HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-4-1, Page 7THE SIGNA 1.: 0ODERIOH ONT., THURSDAY. APR. 1 1897
MITY KIWIS! Tteet'•LO—lo CALLLIi a ilia
1•aut'it» t:•&tiili, 1,1T IA N 11.1.1ANu' risk
nue Rtt0TJR11 Illy NkA[.TN.
From the hasty ad Ad%.rtier.
There am very few employments move
violet t. the ►salt► lbw dirt of • railway
.sgtaeer. The hours of labor are frequent-
ly coag. meat Irregular, ted rest sed steep
hurriedly rueteeed bweea cans. (ase of
the trembleet
. whi.h fnysendy amok rail
way tsamsa s is kJam ds..ss,wbtsb ep to
• lose period hes brae looked wpm as • cha-
sm" drtfiumlty J sot tmpmsibl., w totally
core. Although them emit samroes rem-
edies clawed to be cares. the truth is that
* oth.ag had beam felted te emesmfully cops
with Om tasribe dosses amud sb.&demi of
the mew wsrtd•Mwsd tk. Wiliam'. fink
Pills. Umlaute to hear one day that Mr.
Wes. Tyler. • reddest of this town, bad
bees cured of ktdmey brachia through the
sgemoy of Dr. Williams' Peek Pills. • re-
porter osll.d apes him at bis hems to Issas
treat brat preoel1y what he tbeltgit et his
cera Mr. Taylor ie as earnest on the lio-
mislea Mamie Railway-, his trip b.tag i.e•
Meld HalUui sad K..tvtlle, and be is one
of the scat popelar driven oe the read.
When asked by the reporter oonoernin, his
Moves, be mad . It was is the Spring of
1896 that 1 had • .were stook of kidney
trouble. brought on by continuous running
on the road. ud i suppose it is paused by
oscillation of the locomotive. It affected
me bet slightly .t first, but gr.dtally grew
worse. 1 consulted • doctor .cd thee met
two or tarso varieties of sec &lied cares.
Some helped me for • talose, bas after etop-
ping theme of thews I grew worse than
ever. I had notated onaperoae teetimcai.L
e the pliers oamearnmg Dr. Williams'Pink
Pitts. and readier et one care shat was al.
most identical wttb my owl:. I decided to
give them • Vial. and pure/owed four boxes
at . cern et 12 Kut a was $2 well spent,
tor 1 was completely cured by the em ot the
pills, and have ant been troubled with my
kidneys moos. 1 can therefore recommend
them to others similarly afflicted. '
The .zperience of yeas has proved that
there is abmolutefy no disown des to • vi-
tiated cooditios of the bloat or shattered
nerves th.t Dr. Willman Pink !'ills will
not promptly own. sod three who an suf.
bring frau such troubl.-m would avoid mach
weary and nave mosey by promptly resort
Inc to the treatment_ Get the genuine
Poo Pills every time and do not be per
sealed to take an im*tat.en or some other
remedy from • dealer. who, ter the make at
the extra profit to huneelf, may my it is
",u.tu good.' Dr. Wtlliane' Pink Pial
cure when other medeiaes LTL
Mel ,etae$.l Uy Externalised
An old .1 a omen was ¢(vias • dinner
lately to • member of abortive admirer,.
sad, se joke after joke went round, they
w horl dor his greatest .eblevement.
••WU," mod b.. •'1 remember taking elf
the right .at .sd the hoof ot Dae of the hied
feet of . deer M the mans shot"
•• Impeetibk'" exclaimed the guest&
How did Ton a eisee that
The old te:iew seemed periled wben ask -
for se expleamde .
d terabit' to his butler. whom be appealed
to on all or.neee of dtdimity : •' John, do
you moonset dew I dad ts' "
John mooed • moment, and thea replied :
()h, y.e, • r : perfeotly wa11. 1).a't
von remember the deer was eseatebtsg t1.
ea inti its hied feet whoa yon Iliad
OALO OS Ams A• WDLL A• Cram TH. 1(1e-
IrrT.-111A7tT A WOMAN tonsil KaiD-
Weems stiffer mere them men, Pram the
time • girl-ebild teras the mean lab we-
.roho.d, abs tees man ambles then wen
ever dream of. We look .pen women as
weak it'd 'email., but om•iderisg what
Tavel ..lore they w sneerer by Lr.
Wooten solar many times more alt•a they
n od to. Partly bemuse they dm't knew
what ails them at firs ' thee booths. they
are ashamed to tell • dooter latterly bi-
omes they hate be be • oo mUnetl metes of
expense to their husbands.
" Emma Wattmeters " me what we tem
the dreams poacher to the female sex.
They an often onefe..dd with female kid.
mytroubles• and kidney trouble• are .hen
ami ark.. for •tbr troubles. All them deli
cate erases are dimly oo.e.eted. Whet d-
hoti one mien. the .thew.
What cures me. nine the ether% ted
iN)DiYS KIDNEY PILLS whet are •
semedgn sere tsr .11 Kittery ue, sets to
regulaee and
to name tbdenNA•alli... The 1. worth
whte ler suers meant be remember.
Mrs. Lary (labile. AamMl s P.O., says :
" Fr years I wee • aim frees weeklies.
amebae to my sex. 1ee*Mad with kitten
tremble hem .r el wadi I esus sampled?
stied W 1.. MTs el Dedd's Niamey PUle.
Mrs. Mor Ady, Waker«a.O.a..r:
"For • long Mine 1 boa ..teal teem • eon -
r'tleates nl Eiiaey Treabls est ll.male
Dias..: end r glad to mg have we pain or
mho slam whey Dears May
DOtlp'b IiDI SY PILLS. sem KMmeip
Dei* tial Amide Wenb.sen fry Nab
TUT sew en mist at al
Prim •0o per boa, er = low 416
Deere Medea Ce.. I,N.. Tmaab, ODt.
'• Why deli my Julia bide deer tete
Wows bet kerchief white •
Whet sorrow dols the teardrops seed
To dies bet eyes' Gale light •
" Cssdds 1a no, my fairest lair :
!eve III anvil fele' Here fen—'
"ua, de ellen y, yes feel,' said ahs,
" A.d is ems Naw ey mon 1"
Y11�l(11 *A■ Di NAT1K, 144 NAltrtlet 1ALA0
I em lar slava Alt. this 1 know,
Altbomgh aha would net have it loo '
The truth my beat could not deny
Whoa her dear feue first met my eye.—
That cold.. day Mix months me.
'Twee Hammer then, now chili triads blow.
The felM th.. grim are white with mow
The world has changed, bat seal 1 sigh.
1 am her slave !
Snmmr ague w.11 throb sad clow,
The toe booed brooks will 1•ug►tag flew
W W my sweetheart tees pass a by,
Or will her smile be glad, though shy,
R hen mos again to her 1 sbow•
1 . n her elms!
Pretty late wooly) lamb
Duet you too er who 1 •le •
I m your teacher, little dear,
Aad 1'11 teach you, never tear
i:.rst ' you musts t .Drays p'sy,
Bat do lessons every day
Reed and write, do sums sad spell--
Y.s. sad sew aamen aswell.
Yet your little feet, I thick,
Would leek horrid etatsed with ink,
And your voice—I cant quite sec
How you'd my your tasks to me.
So 1'11 only teach you this.
How we little *1.114r.m kiss,
Aad 1 bops you'll less to keep
Smell, mad sever be • sheep.
Gostie—How do yes soesa.t for this salt
ehwiokisg so
'f.lor—Too much doe on it, 1 'moot, sir.
!Orme— Viten did Botts lees tat -west in
bores -racing '
Peralmm• — When he lost everything
A wit to • well known man who trete
credit for the epigrams of unknown pa.
Jiagle-1). Count Smythe boasts that
• owe trace his .os•etry back to the Nor.
Winkle Well, the Noumea are dead,
sad they went mind.
She—Hew nervous you were when you
PrRe—Yes ; I'at always that way when I'm
roma( engaged.
" There is • type ot the modern •uoogss•
fol man.'
" What has he done •'
" Marcid ea Muer.
" Se deem t seem to have many friends.
•• No ; but it's bee own fault Every time
the Mee. • hoed in a pretty bat, Neese or
frock she gets one jest like it.'
•' It is .imply astoatsbin, the way the
bi.gele is displacing the hone."
.It is, indeed. Yesterday I (mad .
plea* of rubber tin to my sauvge.
Dearest Friend—Weren't you .urprised
when h
Miss An�tiquNo. Why should I be!
Her Dearest Vetoed — Everybody else
•• There is going to be • wonderful *gips.
at the moon next month.
"Well, keep quiet about t1. If my wife
beds tt out .he will insist en haves, • new
deem for the °commoa
When • woman takes off her bat is the
pit of • theatre it doom't always tadie•' •
regard for the comfort of others. The hat
..y b. .n old oo5.
•• Which u your umbrella &eked the
doorkeeper of the club as Rorroww, was
about to Wave-
" The best one you have left," replied
Mr. B.
Copperfield You shouldn't let little
Ih*age worry you.
Mioawber — ou would, if little things
went twine.
•• Your wife gay. us aid address
oe making last evening. W7 wrea't you
there ,"
, I was borne with • terrible attack of
S.pensm .dent.— Whet is the matter with
you now • W • have throned three addi-
tional trains to stop at your statute.
Mr. Subsets— Y -e -s ; bat they stop •e all
the other Nations. too.
First Meth—How are the obildren'
Seemed Moth- All well thank you. W•
were • little worried about neer. this
meriting. She ate too many fresh camphor
balk this morales. Som.ew I haven't the
heart to deny the dean the delio•oies of the
" There is . tide in lobe affairs of aten."
said the .nen who h.bi",eHy looses Shakes -
pear*. ••wbioh, take. at Its Syed. l..& os
to forum."
" Yes," replied the roan who had m•rrlsd
se Memos. '• I remember the tide that led
te morr fortes. will"
Wb.at 115 0106 50.5
•' It was eventide, .ad wen sitting is the
boJyook -Was yours a long oesrbship, door
Will—Ne. vre .bort My wits had nine
Utta bre,Oere and Moors.
Jack—Really ! Bat what dilemma did
that make' Wll, if you
W(U What differentia • y
had to bribe • termed like that te keep out
to the drains, mem every time yes west
e ll sus year girl• you'd sem weak a est
short 1!. expense.
•• It is amerted sew," be r.pe.ted, taro-
Sa, to b seemeise. time • Chimera
e wer yawns. U that is es--"
H. paused. sed leg a sesseent sued
bared in /haaFbt
It that a so,•, be repeated, " I fel that
i may set with MAIM trM, that
Wilms Cit -- seer mtmezbs vo.* rgmalaa
hs Amiga Mir M Weeks •�
Nis avowed Iso Mae hs.w be had MA to lit •
Maung M the labs el gu11ei
Aa acmes Mreese.w. When vsmvamed eK
alerts. O.eaaa .
Ever, dentist, nohow' .asepsis. wee
toe a erenelety Investigated " Ph•.e. *Im-
am" ("gelatines ) moderate It, •mil itss-
smrihse ire was m emerge ahs ter all teeth-
eehes. Read tlo ckoen (leek, east flaw
see was etas.
The admission .t women tate the o.eep•-
tbss et tife which were (esaserly doomed
the emissive p.msesiou of (men is neatly
setlrieed by • feteige Bcosteaspar%ry
This paper teammate. in the w•rtua o/
the future, • lea.i.ise .id. -decamp rachis
in great •xolt.mwt into the teat et her
.. general.sa '
"The (tawny are advancing is term ' ex-
ol•im. the aided. -camp.
Th. "generator' looks up calmly.
•' Tell them." she said, •' that I em not
at home C'
The t•...eneMaat N Risley Team la seat
Dr. E. B. lbbot..., Mojor tt.yl Soots.
Montreal, writes : '• Qmokoara' is • tress -
.r., mad does just what you my tar it ;
whim itis k.iwa every hem ahold wW lave
it li is worth its weight in geld to par-
ents, who should keep it io the beam for
mmergeneies such as tootheo►s, bursts, cabs,
S.'ds the Mas.
As is well known• the law a aaot waters
itself to soy ems before It with ad. issues.
Ties are rigorously exolnded.
la • low is which • mw wise accused of
forgery a witness for the detainee mas•ged
to my:
•• I know that the primmer cannot write
his owe sante.'•
•• Ali that u beside the point," said the
judge. "The prisoner is not charged with
writiaehis own name but Duo of someone
t-beeie one Years .Id
One of the most peculiar bridal or mar-
riage custom. known 15 low that bis pre -
veiled for centuries is what is celled the
•• chases regions " of Switsssead-
Ia that portion of the Alpine country,
when • p.0 loin in wedlock, it is the (wh-
im for their intimate frieods to bay • "reg-
ister obese. for the young couple. This
chemo ie presented to the newly -wedded
people oe the evening of the wedding -day,
end is ever atter retained by them and Geed
as • family register.
00 them heirloom cheeses the wide his-
tory of the family se carved, such as births,
marriage,, death., and osier incidents
whish it may be desired :o make matters of
mooed. Some of them old Swiss family
cheese record. aro said to date back to the
middle of the sev..tesoth oeatury.
At the •eriosltur•I tilt .on.11y held .t
Ges...ay • great many ohms. records hate
been exbiblted which were loose to be
from 180 to 200 years old. Th. oldest that
has yet been displayed belongs M • country
main Uvteg mar Jesssn.y, who shows his
family rimed carved m • obese made in
T1s !tete.. .f The "p.asta•ea 5eatal
JearW." sad Dena K tee 5ealal
College, Seetr.aL
D:. W. George Bees wntes : Dr. Ievrs
bar been fortunate enough to produce a pre-
par•tioM'lJuickcre twbittbreally basso rnal
in the Materia Modica of dentistry. I have
tmveatig.ted iia merits, and find then* with-
out ezoeption, the most metal and conven-
ient prepar.tioa for the purpose I have met
with. We know very well. too, that chem-
ists eel • tet of preparations which do more
ham than good. From p.reon.l experience.
sad the unanimous verdict of Dr. hovers'
confrere. in (, uebeo city and Montreal, we
bin no hesitation in recommending the pre-
paration, not only as en invaluable addition
to dental therapy, but as • family friood in
emergencies, where one cannot at once
reach the dentist."
A dale Dell.
A farmer was dienussinv the trouble ex-
peri.aod with form heeds. and instanced •
• new mon be had mewed.
• We • pretty good sort of fellow, io
John,' be remarked, " but be's • little dull
—1 little dell."
After • moment's farther thougbt,be con
tinued :
•• It may be asesss•ry to ezpl•in that •
bit. I'll toll you bow 'tie with him. 1 bid
• pretty aide patch of onions entwine. but
they stood • little thick together, and need-
ed thiamine out. So I told ,lobe he reiitht
do it. H+ worked sway at them for • day,
and then 1 went out to sen bow he was got -
tie, on. 1 toned he bad palled up •11 the
biggest ones and tbrewo them away, lmv-
ieg only the smallest plants in the rows. I
asked him what in creation he had paled
out all the best ones for, and he ted it w••
'to rive the late fellows • obano., 'ms the
big Mmes had crowded them and they could
n ot ,row. A little dell Jobs 15 • little
doll. "
alibied Fee. E4Merlal ter •• D.nrtm
Wawa! a! Jeareiat."
Siam the artek appeared by Dr. levers
e the Oat 1as.e, • large number of testi.
morels fres entsids sad impartial seeress,
h ave been .eat to us as to the vel. of
• Vulokoure.' Eminent physicists' apron
the same opinion from practical impeded*
in Us use in boils soil woun's. W. have
had peset & proof of a value in . berm,
. ad repeated experience In Ito efficacy la ex-
posed pulps. sad varied. pathological ome-
ditio...1 the muse sad the mouth. De.
levers, of hails. ely, h.s Or over *Imes
yew had .00h I.varkable meioses with ►is
pr paraibn, that be bed little trouble to
pr...de suany e/ hie colleagues to.Tprl-
awt in the muse direction, and the genal
ooetenee' cf prof..sin al °piston bas bees
decidedly in its favor."
A new way for stisfylrg justice was rem
'oily denied is Hartford. Con. A panel
Of • dots tweet sad truss inryatse bad est
tbra.g0 a pesNwlm,ly Meeaem. trW and M
Is.,tb retired to the jury nem. All .s•
posted • weedy sad to show troubles. 13.t,
he the e..5s.w ties of .leve., ane relemd
to be eenvimeed.
Bap..td•si.me followed. The diey-
panted Oren anima the. by
.oaples mid tries. then sellestively, but to
The situation
dospersee Mime
inter te beano.
. t .. .
ha pip. The sh•rmste mea shimmed dttima
ty is taboos •meiether. easyt�tss. I. em flan ne Mese
�jso s Mid Math tt plptirn, EweappwIsmityelrni alp
MOM uppb ,sena ipmvy.
Sonne till/ boaa . nsre/
deg Madsen, prada••d by Meade .1 smoke.
IAM denim& of Wastes were thea Madded.
The dasb•te Mme teslmred hlmeel( quite
..tI.1d, end the Taney mos afterwards re.
sawed its verdict.
"No," said its old vestiemas : " 1 will
met de it Never here 1 sold uvtbia, by
1•lee pteteaoes. and 1 will not hems it
Per • moment he wee silent and the as -
steam whe owed beton term meld iso the
betty .Mur. et his emyloy.i was fighting
silktly ler the MIL
" the Mid seam cried •gala ; "1 will
ma de it. 1 t m .a infector grade of 'bee,
e nd I era mover pass is off as anything bot -
les: Mark i t 'A Shoe Fit tor a guess,' sad
Ct .1 la OA window. A queen does net
.. to do =web walking_
salt. ere. r tateee.
Jest whet you meed if you aro troubled
by aching Dorn& Poteam's Petaluma Porn
Emmeto sots in this way. It makes no
sun spot• sots speedily, rouiovmg tie wont
own in tomtit -Nor hours. Ynteam's torn
Exm•otor, the only sure Dora owe.
der tem card carry Tb.e T. Of
Dr. Andrew Wilson u of the (.pinion that
so-oalid strong men might follow the •d.
The Mills a the sluggard, sad go to the
end, with • possibility of learning moot.
He kiss been writing recently of the won-
der's] .tr•agth of some Florida .a . known
Woolly o. •• racehorse sots."
They are shoot one- eighth of an inch
loag. and it Mites 162 of them to wetgb nos
grata. Yet forty of then were able to push
• eh•weloo across the floor, though the
hordes was nearly two thousand times them
1f men were L strong •a those ants, •
score of them Goold pick up • big church
and walk off with it, or halt • dozen fisher-
men ooald shoulder • whale sad nary it
Boma A mea weighing 153 Ib. would oe
able cc lift three and and ditto -quarter
Insignificant Beginnings—But they Steal en
One as . Thief in the Night, and Refers
Une has Time to Wender What Ails
Him he lain the Firm Grasp of Disease
_South American Kidney Cure Will
Break the Ronde ted Liberate, no Mat-
ter bow Strong the Cords.
The thousands of oases that have been
helped and cured by the great South Am-
erican Kidney Care is the best remmmeed
of lbs curettes qualities. The malady is •
specific for all kidney troubles. The feirmi-
ula u compounded on the very l•test.aio.-
ttie disoovriee in the medical world Then
an tboueuds today who do truthfully my
" 1 am living because 1 used South Ameri-
osa Kidney (titre." 11 relieves in six boars.
Sold by J. 1•. Avis.
Lite Sec Time.
An old man. who had seen the sea,'
ventured to leave the little Inland villa/Pri
where he and his father and his fit'ter's
tattier bid lived out their lives, unmoved by
the great moots of the outer world. He
was •000mp•aid by his wife• almost as old
u be, and three sono. The five stood to •
row at the hotel window, and gazed at the
rolling deep for fully five minutes before ••
weird was spoken. Then the old mu turned
to lig wife and said-
" Well, Sarah, what do you think of it'"
•. I believe it's biggr's Tim our old 1•rm
she replied.
"Blear ' 1 should think it is. Haia't
she greed ' I've altos la .rd and read of
the ocean, and hen she t. •► last. It's •
sight worth seeing, .b, bey. '"
' Yes, father, answered cess,"but I dos t
em. while or • shirk."
No, nor do 1 -either, but doo t be in •
hurry, Henry. Give her time. She's • big
body of water, and has vot to [novo slowly.
Then s whales and storks in there, se rare
e a you in alive, but 1st 'em have • little,
r.oe. We've got tour hors to day,a.d we
wale' jump ea her for • swindle until we've
given her • Lir trial.
Used Eighths. Boxes of Dodd's Kidney
Pills—The'. SteDissolved end
eved—Kms w of Others Cord.
Shelburne, March 29 (Special Mr. John
Mdall knows locally se well se fir and near
as phyrioial giant and glorying in his
strength came to be • great sufferer sod
tells of his cure as follows :
" 1 do not hesitate to .peak of I)odd's
Kidney Pills or ..yahing else exactly se I
find them. If • m.dioine Cutw a and, I
think it will cure others why an my so !'`
" It is tree I bid been nffrtag tor some
time with Bladder troubl" and leaning of •
ours made in •eimiler cue by Dedd'. Kid-
n ey Pills, i mmm•oced °sing them."
le all I have used eighteen boxes sed
they have dissolved the stone and have en-
tirely cured a of any sign of mach diffi-
culty. I do not hedt•te to speak of i)odd .
Kidney Pills in the highest terms o1 pilin
ter I know of many persona who ban been
oared by them.
A good story ie told of Albert Chevalir,
whoa• as s lad, he was playing an old mao'e
pat .t the Gafty Theatre fa Leaden. The
Kendal. were also ia the cast
One• night at • critical moment his cue
mainly slipped his memory. GI•neing to-
wards the prompter's entrance he sew Ban
mat, Avid James .ad N iso Terry .11 look .
ing on. He was oar -tied anti for Ltd e•�
meet :bis mind deal ieoome an .heolsN
Mint. Standing speeoblem and s.bmrt s•
d .. the stew., Chevalier was greeted with
• tremsodi o s round of &ppim e&
Demential torsed to joy,sad by the
time lobe cheering bid subsidd, the termi-
tes lim recurred to his mind, sad from that
mensal he got on famously.
When the prferatree was over he an -
:Wooly .waited the Emulate' verdict.
"You were. bit neeertan is your lime,"
mid Mr. Kendal ; ie foot, me time yes
mopped dead.
" Yes, .aid ('hevelier, modestly. "bat i
was mil right after i got that roma el .p -
" My dear vou.est.r, ' replied Mr. K...
dal. •• that mend tit .pplaw was giv.m
when the , Prism e Wales stored the
40 GEMS, 2i ('ENTS.
Or. Agnew's Llvr Pile Care ail Troubles
Arabes frees Torpor et the liver.
Espy as/ ljaMk—Reds0 %1ek Headache _.-
Perky the Need ..d'P:sadi.as. all
I.pss.t .s from the System.
soy takes' NvThe e are are fetes.
Ill • slat. end ID .. M d1 up 16
lMY by J. R. Duels
After three years of successful
work we open our Bicycle Livery
again this year, and trust we shall
have • season equally successful, if
not in advance of those of the part
In addition to the larger nuw-
lxrr of Bicycles for hire we have
this year added a Tandem, wh:cb
will no doubt be appreciated by
those who desire L. go in couples.
Al kinds of repairing carefully
and rapidly attended to, and a
vulcanizer has been secured for the
rehabilitating of old tires.
The Teaching Academy will also
be maintained With its usual effi-
Remember the old and reliable
Kingston -at.
For external use only. 1e • positive Lure for
• inat Disease. Hip Disease. lotl•mmatory
Rheumatism. Lame Heck. Lumbago. note
Throat /Wear and Sore t wag.. famines.
Sprats. Still Joi•te. Rupture and all kind-
red diseases. It has teen •1•o found • cure for
Throat Affections in horses.
Noce genuine without having the trade mark
on labels and wrappers tied " K. A. Helen•
sae'. Liniment. tioderlcb. Out." stamped on
was seal of each bottle. Manufactured only
by repbeppla A. McLennan, sole patentee
and provrletreea. Newgate -et. 6.der/r&..al.
Lumber for Sale !
The Godricb'timber 4'0. (Ltd) has for sal
at the Harbor and et the .Pard on the
track. Lin. Ash. and Basswood and fine,
Hemlock and C.dar Lumber in •11 lengths and
and Cedar Posts. Afro Mahe In any quantity.
An uptown ofllce for the sale cf Millwood.
(Slabs, tr.., bee beta established at the store
of HARPKR & 1.511:, who .re ompowere_ to
accept orders and receive pasment1 for or
imams trade In that lime.
Telephone No. 61. Manger.
le ilii CURES
Mr. F. I. •[..sews., rr'Frtes.r tta.eeu
Seaam. Ottawa, fared .t Semen
rheas of tee alde s,y.
Among tsavellkig men. members et Perlia
meat, and habitues of the Cansdfm Cappital,
no mesa M bdter known than Mr. F. X. lSt.
James. the perdu proprietor of the Roswell
Reez Ott.ws. who ,uttered greatly tree.
'la Kitrmmlttig rntwhie, hemorrhage d the
athier. Is the bop, of sdbeting • can he
but without moms
Judy la hewn the -is of Ryokrn•n's
Cure L one weak he esu net
only benedesd. hat was ..tirvly cured. lib
es. words Is written to the preprieter d
the medicine about his own case are few bat
stay sans- H. eay.:
OaT1wA. August 7th. ISL
L a 8tc s*o, Eta. M.P.
Mao Pte,- i will gladly avid strongly reiemm-
tsesd Kootenay Care to my blends after the
good remit It tea done me in so •hurt • period.
Winking *1 every eooem.. which It so wail
dmmrves. I mm, deer sir. y u .
F. T. x.: JAOQU1 .
Pump & Fannia Lill Works
Ga3D URIOH. ON -r_
rr.r sEPARTSary
A terse .took of very choice Pump.. mane
feet uteri from+ selected Muskoka quartered
pine with hearts out out.
Theme Pumps tmwnfmttured In • number
of Rylesto
everybody and every plena.
Very easy worm.. pdmps tor deep wells.
closed top pumps for sehool-
7.vd.. use pumps. etc.
SS &T Ray's tor epees Ing truss
wnableg les. waterlog g , ezW-
attention given to dnwty water
ham well • dilemma trap puma& Iran sad
brawl Medal* ; Dralasge ea here
wweed weed. Ina 1• lased erltsed r
OILY weed ar opemes
is as= Ti M. 111.40111111.40111111317ta1 DSOs
Laws retains's', eta. ere,
spiral swiss wlettl.M MAT.
F S NA' j e:un 0 and a
jd1' iluL �" P'
end rsiAlpi
i eelfisu mew pen.*
or Overcoat
1t you need a Winter Over-
coat or Suit. call upon PRIDHAM.
The Tailor. If you leave your
order with him you way depend on
getting goods that will suit in
every way—in tit, workmanship
and promptness in delivery.
New Goods and Best Valuse
in the Tailoring line at the
old -established and reliable
West-st Emporium. Satisfac-
tion guaranteed in Quality
Style and Price.
Tinware . .
At CATTLE BROS. Now is the
time to enquire about Heating or
Cook Stoves. Whe have them—
all kinds and sizes at lowest possi-
ble cost prices. Also leave your
orders for repairing and setting up
of Stoves. We handle the best
Canadian and Aznerican Coal Oil.
Hamilton -rt.
Plumbers and Tinners.
Cakes, Pies, Tarts.
Ready for the Rush.
Call at D. CANTLLoI'6, the leading
bakery, for your Party Cakes and
Puff Paste Tarte, Oyster Patties,
Minot Pies, Short Bread. All kinds
of Cakes kept on hand. Orders !eft
by ten in the morning will be made
and delivered the same day.
Wedding Cake.—Ornameuting and
decorating of the latest designs with
a fancy assortment of Wedding Cake
Almond Icing a specialty.
3=). Catrite1o=._
i l")l
yr. .
are necessary to mankind, then how
much more so are they to the better
part—woman 1 As they are so neces-
sary you should flee that what you tet
are good, thus saving in cash and
health. Tin s•cc or Granit ware
bought from us is always good, and as
the latest inventions are always
added to our stock • better selectiot.
cannot be found m Canada.
STOVES AirD FURNACESWe hare tlw most
eorepIMs line of Stove• anti Nero -
sees in the Omni,.