HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-4-8, Page 21 ?WS TOPICS OP.4WEEK tasportant Events In Few Word. For posy Readers Moi Sass weed', mappeamem e•ar.Mls esmpM.d .ad ►es este mama, .ad Acmes its raps f« t•• ale.de•ea orf Oar taper -a Mies m..r'o s4.ymees tawmraM•ll sefe.rmessee. rOLITIcs-IMrl:RIAl.. Lord Salisbuy on hew wry to (Ymlr' stayed over in Parts and had an Inter Mew with M PPanetaux the Frets. Minister of ,Foreign Artier,' 131, William Harourt sat M in glemenza will prevent nu P :tint t the forthcoming deer.(, un M•n elgn Milne ilne eattutattew when the ('+'tan matter 1s likely to be detained. TEL DLitt. Mr Daniel McLean. once a w. ri known leather mer -rant of T mete died Saturday. Dr Louis Van l'Imp. who had Mee m dentist In Berlin. Ont.. for 33 roan'. M dead. aged 67. h'Ultam T. Adam., leiter kn••w n as Oliver Optic, the writer of stories for Goys died on Saturday morning in Seaton. to Ma seventy fifth year. Cast ei.Tina. Another severe earthquake has tr• r telt at Montreal At (}.mttn- a boy named David W. -w- iry was Mee and ierl..uxly wound -1 by a companion eh.. w -as shooting spa ITo w s. Ntxtrrv' other runt v•r7 of the French parses, S1 Nassir! have Learn poke' sip by the pteamahlp Yanarlva areal landed at Unrriir-k Thr broiler of a threeber engine ex odrd on the farm of Mr. Mei:uvin In Harwich. kllliryf Jarrw, Me-rla.rvin, tee eltoslneer. and badly Injuring John aouaton. SUICIDES. James Scott of Dundee hanged him pelf In the cells at the Rraritt.ed Po- lice Station, using hie coat fora noose. William Hurd, a seventeeen-ye•ar1.W non of Mr H S. Hurd et Rurtlrgton. committed suicide by shooting himself with a p:atM. A youn,: .Jontreal tory named Greta Taylor a •.I to commit "Meld.- by erallowing parts green .m account •.f dtsappolntment In love. 14h.. will prob- ably die. Andrew McNeilledge a married man. SO Years of ago. attempted tulclde a' bis residence, 31 Marlb.r ua•h-aveliur. Toronto. by lis -king himself Ina noom and turning ort the gas He was dis- covered in time to save his life. TU.: ItELIfaOlb woRLD. Ar'hblahop Langlevin has arrived it Montr. al to meet Mgr. Merry del Val. the Papal AWeg:,te. who arrived on the steamship ITrnbrs. At :, freewill ..ffermg at Hm.dw•av Met a, 1tst Tabernacle, Toronto, Sundae eight. COM was rained to pay oft the indebtedness on th..11tar•h. The Rev. Homme N. Dunning. nee of Hae lost -known Congregational merle - item In the State of /yt neeticlt, els Saturiay morning. He was :2 year, of age. Res. W. J. McCaughan. late of Bel- fast. ham beer induct.., to the charm - of St. Andrew's Preebytertan (Tun•h. Toronto. A public re... -Leeman was held e •he evening. Gest Interest sac shown in the- ter. m'•ntes by Gr. Tr.- eontoniane. standing room teeing at a premium at the aftern.m and evening pee e. -ding,.. RAILROAD et aPULING* The Salsa 1tundrxrnth has made a proposal to pur. haw. Ube principal rai!- maye in the e.wntry. It Is underiwo..1 that the manage- ✓ nent of the Hamilton & Dundas Rail- way has made arrangements to handle freight 1■ connection with the C.P.R. and Mi. Miran Central. Gen••rai Manager Hays, In behalf of the Grand Trunk Beltway. has lodged a petition at (•itwa for pet -missies 10 capttalt:.• the revenue overdraft and to• increase the harrowing powers •.f Ube company by an issue of a further SUM of 4 ,e r cent. evnpotidated deben- ture st•.k. the Interpol on which shaft not tie '• d efeetuo yearly. The Supreme court of the United platee dietaries that railway traffic ar- leciat.on. are a peril to (.immense and a vlo:ntf••n of the anti-tneet law Ra•' - road men every% here are startled te- tte ytta for..•. and an entire cbeangr- In D.. - methods ..f dIettitt,ttnr fr :,c n' trapse may b. eaursed by It. The Joint Ttaf. tic Atveclatl..n will fight for Ile life. ISI"e•1N11,:.w. The battle over telephone. rotes gore stlerrlly .m. The building .tanon 1t expected to b a very beet one In 1 ittawa. Th.. departmental storm. of Montreal are toeing prosecuted for welling drugs etth..ot a IIcenpe. Consi•!ering the antanonletic ennJi- ib m, existing beth In th'e United Stater: and in Europe, the vu:une of badness M fair. The political Mtuatlnn in Ku- rote- bas ie ("runt• been lit importan' Sector for depression. while In the Mates the legal decision arein-t rail- way evrmbin ation., /WV,'ratrerionr !lords and the destruction of the Imo etre trust, have . f .ourse retried heal- tanc•y. 1f no.thing more detrimental, In trade !emits. However, all things sum &deed, loudness Is ate44111y Impeeviyr. and the number of workers finding .mpk,ymrnt increment eteetdlly week be week, and prevent, generally are spoken of as coot The .s.mmerel,l failures In the United States fir the week jure ended amount to 201. as rove pared with 269 for the corre.pondine week last year. roll Tics- roREIOY4. The German Reichstag. by a vote of 779 to 4t, &Mist d the primeval :or the payment of the m.'mb er . of that holy. The Austmllan (onfederatl.•n (on vection met in Adelaide last week. when a plan was drawn up to be ate. - Mined to the ..vet.: colonies. Admiral Hetmard, the Flinch Mini - ter of Marine. will sthowtfy ask th' Chamber of Deputies for a credit of eight hundred million francs to build grow war vemeNa The (*.tondo !tate Senate bast paye- d') the bill pr"rviding for the ibdltior d capital punlahrnere. Tee memoir" teem smalls the governor's slgnatuee es heels,,.! law. Tbt annnuntemnent that the 1'nited States tariff will not be retriaetive his resulted in an Inevitable rush of ex- erts to America froP:ngland, end Rrfrom the moment every Industry ei prhing this work. Mr Payne of New York. • mem[ ria of the Renata Ways an -1 Meant. poen. mitt... says the Dingley hill 1s not framed to a spirit of hostility towards' Canada. ile pmvl,A.rs will un'lnuht tally Indere the (1,nsdsns. but lhi' cannot be helped. Leel[ Sri Or Walt. The fleets M the powers hav• resum- ed their shelling of th• Christian In miriwtt. In the vicinity of Cane. It is rumored that Mr Chamberiain Ems written a sharp letter to Prost doom Kruger rebuking Alm tote viMet- faMg [tee tondos oonventloe. A French Newspaper say. it. (lMv- trmsfrt will as. a Greet of III.,NS.IIS OUR/ d Neild s Wagft w.r.bq►s tad ee se Oa THE SIGNAL: GODERiCH. ONT.. THURSDAY APR. 8 1897. Ile torpedo busts In tae neat eight year! Them are 711 mea ut lie British Seen now at Simonstown, South Melt . a. .uffrring 1 rum malarial fever, cols- trac ted during the recent •zpedrtwn to 1M.nu: In Louden dlpkomatic tercets • war with the Transvaal Republic Is regard- ed M almost inevitable. but it will bo delayed. 1t possible. until alter the jtl- bller celebrauaas. A despatch from Vienna states that all the powers bare now accepted the protect to bloekade the satire Greek coast. beginning with the porta of the Piraeus. Volo. Corinth and Arta. Mr. l`ur$'iI stated In the British House of Commune that while the blockade of Crete cuntlnued the yes - eels of every nationality were :table to be *earthed If they attempted to lant geode in Crede. ('ha le .4\U a klml'Aha. Albert Redd. a Sandwich negro. wee it M •rated. struck aitt an ear by a heti Ikrrp -r named James Ouellette. The negro died and tar rear to no. being tnv'e..igatsd. Philippe L. -tours was found suety of manslaughter at Father ruin, the vic- tim bring his brother, whom he stab- bed with a pocket knife. The sentence was pix years in penitentiary. John Van Utr Stadt has adopted a novel method of punishing his wife He places her In the drawer of a ea- pacfvus bureau. turns the key, and leaven her there for hours at a time. The inquest on the body of George Frost. kneed on Friday last, near Princeton. brought out the Diet that he had been shut through the bear:. Flphmrm t'unvey was committed for trial on a charge of having murdered him. At the assizes in Woodstock. Ont.. ye.trrday. the grand jury brought In a true bill agalnst Mrs Hatt:: Gard- ner and Wm McComas for the mur- der of the farmer's husband. Aft: r bearing the evidence fur the posecu- tlen Hee Iwurd.hlp took the case from the jury and dismissed the prisoners, stating that there was no evidence against them. They were •cconling- ly given their liberty. PCSELT YEdso'AL. Premier Greene/ay has celebrated his 69th birthday. Prince Bismarck is still confined :o hie Led with cold and rheumatism. The Fare of ltanfurly has been aP p.dnted Governor of New Zealand. to suirwit the Earl or Glamors. Lord ane' Lady Aberdeen have accept- ed an invitation to attend the convo- cation of Queen's University. The cable reports that the Duke of tweed 11 will succeed Lord Aberdeen as Governor-General at the end of hie Excell, nc•y•, tern. Me. Wedgewood, the sister-in-law of Lord Farrar of Abingen.has started In Piccadilly as a clairvoyant and pay - i hone -i reit. It is stated that the Duke of Fife. son-in-law ..f the Prince of Wales, will l..- made a prince upon the oeecaalon of the jubilee celebration. According to a eahle despatch to a New York paper. the Czar is neglect- ing his were and lavishing his atten- tion to Mess 1)yb41 "tenderiser. the Alto erican prima donna. Mr. Gladstone, notwithstand►ig hit great age. has joined the tanks of the wheelmen. Pie has written to a friend In London. saying that he has fairly mastered the machine. ft is reported In London court circles that the Queen on her return from the South of France will pay a visit to Mr. William Waldorf Astor at Cleve - den. in recognition of his munlnctnce. roe ITI ( !ire a IAe. The opinion at Ottawa is that the Government will support Mr- Cowan's alien labor i►fli. The school settlement bill paved its third reading In the Manitoba Legis- lature without opposition. Quite a scene .w"•urr•ed in the Mani- toba Legltlstivr Assembly on Satur- day between Previte, Greenway, Mr. Itoilin. leader of the Opposition ani Mr. Fisher. The .ce..nd emotion of the eighth Par 'lament of Canada was opened Thorn - day in Ottawa b ythe Governor-Gen- eral. There was a very brilliant eatn- ering in the Senate Chamber. The parties In the present House of Commons stand as follows: Liberals. 119. Conservatives, 'M); Independent Con.ervatives, 3; Patron,. 6; vacant. 6: Speaker, 1; total, 214. Twenty-three ',ram ago Thursday the first seamen% of -Parliament under the Mackenzie Government was open- ed and the address moved by Mr.:'hoa. Mors and seconded by Mr. Wilfrid Laurier. who then began his Parlia- mentary career. The opening of the second pension of th. eighth Perl;a.ment at ottawa was attended wtthh unusually t.rllli.tnt ee- remonMs. The mpernh from the• throne includes promises of tariff reform. a new fmnehla. act, the ensrgem-nt •it the Rt. Lawrenee.Canals and the sub- minsion of the prohtbltion question ti the elector, The Supreme Court at Ottawa gave judgment of the election appetite. The effect Ip h. unseat the members for Winnipeg. Macdonald and W.•a( 1-rince and to pend the Heauharnole. Lunen - burg and West Asslwtbn'a cheep hark for trill. All thew seat,' were held by Con,ervatives. Mr. Roche. Conserva- tive. is affirmed in his slat for Mar- quette. V WCLA s%I It Fn. Oshawa proposer. to build a ho,f.ital to celebrate jubilee year. It le reported from Bombay tbal th plague Ie attacking European,' rsvudln,t in that city. The Greater New York charter has passed the Senate el Albany by a vote of yeas 31. nays 1. The Panama scandals have Teen thoroughly revived In Parts. and Mlartl- ing revelations are promised. There will be a congress of (creek wnnsrn In Athens In April. to discuss the reform of the Greek dress. A special loan exhibition of painting'. will anon be opened In London to il- lustrate the progress of art during the Vic torten reign. The Newfoundland peal fishing Is re ported to be a complete failure thea season. and great Mistress Is feared during the coming pummer. m g The Lond Timis, referring(' t•. the gift of the original log of the May- r in the linited States, pays it .a no light thing to part with a document of national interest. 1)r. Smith of the TraeaAlr. N It . lazaretto. has been instructed to pr.s- reel to Wlnrelpeg to Investigate tw s alleged (apes of lepreniy • Toll g icr- landlc immigrants there. it M understood that the nffacial or canteen. of the diamond tubtlee'. tele - beaten will be Inatrnetol te rive spe- cial pyNal distinction to Mr. Laurier, is 11'. Premier of England', only confedemh eel colony. • At Rt Paul. Aeon.. the Missouri River le within a few Inehe, of etre ..veraew pntnt. •en1 It M •vpect.d tort 7011* pore par on the wryest .1.1, will have to 1•1ve their herr., Some of the manuf•• - tnving eetablishmemte are Minded in the le.semen i s The Consietnr'y ('.wort n1 the Diocese of London derided to prevent to the Amertan people the rirlgtnal log book of Abe Mayflower which has teen lent M pnap eelna of th• 1•onetan fee A ee -t fled pboingeaph ropy of tee moms ORM WS k heft in Lsadsa. ?RhiAINT O?ND. hill of Fah Provided by the OOvsrnment. A Matins./ s.. -i . elosem. ala -am/ JaMl.e-Tis paean. Mead weir.11 v tet she IMAM - Oda mores, - A rtreallllsa Man - elle. We. Ottawa. March 36. --The second aur ataa of the eigbth Pariituneot of Gan• aha was upea.d tats afterou..n with tae gust brtLtaat ceremonies, atteneed by the most faatuunablr gauterings that have ever witnessed this vice- regal function. Thr tluvernur4leneual delivered the foiiowtng Speech from the Throne In the Striate Chamber: &PUNCH FROM TUB THRUNZ. '•Hmorwble Gentlemen of the Acosta.: '7J.otlernen of the House of Curmons: "1a .' loumbng you on your attend- ance at the ennead erasion of the pre- sent Parliament, 1 dedre to express ...he {mastication 1 feel at the evidences which prevail 'brut's tee, the Domin- ion of the loyalty aqp affection so- tertatned by the taaned1an people for Her Majesty the gyre!, and on the deaurr to Juin with their fellow♦tlb- Jacts in all parts of tae L7nptre in cerebrating the Desmond Jub4ire la a manner worthy of the joyous event, and 1 am pleased W be able also W annouat a 'bat, 4n accordance with an Invitation form the imperial Govern- ment. arrangements are being lead,- for an effective mere -tem a;I',n of the Dominion in aonnectbn with tbe com- memumtoo u[ tele Metairie occasion at the supine of the 'empire. " lmnmedtateiy atter the last eaasion the Government d Manitoba was In- vited to bold a conference with my Ministers on the subijeot od the grtey- ancrs arising out of the Act M that province relating to education. plumed in the year Deo. In rrepu nae to that Invitation throe members of the Mani- toba Government came to Ottawleand after many and pretrartert dis:utp:ens a settlement was reached between the two Governments, which was the best arrangement obtainable under the er- being condltlune 04 the' disturbing question I confidently hope that this peulenlent will put an end to the agi- tation which has marred the harmony and impeded the development of our country• and will prove the beginning of a new era to be characterized by generous treatment of one another, mutual concessions and recuprocai good-wilL "A measure will be submitted to you for the rev-taion of the tariff, which 1t Is believed wee provide the neces- sary revenue. and while having due regard to Industrial Interests. will make our first system more ..t3dav- tory to the manses of the peu!iie. You will he asked to give your s - pert to a bite abolishing ths present expensive and unsatbstactory Fran- chise Act, and adopting, for the elec- tion of member, of the House of Com- mons. the franchises of the 'event" provinces. My Government has determined that the advantages to accrete, bath to our Western producers and the business interests of tae wboie Domin- ion. from the completion of the worts for the enlargement of tete St. Law- rence Canals, should no longer be de- terred. and has, subject to the ap- proval of Parliament, taken the Initial steps for the vigorous prosecution of those works, and for the perfecting of the canal system by the close of the year 1111*. '1 have much .satisfaction in It - forming you that arrangements have been completed winch. if you approve. will enable the Interrolerrial Railway system to reach Montreal, and them Moire in the large tr.ac cootre'ng i!1 that city. The many advantages which will flow from this extem.loe of that railway are apparent. aad I have no doubt you wilt gladly AP - prove of the proposal. "Apprecikting the difficulties en- countered by our farmers in troacinv their perishable food products on the E ngtiph market In good evndltion, my Government has arranged • cosnpiete system of cold storage actommoletiewa at creameries• on railways. at ports, and on steamers. by which these producte can be preserved at the de- sired temperature during the who! journey from the point of production to Great Britain. The contracts made for this pre ose will be laid before the House. '9t is desirable that the wind of the people of Canada should be clear - )y ascertained on Me subject of pro- hibition, and a m.'aeure enabling the electors to"vote upon the querrtloa wMl be subenitted for your approval. The Aehrtb, Sea (Cairns Coates - tion, constituted during the past year to adjust the damages payable te tb• owners of the Rrttsh sealing vtlsele seised by the cruisers of the Udlted States ce the high peas. has coin -et plated taking the evidence submitted to it by the respective Governments of Her Majesty •nd tee (United States. and has adjourned for a time te hear the arguments thereon on behalf of both Governments i Indulge the hope that a final ., td rattefacmry a4fudtcva- tlnn d Meow brigeleisyed claims Willi now speedily be reached. "The calamity whee•h hap he -fallen our fellow- uhjecta in India has evoked a widespread sympathy In thie coun- try. Tin. generous, manner In wbieh the appeal for practise tokens M this feeling has teem responded to I•aa ell.-' lied warn aslwralte'e, of grateful ae- knowlydament teem the Government n1 lndlu. which have Men been sn•tiaMy and heartily endorsed by the imperial antho ►sties, " ftentleme n of the }loner M Cc•mm•tnu- 'The arenunt, or the neat year wilt Te. laid before you. The .utimat•e of the coming year urn he presented at an tally date. They have teen framed with every regard for economy roes - extent with 'he efllelenry of the poli- tic servirt. 1 regret that the ree•lpre from ordinary enures continue to be Inadequate to meet the ofsarres against the ennaolidat.•d rrvsmue. The p nrprerwl roe 1p inn of the twit! and tit• udm.nistratlnn of the fiov.rnmeot will. 1 truest. redone the equilibrium be- tween mne'nme and expenditure. Honorable Gentlemen of the Senate ''Oentlemets ofithe Hnue, of Com,worre "Anton(. the bile which have beer prepared. sad will he enbenitted • cr approval. ars bills amending the erannvatins Act and the Civil Ser- vice envice Act. These sad other ,!.spar+! 1 eorrtmend M year earnest considers tbs and express the hope that vow* deliberation.. ender th• Ttlein• guid- ance will tend to Increase the haelN- ns•em and prosperity of every rears is the Dominion." J.at1•. 4W. b.aslaa. Leder. Mee.$, 21-(W..trmt Same Isle eeai. - 11 le sneler7.eed that the efl.tal oe pMmeep K me Jtibree e.4obretbas rem be metre -toe te give sweet detl.ettlas te •.a• antra Lewis. susr i. d ..rd's (.'r w.a..._t .I e Ittis. fryotk: .i THE HINDOO FARMER HE FINDS NO. USE FOR WESTERN AGRICULTURAL METHODS. Why? Newt glee M. Li..e Deneetly mod r1•..dly teem aao n.a.t.faa blood .e •'Indra••-aeb adwta Armee .a Use Cowes* .r er.soos Itreees. To feed only Use Northwest and Oudh takes fifteen and • halt minuet atone ; to feed Bengal, fifty four and a half millions, and to teed Madras. thirty-two million acres of properly watered lands ! The population of thew -only a portion, melee, tot r, of the vast .sentry, would meant ail to at toast one huadred acid Steen mil- lions to' souls, and. eye akin eegep-rally, [bey all depend in leas . r greater 4. - gree upon there timely kb•rlt ae.d rabi meta Americana, with hage areas of .041 still happily left to conquer. may ask why the area of cultivated ground 1s not increased. The reply Is that, enormous albeit Hindustan ap- peal in extent upon the map•, there is nut mach gild ground remanaing to be taken ftp There ars rich reg- ions where the ctlmate Is deadly, as in the T.ral ; there are pour tra As whore population is s anty ; but neither tor the old-taathune4 Hindso peasaat nor for modern mea with new methods and machinery dose there exist any exonstderable margin of unused soil. (hued, then. the native cultivator double his Melt. by ataaures ! He certainly employs near which are ar- tificial and Imported, like the nitrated. but he knows what he 1s about with his own ample materials, and when high authorities mock him for using up all the cattle droppings for furl cakes. he laughs seemly hecau.s he knowe that the ashes of semi are just as precious to the soil as the natural commodity unburned. Ilut pra.•t1. MIy the Glib is neer seriously mended 1a India, except close to the villages *04 for sugar caae. opium or garden crops, unites it be by burning and scratching Into the red or gray soil Nome jungle branches and dead leaves. Neither have Western machinery nor reientlfle farming methods found any .save.. What can Rumex, or even Massachusetts do with husbandman who will insist on earrytnt a plow or & wheelbarrow (spun his head, and what!• fathers for 300o years part have stood upon a pointed 'talc drawn by a buffalo in order fes make a two-inch furrow " The Hiadoe Yves directly and placidly from the bountiful band of heaven, which he' cans "Indra. - Dwelling Indrz"Dwelling in his village he this only se notch of the culturable jungle as can be easily reached morning and even- ing by his slow-moving cattle. He hat, not the capful nor Me mind for roet- ly Western implements : and his win- n owing machin Is still and always the wind Mowtng frown heaven. Jowarrt and bajri are for the humble ; wheat. Sour And rice for Brahman and the rich. with plenty of dal and pulses to make up for the meat wheat the wtrOmg Habib and savary Mshometan devour. Smch is his dmpie fare -millet cakes sled boiled leaves of rape and gram. with Mhowa fruit, mattffu. plantain and tuouanut-by these the blameless ex- letence of the Hindoo sustains its is- n ooent span. Fowls and eggs are held by most in abhorrence ; no cheese is se much as known; and about one hun- dred and eighty million of that won- derful people never take animal food at all, unless in the shape of mike curds and g1i. which last is clarified butter. Thur and hangs upon Indra and the rain. If the tstutbwrst rnorns,on is ert- eeptionally late in setting in, or preemie turn In its cessation, or scanty and Ir- regular. or excessive during its period of duration, great mischief may be done, and any failure of the rain at tee seaes.rt is damaging not only to the crops then growing, but also ao the winter turps, ',MIMI are sewn af- ter the mon.00n stops. and to which a thoroughly moistened seed bed s ts- rent'al. The early and late fes are looked for to soften the soil and admit of plowing preparatory to sowing the kharif in the one case and tee rani in the other, and the delay In putting it. the seed beyond a certain period 1s pre- judicial to the growth and maturing of the crop. The millets and pulse& of the kharif crop are hardy plant. and tan bear a great deal of irregulAr- Ite ; but any partlat ceesat'dn -4 10tt rainfall exceeding a month In dura- tion, or. as It le called, ' a break." in the rains of the monsoon, will do them great injury, especially 1t, as is pomne- times the case during such a break. a hot, dry wind also seta la. Reese is more delicate. and perishes If tn.- plants heplants are either too deeply submerged or their roots left dry for few days, and for this reason ihie winter rice of Benson and the nen coast be a pre- carious crop. dependent on :he c»ntlnu- atlon of rainfall in September and 0e - tuber, after the monsoon kaa grner'alty ceased in Upper India The self-respect of H1ndooa s Pro- digious : and they "Moe face" in ap- plying to any save a klnamen for food. which, Indeed, as many Americans will know, 1s, especially if thus obtained. uneatable fpr high -castes when not lawfully prepared. A Ht doo servant. whom I desired. to cure surreptitiously of his deadly weakness. atter fever, by beef tea, told me, quite sweetly. that he w nuld have paleoned nu upon recovery, 1f 1 had carried out the Idea. Again, the purhahnashbn, the "eurtaln- dwrtler.," those women who must not be seen in public -a foolleb fashion adopted from the Mogul •nd never really Aryan-eannoi announce their mteery nor take an alar -bowl to tee true' camp. There 1s a vast eatfgory ell these•-womnen and chlldren-who begin slowly and certainly to perish ea soon as the famine begins and who must and will succumb at last. un reached by the great hand of the Government, or only resented when de- spair has brought them -haggard, wasted and shit melee --to ,'hatched that met mew!. which Is denpotately craved tint. but the very eating of which is pot.on to die enfeebled and ulcerated stom•oll.-Sir Edwin Arnold. In Tee North American Review. Iems . day et Paj.. r'a Tid. ilxiranrdlnary stories are sometimes toM of the immense tides In the Ray of Fundy. The ar'ientific facts in re- gard -Bard to therm 'lave recently been pub- lished by the Drominlon Ger'Mrl.-al Purvey The bay 1s strut 146 miles long. and gradually narrows. and bee motes shallower. as 1t divides Into two main branches, and several small ride bays extra. The highest tides at the mouth of the main bay reach eigfitent '.et. Going up the bay they increase in bright. At Digby Neck they at- tain 22 feet, at Petitcodiac River 4d Mee and at Noe River in Cobegmld Say W feet, the maximum Same branch. hays are lett empty at ebb tido. Tho Iteldirseseto 1./g.Meese, The eemalM.t Inhabited Noland In the worts M that on whirl, the fDddystnes legMho use stands As low water 4 m 1M feet In diameter, a1 high water the Mshe hoes.. whose - dlaeeneter nt ills base M 3. 3-4 feel. e'o+enpi.t.Iy servers IL 1t is labadttte.d by they perioaa It els MP* MOOD eft the ammo* toast and t>•mrtee•w MOUS southwest of 1Plism sstb >SSalwsdar. . ._._.. .. • UNTOLD EERY 1 5.— RHEUMATISM 1A IL i15., Wtmlr %Op, ids, EON by Ayer's Sarsaparilla 'For Dm reser.1 se/Med =dad WIMP Was tasted, !Maher I Wad sway lade•"eesalad RA bow sd slew HAMA a.eget.., Aik...hres aginang SRAM Weak e-Mdss«t.Mtr Map but osaM Milan may tsetSM-17 ttta.L Susi was wasted so ask 1 .�a1estp.1hs.. i islt Ism tad h. Ira t cif alt► re Mole Wm armed + iakaols. Ives mei, M defies 5.asbf. eaespM t with lsleasa, and wadany bobble .boat by map a seta 1 bad mo appetite. sea red amend, by lila Assam Yat 1 cosh. sot Sus. The slm as Masa ware so setae, that I add peenss nest ampby means d hypodermic tape - Man d msspp w I had my aeM bandaged M ship, M smipber. fa pa ides; bat Odea Ine glow�edyy Mad soffeitag Wei moot ARMreOarary west, AHnins. ■begun M mho Ars%SafSMd1a bulks a two Itadshs. I was at*e to walk without a amus, la tbres meths. m7 limbs Dope to,meaglhus, sad is the coarse of a par. I was mend. My wok* has increased t. 1e pomade, sad I am naw able to do my fa tars work a a railroad bmcksmltk." AYER'S 1s. /.A, Weals rift falyapsflUL, ITMP'S PILLS ewes Mr- .-M. A Beeth f.e.lgeer. A /stsigasr, Nolan as the beetnn of a sambas .f vas*, said, " het what • dock d skips.." H. was told Nat • took of ships Ina sailed • amt. soda deet of ohmep was tailed • flock. 11 was also edded fee his esideam, sad is oriel sat to puzzle Me. [baa • look of tires is celled • bevy. that • bore d maga. is sidled • msec. and a p•ok et Mama a e• lad • sant. sad *at • map .f smash is alien • bask and same • beat et eh is .ailed • .b.•1, add • tial •1 news s .died • bard. sad • hid .f .klldr.• is 041- .4 • tromp, sada keep .f bs.aties le !faded • Neely. mad • galaxy of mikes is called a kited*. sad • horde of oxen is a•Il.d a deet.. sad • drove et blackcwds is called a mob. aid • mob .f whales as Galled • school, and • wheal .t worshippers is called • as-Rreas- 01.a, and • esairmasio. of !meioses it call - . d • .ogle, add a corp .f robbers is waled • head, mad • baud of loos.lg is angled a swarm. •ed • swum of people le ailed • .rwd. -like J, -PM F TIB=D MOST se 177 COWIgo retiree Spring is at Mand. Bo be prepared to meet it with a good Hat or Cep when it coma We have pet to stock all the lo.4at 8134es .t Spring HATS w01ch for a uality and price annot be equalled. In stock aro numercua sottmenta of the lain in GLOVES DOLLARS. SHIRTS, HOSIERY. HI'I'rs. OUP?* OAPs, >IIEOHWEAR. C. R. MAINZ & Oo. Tb reliable Ras and isesiehimii kmp.nae DaU1 Tin!are I have made up a large assortment of Dairy Tin- ware out of heavy Eng- lish T n : you will find this something better than is usually used in Tin- ware I have Milk Pails from Ilk up, and Pang all sixes. rar Dairy Tin- ware repaired while you wait. WORSELL The Practical 1Msmalfl&L. Qi antes ata %.(angry We (tarry • Ideas sad .els.easd moats .i•d sti. above 11..s, and ere routs is slew •ad M tatandhg parebaaes assay time. Clan •dd are mode and yes well sad them sew, up -to -dee aad at prices 1d batasaay web the times. Re !amber our mato--east to Davlao.'s Hard were dives --en The liquors. JAS. YATES. LA"IIUTY OH TEA . CEYLON TEA, Do 'Too. Want 8ometli:%.0.q, K' tem For Dvrnaex'� It you d.. se to the City Mast Market. and yea will W that WE LEAD IN CHOICE MEATS! Wee•• Satisfy the most fastidious tsetse..ed out prime wilt everybody. We btve every thug In tam Meat line. Fresh Meats Spiced Meats Cooked Meats Cured Meats Smoked Meats Prepared Meats. sad even kind of Somme made. Iter ens Spools' Linea If too have .oa yet boss to des City Meat Market, do tot fail to !sail tad g ive our speol•1 Saturday display year lnspeo- It.m. ANDREWS BROS. & 00. Aee. Victim Of what Rheuma- tillm t N o. A rail road accident? Na A cy- clone t No ; he is the vic- tim of a poor BICY3LE, which was represented to hies as being poet as good as oars CMCT ¶ellaiid Yale 1ieols are made by a firs who under- stand their business and give the customer the beat value for his money every time. Buy a Wel- land 'Val., and save a repair bill this wawa DAVIN' & Oo. (Beach, Hymn, Japan) We have bought heavily in an- ticipation of a duty being placed on Teas, and are recommending our friends to lay in a stock. Our valgus are the best we e. -3r of- fered. Get a sample and be ct:n- YlDced. O. A. BAIRN. Cartage & Puel Co. are prepared to handle Brtg- gage Freight and Household jreI- facte with Dispatch at reassoabbllee rat.. Dealers in all grade tlf HARD Sons ICOAL sad Sakithitlg 1 WOO.81d Mailing tot to suit customers lona deliv ered with promptnena Orden fo- liated. oliaited. Tellophomas SS C. a F. Oo. J. li Pawn. D. Ot St'aaatlr kit, IfL.atwr. :•mrecay