brune street. tb. res l tsfy Dr. McLean A orb beat rgr[el 's Tslephewe St. ML. CAMERON, BARRISTER, 8011. . f.., pale. -res. Ran Worm Aadrew-ts., opp. ('otborme 1' )trl. 37-11' it kiNIST B.E.l1'ON - BARRISTER, L' tbltofter. Notary Public. Aeneas's Block. West Street !awl, F('AMPLON,Q.C., BARRISTER, SOL. Cranes. Notary. to. Deo. orer Medical lab. %omire, Dederick. UU. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, SO- rr bettor, oommisgoner. etc, Monsy to ineB. Whine : oor. Hamilton and tit. Andrew's tEle.a. uoderich. Ont. 804 OTI'CB L DLNCEY, BARRInTER, L Soheitor.1b veync r. to.. oto. Moog to loan at lowest rates. Horton'• Block. Op- posite Colborne Hotel. God.rlob. Ont. =At 1'. N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, YROU• .PJ. ter in Maritime Courts of • Ontario ..fge-8ontb Colborne hotel. !el! R0. HAYS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT - . OR, ao. °Moe North -.t.. next door IlsonsL omos. Private lands to lead at Iesst rates of interest. Mea ('IARP.OW & PROUDFOOT, BAI:- 'sJ rimers. Attars* ss,, Soltolton• ta, Gods doh. J T. ()arrow. Q.0.. W. Proudtool. (`tAMZ113N, HOLT & ROLIMZS, vv Wcrinteea, aoUoltore In Crawry, te. Sdeedswtoh .C. Camaro*. 40. t P. dolt Hol al WARD, OON kEYANUKK, V . ea, and eammfsadoaer for t•klag sad re - airing r•oovtusea•o•s of ball sadavIts or airmatioss, depositions or solemn deolars- rss. In or ooaouralag au motion. self or tem smilax in the Hkk Court of Jussto., the Omuta AylIteel for Os>taefe, err (• say Osssty Division Coot, Alt tr•asmotIo.. W s)(Addamsproms It exet)(Addamssad . P •ddr•s•-D..isapoa Cat Elleg -tf f.oaas ana Insurance. MONEY TO LOAN. - 00,000 00 Priest Panda to Mad at te Per *sat 611. amity. M. O. CLUIION Renew* Meek. k -T -S -A- anti price annot be et are numerous se latest In OLLARS, HOSIERY. CUFFS MEOKWSAR. YGL ?yawls Now* ed to handle Bag- od Household Ef- teh at reasonable 1 all grades of ism ib>dd delay ers foo• PRIVATE FUAIDB - PER80N8 DE- areas of ebtattttalr mossy oar farm •e.,utity can do so as 61 per cent. ape 'Dom to J. A. McI)ONAUH. Room 1111, toe- hold 1Itutldings, Toronto. - vrlFa� C('1 SEAGER, CONNEYANCfii9 AND . insureseee.we, oppoefte Hardin/1"e°' Qodench. ONEY TE? LAND ON MOIVIGAG1 ; p a� t t r mat. Notes dieooanted, a rich.' ears opposite Martin's Hotel,Ood Fj J. T. NAFTEL, FIRE, LIFE AND. • seriatim buryaaos &.tat - at lowest sates Omoe-Cor. Ifoitk.et and square. Ova - 'rich. 7t - MONEY TO LEIND.-A LARGE .meant et PAvM Ear la vssdemsp ARROW R PROUD fob' �11>► RADOLIFFE' GE VIRAL 1S• *armee, pad Bad 55atsar relrosnegnted, Aims. OO.W? f Uad� .ui 1t rank, at the Iowa* rata .t tatmr./1 Cloning, is 07 way t.all to1 t Iad sh trove TOm �.aee.17Y.se Ai Gsde delfraglit KEEMA fIOB' Ilii: TIJ r= U * AND ��s MNtit no M' eor. sf vte.es sad aeuar. tea (Notre. t to aria., ad tree. Ii W_W�_ is r4r. /ROUT 9000 VOL'i IN LIBRARY. Leading D.4-, W.rkty seed I sex6 raui 3t�Pa�rs, 11 shwa, .tic , ata nae. PAK Puller trtree 1M IA MP MEM, WT ��e1 rMNM Idellehr tine• der err selMp t eseeellss . la tees t` ► Qp �enO�Rlfa: 1tL Ltkeuspm '�-- iii ti9lli. N., I�s°sesr` Sita A941011[Ittiam. HONORED IN VERSE. iad,ard Hallos Neya hf Cas a's tieial. a, sat ratelellleat. Toronto Telegram. Promptly on receipt ed the news of the mew Canadian tarifa Mr. Rudyard Kipling set hie:wilt the tack of composing a poem in honor of 1h. stoat, Mr. Kipling is in real- ity the representative British poet of the hour and his reputation will not suffer from this rattly tine poem published in the Loa - don Times : A settee spoke. to a nation, A Queen sent word to • throne, Daughter am 1 in my mother's boom But ml.trsas 1n my own. negates are mine to opeu As Os [sates are mine to close, And I set my Bowe io order, Said the lady of the Saowa. Neither with iaagbtar.nor weeping, For or the obild'. amaze, Soberly under the white man'. law. My whits mon go their w . ye. Not for the Gentile's olamor, Insult or threat or blows, Bow we the knee to Niel, Said the Lady of the Snows. •-kly speech is clear and eingle. I talk of ooalmoa things, Word• of the wharf and markst•ptaoe, And the ware the merchant brings. Favor to those 1 favor. Bata .tumbliog.bloek't..y hie, Many there be that hate rte, • Said out Lady of the Snows. - 1 called my Wigs to camel In the din of • troubles y tar, '""-Vor the alike of • sign ye would not see And • word ye would not bear. This is our mees.ge and answer. , Thin L the path we oho.., For we be also a people. Said our Lady of the Snows. Carry the word to my sisters, To the Queens of the ease end bait*, I have proved faith in the heritage By more than the word of the month. They that are wise may follow, Ere the est trumpet blows, But I, I am Bret so the battle. Said our Lady of the Snows. A .•tloe spoke to a nation..._ A Queen sent word to a *ewe, Dilatator am I in my mother's home But mistress in my own. ----4ie testes ere misss to ol.s As the gates are mune to close, Aad I abblitigag mother's boas*, Said oar Lady of the Snows. • " New. El.., you've bees essr.hees pockets again. 11'4 not right. Whoa did you over ase me saarob your pockets!'. " Never. I defy you to do it. _ - Servo's -What broogbt you to this ter• able oonditioo' Were yea ran over by a wagon '. Patient -No, sir ; I fainted. and was brought to by a member of the Fust Aid to the lojared Society. The illwtroue traveller looked 000tempt. tsewl• et Cite moonbeam Nothing en very steep about here," he said soornfally. Make oat his bill." maid the 1•ndlord, turning to his clerk. Mark Tw•in.beinv called upon to respond toe toast at an ennivereary celebration of the corps of tee "Anoient and Honorable Artallery Company," in their native land, expressed his admiration in the tollowfut obarwterutio nen tan os " if too 8481 as well as yen eat, Iaeaw. 1 Maguisrate-Os•'t yea ad year hothead Iv* together without fighting ? Mrs, Mulo•ly--No, your honor, not hap- Ny.. . 1<10 the weak pointe in the td of roar ls�%! Weeds. pia Wim to your wits. No man want. to b. • woman iouger than it would (eke to show his wife that be oat improve on her method.. " Well, now you are teak you can tell as bow much it opine to go to Europe." " All yes'vs got and all you am borrow whim you vet over there." Arthur - I would marry that girl but for one thing Friend -Afraid to pup the question? Arthur -No. Afraid to questiou the pop. Mrs. Easton -1 understand that your hus- band can't meet ht. oroditors. Mrs. W s.ton-I don't believe he wants to, especially. " How do you like your new neighbor, Mr. Snook ?" " He'.. most charming man, and • mag- nificent oonver.etionelut. et by. last even- ing he li•teoed to me explaining my •vola• tion theories for two hour., and shipped in a word." " Your life hu been one of many re- venge,' esvetoes,' said the kind old lady. " answered Dismal I)aweon, "'Bout SONY plass I turn up I get turned dews." She -She la doing her best to fasolemAle that widower. Of aosrse he hoe roes able mesas. He -Perhaps the thinks the ms•ne justi- fy the sod. CI•n-I suppose the brightest moment of year life was when Jack proposed. (:ors-itnght st? There wasn't • par- taelo of light in tbs room. Deg Faultier -Yes, madame, I have an kisdr of doge here. Ie there any particular breed you wish ? Old Lady (who reads the p.psal).-.Ob, uytbiatt tbee'p fashionable. Lewes see r enlals-_y�ssli - Ober 80,000 rwpeokablt .ibttiittati i0Olfed for jobs at shovelling snow in New York lett emitter. " How did the mrprtee patty go off last night?" " Doubts quick time: The SW - prised petiole thought they were burghre and turned the nose on them. She -Everybody says you married aeon - Iv for my money." Mas -Bat I d . ' I kaow you Jil!�Clly dear, but PIdsgogoe (esverelyi-No i -Mr. for the tart time, what 1e the hypotenuses( • right- eagled triangle equivalent to I" '-- Roy ( desp•r•eyls It'• slealsto • licking for me etr Culprit tea confusion) -I beg your p•r- oan ! but really I cosld'o help it -you look- ed so rovoish end tempting." , 3be-Arm von sorry ?" ('alprit-Nn. I'm not.,' She -Then 1'11 forgive you." ' Creme -Look bere ! That gun I bought of you blew into • thoaeand pieoes the jet time I tired it I can't think low I *ams off alive. • Gusset -0h, yes ; I forgot to tell you. You hairs heard of tboes new disappearing guns th. Government is getting? Well, that was mato of them. Doctor -Have you any idea bow your wife naught this terrible oold ?" Husband -I think it was her (Adak." Doctor -Too thin. .8" have meroy upon the enemy." -_= $wbeed-No, it was • Mat winter one, 4eed she didn't wear it." Lady rte servantl-W.l, 11y, I Tont' sister married yet Mary -No, mum. Lady -How's that? 1 thew/lit she was to hays been married last weak. Mary -Yes. mom, so she was ; but her young stem. in.ta•d of buying the furniture bought a bioyols. Fast Shopper -Ob, I just saw the loveli• est, ■westest, prettiest baby • minute or two ago. Second Shopper- What I de yon moan IO tell me Chit itcpld mine his dare to brlmg out my own little d•rlp$ on snob • day ssthis l uI joat love Was oat berg" rsii-BsbMs. •• Mist do you like best ahead NT alkyd ole oiod farmer's wife. Yon haven't • bathroom in the bonor," said Bobby. I illOgiatiOTloli; VIAL andV OST. M S saaM b L r1ettra.�bsaat at- Menses a *Laws• ♦IIC' Oat ftavtag hma twa04 ea 8., �Usties& M Ya eft moos li.DfslwslI. 190;ma awtMearenw,tv,. town usrtm+Rtferr/i Ii.., WO. tam, ).11 Foca*: riaUtau sort sr-'- - '16`5- • "Did you know t8.0 I passed your door last *vector( !" said the young man very tat derly. " Of course," replied the beautiful girl with reproach in her glistening .yes. " 0. yon think I would not know your .t.p ?" " Certainly," said the happy young oast as Its directed eh. oonv.rs•tton sway fro* t8e subjects, and evotded remarkiap that be fres ea the street air. _.... "What ars you walking over that rag so mush for Arai you •frmld you'll war it out Y" . •' Yea don't understand, old man. My t.eerers are under that rag being pressed." Bidets', the Lion King (te the y'. ares." iced beton tit skeet fast -Look ilii eve aie.Y1.:1C"pr: et. ad: Tawe es my wages, sad II yon don't band 1t over to a• et ones, IU let the lion go for • walk taw the sadienoe. ne get fa. "Bobby is •tt.mdiag be his pinaforbe lee - sew vete faithfully of late,"aid the youth's endo t Yes," replied his mother. " I deal have ..y troeble about thew bow." •• wow did rot masegge. it T' " Sans st the nslghltoes esmr0lsined .f eke sobs ab remises made, and 1 told hits M�" New be thistle a r great fa to M. was Wen esternied. First thief (in hotel bedroom) -Go quiet. Jim. There's a woman asleep in that risen." Second Thief -It d ,'t matter if lee wakes up." " It don't? One s •ram would hring half the folks in the house to the door." " 8b• won't scream. If she wakes dp she'll throw the sheet over bar bad and keep eta" Why-vitt-obe " Her had is all up in onrl piper.." - 1Paradise Per Tr.eses. A oorr spoode•t rye that Australia in a paradise tor tramps, who, be aye, 000priee nearly one 'darter of the pop•latioo. The " station* beteg so far •part-twoaly to thirty muses, or eves mon-the people bare not Cite hose to *sad them adrift to the book, to go haagry for the night, sod they are recognised as • neos..ary evil Tim well-to-do farmers have nommen e " travel- lers' bur," and regular rations are served to the wayfarers. ievelvl.yr Towers. M. I1,11o, an engineer who has already •prepoe.d oma or two gr•adlose plus for the Paris Exhibitloa of 1900, which base bees r.jeoted, not on their merits but amount of t8. owl, intends to carry out &nether at his bon risk. it ee...it. of • tower 400 feet high, turning upon • pivot, and making e complete rotation in en hour. Tbs vietter1 et the tables of one of the restaurants con- tained in the tower will not perceive they aro movies but they wiU enjoy • panorama of all Paris. 'FELL DEAD" Whet More Every day Heading do you Read in this Paper than that ?-They are Legion. D,n't dally with heart disorders. There le but one ours. "I had hewn for a member mf years sorely afflicted with heart disease. At times my life we. despaired of. Doctors bad prescribed, and I had taken every known heart remedy made, I bad supposed. nail did not get any henefit. I read of the witederful our.. wrought by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. I procured • bottle, sad in less time almost -than it takes to tell it, the distress was relieved. 1 followed the directioha °lovely and to•d•y I im • well woman agaio, and 1 shall do ell in my power to make known to every ooe suffering as I did the wonderful ours it worked for me. Mrs. Wm. Burton, Dertmow, Ont." Sold by J. E. Davis. Plgurteg It Put. The bead master at one of oar board' schools had heen severely oorreoting one of the boys, and, and finished by saying- " Now, sir, *it down and write • letter to your parent., telling them bow much you are taught here sad haw Basis you profit therefrom. 1 .bonld bwAilta ed to tell thea it I were you." - The boy cried • Rood goal, making all sorts of excuses, but there was no help for it ; so he sat down wrote - DEM FATHER -1 em very stupid, though here 1s more to be learnt bete than any- where also. Twice two's tour, -four boys go to one bed, six beds make one &trio, and Uate four attics make one well-eenttiamdsp- pointed sleeping dormitory. Ons mound of Mand -end -butter- neCt8s butter• -blokes one breakfast, .j --lie-r&keltr jam --^own supper, and- " That will do" cried the tssntltsr. who bed been overlooking. This time we will -er-overlor, k your oonduct. and yen needn't send that letter. No doubt yea will he better behaved in future." The- HHBIOtIIH Medicines viz GALT allertatILIr somata masa Trots es wail spoon tar rle•samt, rm.. pad mealtkfi•1 PHRENOLINE Rheumatic Ssecific PKK1NOLINB Pith Guaranteed to cure Rheumatism Soiatioa, Lumbago, Gout and Neuralgia. A sore core for Headache, Dizziness Con.tip.tio•, Iodi• cation, Biliousness, Bright Disease, Diabetes, Paralysis, Convulsions, Heart f7dease, .to., oto Mhfesmra/ ea nese, t 11e14 on Marti only. Woe -11. Address. 01 A Arm of merchants who carry ea bwi- areas seer the Scottish capital recently had sent back to them, through the Returned Letter office, • note which they had recent- ly dispatched to • gentlstsaa in London. There was quite an array of poet -marks ea the envelope, and also the following com- ments__ " Undelivered for reason stated on back." " U.oeased." " Died six mouths ago." "&dolma Not known." "Yon deal mea to ay that that ea(aS]r oft! wad km Rives yea too serif of. fob 1077 fait bet fe.taes I" Weld 11. I told hes ehm would meet aka a aeoldsat before she was tweets -tear aware ed. ' Debtor -Ma, you said that I ersen't to at Oat Ares .1 eake le at Nek.M pastry - _____e Nwu1i Nether-- Yes, Robby. B.bhp tiemavla.imgy)-BM, ma. N hut'. mob me *lona. • i r w .eBwt■ett " S.Q, I •s.la am eta, s►.. bastM�a eeMwarm - ss w .1 elk" VW. OOPS b W 771 .el vet *Awl itosti ail :2111skin teats tiro lkottputiro jnpr tatsL•-lrI�R_ 11111011111mwas oily. A friend of 11211••••••• time are war kg a shop, when • man entered, who arks to • low toss of voice to the proprietor. " Oh I" said the shopkeeper. when he had heard the man's request, " you want me to lend you • shilling. Well, I have only one sbtlling that 1 lead. and it's out just now -Jimmy Knowles hart it. Yon ean ggo ._ w...a •.!i .;- r _'a fti'Tf 131 jos hive id; R it hook ti • week or so, diems with It." Y CiWANT THE BEST Then wasteno more time looking for it. LUDEL • CEYLON TEA TIAs tits bilj{. It is not only pure, but always fresh .= and delicious. . Zia Lied Pickets. 40c, 50c, or hoc„ per lb. - H'ROad'.t r.r �'$� L L&Dz� t3 13-2tOO 1 seireaeurge- FIRE OR NO FIRE • I am not going to be undersold by any body. HARDWARE clean and bright will be sold at or below the - _prices of damaged goods elsewhere. _ __ R. W. MCKENZIE OF THE LOW PRICED HARDWARE STORE. Seeds Seeds_Seeds! = -- CLOVER-All the beet. No. 1 TIMO'T'HY. SEEDS for the kitchen garden. NEW FIELD--SESDB. Oaf- uest,01 seeds-.ia...gathered_ from reliable growers only. As must we shall have the BERT OF FIELD COEN in in a few days -prepare for your silo: - . J. TrNIDEAN THIESSLIAHUE SEEDSMAN ' $tote_YYOa'Q Sal. Bastin#. New Millinery M188 CA.M&RON wishes to ennno a* that ilia les secured the Newest igfeees is Millin- ery for this lesson'e trade, including A11 the New Shapes In Fanoy Straws. All the New Shades in,• Green ; Also, the Geranium. In thanking my many customers for put patronage. I again solicit their favors feeling confident that i have the correct styles tor this season. MISS CAMERON Hamilton -ot . Ood *etch. 0 t THHI FUNGUS & TRADERS CUPS AND ACCIDENT) ASSURANCE COMPANY, ltd. Jamie R. STILL, President, Joni. CAMPBELL, Vie.-Prs.ident, 1). E. OAI.BRAITn. Secretary, P. ht. FRAtia, Managing Director, HEAD OFFICE, St. Thomas, On!. Authorised Capital 83600,000.00 Subscribed: Capital 360,000.00 Paid -Up Capital 35,000.00 Lowest Rate.. Up to date Polley oontr.ete georgette. reliable local agents wanted. Ad. Mow 112e semre1er, . lank 855.0* t As inspeotes visiting • aortal,. rhos/ ask. ed the ringers of the lower form a tett Twirler ea ire deeeitiose el eeotlrsphy One.( the gmeatier wee- " What ee-"What k th. Nate .f • river 7" A petntul *Hoes sassed l lobes nddenly. . mall youngster. wi.b4.g to keep up the repntetd , of kis f•+'a, blurted eat-- ' Please sir. it M the slaws where river washes itself Up t" There were ran store grater NUJ disk city. Net se M&ee. Wb.l Jeschke, the ..ktbrated .is1 Too lidos at Hosovoi. its took Is de loss kepi ft lam shadow. lb viols tea abs fork INA Me Itleako litaam.1 di Bait rskri die ereedeell w eat w • ass Mseettm•et 08," wale tie baler. "13 le .bites Canso. Heti, iaadnerder, tie lbw. out OAS eyed then the ether, ami Writ p. Well .rd Aad Utsktio WBS kat sod thea Cho OWN a, 9i _ - la .prow es tie I. "oft, a 111r A t.adaa� • a } aisik.gea eg `Bol Set" 0 dial ge IOU two. - A N some arts of I• the work fire is et produced in this 'main and arduous way - -In In Canadathe people produce fire by the use of •M.� WORSELI sad t Iron Pipes, and Minos Nub, Hydrants, and Bran Ts s for Water Balt atoea TILS$ and TRAPS lbr TILE Drains. All Welter Services and Tile Drains carefully put in. whiteastrisststoss 14.0. Pallet ad QiJa • -� Te- WOR3EL L8 _SID W ' fillas *. Dios tits.. 4N• E. B. Eddy's Matches. - TEJTFLSHf1LI$1 ...And Ever Will Be Ink • • • Because for Style, Wear and Prise it's a Daisy. Well -made understandings mean Smith and, Happiness, but ill-fitting Bopp made ones mean Discomfort of all The '*saran Ws CAi and De -please oar patrons is that we understand our business : via badly -Bt s int7, shoddy goods aan be palmed off on as .s gen- uine footwear. We know something about Ieacher and Workmanship, and use our knowledge In 'baying wnd mak- ing gosdL IP 4 •bestir 6It , THE SLATES mum BTOAm ,-