HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-4-8, Page 1113,160, BEIRONIANS
yes wand ain •1 Floe
Cast Cigar, meta
.aticrAcruasit BY
Fon Oss Yeas.
IL We esti
3ds !
the kitchen
'there.' from
.3r for the
you don't
Heim to Rest -Km C. Pays'
Mies Attrill le to Goderioh.
fres of duty sato Canada..
hos for Salo- -Mrs. Geo. cox ii u
ram Dollar Ball Take- Wm. Shorans ir 8
:limy Medioino--F. M. Dustmen 5
Notice to Creditors- Wm. Commit 5
loran Making -11m Wright 6 ,
Inssoletion of Par •eles-
',Firing -Smith alga Co 8
anco et your Dried Apolee. We son •
heselquarnere for Timothy eat Clover ac. 0; i
Career c in and Wellesley streets. God.
Soh 21
Per eels r
tiros of iflakileteegito. _Toms moo I
sant/ le SOIL 00X. delloot 1
about 16 year• ed ma. ;wanted to learn
Piddle Reties.
:11 due the late Joho Stewart. NaureseTssa.
a erossoiller. mom be settled on or before the
Int May next to caws the estate. Hsieh
Hulttlt 180N. Solicitor for tbe Kathie. 6 -St (
Ooderich. April I. 199;. I
will be held In the Court !Mune on Mothday ,
New Maeldse
AI ft lismair Work dem at Iteasestahle 1
Rises. Farming Implements (oriels. Mocb- .
1:Loseiter end 'mooed heed. bouebt and sold.
and Iftillere for sale. Mad ---111stos 1
V Trafalgar
ad Imes shoo. corner lotorta and ,
•P . Hot and cold bells on proadoos. Sew
Ptleot /Made employed. it'fliiiimer old 1
chasm Hotel 0141
Tender* Wanted.
1. solved up to the tech ef April at 2 °Mock
to pens and epeclficarome.
Also modern for nestle,' t he -satire chorea.
Tne lowest or my tender not mosmatily
accepted. W. K. Bisolag. oroliteiot.
Plass can be seam at C A. Satre's. ,
Chairman of ommlitee.
C. A. N•111,4,
Neuss to Creditors
In Mt useseler of Peary, Murmur. of 16, 111.,-
11e or 8f. lieleses, is the ThiroSilial 0.,
General liferribenst, Debtor.
Nodes whereby even tbst tbe sleeve mused
defter has madams seelesmest te new wader
die prettiness ef -An AM rollittudwd At=
meads ter the twines of Creditors."
Clap. IN. RASO.. 1.7. sad listesdsseetn.
• mestiss et the Creditors id the said Dobl-
er will he held at the office of P A. Malcom -
am moitotter. in Me tIllege or Lectinew,
coyote id Krum. st %we o'clock la the alter
sass on Tuesday. the Ora day of April. •.D.
giving of Directions with reference to the dis-
eased the
of mats.
Every to be ealtled term*
parses els/ming
50 the setae, le reuse -sad to tirstsb to me
Ireoveselises es Um else admIt• or.
Leekatew.11seelira. Ian.
111 thr Kamer af lk *slate ef .P.Ole William
see. denended
There will MOMS %SAM amstion st Mel
letigh's Hoeft in the ef Iningstmos. la
the Colony ea Sorsa br a Koos. anotheo-
ear. on
at 12 &Work now. Zfollowths muds. • is
1 he West amber IT. la thisMitiG
ownessolon walla, •I %rest Wawa.
amii. is the of Flostea. calstailidner NO
awe load.
niTs:ms aragreoperty will b• sold regime to •
Is of sale
se edam • the eseettions
will bo am seeditiens el the lifisb
Court Jostles.
TIMIlle-Tor per cost. dews se Ilis dm a
MI*. ens Um bedews wItilis ewe missiti diem
Por sertiminere- spoor to J. IL
Vender*" Relief sera.
a4rateliCXO'lliiritirrere. MIL Mgt
w the tamales Moonfaelorer le Head. -
sapped by is ayseam torso rehab
Severs NNW liferives so gamin
fano Seeded.
TTENT ION is respectfully called
certain internalise relative to the Solt
miry of &nada It r much to be de -
that the seedful change in thy tariff
O en this tedestrv its rightful poin•
will be included in the contemplated
terations to be coeds this session
rites Ito s expo DA3o.gcl
Prmr to Ite'l 1890 to Mt
Salt from Dreat Britain
say !Antall poweemioo. or
It for thee um of 'Scoot
1St Fie hens* . Free
Tho feestery el taw salt amodsotaree
this vaulty bas lessa a met unfortuaele
me. Kightoes astabitabzwisits existing to- Th
day that oast oncost', fit• Itioared 1"6111' ea the Tartar kevisliam botalialers la ‘11411 Long. Astitield, returned
amid dollars, are not worth one quarter the
origisal cost. Several factorise ta who*
loandreeis of thousands of duller. have bees
vestors. For 'ems ressoa • good nearlet.
with a °mourning capacity of over sem mii-
lion barrels per annum as emote us this
over by Me Ceovreroureat af ter soother to axes to assemble together ux the mumal
the Britton Fr`witt"r• 1h• "maim° norhement, and to ono* mons eater upon
makers have been loft a moll finagles. illhell '-
usairiciot on as average sot exceeding mu- tbe soli's duties of their nowardeldp. Up -
quarts, to one-third at the outside Imnit, of ea them. therefore, by thou, acre of men-
the whole- Th -re oo reason to be gives Mon end commission must sr*, as a people,
why British salt should sot be taxed as be called upon to pass lodgment. Moira
sc t• cioln� on •stn• c,►pitsi G. whitely, of S.aforth, w.s to t.ws
last week.
returned to tow. t
. .,er.ote.t will ake a.te .t.tr peel weak.
the Mac The laaalmilea eam-
ilea Dead.
moob as eny other Brinell article.
by value that each individeel or family con- Liberal sdialitlearsWea 10 aloft thil mime
slimes per onsuM. mate@ Pith lin article evils which have feetened with harnoololike
that oat be taxed without the result being tenacity upon the oountry dories the long
Free Ielt or eves knows by the commoner.
toe telt tii bulb -10c le .100 lbs. lo • 100 Its
t In beer barrels ono
Tbe Tardl Aot of 1894 med. toe duty cm
It as follows : (a) Salt. imported from the
*rated kingdom or any Itritish possemon,
✓ itsported tor the ess of the sea or gulf
berme, free. (hi Salt, fie* in bele and
°arise salt, N 5c per 100 lbs. Icrialt,
bags, barrels of other pockages, 7io pee
00 lbw.
313131 • 41.7
It will be noted that the duty oft fin*
lt, whether In bnik In packages. was
octet 5t.) in 1893 and that in 1894 the
uty was removed mantels from see salt
mported trom the United kingdom or iony
tiali possessions Ties smiths moor to
890, the Act of 1893, and the Am of 1894
ere all similar le effect ta ons most ono
taot direction, namely, that oil morn
usd • (rest deal of fine malt wee allowed
ester free of duty co the presumption
t it was used for Sob and Gulf kisbertos.
e lf Fisheries." list ea a fact for assay
ears, the malt makers of Canad• have teen
pollee to compete with " Liverpool"
1, sis it is kneels m the trate, or in other
ords with the English Hilt precticely all
Yee the Donnanion. simply on a000unt of
mit Sas aod Galt Fisheries tree molt.
The total imastaty of sok produced in
la the ymor 1894, as oomputed by
o 412,fiso barrels. lint, as in NOITIO
moomanisouhoturen we frequently k Doers
overstate the •luantity Made by them
d other instonose to give no retinae at
I. so that ac approximation is all that
be pot down. the quantity is oapable of
derahle reductioe. and as a matter of
&et does not excised 325.000 barrel@ at an
undo lisrat. This qmotity of sok, bow -
TOT, doom not bees to represent tbe asps-
'ty et the Canadian salt works, al which
o dor one-fifth am oostaaually sodium.
&goo Torre ?Mar, eft 4,111E4.
To restore tbe duty on film molt in bulk
salt ID bags. barrels and other peek -
imported from Britain ond Bridals
ions would undoubtedly improve the
Motion to some •xtent, but to eocourime
hat shculd he a very important industry
our count -T. and to place it where it
Id be, • easy of not lees then 71,10 per
00 Ihe on fie* salt in bags. barrels lend
other packages. mid 53 per 100 lbs. co
other erodes of salt should be levied,
Oa a rebate. (if it is emelt/tired advisable
t salt ler Sea or Golf Mahone@ should be
res) is Use ones of such ash on productive
f satifeetory evidence. that it has bees so
The Cenadian sett manufacturers would
urge very strongly that there le no reason
-why their legitimate sserket siliould be suede
a dumping ground. 11 is well known that
there is a very powerful combitseia Engliked
k•own as the Salt Cason. The industnes
prhfit by the gale of their salt in England
where the price not long ago was too to
twelve times greater than in this country,
sad tow surplus product was sent out him
for whatever it will fetch. Owing to the
cheapens's of west bound freights oompared
to emit bound, it is impossible for Canadian
manufacturers to retaliate, and they are
thee, through no Iseult of their owe, proc•
nosily at the moray of the British menu -
The Government rehires as gives in the
annual report for 1895 of Mineral Stoustios
asd Mises. show that tbe average iimr•atity
of melt produoed is Canada during the last
ton years amounts to 62,600 tons ; of so
average value of $176,67-1, equal to an aver-
age prioe of 63 37 per too I.. oars at
the point of shipasent. The amount of
money paid out for the item of wages alone,
in commotion with the production of thee
quentity of salt is, acoordueg to the figures
furnished by the MtArio Government in the
report of the Bureau cf Mines, 1896, 31.03
per ton, therefore, ia round figures, this
produetme of salt causes a orouletion of
t‘52.660 per annum on the itom of labor
It may he safely calculeted that at load
81.2-5 per too is paid out for all couperage
material and the manufacture thereof, so
that the non of S65.800 is put into °Ocala-
tioo on thet head. The item of fuel, where
cordwood is ueed, would put Into co -cuisi-
nes amongst the ferme.s. the suns of 152,-
660. or ray II per ton for that stein.
Timm figures show what an important
industry this is to the neighborhood ID
which it is located. It may be stated that
very nearly all the money reosived front the
salt is put into circulation amonget the
forming and laboring classes. It is worthy
of notice that by the cos returns, the
tomtit, of gait received into that country
years has averaged °rue 100,000 tons der
ononm. Had this quantity of molt boon
manufactured in Oratorio, would have
given ample scope for the developement
this most important industry. and would
have plead circulation over five millices
of dotter. slimmest tbe fermi* and laboring
A no
re* IMSNT The duty that It is sought to have Un-
Owisg to the rata of any sporiliontion as Paged upon salt is stub se would not be
what ocostitoted "Comm " @elk and tbe praotioally felt by the eximsomere. The item
semption of salt hes been shown to be is
sot that no uodertakiog was required tbst
t mowed as 'soh wooed be mood le Sea or ratted figure* 150.000 Mae far annum. If •
di nelsons% there is so doubt tint in the ditty of 5e. per blindest pounds is unposed
t large quannitiss of salt which were nPon Into cleontite. roost to 31 per ton.aed.
.. cross ic .02 „of sat fe, tho woof for the sake of illustratioo, supposing the
or Gulf riehmii, imporma mid snaatifootorer was enabled to Woods by the
total amount of the duty, it woold only
esscirattoce or AMMO. or es the bode of five to a family, 15e. Dar
family As, however, tams greater proper.
Ider solt manufacturer has over bees know.
Mos of this quiriMty is used by =snafu:i-
it fish as wow. sod tome, it eon be eahly estimated dist the
for this curing of sa offset would be reduced practically by nos
if it ie thought desirable to still leave salt less
fur this purpose. Do obi...314m will b. med. half of the amount named, sod thet 7be.
per totally is much poorer the stork. Teak
le it. Rat with the lieht of past expenosar
f whes the matter is figured est as a tax. it
there is salt see way in wawa
salt ma be fairly raven, which is by hopes al"sa" TS" lib"
sod robotism that duty whoa etitiefactery The wilt smonfaeterees of (.1nado plaint
evidenos is produced of salt having been to he in a panties to prodoes salt equal in
seed for Sea or Golf &Aeries. quality. If DOD esporter, to any soh that ma
•rliaTfT OP weak!! IP CAPApA be imparted.
TO 90011..7 ALL DZWANIM. cosemos Or TM *ALT IXIMISTEY IX Ten
facility. furbish all the salt el every as& For mum tints gest snit from gawked tos
that is required in this sonotry, mid that of bees admitted free foto the 1.14ted States
s quality Jima is set stirpeened by imy salt Wm result et tbis legislation has been to
sofd is %be markees el the world. Many of atone down many works. and geserally to
the works sew dosed down wesid unclembt- ahem woos govessoke, „yortav
edly, if the duty were resborod to 15o. pee has thee rpib rims Goiromrarra
100 Ilia. fer ode is packed/es, amd 10o. per have sew 'mimed re-impese • duty ow
100 Ilia es mat is start op amis. sod English soh, and together with Comelier,
the salt soleatry bosom as insportost and will Immosforth be subject to • deny of I2o.
thriving eat withesil restoration it ie pee 100 lha an salt is polka.," asd Ile. per
impossilde fer them or the woke sew ft 100 lbs. os salt to bide.
operation to sompete with the British sell, promo ?Attn.
particularly the Marie liaM imported from crowd e
io it monefaeherere pay domes
suiLlimr•••it prima. seed'. bbshi iveriebilleseene" tilteewilett Dialswith on all Wide@ that enter into the essostac
tore of mit. Why shoidd their magnifse•
low -y=d labor sod eseeedissly °beep feel.
sod which pert the mem to marries. he bared protleot be exegetes to tompete with
Mestrial asidether theollion ports is pron • isrei.. 1112.141•1161.__L• •/2".1 PmetiaallY Para
timidly oil -io fast in seem amen bettor time a• "a""'" "w4gat 9
n othing. as the staanglikip bompaaiss haw, AUCT ION SALES -
boon imams Se pay ler the priotiege ef
erwryiss sail as Whet. If BM Oeversteett Os Theredav. April Sib. co the fans el
meipoomod tho presiding steep% township. abate. lei el mos, heifers,
that mod fee Sea and flulf fisheries. Mos Jewess rod pigs. II n. Room. oast
what ehoold be dam is to mired what wes
admitted by the resent Goversomen bo •
sitobalis to preperteg tlie twill of 180I. by
Wei ▪ " A," erbieb would lbws reel ee M -
tie ems el Mee sr (MI Gsberles, boa " IS le
&whet se isessliss a( *bee wee* Mae
wailer *be Twit AM el 11114 Oise oak, *bet
re* 21 of Ulm, predeoelsors.
acomplish the god aimed in by
Liberals, the changes neonleary end requr
cos to bring about • bettor oondimois ot &I -
foirs politic must he wrought out groduolly
and with doe igiution. Such interesza sod
vested righte, which have proem up and be -
mos established under the high protective
Land, must be respooted ; and it is oblige.
tory upon the Government to odopt a tiolin-
cum budget which will sot bring say sudden
downer to those interests sod right., and
trill he cast with dos regard to the heavy
obligations and reeponsibilities bequeathed
them hy the defunct Tory administration.
The program laid down by the Govern•
moot in the speech from the throats, pro-
vides the means for brineing evolit some of
the grateful reforms which wets etzennoosly
coutended for by Liberals when in Opposi-
tion. While our opponents mac serer at
and twist us with what they may choose,is
their ignorance. to term a. uefulfilled
pledge., yet 00 person, politician or other -
"ries, who cleanse to possess oedinery own -
mon sense, can for a moment teenously urge
• sudden adoption of the principles bud
dowo in the trade and tinenciai policy of
the preeent government.
The trenmition from the revenue tariff of
the AlcKeerie government to the hieh pro -
oilseed in • suddco or hasty manner, even
though such prooseding would not have
ptemdicially &dotard the revenues of the
The extra session last Summer cannot be
coosidered other than a session called for
the purpoie of dealing with the unfinished
business left over by the defeeted Govern-
ment. The present aesaion. theretore. up ln
reality the premier memos of the new Ad-
ministration. and the conduct of its persoo-
D el, WI well ea its product as a unit, will
command unusual scrutiny in every quar-
ter. Looking down from the press Foolery
on the opening day, the floor of the noose,
In a great measure, reminded aria of a vast
but exalted pr: re ring. The pruseipels, as
they meet for the first tam after • loose ab-
sence, advisees and shake bards and extend
mutual nocaritulatione, which are doubtless
well meant If they are sot always heart-
felt. Sir Charles Tupper grasps the exzesid-
ed hand of Mr. Laurier. with what azward
soosetions w• oan well insegisa while the
Hoo. George Eaten Footer is no less 'thrive
in greening hts successor, Mr.Fielding. It is
not long, however, before these pirelimin•
ones end. rim gone wanes. the poem is
changed, sod the tirst round begins. The
predictioe that thus first battle to be fought,
by old and tried ohoomions under new 000-
ditions. may prove • fight of many rounds
before it terminates. us now regarded as US.
sound. although the Government bill of fare
to an •xtonsive one.
The mover and seconder of the address tie
reply to the address from the throne of -
worm oongratulated tbe Government on the
settiement the Manitoba school oatie. as
well as in the 'Mort they were putting forth
to reduce the oast of running the machinery
at Ottawa.
Sir Charles Tupper. however, was not of
the some naiad : mid be took occasion to ad -
vases the astossding opinion that in deat-
hs/ with the school questiou the Federal
power wee egOeeding its oonstitutional au-
thority. Be questioDed the right of the
Wooden, and in his way of viewing the
matter, they had no right to effect any set•
dampest. Straege, is it not, that this astute
mid waits statesmen ones doubted
his aothority in the premises whets he sent
hie diplomatic* to Wiasipeog lost year to
treat with the Illawitobe Goverameet upon
tan very aimed of the ease ! Doss not this
mead esmothing of the Urge inwardness of
than duplisity prodimed by the Tory party
of the ems sod °sly " I ". To retain power
the old flaw of heedwiok was resorted to,
and any sod every move whiob tended to
&maim and divert tim public, mind until
after a verdiot at the polls, was boldly and
plot that failed to work.
Yetis the math GI this plain •xpoos and
Wait, at purpose, the Tory leader oovertly
seeks to revive this prootioaliy deed wheel
Mies, aed several of hie more rabid follow-
ers have secretly been egged on to do the
evert. His intentions have reosived a sod-
den °hook, end from ao nalooked ter quar-
ter. How a eranber of hie supporters aro
openly •rproesing than °mamma that the
mishieet la aa Mead se • door owl and the'
want no more rd lt ; sad oe the floor of the
Hoses Messrs Craig and Itoberteee, M.P.'s
have spoken against any attempt to reessel-
tate the mem bogey. mid boldly se -
sort their bodepoodepos ea the sobiest. It
is te be bevel fiber we heirs sees amid hosed
the last it in setioe lift. and that it nal
bereofter ho sarmittod feet in poem Is
eh. rpm* tomb to which blie liberaltbaliem
el essoilisties bee esstiesed
to Asp's.
Col., Sotorday
J. M. Rest, barrister, of Seaforth. was is
sews do pest week.
Geo. Fitzgerald, of Sea forth, was in the
Co. tows en Friday.
W. Colquhons. of
Getters/di lost Friday,
Geo. F. Emerson. of
Gilder ica last Thursday.
Miss Wilkinson returned from her visit
to Toronto sod t:alt on Friday.
Maineer Thomson, 01 the Goderich Lum-
ber Co., was to Wingbam last week
John Pullen. district freight ageot, G T
R., Stratford. wee to town OD 'Tuesday.
Mrs. Ann Morns. who has bean seriouely
sililotwoirysome. tans past, is improving, though
Jas. Clark was the pot week a bum -
nem tnp to WIsertou aDd other Georgian
Bay points.
Mrs. Geo. IL koheoo haa returned to
Petrone, after speeding • couple of weeks
with her sister, Mrs M. Swanson.
W. Chipman, cavil engineer, waa in town
lam week. oad while here bouitht oopy of
Sallow'. celebrated oaltion-Hard Pressed,
blistabell, visited
Clinton, was ia
Guard Gives Ills Veralill.
relf. Ansi! 9th. -Amadeu soft of
fern Awe mod laipisseeets ee lee 9. see. & A. V. W.
Colborne. at 1 P.N. Jose Root . Asst. _ _
There will be odd by poblie smosties at *I''''.2-"1"1111 AUBURN.
Iii. redeems el G. L. Orellsebes. villege Trion/kr. April &
el 1CheeeiLee Teeelley, April lAth, at 1 re., The Oes4 Tampion of this pesos are gee
lemma. eleak litieldelk ideMbe. belealliv Waded With the nronelbed Hamer* law. dos
Next week is Cession week.
tinIT.bo Mimosa factory is now running full
We shall soon Me
The violet me to
pot week.
Dust ma blowing freels os April 1st and
boat houses froing
be eeen bloomisg the
The *my tote hy thse Lead Minis AMMO.
leanly el Me likeeeess Ad. -eased by
bv &be bailie, Mow Ilse Al-
tair Beall, afirenarred.
bees publuseed in referenee to the escape of
oenviot Farewell while on his way to the
peftitesteory last week, but in almost every
moo the reports have bees grossly erron-
eous. roommate William t;untiry has mode
• deolaratioo under oath. detailing the co-
cutostanoee, sod we give the tollowlilla
Lott I; oderich on March 29th, with
primmer mutely shackled with leg irons.
Seine were oo tom whoa he went off the
train, nor were they replotted from tons at
ooy lune, nor such • thing thought of by
The only double seat that could be got
ypy myself, geseateeze and prisoner on leaving
Toronto was, unfortunatel.e as it happeseel,
mar the door of the coach, and from that
time until the maps, be was c&refully
watched and guarded by me
Near linghton the ;snowier made • sud-
den spring from Me seat for the door. 1
grabbed him before hie bend reached same,
but the coat which I had grumped came off.
beteg v•ry rotten. tie had door open be-
fore I caught hold of ham again, end In the
struggle on platform of car courbt him
round the oeok and had a firm hold of his
beard. He sumeeded in throwing human
off the losser step of the oar, and was trail -
ins on the ground. I holding on to Mi.
With the atd of an asetnant. who had hold
of me, I succeeded In netting him back on
to the lower step. when t hu amistant • hold
following da)•. ed me slipped, and the prisoner and 1 rolled
Our local anglers made decent strings of front the steps of the plotform to the ground.
fish the past week.
D. Contelor. shipped • oar load of hogs to
Coltingwood net Friday.
The Cherchwornam'siinild met in month
Georg• ei on Sunday morning.
Jae. A. Reid snipped a car load of horses
to the Old Country on Tuesday.
J. Sands, of Colborne, beams hut Spring
ploughing on idonday. liarob Z2.
Will our ctty fathers give US a row of
shade trees down the Harbor hi:I.
Local matter unavoidably held over from
last week will be found on pare 3.
Mr. MIHOT, of Cluiton, is about 3.0 D11143111
Sonirr.or hotel to Godench --Exeter Tunes.
Regular meeting of Maitland lodge No.
33 A. F and A. M. next Tbeeday overarm.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. and Miss Germs Doyle
left yesterisy for their new home, Detroit.
The Collegiate lost tt ut• Literary society
will meet In the auditorium on Friday even
There will he service in St. George's next
Wednesday evening and on Good Friday
will meet in Regular mosioo next Monday
The Women's Auxiliary, of St. George's
will meet In the school room on Friday
FIFO.: bicycle trip to Hayfield was made
by Msseers.Scarth and Field. Bank of Mont
real. Thursday
The Remington Foniture Co. is shipping
the new refrurerater, The Kensington, to
Nova Scotia already.
The Kensiregtou Furniture Co. is making
a big push for business by @ending circulars
all over the Dominiou.
The Goderich Holler works has a boiler
and smoke stack ready for shipment hy
first boat to Tobermoray.
Chrome! shipped two steel omokie stacks,
each 60 feet in Worth. to the Doherty Or -
w as Co., Clinton, this -reek.
Last Saturday most of the roods in God.-
rioh township were aa dry in they usually
are 013 the 1,lueen s birthday.
Bunhanans Rhynam were busy the past
week getting ost fittings for a store they
La eritp• @mins to be leaving its. al-
though there are still two or three resi-
dents irafforiog severely hole its attacks.
essel••• so Malawi% oasis hro• Tbay ampald ho eat magia with this till they
Farewell was in • recumbent positsoo near
the eround. amid I was beading over him.
trying to Pull Ms sp. when the sudden re-
tain. from the grasp of my militant cove=
odditional Impetus to mc fall. I remember
no more of what occurred after I struck the
groond, nor did I recover consciousness un-
til 1 found mysetf in the bus at Trentoa.
where 1 was put under method treatmeet.
The prisoner did not have the run of the
car at any time.
The shackles wore not removed at any
time during the
After I was picked up I wag taken to
Trenton, not Belleville.
The whole of the onsoners °oat and two
vests were pulled off in the struggle by me.
and not, aa represented. that • portion of
The postponer escaped between lirIghton
and Trenton, and not between Cobourg and
Neither Farewell nor I Jumped from the
train. We both fell off.
The only truthful stetement in the news-
paper reporta was that the mon escaped.
Lam tear.
Tbe folloiring alveolar was maned shoot •
Tear sea and the medical health officer de-
sires us to state that he bee examined a
somber of homes where there is at tn.
provost time Moines., amid finds the danger•
Regular mestizo( of town council was,
held Friday evening :
Present -The mayor, reeve, deputy reeve
and councillors Colwell, Tweedie, Wilms
Minutes of last meeting reed. approved
and signed.
A communication wee read from Wilmot
Smith. asking that • Dew side walk be
plarnd in front of hts store on Kest-st.
A oomnounication was also read trots
Goo. Watme, asking that the roadway be•
term McLean's block and the Vi'atoon pro-
perty be planked.
Both commumations were toot to the
board of work. oommittes with power to
Blowing', et Toronto, re tot exemptions woe
road sod filed.
A ossemonication was read from An-
drews Bros. k Co., noisome*, the aimed
to pito" womb soaks at the stook yard at
the station. Andrews Rees. poise mit
may disadvantages they labor under oad
tiontoted that a complianos with their re-
quest will morose, the five stook bonne=
is Goderieb. Tbe firm Moto that they paid
mot over 651,000 during 1896.
The emitter was referred to market mos -
mitts* to report to mimed at next monisg.
RItivniT or w/ITElt AND 1.11.117 cow.
Visor committee have asked for tenders
for the *mottos of sa siddiWon to the power
home. amid have aseopted the tender of Ed.
Shortness at sa16. hie offer woo, tbo
The report was siloptied.
ems **editions printed In the circular 'tat
The public its hereby warned against dark,
damp end unventilated collars. Even whets
free trent decomposing matter they are fall
of fool air which wall find its way Into the
eortipord parts of the building. Keep year
collar wiede4s epon and allow Immaterial
• snslight and fresh air, the two great pur-
ifiers sod diem feetors.
No perms who hoe any reward foe tile
liesith of himself or others should for a day
allow in his hones. offim or place of bemuses'
boy bath, home, Wok or other onetrivesco
Wee the ease. is properly trapped sod
Daring the last fees years ems of linear.
hag illness awl deaths can he tressed directly
to this eneree. end vet fewlay tomes of teem
• nmehlom continue breathing inn
their poisonous vapries into our NMI*.
W ens old shops.
&mars of oe•itiee into which neither lipb•
ger air Ma or.
Remember. sevested
plaashoni nat.,
Owego Assibrasse deli pm measeiee homer. ormA.
%dour committee bee to make the follow.
big recommendations.
1. That in the matter of I he aorniestion
of I). Johnston, for permission for braids
rider@ to use the sidewalks op to the 24th
May • That no aotioa be token amid that
2. That new steps be pot demi the Park
hill ; than tenders he imbed to supply doe
material and do die work.
& That the sidewalk dem the Harbor
hill be thoresehl) Trimmed -
4 That 5105c:eat lumber to do nevemat7
repairs be parohaMmi.
23 Vont otimmattes have decided to allow
limber k Cason! rho ono of thee rood smik -
ther machine at a charge of 34 per day, to
ha mood only whoa permitted hy the *hair -
EMS of this omasnittas
Root T woo rec., easiness's.
Moved is amendsoest by the Meet,
meended by Councillor Tweedy. Mon dame
5 be &monied seheeitesses 33 he M.
Th. report WIN thee wilepleil emeedet.
31 liendeeeen Weide 0.,Trr .01
erase for isspesper Cie , $20 90.
The tossosil Nes