HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-4-15, Page 2t.
• -
MS Torts Oh
important Events In Fsw Words
For Busy Rsadelrs.
Me erg World s nlappalap tar.fail,
glimpalled mad rue Est. Mundy .ad
Aam.mlr. Yap* rhe taw masher. .f
Mar raper -A SsW floss's liMpossa.aa
Oa learea esbed ane eimastea.
OOorgr L. Gregory of Ogdensburg.
PLY ...awed to Prescott and hanged
himself to a railway bridge.
�ltl]ak A\U eatrt.%ALI.
-sank Butler, the Aunralfan mur-
derer. wisp was ono, myth the Canadian
Mounted Pulte, and eh.. was extradites
from Tian Francini on taturday. con
feasted prior to hie departure to nav
deg killed Arthur Preston. but be teatime
1t waa In self-defence.
TOP. RMLN.tut w WOnt.0
The recey.tion of Mgr., Merry del Val
!e tate Basil$ t a at Ottawa was an ex
Ireenely brilliant and largely attended
affair. Addresses were prosented to
the Papal ablegwta In Latin, French
and English. and he rel.lh.l to each
ki kind. his speeches making a very
favcrralde Imur.mtlo.t
Teak LASN►et tegtRLD.
Owing to the failure •.,f the efforts to
clone the quarrel le -toren Lord Pen-
rhyn and his Welsh quarrymen, (went
ty-s t%enhundred workinen area still
out bf work.
The union hriekJayers of Montreal
went on strike lam week. They are
Sit prem. nt receiving 30 cents an hour,
and working 10 hours a day, and they
ark Mr a .hang. to 36 cents an hour
and nine ileums a (Pty.
r1Y►ItTI NO.
In the annual University tr..at race
Oxford won easily from Cambr.dge on
Sat urda y.
Nick. sports and several game cocks
were arr.eted .n Sunday afternoon and ,
lodged in the .. trier by Torente petite. •
George t tram w.,n the American flv.--
mlle crurs-1•ountry championshlp on
Saturday at M:.rris Perk, N.Y.. beating
• large field of scatters.
Pt►t.ii Ma Ill t-e:It1AI..
It is rep rted at Cap.. Town that 1)e- ,
Lagoa Ila> : as been leased to Great
Britain Mr :O yearn at an annual rent-
al of half a million sterling.
The Newfouneland Government has
decided to enforce the Act whkeh pre -
titbits French fishermen from M. Pierre
inking batt in Newfoundland waters.
Mr Curzon. Parliamentary Secre-
tary for Foreign Affairs, in addressing
Itis eon,tituents at Southport on Satur-
day spoke bitterly of the action of the
United State* In endeavoring to kit
the arbitration treaty.
TUP. Ut.alle.
Archbishop Plunket of Dublin Is
Lady Last -files, e wife of Sir Ttank
LI t
soellrs, the British Ambea odor to
Germany, Is dead.
Conductor Hotrum of Hamilton is
dead, as the result of injuries sustain-
ed at el'oodstt.ck in January Inst.
Rev- Edward Hutthinttrn, f,.rmerty
:secretary of the Church Mtissl��nary So-
ciety of I•:ngiand, died at Forest.
Feather Murphy of geld cure fame
died at hie In,ttlute at Montreal after
an illness of only a week.
leadsr, these .taction to the odes. *ani•
time ago was annulled by the Semen*.
Mr Her'■ amendment to the Anglo-
American treaty of arbitration. elbals-
attng •11 questions, •d national pointy
sad the Monroe doctrine from the
treaty. and giving the Senate general
ratpervl.fun of all matters W la sub-
mitted to arbitration, was adopted by
the [tatted States Senate by an over-
whelming majurly
re Kea.% raa.ol(IIIL.
Prince Bensar•k has celebrate lab
Ilad birthday.
Mr. Cecil Rhodes has left London ea
his return/n/VVvourney to South Africa.
The tar*wjril banquet to Mr. Bayard
will taJ<,,,aa11[ll ��� ace• in Lundun un the Itti
of May.
Princess Leopold of Pruara is tak-
ing a regular course of training as a
hospital and Geld nurse
1 M Hanutauz, the Mineate,' fur For-
eign Affairs, and Corner de ]tun, the
well known cIerloal deputy. beer been
elected members of the French Aca-
Major Sir John Willoughby, the only
one yf :.he Transvaal residers to serve
his tWi srnt*4kt-, has Leen discharged
from the jail.
Abraham Ephraim Elmer of Utica.
N.Y.. clams to be I16 yearn ..f mgr. and
the oldest man In the United States -
Lad Sholto I)u
Addis, a clan Francisco concert
singer, ham given birth to a tam.
Douglas la the youngest son of the
'Marquis of Queensberry.
Mr. Allingham, the Lindon sunroof'
who operated upon Lieutenant -Gov
nor Kirkpatrick. believes that in sp
of the rt-Ilrf afforded by the ope
thin Mr. Kirkpatrick's life cannot
be spared.
Lieut. -Governor Kirkpatrick. who is
!till at Iilighton, says he feels much
better. and experts t.. return to Lon-
don in a few days. He will remain
In London fur a fortnight and then sail
for home.
1t is not expected that the new to
will be brought in at Ottawa this wee
Mr. James A. Smart baa commenced
las duties In Ottawa as Deputy M
ter of the Interior.
The election of ]Ir. Joseph Lea
to the Manitoba Legislature for
Bo dface has leen pretested.
The debate on the address In the
min/un House of Cu*nmons has bet
timed. and the address carried wit
out amendment.
At a caucus .4 the opposition mem-
bers of the Manitoba Legislature 11
Sohn Macdonald was offered and a
opted the leadership of •he party.
Senator Macdonald of British Colum
Dia has Introduced a bill in the Se
ate to make the Nth oper-
May a p`
petual holiday In honor of her Majrwt
The internal Economy Committee
rhe Dominion Houle .'f Commons has
derided to recompense Hr.tauran
keeper Barnett for the abolition of th
House of Commons bar last version.
With the approval of marry of th
Board, of Trade, the Government w+1
soon appoint commercial age'nte t
Routh Africa the Mediterranean conn
ries, Mexko atother places to pro-
mote trade rrlatlo
At e Ptovin, mal Legislature a bil
granting the same road rights t.. del
Mr. Cursor., Fors&gn Ssorntary,
Addresels H. Constituents.
i misomennt. Moweeer. Tana rN
MMwaWtp nay teapei tW CNN
-- •meta's *Rhes. •n she WsI4es .f
In tram ale ,.
sae Aadaa' . War - AS
a..s aa.aaTarsal.
London. April 4.—George T. Curso
Parliamentary Secretary of the F
earn Ohre, addressed his cunstltueq
at Southport yesterday. He made
extended ref to the artetrat
treaty. with which. he said. the n*
of the Marquis of Salisbury would
perpetually linked In history. 1f
motives and tactics, w hlch were ah
to the spirit of the propoitals they a
parently intended to w reek, auc•c•eed
in strangling that agreement In
hall cradle, tbey would not succeed In dr-
aped prising Its authorrailer on this side
or the other die of the Atlanta,•. of the
credit of its parentag., and a later
date would surely come *hen their
Its treaty. If not completed now. would
Iona take Its place as a part of the code
of the Aerate -Saxon orotherhood, and
perhaps a part of the International
law of the world. The law givers who
orlglnuted It wuuld ever afterward be
held in honored remennera
Speaking of ter eastern .Iueseion,
Curium Secretary sail that a war cloud
waa daily growtne en the hor.z.n, but
he was hopeful that prudent states-
manship and :he unselfish aims •4 the
power, might yet dispel the cloud be-
I•he' lure it breaks into a cyclone of any
v. :sal destruction. He presumed that
the Hrltish people had two objects in
snin clew the welfare of Crete and the
St- avotdaru a of European war. The
speaker excepted the Radicals, who,
hr said. held. without regard for farts,
nI 'tat whatever etre..., did was right.
L*ealeay ale 5 s-4. Agreed -The Late.. to
Ignki ler desseaaniamele.
ROTS Ae4 i ar Asir//A,
n- l New York. April 4 —James Creelman
cables from Berlin to The Journal;
Y• Gernmr^y has now reached a full un
of dt rtrtandiug with Russia, and tae Czar
is the leader in the policy of ooer'clnit
e the c:Yorks 1 am informed ty very
high authority that if the powers Sal
e it impuseible to preserve the status quo
11 Germany *111 not object to a Rusi.tn
o advance on Constantinople, Plsmarck
- has told friends that he was willing to
let the Russians take COPPtantinupie
! in 1%:6, but the Iron Chancellor was af-
1 a -retards Rumbas most determined 0P-
Mr. Andrew Barry waw killed at
Drayton by a tree failing on him.
Wattle Mr. Robert Bruce of Valenti&
was clipping a hors.' he was kJ. ked
aver the h.lrt and died Instantly. •
Mark E. Harrison. a freight condu'-
ter on the C. g. It.. fell off the train
near Mr -Gregor station and was killed.
Vital lacy, aged a, wain aslrrp on the . med-
al! I. C R. trick, one mile raft of St.expressValid'. Que., when the Halifax express + M
killed him. 1 be
Mr. J. R. Macdonald of Lancaster
Township wag hit In the temple by part to
of a bursting Tay -wheel of an engine
wail• tt-resbintr. and fatally injured.
Nis brother was also 'seriously hurt. 04
Kl SIX!-., an
cycll,ts ahose enjoyed by the drivers
of vehicles has pooled the first commit
tee stages. The measure will not mei
with serious opposition In the House
Hon. G. W. Ross spend the Pur
food ■how at Hamilton on Monday,
The Corneal! Canal will be ready t
navigation by the last week In April.
A detachment of mounted police
leaves Regina Cm Thursday for 'he
Over 100 buffaloes have been teen in
the vicinity of Fort Smith, Artbabaaca.
It to all changed now. l: trmeety le -
cognizes gnlzes England as her chief rival
t in commerce, and Is resolved to make
ear .'n her everywhere. hence the aud-
den friendship which has sprung up
e between the Czar and Kaiser. English
pretensions in Africa have alarmed
or Germany. and the whoa. adjustment
of European power is rapidly chang-
Ing. No details of the new Russo -Ger
man alliance further than those cabl'J
recently are obtainable. .
Having forced the powers to block-
ade Crete, the German Emp'rar has d -
tided to temporarily retire from the
' leadership of the present International
diplomacy and let the .rest s:rugg.e
for supremacy between England and
Ruasla go on. Germany has eagerly
urged Austria to occupy Ball I Jak a;
once under the terms of the Berlin
treaty, to that 1f the Greeks der:are
war on Turkey the Ausarten army tan
march aerosol the heart of Maedonta,
-seise Salonica• and so control the sltu-
allon. but the Emperor of :titter:titter.*tr.a
bluntly refused to act Austria Is s-1
ready so overloaded with inharmenl,tu
population that she doe. not oars tc
add new elements to her con'used do-
rivetk• politics. This refusal has com-
pletely upset Emperor William's plans
for enforcing peace In Central Europe.
remiss Adsatrals N passe.
London, April 3.—Several of the cor-
respondents of London newspaper,,
telegraphing from Canna, represent
that the foreign admirals „ere serious-
ly blameable for the fighting that oc-
curred to -day between ineurgente and
Turkish irregular forces on the penin-
sula of Akrotlrl. They state that Ad-
miral Caneavero, the Italian ofticer
who is in command cis the combined
fleets of we
powers. had given hie r
sent to the request of the insurgents
that they be allowed to leave the pe-
ninsula and peas through Canes to the
interior ..f the island. They evidentt&�►
trusted that Admiral Canavero wetted
give them safe conduct. but it seems
that no measures were taken to pro-
tect them.
When the admirals learned that the
Bashazouke were barring the way
of the Christians, they ordered that de-
tachments of sailors and marines be
sent to disarm them and compel them
to return to Canea. but It was then ton
tate for the detachments to carry nut
their orders. It doe. not appear why
the fcreten warships did not seize the
during the past winter.
The Hamilton Public Library Board re
has refused a request to keep the ad -
room open on holidays.
Eight Chinamen are tindererIn
alone, N.Y.. who are alleges to have
rn snuggled across the corder.
The English Government has refused
allow stands to be erected In the
London parks for the diamond jubilee.
Two special trains, having on roard
mer 3.00 new settlers for the Province
el the Territories. arrived In Winnk
peg from the east.
At the last ballot of the Reform Club
1n l.ond.m every candidate bearing a
German name was '.laekballed as a de-
mom•tration against Kaiser William.
A l hili t leteen months old. daughter
of Mr. Samuel Grant of Turin. Ont.,
was found lying in a ditch containing
about a tool of water. dead.
The General Committee of Arrange-
mwnts for the National Convention of
Ch,rltles and Correction met in the
Y 11.C.A. library. Toronto. and appoint-
ed a number of sob-rrrrtmlttees.
The United States, Senate has author -
feed the Secretary of the Navy to place
a vessel of war and a chartered mer-
•r-chant vessel at the disposal of the rot -
lector cif the port of New leak for
transporting contributions of wheat.
Sour and cern to relieve the famishing
poor of India
In a faetennable Etuettish club a few
eventnp,. ago Mr. Mackie, one of the
members. male an Insulting remark
regarding the mother of Mr. Gerald
O'Shea. twin of Captain O'Shea and Mrs.
O'Shea -Parnell, which the young man
resented. and knocked Mr. hackle
down. who fell upon a fender, receiving
a probably fatal injury.
e'oN ]e k\ or. MAX.
It is reported that the Cullen"; are
suing for puce.
There is great rejoicing at Ma]rid
over the Spanish victories in the Phtlip-
pWe Islands.
The Portuguese troops have been de-
feated In Guinea by the Native, after
a fight lasting eight hours.
The Anglo-American arhltrat!en
treaty will be permanently tide -trucked
In the UnRed State. Senate this week.
It is expected that Goers. Rivera. who
a -as recently captured by the Spanish
forces in Cuba, will be at once tried by
King George of Greece declares that
it blockade cf bis porta will be followed
by • declaration M war on the part Of
Greece against Turkey.
A detachment of Cretan !neu:'srnte
has fired several rounrtm at the Itut,u•
naris Aire khau*e, welch Is- occupied by
the International troops.
in conner'len with the warlike netert
Europe and South Afters, It is elan, -
nth• reported that Lord Wolretey,
Rritlah Commander -in -Chief. wit
hortly vidt Olhrsltar.
The Cretan ('.'mm�itt.e will not a.•-
cent the fifty thousand rouble., offeredI'y the Czar for the families of
fugees..' the re-
fugees. Th. y a*k na!4 frnrn the Czatt
relle Rusalan war.hIps take par In
r blockade.
Preparations again.: eventualltft. In
Transvaal are Icing etendliv ;mph -
forward by the !British War cifeee..•
a general familiar with .efr.an
ting bee been selected to comment'
Ent ROA *mope.
-kb a patty of Crawaw leaven,
r -'l4, wig!)Inek• and r. omen end
deer tee 'fatehl !lignites arc elate
1y, unseated them. The (Teton+ rat.
and a ; very fight ensued. in which
t !M on each wide w.r Metal The
Bamako Rawk• were then dierrm••.t
order of the forearn n admiral*
uplrl•1 froWadhMginn limy, that
in has deerdded at last to tease of-
fve military operatkw►w In Cuha at
hetelnnIng of the wee mason. now
y a tew weeks away she le pee -
g to withdraw all tee troops from
Interior. and to sed do Opals •
• amiable of tale.
All c'anadian sugars have been ad -
'anted one-eighth cent by the refiners.
School book pubYmher, are biddingnenfew the right to publish the nen text-
book, ha Manitoba.
Parer ,: epatt•h sails that a new
Atlantic table it being manufactured
at Calais and will shortly be laid.
Theamsttrn.es of the United Preis la
New York -Save lamed a notice that
The I'ntt.vt Pre,s shall team to exl.t
atter the night of April I.
It Is intimated that the negotiation,
in oonneetion with the fast Atlantic
service have reached a shape that an may ay toe extolled before
TI1E IIIRE Ri:e-ott,,,.
The Methodist churt'h at Magn.tawan
was destroyed by are.
Mr. Peter Bert:am's hardware store Iona Hamilton was gutted by fire. en-
tailing a heavy na
The thirteen -year -Md daughter of
Ir. r. J. U. Locum, Toronto Junction,
Iwai burned to death welle playing
round a brush fire.
William H4wmre
, under arrest in Cleve-
land on a charge .rt arum, declares that
be has been tenting aro to building, In
various valet during the Last fit',
Thirty business' houses and a di zen
dwellings were destroyed by the at
Cambridge Springs, I'.t_ ea tieing the
Ben .4 .me life and doing $223.000 dam-
age to property-.
IL,I t.letee U 1t1 1111111.1Nast%
Tortilla'. To. Hamilton and Pufrabe
Raway has control Into the cotrol of
the Michigan l'etutral road.
Mr. i . P. ll:.nnaford, hate chief en-
gineer of the Grand Trunk. b suing
company copany for damages on account
of his dirmieeal
Th .
e Canadian Pacific Railway have
deposited plans for the Crow's Newts
Pahailway with the Itallere.y De-
partment. which is ton official intima-
tion that they are really to construct
the read.
Trouble ha, ari,en Iwtween the Grand
Trunk and Canadair' Patine Railways,
awing to th, ms, tariff s
of pasenger
fates to th. Ke•.,t. nay d!Rriet Issued
by the Grand Trunk, and a rate war /s
A Tnrntn .yndieate which has ac-
quiredoption,. on electric railway stock
an Hamilton PI"teu•es to acquire gni
operate all pr ep•rti-s working unser
dty 1ranchi,e•e, giving the e.ty a toter
M their control and a certain share or
the profits,
temente. ro1lau'..
The Haden, M�iwtry of Austria ha,
Pr'd.tnt Kruger bas suaprnded hie
grandson f.'r tnsultlag Great Mean
and the Qum n m
Sniper*? Francis Jnepb has rein
state d the Haden' Ministry that reeve
ed the other day
The French Chamber 01 repute- • hae
adopted the Port Dees 1.111 lmpeeing a
!as upon foreign vessel..
The tensed ittatr tariff bill he, been
by >u macer,:y. *red ha. Ron.•
to .Beet. , by
it le tasted t Nat Prevident Fane. Ms A
fivers c/tidally informed of the ap- . Ppm
"caching visit of the (lar ad Csariaa fens
M !;ranee- :the
*err fltrobaeh, Mayor of Vienna, has nni
gaglgfed late odic. In coder to proem. p.rtn
epportmnity for the election a. the
et Dr. LIMO. aka anti Man. ' Meg
51.45... Threat of neesolla.
St. Petersburg, April 4.—The semi-
olflteal Journul de St. Petersburg. say,
that the aggressive. provocative atti-
tude that Otpecr continues to Main-
tain with much deplorable obatlnacir.
force, the powers, much against their
wlah, to have recourse to a blockade
of this Gulf :of Athens. The paper de-
nounces the retention of Col. Vasco* it
Crete. and says It refuses to believe II
possible that Greece will indulge in
such an eztranrdlnary art of folly ay
a declaration of wear would be.
rata Pours %OrIPtsa esz cZ,
slog Hangs Veld es 5.t its Troops one es
Constantinople. April 4.—The Porte
law prepared a note to Greece, de
mending the withdrawal of the Greek
troops In Crete. The note declares
that In the event of the demand Leung
refuted the Porte a 111 hold Gree.•e
answe-able. it is stated that the note
has already been prevented to the
Government at Athens.
eat Is reported herr that disorders
have occured at Kuril. In the Villayet
of BIt11s. it is stated that several Ar
menians were killed. but no further de
tails aro (lion.
The amhasaadon have ealled the at-
tention of the Porte to the Mere tea.
are entertained that there w IS M a
tnaseacrr of Armenians at Hadjln, 1n
Anatolia. which place teemed the f try
of the Turks and Kurds during he
pee :bus masaairee
Ymrssg W4*50&s ant of 11.0.1.
�(�tttawat OW" 91.- fap..-InI o There is •
gr.pI 1� i as de part .f llgnor-de,.l.rw ti
e tater gases owl of trona, anti,eatery
N 4110 mew tariff. lir. (tarry twill, 14.P
p ..ug.g with o,ro4. t •rad Moe*.rasa Isof
/' hMa paid term t. the eaoeest sof
$ Only legttlw,•ta *ellen of the
*sty paid mints ere being /Del.
Wises ,lers eaeasl0a calla for wane
And the trumpets aartll aad pea`
rads anti ., ..(w rtag all day
With the Mete .halt of atoeel.
The blades are Mated la the MM
And coaled la by lewd.
Aud beaten harts and boat.. well.
T4 make them Inn and pliable.
Their edge and trooper sued.
skis tuwgh and sharp with d4..1p as
They alt. ebe Sight fur Sgbtlag mall,
whole (hod's oeeaslua eau tor men.
Ills .amen seal He takes.
1u .Ifr's bot gee He tempers them
W.th tars lb owe and ala ;
With many • hoary, grievous *truant
lir bests them to an edge.
And tram and tries, agala, agate.
T111 the hard .111 A tweed, and pain
ueeomee high privilege,
Thea strong ani gwlcke.ed armies and
They ready ■r. nal work to do,
I e�
Lite lilt on-rwaking. furious bust
The ltda of mewl mut stn.
Futons di; blade..ka11 tempered ale.
They have no ehaner to win;
Goa trusts to no outwits! wooed
'Vara He firm., forth le war,
Only the awls that. beaten lung,
env paln'a great at..I1, h.,, grown .tes.g,
111E chosen weapons are.
Ah, wins, on palm's great anvil 1.44111.
Uemetuber tkla, bur be afraid!
s,Neaeo .f It r.sad .4 the Ceaas.sa.
.f Two titmwma-
The recent discovery of an oak tree,
2 or 3 feet 1n diameter, b0 feet below
the surface while sinking a well with
a doll at the •t.ndluencr of the Oneida
and Seneca Rivers, Is an important
discovery. It indicates that the Onei1-
da River was at one time the outlet
of an immense volume of water, and
opens up to our read.'s interesting
geological conjectures, says 1 he Popu-
lar Science News.
The theory would aeern to be plausi-
ble that the Ontdia River wag once the
outlet of the great (sham of lakes. 'ane
Is reminded that Lake Ontario is 334
feet lower than Lake Erie. Three
Rivers is 116 fret higher than Lake
Ontario at Oswego. A "rest depres-
sion bas taken place, unquestionably,
in conditions immediately c:.nnected
with Lake Ontario. It has apparently
subsided several hundred feet, ahtle
the Oneida River has barn raised up
so that to -day it is 116 feet higher
than the surface of the ea'.r-s of Lake
The waters from the great chain of
lakes must have passed from Lake
Ontario ilsouth through the valley
where the (ewegu River now runs. a
reversal of the present course of that
river. At the confluence of the Oneida
with the Oswego this great volume of
water made its way mate -aid through
the Oneida 111ver to eke Mohave% and
Hudson Rivers. The Mohawk Valley
shows plainly that 1t was a areal
water course at one period. and the
discovery of the hurled timelier tat
Three Riven proves conclusively that
the water bed of the Oneida was at
r'ne period at least 60 feet lower than
it now Is. and perhaps 100 to 150 feet
It 1s even tesnerte l that the shores;
of Lake Ontario were once located as
far south as Baldwlnsvipe: thence the
coarse of the shore has been traced
through Cayuga. Wayne, Monroe and
adjatent count/me This coed, tion
shows. if correct. that the whole re-
gion Including RMreeppel.Clay, Cicero
and portions of Madhnn (outay, was
at one period a vast lake, but that in
subsequent years a subsidence of the
waters took place ivy the depression.
calming Lake Ohstark,. Silt wee wash-
ed down from the Weft tIwr.rrlrh the
Oswego and O nedla Rivers and val-
leys. Thr drift of anovlum was east-
ward. and, as now proved, cmv.»ad up
trees and filled in dere channels. it l-,
conjectured that tate M. Lawrence
River did not suet at that time.
Kaeerd-Ru.aklan 1.1.1.
a, far as we have been ahie to lir
ovover. the celebrated Brnzhurn lelele
fully deserves the name of the "Mg -
gest." It was formed during the
sever. frost of February, leaf. at the
Almond aqueduct, over which the
Union canal runs, near Clifton hall.
Rroxburn. The overflow or the canal
drops from the aqueduct. a distance
of about lis feet. Into tate Almond
water. During the heavy cold the
dropping liquid. freezing at the spot
where it fell• soon became a eradual-
ly lengthening Miele, 'until the eon-
neetlon between the river and bridge
was established. When the sun shown
upon the giant mass the Irfdeenenee
was beautiful. and prnp1, came from
miles around to look at It. The icicle
was formed in three ntgaes —The
(be... murk..
Cream thoroughly without heating
two ounces of butter and a qu*rter of
a pound of flour. When perfectly
smooth add two Ounces of tlnely grat-
ed cheese, the yolks of two eggs and
the lightly beaten white of one egg.
Season with cayenne pepper and a
pinch M salt. Stir all well together
and put Into the fee cheat fol- en hour.
Then roll out until an eighth of an
inch In thlckn, u Cut into narrow
stripe. using a ruler. so that they will
lie perfectly even. Lay on a well-iut-
tered tin. Rake In a moderate oven
for five or s1x minutes Use great
eare In removing from the dn. or they
*111 break. as they should be very
brittle. Serve on a small plate. cover.
.d with a fringed doily. Serve email
Th. Jew ea a ewldler.
A new Look publl,hed in Germany
contends that the Jew le morema
so;dlpr than h. gets credit for. in
the FranieaGerman wa- 440 Jews
were In the (lei -man army and 327
earned the iron Cres. a ,le..ration
bestowed only fie- bravery In 'he field.
Fifteen .30.1.h officer, served under
Wellington at Waterloo, and the Duke
port them a epeciel cnmplim. tat when
Jewish emantcipation wet ;1r'p...,,1 ori
Parliament. The book state, that
726: Jew•, enlisted in the 1'n:tei s:arcs
army dormer the civil . war, While
among Ile higher commanders were
nine generis, and eighteen colonels
who were Jews.
Wlulam Kingston. an English farm-
er• was born without arms. hut never-
theleas made pitch gnod use of his feet
that he could do with them almost
anything that was done .Y a p.rann
with hand,. He could feed himself•
using the knife and fork• and tarry-
ing his eup to his mowrth; emila shave
himself and could perform all the or-
dinary work of the farm except mow-
ing. He was even able to milk cows
with h e feet, and wrote a beautiful
hand. holding the pen between the nest
and second towel.
RNM, 1. Vawada.
The people of Canada eat mare hea-
ter and Ames, per capita than those
of any other country T1te annual
r nnaumptIon in the Ilntted State. per
InhahItant Is -venal retell., and In
the United Kingdom nineteen pe a`
per mph*.
UNTULo MISERY 'Clearing Out Sale!
RHEUMATISM I claim to have
a i i<tag, w aver Tallq, Illus, .East b
Ayer's Sarsaparilla t Steck of sera
'For •ve pare, 1 sulered untold Inbar,
/hem masealar rhsmmausa 1 triad avers
known tamale soast.11ed the beet pep&
iso. dated )gel Winds. Art..tkres Sews,
spaseas gull theca, blokes doctors' hills;
hat meld ehtato *sly temporary rebel. My
leek was wasted away so that 1 weed
ssly daaty-three pomade: my left arm ale
hg were drawn out el N1.ps, the atiselss
Wag twisted tip is knots. I was enable se
dram myself, except with assistance, had
exalt[ only hobble about by using a cane. i
bad ao appetite, and was assured, by the
donors, that i could not Ilse. The pains, at
Yaws, were so awful, that I ooul.l procure
label only by means of hypodermic 'niece
nom of morphtne. l had my limisbandag,1
te ala,. in sulphur. In pea/Ices: but Riese
gave only temporary relict. After trying
everything,, and suffering the mn,t awful
tortures, 1 beg,n to take .%yer's Sarsaparilla
Imide of two mouths, 1 was able to walk
without a eane. In three months. my hate
began to strenetbeu, and et the course of a
year, i was cure.L My Aortic has Increased
to am pounds, and 1 am row stele to do ray
full dart' wort as a railroad htacksmetl."
ir' Ws,WIt ?$r Sarsaparilla.
4T1R's PILLS wanes ),. ,, r.aa kid- —
Woe a Meek
Two farmer laborers, whom ws will call
Jeans aad Smuh, recently spent a day at
Daring the day Jones spectated • dip is
the twiny, •cd an asking Smith If he orald
swim, that worthy said, •'Y es.bke a dock."
They both entered the water, and Jones
datadietely struck out, and soon left his
companion fifteen or twenty yards behind.
(b looking round to see if Smith war
coming, he was strugglwg in the amter in a
drowsing ooadiu. v.
Jesse at ono* made for his friM•i and
with great diftioulty managed to get him fo
Restorative. were at once applied, and in
• .beet time Smith regained maidoa.ass,.
when his companion said to him
" You great fol., you mid yea cad swim
like a duck
Se I ohm," said Smith, " bet I lost my
UV ALL 41111141Cf.4-lie. Mr. ale gat.
Do YOW -Vti a\ek
*Is oll\ee<1eA.Ve f 1►\ee
oof )al \\Neat r o\
1f you do. go to the City ][eat Marked.
and you will and that
We eats Motley the most fastidlone tastes, and
our prices snit everybody. We have every
thing in ata Meat line.
Fresh Meats
Spiced Meats
Cooked Meats
Cured Meats
Smoked Meats
Prepared Meats.
sad every dad of Sausage made. See ter
Spelal Lina If you have not yet been to
th. City Meat Market, do cwt fail to Dell and
give ear special Saturday dbplar your Inspeo-
Of what '
tism? N k
A rail road
Na A cy-
clone t No ;
he is the vic-
tim of a poor
which was represented
being just as good as ours
him a•
elland Ye #heels
are made by a firm who under-
stand their business and Rive the
customer 'the best wine for his
money every time. Bur a Wel-
land Vale, and save a repair bill
this season, •
Beet Coal Oil
1a the ('uuaty. In ordeals clear oat m,
e Mack le the next the aaontks, 1 ea' el
Slight Advance on Cost
I esquire them area *ad a y iadebted oalms baa to caee
sealed. maim' W 1 witt ,ee
Benmiller Nursery
llmal okhtS on lStewart he doe
ea as mated Naressy. Values
el by ef 4* 1. see.
Evergreen Tre a Specialty!
Tea sloes Is c•estplata g� labadgag
posh._ _ will lad k N the4 Elmet
A Finn Anse of
� Bedding
Orders by Mall aemmgtly $headed to
Spring is ai Mand.
So be prepared to meet it with
good Hat or Cap when it comes.
We have put in stock all the L.test
Styles of Spring
which for . uality and price annot be
equalled. In stock are numerous al
sortmenta of the latest in
C. E. SHANE & Co.
The reliable Hat and Furnishing Emporium
(Black, Hysan, Japan)
We have bought heavily in an-
ticipation of a duty being placed
on Teas, and are recommending
our friends to lay in a stock. Our
values are the best We e. -r of-
fered. Get a. sample and be ct,n-
0. A. NAIRN.
Cartago & Fuel Co.
are prepared to handle Bag-
gage Freight and household Ef-
fects with Dispatch at reasonable
rates. Dealers in all grades of
and Smithing Coal
Wood and Swindling
cut to suit customers ami deliv
ered with promptness. Order' so-
TNspdo.. ea
J, et Purr, D. C. frraAcsAa,
Esaager. fissestarl