HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-4-1, Page 4THE SIGNAL : GODERIQH. ONT.. THURSDAY A PR. 1 1891. ilk ,Nut, m rvsmamso EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ss a. a.aoaatcs>~I One of r bet aOstars. >t<.t tb+sr.a •eNI.B1QS. THUll111D1T. APRIL 1. 1Y1. SNAP SHOTS- -It is to be hoped that the ayes tasted apes Ottawa will sot get crowed. —Wt11 the ILiailtou Spectator WI w e tf It . (W insist that CHAT racot should be 800 over preo1 —Tbs case of :air CIIAaLaa Torrsa is w is whisk expenienos does set appear to have taught asyleiat. —This will be the teat reviaion of the v.ser's list before the sett provincial elastins. See that your gam, le oo the 11.1 --It seems es though LAt gtgx have his Gelder Yaiority Jubilee before her Hailes, Qames Victoria celebrate. her Dia. mead es*. —If you haven't gone into the gold mining .obww by way of the 8a, 10o. and lira .bates there 1. one little bit of wirier we would give you—Don't • — Now that the Ottawa delegation has tot to work the boll should be rung on the Tomato stietation. it's ask ward watobug two rugs in the political woos at w time. —The Hamilton Spectator has not yet pointed out the wiokedssm of tb..e so.enbrs of Parliament recently unmated by the Supreme Court. A -t thou asleep brother –If the Americans persist in their alias law, in ee far as Canadians are coo oers d, tb. t the taalieuable right of the Casadias lwvernment is to at once prepare a more drastic law against Americo -is. --dome of our Conservative friends aro much annoyed because the advent of the Papal delegate u like!) to prove that Archbishop LANr.sviv doe. not owe the oosatey, and hes only • temporary hold os St.. Boniteoe. — A number of the States are in- vbktag Iwgialative aottos against the kiseto- . 00pio reproduotion of the FtTrani wura- C:oaHert Imre fight. Saab action would g ive speculator Reyes a Wavier bsoob.ost; Wow than ('.oaarrr received. It weald negative bis negative, so to speak. —We are informed from Ottawa that Sir CHAtu.se Trrrsa boycotted the State reception rivea by the d;overoor Gen- eral. by refraining from attending the func- tion. This is too bad. and a will next be in order for the snikmg baronet to return the piens of cold plate with whish the Aberdeen. promoted hien oo the occasion of the esnivereary of his golden wedding. There are many way. of making one's self ridiculous, and of late Sir CiIARI-a' has be• nome an adept at picking out the most ob- servable way. —THY SIGNAL 18 opposed to a tit- for•tat line of policy ons 1 principles, but when our big neighbor oo our southern boundary persists in its alien law legislation wo see but ogle way ont, and that u by riv- ing it • dose of its owe medicine- Canada ba. suffered Irma. and patience havier wowed to be • virtue, we are pleated to ace that Mr. Coe A', M.P. for oosth l:+set, hsa introduced en alien bill which will be ea ,Leet to that which has given toy to Ds HAaav and others of hie brand across the line for some time past. A WOEFUL. CONDITION. THE Toronto Star has begun a crus sale against the departmental stores of that roily, sad lave at their door • great deal of the hardship. which at provost beset the and .,tier bsevv tax. real estate owners payers. That the departmental stores have been responsible for considerable of the falling off in real estate values in the business portion of Toronto cannot be gainsaid, but there are other erases which have ooatributed towards that end. Some years ago Toronto had a boom is land value., and to so great an ertest did tin craze exist that when the sed Dame • large number of the property owners were practically beggared, and the result was s coedit on of mortgaged estate. from which recovery seem. •lnto•t impos- sible. 1t will he remembered that some three year. ago Tilt S* .v. i. drew attention to the unfortunate condition of Toronto in this regard. and on that ocosettn one or two of the city newspaper. toot up the subject sad yosstiensd the truth of whet was thea pub- lished u these column*. Today there is ne sswep•per is Toronto that oars dray that Use city ie is • dep!orablo 'medium 6aaa- sully, and some of them aro endeavoring to point out how an improvement may b. brought .hint. Recently to conversation with see of the bast peeled lose agents in Tomato Tee Ric s Ai. was informed thee the mertgeged mdebtedsess of the real estate to Teresa. and eebetbs eroseded the satin meragage debt el all the towns, village. and rural mesbipslittes is the Provisos, and that the future .hewed no gigs .f btlg tiers .s` that line. Nese of the mss ferry isa1t•tiees ass leading mossy es Gley p*eorsy.,ti to tares aro op to the highest mach, and sew the huge d.partmestel sterni are &riots, the emallee pl ors of baatnen te the well, sed have .sdrmdsod • somber el the large semisolids hewn wbiob were farmrly the Pride of the ()sees City. it .4 d.• te thee. the great railway • • swam betw.sa the Weston Pr.vt•sss.sd Messes. (ler has to a great swami Oven Tenets the q.b,. sled Way the hilt sir t>is steel. ,II 1 s west fir row tar. sleds see - see est dispels r badeem hi thermal*. The lake hall..e bas dwlsdied gall me a tithe .d the Wade sew mists thea wee kr- newly d.ae M the harbor, .ad the deselsu leebUg wbanw tell ..ser, .1 what ham hos and sew is sot. The day has passed whom the city lived mesa the sew bleed whisk elm drew fees the Provisos si tares. 1'eday Tomato is avoided by those who desire te leave the smaller tome and Maas asd .eek a large Held; the badmen Amass are aoot.afbaiest- ly aasaeross M glee bread end batter to theee es the greeted, and ovary Indiestios lo that the edaditioas wiU be worse before 'bey aro Wise. The may ting whisk the city ham rotate- d is the same—Teresa, the Good—aW whether It deer..e the sear • gesutfsa 1s the minds of many who knew it bees. • ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. Rob1 Headsmen has boss .offering from a seven *Amok o1 1• grippe the past two weeks. Him Skelton, who has boo vary i11 t!a past tan d•,.. expects to take charge of bee iia.e erste es Y.sday. S. O. S. Etrtsatal'nvrT —" To grace of person Miss Raste•y adds hlotrooro talent of the highest order. Her interpretation of e►eraoter sad eostimssl is admusble. She ie easily in the frost reek of elonouosnia. —Toronto Glees. Miss Ramsay will appear at the Sons of Sootlwd o.trta nmoot on the 'venlig of April R_b AT Rus!.—Yea Prod Smith died at bag re.ideeos on North Dewitt utmost. this moraine at 2:15 o'clock after • lingering 111- w. The cause ot bar death was amour in the stomach. Yrs. Smith was born ie Gedericb. O■1. nearly 63 years age. For the past seventeen years ape has bum a resident of this city. She was • domes Christian woman and • megabit ot the Methodist church. although bit rolytiosa •ctisiriea wen sot confined to the cburwb of which she was a member. For years she has been constant in her eade•voe to ad- sasoe the work of the W. C. T. U. .ed is every way possible she has might to help her tstIowao to t higher sad better lila The oherob will mass her words of hope sad ohm. said bar earosst faithful pryer ; her frieode and acgusietances will miss her, but language cannot estimate the loss s.staloed by the hatband and children. To them the loss is irreparable .off only by the strength Oat comes from trust and faith in the Used obi& task bee feel them ma the, bear alp g irder the bereav nesse Hi.. Smith was level and resposaed b all whet haw her and the imam .sess►.aity is bereaved in bee deers. Tbads...eed leaves • blighted, .es art &Weiler, Fred C. aa Meet hmeral *wriest aril he held .t am We hems teMrr.w gorses• as 2:30 sickish. 8etvbm will b..ssdwt•d by Ray. C. L Bles* passer of the .ber.h sl witch the dressed was a member. Lsermen1 will be se Usk Ridge asmetry.—west flay City 1e1.peedw1 Tb. de --u-' lady was Maw .t Jacob .ad b•sd1erd Smokes. Godriab. The. i8bkes. Br..s.l., Chas. V Stokes. lit...., and the late Yrs Thos. M.Qsens. .t 8toadish. Ytob. Tits Pcnuc RIALla Aor.- Wbes.sr a ease el .*.all -pox, oboi.rs..oarloU•a, diph- theria,,, who•pisg o. gk. su•.sle, mumps. `leader., or other eost.giese dames*, exists ie say house or household belositag to whisk are persist att..dlej 'wheal, the bou.sbeldr .bell, within eighteen hours et the time snob dame* is humus to .:tot, ..lily the head te•ober of sect school r e boot. and aloe the eeorstary of tie load board of health, of the erst one of snob digs••* ; and no member of such noneehold .hall •toad school until • ortitioate has hose obieiaed from the medical health of- f/Jeer, or legally goalified medical practise/a, thea Miscues no (eager ex.ste in the hoose, and that the wok parson, house, clothier and .11 other .Beim have been dieisfeolid to his setlolaotios . and until .nob wadi. oats shall bare Woo obtained, it Mali he the duty of every owls of the bout.b.ld, and of the timber to use all rss.ossible .l. forts to present the •..00i•tiou of members of the said boesebold with other oitlirw. Whenever the local board of health er say of its offioere or members know of the exis- tence to any home of any of the above maa- teased diesaeri. they shall at once notify the Mad or °cheanasar of the .obool or soboola at wb,ob ay member al the house- hold is to attendance ; end .Would it not be evident that said member has not been sz• posed to said disease., or . ay of them, the teacher must forthwith pe.eetsseb further • tte•d.00e until the *evert' members pre sent • ortifio•te stating that infeottoe no Wager vitae, as provided in the prooedug sub-osctiom. Whenever • tseohsr is any school bas nacos to suspect that any pupil bee, or that then exist. in the home of any pupil say of the above masticated disease, he shall be required to notify the esediosl health officer or. whom noes such .zisb,the local board of health, on forms supplied by the wheal authorities, is order that evi. deuce may be bed of the trutbfulso.a of the report ; and he shell (arch's be required to prevent the attendance of said pupil oe pu- pils until mediae' ',vides* of the falsity of the report bas been obt•ised. An Event Well Worth Remembering 3 GREAT BARGAIN DAYS at R. B. SMITH'S TODAY, TOMORROW, SATURDAY 50 pieces 32 -in. Fast Color Prints' worth 10 and 123/4c, choice for 6c yd 17 pieces Canadian Flannellete 4# yd la piece Crinker Cloth 6c yd Lodi^t' Fine Black Cashmere Hose 15c pr Ladies and Children's flowery 73/4 pr '1000 yds mill lengths Cotton, 34 and 36 in wide, worth from s to 10c, choice for... handkerchiefs Jkirt Binding, al1 cw.ors Linen Spools 2 for Black Belt Ribbon 10c yd 85 pieces Pure Silk Ribbon 23'yd Ladies' Kid (}loves, 4 pearl buttons 45c pr 5 dos. Bicycle Hose at Wholesale Prices. White Lawn for Aprons, wide width tic yd 33c 10c yd 10 yds Print for be Td 5 pieces 1 yd wide Skirting lc ea 10 pieces Double Tweed Dre is Goods. were $1.00 for 50c yd le yd 7 pieces Salisbury Flannel 73/4 yd 3 pieces Striped Cottonade 10c yd Cotton Board, great value Sc pc Needles, per paper . e, 2c Tepee, per roll lc Braids, per roll _ .. .. , le Spools, best 200 yds 23/4c Belt Pins, esch 10 Children's Underwear 3i ea Ladies' Corsets 20c pr 35 pieces Dress Goods, worth from 20 to 25c, choice for . 15c yd Blouse Silks 15c yd 25 pieces Sarah Silk, 65c qual- ity for 323 yd CRAND MILLINERY OPENINC will be in operation at sante time I Remember THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY R. B. SMITH J. P. $ROWN AGENT F09 THE MASSEY - HARRIS CO. W s• Cultivators, Rakes, Disk Har- rows; IRsrnond `Harr o Ploughs, Snufflers, Carriages. Buggies, Wagcns, Carts. Also. Agent for Bradley's Fertiliser. A Full Line of Repairs for the above Machines, and Plough Points always on hand. Remember the stand—nest to Button's Stables, HAMILTON -ST., OODBRICiH. Goderlch Bargaln Centre FRIDAY BARGAINS April 2nd DRESS GOODS Cashmeres, 50c for. Serge, 50c for Serge, 25c for Tweed Effects, 25c for Tweed Effects, 20c for .. KID (MOT= Kid (}loves, 11.25 for Kid Gloves, 11.00 for Kid Gloves. 75c for Kid Gloves, Mk flit 40e 40c t0c tOc 121 1110 Mac 63c 44c Tweeds. 25c for . Tweeds, 40c for ., TWEEDS COTTONADE Cottonade,25c for Cottonade, 20c for.. Cottonade, 15c for.. SHEETING Sheeting, 25c for Sheeting, 25c for PILLOW COTTON Circular, 48 inches,' 25c for Circular, 44 inches, 20e for Circular, 40 inches, 15e for Plain, 46 inches, 15c fctr ....•• SAILOR HATS 20c 25c 20e 15:, 121 18c 15c 17e 15c 11c 9c Girls' Sailor Hats, 15c for 12c Girls Sailor Hats, 25c for 19e Ladies' Sailor Hats, 25e for .. 19c Ladies' Sailor Hats, 50c for .. 35c Ladies Sailor Hats, 11.00 for 75c TABLE OIL CLOTHS Table Oil Cloth, 11 yds wide fort.. Table Oil Cloth, 11 yds wide for. Floor Oil Cloth, 1 yard wide, 25c foci t5c 19c 20c CAPS Boys' Caps. 20c .. 10c Men's Caps, 50e for .. 25c Men's Caps, lac for 19c LIEN'S TIES Bow Ties. 25c for Four -in -Hand 25c, 2 for 19c 25c LACE CURTAINS Lace Curtains. 25c for 19e Lee Curtains, 50c for 40e Lace Curtains, 75c for 63c Lacs Curtains, 11.00 for xse Lace Curtains. 11.35 for 11.00 FACTORY COTTON 42 inches wide for.. 10c lir yd wide for... tae 5c 1 yd wide Cotton, best in town, for MEN'S BRACES Men's Braces 15c for 1Oc Men's Braces 20c for 1Se Mens Braces 25c for 20c MEN'S SHIRTS Black Sateen. 50e for Black Sateen, 75c for Unlaundered Shirts, sires 14, 16 and 17 in 40c 65c. 25c PINS AND IIEEDLES Pins, per paper lc Needles, 2 packages for Sc TABLE LINENS 40c Pure Linen for 25c 50c Pure Linen for 37A 75c Pure Linen for 55c LADIES' HOSE Fast Black, 25c for 20c Fast Black, 20c for 15c See our line 5 pairs for °5c TICKING Ticking, 25c for. 20c Ticking, 20c for. 15c LIflN TO1111111 18x36 inches 15c for lie 211,39 inches 25c for.. 18c 18:35 inches 15c for.. 10c 18x36 inches 10c for.. he COTTON TOWELS 12x!0 inches, 5c for ' c 16x30 inches, 8c for 5c 24x42 inches, 15c for 1Oc LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS Shirt Waists, t-ro collars, 65c for 484' 65c Shirt Waists, two collars. 111,00 for.. 75c Shirt Waists, two collars, 75c for DON'T YOU MISS THESE BARGAINS REMEMBER THE DATE, APRIL the 2nd. ( JAMES ROBINSON, Corner Square and West - St., Goderich. W ALL PAYER. TALK BBTIBIBO FBOI B118IIE88 Great Clearii Sale ! hOR 30 DAYS OF DOUBLE and SINGLE Harness Trunks, Valises, Club -Bags of all else*, Carriage Raw', Robes, Whips, Brushes, Fur Coats The Harness Stock is largest West of Toronto. and the entire stock will be cleared out at lees than cost of manufar;tvrs. 1 am retaining no stook or interest, so cost or value of goods will 'on diereg.•4ed in this sale. A rare chance ii;1. Farmer* and Horse- men as every set of Harness is guar- anteed Magri made and the bast of Union Oak Leather, while the Mout lag efilvtw, brass or rubber are of WM quality. All book accounts meat be settled by Ceeb or Note at tinea WM. ACHESON Groceries G roceries It you want the shove right UP-TO-DATE A I meg. Asertmsat or Crockery Glassware to cheese from, mall at 0. C. WHITELY'S CHOICE TEAS and COFFEES NOtZ A0111T PO 1 GOLDEN AGE Package Tea. .elft ales os lilSUA at. 7 Large fibipme t. of Wall Paper to select Iran+ Ms 1a L • g•tMw M sad w 1!s Baying in geek large gwitifiss amid for Hpst Oasis s000ants ler semi Lew Pries& These Prises are !Wisely OABH. POETZ2'8 BOOE$T0 U