HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-4-22, Page 71 THE SIGNIiAL : GODS.UOH. ONT.. SAY APR. 22 1897. Seasonable Goods 1 PRINTS The flutist goods, and all warranted fast colors. )Fine. 10c. NOVELTIES Special AZURE SILKS, JREPONS PERCALES, ETC. - All lovely designs. from 8 to I2ic a yard. LACE CURTAINS N.ow is tbe time to buy your Lace Curtains. Our prices will suit you. See our $1.00 Curtain : nothing like it in town for the money, Other lines from 45c up, CLOTHING FULL ASSORTMENT in all other lines -Dry Goode and Ready -Made Clothing. Prices the Lowest Est. JAMES A. REID Jordan's block, 21st April 1897. • tOW _ADVERTISEMENTS -APRIL 22 Pegs Don't bey • Bicyols--Hasderaop Btcyoie Co pjotias o Creditors -Carrow A Proud - foot Plumber., 'team Fitton -Cattle Bros 8 A Cripple for Life -Fulford & Co '7 (;oat Bergamo -Colborne Brot 6 Pnrenolins-Ott•w• Medicine Go. Ltd 3 How Bright Horns Looks -W. C. Goode 5 Lackeow Stege -Adam Thompson. 1 God.rtch Bargain Centre -Jas. Robinson 4 PbreooUae--Jas. Wilma b Sesson.bls Goods -Jas A. Reid. 5 Victoria Opera Howe -A. E. Fera.... 8 Wall Papier Sele-The Fair 8 Spring, 1897-Jobn Hiles 8 Sods Fountain for diel. -C. A. Nein.. , 1 • Servant Wanted -Mrs. Kay 8 •' Digo of sale --E. M. Chedwtok ... 1 Beck Agents Wanted - The Bruin*- a Gametes' Co Wao.ed-8. M. Fry, Toronto 4 Waoted-New Idose Co, Brantford 4 5 1 ABB -In 9t. Almon, U.S. A- on Tn•eds . Me 13th inst.. to Mr, and Mn. F. A. Crabb, aeon. MARRIED. BRiNDLSY-CARD-1a Sheppardton, on the 14th fast.. at tin reeidpne of the fat_d the groan, Sr Rev. J. 11Y P - Joseph Bestial to Rens Ma, ter of Levi Card, merobent d DIED. • REID-1n eti to Tastier. 101. Jas. A. s�L40yeast and 16 gem-- --- ME TALK OF THE TOWI'i. Resile the ReporNi+s Notebook if 1..',e HH j e' tell tier rocs, r• tent Mt • Alen Mira 7e Tains' leen► cele Mel iaWU -)tom-fir. It heeded tN USW the arils ttcatty cot, needy soeSeenMa obtained at F. J. I Tatham's seen MO* oheel se Hetes Day. No illustrated off The �1�es sr Mall. e bonies Wetness last laooepielawYroet •'umber of Sallow's Moses WS MN tint the work of the fdadariob artist to teaks a moo oesstnl Woe. CONE, SIR AND TANTZ.-The 'adios of God.rioh are respectfully invited toe beet of oil stoves et Worst'', ea SasssOap even - int, April 24. Cake and saes Everybody oomb and ass bots yea On do self. wmmetSl!l4K 91ta2l14,4klfli.I • I HEY CAN MOULD. -A1 the Organ fao- tory oo Tuesday Mawr Saunders' was ewes eastiegs that had e hohw from the Heedersee Co h 1 hheatit. boles referred to arm used he the maeafse• tore of .sats, and sere es ebwap, and of better finish than (hose purchased from larger sides.. A Csolcs Cou.acsow.-At Yates' mil- linery depot is to he seen • well obese stook ot goods, .11 e1 wbtsb are being sold 11 subtly redoes! grip•• Iai wiaenw among the • eldss et beadgeer esu eU the latest deafest lei artistic hats, various shades ot e►tfse read a almost endless pro- fusion of flowers. ST. Gsoaos's.=Exeter Day was as usual celebrated ia 8t. George's by lenge ooeg:♦ shone at emit iervioe. The church was nicely deeeested, limy of the Prettiest of twere being seed, amid the aedm•l portios of the service was an that could be desired. The reeler. Rev. Mark Taroboll, iboduoted the these ter vioee...- - Remember the g:e•t bankrupt sale of MoNauihton's bankrupt stock ot boots and .hoes, everybody pleaeai with the bargain. See our bargain counter, a job lot of shoes only 50 sent@ per pelf. The sale will ooze - tune one week loner ; all must go. Shop furniture tor sale cheap. Jogs. Broderick. THE G. T. K. -The past week was • lively one st the G. T. R. depot A very large quantity ot lumber and salt was ship- ped, and hogs, horses. furniture sod or - saw formed large bills among the etceteras. Passenger trellis was rusbiog, for in addi- tion to the regular travel some 229 oltizeos took advantage of the holiday fares. THs ANtIvsawAnY.-Huron lodge No. 61, I 0 O. F., will celebrate the 7dtb an- . iver•ery of the institution ot theOrder on this uonuioot by attendinr Divies barrios to St. George's church osit'8anday morn- ing, on which 000eston the rector, the Rev. Mark Turnbull, will preach the sermoa,and the oboir will .to appropriate musts. DON'T BUT A BI(Tr-LE. -Don't buy • bicycle until you hove seen the COmmon the.. and Heron wheels. Ws have de - sided to mill our own wheels direct from the factory to our ou.tomers so that we can Rise you Food terms as well as • good wheel. Every wheel *old with a guarantee. Rsodsroon Bicycle Co. Ltd. sad f uadn. Pm-,oss.-00 Tuesday. WeAssdav and Thursday of NIt week the opera " Vma- fore" will be presented •t Victoria Opera Hone& Al Pinafore t. euppoeed to bs one of Gilbert and Sullivan's best works, bas o ver bene put, oo the stage in Godortob, sed has an exceedingly creditable cast, it Id be tits success of the season. We might mention that the dresses and scenery will equal enytbag ever seen in town. IT STARTS TODAY. -R. B. Smith oom- Vill 1 • sale today of tweeds dirsot from the nodi at 22ic. per yd. ; white cotton, 1 yd. wide, worth 10o. for 6o. per yd.: prints 32 in., fast ootor•s. 6o. per yd.; shirting and •pros gingham'', 71jo. per yd. ; dallies and American prints, 34o. per yd.: ladies hosiery, 77Jt per pair ; black cashmere her. 20o. per. pair. There es no question as to where to do business for it's et R. B. Smith's CeauYa AND s.1 AT1Nf: -The mans ssostinir of the Curling and Skating Associa- tive was held ea Monday evening, the presi- dent, Janes Clark, in the ohair. The inta- ct' of last meeting having been reed sad approved, it was moved by Joseph Williams, .eooedd by V. Jordan. and oarried, that e tall statement in detail of the finanoss ot the Association from the first be printed and • oopy suet to each .herebolder. On motion of W. Campbell and D. McLaren the GM board of directors were re-elected, and H. Doolop and A. Farrow were, on motion, added to the board. I:. A. Humber having been re -Sleeted to the office of secretary, ..d it. S. Williams, to that of treasurer, the adjoar..d unto the god Monday in Ysy. A meeting of the dirwoton was held eabesquensly wham Dr. Holese was sliced .sal+--a___.,_n A1Ln _riot l idMti I rad .swat.)^_ .sMssd *commit.' ordered to be paid. The beard of directors thea •dtemes- ed to see. i• the president's office on E ri- day ive.ing, April 23rd. I Smoot, EXAMINATION. -The foltowin curoular has bees fesaod by the uounty sobool Inspector. E.trence end Pablio School la ortag : 28th June, 8:45 A tu., Si Godriole. Exeter Zurich. Bayfield, H.nssn. Du.van- nen. Ktoteil, Si. Helen's end Grand Beed. High .obool Primary examtnstten (Form I.) Jely 2nd. 8:45 A s.. al Goderie tClinton, Seatereb. Wisgbss. Brussel. and Exeter. High ..heel form II cad Coamaroial Dip- loma, July 5th : Form III and Form IV, July 714i. 8:45 A w., at Gado -fob. Clinton aid Seaforth, Form II,Jsty 5tb,8:45 at Wl.gham, Brussels sad Exeter. Applt- o,Mess for Entrees• and Polite School lesvv���.gg,� seeker lowing and .s.Mfw!•tioa (High School Forms I, II, III and IV) reset Its seat te the inspector before May 24th. aoo. pes1ed by neoQ.ery los. Then who intend to write let say ex•mieatioa More to the Weiler. I --- s! Did.io..1 Horse eines egad N.rir anam •e0. •ovine •sass la tell. M J. will Tess, 1. P. at Oodarke. roe lieVosea. Alhesias book No. 6, a.d tel eadss home atom amp book ; sad for Peine 8sbtpl Leaviert.draw- tog byok No. 6 Th. week In deems • +off a noose be osplet.d and a stilled to Masher • �t�o be tM work et the a rdtdaie a Leav- ing bookkeeping booke will bet szasbod se la former yesre. DIED IN Tss STATES - W • oopy the follow• ins from The Htakory. N. C . Times of April 8th. The deceased lady was a resi- dent of Port Albert for s long period, and h er many friends to Asbileld and Colborne will hear with regret the news of her uses• pasted death : " As we Q.B o prow we learn that Mrs. Murray, late of Mtobig•s. bat more meetly of Hiokory, is dead. She bad been r d.11 cats health for • loop time. ►ire. Murray was 10 sso.11.o5 Christen IOdy and had pothers to t.sr tram the orange. •' 05 rite 241u. -The first bass ball gems, to be played on the Quesa'& birthday. will be with • London team, and s expected it, be • guod oo.. lo the .venin; • drained° pertorMnos will be given in Viotoria Opera House *oder the home team's auspices, sad as preparations are already in provr.N'to make' it • .uooess, it will, no doubt. be charmingly promoted. As our flub to try: bite til either funds for • victorious season *very lover of the game should bay • ticket. A GOOD INVtie zee ENT -Tel followingitem from Th. Winnipeg Free Press is of local interest hers from the fact that our well kown chine, George Acheson, is a heavy investor u the oomp my named : " Tb. Winnipeg bed gusts Minion. DsMimey. of Skean, is beginning t0 boom. Every day brings forth fresh indications that the great led,.-oow known to be over 40 feet wide -will with depth till solid with ore. Should this theory prove true to will be the largest mine yet opeoed. A few days ego 13,000 of the company's .hares were &old in block ; and Tuesday • sale to • big mining & yndioate of Montreal of one hundred thous- and shares was closed by tsar.. This is the biggest stook deal that has been pat through in Bsiteh Columbia for some moots.." Mr. Acheson, who ie acting as local agent here, will give all information to anyone ds.iriog it. THE .' I TORIAN Otiose or Nuui 11 -0.r Majesty, the Queen. having stgaiAed her wish that the oelebretions to mark _her Diamond Jubilee should, it possible, be as- sociated with sots towards relieving, the Sok, the ()countess ot Aberdeen, ever ready to Inhale all good works, has promulgated • pim for the institution of An order of tetras named as above. To show that the new sobeme will not interfere with the hospital nor..s in the big cities• lbs national oommittee has issued • oircular from whish w e take the tollowinr excerpt : Tbde scheme for providing nurses will not dimples' phy- d el•n■ istba di.triots whet, they labor ; bet it wilt tarnish the -means of &.norm, the best results from the skill and advice of medical men. It is not .nigh that we have the services of physicians. --even in the eitaee. In oases of serious illness their Ater - vials mast be.upplementsd sad followed bp by the ministrations of trained and skil- ful nurses. The pretence of • trained nurse brings the cheerfulness and hopefolos a of 000ndeooe to the sufferer and the family ; and these sot itke • charm pobse.inv • vir- tue beyond, that of any drag. Atter lbs inauguration of this movement by Her Exoellenoy the Countess of Aberdeen, a public meeting was held .t Ottawa on Wed. oeedij,'-F&bruary 10th, under the presidency of His Exoelleacy the Governor Gemmel. The followinv reeolutioo was moved by the Heo. Wilfred (warier, Prime Minister of Canada. *wended • by the Hon. Clifford Sifton, Minster of the Interior, sod carried usanimowly : " That this tnesfelnir heartily approves of the general character of the scheme d.ecrtb.d es the Victorian Order ot Home Helpers as e mode of commemoration by the Dominion of the Qdees's Diamood Jubilee. and that a flied tat opeoed for the carrying oat thereof." The urgent treed that exist.. in the outlying districts of all the provisoes and in all the oitits of the Dominion, for thoronehly trained, practical women. available snaring to theses who ere not rich. *rents to be •d- eiitted by everybody : and there appears to be an almost noeetmoas opinion that no better national &chem• ceuld be etevised for commemorating the Diawieed Jubilee of Her Majesty gesso Victoria, than the ea- tablishment on a ttrrmas.ut beefs of a Vie- t brise Order of Nurse.. t HOW BRIGHT HOME LOOKS Lhdoa� ttfaraltars CLIMAX FURNITURE POLISH erlee tris tem up Ulm mew Corr PIPES WITS BEATEietALL tpteew rating ower -prevents rust DISINFECTANTS We can supply all kinds Sassafras Blood sod 'tumor Bitters b FRESH.. FLOWER and OARDZYI . SEEDS MOTH CAMPHOR FOR FURS Hattie tree the old way. IOo, bones sad bulk. HOUSk:[101,D AMMONIA, Diamond, Turkish sae Standard DYES and other dprins necessaries 1 W. C. GOODE, CHEMIST • good goring mammts BEDFORD BLOCK 'Pest. ap your horses for Sp,,n1 work with our PPOOWDERS FQA-GOOD SPRING MEDICINE OR TONIC - - - ICTt3EI - - - DUNHAM'S COMPOUND EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA W[T$ IODIDES NOTHING BETTISR - LARGE BO'%LBS 504- F. M. DUNHAM Chemist and Druggist. • Situations Vacant. For eat` or To Rent. WANTED. -A GENERAL SERVANT. Appi,, to MRS. KAY, oorner V14901111 sad Kingston -its. It New Baaohlne kinops. TEW MACHINE SHOPS-ALLKINDE -L of Repair Wort done at Reasonable Prises. Farming Implements [oriole. Mach- inery. oew and wooed bond, bought and told. Engines and Boners for sale. Brand -Bates old wagon shop sees* Vlctoriaand Tratal r Streets. J. SART= RUNCiMAN. Tonsorial Arti aL_- JFRITZELY, TONSORIAL ARTIST, . Hot and oold baths os premises. Sea- foamf.ia,shampooing and every other require- ment oerefnlly attended to. end none but com- petent hands employed. Williams' old stand. M cLean's new block, next door to British Ex- change Hotel 96-tf Public Notion. AL L OUTSTANDING ACCOUNTS doe the late John Stewart. Nunarymen. of Benmtllermust be settled on or betore the pet May next to close the estate, Horth MORRIi18t, Solicitor for tba Estate. 6-31 GODERICH CURLING AND SKAT- INo ASSOCIATION. The annual measles of tbe Shareholders of rhe ooderictt Curling and Skating Association' w -p1 be held in the Court Rouse on Monday • lett. Apell Mb. at 8 o'clock. C. A. HUD II Secretary. it • For Bale. BEES FOR SALE -A NUMBER OF hives of Bees are for wale. Teems rens• enable. Apply to MKS. BE(1. OON. Britan- nia Road. 1611 FOR IMMEDIATE SALE ON EASY terms. e farm 190 acres within 3 miles d Soda ioh. Apply. E. Hamtno. Moak d Commieroe BNIg.. tao4ertoh. "- - _ SODA FOiTNTAIN FOR SACK AT A Domain. - Fent Doss $3)0, will sell for $75 Dash. Intends. r p'irobasers oa0 inmost the same and testis all particulars by applying at C. A. N AIRN'S Sewers' grocery store. Oodertcb. April 21.t. !Mt. 18-8 PHRENOLINE the new Rheumatic Remed'.111 • _ B$OWN'S BALSAM FOR COLDS. WILSON'S IRON PILLS 25c a boa Phy iclane' Ppr'escriptlons promptly dis- vameed at WILSON'S PRESCRIPTION STORE Your money back It goods are net as repro IV L.AN& ISSUER OF'1MARRIAGE 'tented. Telephone 4e. S V • Lionises. Ooderich, Ont. rally FARM FOR SALE. I em instructed to offer for sale one of the best 100 acre farms' in the County of Huron ionated within 7 miles of Ooderlcb. The farm has not a foot of waste land on 1t sad the ill Is • rick clay loam tree troth all obnoxious sweetie. The buildings are flet -class. consleting of • frame house with stone foundation and cellar. kitchen, woodshed and .11 necessary outbulld- inns. A frame barn, 52134. and cedar baro, 30 x50. all to good repair. There ars two acres et orchard. The farm has been in gram for the pest twelve years. and U .ltueted within a mtle of post -office. school and church. It 1s fenced by an almost new board tepee around the front and side. and the balanoe by rails. A spring creek and wells supply abund- ance of water. Dlo escuwbrences now on the property. Price 34.000. For terns and further particulars apply to I.OFTUS E. DANCIIY. Mar 1, 1897. Oodenob, Ont. FOR SALE OR TO RENT -FOR SALE or to vest, the dwelling on Neleenet. at preset occupied by F. dmeeth. 1t contains 1.5 rooms. including drawing room. dining room, parlor and kitchen. and hart • library. number of closets, pantries and a Rood ce There Is halt an acre of land tastefully planted with shrubs an5jruttctrreew mad_an ezoelient town. Appiy to F. 8DlS�. eA the prow totees. loiter 1'OR SAti..-1A)T8 feel AND ID L` Hntehlnet en Surge,' in the Town of Oodertch. upon which to erected • nice dwell- ing home. Also lots numbers 16 and 19 Rich's Survey. Ooderiob. oontalnlna 3 acre* upon which Is situated a comfortable house. and there tams° • good orchard. Alio the East half of the North Miro? lot 15. Lake Range Concession of the Township of AabOeid. Western division. Dated 4th Bet temher, I Aoply to CAMERON. HOLT te HOLM/Std. Oodertoh. 8f-tt VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE -*Boated in tbe Dear business centre In lob. The property comprises two _levo• one well-equipped grocery stem np-to-detn machine and blacksmith shop. s for selling, lack of railway acoom _ on. Clear title can be given. A splen ota•ce for the right man. Apply to le, K. CHAN on the premiaea. 81-11 VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR e ALL -The brink residence overlooking Lthe river and lake formorlr000upted by the . A. M.cDermett req., Master la Chancery of tee most valuable and desirable pro- perties in town. 3. The two-storey frame dwetltng hoose on South street Immediately adjoining the Brit. Joh Exchange Ho'el, .et present occupied by Mr. Andrew Wsddetl. 8. The dwelling house and adioloins grounde near the O. T. R. station. formerly occupied by the late Judge Toms. Prices and terms of payment realm nettle. ap- ply to OARKO W & JOT .50.11 Solicitors. PRO1I Otxletich. BEara'iaRO -Lb:enses. NOW IS THE TIME. To Think of • SPRING x TONIC. Thera are many good ones. bat sons gtdte so Good M our 1RON TONIC BITTERS. The 8ee•on for Colds 1s not over yct. We expect to ell more C31-1ERRY PL7LMONIC7. duringMARCH and Ae,iti. than n all the rest of the Winter. J. E. DAVIS, Phut 3. Medical Hall Agents Wanted. J. ' 41.. E Y FIVE MEN AND w Nadine t. at bottle. A T. 11. thins. with goad salary pushers. OOTT. Toronto. Oat. WE WAIT AGENTS to handle este numbed trade i this county. lanadlaa •took guaranteed to live. Reenters - eat position, whole or part time. Liberal terms. You can make ten dollars a week or better with as for..toeLE week you work. No experience necessary. BROWN BROTU 3 03MP. TT. Continental Narserlos, I'OitONTO, ONT 1-3m CANVASSERS -"QUEEN VICTORIA 1 Her Life and teeltrn ° ha. captured the British Empire. Extraordinary testimonials from the great men : Mod for copy free. Mar- quis of Lorne says : '•'PhD heat copular 1.1.1e 44- - the queen I have peen." Her Majesty sends a kind Istteet�of appreolation *telling by thous - •ods : trivia enthnlantaf iatisfaetion. Canvttw� yens making 315 to 340 weekly. Prospectus free. to agents. Tien. Btt.ADLEY-DAn*ZTOON Co., L'TD, Toronto. Oat. F. &CH'S PLANING MILL - AIfD - SASH, DOdR AND BLIND FACTORY, I take this opportunity to inform the patella that I am .till In the boldness not wltbstandiag all rumors to the contrary. and am prepared to do every Saes of work in my Inc'from mom= a window frame to erecting • 3 -story building with mansard rod. Eettmotos furnished sag competition invited. The farnishin.g ot bnilding material, sack es shingles and lumoor • steolslty. • F. SMEETH Ooderloh, July 4th 1897 idoan incl' f3avinws kiooi•t,7. Tr I8 NOT WHAT YOU MAIM. BUB WHAT YOU t!'AVC. MAKYB YOU R1011. THE HURON AND Br'TCE LOAN INVZSTIMLNT Ot MPANY Soctcrrona.-Cameron Holt and Holmes Dipo.rr.--Internet Compound every et months at four per cent, per'annum, on isms from one collar upwards. Depositors will find it to their advantage to oome and see us. Loans -May be ..oared as any time without delay on the security '.r approved Expense moderate. proper17. Expene moderate. Appllcatiooa reoelveedd bytheMonomer or solicitors. Street The . Court Homes are located opw�a Houton Stawas. Moak HORACE EPRTOII J. IL OOLBORIfl. Man.tsr. President. Alamo. #iTI.SSOt Mode and Theory ANNA L . SHAW, TEACHER M O llfisio and Wellesley tltreNe, Soh 11 COLBSRNE EROTHERS GREAT SAL 1 Your houses, out -henna and premises generally and keep away Dlalgag.....It will oily cost Mc to 50c for each householder.... Butchers should have the Powder for their shops and aleughter houses ... •. It will also destroy all moths and Other house vermin in Carpet, Pere,. etc. NEW Goons Ta every line --jest received --at prices to wit everybody. Everything New ' Everything Modern A. McD. ALLAN. COMNE 133 LWIMina ON DS! Thursday lYlorning, AprII Ist, AT 9 O'OLOCI. AND WILL CONTINUE FOR FOUR WEEKS. Everything in the store in the shape of Dress Goods will be pat at Bale Prices -nothing either new or old will be reserved. We must raise $1,500.00 by the first of May, and take this means of' doing it. Remember, this is a genuine Clash Sale, and nothing above actual cost will be asked foal ,our best New Dress Goods, both plain and fancy, in colored and black. We have a lot of good, plain goods that will be offered at about half prise, and 6 robed Dress Pieces, silk embroidered Tatung at half price. Yon will be sure to get Big !Attains at this sale, as these goods must be sold. P.B.---Our Dress G» 1slSsle is mare taan meeting our expectations. We are offering Great Bargains CARPETS C tPETs No such stock ewer seen in Tape or before ! , Vessels* marl A ll- • • • • • equal to CityStock. $maser, Tapestry, 3 -Ply All -Wools, 2 -Ply All- •ols, liaises and Hemps. Special attention is ea to the new Axminster makes -the Asset ever put on the Oaeridita market.. Carpets made and laid. We waat roar Or trade, .ed if gaality, gnaIstity and prise p for anything, we ought to get it. A lot of Short tads, ranging from 4 yards to 20, in Brussels, Wool, a d Unions at prices regardless, of out. - A shipasent of 1100 ibt of New Floor Oil Cloth, 4.4, 4-4 and $-4, direct from the mannfaotnrers. All New Pattern. and Colorings. Choice Ooodtl oornmsesing at 26o. . , , a0L�30RN ' 131/08.The Orme Cyr W ehowee of fie G11wi r, PIM 7. s.. OOLSOILII10111.. , .:._ -.__. �..�i«`:s::i�� .e..�:�'�:'+;ir.st^. , iL±t.at .3 ;!