HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-4-8, Page 5Spring Stock of -- Dry Goods and Clothing Nearly Complete THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH' ONT.. THURSDAY, APR. 8 188711' Never ,o many attractive Iineb, and price, never so low ' Lovely patterns and coloring in Prints -all warranted fast colors. l'ruu)'s Best Prints only 10c a yd. Dress Good., all the newest things, from 25s to 111•per yd. Ready-to-wear Clothing in Men'. and Boys' sizes at the mare low Cash Prices of the other lines we carry. A pleasure to show good. JAMES A. REID Jordan's block, 17th March, 1897. BONN. pOLLOCK-la l.esdes. %larch 31 W Mr, sed Mrs. H. B. Pelle s daughter. . f RIE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the Repoieter'RiNNbSOk. 1 pleasant one. As te .sash with these en• tart/memento, teeny of the youthful mem- bers of the oreantzaUoo were brought to the front, and u of yore acyuttt.d them @elves in a manner that reflected credit on tear instructress. The financ'al pert of the program was also a .reser, thus keeping in True with previous annual gatherings of this admirable instil uuua. Ki "1st-• (hart'..[. .1. P. Krvdgee bee purchased the carriage breech of .loo. A. Walker's busmen, and wall continue It at I lea's, a Seie In i Wer tete, 1 redo the old stand Xeweate-.t. f. tent It i a titters Ama.g Vie L..\ rs4., . Tears were three lovely Takla' hetes. an' tales M'11 .Yoga charmingly sung at the Mo(:tllivrae rr.at ri'-ia►... Mission Kind e.tertaioment by ptpds of Mum Wynn, sanely : "The 1. ifs," by Mins M 'trecbae, " Btereal Rest,' by Mies Eva climes, and " G.l des, by )ire. F. Pnd- nsm. 1 pima Nes, Rt.-P.1c -The conererattou sad cMrcbwardeos of St. 4'yprtsa'. church. Christie et are to be 000gratulated on tb.er oboice of hector to succeed the Roy. C. H. Sbortt, who takes the place of Rev. J. C !toper at St. Thomas. The clergyman on whom the abeam/ has fells. is the Rey. I', A. Soarer, 11. .A . of t:od.ncb, who has been oon.eoted with St. Thomas church, Hulce street, tor some time put. 1 be sew rector le an able preaeber, and as earn est worker, and will doubtless rank high in the estimation of Ms congregation. He is a graduate of Truitt%, and took but B. A. dt- gree is 1R'k. He also took several prise. Pas•., sad window blinds. in his divinity chs. at Truttty. -Mail and Lovas of Nature Ole to see pretty flowers. bur what lot:ier ba, bet ran you have oa your tabs than onekakeu by !)allow, of your roe, feed der!:age' A chasm ,.marked of soother as be passed . shag, b.. wrapped in ,Respwhereas he ass "sly weeper.* m ill Otuag c lathes. No o ala ever looks asleep In a suit of !'ridhamt e mate. A Butt. For rte --A hill was picked up is Ube Beak of Commerce the other day. Who owns it Tu" LATE -J. H Worsel's change of ad. came in too lam ter Hue nese. Look for it text weak. Ws1.i PAl•rR%.-Before oarchu:og ',our \%aU Papas gall a J.a 1.tm and see has bargains d Caeadia' sad American wail Goop FIIJDAY.-Tomorrow weal, will be Empire. Geed Friday, end that your Usti. Dees shay IT - t (;...p W i.tr i \ --A wore, of great set he disappointed, leave veer orders early value to the agntnitural community and M Castdo.* for hot crew bans. the owoere of live 'stock Reoer•IIy is "The SALT 1.4 T111 EAKTII.---!'ke Salt of the Veterinary Science." It'reate.,mpreheo Earth is..osesary to rli life. but it should lovely and to plata. every day language nn he free from Impunttes. Rice s Pure Salt the anatomy. dimities and treatment of do - filo the ball In erste particular; .o eek for Oiestic animals and poultry, besides c0.4 5B It, sad ase that von ret it. inv a compete .lsserlptloo of medicines. re - aura, to , eoabbed the farmer to be but A Br•t' 1)sV.-Mat urdav each a large own veterisery Competent aatnordies number of farmer. mrd their termites were d The Veterinary Science " u • is town es m take it • busy day for eat mercbaete. Enquiries made at the stores of our advertisers drew forth the answer, s Very good day. Tice S,' ea -i (j..vTL.t.T -Merin. Ham- ner and Ceases., the 0oatr stove for the tensa edition .the Weekl Free liens and I arm I memo's, which are h• sewers, reoomine.osd work 0e Thursday. end Home !or etre wear. together with a of the different churches. Members from This eyeing .•pea.¢ war nude on Wellesley- copy of the book, at the extremely low other societies lira invited to be present, e t., and the work will be pushed shoed, eo price of i2. This r an opp.rtuotty of and will be warmly welcomed. that the work will be completed to t5e tame which everyo.e should take advantage . pacified. Prl.r.T S. mea K.tit.. the regular NE:st Pk►sethe..-'.. :.rereoe, tailor, has monthly meet.ng of the public school board recommeeoed the tailorag hairiness next ; war held an Monday eveiis4 Present -- 'allows' pbo'o studio, up stain, where he trustees .1... Bucteenan, chairmai. W. w,!I be pleased to ease all hu old customers Acheson, H. W. hall, A. S. Chrystal. J. H. and u .sen\ new ones ss Wil fav yr him with' ('olburn.. R. l.i.Lcaa, J. A. R.id Minutes their custom. Clot? bought anywhere wall I of previous meeting read and approved. be cut, fitted aid made 0p at teasorable The pr,ncipal's report for March. ehowi.t prions. .)akar wanted. an average attendee/co of ZT boy' and 238 Ft:: in,. Ana"At' -The Dsoartmest of girls. s total of '2F•. wee read and li!d. The h.iucatioo at Termite hes tent a omelet, principal recommended their • new Moak warning ,-pool trustees all over the Pro- I board be placed in '.Patrick's ward school, vireo ?het some felt its are Pella* scups by ; and that \Ins Blair be paid for extra teach- pretsdinv that they have bele approved low duri.g the absence through illness of b\ the department. In some oases they Aliases Rusk and Skelton. The reOorn- are said to Mee fgrced trustees to threatening to withdraw the Government The following accounts were toad aid grant. passed W .with, 300.; Geo. Price, 8 )c :; �e -r. T..\ i.. iiT. -The following s the 1)- Band. '71 : Sturdy Bra. 1> .•i • The program to be presented by Mies Alexao- chairman and contingent committee were ay- ; dries Ramsay .t Victoria Opera House the pointed to ..amine the fence around St. 1 Thursday. evening for the benefit of the Andrew s ward school. and 11 °emissary get ed The board thea edieurrd of the farm •a artistic appear.aow Tie committee made • tboroag► io.p.g.iea d the bedd.ag sad primed., •ad gave all as- o.eeary dueottose (or mak mg blare as Dew furtsbas as ptsstble. The hoe sad prsltry p.p or to be uempletd by ltomfatea Itey. and all the trait tree. and shrubs to be pleated oat w to be formatted 19j theesNte of Jae. Stewart earserles, i ..dole,. D[u\ thy DAv. -- Last E riday morning ear residents were ,.,prised et the numbs, of farmers arriving m tows, and airy. .. aigbt be expected. en.lmbed the maew. The answer was that Frost k Weed. and other au.faotarsr,s represented by L Leag, la - leaded to deliver the urge a. bw of mach - lass, wage.., eta., sold the peat sr meads"! by their lomat above named, sad that the day was called delivery day. Shortly atter noon, when Hemlltoa et was crowded, the diaper bell seg, and the many pSrob•aets e at down to an eaoelleot dinner provided by the firms. Al d e artichokes, the t. hides loaded with the purchased implements fermd in lute and marched to the Square. Th. procession wee headed by the ..w de- livery wattsn of the Godertoh Cartage Co., sad .sated ea It wee...mber. of the voile- ; 1 /UNI I SASSAFRAS BLOOD AI:D STOMACH BITTERS TIIE BEST SPRING MEDICINE. W. C. GOODE, DIMMEST. AGgaT FOR MINIS,. Si-oc-K•-RcuaLt,U 1)Kt. Co., 1:)1' : tan GOLI) HILL.; �. 1 JC, SPE. I.t1.Lt Ri:. UYIIENUKU. FOR A GOOD SPRING MEDICINE OR TONIC' nob brans band, pevt.g lively teams. After the parade the wags.& were massed in front of the British F•xoheage Hotel, and from a wagon t. the centre the speak tag took plans. Faye gentlemen gave short addresses. the mento of the farm implements made by %bar reseecuve firms forming the Nandi"- NOTHING IIET'rl:R LARGE BOTTLES atop of their remarks, though the first four below named paid 'lowing tributes to the business ability and energy of agent hang. •&M COMIOUND EXTRACT SARS%P%R1LL&WITH JDWES The .psakers were H. Horseman, Toronto. •n. "- Manulaotartag Co., r. errs , lar sen is c n or (baths. Ma.efarLurf.R C'omp•.v, I @'amoral. 1.4. 4'., of (:edemas, sad passed 1•,. NI. DUNHAM Cses.ht and Druggist. I (:eo. Wettlsuter, Stratford, Frost k - -- i sod : H. lfolntwb, London Mann Aar is O.tans mato years ago. having Pot' id•le air To Rent. Al L i W d ed b articles in the otic. of M. ('.! 1 RENT - ('OIJEORTABLE: HOUSE 1 on 8t. Audrey nasr the P' %:are. sow end 1.. Lioi, the agent, (;odericb. J. Wallace. Londe. ; E.. Horseman. Toronto, and E Hamilton, Seafarth, of the Fiat k Wood (b., were also ns attenda.oe. Is the proaesio0 there woe • wooly got up car, bed Nu --- IS THE TIME ToT!,iokof• SPRING TONIC. There aro many geed ons., bet mese quite eo rood as our IRON TUNIC 11 lTTEItS. Tato emotion for ('olds b oat later We expect to r11 more CHERRY PULMONIO. during MAK. 11 and AI Nn. than in all the rest of the Winter J. E. ll A `r I S, 1'hm. D. NI4..lical Hall, is egemlwugse at Osgood* Hall. Toronto. R i Dreasas shahs. b frith Mss distias011ia taomis. kitchen. dining -mem. parlor be.1 room. gawtrr, Meseta. cellar. w.es..4. f mils, ls, tW RIGHT D R It S 8 Y A K s R sir. HarA sad .021 wale, a pr.mieetk, •Iwo ' n THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT labelled "('ommo. Sease,' curie ) the gopti0� liaroh. 31. 111W7. Headlines Biovole l'o., and then were Pau Wheat toldi. . 0 1 to 073 others of lens note. The line wee composed Flour. �f1y. /ea cwt..,, r 011 b 2 (M et over 70 teams, the wagons to which they Flour. {patent, per cwt 2 25 tof 25 were at d being leaded with the mens- Brsn• F too Il 00 sslt 00 tai 350145. w cos carr- 12 001. 401108 0S factures of rout & Wood,of Smith's Falls, )saw Rowe ........... .. 0 1 to 0 le and the other firms for which 1. L io mond. pry, w bw.h�..... 015 to n 15 Cie whole formuv an imposing parade old Hms. 0' tea - `" a Wntheut doubt the .how war an excellent Potatoes. I bt*sl Butter. adeertt.ement for the firm., the agent. end Ewes, fresh rep for (:derich, as it showed that around the Wood .. county town there are opportunities for pus? .gears representing reliable arms to doe Lamb*kine .... ,inroad (tf soiree delivery day Use Dos, was a Bove heiress. up this way, mid being • Deemed Hews n ovelty it attracted a large number of �" to 0 to 350 0M1tea0M to n .5 toa50 to s so l 1" to o 40 0 10 to 0 14 O14 se 011 000 ..., let: 5 ren Huron'. petty daughters and stalwart moos f'heeit., j�......... to the town to see it. The total sales of the put ''11 moathe were stated to be In the neighborhood of twelve thousand dollars. C. E. L. U. The following are the topics for the dif- ferent young people . .octettes which meet during next weak : North -et Methodist church F L of (" E., Fr.day eveatpg et 8 o'clock. I)0 April 91.11, " Tarrying .ear Temptation.'' by Mn. M. *takes. Come and enjoy the benefits of the reading table. MILPIPIREfe Knox ('harsh %.P.S.C.E., Tuesday •ren- -- mg -. . tog at B o'clock. Topic for April 1''t5, \1T LAHR. I4eCRK Y TO ADV'IfBERR. Notice of changes moat be left .t this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes must be left not later than Mon • fay noon. Casual Advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. L " TEe Brotherhood of Men," by Rev. Jae. • License.. Ood Teva, A Anderson, B A. -- standard work and one which no pwBer of % ictona-et. klethodst church E L of C' ! Tjpaveling a ulUS. MARRIAGE. t. S.Iily I afford be without. The book F E rid.. evening at 8 o clock. On April _ anima a Oen a or to +l out is .old .t $2, but the London Frew Pr, 9;b, " W;.dem and Folly 1'ersoaified." by i. saL ?ftU31g MAn.W Y. Company has made arrangements whereby ouog- o R. 1" they will supply thee, mammoth 1h page All are cordially invited to attend these i,l in ,h. It.5.0,ent. Day Dv ! men a of NI, Halls ser. agreed to. Mn. Forte has isn't retained from Foron. to, where she purchased a bankrupt stock of goods compnetng centre pieces, doylies, trey cloth*, table rovers, leather belta,taecy lines lenges, poc.poca and numerous. other articles which will be sold at • great sacrifice. Lsdi.s. tak' edv.n'ege ret thus opportUDity. The Fair, MaLean'e block. Moo.o in Spectator : E. Li y El- wood. barreter-at-law. of Ihibow,"ff s sein- ed the firm of White .4 Ger llim, and here- after this firm will practice under the name of White. Elwood k Gwlllim. Mr Elwood u well sod most favorably known all over the south errantry where be has resiled for the pset throe years. He war called to the Mi[M Mali and Expi S.... Mild Mall and Ex3r .. ililitib MINIM �...... 10.5o a.m. p, m. 7.40 p.m. ..».». 10.Se p.m. Mail :ad Mall sadSopron Mired 15 a.m .�. 2.'1 p.m SJInem SPRING MEDICINES Now b the time to =tart to take Tour Speiser Ne•!icicr. sereaperitia. of every noteaW.• nuke and all blood and system oreparatt •o• os hand. Try Witch Hazel 1'ream (O, Freckles and Tan :Sc box Wilsons* Iron 11111 for the oniplesion, and Browne B.1 sam for Colds and Grippe. Bring your doctor'. preecnpttoes .lad bat them properly dispensed. No substituting. WILSON'S PRESCRIPTION STORE. small plum orchard and it.Me0. Can take, rowerk'cn ato.oe. Apply to .11tH. t' "A5'NE Hinee-st. t f FARM FOR SAL?. 1 am loetrootd to offer for sale one of 1.1.e boat Macre farms In the County of Huron situated_ within " notes of ooderich. Tse farm has not • foot of waste land nA It bad the soil lea rich clay ham free from al: obaos tots weed,. The bul:Cfnga are tinct -lass. eonsieniag et • frame house with stone foundation and cellar. hitt hoe woodshed wed sal uroeeeary outbutld Isis. A frame hare. ' 4..1. and cedar barn. lb 1541. all in good repair. There aro two acres of orchard. 'I he farm bas been in grass for the past twelve years. sad /w situated within • mile of post-omce, school and church. It to fenced by an atmos' new board aeons around the front and side, and the balance h nib. A spring creek and wells supply shual sere of water. No encumbrance' now on the property. Price 51.000. Yoe tens and further particular* a m I or'rU8 N. 'IAN Mar 1. ICOR. Oedertoi. Oat. �1()R RALF:OR TO RENT -FOR HALE L1` or to vent, the dwelling on Nelson -A. at preeeet occupied by F. tlmeeth. It comedies 15 rooms. Including drwinit room dialog ✓ oost, parlor and kitchen. and hew • librar� a n umber of cheats pantries and • rood cellar There is half an acre of land tastefully planted with shrub* sad fruit trees. wad an excellent lawn. Apply to F, 811F:ZTH. ea the pre mime. 141 m DOR HALE -WT`! t,'4 AN II ?0 L Butrbineon's Survey in the Town of Oderieb, upon which is erected • nice dwell Leg house. •Iso lots numbers to and 19 Itich's Purvey, (odertrh. oontaininil 2 crones. upon which b d usted •.•omfurtablr boor. and there Isabel • good orchard Also the East hull of the North half of lot 25. Lake /Rings Concession of the Township d .Ssl,fteld. Western di; ieeon. Dated tth sew rmbrr. Ite.i. Apply to CAMERON. HOLT t 1fOLMJIB. *lederteh 0.tf VALUABLE l'ROPERTi FOR MALE -situated is the one business c•.tre In Yodericb. The property compriese two dwellings. one well-equipped ,recces store. nue op -to -date machine and blacksmith shop. Reasons for Dellis". lack of railway aeoom modatioa. "Clear title tea be gives. A salon did okance for the right pass. Apply to U. K. STRA('HAN es the premiss -a. al-tf VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FUR BALE -Tho brick reeidenos overlooking the rive, and lake formerly occupied by the late A. Maclierniett eel.. Master l0 1 •servers sae of its most valuable and desirable Pro parties in town. 2. The two-storey frame dwelling house on south street immediately adjoining the Brlt teh Exchange H^te1..et preeeot occupied by Mr..(oedrew Waddell. 3. The dwelling house and adioining [:rounds near the O. T. le station, formerly occupied by the late Judge Tone. Prices and terms of payment ream. noble. ap- ply to 711-11 ` AxltoW it r um ton �arlch. I w 1:1 -cork by tie dap in say pals et Oderl -b. '[cern. reasonable Addrewe sures Oro':er), Hau.utoo .t 11 Agents Wanjed- 1 ('AN EMPLOY FIVE MEN AICD I ladled. to work at boom A ahead ISL wi'h good velar) for p'tsiaw& it 11. Ids• COTT. Toroone (1.1 WE WILT to Sandie r.tat.ItsnelMAO. this couety. 1 seediest mese guarautred to live. Persian, rot position. ...hole or part t,mr. Liberal terms. Ycu can make ten dollars • week Or better cairn us for r4ery Werk 700 wort. No e\ Venencr net -resat). DOWN BROTZER5 COMPANT. (7.etL.eotal Nsreeties. l'OItuNTO, ONT 1-3m AGENTS CANVASSEK.'4-"QUEEN KNV1('TORIA: Her Life sad Sewn. has captured the British Empire. Extraordinary teetimelab hem the great men : ernd for copy free. Mar- quis of Lorna says : -The beat Popular Life of the tf'ieea 1 have seen Her Majesty sends a kind letter sr aprreciatinn. seising by thous- ands . gives enthu•astle eanafa.4ion. Canvas- Pere anva -sere makise 513 to 510 weekly. Prospectus free to ag.ets. Tutt Hssio.at O.t.KrTrrt L To. Toronto. Ont. F. SMEETH'S PLANING MILL - Aso - SARH. DOUR AND BLIND FACTORY, 1 take tots opportunity to Inform the pn410 that t am aiU on the business notwINstaodlog aU rumor* to the contrary. and am prepared se do every clean of work In my Inc'from laking a window frame to erecting • 3 -story buildina with ngpnsard root. Ifitlustes furnished sad oornpetit'r'n invited. The turots5lnu of building material. each 33 shingles and temper a .iecl•lty. F. . M E KTH Oderioh. July 1ti no: i.ofaa aad Nunes MOf U . Tr hi NOT WHAT' iOU KARN,'BU'P WHAT YOU SAVE. MAKES YOU RIM TIIB HURON AND BI'rt(x LOAN iNvr,rMS.TOC 4IPANY 8ot.icITons.-Cameron, Holt and Holmes Ogrctwere. -Interest ('on+pound ererr atx mouths at four per cent, per'anoum. on slime from one collar upwards. 1)epowltore will find It to their advantage to opine and see us. boast -May be secured at any time without decay on the .security of appeased desirable property. Kxpeases moderate. Applications recetved by the Manager or solicitors. The Contp•n . offices arc located on North Street .nd . Coen House I'quare-opposlte Ibis. NIUNiL Ofce, HORACE HOItTON. J. H. COLBORNE. Manare,. President. zona of `ootlaad It repair 1 '• Will ye No :et Me Aff ' _.. Trier H„r!ia or RR; r. .It -The Housed Kefoge .. Gaelic Song ... . ... •• Fbtr • K5ata' I committee met i. Chasten nn Friday to coo 3. "'ssbtei,' ran 'tam.'• ..Jelu Door. laid*, certain tenders and to make •rr•nte- 4. •• The Vanes Tester ...las /.loran. ( m..te for potting the faro is connection S. " Ojetoh... 40 noet0mr 1 .. . Johnson. i with the establishment in digest form as re - b, •• )touariav the (',rcl.' •Fed. ' ~de fruit trees. etc 1. accordance with 7. • Hamish'. Prayer • • • J. Story 'Hie www regulations, county clerk Lao. was 8 ice " Nottingham Fair " . - • I permit. sad Ioapector 4 sate was also in 64- ' b ' •• Mald liars.. "' .... arra. F. Pratt MI•IAION BA.!‘ is Then was a good at - 'oedemas at the manual e.tsrta,nmeot of the Mc(.ilt.rrsy Mesion Band hep! in Koos ebarch last Friday errata%. The pester, Rev. Jas. A. Anderson, K A , presided. and "peed the mooting with a psalm and prayer. There wen • very Zoog program. presented. away friends outside the Prem- byairies told Mediae a hand to make it a E BROTHERS GREAT SALE teedaet+. Five seeds,s were opened for thudding a pig and poultry pro. •net the fob O'w wee •worded r� Guttridge and Mustard at their offer of f139;i it war decided to Whet I{ acres with apples and pears, and Moo ethos fret and currants. it war .lea akreed that the walks around the building should he put into deem, rr.nittr'e, and Io.;.ector d Coats was givenmauthoority to percher* nr- eaaetal shrubs and trees to give this part 1 Disinfect Your houses. o t•hogsru sod premises tteneeally and keep away lit•e/or it will only coat _'"•c to alp' for each householder . .. Butchers thoulil have the Powder for their shops and slaughter housre . it will also destroy all moths aril other house ...min in ('artset. Fan, etc. NEW G00P in every Iln•--test received --at prices to Isms everybody. Everything New Everything Modern :hYl SSS GOODS COaCid111I11f0Z2WO dal, Thursday Morning, April 1st, xt-4 ` , `w••¢; : AT 9 O'CLOCK, AND WILL OONTINUE FOR FOUR WEEKS. 'Everything in the store in the shamof Dress Goods will be put Rt Sale Prices -nothing either new or old 411 be reserved. We must ramp$1,50000 y the first of Mar, and tale this means of doing it. Remember, this a ge .. . • Qualls Sale, and nothing above actual cost 'RRi11 be asked fat our best New ess Goods, both plain and fancy, �n Roo 1 and black. We have -a lot of good, plain goods that wilTbe offered atabout half price, and 6 robed Dress P � .11 embroidered Trimmings, at haf prioe. Toa will be sere to get Big Bargatns at this sale, art these goods must be sold. CARPETS CARPETS Nn acs stock k. .ren in lata, sir before: l -W os, and • '• • • • • ..lush to CityBta'k. Brussel., Tapestry, 3 -Ply All -Wools, 2 -Ply Wools, [inions and Hemi Speed attention is called to re new 5xmin.ter makes the finest ever put on the Canarlidn market Carpets made and laid. We wast your Carpet trade, and ti quality, quanta 1 price go for anything, we ought to Ret it. A. McD. ALLAN. The Gross Cold Werehosse el the Geeeds. 'tigfOOL1301R.1•T BROS .• a.AeS •' PICA J. H. 001.41011tQ14.