HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-4-22, Page 5Tag SIG/1AL : ooDERIUU. ONT.. QDAY APR. SU 1897. Seasonable Goodsl PRINTS The finest goods, and all warranted fast colors. Special Line, 10e. NOVELTIES AZURE SILKS, :..1REPONS PERCALES, ETC. - A11 lovely designs. from 8 to 12ic a yard. LACE CURTAINS Now i8 the time to buy your Lace Curtains. Our prices will suit you. See our $1.00 Curtain : nothing like it in town fol the money. Other lines from 45c up, CLOTHING FULL ASSORTMENT in all other lines -Dry Goode and Ready -Made Clothing. Prices the Lowest : Est. JAMES A. REID Jordan's block, 21st April 1897. NEW AZVERTIBEMENTS -APRIL 22 P Doo't buy a Bicycle-Heedrt100 Biroyoh Co b Notice to Creditors -Greer & Proud - foot 1 Plumbers, Steam Fitters -Cattle Bros A Cripple for Lde-Fulford & Co (;rest Bargains -Colborne Bros. Phr•nohns-Ottawa Mdicioe Co. Ltd . How Bright Home Looks -W. C. Goode Lackner Stage -Adam Thompson. .... God•rich Brody Centro -Jas. Robicson 4 Phrsooliae--Jas. Wilson. 6 S.a.00sbls Goods -Jas. A. Reid Victoria Opera House --A. E. Ferre.... Wall Paper `.lel.-The Fair 8 Spring, 1897 -John Hiles 8 Soda Fountain for Sale -C. A. Nairn1 Servant Wanted -Mrs. Kay 8 Notice of Sale --E. M. Chadwtok.... 1 Book Agents Wanted - The Bradley G•rrt•oo Co. 4 Waned -S. M. Fry. Torero 4 Wonted -,-New Ides. Co, Brantford 4 8 7 5 3 5 1 It ABB -Is 8t. Albans, U. en Tuesday. the 13th ia•t.. to Mr, and MN. F. A. Crabb. Amos MARRIED. BRINDL=Y-IABD-1l Rhepp.rdtoo. oh the Itch tma...at the re/Adger of the father of the room. Rev. J. W. NUM a Nile, Joseph Brimilliay to item May Card daunt - ter of Leri Card. merchant of Sod/rich. DIED. REID-1a Oodertoh. oa Tuesday. Appril fOth, 11187. Jas. A. Reid. aged 40 years, 1 months mad 15 days. flit:TALE. TRUQWN. From the Reporter's Notebook 1f tee'er allele to a' iK Crate. 1 es teat tt t a Cheer. Amset Takes' ■ease. as a tk 11.'11 Weer It "-isms. rode ie It needed ne artist to distinguish tbs arts neatly out. neatly made snits obtained at F. J. I'ridbam'e sew on the streets on Iran Day. No illustrated edition of The Olooe or Mal - show lee Western Ontario. is ampler without a number of mallow's photos • they meet awe the wok of the Wderiah artist to make a sec oemttd issue. COME, Sit AND TAMIL -The ladies of Goderioh are r.speotfslly invited to a test of oil stoves at WersU's es Saturday even - lot, April 24. Everybody eo b iidi a hew yea cam your enmina Doone( without ooekkag yosr- se1f. 1 NrY CAN MOCtn.-At the Organ fac- tory on Today Manager Neasden * wee showing Dein Mating. the$ had bone par. chard from -the Heade/re Co The ar- ticle' referred to ars used is the masufac- ture of seats, and are as ohe.p, and of better finish than oboes purchased fres larger Ottea A Ceoice CoLLacrtox.-At Yates' mil- lmery depot 1. so be soca a well cheer* stook et goads, all of wirer are being sold et 'restive redacted mese. Ia esimenee among the aerobe of headgear are all the latest designs In artistes her. eerier shades ot ehtffos wad sin skeet seedless pro. modem of flowers. ST. Gsosoi s.-Entset Day ices as fusel wl•brated in 8k wish (3ssege'Irmos by I Mations at sh service.The eharek was niosly dsooeabd, mesa of the peestiest of flowers befog need. amt the mu.Mal portion of the service was all that could be desired. The rooter, Rev. Mark Turnbull, conducted the three services. Remember the gnat bankrupt sale of YoN•ugbtoe's bankrupt stock ot boots sad shoes. everybody pleased with the bargains. Bee oar bargain counter, a job lot of shoes only 50 cents per pear. The sale will con- tinue one week longer ; •11 must go. Shop furniture tor sale cheap. J no. Broderick, THE G. T. K. -The past week was • lively one at the G. T. R. depot. A very targe quantity ot lumber and salt was ship- ped, and bogs, hones. furniture sod or- gans formed large bills •mon¢ the etoeteras. Pssenger traffic was rushing. for in .ddi- Uoa to the regular travel some 229 citizens Welt advantage of the holiday fares. THE ANxtvEHNARY.-Huron lodge No. 61, I 0 O. F., will celebrate the 7dth en- oiver.mry of the institution of the Order on this ooniiaoht by attending Divine servios in St.. George's church next Sunday mora- ine, or which erasion the rector, the Rev. Mark Turnbull. will preach the sermoo,and tie choir wW sing appropriate music. DON'T BUT A BIeYrLE. -Don't buy • bioyole until you have seen the Common Sones and Heron wheels. We have de- rided to sell our own wheels direct from the factory to our customers so that we can give you god terms w- well as • good wee.!. 'Every wheel Gerd with a ¢a•rantee. Headroom %ey.1. Cr. Last- =3 foundry. Prze .roes. -Oa Tuesday. Wednesday sad Thursday of nett week the opera " Visa - fore '' will be presented at Victoria Opera Hones. As Pinafore is ouppoed to be one ter Allibert sad Sullivan's best works, bas sever. bees put oo the stage in Godsrtob, and hoeeta-exceedingly creditable cast, it should be the moors of the soros. We might merlon that the dresses and scenery will equal anything ever seen in town. IT STARTS TODAY. -R.. B. Smith oom- alenom • sale today of tweeds direct from tn. mill at 22io. per yd. ; white eottoo. 1 yd. wide, worth 10o. for 6o. per yd.: prints 62 in., fast oolon. 6o. per yd.; •hirung and .prod gistrokmti, t fs. per ji l miasmas. "sod American prints, 3{o. pee yd.: ladies bseimty. Tia per pair ; black cashmere hose 20o. per. p.tr. There es nc question as to where to do briars for it's at R, B. Smith's CURLING AND SKATING -The anima meetise of the Carling and Skating Associa- tion was held ea Monday evening, the pr.s dent, James Clerk, in the ohair. The min- utes of last meeting having been read sad approved, it was moved by Joseph Williams, seoondd ) y F. Jordan, and osrried, that • full statement in detail of the finances of the Association from the first be printed and my test to each shareholder. Os mottos it -W. Campbell and D. McLaren the old board of directors were re-elected, .04 -R Dunlop and A. Farrow were, on motion, added to the board. C. A. Humber having been re-elected to the office of secretary, acid It. 8. Williams to that of treasurer, the hard adjourned until the tad Monday in A seetiabei lbs directors was held. .ab..quently whir Dr. Holmes was sleeted president, A. MoD. Allan vioe-president and several certified seoonnts ordered to be p.ld. The beard of director then adjourn- ed to meet is the president's office oo >:ri- day radar. April 83rd. ScLOOL EzAMINATION.-The followin circular has been issued by the runty school Inspector. Entrance end Public School leaving : 28th June, 8:45 A 5., at Goderiob, Exeter, Zarob. Bayfield, Hessen, Dongan• n on. Kintail, St. Helen's and Grand Bend. High retool Primary examination (Form I.1 July 2nd. 8:45 A r.. at God.rieb Clinton, 8mafa'Ih. Wicigbam, Brussels and Exeter. High settee' form II and Commercial Mo- lar'. July bth : Form III and Form IV, July 7y. 8:45 A u., at Goderiob. Mates and Meererth. Form II,J.Iy bth,8:45 A. m., as Wlagham. Brussels and Exeter. Appll- o .Mita ter ICsttases and Pablls Behest lenvlui, senior leaving mrd mestiso4 11S (High R. cher Forests I, II, III .ad IV) ante It) sat to the Inspector before May 2441. .000aspaeled by rosary tee. Thor Mlle Intend to write at any ex.mimatio. erten Dlslnfect Your bowies, oet-henses and premises generally and keep away DIRL UL.....It will only oust 35c to 50c for eseh houaeholder....Butchers should have the Powder for their shops and slaughter houses.... t will aha destroy all moths and other house vermin in Carnes', Fan, ete. New Goons In every line -jest received --at prices to suit everybody. Everything New ' Everything Modern A. McD. ALLAN. s is Mr Western InerrteralDirks of Haw rad ed tk+lr .p. dated team• is fall to J. Elgin Tom, 1. P. 8., Goderiob. Fee Betresoe. drawler book No. 6, aid tee 'robe berth mire Dopy book ; end for Pablio Sober L.selag,dr.w- tug b iol. No. 6 The work la these books mast 'b• oompl•t•d and •arti5ed to by the Maoism to be the week et Nee wdidat• creswNsi the book. Peelle ,Bawl Leav- ing bogkeepiug books will be examined as in former years. DIAD IN Tat STATES --W• Dopy the f"ltow- ing from The Hickory. N. C.. Times ot April 8th. The deceased lady was s resi- dent of Port Albert for a long period, and her tinny treads In Ashfield and Colborue will herr with regret the Dews of her uer- petted dente : " As we go 4. press We learn that Mrs. Murray, late o1 ktiobigae, but mote reo•otty o1 Hickory, is dead. She bad been be dell oat• beabh for • long time. Mn Murray was an earlier Christian lady HOW BRIGHT HOME LOOKS ! sodW 0d treat itrarattare CLIMAX FURNITURE POLISH Brlgb'erthem up like sew COAT p1PES WITH BEAT'EMALL before putting sway -prevents rust DISINFECTANTS We Dan simply •U kinds 8assatisi Wood and Stomach Bitters -a good FRESH.. 1rLOWIR.ad DARDEN .. SEEDS MOTH (CAMPHOR FOR FURS Biuee then the old rosy. Ino, boxes and bulk. HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA. mamma, Tnrklab. eine Standard DYES and other Opting neesseariea �r�� 1 1'1 . C. GOODE, CHEMIST Ye3,oiae 1 BEDFORD BLOCK tate up Your horses for Spring work with our CONDITION POW DEMI and had nothing to tear from O, ERs 24Th. -The first base FOR A GOOD SPRING MEDICINE OR TONIC .• bail game, ell to be played on the Queen's birthday, will - - - . - - - be with • London team, and is expected to be • good ooe. lo the evening a dramatic pertormauoe will be given in Victoria Opera House ander the home team's aosptess, .ad as preparations are already is preeramtto mak.' 11 • snocew, It will, me detain, Its charmingly presented. As our slab is try - ire to gather funds for a viotoriow season every lover of the game should bee a tek.t. A Goon 1Ny Ltitir/NT --The tollowioditem from The Winnipeg Free Pries 1s OY"1. interest here from the fact that nor well known ottizw, George Acheson, is . heal', loveetor in the company nosed : " The Winnipeg and Eureka !dieing Company. of Simian, is beginning to boom. Every day brings teeth fresh iudioatioos that the great ledge -now known to be over 40 feet wide -will with depth fill Gelid with orb. Should this theory prove true it will be the largest mine yet opened. A few days ego 13,000 of the company's shares were sold is block ; and Tuesday • sale to a big mining syndicate of Montreal of one hundred thous- and shares was olord by wire. This is the biggest stook deal that has been put through in B.itph Columbia for some menthe." Mr. Acheson, who is acting as local .gent here, will give all information to anyone desiring is. THE 4/IL OSIAIN ORDER 0T NURSES -Her Majesty, the Queer. having signified her wish that the celebrations to mirk her Di•n:ond Jubilee should, tt possible. be as- sociated with sots towards relieving the sink, the Countess ot Aberdeen, ever ready to help is ell/eel works, has promulgated a plan for the institution of an order ot surae, named as above. To show that the new sohem• will not interfere with the hospital none" in the big cities, the national oomesitte s has isaed a circular from whioh w e take the tollowinr exoerpt : This sobeme for providing nurses will not displace phy- sicians In the dutriots where they b.bor ; but it will tarnish the means of securing the beet result@ tram the skill and advice of medical men. It is not enough that we have the 'Nervier of ,pbysiiran.,-even in the oilier. In oases of eerier Illness their ret - rose most be supplemented end followed bp by the ministrations of • tt.ified trod ska- ful purses. The pretense of • trained nurse brings the obeerfuloeti and hopefulness of confidence to the enfle etLaed the family ; and these act like • rearm poseesinr a vie - toe beyond, that. of any drug, Atter the iseugurataon of this movement by Her Ezo.Ueaoy the Countess of Aberdeen, s public meeting was held at Ottawa on Wed- abedTay, reoruary'ivin, inn.?.r ,.b11 va..Ali any of HI. Excellency the Governor Gement. The following resolutiot was moved by the Hen. Wilfred Laurier, Prime Mfnist.r Of Canada. seconded by the Hoe. Clifford Bitten, Minister of the Interior, and carried uesnimonsly : " That this meeting' heartily approves'SU the general cbaraoter of the .chemo described as the Victorian Order ot Home Helpers as • mode of commemoration by the Dominion of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. end that • fond be opeod for the carrying out thereof." The urgent need that exists, in the *riving distriote of all the provinces and in all the oitits of the Dominion, for thoroughly trsined, praotioal women. available as names to those who are not ridh, seems to be ad- mitted by everybody : and there appears to Ire so almost unanimous npinton that no better actions! scheme eould be rtevtsed for commemorating the Diamond Jubilee of Her M,jsety Queen Victoria than the es. tebljsb cgt. on ii,permanent baso of a Vic - 4 )Flan Order ot Nurses. DUNHAM'S COMPOUND EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA WITH IODIDES NOTHING BETTER ! LARGE BO'T'TLES 30c - F. M. DITNHAMChemist and Druggist. Situations Vacant. WANTE D. -A GENERAL SERVANT. ppfra o MR8. KAY. corner It materia and >Ifa Crew Naohine Shops. $.1 Repair I WkoSHOPS-ALL ne .4Reasonable Prlos. Farming Implements formate. Mach- inemrcyy. new and ee000d band. bought and mold. ton nes and Boilers for sale. Stand -Batas Old waren shop Domer Victoria and Trafalgar Streets. J. BAXTER RUNCIMAN. fig-tt Tonsorial Artist FRITZELY, TONSORIAL ARTIST, J. Hot sad cold baths on premises. liea- foansing.sbaniposiag and every other require meat carefully attended to. and none but cam - hands eminp4looyyed. Williams' old stand, Molasses s new block, next door to British Ex. chaste Hotel 95 tf Public NOUN". AL L OUTSTANDING ACCOUNTS die the late John Stewart. Nureerymes. of BeeimUl.r. must be settled m or before the M.t May next to elms the estate. High ORR N, -8eliettor for the Rotate. - 63t GODERICH CURLING AND SKAT- INO ASSOCIATION. The annual mewls, of the Iibareholdere of the Goderioh Curling and Skating Association will be held in the Court House on Monday e t.a. Aprll I2th, at 8 o'clock. C. A. IIUM- D 8eeretary. 1t For State. BEES FOR SALE -A NUMBER OF hives of Bees are for .ale. Tema rear. enable. Ap917 to MMB. GEO. COX. Briton - Ma Road. l8 tf FOR IMMEDIATE SALE ON EASY forms, • farm 110 acres within 3 miler 61 aodsteelt. Amity. A ile.«... Zuali r.? Ousrmsee Bldg.. t*od erieh. lit SODA •FOUNTAIN FOR SALE AT A bargain. - Rlr.t cola $32, will .ell for $75 cash. Intends. r p'trokaeen can inspect the same and lean all particulars by applying at C. A. N AIRN'8 aeoersl grocery store. Ooderlch. April flet. 1897. 1621 PHRENOLINE the new Rheumatic Remedy, IRO BROWN'S BALSAM FOR COLDS. WILSON'S IRON PILLS 25c a box Pbysl3ians' Pprescrtptions promptly do- venedat.. WILSON'S PRESCRIPTIION STO14E .e tad minas I asiral1<es fro not as ratm For elate or To Rent. FARM FOR SALE.' I am Instructed to offer for sale one of the best 100 acre farms In the County of Huron situated within 7 miles of Oodericb. The farm has nota foot of waste land on it and the soli is • rick clay loam tree from all obnoxious WOCOP. The bulldlors are first clam. coneletlnn of a frame house with stone foundation and cellar, kitchen, woodshed and 01 neoeesary ontbuild Ings. A frame barn, 52234, and cedar baro, 30 x50. all in good repair. There are two aures et orchard. The /arm has been in grass for the past twelve year, and is situated within • mile of post-oBlce, school and church. It L fenced by an almost new beard ce around the trout and side, and the ba oe by nils. A spring creek and wells sup) y abund- ance of water. No encumbrances DOW on the property. Price $4.000. For terass and further mimicpl•na apply to LOFTUS R. DANCiCY. Mar 1, 1897. Oedemata. Ont FUR SALE OR TO RENT -FOR SALE or to rent, the dwelling on Nelson -et. at present occupied by P. umeetb. lit eu,ttalie 15 rooms. including drawing room. dining room, parlor and kitchen. and had • Wirer a number of closets, pantries and •'rood oe There is half an acre of land teetotally planted with shrubs sad fruit urea and an expeller lawn. Apply to F. BYELTH, on the pre- miee., 10-tm FOR SALE -LOTH ISN AND 70 Hutcbinedtt's Survey In tad Town et Goderloh, upon which Is erected • nice dwell- ing Louse. Also Iota numbers 18 and 19 Rich's Survey. Oodericb. ooutalninr 2 acres. upon which 1. situated • comfortable house. and there Malec a good orohard. Also the East half of the North half of lot 25, Lake Range Conoeeston of the Township of Aekfield. Western division. Dated 4th September. 1898. Apply to CAMERON, HOLT & HOLMES. Ooderloh. Bbtt VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR MALE . --emceedin the tieet.!antin.wt FVwt•e to Godericb. The property comprises two dwelling. one well-equipped croaky mots, one up -tousles machine and b1•oksmith whew Reasons for setting. lack sr railway •Doom mediation. Clear time oan be given. A'plea -. A{d oh•aoe for the right man. Apply to L, K 8TR4eHAN on the premised. 81-tt VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR BALL -The brink residence overlooking, the river and lake formerly 000npltd by the l.te A. MacD.rniett req.. Master is Chancery Om. of the most valuable and desirable pro- perties to Town. 8. The two-storey frame dwelling house on South street immediately adjoining the Brit- ish Kzobsnge Hotel,st present occupied by Mr. Andrew Weddel f. The dwelling house and adiolning grounds near the O. T. R. station, formerly occupied by the isle Judge Toms. Prices and terms est payment r.astp$ble, ap- ply to DIFOOT to fsItNOW do t3 licitorrs Gods:lob. MarriaR'e Licenses. 5 1OW IS THE TIME To Think of a SPRING x TONIC. .i. ,..,=as are many good ones, but unite so good as our IRON TONIC BITTERS. The Beason for Colds 1e not over ytt. We expeOi L0 ell more C7T3ERRY PULDdONICJe during *sock and APRIL than In MR the reel of the �rr Winter. J. E.--D-AVIS, Pim. a Medical Hall. Agents Wanted. TCAN EMPLOY FIVE MEN AND ladles to work at home. A good thing, with eatery for pushers. T. H. LINT . W l 1. Trento, Ont. WE WART AGENTS to handle established trade 1 this count . lanadian stook guaranteed to live. Permian. ent prltioe, whole or part time. Li betel terms. You can make ten dollars • week or better with us for every week you work - No experience neceeaary. - BROWN 5B4O Z aB3 COMPANY. Costtnental Nurseries, l'OICONTO, ONT 1-3m CANVASSERS -"-QUEEN VICTORIA : Her Life and .feign," has captured the British Empire. Extraordinary teetlmOpl.M from the groat mea ; send for copy tree. Mar- quis of Lorne says : 'The beat copular Life of the Queen I have mew" Iler Majesty mods a kind letter of appreciation malting b7 Mow - ands ; gives enthulaatto satisfaction. Canvas - vets making 115 to Stn weekly. Prosveotus free, to ts. To. BitADLEY-U.AA$x47ON Co., -L`rn, Toeoato, Oat. F. 8MEETH'S PLANING MILL ARD - SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY, 1 take this opportunity to Inform the public) that I am still la the btsine.s notwithstanding all rumors to the oontr'.ry. and am prepared t0 do every clam ot work in my I'ne from making • window home to erecting a 3 -story building with mane.rd roof. Rat :notes tarnished sod oornpetltlon invited. The tarnething of banding material, witch as shingles and lumoor a specialty. • F. SMEETH Gods/riot. July Ott+ 1*17 Loan Ana Seminars kJoof tt►. LANE., ISSUER OF MARRIAGE Ir Is NOT mumTOO KARS Bin WHATTOUtI'AVR.HAIMTOtiRii7♦.,- THE HURON AND HI-TICE LOAN INVESTMENT 0.. isPANY IIoLIcrrona-Cameron Holt and Holmen . Deroarl�ew..--Interest Compound', every ars months effour per cent, per'annum. on muse from one collar upwards. Depositors will find It to their advantage to Dome and see ns. 1oixs-May be secured as any time without delay on the security of approved deetraM• Ors Sormassias moderate. Applications The b!F ler or solicitors. 1 an . oars located �eremi�q Honor, 81011*;. HORACE HORTON. J. H. COLBORNE. Manager. President. Kunio. MLSS ANNA L. SHAW, TEACHER of Mate and Theory -exportation( Corner Eight and Wellesley 5%reles, O0de- CBLBORNE BROTHERS GREAT SALE 08' ESS G s ODS-! COD&Tiff H1DTcXlvr 0N' Thursday Morning, AprII 1st, AT 9 O'CLOCK. AND WILL OONTfNUE POR FOUR WEEKS. liverything in the store in the shape of Dress Goods will be pat .at Sale Prices -nothing either new or old will be reserved. We must raise .$1,600.00 by the first of flay, and take this means of doing it Remember, this is a genuine Gash Bale, and nothing above actual cost will be asked foul our best New Dress Goods,, both plain and fancy, in colored and black. We have a lot of good, plain goods that will be offered at about half price, and 6 robed Dress Piece's„ ,silk embroidered Triaunij gs, at half price. Yon will be sure to get Big ffQgatns at this sale, as these goods must be sold. P.B.---Our Dress G)ads,8ste is m're than meeting our expectations. We are offering Great Bargains! , CARPETS... CARPET No such stock ever oven in Goderieh before ! . Quantity any! style • • dual to CityStock. Brussels, Tapestry, 3 -Ply All -Wools, 2 -Ply All - Wools, Union and Hemps. Special attention is called to the new As*miastsr snakes --the finest ever put on the Canadian market. Oarpett made and laid. We waist your()tenet trade, soif quality, quantity and price go for anything; we ought to get it. A lot of Short Ends, ranging from 4 yards to 20, ie Brawls, Wool, and l7nion. et pleas regardless of oat. A shipment et 1600 lbs of Kew Loony Oil Cloth, 4-4, 4-4 and 8 4, direct from the m-nnfacturers. All New Patterns and Coloring". ipoioe Aoeth communing at 25o. The Arent Cope Wershowee ef the C eefy. 001a3301:11\1"F 3:31108. 301121 J. $. OOse80Sttitla.