HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-5-6, Page 2-�•r
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BOAT JUYf d. 1897. -
t3 R W tl I Ii' 11 _\ ilii W H seotatlyde ties Arru-cartoon bill scan A MAIDEN'S PRAYER. HI►?1 VRY s �1 � Q� F
i t L 11 AA�J 1 Vj 1 VIJ V l II i' AWL I
1>�ticalty killed by the "Wiles at I OF B1�1�#iti7AA � x�~ �r..
1 amendaxatto daefusing that . manse, also peals fur ase; her sweat ties husataa (11 De. NansoR is wife not much ha-
must be Droved. ao0 tela E. _-- - 10rmation ham OfMitd its wa7 tato ptinR
'..`wail •� The tarso wfZth annual masttog d t tar IuaY rllWa Ana rye «, atwett Fhc• sterns to*savea very bapertsotl7
"w'SW the Ontario ) atlorsal A;soulatIon ' to ser Batt tair t-hetatyt ALMOST EVERYTMINQ IN TM!-i;Mt! developed tante Ibr bttefty. but tsbN
�Or DYey Rtnsdkt► • '. wtis'held 1n Toronto. The moot k%- 10Wt
el hoods crusood Nk* a till
Of: WNISKERSSINCE ADAM'S TIME, 1s )Known of her Is IntatwgirrgI and Ir4•
e , " portant feature of the ptooeedings was WAM artists M a Osd-scut Tlstoa palet. 46MLVO 111" she is an unctommon tetter.
the general corns "ndetlon of the M Around ser bead the glory of Ler hear - turn both in talent' and character. It
1!e easy world's Rappeaiugw carefully iulatkins governing trac-•tfer and puPtV + Oa Wb" the wtoltlgbt falls in touchy fa recorded by Dr. Nansen's bltrgKDb-
OaMpUed and rot [ata Aanay tad recently issued by the Ed—t Dt tiro, Nu S=c/.rive lltatata la the
TarwletI'-TM eft. ��%r and Bdfsen, ti lig
Amer shape Ior tM ae.den o[ p',tatrne�nt. Mr. John iatlIIr-O�Tvs IL maiden pate, rlumut an earthly Wail. •' Wind Blow Through mi. Whl.h-re,' Am niceLin wltp his future wife wain
'� stet ra per �, a.es Aear'. xet•y meal was tsnaitkntttaely eieCfed p t for She Pears fat ran: >rar tea Ditty.
In thn assist Frogrlet senior,
the erenthttg Tsar. I jean to game, •e seeing so Aar :UM" -'the Little !lunch el whom. true day, obver•vtng the soles tli
fin rarearomaed rafertarauon• HAILHUAD SUN BIJI469 , Slee wretched earth on wh1cL 1 t spinach ' Veath mill Chin.
ass sig tact? feet *[1C" up Out car the sono,
TItY Ita:LluloUb WORI.D. - Tine C, P. R• to building a large i grOsO; 10 •,Dproachad them, with natural
s Dr. John Watson len M&clea ), tamoenit Ot �e stock tat ail kinds 1 i`+ar W soak ]est 1 all
I pr wake ayati .�' Paan man." ahas
ia wit#t'iclso ailoslty, Int time to see the head of
E Aad Eno her Nrae s14tL all I YrD++ and ! whiskers Played *LLOta fs,otasblc t1t'iClea
Who Is ebaMed with nw-sy. say# W, tat its Hoclsdaga www& Aad yet the name she warmurs is talus tbat angels insist have w,e% but to Etre &ors emerge from a snowbauls.
will not recant, but will Eirlit the taa*, I%"0 old oondssotgew of lite Grat►d own- btdtoid uaetya, tLtid trans foaraotlal atr[Vts Dr. Nausea wan married In 118/, gfter
W the bitter end. haws mon. terms. Murmy,and she Playa tot asst from their preaenoe trembiingty retire. his return from his succgsdvi exptedi-
sposTlm.'. an Sian across 43 n"ad. Whaa he staq-
T2re franchise of the icgsrar lbw! qA "Tse wind slaw ta[wtgh his w•hlek- at
Mr. Britton, M.P.. has presented a tartest u-.. vsay d LOUS GQRES. ars" was nut mi itt.sn alone of tlht tit ed is fisc Frain 1! 1869, his wile loft
Qmous b8ea Senator from Kansas. says TA• Neter home K iLyeaker, near Ohristlanla.
�peitlllon for an da to pnetlbk the ex- Bryady ayd tb the pear a�ltgh6o railway I Assert of a Visit to the Saad of a now York Jvunuw. with one child• turned for omupwtlolt
nlDitlon 1n Canada of ktnetoaevpr plc-theay for x,1100. i The llttie bWtah td epinacit 'Heath tabs development and use of her gifts
. tures of the Corbett-Fitasimmons light. Aft. Wm. Gibson. M.P; for Lincoln. ,1 "boo, or alodlelae in Paris.- to a singer• and with notable er gifts
THE FIRE itt:t•tMtU. dere Se what ba bit chin" may conjure up Iislues of th.•
yeaterdary sighed a contract .with the , a Parts new ppen . according to gentleman from the wdtds of Now Jer King (,*~ of Sweden L one of her
The T., H. & B. otatkvn at Sintthville Grand Tsui* Ralswuy for the anta:-ae-- i opener•, at the visit of ; sa admirers. and especially Himp her
was struck by llglrtning and btirned. Ment otf *0 Victoria � at M„nt- Psrtsian journalist to the atLeest of Dr. Yet, as a matter of Net. wtvh,r the sing. why he has often heard, a!4
Tate eleven year-old daugh er of Ur real DUmas, the head ne.the Vitalist Soheoi Pepahst icor the since she ben been 1n England the eom-
yt t I of Medicine and a locally m ugnfseQ LuburDs of Hae,ka rsac-k bas gi,e the plimew had been her of sArking
Wm, 8. Trott, of Cat'*d to Townshll,. Drwitdd at Mouth Grenville has given
Islas burned to death on Thursday, her 110Lkve of a Swill In the House of Dors•- authority on omultlsm. The home at the world anythfnl, row• in Lbei limns Sof cher to sing before the Queen. She L
clothing having fgnitra while she was mons to regulrate ragrwa.y creight rates. the new medloing Is to a magntttoert hirsute facial ador,..oe@A. , a alanoh backer of her aQventumme
Playing around a bonfire: He wo,poses the asmWishmew of a hotel in the Rue de Llabonne. In an- N.very possible blulatloe of Sha husband, whose departure on his plsll-
+ atilClDxa. aorrrrnleason. ewer to the questtnu whether be be- Wrote heard with a�faou as a Lack- oto errand oast her anxieties and mis-
- Mrs. John Brown, a widow Orono• Mr. MoNab• the Gtrand Trunk RMI- Ileved that there was any corehatlon ground has been la vings As to WAieh she said little at
---- way engineer, set his way ft-om Zt•e. between the Played. Th of have gt
• oorVmllted suicide by hanging. Y agents of vitalism and Uro been Gewbalskettsd cyck'e. Thr oiengrr the time. Since her huslaaad'a return
Isadore Valtlane•ourt of hfpntrea' bwd •w7 th the dvutwr Boge and plane for magnetic ,Sold he replied 1n worts have boort lung frum the matted whisk- eh* has eomettn►es sPvken In oonverwa.
swallowed a large done of. paria green the widening of the Victoria Bridge., which will better express his me&DLAZ era aL 1111- to the olean &have of a tion of her lea», and had said tbat
As ezpevtod as Montreal this week. by being Quoted verbatim. again trent the trail cumDaatson of Dr. Nalsen's
etttd afterwards went to the river with Iaotie. and 'back saveloy
flee Intention of drowning himself. -He The Toronto [ltMmers of the HOtise I 'Yes; 1 fully bepeve there is,” he mit heard of the foster of tits SutL.r- diary with her record or it meatbrwnee
was rescued and taken t Of (A)MMona Presented ,QaORlet,er peal- said. "And the exteriorlstion of will land sinters to tb.- gimlet -like cbIn d-- of der awn senmulone beam her out in
Q -t48 k��• tions signed by Toronto bloyclast-a ask- lower Is nothing else Jtart at., fitlraLLrn of_
THE I.An0K WUALIp. I -Changes uncle la Rips , so be the belief that the -times-'WlIcI she -
that' CWledian railways- be corn- rgune by a medlouL seen in P*MU:ea was the moat concern afoot him
lite report of the labor rI*t a Dot Th
�.. 1 - ......;:«.:-..... =
..._ ,_•UNTOLD WSW
4 X. � Water VWq, )Klan, trary jr'-,
-Ayees Sarsaparilla
"For aye years, I sintered untold miser7
from muscular rheumatism• I tried every
known remedy. consulted the best physl,
elaus, visited Ifc.t8prings, Ark.. three times,
Waiting 61aoe there, I,esldes doctors' Mibi
but could obudu only temporary realer. My
flesh was wasted away w that I walghea
only glnely-three pounds; my left. Via and
Ing were 4rawu out of shape, the aauscl..
_ _ _ ell to GtU4y bwyolft &a 0-161W f e medrum L a person who has t!te eta GYoue always nao. St orIgM were_the seasons of his grrateat, aetil. ttawg twisted up In knots. 1 was unahieify--''-
ISrie tree track is doled. =i.� peV1 dress myself, except with assistance, a e
1uRsaxh. flit of ezterforiasttJttg her ambient VALW 'a Mephtstoyfhele� ppalnte3 That Implies a telepathle eommunfcs- and
Tba- Bridge and Strucxtbw ld'allwarif Mr. MaLennan's bili to ooaspel lull- I vital force, M some have .the gift of w*� n sDnap bf&ck mustache sada cbtn tion bons of interne sympathy and could only bobble about by using a cane. 1
at•f Uniotu of Chicago haat de0ermin d way oprnpanFFey t0-sdl seooradrlaasre- ventriloquism. $sit with this dlt'rrence, decoration that to, called an imperial. a¢ylia6tude, the poeatblHty of which had no appetite, and was assured, by the -
to strike for an advance of wages on turn tk•kets at the auntie ,propardoaate gnderetand, that the emterforlsatib! of 'Itre world has grown W tecept oerteht *Cleryee seems no longer disposed LO 4::
r, List I Could not 11ve. The palns• at
May bay. reduction ae they nosy self first-class dYnaMICILI contingent of his being tYpSs of wlaisbers. On file stagae the deny. Mea Nanaen's tauter was Pro-
.�1mea, were fo awful, tDat I taonld procure
Canadian laborers at the Fort 1,rr'e return tk o,t* •was defeated in the , &•111 havt but a momentary aced on vlltan wears mustache•- with wazr'd we" gala, a well-knuwp sotrlogttrt relief only by means of hypodermic Inj,ra
race truck aatacked end drove back a Railway Committtee at Ottawa, the subject benedLing by the eztat^i- ends. The rafentlem "b cliff" oust Zoology, It will be remarobered, is q tions of morpbtna, 1 had my limbs bandaged
gang of Italians- from lluffalu, who The ,wortr.ho a of the Canadian Pa,jthez"',.,
� oriz}Ltiovt. make up wq&b litnla -gide In c,ay, !n sulphar, In titloes; but these
drops" or Sha tbranch of sclerae of which Dr. ;\air P_
. Were brought over - ttr"work by Cort- clflc Railway at Hocl elaga will 'be tiat docs rsgt sallow fsom tills, though. rnonager will C" anew over tinct nen Daa Wade a special atudDr. Harp gave a:ly temporary reNN. Atter trying
ta'ac>tora Craig & Craig. scene of great Qotivtty s r stlHeralt Magnetism duels not cure, but !t Neuter was there a srnooali-faced D &e's W69k!y. Iverything, and suffering the most awl. t
THE Dxwu. months to come on acetAiust tit the ex- 7 does not cure alwaya, for the No soma could hold the rank of MAJoq, o . ,_.:.: tortures, I begen to take Ayer's aEfsapetila:
Mr. Cfiarles W. Hellems. one gr a tocorraoetve and gr�oaastl u�on 11'at the Hasid which it poo- ' a .taesavy musts<9e. 'fife nv" lW gins a �& Inside of two montbs. I wan able W wul
oldest residents of St. Cat4tarlteest•® - tion operattiOnq ,wlikh have ,been de_, 1e's. 3,114. which it eatertorlates, may of busfricete must have whist w2re ootrff��•�� IiOrMao Hauled a, fsiguis a �y without a cane. In three monttu, my Jim Ls
Is dead, aged 89. . ed' upon by the ertanagenytsrt,t agree with the subject in who" catlJd ' Btlrnslde" w IlAvAers. tate geparral Degas to ureasthen. and In the course of sMr. Samuel Colgate, head of - the FQkL -MEN sir µ.Ax. r this e'xterlo of thot lame w April 22.-A squadron of atchit Brkiaasritpaut 1• made. I Ohio. aluz Weltstroywarah6ps &rrlvssd bete Y'esterda Ot - you,Iwan s. an. IllyweightDassit o domygreat sostp and perfume tfous- of 13aantr nut a meolMtm, last I belteve to dyed at tits dila- Out West t9.y y t 14S Dosnds. and I am now able to do m- A small torpedo•bas•; thelrbin!a•l dynamism because I can Owl "Rurnstdes" ..sideburns'. and In tm8' Tthe advent of t1;re squadron cauw- full day's work as a railr •ad blacksmith." y
ell Colgst, Co.. died at New York: LII her a Drove Its p eldeitourda- in anetdnt ei Mitch etoltsertent born. Biz of
Lleat_-po1. James Brown of Benevine P�2 tritsi8 at Newaosatie, has etncacy to you now. I have at the pre- eodye lanes the
died on Se sir -day, after d*V eloprci 3S 3•e knots• sent mcDrvent patients wai'ina for dea-s darn ecvgrt DY theta beyrdaa w facers entered ab* river and
aged 74. Deceased was appointed The arrival of eight BtttiaD weaeDi ane. I have �lsltera were the Insignia.
two ,A e[a remain In taw bay. A
ppolnted cam Ds lrht among Nem whom A stryooam otl/n detwtsd thn oorx French cw>M'ta teras dsuo attdTed Losse
mending officer of the 411th BattATION. of Dont at Bay has caused much ex-, I will rcHev before your very oyes, •
cfThe F at AYER'S 4 ,
I.otYaua ➢p<araulee. wlchovt nit tier. , andlmes men were alaveo to Alt• Osi wHb'i Fair $efq�_
HasitrtRs Rifles, 1n I86s, and retained rig one word or Rkvin fashion, and tvotT• the4r atter as reset ase Lori ♦h.atleea i
the ownmayd. up till the time of his The Forty-EIg'hth Higbituxlerst have them ta^ shAdw of a suggestion." g arlllg.
�--death + Oted the UrU+tson to visit Brawl- Touching an.eieetrfeBatton ar► a/- ACY40 et 4h* mOnr#vtr-%ben r"Sri- Moetreal. April 226 (Si-aiaj.}-Word 4rs1'd tl>tj orrr.
I iflore -era the Queen's --8 tendaat ushered In a mother and chI1¢ received to- f4y that fo& Ai -w MpdoaM.
1iCarNFaR. The Minister at Militia pot. Kit- the latter mR itis-fpe&t de! Y k Statee Oefatgn an.1 two h ch
Tree bylaw grating X25.000 to old the son ase r nervous and eotrtplafning :t w kttfucy, n°rtg of tiff��s� rule o�daL would swine to Caro ]n i r
O:T'1lC to buildtleR a rsiWon-bushel els- to Coil eongetodaing the head. HUs bw_.e thenen Who attended the court of C`atBr
�,Ya1 1rtLl conet)itnt pains to his h -��-
vtator way t3 �€ at.Kingirion &tad redtst'}ng Was Dale. his ertne of ltu$W& Presumed to wppear 1n and escort Loi%J ADertleea to Now ♦ '
passed at Midland _ t>i t jets. eyes bright with truer, -� fig_ -
larRe ma"vity. - -_-__ and It coaly be plainly assn that the the � DR es with r�ory thks rrtrerisri detnooKsitipr �IN y0 t Ok► n Ah� I- —
Petete, flit* tisatgfaa A-Wil&n Al- Uttle sae' could hardly stand: I -he a more susge*Acri of a oto -day hair
`During the past week delneas has t+'- nfmletrator, ham been Lound laoftaft took tiro th on het[nflt7 : fvp a ,little imtrurnent, w ' ° HD
salted trr,Drt the lntxrruptlon to trades cruelty and dimnt"" -frons, Int-. a tion glee of & AV 1r�n� pSeo&� The cavaAaIr wui4 Iitalta♦ts lOat. sad -�� - _ _
_ _.-. side d by the Easter einanye and oat- pedal ar[-vice, at[td cpf,desn pyy, �d 1t to the rightferfyle of the a lam dr•noglwg mtssrlache and -
side thin factor the demand t,.r go,As ttee costs oC t:he, U10.1- suffering child, talking to the mother � d Is -Nares made hitt pictu{e corn � �O"V wo �aAM
has for two sir three• w.eks pAft ben Tile 8pa,-l.ish are reported to be car- all the tame. Two mlauutep had hardly D-r4e. Cn,ma-oil's ,[tardy ad.herersttt 11
Miller disappointing. In several lines rying on a rut hes their hair and beard crooe4 cr
a reduction of wagon b threatened, and ttlees w*r d exteeamiva- eLupsed before every manKestatlon of 7 crop
& in Ouba. Gets Weyler has las d an afleviatt of h Ped 1n defiance &tad wt -a led
` I ' O% 3iwowaft 4 - _.
ua a result labor troubles Will Drub-
aDty follow- Wad and drymoods Ren-
erallymre quiet. Hovever. someeltieo.
^.� report a derided Improvement to t»d?.
The commercial failures for the- pas:
week it+ the i ntted F,•ataea were 213
as or,rnl,ared with 239 for the calves
ponding week of last year.
orders to destroy all Cuban a"
and all theft htm>ttttxt h�-.--
The DsWe f ought brtWeen the Turk-
yah and (trWian troops tut tate plsin
beneath Wilouna, Pass has tprarrea aa-
verve to the Greeks• who h&ve'trad to
s2,asuion I.ariesa and
FAham Pasha• `rho yticmeeded in car-
on t e chtlds conditi3n ,r-
was visible• and, in fast, When the rotuvdtve+ada " - �`"
doctor took his Englisch Ittetatuire ss
aPDat'atus away thin manners sad the owtureem laude the
boy wag brighter, gayer and. Dleever
& cOmpiete eure. Promised elrsce the day of printing, amend
"The cMtd >s net anted, Bald thv an Ifiv-r'ertlag book � Just found Ras
doctor. "hut he will be in a few weeks.^ wM into the Lbrayee that rt'prv*duces
A second rale. on of the aMht ___.
patient was then trahered the whbkered hist
in, but this one was a, woman, who
S= A, AMYL -alis, ago. 4" ase,
You do, go to she M .� -
and you will End that - _
Weoam gaudy the nest toanaisus tastes, as
__- ___ __ - _
r" M"Ouna Pass, has been r"Caji-I
Ivy the Sultan, and Osmaq
had corse to relate a marvelous car.', A cOnt,eunfttion Of the rerrtaaimh'e
cut of the 'Y,otnters Hurry IV.
our Wines suit everybody, We -boo every ,
thing In we kle►t
to said the tariff debate will ttccu
by a month.
Pasha, the
hero of Pleura, will be given the son-
not to seek medical old, She told of a of will
show tJseds terembla�,s to the anckRtt
friend who had been given up for dead
6'.1 a
err. James 13elth has been appointed
"nand at the Turfddfi army on the frc-t-
lyre. It wt[+ the txvart Jewte•r yv%r con_
by doctors• by the priest even, &nl oetivM the Idea of alb wind
Fresh Meats
of Glisten+ t datums vllle.
>SL c.,atrtten aenlve the that
rt Is learned ttla,t the vieat of •he
el ht Brutes
for whom another playing asp
fiend, a patient or on"11 a whispers.
the new school, had asiieteled to Dr, The ripple+• beard ^t the
C `I m
Spiced Meats
- A.
be t ended go suet to the Liberals.
wars 1ttDa to Delagoa Fiat
Dumas and obta!ned from him his an vintage of
li&S to
The London Tlrttes mbied
wan Intended to frustrate the tntrWu..s
rarely seers m these days. U
pastae Which she had IermeAla!ely
Cured Meats
tatlons to Premier Laurier• on the mew
of Germany, Portugal. and the Trans-
Vaal to
applied to the a was not wU9M by a Cireasoian but
pparently dead wo- i John Bale it tirMotrlan.,
Smoked Meats
A strong effort 16 being made to
change the Motu. quo to the
dds&dvaata4tr d Great 19rita^n.
main's temple. whose
Hardly Eve minutes after the ap- Ingo have not survived trim.
John Knox.
Prepared Meats.
Induce Mr. Peter White G, erten the
prrovtnclai Sista for the farthcotnintC
The PDrY-> irlith Hlxhearwkvx of To-
ronto 1ve,ve entered a team 04 efsht
who Hl A In Clifford's
Plics•tiOn s1kns of ltte were discernible, day, »n to whiskers of & leyw-th °Opo
and at the, present moment the sup-
V[ R� t
R b e Y IID a -
sad @Torr kind- of Sausage made. See
contest 1n Qurebec.
men fn the various ev--nts 1n the Rcn'til
Military Tournainent
laxly called tads
posed dead woman was on the ftlr y �° wA4skera•
Piety has ever run to wMRkrm
tt111p ? Na
a/aMal Linea if ►ou have not yet base to
latent returns from Nova Bastin
Of the Provincial elections held tlytce
&4 I erlrsgton,
Eng.. -hash bee -To on the 27th prux.
road to recovery and
er1- the "thea (ION't-
"Now, my dear air." concluded tits sn'e beams
erd is of Theod
A *� r"d
t:g city Meau rker• do not foul to call and
shoo r special Saturday display
cru 4\tenday make the standing tri the
patties In the new Assembly 31 Lib
are the onty rev eeecntstlwt
have at t
,Llys M1Mda tauraansaM-
doctor, tnrnirurr to me• '•are you en- Bim• John
lights -red on the value o[ vltalfsm! I ataal>Nfy described tux a "rear -tyro-'
kvgtrt•" died in 1667 with his luaauriwnt
1 d e a't %
No. `
your lsetsso-
orals and 4 Ctmaervativees.
petition was to the Do-
Departirwri has seAt ,),it
rnstructim' retltardtrgt the c4snposittnn
could show you a eenre of patients wtalslte» divided at 't1w chln.
under course of tnatmetw You could The so-esslhd 'rWan
N- vy: - -
clone ? No;
t commons
,' y rhinion House of Ctammone, signed b3
the Duke of• Teck and a number of
of tho
and flee rrulst eoatingent. � l the rank•
rion-<'�*�aloned of-
Wbik,er•. alas„
Question them. did you so desire. You used by VorregZto to the depict$- t,
would ae: consumptives who have left pints
he i9 the vie -
lEtichsh capitalists. asking Ineorporie
Use as a ,•pari
.. pant to twcLLre . rnorrtr
to the Yukon
flcers posseselneg erctiflcatess. Tm-nto
will turnigh 17 fetch-� each frau the
(ween'- own RMIment•
and holy Hien, stere beet dovel-
tbe4r beds, cured and with no tear of oped on Mow, a ww,Aoetaa_Vho- wont
t>�• And when t
a rely they turn to me co his reward in IW -,
tiln of a poor , -c. %
BICY 'LE, -�'�
a ____ '_.e_ .. �_*�
QI'ing is g.e s1r-�
poly district &tld the
InvestmeTtt of many m4111orr1R perhaps,
Grpnadlers• •
0overmr-Oef��y Boy ousrd sr, i
you may rest assured they haw Martyr, s reforiater, who clicu
�n given up by of k4al doctors. And to 15aZ, ltad u style's[ beard tient is
Which wins reprtleented to pith
aj ■ ■Ar'a V s
oaf British capital.
rliRh►anders and Y from the Field
Y"', wou:d- also discover that Pura- turrd to lmltate, land could oriy tae
bale io ail Its forms does
being )n8t as as
- - -
?; Mr. Wm. Lethbridge of Brktgal fell
not long re- maintained by a Duan wkh a beery htr-
Met the Influence of vltaltsm."-New state growth, in the f
frequent Lauda
good oars,
killed. .his wagon, was, run ever and
At Comwadl R. E. Schell was sen-
sat ed tt'1 three
York Herald. an expert barber.
$o be w^J_.
plTpl['ed t0 meet It
• '
" A ateamer to relieve the yettlere in
dletresr: froei floods
Yaws In the penken
tisrr for vidforga
Mr. David Rgc a prom eeor note.
,' M4,Yti
t 6e.p Reaaaraatw The chrrk wtsisketts of 1i49 a iudsous
style, was rope
New amort feeds over Walt tai Its the Ptwas givento Eu
"11f a I'__�-..
v,.nl A 000d
' Whp
gat et G w
p hen it "e0eli
t -
Wabam lO-nivel
-PZ3113 _ _-__de++.
2tSitiTi i$d-F;@ 4 1r&-` g. aTYTe aVea with Gwyday and has new -r
+. The floods of Emerson and Morris
gree klcreastnA. ' urs, NC4L, wife of
• tva
German ettfer• wag--Ara,wned while
trying to escape to -i heir ground near
Emerson. -
Ttae PSltt+fi ina�itea3yw Pit+p pq
tris wt St. Pierre ten days ago for the
F'ren,ch shore of Newfoundland. No
news has been heard of her, and da
Is hared that she fs bet with all
scenic. Shu- took a large number de
fishermen as pasraeTWere•
A.corr•espondent.yf the (lovernntent
t- relief ateesnrr Aeslnaboine says that
at Morris there Is no dry kLntl to be
seen. and the river is filled with pleoes
of Property washed away. The farm-
1%, ets are taking desperatee cti"res in
• sono. of the flooded districts. peroUng
+� with theft p off. tine lithe ht1-
- lot _ _.� .._. _. .
>#tii 1r- T_
r"� Musafer-ed-Din,- the Shah • of Perwla,
M alarmingly til.
r. Sir. Charles w i6oss. ij C., 14W Vgeh`sp-
Pointed Jutdgti of tl*, Ottlttt/io Court
Mr. A. D. $stay ot'*['lntttTord irt11
auoc�eed J4iage Jones iia 08brAy Judge
; of *grant.
IAeuL-GOV- .jL r000s.4l9-b lora,_e.►te..t
t:ttt rit'hteryNtYl tontRt gteael e.�.
tin on his way back to Tbrow`a,:_
A, Dprd and Lady Warwick will sive a
1 a
Iubtlee garden party On June i. More
vl' than five thousand tlUOWA are to be
set' InvNed. , -
J.. (ki John Hay, the l?nited 19tateS
Ambatspdor of the Oourt- of St. Jamesk.
tsafy I J.y)+1 In Simtharnpton, and wax
w om by the Mayor.
The rumor circulate} In Bion,drm on
Raturday that the DAhews of York
Owl during her oernflm,mo.lutt wag en -
L. tirety ustbanded- •--,"* 27Qebeso is do -
41 1oYtitti1ppgg good health.
- Nce Is give" that F.dwatr It"-
!,rward of T'orati t efrpri'tsefrJW, wig stir
ply to Parliament next opasion for a
;* atvgtV* lhoata him wale• Ellsalw1h Rayn-
: bass 19trwwrd, new of Buffale,
*, - QNCLASSIFiran.
. waiia
ther in ondba Atlyd an the
Oant1worA wan cheerhass and bitterly
,� gold last week. .
Sir Donald Smith, flranconor of toro
Uralwomsfy of McGia, bow poetimlerd to
sodear a daft In Zoology.
An ordir►auma introotwod by lite 1tY-
iraeoe Committ4s of the Norfolk. Va.,
c Isty ODuyvon pi ovMew for ttr taxa -
t" er Q�pl1tr -tntws&D&pe».
The BM OWirn aWweei, Which has basest
e tIsrstsi"f q ad, taw, asst of a nit Vino wt•ti-
IS -am ins U"gwrwtad by tha Prince
tl! �P�t�s On �a>r 22.
lib f�ww of Ottar+a Awe two"
IMy hr fift FFit" (`ls infor orf aha
�j jM ei
'hort.rg vitt
bilowar is* Ma�am 60 ww4sar aaabtaok
. 'r � ,MM go&r ft ax Ot �lmv
tee eharpe» wito wort the land-
anY of the latter are of the cheep
been revived. except by totttic op ti
lea of Spring-
p K
purchase game or, biro.
variety, dinner* cost
costing from to 5o
are made by a tirM� Wba tinder.
.►n attesnt,t has been rr>a�e t, assail
striate the Prrsldent of 1'ruguay. He
d4ntm* costing from 6 tt, ,
V*M Quantities of spoiled meati•
Joan t lvtn wore tate sp4ral beard M
1564. He did the hest ho could In the
stand their bnsine.9g t1Md Rive the
was shot nut. but the bailee miseeet tlDe
mark. The preMQAt's assallantair"
111a1Itr7. game and fish are utfllsei,
T'hoe could not be cdokrd and eaten
whisker line. Tic twin wtttktn. nr
1664 as* reproduced ao the rggW-.t-
CnBtOmer the beat vaipt' blit
aR rbaDectable h6m8s, beratlse of their
chin die ng of the King s argue
tnone� every time. B1t>t0- -�►rl
— -
Kelly, the liorrterr,worn murderer, ar•
taint, but thsr restaurateurs restore
btrme» of that day.
land Vale, and save a repair bill
rested at Montreal, consented to go
them to a Sort of edlbte freshness by
John Taylor, "tbe grater poet," amen
this w Ason.
back with the slurlff wltbawt eztrwdl
the liberal use of chltrfd of calclttm.
ed Lis llteruds avltSv tits old ttorksorew
t .
tion, and left In charge of the Arner•1-
can offlcera
This worderful mrrie,ted metal poo-
sera" the power to destroy to
beard, that 4s frequently imitated tn-
asy In Preece
An unsuccessful attempt
such a degree as would sweeten Lim-
and Italy.
The "rwayo,wtall
�Ai%IBON tSt Co.which
t nality and price annot be
w made
to stab King Humbert of Italy, wtln
burger cheese. No "high" meats need
beard" wow anotia -
hairy f]"eak of a thrrobgian. Jerome
wda Irr'oceedirw in bis carriage to the
cam 'r
ao to w•arte when there Is thlorld of
Weller. who died in 1672, end Erasmus
aortmento of the latest in
pane 1 • race cow•,. The would-
be assassin was at ea ted. He is in-
calefurrl to be Aad.
Winn are served lit all the t&,Me
Schmidt, a Greek scholar• failed to n,47
to popularise the trfaegie beard T'he
A F.aielgh TtawnaMp farmer narrneN
Places 1n the Qtly when rd ata-
� cent dinners, and I have heard yea•
bushy whispers of C`m tat by t �y
tstlght have been worn later by H
Ifiram .Jarvis. WILT iaopped by two
ple express astonishment thePEat.
Morgue. Captain Nidd. or ani dQ
hiRhwnymen. and rfiiea-ed of all the
an.,ney hriffir pnesea ilon, 165. 'Al ert. is
need antFrlse no one. These winlfs tart
the cheapest Calif- .is eiareta, -eee -
shiver -my tlmDtttrs hurcarneer.
The " f4oc w Potss" beard Rets l�
• _IW!J1�n
no clue to the thfcver.
Ing by the barrel from 15 to 26'cents
name form Hocm Pvrns, Jr., the auttth-
. J. tl. Ye -nen, a Stratford d'enttyt, was
arrested on s, ctArge
a gallon As there are five Quart lint-
ties to the Rallon and ten hot",
'or of the Anatomle L.- erdernslne• All
prasiciarw affei•t this
Great �r
of supplying
druRw and flrttrurnere' for an Illegal
ft wfll h,, seen that the priest are re--
cut, an they ttrtaapp
gine It helpe them to kook tote devills4.
1108 iftr.
OMrat"- all Mrs. hblat a Buchanan. mpeettve*.y 4 and 2 cental each. Nabi! Tlae square beard of IS" W arrtber, C.
& O�B & M.
w•ha died ,f-01 tL� egoeta o,, the oyer d'hote claret is neo,"y as cheap as sirowth 4e a ilbi ologlitn's shirt -til• Kline- 0*lw•w V(J
a.t�oyn�.r ,setur,3ay.__.- • water_-r3llew Yopit Press. d&nttos. I he reliable ciao and Psrnighin4 1Ssperiae
titan ttrttlsa infra 8utt°Rt ,it Tke rat"f s tall of I&W the rho^
r - . The
- . ondow ,
Hsmilton 1s In Ji!l in t,,ar &.
hat city oa tht. . I,. -_` t1e 41.psnoo. Rpantel. makeir's btwrd of 1576, se7n In pnetraits
ebarrP of aesau:t. , - L
$he cut �ier !ihv- valuabb of small dew -Is et Disks ttoi(�r-" Ir
Bac tb
ors had to cwt` *eve ftcltes aid ktdg a 1-s pounds, Is watts 'tea ilii"" Osw�led g� tAe Ft alrt ID I
__ -
•. •....v.... rw..r^4,,,s _- - man ttatofts in req' fife etttletto _
�y►�t,g /fat ' -.
Aamtrlu MarKham, reyr-nQn�treJ ti, 3 1- d . tt aOm watg� �X �' fo,
� V r rr,,��- '-
t.he MWlt(-rranlan 11ee.t, hits dr•chiati, 2 1-2 pourtde. but til1�� t�ley a llee� oelleh w ted bx a per- ( i��` e� �Ws
the Dom1n'tivi dnvprr.ment'a rifer Re wolght they increa!i in vi)ttue. A t *Mlt at Charles I inr of Denmark:
take comyrnve D the - litter to pound 'gpante^is womb store thdas one the double tuft of Cardinal Borrom►nl p
tak the Haut ability of thA Hud't1ilo-n Bev wetghln-, A 1-. pousda, and ono, wale;r In 162L and tbe. r"b"kalrtr cat anti 11e trey pr,e,� derirl bs
lreg 2 9.4 or 2 1-Y pounds very /sIseh tnusrtat+ven and poMilyd ctdn beard that leyrtwssltssubscriptionllsggt, esai•e --
straka, on a ground that a htalinp more. Js-paneee splknWr have.b[ISR alsrays Agu r* in Octutsw of tits groat fo11aw1nggreatotDsrtow,faesarsaa! are FW to handle Bag-
ustntsl, with enrtftxs of oniy 6eventy Gustavus Adat seby w gAge Freight and Household Ef-
oold for ar much as 1;00. pbus, are a few M the stooktrten d ('&nada was
horse Tower. Is not a craft salted fur There are large Jepane-oe spanj••is dtsttnttive styles in beards that flnfl sorfber•tb Weekly Free Press wW e o
the Parnooe. _ that ar.r not 'Int -/"alters In %*a day. t facts with Disp" a, resaonable
--- _ tont a'd have "' One Year's Pa
The Longest Itrklge. ' special vftiwe: the small dings ear very Per paid. rates. Dealers in #J1 qWes of
caro arae their rarity dout,tl.-Ai. Kids ILiterature In Japan. The rrwe Press bag man '
The livnirest rwJlr,v.A trdzr o• I},' conaaderebly to their valla, but .•h.'y wants wrtt.h the Vot*=
role, and, iq fact, of the world, %, , are hfgl►ly prised otherwise. They are J&t,an 1. a litergr= monist, with a TnbiWtlnt Co, fora natelierd
recently opened to e hMtrrty of writfnt a A literature stne- their hoot, ••The VeterinaryLi A QT
tratne with gr.,. ood ilwa ed, lively lltth creatures. at least A D. 712. Last year -th. nurn- the rebs of-whleh fA 7%& ilf"tRD
cereavony. Witalr s.arkingn are blac•!t and white. i �1�
The n*w railroad lrrld-7e ovtt tiN and whftk and tow. and arms doart her of beaks DubllehM w" 2a.s6S, -•f troa s fully wad In playa yaggaga
Which 2a,(19e were t»rDalatlone of cam- Anatomy, Ut.snsoa and
Dapulye River t C Sec -Broin Is duo fS tatya Alar kdd,rrt sU thaws c*tOM. ^lie Ik,r>+e.tio Animal+ and Orsi 30i�T'
the resat tin pliwtfeste 1Law 1M with 4tSso� .t,lit; )n
1 fvortan: te;hnit-al arnteve t sllge apantH twee uaegt ten years. nnawMa araudt.rrrtarmy dlsras
_ Poi,]"?lowed with ftp. pal 00. ani Cad o1.R. , .: pant
moots, of recegt date, For more lJtar. -L.-� ---•-- — atIsry tins . AL
nine [Hiles thin brl g ihalwhv raw.. son117tiat>r had >tt>f11t. mush' Isil. Japan- b+ h4 eterin �t Aft ow
dgr crrssees th D ' � M•
of I proper and the ac called tyriltory- irh! t of the haat feiIv Ia °Y "w Nir Ns2. and wbADs is .eller $3.00!012,00
� oo ire. �a� , 1
of fnandatlon, which, Is• assail tutee: aatvJet in Part to this day. 1h-rmeri k�t2t4ti,�eaMtrvef/- stot•les, cr-ttlelems. ere., ,pd-s►Y
water for •certain period of time. a,nim*J ng to gibemy . sasah. the whole a 1 �
T1se largest civ are over the mato aavlmotJ-wsa setwwd. flat him. tit. eM Ti -4 Weekly i"s g1 I= )a
e vxsoat of the river, them ffMng one - f-ing, t�ays the FAda th.. people tall 'rhe so po a to Art, and HOhio forveanee ealewa
Of 020 feet and tour of 6 feet each, their hands and made their vv*a, my The sarpatt Is. els `C1vistolan all. an a Mahe Vetgviaary
The total longth Of the NMgr proy K, ti'Na means tl*J tjfonebt to propimitt aitributo of St. ('*AiMa, fait. �a d01, a "willb �laasd to was aa -
without approwehes, to 13.1t1k fast, vv= tale Pan Roo, who to fres ,ester a`attlat and man'f tKMr aaisstis, i ping sash; eQ Iib net inla tAw t/e �r�w� � t0 snit ettsMal lift Md tfl�
the other 'largest rallrbad bridRPr in the mal d watio0d Kl, •,err winter by in 4lwtrt chlor ber•ai sv they dootwn-i4 to"atisaP �IsdaAM�a1r. A:tlfl Mt�t p1lAOlQttleM. OII�A[t tp0•
the ossrrld ms+asure u PnUowa : Tay withdrawing trom-the waeth. to ahme- the ptnwar at Arian or bodes}. to" r o Iaauk k -1p, to.aegsr�►
Flaide..'br•otland, 16,726 feet; lfio*1PavtvQt mutt[ the Maar, the ASbrA4 � to chaired ossa or aniddser country or fey- M Irwtw +wspatws
It1UW, Io.il" foot &dd the Fourth him, was nwAflced to lib ; t it. tiling. lib•rat oaar mla�ii.,t i to Cb�pt lle�f:d.
Bridge, pcuttaap 11160. wan ga•ed is hitt tlorattP: -req geg resist ttsrIstber, ht1rase�&t►nee,ito° of fh16011111111110
Th• clear heltht of the bridge over Dara a&-Ql'jatmas ani b a,toop"rm •1St• 14onse'-er'� Ptsae t an •
ilso ruin , hannea) b an fascinated that op-ed eYae aK the praONet Any th t�aP taraafeso tlsatributles tees, and y^ YtA —
Atloata wawted' mytiMstM
.wen o1 lust' sratear,cls iaegeDDt vaeseh ssasi fatd/11sa of Ht►yaria. alfa M Sit 'lett 1M a tleohsg clhsnoty wtJere t.lrw tosenouniestle cadre i
teaillas tap the I> 1 Isar i 1 stades nawIli to or ,apasMad oa�'1betlsw t - t ft" a anuli tyoil tort- . • i a a
• 4
'• lend Y a i1fMtN �i�twt M�hor �r�aa.�� to ft. ,►i4tt r4typ nutty otter a „ M4"N Pt iMhlth/ `•� '
Z4 Wt alta Osis* hove raseasss.d oda w`w'w't b.imad. Ttsw nntlmerlon is tak.n I LeaderA' I_ ,
- ... ___ .�..___ .-------rJt 0,trraet_a,!a1s�M.w,..._ s O.y,tsapa�a.. - _