HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-4-22, Page 8. 6 LOSS OF VOiCE Atter Acute Bronchitis aouD DT GSM AYER'S crezonrtoral , A PREACNEIri CVE IENCC. • "Three months aaggo,0. I took a vio- lent cold which ref>1111ted in an atta Of acute bropchitia I put myself under medical treatment, and at the end of two months WM Ao . I found it very difficult to •ad concluded to try Ayer's Chatty Pectoral. The first bottle gave me 'great relief ; the second, which I am Mow taking, has relieved me almost 'stingy of all unpleasant symptoms, --sad I feel sure that one or two bot - lies more will effect a permanbnt Cure. To all ministers suffering from throat troubles, I recommend Ayer'e Cherry Pectoral." -E. M. BxewLiT, D.A. Dist. Secretary, Am. Bapt. 'Publication Society, Petersburg, Va. � Ayer's Cherry Pectoral SOLD MEDAL AT TES WORLD'S TAIL mars J LEADS ALLOTTER SARSAPARIL U& Rlnelaas. The sweetest blaming' felling from above. Are human sympathy andhuman iov• Ott 'Lengthens hops with a_aalWy cheers. Qu ether mittens sorrow with ifs Aad both together torm the golden net loans the borders of •sssRUy. WOMAN WHY? Yea have Sallow Skin, Pimples, Eruptions, 1)iselloratrons. Why resort to cosmetics and powders to hide the edeots' De. Agnew. Liver Pills regulate the system sad restore to the cheek the health- ful rosy ►loom and peach blush of youth. Disorder like these arise from sluggish there. From one to two pills • dose. will "lardy and purify the complexion in short ardor. Dr. Agnew's pills at all druggists. See that you get what von ask for. 20.,. for 0 doses. Sold by J. E. Wild aotmels in India kill 2,800 human beings every year ; of these an avenge of 900 are killed by trier. WHERE RHEUMATISM is UN- KNOWN. No Matter Row Intense the PainSouth American Rheumatic) Cur. will Re- move it Quickl -A Indy of Highgate Tells What it Did for Her -Permanent Cllr of a Cass of Years Standing. IS has bees declared by scientist■ that 'eery diocese hat • remedy. The difficulty is ales.-iaa-*hf thee Soutil American Rheumatid Cell has bass found a oertsin antidote for this pala- tal disease. It is always effective Din. . N. Ferri., #0 o1 a well-known manntso- terer of Highgate, Ont., ems : " I wait seriously effeoted with rheumetio pains is { 'lay ankles, and at times was almost din - L' lied. I tried everything. as I thouebt.ao.t elestiored for years without much benefit. I toss induced to use South American Rhein. alatio (,bre. To my delight, the first done Save me more relief than I had had for years, aocl two bottles have oompletely eared me." Sold by J. N. Davin. L Anatraira heves sad o►tt'e are Ger es Misr branded by electricity from storage batteries. The temperature is uniform and *s- ne.d sate and artistic. raglan Ims.ssIble. 'Wham Maness -servo pain ogre -is ap. It .iMO.rs not of bow long standing, dm and pals subduing power is that relief is slmiet inatastaoeoss, It a eerie pin oore. This eedtte- �, --Gee of se tI!.�t� a. sas Nervousness cuSco ST INDD'S KIDNEY PILLS �bave been tronbled with Ner- ' mess for some time ; could no relief. Ono day I was ding of the wonderful cures b" odd'* Kidney Pills had done, and concluded to try them. I awe used two boxes and I am completely cured. I can highly .;recommend them. I remain, yours, etc., D. J. KENS; Pro. Queen's Hotel, Mt. Forest, 0111 s Kidney Pills desi g THE 8i8'NAL i •3ODERIUH ONT.. THURSDAY- APR. tae 1897. EWS TO?IcS 9PAW�+h Important Events In Few Words For Busy Readers. Th. Ss liamey Warld's Reppealep Carebel[r Cem,al.d sad rat late alsaa7 diad •IerNUre "asp* tor Ors Reeder* of ear Paper -• Sella *ear's L.jgweat . rarearesaed la[.rmaues. $?U1UT11 I. Queen Victoria vlsttoed the Prince of Wales' !ruing yacht Britannia at Nen said conferred the medal of the Vie toren Order upon Capt. Carter, th- yacht's 'nernmander. Vas ring Itsconte The Globe Flour Mills at Corm,a.11 were burned, entailing a loos of 401,44 $115,000. A 130.000 fire occurred tn ttr whole - sake quarter of From and Weinrtgton streets east. Toronto. the other even- ing. - THE LABOR WORLD.' -• With encs uragemeat from the Social- ist party, leaders u( the workingmen of Germany have resolved to celebrate May Day as a labor holiday. The Premier and tite So3citor-(1 r- a•at received a deputation representing the Trades Coatgrees of Canada. Sever- al everal important matters. Including the ILIKrlaY, whir dlee-tweed. POLITICS- I M r,EItIAL. -The London Eee*tontfet trays that the Ok!t1oa of Mr. Seton -Karr for state granaries is only veiled protection. .- It le- reported from Cape Tows* 'hat the British have secured Inyach Is- land. at the entrance of Deiagoa Bay. and shat a squadron -a( war ships from Cape Town have gone to take poses - skin of the tetand and declare It Brl- Uslj, territory. TRE RELIGIOUS WORLD. In view of the suffering from pro- tracted drought, the Government of NOW Routh Wales has claimed that April 16 be observed aa a day of hu• ml'1.t41cm and prayer for tern. .. The ItOman Catholic Archbishops 6t the Donnteion and the Blehope of Que- bec met Mgr. Merry del Val, the papal delegate. et the archiepiscopal palm•= kt Montreal and discussed the poiltin i and religious question which had brought the delegate to Canada. Arch- bishop Cleary of Kir[gstoe Was tent eiwege OUnt-� 7I!-F.es�j th. l0Llyfics-rimun e.- .._- -11sy imarusosan etanetThas -ruff) ed. ^The German Government will short- lere laterpeHawd action towards the Mtlttniey tariff. Herr Leuger, M Vienna, has aialaelaten el•etea ggpmaate . this time by 'three-fourths majorit A bill w•fll shortly be pieced he far_ the French Chamberof. Deputies alio Mg for two hundred mttlion francs to build naval docks. The I'nited Stater, Congr .a heir ap- propriated two hundred dollar for the relief of the MlavL,.plil Vafley suffer- ers. - MIN Glee national etleveney, reeelvable by the Government fur all dues and with privet* legal tender [unctions for MIT mens of the labor and materia) there on. The agitation au this line is to be keit HD. van DIAD. Mr. James N. Carter. Mayor of Plc - ton. is dead. Mr. William MUroy, a London artist. dropped dead in ht, stadia Mr. John Wright, manager of the Welker House, Toronto, Is desd. Rev. James VanWyclk, paster of Gore street Methodtet Church, Munition, 1s dead. Ion: On Stephen. Imperial Seotetahry of State for the General Postal De- pat/Intent. dted the other day. Mr. F. X.-)(oiwn, Moslems/. Presi- dent TM•dent of the Merchants' TelepEone Co„ died from paralysis atter- a brief ei- nem. at r. W. H. G. Know•tee. a prominent citizen of Guelph, diad s city last week. Mr. Isaac West, aged known and highly respected resident of West Toronto Junotlon, was found dead in biz stable by his son. Death was due to natural causes. JOLLY FUNERALS In Orman ?boy Are Ye °emotieae to brass Reads sada Holiday. There must be something in to auany air ut Greece which snakes ptso• pie so cheerful In spite or ttisineelvt they make eras the burial off th an one:mik s festal rattier tea Funerals at say rate, are to tuwereal fn &tinny Hellen than northern climes. Tito typical Greek funeral of the Doting edit la led ley nix or ells** me Orilemnly bearing between them s open coin in which the Lace of the Corp.. 1s fully visible to passers upo the street. It the bearers 'are in th national costume -red cap Mt3 a kilts, knife -pleaded, and longs white stockings, with em*roldere l gaiters -they certainly loot rather gay for. mourners. If a beanie is used It is nob a .blue affair with heavy plumes, but as ge lth gilding and red and white pain Innis wagon. and Geo arrange *reface of the corpse is visible If the family of the dead man are rlc enough to afford It, a brass band ac cq'mpanke the proceealon, besides th =pup ut Greek priests. walking by th to There is always a crowd of on lookers, for the Greeks of to -day, lik their vivacious ancestor, appear t have nothing in particular to do, and public notice of death and funeral 1. always given In the town by enured cards, posted on the Murch doors lampposts and dead waI&s. In- Athens 4he funerat--ot an eminent man is always made the exaree for something ltt.- a piddle festival. On such occasions the state hearse Is brought out. drawn by four white horses. This hearse Is a high affair, made in close *notation of a Corin- thian temple. The elaborately carved columns are gray with gilding, the roof M white and gold: On every posalife pretext there y a military parade to honor of the , distinguished departed. and the brass band is never omitted. -When the late Austrian Minister, Baron leoeeek was buried, there was a parade fit his honor of several re- giments of Greek infantry, a lot of mariree from the Greek Navy, Aus- trian sailor and attaches; music was furnished by Greek and Austrian mili- tary bands, the former 42 which wound up the day by playing popular airs In the Place de la Uonlstitutlon to art wirdl- enee of *eve -al tbousanda Fully half the population of the city were gather- ed athered in dense manses along the wide academy avenue, and saw the parade. fn which the gay frontier troops -In their Albanian dress vet= the most napffifffiis feature, and next to them were the beautiful floral designs borne upon long pole* by sten of European dress. The King was present In a Dialn carriage driven by a coach in diver and blas uniform. but he lttt)e. aNaetion. Atltenahni awe their King almost any day. - 'Phe modern Greeks are the deelen3- ants of people who could crack joked on a tombstone. Outside the Dtpylon. or ancient gate of Athens, two tom:» have reeentty--been unearthed. On one L carved a huge bull, on the other a dog. Both are ilfe-size and admirably executed; and the dog in marbl. is •marline flercely at the marble hull. which for 2000 year and more has with lowered head, menaced the dog in turn. r • s e n r It n it a e 1, k y t 3 • . The Dominion Government estimate contain appropriations of 110.0.0 for statues of the Queen and Host. Alex. Mackenzie, whlota are to be plated un the Parliament grounds. cast; In a runaway accident at Maribank George Johnston. a fa�-�Sr. a:1,1 j� 11,��yn frdhi -the vehicle, and Instantly kUlest. The steamer A>,regyr. trout IAverp00l. aabore on Blonde Ruck, outside Tar- te', 1 .S., harbor. The crew la Mr. Samuel Clark, a young man etir ployed on a farm near BeUevllte, wan killed by the bursting of a fly -wheel while working a wood-rawing machine. James M. Wttltantson, fifteen yearn old. wee, given an injection of anil- toxine at the Christian Orphins' Home :ir0;$t. Loins. Mo.. and in forty mkt -toted th- was a cotose. -The Dominion Department of Marine n!r!3Red that the Beaver line steamer Aware was lost to the Bay of Fundy. All on board, numbering Rt penman, were raved. The wife of Mr. James Laing of the Laing Packing Company. Montreal, died tn the dental otfloe e.f Dr. Rundeau while under the influence of chloro- form, whlcb had been administered by Dr. John Hutchinson.' At Puente, Ayres an Immense am- ount of damage was caused by the et- plarioe•ege4 cartksaMV( flrrwerks. A whole block wan destroyed before the flames were under control. Ten per- sons lost their lives through the ex- -plosion or tiering the conflagra•tton. FUR RES OK 741.. _ Ormillton C lhi-1UL £lie London Social reformer, and six nurses have started for the Island of 'Crete. It 1s rumored In London tbet the Duke of York. who Is a captain of the royal *navy, will &horny john rhe Chan- nel squadron. • Lord Charles Beresford pre pD�� to re -arm seventeen obsolete wwrshtps which are now In the reserve with modern heavy y guns �--- - at'SI (Erne Lake navlgatltm is op_ning. A serious state of affairs -!r ar.ati Africa M reported, rebellion.' bavbgt broken out in two or three'dllietrlets The flank cf England dlrcount rate near Delugoa Bay • has been reduced fro2 to 2 1-2 per • The Chinese Government has decided cent. front ...to order four more armoured cruit.era. Judge Dugas '0f montreat has 'dig- two fast cruisers and several torpedo missed Mr. J. 3I. ItrQurtfer, action destroyers. English type. against the American Tot:acco Com-,, pasty of Canada. holding that the do Teacher -Which animal is satisfied with Pendants' method of reHng their clgir ettes fa not a violation of the law the least any not of nourishment!" .gems* trusts. - C'rarl a -The moth " Them ib no improvement In the trade Teacher -The moth! Oh uo, the moth is situation In the United States. There a most voracious sairrieL has been a sharp advance in moat of - Charlie -Pat it only eats hole." the rtocke on the New Torn Exchange, wtth considerable buying, Lugar and - Chicago Gas being the features. The mmrraercial failures fur the week In tbe United States have been 252as compared with 208 for the correspond- ' WORS-E ung are u[ fact Y. or . 1 • CRIl1E AND CRIYI A[.ts. Mr. Blddee's sate at Port Rowen was blown open and robbed of a small rum. The Domtnlon Government bas stop- ped the practice of giving prisoners in the petittentiaries tobacco for good ocn- duct. R. G. Hili, a mall fruit and candy dealer In Vancouver, root his wife er1-t then_ tried to commit Apiciae by shoot - Mir 'Beall are 'alive, but tie woman', recovery IS impossible. Albert tiers (aged 20), James Sickle, John Seam, and John Brown (colored), were arrested in Bea1tford on a ebargs` of uttering ocitrtterfelt Money. A complete> outfit of counterfeiters' toot!, war found In the Sear house. Cottar terfelt ten and twenty-flve cent pieces have been circulated 4n lrantfor4 for scwne-tf p&i1J Sears turned Qdeen'a' evidence, and swore that Sickle made the moulde, and Brown, the colored men. made the counterfeit money. The. cases were adjourned. I'URRt.Y PERSONAL. King Cristta-n of Denmark ban cele- brated his seventy-ninth birthday. The King of Btam . has started on a visit to Europe and the Untted States. Rev. Hamilton Leithr-attd 11re, Leith of Hamilton have celebrated their dia- mond wedding. Lleuteoarrt-Gmreroor (?hanlean has spotted tor sad otralotb1 leave of Geo- -A-T- eener, and Sir Aiegstndrta has her. appoltrted Administritor. Lieutenant -Governor -Klrkpatrt"k le reported to be moon better, and stead- ry'; vintf. - t•. wity"eal1 frotn Eng- land for Canada on the 21st inst. Mr. R. halm of Erin wan elected Warden of Wellington in place of Mr. McNSb (neatened), . and Mr. James Beatty was appointed Clerk of the County in phone at has late father. The Hon. Fredertck Arthur Welles ley, third son of the drat Mari Cawley, was granted adive teen his j/fe, Kato Vaughan, the actress, on the grounds of her misconduct with a member of Pier cornpany of the name )Ante H. S1 L, PrsiiGest, of IiOrrtmorc' lona Carmel., Vise•Pseesde.t, RAIT.ROAD Rt lIAL1tt0 1). E. O•Laa•1TA. 8sssIsay, New mi York oapitallsts Prose to build.*—P. V. Fa•san, Haallrlllg Dinebr, en a e-1 bet London and �R.CA D 0FFIC11, &. Mews, OM. Poet fftantey. 'etre G1rtoaltut Rmtloa.. and Qulrtcr A Rahway wawa ty M Le'Da'ttd tq have tura Lethbridge dual Great Palle line to the Northwest. itefrenitr g the - Cnoves Neel Pa•', '.anway Ile. Moheses of British Colum- bia declared in the Renate yesterday that the dem wvnld Par a dalldsome 4&vlePnwl OR ebb• Inveutnrh,,I. and that the nue deist at Ila Peru t by the Gov- ernment. HAS A FULL LINE OR :.dad and - Yin Pipes and kitting', Sinks, Hvdrants, and .Brass Taps for Water Services TILES and TRAP ; for TILE Drains. An Witter services and mks' Drains csa s iUy put in. Refrigerators White Lead, Paints and Oils WORSELL'S Mott to Wi1g0M1 Drag Stora. TiiBl FARMERS & TRADERS .LIPS AND ACCIDZZNT3 ASSURANCE COMPANY, ltd. Tisa annual thetting et She Cetrrad}an Paalflc Rellw'.y Chanpassy wag is*M to Ho,ttrw. Sir Willem O Vail Horse. In awning the aArt,elleg ea the report. seed andtt�hs at_ tutee A_utism*[ _ pPree netint year 1'ig oat Dosed et DPeOS0141 "r, t'r•ve era sit, r leas the ere with tap unities iowoit kherr, Ia. dre.e tM 61600. I 1 1.00 36,1000.00 U7y to der. Pere► coatrama locallb am wasted. Ad. haft Ca. Lai Alta 1N WANT Or DRY ZLri, SAW - WOOD, SLACK A81[. OR SALE AT A BASOAIIP 1 pVTrrr 70* fditwtlu e e e 0 How Site Repaid Herself. A clergyman told me an ammainc story the other day of an eccentric old Lady In his parish. whe was devoted to good works, and quite a second cur- ate In the parish. in spite of her ec- oentrtcltlee. Having to leave horbe on one occaslon, she bete to pay some small parochial account for him (a mat- ter of frequent occurrence when he happened to be away) ; but, knowing how punctilious he was about repay- ment as soon as he returned, ah' wee much embarrassed that on thin occa- sion be called several times without al- luding to the subject. Some six months later he mytdenty remembered his omission. and hasten- ed to discharge hie debt and duly apologised. But the simple nl.1 soul had found a way out of th: difficulty. se she *enured him by repaying her- self. "But how did you do that ?" said her vicar In eurprtse. "Oh, when i saw you had forgotten it I hist estopped my urinal contribution on Sun- days until I had paid myself bask 1" Her surprise was immense when Mie wan greeted by a hearty burst et laughter. -Lady. PIetorial. Seho�e W The boy with the red satchel of hooks was corning down Decatur-strest and met the greasy -faced boy. wtrl said "Ray, Joe, wbut kinder books deader make a feller swatter at de nubile. skulP '"' "Oh, jes' g'ografles an' 'rlthrrtatfcs. an' things that away." "Situ! Don't her no Bnitalo 13111 books„ ner nothin' about de Jeems boyo?" "Hope' "Nuthin"'bout plruts ner bandits, nuther!" "Ncrpf." 1 "Ner ehootln' Injuns ter tatters, ner nuthin'?" "Nope." "Shaw, thin, I wudn't go to over poky ole rattle. Hit mus' be dun 'muff to gin' at Mier de fever. Dem yere ekule teachers is allots 'way behind de times. enny'how."-eAtaante. ConetlUr tion. At a Luton school the Meyer teacher. having asked most of pupil* the difference between an Is and it smitoeulaw,ltttung satisfactory answer. Marne to the bel. 'I can explain It, sir." said the brtgllt youth. "First, get two ' !gases: 1'111 of ' with water and the otter teeth mHk. Then catch a fly and place ft In the glye of water. That fly in en Inland, t+daues It lo entirely surrounded by water. But now place the fly la the Blasts of milk and it will be a peninsula. because tt Is nearly surrounded by water." The boy went to the top of the class. -London A.nrivers. A Helske aeholetr. STEAM BOMBE 110888. A. S. O H RYSTA L, dammar t>Areseai O d/omi, ataaufaesnrse of all kiada eft BOILICRS, smoke Stacks, Salt i'ana. Sheet Iron Works.eta, etc,, And Dealer Ia-y���� /� aa,,.,,,��. i—. iltaokisary C..Ilsp. &c. AU eis•s of Pipes and Pips Fittings, Steam sad Wates lunges, Globe Valve., Cheek Valyey Iaspirstore, Bjeotsrs and In. jpsoeY�sse, Ooaslaatly oa Hand a0 Loweea it apses] lin. of Steel Water and Hee Tro:agbs for u.e of hinters sad others Repairing promptly attended to A. !. CERTSTAL. P. el. Hos 1f, Oodertob, During the Year 1897. Por hill particulars se ndeertisemmy, or b BIIS$ln. 23 Stn Ir., matt sAuee a iri to, yr cakao • Ter"ate, njbe Otsea co. II II AL.. always on hand. Tho Beet end only Seraton Coat- in this markt t. Hard, Sof/ and Black- smith Coal always on hand. All Coal weighed on the Inarketseales, so that you are sure of Good T- 1 11` -. .:J WM. LEE. or - Harbor Quay. BASER dt LEE'3 tore. EPPS'S COCOA ENGLISH BREAKFAST COCOA Possesses the tofowtmr trestlnrtive Kerlts Delicacy of Flavor, Supenonty in Quality, Gratetlsl and Comforting, to the nervous or insp. os le. Nutritive Qualities Unrivalled In Qnart.r-posed 'rias eery. aAlamt tura at te., std., is iwepe/ate tatemu se Leode's. Swains. Fest lild IMI laitet ed hag the Peas Ogles. whew • Castes et Mega asd Panlwy will swaps llahrias ss` Orders regularly coiled he, sod de - prompt i7. rL•svo • trial order please. W. W. GREEN. PLAITING MILL. EST/lilting Igo. s & 1111y113s MR, POOR and BLIND t__.,aminils sawn" eE... LUMBER&- LATH SHINGLES 40411elkluesa at l t-st may paaetperoa 9 8 tll'Isfty. WE MAKE_, Sewer and Culvert Pipes An arms trees 4 M. is ea la. AGM reaseeslese. WR/Tt FOR PRIONS. THE ONTARIO SEWER PIPE CO 00i* ADILAIOg •T. t., UMW/ AT raron TORONTO' •bilp Cray's SYTHP � M Red Zonal 3,41111C2 - Colds, Wes& alb; Sere Cv m throat, ete. astyltr, Urw • eO., tsae.a.eveaa Pea ltsehlaea Pens are made by machines weltah Seem almost to think. The steel es eat Into ribbons as wide as the iength of one pea and Howe are fed to tea nhlnes which sat out the hianha,, thee** tad/Mina st *inn. spec the potnta and place the mater's name on the hake. The pens are now o0mptete, Nave the annealing, sad tht. terata • ',pirate eperatttw. After [sang dao nested they are 0011(5ted and elated IS hoses. A rnardttne has been invented for portormiag bfath these epern,ydba. Tres is Roof Ateod,' ChetnPsta say that tate leisa, of leen eeettalnts d larger percentage ,g iron than that of any ether ertssat,^ and hoof Is the meet aourtohftg entreat laud. PS'is made tit dried retleeing blond have been mantannerlreel tee lilb in mNdlette.. iris. sev,awrs ![wens ?se *anted tong. of tie renew is cee et itle OWN* tigehlall it 111011=411=1.= het Paw MIl Om Cx..W TI-IOMPBQN • Made *haler, be. agile ..eared ohs iW above The tOMIM(I Witt has been he _11Seeh be 5. to t•1 the peelso ress sad ewlriof the e, Who, 1 ew the vont ent, and the -tris a deme readout of 15.00 Veto= gluts*. MY OPENING DAYS FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Feb. 26 nd 27, and Mar. 5 and 6 i h�saill i belvi a� y,see�� « .Z. Maus of tfis t" r nlfoaWam b• RON1tgT PRTQga Y Yy 0. e i luded. I.0 asses. t 'THOMPSON'8 MUSIO DEPOT WMA ride of Sauer•, tte,'.tlalt, nit Ask year OruggIM M A 1111 1111r. "19" Illernedly /Mk and Impure Blued* Wonderful rode Wonder Tonle Ulm)? sod' lir Towbar errra.«..am w t1. tiast.104116 cues.,. o5, NM. -