HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-4-1, Page 5itr �d '8 19e 40c 65c x5c ....,81.00 T 10e 5c 10c 15e i0c 40c 6.5c - t 17 in25c ZS lc se 374 55c Zoe 15c !Sc 20c 15c 12c l 8c 10e he rC 5c l0c 3T8 Ota' 65c 75c 2nd. rich. LPER Nall Paper Mee Me se le eed tesell • `•t`h`us and Mob Legs CASH. TTou THE SIGNAL : GODBaRIOH ONT., .THURSDAY. APR. 1 1897 ring Stock of Dry Goods and Clothing Nearly Complete Never so many attractive Lovely patterns and coloring in (,`rum's Best Print.. only 1Oc a yd. from 25c to 11 per yd. Ready -to - sizes at the sante low Cash Prices pleasure to show goods. 4 Spools Best Thread for 10c. lines, and prices never so low ' Prints -all warranted fast colors. Dress Goods, all the newest things, wear Clothing in Men's and Boys' of the other lines we carry. A Jordan's block, 17th March, 1897. Costs', Kerr's or Chadwick's JAMES A. REID NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -APRIL 1. Page Friday Sarg•ins-James'k.bisaaa .... 4 willowy Display -Jia T. Acheloos.... 8 Great S.le of Dress Geode -Colborne tires Marry, Millinery -Smith Bee, a Co. 8 Three Bargain 1)•ys- R. B. Smith. 4 As Feriner's Story -Felfoed It C..... 7 game Pre -Termite Saver Pips Co.. 4 Wall Paper -Geo. Warn 5 Wall Paper -Oe. Porter 4 Grannie.: G,.erie ' -(t C. Whimly 4 Cleggies Oat Sal. -l) N lists DONN. 1)YSR Oa 1K•reb ebb. at Brampton. the wife of Wm. Dyer tam Wastes. of • daughter. MARRIED. ANDERSON - MACK •Y -1m Crescent .trees church. Motorist. oo March Mrd. by the father of the bride. masted by Rev D. N. M.avi.sr. U.1).. 1.1..11. Principal of the Presbyterian Cohere. Metreal. the Rev. John D. Amiens's. of B.•abarsol,. Qua. son of Her. Jobe Andersen. of Tiverton. ..d brother of Rev. Jas. A. Abdomen. R. A of Ooderleh. 10 Catherine, eldest daughter et Rev. A. B. Mackay. D.D of Montreal. 01E0. SHEPPARD-1a t.odericb. on Sueday March fen o... ekoseard. Soar.. aged 75 veers. MITCHSLL-Ia (wIborne, os Suedv. Marek ten. S•m.el Mitchell aged 51 years. GKWEle-1u pert Albert. on Thursday. March Mb. 1W7. Deme Minta Oram. agog 17 seers. fHE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the Reporter's Notebook. If 1.w'►. • Met la a' Ter Ossa., I reds T• tent It 1 a Chillers hawse To Takb' Reim. .a' Ia4h fell • resat si.'-Hymn. The Desn)atoa Parliament opened last week sad although the Laurier Cabinet is pretty good WOODY,. it dosser. heat those turned out by bellow. mad Sm. A man owe It to himself tad society to dress well. partloularly at Muter. sod • ales cmc pay thee Just debts by wen no Ptlldbata'a fa•hiommbte clotkins. ASI. iia. - Knox church tree anent ed au Saed.y swear, the omni. being the amou•1 .ermom to mariner., by Rev. J. A. Anderoos, B.A. A CAR LOAD-N.rria Csx and Lewis Taylor sold D. Centel. • oar load of fine begs net Tuesday. TM hags will be gipped to Collingweed. Too LATA -W. Sharman, jr.'., cheap of advertisement w•• toe late for this see, bet his list of the bent boot* sad shoes la Huron will appear u the next SUOiAL. Mal.Lt!trav MILLISIAT '.-Th. Misses Yates' old stand. Everything selling very cheap. Trimmed hats at 36o. 503. 75o. sad Si. Come soon and secure • bmr.•ia. No formal opening this sees. The Square. A t A/:ATtoa Oras. -- Yesterday meeting navigation we opened oy the tars Evelyn, Se. King. tied t4e•bold, pmseieg wily through the abash ice. Tee tags proceeded to the Bebine grounds tad maimed in Ise every. ( ;it t Novice -The ebeirman of the Cairene' C melnitj e, A. MoD. Allan. re• .10set. those who have homes or apartments to rent to Sommer venters to kindly send h im their area with description of proper- ty to rent, m be is already reoaiviwg appli- attone. Hat'. •N M.D - The daily papun publish- .d last Thursday eo0t.ined the l..lorm•lioe that Roht. Le Teasel. of Goderieb, had passed the Metall College exam. for M.A. aad ttut at a ooavoo•tioo to be held this week the degree would be ooaterrad. W • oo0gr.tul.te our young townsman oo his more, .ad feel moored that the indomit- able puab that woo the tumor will lead bin to • latish,. practice. Tarr Witi. RSraaat!'T.-F_x-president D. McGillicuddy and local real W. W. MeV icer will represent the H.B.C. at the C. W A meeting in Tomato a Good Friday. Oct PIDA ..alas. -The executive or - mimeo of the West Harm leachers' Aseoi- •tlon met here on Saturday last to mesas* • program for the next meeting at Exeter 0o May 21st and 22od. A pleasing feature of the common will be en addressee by prernmeaa teachers of the du:riot oa " Sixty l ears • t; seem --e Retrospect.' It :s s.id the comicg m..u.e promisee to be • red letter day in the history ot the la. imitate. AT YOUR Ow% l'Rit•s. For the next thirty days the bankrupt stock of tweeds, ready mado',lettuce and gents' famishing• ppita chased by l'ndbam and Mc(ormick of Rut. tell & So., Wingham, at • low rate on the dollar. will be offered for male at Card's old stand on Hamtltoo-.t. The sale will com- mence on Friday. and . the stock most be cleared out in the tome rationed, you cap cisme and take the good• away at your own pers. VERX011 F•ktwttu_ ,. Verecn, B..' , J•ay. 28 -A farewell dame wee given last mere at O' Kamag•n Landing by the friends et Mr. and Mrs. Wa Evw, who are leer - lag today for Kamloops. Mr. Event has Mkl the patinae of eenneer on the 5. and 0. berth of the C. P. R for nearly tear years. Hew well liked and respected aad we shall net with a Ice io the dep•rt.re of 11r. and Mrs. Frans which it will be very diflioclt to overcome."-Yasoov.r World. Tb. Wm. Evans mentioned i• a Godertoh boy, being • son of Mr. and Mre. t:eores Eves. Moutost&-On Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Prof. John Reyselde held the hoards of Victoria Hall. mesmerism being him forte. Although he had several sub- jects oo the Bat night he did not got a0y• owe entirely under hie ioiotisoe, a.d be ceded the evening by givine .11 hie .nditon tickets for Friday. On the .mooed night he had • number of young people offer. and he we ..eorsef.l in br ngi•y them all soder the atyeterioua power of msemertem. Con• rideable amusement was caused by the mo- ttos of hie perorate, and them present were tbnrem4bly satisfied with the perforators. Mistime BARD -The MoGillivr•v Missies Bead win give an ascertainment tomorrow (Friday) evenin, is Knox church. The 0wmbere of the Mad will, as they always do, present something worth seeing. and as amoral well known vocalists, prima, read- ers and organists have promised to help the good area, there should be • very large attsndeane .t the mould eotertatssseS1. The program will commence at eight e'01eek, and the following Iodise and genrtsmsn have kiedly .o0oenred to assist : Mrs. F. .1. Pridbam. Mr& Dunham, Miss Mitabell,Mies Ream, Mise Stracho, Mise Andrews, Mss Tye. Miss Eva Acheson and Messrs. Cuff, B D Great. H. I Strang sod E. Belcher. Adrois•io., 15e.: obildren, 10& POSTAI. ALTERATION.-Commenanr to- day the following .lterattom in ooa•ection with the Postal 1)ep•rtmeet will take pkoe. Adam Thempeo., Locknow. will oevey the Mail between Locknow sad Goderioh. T. Gawky, Pert Albert, w:5. oonvey the mail Mimeo Gederich and Kincardine. John dassies00 hos been appointed postmaster of the new oMoe at Laurier, A.hBeid tp. The rale leaving town by stage will leave as usual, but that from Kincardine will arrive at (lud.rieb at 9.12 '..... daily. P. 0. ol- den will be issued at the following retie : $2 50 and melee. 30.:52 fir) to 56. 4& ; $5 is $10. 6o.: 510 to $20, 100.: 520 to $30. 12c ; 530 to $40. 15o. : 540 to 550. 20e. ; $5() to $60. 24c. : $60 to 570. 280.: $70 to 580. 32. ; 580 to $90. 36c.: $90 t. $100, 40o. Th. Postmaster General beetsblieh• •d • new brawn of the service to be knew• as the ice...,„ Lr_it Sorer Bene*, ander Down Again ! ,NAILS have taken another .crop, and 'those contemplating building should purchase Now' FARMERS Hardware of every kind is my leading Spc-ialty BUILDERS Supplies fresh from manufacturers DAMAGEn GOODS Only a few left that I t ' l clear out to the first comers. They consist if Saws, �uTLERT. Sii.- vlaw AILL SPRCTACLEB. A. McD. ALLAN. B. M. Arnhem` r eswtrolier, se tha4 Nem today a imemplete s.pemyfee will be Heade between Me Mir et • Peet 0`e• larprt- or. and theme of the Controller of the R•u way Mad memos bsr.siih. Tea WaaaLT b0u.n -- The bellowing were the merge made is the two .hoots e. Friday sharer by the members. of t►. (M Head Wei Club : 100 200 Total J. Andrew. 4b 21-66 C. Reid 14 O. Pe seingto.. .. , 40 12-52 J. Newcombe a6 9-48 F. J. T. Neftel 38 28-b6 A. B. Devises 39 10-49 .IIXI S D kUtt O S. J. Aadrewe 35 8-43 C. Reid 20 14-40 0. Pesisg ion . 41 37-78 J. Newcombe 39 27-66 F. J. T. Earl.. 39 33-72 A B. Davison49 39-88 FOR Toa PlherasT1•RT.--O. Thard•y the treat Farewell we breaths bedew* His Honor Judge Memos to be tried for peeing reed Domtnlom billsod .soaping from lawful custody. After the oa . bad hese in programs for two boors the prisoner with• drew hu plea of not guilty and entered • plea of guilty, oa the charges of wapiti Moen ooMody, and peeing the forged all. knowing them to bave Dee forgeries. The crown a0cepting the plea of guilty, the judge adjourned the c... till Saturday. Oa t8. 27th the pnooner wee brought up. and atter • sharp lecture sentenced to throe yearn' imprisonment in the Kingston Peso- merry. earm•att•ry. Toe county attorney oond•oted the prosecutio.. Provincial detectors Rogers was also prompt to assist the Crows while the primmer oomducted leu own de- fence. - RacgrrlOM •11ae MILListIiT Ora"IXO AS R. B. Srigu's -One of the most lavish die- plays erplay of Millinery that has ever been shows In Gottenoh is that which wall duly attract the ladies to R. B. Smith's Spring Opening the next few days. The Iarge spam est apart for mAltaery purpose only is a per- fect bower o/ beauty. The d.00raticsr are most charmingly arranged to et off the bril- liant display of bright plumage, and at • mingle gleam the visitor can take in • rav- ishing diapl•y of .11 the latest Kyles, shapes sod novelties that will be worn dor- m. the Doming Easter. R. B. Soith'e mil hoary department has already won moe, that • local reputation, but this mar the firm has fairly added to ita laarsk by . di. - play that is almost extravagant in its beauty, wealth and profusion. Mum I)os- •gh joins with the firm in extending • hearty welcome to 15.51 the new show room. and 'irate • .tock that represents the brightest c000eption of the ',vainest de- signers of both bemt.pheres. fo.ight, to- motrt.w .ad Seturd•v Wzinnst: B.us.-The following from Hsi Ailsa Craig Banner of Meech 2518, will be read with interest by oar cinema. all of wbom,we are sure will oto with the Banner when it wish•. 1)r. and bin. Thompson • happy and prosperous journey througblde: A most plates` event took place at Lvan Farm, last Williams. on Tuesday, the 23rd inet,.wben Miss Fa•,tbe yo.nget daughter al the late Jin. Mac•rthur, Ety , was witted in marriage to Walter Thompson, M. 1) , of Godsends. The ceremony,whiob took p1.o. at 2 r.M., was performed by Rev. Jos. Elliott. pastor of the Nairn and Beechwood Presbyteries churches. The spear draw- ing room at Lynn Farm was tastefully dressed for the breastoa with choice Sorel decorations. The bride,hendsomety attired in • brown sloth t•tlor-made travelling suit, presented • most charming appearance • she was supported by her cousin, Mies Anna MaPbersoo, of St. Thomas, who won • sty• Isiah dress of navy blue cloth. The groan win •sly 0•ei.ted by Robt. Barrie. barrister of Galt. The happy couple were the reoipi- mt. of many very valuable and artistically deemed present& Among those who graced the ceremony with their presence were Alex. Thompson, Mies Thompupe and Mr. Ellett, of Galt : Mrs. (Rev.) Elliott, Nairn ; James Maartbur, M. D., and Mrs. Jame Mooarthur, London : John Mar. their, banker, and Mrs. John Macarther, Hensen : Mr. and Mn. Wm. Bell, Mr Ames M•"•rthur and Mies M Maarthua, Atha Craig : Duncan Macarthnr, V. S.,and Kenneth Me -Arthur. After the ceremony the newly married couple and the assembled guests pat down to a sumptuously prepared lunetteen. shortly after which 1». and Mr. Thompson wan driven to Denfield when SASSAFRAS BLOOD Amp STOMACH BITTERS THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE. W. C. GOODS, DRUGGIST. Antrim FOR MIXING STOcas EoaswwD Day. Co., 151' ; AND GOLD HILLS 0:). 15c, S►&A'tAu.T RaCOMMEEDaD. STOP THAT COUGH by wing DUNHAM'S COUGH MIXTURE a pleasant and sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, eta For sale only by F. N. DUNHAM Drutxigt- they took the .1tamoon train for (..trtch, their future home. Mrs. 1)r. Thirteen u deservedly popular with • hoot of friend., W lip who heartily jots in wahine her and the hasb•ed ot her choice • 8.ppy and prosper - oe jemmy through Ida. NURSERY SEASON 1897 Th. Huai.... heretofore carried on by the I.te Joh. St -wart •t the above mimed Nursery. Village of Ite.miller, will be carried on as moat and all or dere for delivery for the preeeot Spring season w 111 be delivered by the Nursery tees t0 a few weeks from date. The Stock of APPLE, PEAR, PLUM, CHERRY, and EVERGREEN TREES is complete and intending purchasers will And it to their advantage to pur- chase home-grown trees instead of or- dering from a distance. A Fine Assortment a Hot -House Plants, Hanging Baaketa'ind Bedding Plants will l 8e ready for delivery in a few weeks. - ORDERS 1.1- MAIL SOI.It'ITED - THE STEWART ESTATE BENMII.LER NURSERY. MRS. JOHN STEWART, March 31e. Der. 15-1 Eseeetri., of Eafale. SPtRING MEDICINES Now Is the time to siert to take Tour Berfag Medlaioe. Sarsaparillas of every rear make and all blood and system preparations a hand. TF7.erl Witch Her ('ream for cklee and Tan. Mc boa Wilson's Iron Pills for the 5 omplexion. and grown'. Bal nam for (olds mad Grippe. Hnng tour dodos', prescriptions and have them properly dispensed. To substituting. WILSON'S PRESCRIPTION STORE. Telephone 45. a aper Just Opened Out ! A NEW STOCK °` WALL PAPER LATEST DESIGNS! Thanking my customers for put favors, I beg to unounce that 1 now tarry a stock of Walldaper, and hope to give satisfaction io We line. GEO. WATSON PAINTER AND DK. O IIATO& Montreal -M. mar the Market. - JERSEYS FOB SALE. S32 will ley Solid color Helfer ()elf. -Solid Color Helfer. one year old this Spring. Sop -Solid Color Helfer, two next August. due to calve In full. S5O-Solid Color Cow. coming two, fresh calved Seo -A beautiful Cow. t •ears old ; last calved lam Oet.. due to calve next October. Very nob milker : dam tested 7 per coot- butter rat, and rood for 21 pound tiLtter per week_ This now is dam or Netter at 553 and granddam of caat at 525. ALL RKOIdTERJtD. ALSO Half-bred r Jersey •agrade. with 3 4 bred .for 111A Jereay Helfedays old -both G. A. DEADMAN,pp�gi; WsUMRlse, 0(1. The Kenton FmngtIre Co. L!d. ' ODRAWCH. ARE IN WANT OF DRY ELM. BASS- • WOOD, BLACK ASH. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN ! OUTFIT FOR SAWMILL Cash 6r Exchange for Lumber. • Now IS TIIE TIME To Think of • SPRING x TONIC. There are ma.y rood Doe, bet none quits so good as ear IRON TONIC BITTERS. The Season for Colds 1s sot over let. We expect to ell mon CHERRY PULMONIC. duringMACH .ad AMID.than n s11 the regent of the Winter. J. E. DAVIS, 1'b m. B. Medical Hall. 1 r 20 Days Left ib March during which we intend To Clean Out Everything In stork excepting Laa.ta' Fos, v 410010.4. tt e are going out of all other lines and there- fore offer Bargains in Wall Papers Chinaware Toys . . Etc, These geode must go even at a sacrid° for tb. Next Twenty Days. THE FAIR. Clearing Out Sale! I claim to have Best Stock of Stov Best Coal Oil in the ('aunty. In order to clear out my pres- et stock to the next three moot 1 will ee11 et a Slight Advance on Cost ! 1 require those indebted to me to all and settle And any clams against me I want pre - tented. G. N. DAVIS. Marriage Litltloue•. WLANE ISSUER OF MARRIAGE . License. Oodertob. Oat. Yd3-ly COLBORNE BROTHERS GREAT SALE OF ESS GOODS COMMENCIN0- ON Thursday Morning, April Ist 9 AT 9 O'OLOOK. AND WILL OONTINUE FOR FOUR WEEKS. Everything in the store in the shape of Dress Goods will be put at Stile Prices -nothing either new or old will be reserved. We must raise $1,500 00 by the first of May, and take this means of doing it. Remember, this is a genuine Cash Bale, and nothing above actual cost will be asked for our best New Dress Goods, both plain and fancy, in colored and black. We leave a lot of good, plain goods that will be offered at about half price, and 6 robed Dress Pieces, silk embroidered Trimmings, at half price. You will be sure to get Big Bargains at this sale, as these goods must be sold. ARPE�B... CARPETS Ne much stock ever seen in (ioderich before' Quantity and Style • • • equal to CityStock. Brussels, Tapestry, 3 Ply All Wools, 2 -Ply All - oda, Unions and Hempa Special stteotkewt fen called td thanow Axminster makes --the finest ever put on the Canadian market. Carpets mode mad laid. We wont your Carpet trade, and if quality, quantity and price go for anything, we ought to get it. 77.. Ons Carpet WaeAssre d di onety. COLBORNE B� OSS,