HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-4-22, Page 108
IIA\8 ij3gij WAR
`-::-Turkoy and l¢ risotto are Now
tad Arms.
ithe rrelamalaarte. Sees ever, ams Wpm*
Vie Lavelle Yet Their Passports *'roma
$b. eh011leeelle Couseriee Yterce nsat-
trs Teak Frame-ifo WWII* .r tie
Frostier *f Tfsullar *Mari.
Constantinople, April 17.-=•-
War with Greece has been de-
- clared.
,e,--besMManttnople. ADr1l 17-8bilowinJ
;7 the news of the Incursion by tha
Oreeks on Turkish territory the Coun-
tell of Ministers at the palace to -het,
t10Ca1led the general assembly, gave
peeeports to lfrince Maurowrdato,
the Greek Envoy Extraordinary and
Meister NlenlpotentierY, and ordered
soften), Pasha, the Turkish mhlitafY
oomrnander, to take the offensive.. No
actual declaration of war has been
A detailed circular sent this evening
to the Turkish rerpreaentatls abroad
remits the creek's invasions attd states
that the newest incursion was parti-
cipated in by the Greek tetra which,
tttereforer estabttshes Stet. whltr'h bas
The circular expresses the hope that
the powers. In a spirit of justice, will
agree that the entire responsibility for
the war tatty tut -Greece. Turkey has
Ito idea of conquest, and. as a fresh
proof of paseific aentlenents. offers to
retire the Turkish troops on the fron-
tier if Greece will retire hers front
the trontler and from Crete.
Telt nisisTip. *Ai;
tf Afty thtatdalod dlaYatll wtr aur` cLEARING
TutrMy Mel illesatted sur ins Greece•
netting cis the emrltlter has heart .vig-
°'The ; ' Hegiraa'K d Ilamll-
Wn to aver oppsphitely armed with the
' ' The *trees** e*ptateed,
LoadQ. April 1L --The Greco-Twit-
-x04Lllttpatt ; G-'uredeentood here to
be auhstanUa#ir ilia fellows: War has
stat officially been declared between
Turkey aid Greece, but it hair been
declared officially -ago have _ $roues
"'5 1,-`�r .The Tiberias --Cabbed has
pined ' to sever * dipl'oma tie reiattonr
with Orme*. and has ordered Edhen:
Psshi, the commander of the Turkish
forces. 4o take the* ofenslhe. It is
considered In London that war be-
tween Turkey and Greene ietually
basun, . the Turkish declaration that
_IK'"' --*1
tar- the }mercer- of dtphmiettea.11y put-
ting the ones of the war upon the
Kingdom of Greece.
Wires& es asEardlers
Athens, lip 47, midnight -1
spite of the fact, that the ofii a) re -
porta indlote that tiring on the fron-
tier tested at m'.ddaa' a telegram
from Laraine, at 7 o'clock In the even-
ing eats that Artng• continued past 4
o'ctock this (Saturday) afternoon. The
line of fire extepded from Mount Ans-
2tysis poet to Klevhtika Geatolds,
ice equal to 90 minutes' march.
The Turks. falling back. abandoned
sevens] stations. which- the c rweks
peamtptly occupied. The Greeks can
aenaded the Turks from the Greek po-
- *pion at Taamtoie, In the rear. The
caononadtng caused much excitement
•t other points. $ince noon stroer
bodies'hf Turks have odecenttated In
the direction of Mount Ana/I-psis. At
6 o'clock the firing slacken It is ex-
petsted the Turns will attt a night
- attack- upon Analtpels, wh was the
emeriti (Mint of the battle, Greek re-
. totorcesnente have arrived and there
/s • general movement of troop, to-
lerant* the frontier. Rrirrfnr'centente
are bring .burned towards the front
Mer from all directions.
A stabs ♦smell.
new T.Ows-
ly respeetai O wbaht
restedw�are and imprl*olled SO etre muspielou
of Wiling the lneu*,r.nts.
Tens is eitettenseat in iiceroluh _
the stave& there ar
teo °treyd witWtherassee"af.X.14110 intof shadeasta
A genetael order has be= lathed,ob
the Mettle Department which
the tie law or men who are itt for
act lye nervier.
e vioe-
ten. Tillie Morgan, • Denver man
of marUal a ,ori . 1na a*a on her right
t, actin to the Natlorialto tuard he Ad ud
is oatuatng much trouble
tan t -General.
The next advance of the Anglo-Egyp-
tian tortes in the Soudan win be made
as soon as there is water enough for
the steamers to pew the fourth catar-
act of the tale. pedhalhly in July or
The stronghold sot - lamaiep. 4.he
Deegan -
's -alai -A, hes -been captured
Drize of EQtntsurghh Volunteer Rifles.
Geliehowe lost three hundred warriors. horses,
many cattle and many
British had six wounded.
ss -
It ts otated that Lord
triapder-ink ofthe Britlshforces,
wilt have to shortly retire on extivunt
of tnl health. Ioord Roberts and Sir
Redvers Buffer are mentioned as fat-
vorite. for the succession.
At the annual meeting of the Domin-
ion Artillery Association In Ottawa
Gen. Gesecoisne stated thetl
the authorities to equip all the fie
batteries 'with new unser ming- x
of the new pieces
spected and would coon be ',hipped
from Eh:land.
The British cruiser aocobruary n under -
Cape Torvry
Peed orders, arrived at Durpan,Natal.
unexpectedly. during Thursday night.
with six other British warships, and
two more warships are expected. The
object of the naval demtinetrat.on ty
not known at Durban.
Col. nay Salta.
New York. April 14. --Col. John Hay,
Veiled States Ambassador
Court of et. James. sailed for Eng-
land to day on the American Lone
steamship St. Paul.- Col. --Hay was
acr -
comq,a�ried by his wife aril
daughter. His other three children
will rcjnein tri• lhia e0ttntSr, fur the
ycesFnt M teats. - '
Col. xay-ssttf that hewould go to
London at once and assume the duties
of his new post as soon as Roped .
Athens. April 18. 1 a.tn.-An official
despatch from Lartesla, dated at 9
O'clock last (Saturday) night. says
that the Turks. under Dover of dark -
men. are assaulting the Greek forces
• at Mount Ahaltpets with great fierce-
, tease. The Greeks' resistance, 6o far,
has been magnitloent, The Greeks
tmalntain their
girth kL GfTt3igva [ fightingat
ailteovail commenced In an attempt
of the Turks to occupy a strategic
portion of the neutral zone. The Turks
eonttnue to abandon ,itsetr advance
pasta, a general n$ vemment apparently
taking place. Firing 111 repotted frond
]Lolutia• From Leirhate. the flashing of
guns can be seem In yesterday's fight
at Mount A2ra1ttens the Greeks lost 40
a wounded eyed 3 kilted.
were Is 1Mtala's Amus
Durban. Natal, April 16. -The British
cruiser_ Racoon. which left Cape Town
on- -u -waled eiders, ante-
r s.-ante-
ed-he+t ernexpecxe'dtr nT the
with six other British nerships. Two
more war vessels of. the British fleet
are expected here .to -night. The object
of this nivel demonstration le slot
known here.
Oil Cloths
Japan Matting
le •
SP]ING 1897
are now selling fast because we ara selling Superior
Goods cheaper than any other dealer in town.
If you wish to save money, call and buy from us. If
you fail to do so, it will be your loss We are giving up
the Carpet business, and selling them below value.
Steam -Fitters
Greece 16a1ers a ?retest. - -'-+
Athena. A.pril 18. 1.30 atm. -The Cahf-
nes has deckled to protest to the pow-
ers against the aggressive action Qf
Turkey. An invasion by F7dleeen Pada%
the T.urkieh commander, la expected,
and the Greek army has taken up po-
aftic»na for the purpose of _being in
readiness to repel the advance.
A11 Ales* the nemeses.
Atheps. Aprll 13. 2.40 a.m-Faring is
e8 mien the whole line of the
frontier In Theasaly.
The rowers Neaa.e.
- Itruasels. April 418. -The Indepen-
dence Beige to day announces that
Turkel h officially declared war
y -t:- :=."r'3L'.�-'sus
e0-tills effect Wes sent to the pewees
rtes morning. .
. w.s�IYM,M Were. .._:._.
Attaeaa, Ape43- $ -$ p.m.--dn the fight-
fng on the frontier the Turks ,have nc-
pupled Ana and Mou
llne, but they have
not succeeded in taking Kate.
Theete�ement a: Mflouna ss
was d the. fiercest character. and the
losses were heavy on trotheldest The
2htrtts sed taro *les ' ,
--tl]WY d7TWi }'F1�_Oa ur an tnitro
battery from the Turks.
Three Greek officers of high rant(
trees killed. A large body or Greeks 1s
top marching against Mene.*e and
Walt firing is going on along the whole
MO . as tar west ea Aria.
Mort s
7 7-
l i r; t' Z s t -
with a rug is always clean. It saves year
time, your back, and your patience. At the
start it costs less than a carpet. It is cleaner,
healthier and easy to take cue of.
int made. It is to
is the beat Boor pa
pat on, and will stand the hard uses • door
always gets. Color cards showing shades,
will be mailed free upon application.
Our booklet, "Paint Foists." is a plain practical talk on paint. It
tells the difference between good paint and poor paint. It tells just the
, particular paint to use foriachTose-forhoiii es, fences, roofs, barns,
teib tubs, cupboards, shelves, boats, furniture, tables, chairs,
settees, sad every other paintable-t . Semite it to -day -it is free.
For booklet, add•ress - lit. Altai& _tee Montreal.
-.-> : W!1 -trawls et -_
_._� . &ErrL.ASS
Wake" Up !
For the Winter is gone, and once more
the signs of Spring are seen on every hand,
and nowhere are they more in evidence than
in our Mammoth Establishment.
Our tables and shelves are piled high with an almost endless variety of
the newest, most artistic and fasbiooable goods, and at prices guaranteed t1
very lowest.
We know the profitt:ble advertisement is the one which is made effective
by a solid backing. This spring we greet you with unfeigned pleasure. You
know es ; you know oar way of doing business ; you know something of onr
prices. These prices are oar tools, with which we build the largest General
Business in Huron County. You are often surprised at the values offered
you ; but remember, we buy for cash in the very beet markets ; we buy in
quantities ; we sell for cash ; our expenses are light, and therefore we are
enabled to sell merchandise on a very small margin.
Because of our willingness to do with small profits, other merchants
storm and rage. They talk against us and against our goods. W e cannot
help this ; We do not wish to injure their business, but we live to please the
masses, not the few.
These are hard tames, but here are samples of the prices in our various
departments them will -keep you on your feet.
,.WaLe you raid, remember our prices are uniform. We don't put one
line down below oast and make up on somethimg else.
Factory Cotton, tic. per yard.
Special Striped and Check Flannelettes at 5c. See them.
Lovely washing Gingham*, 5o.
Toweling, from Sic per yard, up.
Lovely designs in Prints. The latest novelties in Crinkle*, Orient Silks,
Caahmeretta, etc., and at such tiny prices. Everybody admires our Prints.
Wool Finish Henrietta for Wrappers, 15a -t- regular 20c.
A splendid variety of Dress Goods, Silks, eto., just arrived. They will
be sure to.please you.
Our Dry Goods Stock is complete.
And Ever Will Be ....
Walt Paper
Just Opened MI
j'aaskitN say oustoea.re hr Peet tavern 1
belies aanennee thee 1 now Barry s stook of
Wall lsp.r, and hope to sive satiefsottos In
this Rae.
pass Ylaewaa lana Raas*.•-
10tassopa. April 18. --The Greeks from
au their positions in the Karaya dis-
trict began the advance toward the
frontier at ? n'clorlt on Friday even-
s*. The fighting lusted an that night
and eutended on S turday to within
fan Milos of the frontier. It la estl-
that MOW Oreel . were engaged.
The nettle anise/ sed with great vigor
tNa*tosigiwat Misturday, were altogether.
NAM wide engaged. -
s.SNlll lee Lee's test.
April -A teepee, or Cardinals,
by t . intent Ina led bas
here. Its • is marasmus bet it te
that eereadWit.
e health Y etrlAllli
Mtoatre l- t;aser the Market.
Because for Style, Wear and Price
it's a Daisy.
Well -made understandings mean
Health and Happiness, but ill-fitting
slop made one. mean Diecowfort of all
k inch.
The reason Ws CAN and Do please
our patrons is that we understand
our business : no badly -fitting. shoddy
goods can be palmed off on us as gen-
uine footwear. We know something
about Leather sad Weekmanahi and
Basi llur 1tffellteeprird�lR - an
ing goods. • .
Superb and supereminent is to be written of sear steak. Only the most
fashionable goods find a place on our -table.. Our milliner utiaeretands her
business. You will be sure to hove a fashionable and becoming bat if you
buy from ut, and you will be surprised and delighted at the prices asked.
__0147111/10. sum• '_ FURNISHINGS, ETC.
----leeyt"Toeed Knickers-,obliteilhisd, 45c. per pal .�
Yea's Tweed Pants for 95c. per pair.
Extra value in Men's Black Worsted Pant.
Men's Suits, worth $5.00, for $3.75. -
The very latest in Hats -Fedoras and Straws.
Our Special Black Fedora, at 75c., is worth looking at.
Browns, Grays and Blacks, at $1.00, $1.50 acrd $2.00.
See )ur line of Caps for Spring, at 25c.
We aim have the newest and nobbiest goods in Neckwear, Bows,
Derby'', Knots, etc.
Men's White Laundered Shirts, with Cuffs, at 75c., worth $1.00.
Men's Black Sateen Shirts, at 45c.
3 -Clio Coliers. best shapes, for 25c.
Our Boot and Shoe Department takes no back seat. We never before
carried each a large and well -selected stock. We are preper i to do the oboe
trade of Dungannon.
Men's Plough Boots. No. 1 stock, at 88 cent.
Men's Dongole Bal or Congress, at $1.75, worth 42.35.
Men's Buff Bats, fashionable toe, special at $1.25.
Women's Fine Oxfords,. worth $1.00, for 80c.
Remember, onr prices are uniform. We also hove some broken lines,
odd sizes, which we will clear out at a prioe,
for the people. A line of goods that will make your eye-teeth burble.
Cream Sodas, 3-1b. boxes, 20c. per box.
5 lbs. Molasses Syrup for 25c.
Canned Corn, guaranteed firstciass, 5c. per tin.
.. laundry Starch, 5e. per Ib.
1ba..a for lQ.c_
Pure Spices, Flavori. ng Extract, Yeast Oakes, Diamond
Dyes, etc., eta, all at 25 per cent. below regular price.
22 lbs. Redpath'. Granulated Sugar for $1.00.
25 lbs. Redpath's Bright Coffee Sugar for $1.00.
Redpath's Amber Syrup, 91c. per lb.
Another lot of pure French Castile Soap, 2 cakes for 5c.
Bring your dollars to the Dungannon Bargain Salle it you want to see
then, grow. '
W1v�_ SMX.tA-3ZZ1vZ A.Z1`, Tr_
Leed.Aore : A quiet wedding took plate
as the base of Jobs lirusedoo on Wednee-
day of last week, when hie only remainlaut
daughter teas married to J. U. Adams
Wt stases : Oa All& 13, at 11:57 A 0.,
the apirif of Samuel B. Morrie taskwhat eight
Lest )!'.11 deemed S_
now thought by his bleeds to have
very *light stroke of paralysis of 8atar-
d 11 his 1.heed : es the aftoensoo
Batas -
die, Apra at& airier bating mean
Mara for a wank, he a5 st a seven
w .PVIVe,h 1t1 Se!! --
viardaut OPERA HOUSE.
The Lathes* arrNi4Na °�,n5Ileir about
7 a.-. daily. resew` . t1Asa s.
Peeves Leta
-., sad smashes
oared. a f ria sR a sewwill hoes stl�i
'Abut 'T N
,�ps�St1 Si, 28 and. 29
tt{fe°�„rdWlealeae of ib
t & games
chenetag Nentleel Opera
RIMIS. -Pinatere
is Asia.
nom diner y.ltel mows
wart Oottomas me* ad oesIY
ftltli ORCHINITRa-
40 People In the Cad
- - ADMI$$WN
Martha : C. Morningstar, of Wates.
has psrob.aei the Witerham pump works
from U. Showers and bas taken pomades
ai tba caro
MoKitlep : Ws tenet to *asthma the
death et Mardo Massed, oldest sea a Kee -
'meth M.l..ad, of Taroaes, and formerly of
Seat deceased was a 'ware of
Mei. 111111.1me, of &Werth. H. was here
1s wow* tM yeses ago geld was a bright.
prousisielT' jaa man. Ahoat a year ago
ii* , neattlll*•d by that tell airs..., aaa-
' star E
Sswffei Slee M Peeler's' n atlr(Yte
We have only s► small but clean
stock of Wall Parer left, and as
we are going one of this line, we
with to clear the balance out by
the end of this month. You can
gabs motley by buying of no now.
All grades from 5c up.
and Turkish
The fakes have crossed swords with our legitimate Tea trade and led the
fight. We have now stored in oar wareroorns OVER 2,000 LBB. OF
TEA, which for quality anc price beats anything ever brought into Western
Ontario. You know oar reputation as tea merchant. If you do not know
our Teas, you will do well to make their acquaintance at once.
We ask no extraordinary profits Notwithstanding' the reosnt attempts
to boyoott us, we take much pleasttre in informing you that we are selling all
lines at our regular reduced pricei,'iticluding the genuine Dr. Williams'
Alts at 3 boxes for $1.10. ,
pgustattted alwys ralywer thuoahies elite,
Highest market price paid in Oash,for, Eggs.
Terms Strictly Cash. We sell too cheap to give
Seeds Seeds Seeds
• C1,6vER-Ali the best 1 No. 1 Tilidrffc. Shone for the kitchen
garden. Now Finn Slime. Our harvest of seeds is gathered from
reliable growers only. M usual we shall have the Beer Ov Fritts/
CORN in in a few days -prepare for your silo.
Store--Mattonit.H4lll, Fea1tl•Iti, '
711E REk,UA* 1 $UDSMAN