HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-4-15, Page 44
bicycle Livery
and Sale Depot
On or beton the 1Sth April we wall epee est
a the store w Wee -et knows sethe e14 peer
etas use of the *5est liveries sad .s s.roses•
sof therein*. Pardee wishing to neat
k..l. will have eeurasoue treasures' sad at-
tention. sed will 1.d our tenni right.
Our stook will be New sad Up-to-date. sad
our getup tasty and meat.
We ere the cWaste steals for the t e: 1) 80
0wr roadster ..d several ether kigk- ,.d.
wheels. We will make it worth year whit
to deal with we
A peacHcal repairer wait be put la ekarpe,
and all work slroded to as (promptly e• de
etc signal,
t3 PC111Jangn
Ofeo of Publication --8 and 10, North -street
Oodcrich. oaterto.
Terme et meheerlpeler s
One month. In adcaaoe
e f
Three months, Jb
falx Si
Vete year. _.. 1 0'_
Look at T..r label.
Ylir label is • sanding receipt of the date
t . e hi. -h you err paid up. See that It 1m not
slowed In fall into sterner.
W1 en a -Moire of address 114 dews -1, horn
the old awl the new address should be given
*dyerllaing same•.
Legal and other casual •dvertt.eme•r. 103
pe• line for flet Insertion, and 1 ern,. per 11115
nor each subsequent insertion. Measured by
• nonpareil rale.
Runway cards of six lines and under 113 per
•avertlse'-.cnte of Lost. Found strayed
Affixations V••raat. Situation• .. anted and
liminess C. cos Wanted not enacting 8
HIPS nonpar 11 per mown.
Honoree on sale and Farms on Sale, not to
exceed 1 lines. 11 for find month. one. per sub
eeenent month. Lsrger ad‘'.. in proportIo
Any special notice. the object of which is to
p••'mote the pecuniary benefit Of any ind -
elieei or tozii any, ea be considered an ad
vertisernrct and charged e irhni ly.
Loral notices to nonpareil type one Dear per
ward. no notices len then 25c.
tonal notiere in ordinary reading type two
Clete Der word. No notice for Lem than 30o.
Notices for ehnrchee and other religloue and
benevolent institutions hart rate.
9nlwrri er who fell to receive Tog SIGNAL
rwul.rly by mall. .111 r snrrr • favor by ac -
gut -toting um of the fact et •. early an deter.
PuhIN►ei• "et/ee,
J. C. Le Touael, of Dederick. has been ap
'Ips ot Ooder ch i Colboora velling Agent
for the tehfield andW.
w &nosh.
Lewd t'netmsetere over the 'district are also
•nyowered to rec. ve subscriptions to Tug
Alf/communications mule be addressed
Tsiephene (*U•
Tun 1.
9ed.rIcbob Out.
THE recent resignation of Hiotat T
t:lrt:.i\- from the shrievalty of Huron, re-
moves from public life • strong pereon•litt.
He was born to Glsegow of English parents
in 1311 and crime to Canada when • boy of
eleven year*, hie father havieg taken up
land in the county of Lanark. There be
remained until 1327, helping his father in
clearing the farm. when the family removed
to I'ete.l.tm, N. V., where. the future Sheriff
reoeived most of his edu.:atiob. He lett
Poadam end set hie face towards the Hares
Trent. and reached (:od.rtob on the Ibih of
May, 1832, having walked •11 the way from
Toronto. • distance of 135 miles. In every
branch •.f development from that day to
this he has seen the full growth -from the
•• bl..^ ter -ugh tae woods to the ex.
press train, and from the tallow dip to the
electric light.
In the Hurts Tract he has been • potent
forge in the march of progrese,aod in the de-
veloping process an this section !trinket
(:m1:r:n.• has always beers • factor. in 1837
he west into the militia during the rebel-
lion. ranking as • sergeant, and In
March, 1'.3:1 he retired • lieutenant.
In ' 1.333. he began has municipal career
in the district council of Heron and
Brum. and served for nearly twenty year..
For thirteen consecutive years he filled the
warden's -Aria, first for the united counties
of Heron and Bruce, and afterward. for
Huron County. He was elected mayor of
(:oderi.h in 1853, 195,1 and 1855, and hie
work in connection therewith was of great
importance to the town l0 1R68 he was
elected a member of the Bleed of Agricul-
ture ant Arta Association, and served for
nine years, occupying the vice presidency
a 1873 and the president'. Asir to 1174.
H• win elected to the hetero Legislature
from South Huron in 181,7, last his .eat
darter the second tension, brit was re-elected
in 1871 and served two sesames, when he re-
signed and aoeepted the shrievalty of Huron,
wbieb heti been made vacant by the death
of Shenff MA, IN.4At.1,-" Stout MA.. ' of
the pioneer day..
From that time natal the p*o,.nt Mr.
Grensete has occupied the p05ttio5 with
credit to himself. and with satisfaction to
the pnblte, and now, in has eighty sixth
Tear, he has voluntarily retired, satisfied
list the work that had beer appointed
lila to de hes bees well dope, to her .s he
weld de it. He efforts have bees far the
kssmrment of his race, and he clew kis
peblb earesr, after • 0sllet et pearly sins -
meths of • owt.ry,with charity to all aid
males toward moue. May hie cleans days
bs hie beet,» the heart's desire of bis those -
ands of friends sed well wishwre,.et only a
Herem, het wherever the penial, b*e-hwrt-
d aid p*N.efhrepi. old " `t►erig " ie
item. He M see of few Is/s ef • rase el
rasa who did meek toward making W46041e
Ontario what N In noisy: end Isdig back
Med mowing she week dome by 1115 viewers,
are esa..*5in
_ sed k0 gay. " The wen
TSE Toronto Star has begun a em-
ends amuse the departmental emeses wheels,
it amnia, r* reepoaelble for the olo.tag oat
of • large camber of the retell stores u the
e:ty tied thus deist ajary te the property
owners mad other is the oily who formerly
derived beset* from the woad of the bad -
sees which in .ow howled spa two or Mies
What The Sar has to may io reference to
Um injury dose to city retail .totes also ap-
plies to the way a whin' the stores is out-
side tomes are injured by the trade which
is drawn to the city departmental stores
from outside point., and we bad this view
taken of the ease by a •• l:oderioh Mer.
011.31 ' who gives his opinion an the nom•
otuntcatioa column of the forest° Simi,
Monday last as follows:
A CODItItlyn MEW'HAVT (KITl- A Lorton
n1.:AabI1,(.. THE 1111. .T03E`.
Editor Star : I ooseider that the retail
merchants in all breaches of business. is
l:anada are under great obligations to The
Evening Star in comae out and champion-
ing •herr catty against the departmental
.teres, and now ie the time for the retail
merchant. to put their shoulders to the
,, wheel," and help you along an the good
work of educating the people (through your
datly at (iciest to see the tooliebseve of deal-
ing in departmental stores, to the detrimeot
of the merchants in their non towns and
the injury of their fellow-tett/-we. There
is n . doubt the oily way to open the ryes
of the people to this great mistake of deal-
ing with the '• mercantile octopuses is
through the daily press, and if they do sot
now take warning, and step giving their
hard-earned ?ones, for se welled h.rgains
and imitation good.. they will be sorry for
sat in time, for it will assuredly go warmest
them in the sad, and they aro only digging
their own graves. A word to the twee is
sufficient. Gourtti, it MtR1 H \\T
We agree with " (iodench Merchant " on
the line which he advocates. It lithe du y
of every man to support his own town. and
d everyeoe took that view of the case, every
town and village in Canada would be i0 a
far more thriving coalmen than it is today.
And while we believe the local business men
.hould he properly dealt with, we also be-
lieve that they should endeavor to do the
hest possible for their customer and those
in other lines. The dry goo le moo should
get his toots and shoes from the local shoe
mac. and his clothes from the local tailor.
• vd they in their turn should get their dry
goods from the drygoode men, and •11 of
these should get their printing from the
to^•I pnntimg office, and there should M •
reciprocal relationship all around.
But what do we cladThe drygoods man
goes to Toronto end orders his chest of tea
and barrel of .ager. and set of turniture,arrd
boots and *hose from the cite emporium,
and the butcher and baker and candlestick•
maker .ends to the city for hie dry good.:
and when • scalper from • oity printing
oft e comee to town looking for 'Were
many of the local residents forget their
town and what the local paper has done
and is do;ng for it and give him their
or ler..
It is a consolation to know that this
.tyle of doing business is not the role :-if it
we.. the bottom won1r! fall out of every one
of the *wilier towns in the province. But,
unfortunately, there ►re.. •uthcieot number
of Cheap Jack, in every rowo, who are W-
wev..o anxious for '• Bargains " from dis-
tant pointoi that they snake no effort :o help
the town to which they live. This class
should be discouraged, and the motto of •U
should be " Live, and let live."
-Tho first loyalty ..f a martian
should be to the beet interests of ('an•da.
Britain is well able to take care of itself.
iv yotl r natiie on the aro! er' a list ?
If tt ain't you'll he sorry wn you see the
other fellows going to vote at the next elec-
A draft of the new prohibition
plebiscite ht11 is .aid to be under the person-
al supervision of Sir 1ILtvER MOeIAT The
intention of the prohibition draft is under -
good to be the shattinz off of the draught
from the beer -k3.
-Manager JOHN A. NA(HN, the
baseball magnate, is getting ready to wear
the v10tor'• crown again this .woe. He
believes he will put on the road to fame •
better aggregation in 1897 them during
any preceding year.
-A nuceber of the able legislators
who blathered about their loyalty last week
in Toronto, talked as tt they were afraid
the public questioned the aforesaid loyalty.
The party mea vied with each other. It
was a case of rush and slush
-Tho curtain was run down on
the Toronto legislative exposition Toeoday
last, and the member have nothing to re-
mind them of their greatness during the
past two months save the remnant of their
indemnity And the ann.al railway peas.
Renate* MCCALLU'e is of opinion
that the Kssh•p. have • right to express
their opinions is polities. Se they have
bet they haws so more rigk to dose thee
has any ether elector. Freedom ie ex-
presenteeof opinion is 00e thing and dicta
ties is mother._
- The trouble between Mr. M(•ittman,
the British Coh..W member, and the
(:lobe would he very mail- settled by a
eentest, mirth ae-enrols-gas, botweea the
Glehe's sete.msd " Meeks Toilette mid the
rooms Rritbb Coluseb*i. Kineteet•epie
frills debarred
-♦ number of the streets in town
w its • diegr.eefel meditMs and wi4 sot
he is geed abqe devise the Sommer, Is N
the day et the Mess a ensil sed the rim
glassy •ep.isted by sheen M •se Om owl
rani ono prwoll.g. Tai a sapeiny s10
este wase a Ste belub sad alma (law bp -
law exists agar* Wylie riders trig tate
easier paths during the tea.itien pitted
and eta ear area, will ease mere assn.e
their norma seadltase. What Is wanted le
• Beed heeds Ammeiattes, and the
V• -•-es and ether athlete slab she.M
g et teeslher Mew ..d initiate • campaign
against the beak mashers in the town sees -
• who upheld the premiss mete of affairs.
C)em5tlstMae ea this geemU3 w a or-
-- Some of our Tory confreres would
like to stet up the bonus, ateen*.01 this
°ossiry For eighteen years they 0.d0av-
oeed to paralyze she import trade by abnor-
mal exotics, Dad sow they are trying to
injure our output in some hem by bowling
Iso on export duty.
Thh following ars the serener to be held
initis.'Peter's during Holy Reek
ion.% rat-R"LA%.
High Mass 8 A 31.
.:telex r3IDAY.
Mw of the I'rwootilled 10:30.4.0.
Itevotions ... 7:30 P. SI
1101.3 +ATT'aDAY.
High Mass 7:30 A M.
11-terIA 41'7(DAY.
Low Wash .... ......x _ ... _ 7..30 t
High Mass 10:30 .e
Vespers. Sermon aad Benediction 7 r �.
The Pluton choir, under the leadership
of Protester loner, will sing at Mass and
Vespers Easter Sunday.
There ls ao collection at the eveoing ser-
vices held at any time an 8t. Peter..
The followiew will be the Easter Day
choral service at St. George • church
11 A 4., :Jetties and Holy Communion.
ttpentog Hymn, "Jesus Christ is F:uen To-
day •%Vorgan
Faster Anthems Various
Proper realm a Henley
two Foster
" c1i Trent
Te Deum Hopkins in l:
Besedictue itaroby.
Anthem ... ... ..... Cooke
•• This is the day which the Lord hath
made : we wall rejoice and be glad an at.
For now is ('brut risen from the dead, and
become the tint trait* of them that slept
For *ince by man came death, by Man ease•
alp the Resurrection of the deed. For as
in Adam all die, Men so an ('Wrist shall •11
be made •lite. Thank* be to trod which
vireo. u• the victory, through our Lord
.1 mos lAria. nl!elute. Ames."
Kyrie Kletmon. Merhecke
(Gori• Tiht .. . ..... Short
Homo 135, ".lvou. Livia "' ....Gauntlet
Sermon by the }teeter.
Hymn 186, •• The day of Reearreotion,
Sanctus .... Brown
l ommoOIon Hymn 3d*, ., Breed of
Heaven,' . Werner
4 to Excal.t. Martiecke
7, p.m., El EN9.0"4iti
Opening Hymn, 183, .,Jesse Christ as
Rumen Today," Worms
Precee. arranged by Hereby
Proper Psalm. chili Rett»bill
" city Ancient
• • u=rn: Crotch
Magnificat .
Nunn i)imittis.
Goes in A
Anthem Elves,
•• (Brut tieing relied from the dereLd.ah
no mon t Death bath no more dominion
over Hisn "
Hymn 18C. •• The Strife is Der,- Victory
8ormw by the Recto..
Hitter 214. slevioir, Agouti to Thy
Dear Name,' F'len
S•veefold Amen Stainer
Chronological aeeeareh or Kr,. C. I.
wtt.a. rk ,t.
St Thomas Tames One rt the most in -
tweeting articles in the March Expositor,
London, Eng., is by l'rof. -lames Or, of
F-dinburg, on the date of the exodus. In
brief, Prof. Orr believes and argon that the
exodus took place, not nnder Miryptah, nrr
in the 19:h ihnaety-, but under Anieaophis
Il. Prof, Orr finds that to make Mtn.pab,
or any other long of bit dynasty. ■. the
Ph•roah of the exodus. is to get hopelessly
out of touch with the dates in the Bible.
For if y on take the date of the fonndiog of
the temple away Q.C. (which to the correct
date •000rdt.g to the monumental mad work
backwards. you are brought to 1445 or
lbereatesta as the date of the exodus. And
if you take the date of ('hedorlaomer at
2100 B.C. (aim monomenaliy correct ( .sd
work forward, you are brought to almost
exaotly the same point. Professor Orr also
aooepta Colee.l Condor'. identification of
Abiri, whose arrival to Palestine •lammed
the then ktag of .terue•lem, with the He-
We call attention to this oontributi.n by
Prot. Orr ( whioh the religious press is este-
imously proclaiming "meet wluahle')
order to claim for a minister of our own oily
the honor of first oontnbsting this vsluable
d.a to the religions world. Lest Fall the
Rev. Mr. Settee, of the First Methodist
ohoroh, tram • careful study of the Tel•.I•
Amar. Tablets, arrived at exactly the
same result by just the same lihte of re ota-
isu. He grave his views in a piper read be-
fore the Theological ('eavention at Victoria
Univertrty, Toronto, last November. which
Paper tilts afterwards published to the Feb-
reary sed March numbers of the Canadian
MetboJist Maosrine •ltd Review. W. nes•
imagist* the Methodist Marxism on have
tug • oo.trlh.ter of such original research,
end we thick great credit is due the Rev.
Mr. Salta, for Wee able to forestall the
opinies of suss Sootland's advanced thee.
Ioiioal tembe,s.
• Paper Read Setae. the 1:ed•rte3 a.011-
retleiral 1e.Ntr.
tswt*0v last Thursday evening was
the last .of the Wester ~see held by this
society. and the att.edanne was very fair.
The interest created by dieoessmoer and
pipers read bin hese gratifying and the on-
ly regret iv that the opportunities etffered
for th0 3.01•.35 of ides and the gaaie
of heforatie. have .ot hues mote is0.r•lly
appreeiassd. The mbiect of this Int meet.
1•g was " (1•edwkag ie .seesoMen Math
Patentee," and a hie full sad afsrsstat
�!M� Mr. Wareeek argued well 1.r the me-
ellity M ►wsleeltsre se ens ef the meat mkt
verist sad beselleal permits white 'he
()rester had prepared fee mankind. it fes-
ters the metal qualities, gives health to
mind eel body. assess, the leve ler Mei.,
nod novenae, sed *rest is the great Amber
of sates Hs espreamd t1e Wise that tee
s remelt of their maim! love fel the g.. .
dee, she oasis! welfare et .•skid le mode
• awe Imporiem 'Indy la hotrod she Oar -
tansy then in any saw 05.etrim. l3esds.-
isg ler women to sow wpegis4 pabils at -
testes m. Gettaa5y, and • bsrtiealtnral
ss11ool for thin and women h bee opened
at Botha, where It ie proposed M Wools all
leraaobe of gardosisg, with - postal amen
ties is the prederik's el fruit
Alley some wookleal advise as to she lc,
mass•sd ear* of • verdure, seed same ille-
mtraties• et the beet traelmsnt el the tea-
ts, es ons of the preamble (lame is * good
garden, Mr. Warmish said :
The strategies point is horticultsn and
gardening is ahs mea. He Is 1►• maim loot-
er. the me who needs to rise above his avo-
cation. He meet ee • oleos observer et
fasts .ad r.selts, able to teem obem M et
fent and effect to caw ; be mem read as
well as think and that carefully ; he mess
leans how to propat0t.s, bow be whivabe
and how to ferls!Lie ; he mast lean:how to
combat the army of inmate that prey epee
many of oar most useful veeebb'- and
plants. Tare this elms of mos ass of horti-
culture and gardening sad it will rumors t0
ober,' it was tint picked up, in the wilds
end !envies of nature. Thsohief obligation
resttat oto us as hortioulturi.ts ie to improve
on all farmers to have their vegetable gar-
de., as well as •.m. plants and tree.
for their fruits u•' anemones essauty, for
there ue through the farming oommumty a
great many who feel that they have mo time
to •tteed to a garden and are deprived of
the great benefit of • supply of vegetable
food : it eels seeds to he started ant its
pleasures, not counting Ita utdolness, res
' In conclusion 1 am prepared to recon.
mend the tcwn of l.oderiob and surrounding
ooantry at !east for four miles back from
the lake to those wishing to locate in •
place where they can attain the weather
amount of success 3041 pleasure in fermis" Comer W.4.1 8e4 g111.11" -
and fruit growing Visitors to our Deem
New Kid Gloves
i T
Now 18 the Time to get your gid Gloves for water t ,
New Dress Goods
Oar Aew Stott of Dress Goads affords Great Attractions to Boyers lb
can appreciate Sooenor Goods.
Next Week
we will show Extra Value in Lace Curtains. Chenille Curtains, Tapes.
try Curtains, Tapestry Table Cloths, Art Mullins.
Every article carries within itself the convincing proof thr:t in its
purchase you are saving money.
Northwestern Exhibition hews always gone
away convinced we have the greaten show
of fruits sad yeeretabiee they have bee. pet.
witted to sus. For the benefit of those was
have not seen au
r annual axbtbit of superior
fruits. vegetables and flowers, we claim the
record of producing the he•vieet acid test
out deny grown grape■ - beaches of Walder
end Eaton were shown hers last fall that
weighed thirty, we ounces. each perfectly
ripened. and many other varieties owning
well up to this weight : the biggest and
80..r .r,:••, pears mid plums, and it se •
well known tact that the specimens of vege-
tables sent from here to the great
World'. Fair at Chicago created the west.
est •ttrectioo in their department. We .1.
so tient • sample of corn that ma w a great
attraction fer being the longest end best
ears in the whole exhibit of its class. Them
are well known to all our citizens who visit-
ed the groat fair This district, comprising
the while of Goderich and Colborne town -
slope. is proving to be one of th• veru beet
dairying die note. caused by t*e abundance
of pure water evenly distributed through
the township. 1.y spriegr, mod ruonisg
streams. Aunt her thing an nor favor is that
this distract has always enjoved immunity
from the effeote of the terrible cyclones and
tornados that are annually and ssmi•annnal-
ly mit out from the great wssters plains to
the different parts of the *swamies. The
cane., of our immunity from theee mighty
and death dealing power a cl.imeA to he
in the unbroken high bluff hank• all along
our shore. which acts as • bsttress and
mese the would -he destructive evelone.
which may be conning straight for our
he•us.fal town. to glance upward and nue
harwiles.ly niter our heads • few hundred
feet,lesving ns in • zone of So'ottabl. stmoa- '
Owe. oompamtiv.Iy 'peaking, with our
western neighbors."
R. R Smith, direct impellers of millin•
ery. Raying in large un.Mitie• from the
makers reducers the ovist proportionably and
you reap the benefit. Exclusive steles,
something different from the ordinary and
right up to date in detail The lug- 1
est end brighe•t show rooms west of Toronto
and the cleverest milliner in Waster° Can -
oda. Our millteery department °Detains an
immense stock of all that is new and desir-
able in milliners -Sties tinhas up-
wards of 100 trim hats, special for
I•.aster busmen.
('•.lirt.!ME?TAR', T.. G.'hpRD ti -The fol
lowing, among other lettere, has been re-
ceived by the citizens committee
April 12, 1897.
Citizens' Committee, Godertob, Out..
DEAR SIR -I notioed an advertisement
of l:oderiob's 'Aventine.. as • Summer re-
sort in last Saturday's N 1'. World. I was I
pleased to see it, for 1 have often thought of
1t as euch,aod notio.•t that a little enterprise
ion the part of its ctazens would attract a
good many strangers there for .summer
residence. It seethe to me it is lust the
very place for Meetbe erelto go to no mal-
aria, high and dry, laving reasonable and
loyr of water.
. i know (:odericb well, sad ? think with •
good batbiog haaeh It would be hard to
beat as • Summer resort. If you have say
papers to mod out illustrating your growth
clew sand me a oopv I am very sisowly,
C G. K. Ku.r HSL. M.0
28 Atbany-et., Calico, N. Y.
The Griot from the Local MU
• weekly Mgest et ('ewes, tows Served
up /• Nat Eyerytsedy - reek aad
rel■t lapped and Cendeaaed
Irene Ever, nestles.
CLINTON : Ed. Jarvis left for Al-
muboise this week.
Grey : The 50 acre farm helosgtog to the
estate of 11. late Robert Brown has been
parole/mid by Hoary :tmelldon for the sum
of 11.200.
Clinton Ian. I). Roos. who had been
studying at the Ternsto Desai College. has
taken • poetics r. Belden, seefortk,
for the Sammer.
Chutes : Thin. Melts, of Kippur, woe is
town for • abort time last week. While awe
ha had a tumor removed from neck by os.
of our local physician.
Climtes Will 1-. Moif, of town, has been
apgwnted iMmtnton Expresso Agent at
Winnipeg. For some time Will hoe been
in charge of the express agent at Winnipeg
Benmiller Abram F tabor bas moved to We are selling Wall Paper at the
his farm lately vacated by Mr. Hunter
1'bo.. Hornby has moved to 3.315 Maitland
0000eesio0 whore he is going to work this
Krnssrls • u:er thirty horses cargos'
hands at KrueseIs Horse f air, Thursday of
last week, at stood praxes There wer. 11
buyers in attendance. The Fun wtil be
rssumed nett Fall.
Stanley The many emends of W. Mof-
fatt, of Moose .law, formerly of Stanley,
will regret to learn of the death of his wits
in the Winnipeg Ho•pial, while undergo
hag, a surgical operation
Howirk : lire. N Bricker, who has re
aided here on the farm of .id.hn McLsughli
for the oast two years, has taken her de
parture for Michigan. where she intend
making her future home.
Seaforth : On Sandals morning of las
week fire, water and smoke badly damaged
the ooitent* of C. W. Papist's stationery
and jewellery store and the Bell Telephone
Exchange. ot which Mr. Pepsi was .vest.
following price.
2.030 rete mistake. 18c. Hale Phos the
Eels roti. NEW 13c. Salo Pr(ee,13 ..d 1'.0
Oxon rolls MICW.ilnis Price ie and 80
P.M roll. NEW. isle leas S'
9431 roll. Sate Pelee 4e
Church and they aerta101y are etre looking
dr.wims. There are two sets, but the cue
most favored i5 tor •iding .wo Wangs, cot
• of which it ie troposed to use to. the pulpy:
and other church accommodation. and the
other wholly for .eating. It this plan is
n adopted the ohurah sesta well be u eercul•r
form and make about 250 more eating'
▪ The alterations proposed .re very rxt rwve,
' almost 1.1041 to erecting ea ordinary
church. As might have been sere an las'
week's Se. eat. tenders have been .1!cad for
the completion of the work, and it w r
potted that before the maple again assumes
i e scarlet nue there will b• o.. lack of •e..
legaocommodatton in Knox ohurcb.
It's Nor a Fieri. -There is • rumor go-
Isg around that a .Spanish preset who has
written to a uitrzeu about h.dden treasure
*5 l.oder:ch is • fraud. It Lerma that
thole. who without think.nv, put such •
ilur on the pne.t s -'hamster, car uid not have
considered the matter or they would hay,
been more careful of pea, ink and moot
Now what are the fact• a .lying mac
51.11.. • statement that there is burned trea
sere in (:odttnoh-rand do there ie sod lot.
of it, and tt• North American Chemical
(-o'nlniot bee been for years, •.d a now.ex•
treating it frim Mother Earth, and dant-
biting 1t all over true cootie/et an the Inrm
of Rice's Pare Salt. it may be that
Um Spaniard dieonvered the secret mmV
Ys•rs ago and had net heard that it had
hose soon toned and utilized by progressive
Canadians, then accounting for the onm•
mostcatien said to have been remedy re
mewed by • well -know. citizen We trust
this explanation will settle the matter for
all time and those relic hunters who would
like to .hare in the discovery of the d.aJ
aperient oan do w by obtaining a bag of
Rase'. Pun Melt.
Clinton : Mr, N. Murray met with a
paiotid aooidant the other day. whish has
oenfioed her to bur rorm. Whale standing
on a stop ladder she *tiptoed, and fell back,.
ward., atrainiug her beck,and otherwise ice
uriag hermit,
KAvfield W. Rathby, one of the hairdo
at the eawmih, wise severely injured tort
ween. He was throwing rollers up slave
him. and when he was *tonging over to yltbk
up another. one slipped down, striking him
on the need, and indicting • severe wound.
McKillop : The hone, and shop f alsrly
owned by the late Wm. Aitcbesen, no the
ritb cos., was bunted to the ground last
Wednesday morning about one o'clock.
Tile building* were evidentelly set on fire
m they were burning in too different place.
when Lound,
Cool' Tiros', -John Knox bas received
news from the (11d Land in reference to the •
('ocksbutt plows. They were shown in ms
Ragland and gcatland last year and oom t
peted with the beet firms in the Old Land
and Americas plows. and carried off fist
and sword prizes •5.1011 all admen. As
to the plows and work dose by them in the
field which is positive proof that the Cock•
deet plows exesll all other records of
in F.eiland and Scotland first place in 0
Scotland, Kinross Shire mat.,h, Pinch plow th
first price, alio .penial prize of 3.2 10e for au
host ploughed lot in field, opus to all clumps 1
Bt.hoptoo match, tint prize in chilled close, cl
sewed prize to open e..m ; Dumfres ie
mato'. firm and mound prises : 11lantyre
sista. mooed ; C Streams Deitch. see. Ibsen
sad prize : Mid ('alder atoa, first nee : •
Gate-Hem.•ee-Fest match. Brat and se.- m
rued ; Grs...et match. first prize : Old ead
Kirkpatrick. first prize; Danny match. first for
prize ; Dumfarllw nista, drat prize. Cook- •
date plow made • alma sweep Mat year b
wwri.SSd 49 first prizes and 19 mooed prizes wi
Winghem : Harry Wells proposes going
Rat Portage next week to look after
some minim property im which he and him
father, Patrick Well. ars interested. They,
partnership with another penes. own six
o a the now famous Rainy River di@-
rint. and for one of these the illy num of
15,000 has be.. offered.
Wn.b STATEMENT•,- A few day since •
time wheard to este that there were
wares r sixty onof typhoid i0 town, and
at the disease was canned by the water
pplied The foot is there Is net, nor has 1
here been • case where at first there were
early dehn•d symptoms of this malady. it
true there have been a few when there
n 4
wetyphoid symptoms, but our etore
sited .)..lore °I•seie. them as such es i
mama of the absence of marten wdl-i.ows
ark.. if, se the gentleman reported, we
, or bad had. sixty oases, it is a record
OUT medical mos. for there bas not been
death. A. regards the water. so far tl ir.
sot a tittle of evidence to •eb•t•stiate the
Id stemest.
not of
•At m •tohee. All parties wishing
to purchase plow•, each as welkin, plows, p1
twin gang plows, riding plows. Kangarne
two fernwed plows, scufilsrs, eastern iron
esltivater, deo harrow, Notice bad.rey
mowers, sed della, hay mkw, dire her.
rowsand spring tenth oultivatnra, We-
I..gblia Arse -olein osmium and Megise,
Adam's lusher eraRge55 ehtuid eajj at
my w.r'ereems. A art clines st•chaai° is
knows by his wer k he can't sa-
esmplW it without first-01er (sol.. whist
hobos obtain from .leh. Knox. 8•I61160.
des gurseteed or se sale, therefore para-
mours 0.500* make • m(ateke es the womb
spook ter their sup.ri..ity. Jake Kum.
emearaf Ged , west, One. •prmMts B.:n'
tes hotel.
Whet Y said to M the largest teams.
Phe:- over Waeep.vted 4y • railway is new
es it. wsv hem the geareim .1 Rama. Vt..
le New (Assn It is M be pegs of • mom -
woos t. M 0101661 te the Metals amp
!T i i 1h1eaE MNt std welsh,
Deux Loos Ne s (' A. Nairn hu t11e
an. for the proposed addition to Kme
A rsmjoiao.st article ma Jenny i4ttd and
her borne life has bees prepared by her
daughter. Mrs. Raymoorl Mande tot public-
ation in the May Lodies' Homme Journal. It
is said to be filled with ateresti.a memories
of the farno.m singer, std is noteworthy .I
w se beteg the first view we hates of her
through the eyes of her adoring daughter
Mn. Mande brings to light the fact that
Jemmy Lied was aiwaye servos@ and over
' truer before events. just beftre oiagiug to
a new opera or oratorio, bat wigs n^_itt calm
when the very etoei,st of aotba arrived.
1a iadie then 1@ Mill berldeg • moored
fire lighted by the Pareere twelve matures.
ago. The lames ars fed with modal earl
ether fragrant woods, and the fire is re
piairlm1 live times a day.
Wide-open Binders. Mowers.
Oultiivat.ors, Rak Disk Har-
rows, Diamond narrow s.
Ploughs, 13cuMees, Carriages.
hug glee. Wag ns, Carts.
Also, Agent fbr Bradley's
A Full line of Rapsin far the above Machines, and Plough
Points always o�o land Re esember the .tend -nest to Buxton's
8lables, HAl[ILTON-BT., O0D*RICH.
411. Abiameik•atikeibikaillikilbeeketS1111911111b..
lovely Pail
Cru' ' Beal
from 25c to
sizes at the
pleustlre to
Jortlut'. baa
TEAS -In fist
• OKI71
Inc 1 'e
1 31. W. l
.red 15 leer
>t• adeOrne-
late eww
Front Um1
11 tee've • M
to test N
(aur shtb
tecy c*S e. Ike t
hlbtilen 5aalaty t
1111 cat .alto.
Cn. the 5)011
every **ring
newer ts retort
iu othcrbaed 11�
eberli. tie•
J .11.11d D1r
n set-st rink 1
to be riven el
Provisos will
mato closed tH
A 4
N. N....
):utcr Flow
t u' "n Wcoant
sans could .t
L -T T•. Hsi
bin tmport*A
No 11,8',
ice to Howes.
A••D. let v I
of McN•u*kta
and .hoes. It
now roods 1.
thin chance, al
A K.ti• A. Y'
.lohnstee, wk
building on t
toot wt -h se t
had :ext that
most days.
ire Rrtt.1.•
eta •ebesr..a
woo that it wi
ever give° an
.tc.11ent, and
the chorus.
A iutgy
there wore
Peter's. La.
lady pbyiaw
Villiers SN
tingly sweet are
S. D AT li
bows, wood
Andrew A.
to the front t
A Srr;ot
• u3re e5gg*
be placed be
410v 3.05.4
would he w
exposes cam
Tnt Jrzr
Mon'real has
to the
Amounts wtl
Ire. of chat
mending orbs
(r n �TRti
that os the
has been pot
the trench j
the ohsero
wide imps 1
ID. W. sail
feature i. th