HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-4-8, Page 6p • t Ilia+ 4C THE SIGNAL: GODBRIOH ONT.• THURSDAY APR. 8. 1887. TURNING GRAY A,%D TR*ZATa.aD WITH BALDNESS TM Dagger Y Averted by i fsieg AYER'S "MIME "Nearly forty years, ago, atter $orae weeks of sickness, nut hair turiu4 gray am! began felling out fits rapidly that I wits threatened With i threes late baldness. Hearing Ayer's liar Vigor highly spoken e,f, 1 cuuatueucrd u„ug this prepares twin, and Was en well Satisfied with the result that I have Hever tried any other kind sof dressing. It stop- ped the hair from falling cut, Minot - hated a new' growth . f hair, and kept the scalp tree from dandruff. Only an arasional application le now needed to keep my hair of good, natural color. 1 never hesitate to reromluetel ally eta .%yer'tt tuwlieines to May frieiwls."-JI rs. 11.M. HA tutrr. A 'oe i, \ ells : Ayer's Flair Vigor rrrt•tttr:i nY ILIA f;. A?ER • CO.. L8'11ELL,IWS., U. S. A. woe's Msespoieda 11041no es !'versus. HOME-MADE SUNSHINE. What tare I -- . the day o by Whether gloomy or finger the eky What care 1 what the weather may be Cold or warm- -'ue the same to me. Fort my dear home skies -Aber are always bine: Aad my dear borne weather , the glad days tiro' •• beautdul summer from more till atgbt, And my feat walk ever an love a true light. Arad why ! Well here is niy baby •west, Fallowing me round on his restless feet, bailing on me tbro his soft blue eyes, And gladdening and brightening Inv i door skies. And baby's father. with fond, true heart (To baby and me, horns a better par - His face is suesbme, and we reioiee In the music heard in his loving voice. 8o why should we heed -as the day go by The alarm or the light of the weather and sky Of the outside world, when war.. buav all day Manufacturing sunshine which tides pot away. <. With smiles., with kisses, with peace and troth i ty- Father and mother and baby boy - We are living each day in the .uasbine we make - ad Gad keep and guide us for love's dear sake -MART D. Sabra. in Harper'. Baler MADONNA AND MAGDALENE. ANI) Pnr,i Irwin s picture ” The Ma- donna, had made him (anions. He was a handsome man, strange but fee- dl•tiag. The only relative he had ever hostas was an aunt of his mother's. • stiff, prim woman, who had passed the means of educating him as an artist, and who had hese kind to him in • distant pecyhar sort if a way Macy time, he had spoken of hie parents be her . coked who they were and heat they were. And sometimes she had answered, "Whet we don't know never troubles us" mete often, however, the was grimly silent. Wbeo he was eighteen, and had begun to dream of being a great p•ist.r, she had gives him • little oval miniature, a tainting ea ivory in colors, of a beautiful young wo- mea, perhaps seventeen. with warm, rich, gold -tinted hair parted between her brows and rippled about her temples over her alfa. The face, was • trifle uplifted, and the epee, big, blue, soft and tender. looked out Heart Disease Clint 0 ST DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS T have sufiered for years with fluttering of the heart, sleep- lessness, and tired feeling, with occasional backache. I am now on the second box of Dodd's aidney Pills, and am improving every day: 1 can highly re',com. mend them to my fellow -men as the best medicine on earth, and Re shall never miss an opportunity felt of saying a good word for ' that Dodd's Kidney fills. „ T. J. DONOHrg, hal ° Crystal City, Aran. M sae saltily .ad trustfully. The realss.. were Masses perbei, from the.tralgla band- e mia ieme w the delicately shaped mouth sad resided, dimpled ooze. Who Is it!" he bad asked, seams it eagerly with rapture and d.ItghL • It a year metier. ' oh. answered, • wile u..i. 4ily. He rewarded is .vee asked, softly : le she dead new !" " Yes, Paul, she is dead," the a.. gated. Bet when he had begged loll him mere she refused. •' The story i. too glutin,' she brokenly. P.rhepe I will tsU yea mor. some of you lather, mother, .ad bide sister at present :.. dentes$ to know what do. " more intently as he t r.• her to said, day. ,bss ren Poor A•gt, she bad sever told him story, and had died betoro he had beco hammy -before he had painted " The doss•" --before he had married • rich beautttul wife and become the "hoe ray society .t home and •broad. For " Madonna.' bend's winning him fame brought him his wits. It was • roen.ntac story. the lovely Armerdgy'e falling is low wttb the dam Young artist. She wee en *taboo het who, having ores the oet.br.ted picture brad that the artist bad teles hie mot or tither her portrait. as bis model, bow so much impressed that she bad braved introduction to him. whieb had resulted their marriage • abort time later. One day, two year,' after this import event, her husband informed hat that was about to commence another impor picture, " This w it be • masterpiece, Ruth,' bad exclaimed enthusiastically. •• 1t w be the most wonderful .h'og pat on cape Mary Magdalene' f real Mary Mag Moe ' Not one of these s fended shit that the Fresoh, Spanish and lulus pat . r. have surfeited us with for sagas; wan beautiful creatures with natural. gold hair and inuoceot, angel feces. So, mi shall be vile, horrible. Iaath.ome with si a crsture to make oneehudder and to trom; tt• sort that must have crept to t Master's feet in thebl-1, old trot %. " haul she cried. astonished at wild wads, " where will you get this w mad; "I have found her, hr answer•. triu phaatly, " to the city prison. J shall there every day until I get • small pieta •ksteked. Theu I oan copy one at my 1 sure." •• But, Paul, .does she knew what. you • doing, or doesn't she cam ` him wife ask esrn••tly. •• ()h, I don't know whether tribe Core• sot,' he answered carelessly. " She do see anytbur. 1 fancy her mind must Imcat gone. She looks so queerly at me o such • strange well, bail snowing w bat .Dune people sometimes have. A t'• an uopte•eaut lob, to be frank about nwever, it's got to be done. ' H• did not mention the subject for lo mks, but be wife knew that be wee wor Lg herd on his new picture. One night he came to her in the I rawtng•room, and throwing himself dote the divan bestdu her, crted out : •• T1. done at fat ' t' 1 am very glad," ahs said softly. " Y ►red, very tired for even in the d wilight he looked worn and haggard. •• Oh, I shall be .lune fresh tomorrow e replied, and his face bushed up wi ids and exultation as re exclaimed Ruth, 11 is wonderful ' 1 almost worsb ! 1 forget, or rather I canoot believe, it creation of my own hand. My poo• other as ' '1'be iladoanpales beside i y wbole soul is a there ' 11 ta my meets o• l" "Then I mse roust ait at ono' ' ' said Rut rains. hen, no, dear ; not tonight. It i• rrible ! Too ghastly ! Von would Brea it : you Could nor fore. N. tt ail toot omorrow morning when the daybeoi .a ■ .sway it. Tonight we will Meatier.. •t tb per.. with a supper at li:Inwnn., e. •- Early the Dell day, however. her bus u aw.keued her wire-" Ruth minima tome for me to go to that wretch mw, the Magdelene, you know ; she iog and calls for me ; 1 cannot uncle tend why, but 1 haven't the heart to r use her. •• No, no, go bndl tiymans. 1'oor soul .baps you may .lout a something •bou r,"' Ruth replied. "I will be back a soon es possible,' h d. But it was tight before she sew bi an. and she had long been tilled wo melees doubta and fears, when she bear step on the clattering stein. " Ob, Paul she creed, spring forwar els to meet him a he entered but eh rted bock in terror and surprise at on eats at hu face. „ Paul ' Paul ! wha 5appened . He rimmed so enddenly aged ; so crushed d heartbroken ' For • moment he roweled to speak, but was pow', leu to do At last, however, he wad brokenly • :!ma o , Ruth, l hay. something to ahow u !" Anti drawing her arm within his a. he lal her to the studio, which was Coded with • brilliant yet subdued gas ht, and then they paaaed between the o picture. which stood side by side Throwing back the coven which enveloped en, he mid, huskily " Look ' look at WI,, and tell me what you see -what you n it he gazed .t him silently, tilled with can- ting emotions, wondering at Der ho.. d'e strange hehevior But she had an let's soul, which soon last .tel( in the tion beforb"ber, and her eyes rested milt+ on tFm rare. pile Madesea with pure, cairn -face and soulful eves, and m ening, flickering tenderness hovering ut the errant mouth. n expre••ion of almost fear stole over face se she looked .t the other picture, ugh a low ory of admiration bunt from lips involuntarily as she went • step .r, her eyes riveted ea the canes before the Noe la• rod of The bad law. hr •i.l her, me au In ant he tant he ill u. da me at Re en 0e o: ro he bis o - m Ito re si- rs .d or 0'1 be ay b. t. no k- eno a ou on tt ip r r t, r- t too m 11 9- e • e1 u r s- t e m tb d d • e t a H w d o0 oats t h Pr tt • m M Tete or be of t on 0 ban has wo dy • Pe be mi •R O bis sage e ta RI bas an et so, yo nw hg tis the bo tht S fleo can art ore• drea her way abo A his rho her near her. The picture was not largo, but it was se true to Ideas to be vividly startling. Ag•tnet treat, trey walls stood the " Magdalene Her dress was black, torn and mired, one sleeve war ripped from wrist to shoulder, falling book to •how the h.droue soars .in had left no the •tie thin• bony arm. The figure was horrihle, lean mod shrunken, but awl aged. Rat the fere .pee or tongue wool' toe pnw.rleor to detente ,hatly white and reused etth wrinkles. The mouth, one hard, bloedieor line, the ease bleared, bl1tol.hat and sestet, the klos ,n them nuking into the white the hair • ter.oht M.eehed yellow, banging in a heiehy mw shove the until tare, mak lag it fes►inl, still mere - well, beastly, .till • th pewee her hand to her heat !the hereof/ erowinr faint arid siek with de- but .he onnld trot take her ayes free dreadful usu. )h, Paul, it is h.writtle I it ie ender- ' site gasp... " No nee has over paint ything lik• that. is is year neuter - 1 it ie... real, ea horrible 1 Ne eine nee it will forgot it 1 The world will "� j.Cur'e Heart Disease Vocid's Kidney Pills he he �M Ir fees world well sever are M r tis ivied ssddeely matching op ea old mist brei a mogiusa forward. and subtly des "VIelesyy tks " M.(ddeaa'e tis r Oh, Pial 1 Are yen mod r sib. misisimed, b.raai g let. triers. ' Yea sea newt plat sosth r sae Itke is ! What do yon ean ! Why did rise sped it ! Altar all year arm* std ted ! Aad now at V gime f" " R ," b.satd smarty. baart-bt homy. " U was ma ...wt !. e While a lawe.it was to prestress the ester day • w...aa made a seat resort M Ile ea • perp of the advocate wise was esedneemg the ease for the proe.oattea She was ander urorezaattsaItas as • hos- tile .1...., end w asked d elm had sot been formerly oos.ioted at that court. " Yes. sad it wee y.s who defended me." was the ort but ad.ysnt. reply.' The eros.-ez.mia•ti.a lest energy: atter that. The Mraes el lie ash Sepal Mete. lMasa.al write : " I hare used, with moot euooeu, °Phuo Baum' oe t'Quickcurs l u dr.eing wonads, which wpparsted area ander the dre.nog of Iodoform ; the effect was re- markable, all discharge ceasing, and beali.g granulation setting up at ono*, after first application of 'Quo:Lours'. I 000stdss 11. antiseptic action es vlaeble as its marvel- lous pen relieving properties.' Signed. (iso. H. PARKS., 11 1)., 10 Palen -.t, Quebec. " Who steals my puree steal Web " ; but the ory of "Stop third ! " is raised jest the mama Stout man (in • Toronto trolley uarr- Why dont you get ap aid get up sad gtve one of the ladies a seat Boy why don't you get up and vivo them both a seat' toa.ternsa■ded. A good story is told sail vouched for coe- oarotog • certain lady • oertatn lady of fashion, who decided, for some unknown reason, to take • cottage in the 00i.try fat summer, rod more than that to take a band in housekeeping herself. She had friends who had • country home sear by, ata as an appeasaga to their es tate, • number of hoe .ler..v cow*. As • special favor she asked to be supplied with milk, for she bad beard so much of Jersey milk. Her request was granted, and all went well fee seven days, and thee the own.re of the country house and the sows wets in- formed they need set take the trouble any longer, for after the milk had stood • little it wee Hovered with a thick yellow stuff on top and had to be throws away. A FARMER IN TROUBLE A Grenville County Mau speaks his mind -- Feels I.ke • new men --Cured by Four Boxes of Dodd'. Kidney Pills. Cardinal April 7th (Special) -Mr. Rcbert McIntosh. a termer very widely known is this county, and living near this village, has been in • very painful .red enticed audition as the result of bidooy disease afleeting the bla•ider. When rolled epos he said " During three years, uncal gutta reoeatly cored by using tour bozos of Dodd's Kidney Pills, I have been an intense sufferer from kidney disease. which went from bad to wore, though I was doctoring all the time. Moder advice I bapao using Dodd'e Kid- ney Fills. and at once realized great help. I now feel like • new man and am per:soNy cured of kidney trouble is any form. a■: a A young lady was sitting in • crowded milway•carri•ge. The legend, " Beware of Ptckpockeu,' stared her to the face. She looked at bet neighbour, and, as the train entered • tunnel, dived her hand to- wards • purse which was in the side pocke of the overcoat of her travelling -dress, and found • band already there. Firmly as seized it, determined to unmask the villain, who was feebly imploring her in a whisper to let him go. A. the train emerged into the daylight, the angular spectacle of • reepeot•ttIe young lady, with her head in the pocket of • pate and ternfled carate, whaee hand she was grasping by no mease tenderly, was he- lmeted The crowded coud,tioo of the oar - nue was reepoostble for the mistake. fa Fee ars theadess M eters as. Yes team haw I. ansae be have a prompt toms. on Mat l erpWa '- ..r,. pais a wededul sad immedMie has- sles spa this malady. It rens,sa ka• sus Walsh, and ores is IFI... Plea.a.s w the lases, sad the basis remedy is she world ter paw They flee.. Ove. A simple et Mersa. rasenlly vbtMsd a New Mentis sisal p11, sad. mesas Mbar gassMlner asked. Is a pheeieing teas. " My geed man. hew de yon on the sass up oat of your pit r "Oh!" was the reply. '• we pull them up by the haw i the bad.' " Iadssd," and ehinklsg M eeriest their idormtant, ens sir the manias asked, '• Hew ahem the bald - headed saes r' ()tt," was the answer " w. draw them up wi' sackers." The lssrists' thirst for Worseds& wee salieasd, Pena...... Pleesees, Meilen alai 000tais the powerful poisons Amalie or Bell•den.• atoeld b• used only when year pbysiola. permit., ae you eye teen alight be poisoied by absorbdos of the drags. Doctors sow use plasters made with •' Quakerism spread on cantos flsaael. Imes or eottoe, which gtve more prompt re- lief from pais than Guy known ammo ; the effect Is almost beyond belief. ale Let Me Dear ween. Ole day last week 1 was alone is a third - slam serried* en a struthera Ileo, when • lady suddealy opened the door aid entered. She gave • yes/nine look, and, no doubt streak by my fatal beauty, quickly retired into mouser carriage, She closed the door after taw, bat did not tura the beadle Booa after leaving Teterboro I stood up tea, admire the beeutttul suenery . and, ae 1 lamed ea the window frame, the door flew open, aid 1 hong on It by my armpits as it swayed backwards .ad forwards till we related Huatiaddon, when I was able to put my foot seder the sat and pull myself inside. At least 0150,000,000 worth of hellish propesty u alms' on tb. sea. At baldness) makn ooe look prematurely old, so • toll head of hair gives to Stature lite the apt.e•raooe of youth. To secure this and prevent the former. Ay.e'• Hair Vigor r ooe6destly reoommendsd. Hods I.dise and gent:.moa prefer it to any otter dre.mag. rake. The mtae.lt—tint .get ?be lC.tnee. 1 oaks owned tb. cleverest trick -bo, in the provtnos, and en dine eeoasio• lied to telfll ao eogageti.at in Lancashire. Hero wee " boxed" by the railway people with • couple of fiery t.sao.red ohsstsate, M whom travelling by rail was evidently • db•gr.sehl. novelty. The two horses plunged aid ktcksel frastieally the whole of the journey, one of them finally getting bus forelegs fixed in the manager, whilst his companion in the ventre stall slipped his bolter to his vain endeavours to find a means of exit through the roof of the vehicle. Swing their predicament, f leap- ed dos n into the stalls, and all bat 'noosed - e d in oseifylnv the infuriated animals. tsddenly the train dashed into • tunnel. I have but • dim recollection of abet fol- lowed during ale nett terrible moment. I know that the train at last emerged from that terrible dark hole in the hill., sad just before 1 sank under the cruel, hard blows! received from the trop -.hod hoofs of the maddened oreatures, 1 saoght • momentary t hinly* of the oommuotcation-cord swaying to sad fro near the small open eliding -docs clow to Hero's band. Breathier a prayer. I uttered a few taut words to Hero. Tee sagacious brat* under- stood. He seized the communication cord t betarese his powerful jaws, sad tugged away for dear life; nor did he release hu hold until long after the train had come to a dead stead. Poor old Hero ' he saved his mater's lira Hut, also tdi .• is gone, and 1 now roam e pos • hi)rsebox without thtnkiog of our last ride together. The surge.. .f ''seen • Owe e'•uads.n Ouream. Dr. ('b.. E. Elliot, M.0 , Quebec, write@: " i have used • l'heoo-Baaum ' (or • Qairk- ours') with muoh s000ees in many Dames of foul and suppurating wounds ; especially in one clue following vaccination, which resist- ed all treatment for three months, that was quickly cured by four dressings of be above. I am now using it in many Corms of skin diseases, and timers with apparent benefit. For cote and burns fr" makes - splendid dressing." Mal •&sate Cearm'r. It was on one of the lines running from the South to Landon, and the cold was 'tit- ter. A woman got into my lonely compart- ment at an outlying *taped, dragged a big wicker basket eau to the seat, and settled down to read Presently she opened the basket, and the Pint thing I saw was t e vicious -looking bead of • black snake coiling over the edge. Another followed, and in • few minutes • doyen grim cobras and • pate of io.i.l pythons were careering •boat the compare Ment. The weenie saw the glare of treses horror in my eves, and remarked sweetly : 'They won't hurt pie, she darlings. They're sty ante •took•u-trade : well under control. t wore yea. I'm the great Camellias snake charier, sad I want to air my stock. Hope you don't mad t" Rot 1 did mud, far the writhing brutes were all over sea However, she coaxed them back isle the basket, and I ohenged carriages at the next station .21) CENTS SECUREtS • A GOOD LIVER AND GOOD HBALTH. As • System Renovator sad Bleed sulkier, Or. t� h1NI Pillhmap. ers- Mo great has been the ebm.nd tkat it is hard to opply it. Cur. Cesetip•ilen a Nervosa Hsadmehe, Meer the esmpietiea, rid it of erepslene y.l. 1.w skis, seated tangos, .re., Ass easy- ' new rips. ..d the after .g..h are • pus IMveplesons in vials, 40 p3IM 0 isms•. Mold by J. B. Days THE KING OF MAN KILLERS. Bright's Disease of the Kidneys Baffled the World's Most Eminent Medical Au- thorities until DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS • .'ANE TO THE RraCCR ASID DRLIVRRY Or N ANar1ID, MTOPPIAU roagysa THE /MAD- LY AYKACLT5 OF Lire's NOK I1tsIDIOt-s FOR. Iden are dropping from the maks every whore. :at down in the flower of youth or the fruitage of manhood by that ruthless de- strayer-- Bitert's inseams of the Kidney. Only • few days ago Mir Hercules Rebi.- een, the doughty Governor of Cap. Colony, was Jerold to ranee that pest because of asareeching Bright's Disease. Hardly had his sse.e•ser been appointed when the wires brought tidings nI the death of William P. St John, • New York beaker, .ad remembered by eeeryeee as the truasrer of :he National Democratic party during the latest netie.•l campaign. Bright's Donau carried him off. It has hilted muy bettor mea thee most et ata So has Diabetes, its twin our's. Yet there is o.. ewe (end o.ly east, tbas sever tails in owe .f Diabetes and Bright's Dime . let them tesMSteni.le hear wit - sem : Mr. Fred Omnlsus, Palmerston, Oat., ser : " After many yams sndhsing with Bright'. Disease, I ant • sew alae, oared by imam three bozos of Dodd • Kidney Pills." Yr. F. T. Drool:, Ottawa, (lot , says " Dodd's Kidney Pith have been a red - awl to me as they an.. erred use of Height's Dunes* of the )(idneys" 8. 0. Mum, Kier et, lends., (Mt, say: " After takings Sew boxes of i)edd's Kid• my Pills 1 Mas well a ever in sty life, de - waiving of tse•vsry from Height's Di•••••." Mr. Uterine T. Rye, Oaeryews. P.O.,Oet est "ler the part three years have sof- heed of Diabetes. hos geniis. mow pub. fished i have tared Dedd'• Klass, fe*Dr, 'AMA have prfeetly eared age," DODD'S KIDNRY PILLS ars for mit by d►.rsMil everywhere, sad by Dead% Measles Os, Tasm 1st OM. Prise 1i0 omen • his. 11,g500 M BICYCLES WATCMES•C°4 W1U4H1 sOAP APPEg During the Year 1897. - Par lull particular. .re . dreru.ewe.nte. at sppye Rfl MOI., Lia, it Soon $T., noserro ..COAL. always on hand. The Best and only Scraton Coal in this market. Hard, Soft and Black- smith Coal always on hand. All Coal weighed on the market scales, so that you are sure of Good Measure re M. LEE. ar Harbor Quay. ZA221 8 S LZZ'S Stour. EPPS'S COCOA ENGLISH BREAKFAST COCOA Possesses the followls4ittatlnciiy. Merits Delicacy of Flavor, Superiority in Quality, Grateful and Comforting, to the rervous or I/r.peptir, Nutritive Qualities Unrivalled fa t tarter -toured Tia. o"ty. JAMmi arra w re., Ltd., m.m.weaatblr tleisfaa• Laid.., aagta.d. esi Elld leal laitet Wit ST -ST_ The under.lgaed has opened • Meat Market In the store on to pet .1 ietw.e. Castel..'. Bakery sad the i'cat there, when a Choke Helvetian of Ideate and Pcultry will always be found. Orders regularly called tor, and de liveries made praised,. IT Leave a trial order please. W. W. GREEN. STEAM BOILER WORKS, A. S. CHRYSTAL, Mem- Uarlr.ana • Nim. atlaauf assurer of .n kinds .f BOILERS. 811,0k. Stacks, Balt Pane, Sheet Ism° Works, sty., .w., And Dealer to-- igliee. M•ohi..t'y ('asitap, &c, All Wee of l'ipm and kap. Fittings, Steam and Wawa Games, Glebe Valves. Check Valves, Immersion. Ejoot.re sad is. j.osore Conetaatly o. Hand at Lowes. A special Ilea of Steel Water and Hog Troagbs fur use of farmers and others. Itepalrlag ptSmpUt attridoe to A. 2. CIIBTSTAL. P. H 1401 ?7. 00der0A, IIMt/1 PLAFING MILL. llllcliallalls & R61uas SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers la all blade et LUMBER, LATH. SHINGLES Led band xis• alsseriel Of every desiatptto• School Furniture a Specialty. WE MAKE..�.m.r Sewer and Culvert Pipes An rises N.ci 4 tor. la 14 In. The t'ea.eef..... WRITE POP PRICES. THE ONTARIO SEWER PIPE CO ONA,1110 ST. t.. WHOM fat MOM TORONTO Mesio DThe wowealer. hat secured the oy tor the above [Mende alba W• p►..ttmt min., Wheel oat l wtimed. and the Hutton as mem improved • close relation of of tIt bi outmost MY OPENING DAYS *01. FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Feb. 26 and 27, and Mar. 5 and 6 iw� 1 hose to secure • large share of the patronage of Oederia' and surrooidbug oos.try Wheels or osis makers so that 1 eau snit all mor.ere. HON esT (1()01)3 sni HOSERT PRiCltyt Is my motto. No charge for keeping In rseslr for ewe roar. Patessls. some Industry.' THOMPSON'S MUSIC DEPOT Weft side or Amaro, 0edetlek, pat. LOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR PURIFIES and STRENGTHENS TUE BL000, RsveIatee the &Wee et/ the Lksv afar eldamge. and MM M tease leillepeselarle le (eases ell Iae,elle an/ Mum Illeuseft is Fir frog/.. m masa erne I. Nee there L l$s ,LU1nw• tis