HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-4-1, Page 3YORK earn_ rOstration i' b7 s. v.. Isaparilla ea • result of toe Mmes. my health oak, Dervuua, as, my lntereat", and rmptoau of • de. bottles of Ayer'n Improve at mks • LI me weight hots taty-five to two *then. I and my medicine when 11 in the bent of we attribute to tiddlers my chll- fatherles. today Ir's Sarsaparilla• ! cannot say too . Postmaster sad irsaparilia Woliul Ault pereter'e $91s. r t\�Ce r yt v ee' 'ay Meat Market. ICE HEATS !_ Midterm Metes...d We helve every itS its eats its feats Meats. re made. `tae oats e not ret been to sot fad to o•11 end outer your limper ROIL & 00. r Jam) eavily in an - being placed ecom mending i stock. Our We e. ,r of - and be ct.a- NALRN. 'uel Co. handle Bag- ousehold Ef- t reasonable xredes of IAL Mang emd dfbv - Oakea bo - P. CO. THE SIGNAL. GODERICH. ONT : THURSDAY APR. 1 897. 3 Anaemia means "want of blood," a deficiency in the red corpuscles of the blood. Its cause is found in want of sufficient food, dyspea, lack of exercise br breathing impure air. With it is a natural repugnance to all fat roods. Scott's Elnulsion is an easy food to get tat from and the easiest way of taking tat. It makes the blood rich in just those elements neces- sary to robust he. 'th, by supplying it with red cor- puscles. for ..M .l a GINS red $a -au by all trva.ma bUJTT >. IWWlifi. liths.... Unt. Df NICHOLSON. L D.S. newer •t•ttotcoM. Reath aroma* the Pse (Woe geld Filling. C7awnc •�addte Werk • Specular. 15 years izp.rls.ce. IM. MABEE. 1).U.S, l..U.S.,-LEN• A. TAL K:PO :0N.- Lagoon a.d approved methods for .11 dental operation& Preeervii qua of the netural teeth a p deity . Wise ever James ear o1 West Stood the Square. ds ,StMei..r- J- M. TURNBULL, D.1).ti., L.U.S- . Dental burgeon. ,Lately aem luted with Dr. Disse. of Montreal. Noll and mew tea. artificial teeth mounted on geld •r awn - team hat& epesial attendee Rites t. W reservation m • the natural teeth.In IlrLeaa..o w Meek. ire Msd%ss1. �� r - _A. r5011fsIJN. M. 1) , C. M cmc p(N.uklrwce formerly oo:ueld b) 1*. C.se. a es'South et. Telephoto 10. I IR. HUNTER. PHYSICIAN, SIR IV coos. he. Omoe-Bruce street. the rein doom lately occupied b 1>r.Mole.. \ igh anile tram residuum . Lava M• O. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLI clear, C.s'e}$ ger. Le. Otioe-cor. flet gtea asd Bt. *strew eta- en. ('".horse aM et. >:-ty ERNEST HEATON - BARRISTER, gu13dter. Notary Public Aebeeer's bah. West Wrest. Ow u L1 CAMPION,Q.C., BARRISTER, SOL - L'. inter. Notary. Le. Claes r roc MWio•1 U.I.,*mare. Ooderick. if U. JOHNSTON. BARRISTER, SO - l)1. lienar. oommWio•or, arc Money et lose. 11Qees : nor. Hamilton ane dt. Andrew's tercets. Oodericb. tint +or L OFTCS K. DANCET, BARRISTER, 'Whetter. Convoya.0•r. to.. etc. Mosey o lama at lowest rates. Horton* Block. op - 10111 Hotel. "demob. Oat fast-tt FN. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PROO- F . tor to Maritime Oserts .f Ost.rlo ,,Alae-eootb Colborne betel. IDS LOCAL NEWS. Deeeti.m are held .t St. Peter's eery Wedaseday •ad Fridley ...•m% durt.R Lea If roe west salt tor April. get 11 before Ihs showers. and see th•i yes get Rios's Pira. 0. HAYS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT- lb. oLICIT- R .Olt, etc. Oleos North.t.. meet door 3hi'AL U1moe. Primer Feeds to land •t 1. wee' rimes of latet.et. f!q tiaiti.OW A PBOCDFUOT, BAR - NJ rotors. Attoroesss,,,� 8 n oitoito• to.. "ode. deb. J T. Gomm. Q.C.. W. Proudteet. CL3tKlt3N. HOLT &HOLMES, Barristers. Bolleltore to Cb•.esey fie. N.0odertcb. Y. C. Cameron. Q. ; P. hot Hadley Hohses. 0. WARD, CONVBYANOBR, U • to.. sad ootnmimioser for aaki.t •aadm e- mivt.g reoogais..ose of Emil. .md• ser01atfoae, depositions or seisms derisive Nous ed cac- Noa. in or ooneer.lag am mutters. Daft or tete S eed log in the High Court or J.stloe, the Oourt of Appeal for Omura, or 1e mer Covert W promptly szseatmr. WBensc 504PODvot Court.All address 1)a0wn•m Oat 3111-t4 uosa• sad Inmareinea AN OLu /tinnier(' (;Otto -11. Sneday Shore parsed to the world beve.d Uorot►y, widow of the late Chas. Walter", t:odertob township, at the adv.ewd age of 43 years sad 9 mestb". The deceased' wbo had bees widowed ower yeah had lived with bee Ston H. 0. oe the old farm where elm breathed teerte•D pce.esuoea have .110 largely 1l- h.r I.st The luaeral took piano u Matt- erM1ed and whereas at the b.gia•ing of the Iced oemetery on Tuesday afternoon. man* reign Cased• wap meshing i• reb.Uloa, Wre rdattvss ••d lrteoda borne preetut et t►. m Doer oo part of the Empire which i. more bow.tid at the grave level to the Home Lead. Kut it Is i. Ass - Pelmet: ST.rlset.r.-la 1R95 there were trolt..od Africa that we Dove made the 73 prisoners cm -fined at various tomos in greatest advancer, ID 1837 Au•u•Ita was Oederich tail; to 1896 there were 74; of thous 6 were unser 16 years of age; 38 were oust up for the first time 20 for the "cooed, and 8 for the ecd. 42 of the pn•osere were .rnteaaotl during their ioo.toerapos. Out of the 42 pals in the Promote, Huron steads twelfth lowest to the total number of oom- in Afrin.. eves greater advances have been reitments The daily average cast of the made Egypt, although Domtn•Ily only a rations for prist.Ders was 9 orate. 22 wee prwootor•te, is really • part ot the Empin, obs Wheat number in tail at any time, sad and a large pert of the Soudan will soon be 1 the lowest The average cost per year added toot. Nearly all of South Afroa per primmer, for tail maintenance. which is and a large portion of Central Africa is tut lodes salaries, repairs, eta. • eras *31 b1, or der British role, and by far the treater part the average total daily oat wag $0.39. of the torriterry has been added during Iotori.'s reign. Tbo., dorms the matey NEWSPAPER COMMENT. years of the Quota's reign the British Em• pire hes steadily increased both in stunt w grant tees. and poiu!•tiof. It now embraces on area (;.elpb Me y : J. L H•yooelt, M. PI'. of tap mi!lioo square miles, sod has • popu leader of the ?strove, branch of the Ontario lotion of Dearly four hundred Atillsoos, au Legislature, upholds the O;overnment eat the th.t •boat one porion ut of every four o0 matter of granting so Eoglien syndioste the from of the earth ores allegiance to the permission to prospect co mineral lands to Quteo, Russia is the only country which North-Ws/Stant 00t1M162. He thtok• 1,40 gas oomp•re with the !British Empire 10 grew is population, for, 1• m•1y ether part. .l the Empire 1 be uareaee lice betimes gnat it not treater. Bet ant dimly u population, but also in e xtent, has the tinted" Empire expanded. It we take tato uo«d•ratwa the protector• ahs and lands wbiob, although they are not directly ander the British Crown. yet are owned by British oomp•nies, we may my that the ergo bas almost doubled dense the lest sixty yore. Our Ludlam Emptre has in - mewed by 275.000 equate males. Our North not settled to any extent exoept by connote g ent out from pinion. At the present time Diem is a population of four nod one quer ter million*. New Zealand. Borneo and .worst other islands in tb.t part of the world Aare also been added to British rule. MONEY '70 Walt. - 00.00000 0000dt( eer•m•• 00741 L)RIVATE FUNDS - PERSONS Di - strew of obtatlitig money on Iretodesg farm se:artty can de «.t 8l per oast Iron - Whig ▪ Bundie:.7Toro to ON Rooms 11 I SEALER, CONNEVANCINO AND (ear.to eoe "moa opposite Martie'. Nutri. HodesieL ONEY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE at M ler east Notes dlseouated. C. f1ZAOttlt. ono* swoons Martin's Hera. "ode- rch. J. T. HAFT'EL, FIRE, LIFE AND .t MwoR rates F th h OmeOur. ltog•ut. and Yeem 1a- Mch, ONET To LEND. -A LARGE swat 01 Private leads ter 1•ta a nee lowest rose os (trar-olses Mortgages. Appy "ARROW t PROVDY00'r. D RADOLITTE, GENERAL Illi 1iteseg g smi=missal Mow ssmpenf .55.0 a Selma lew•rate of liaises In • war a .en ua oerrower n ci deer beet Square. West I.b weer Msol shun' 111.1111101410. f OD17tIOH KI]�OH�IDE' IC r- KOON, Orir. at asps West sad iewsISP Matra Owes firm 1 t• a r.>.. and net IM tS rte. ABOUT M00 VOL'+ lig LIBRARY. Leading n twL kw,,,Wkly said Iiitrr� Modes afrs flag ens sr ,7 imic=istogosiwoh etc. , PM. M Rees • PMbale m ter ogee header, rethed b Uhraea., is roma - H. OOL OR,RV. 1I. NA Librerlem "essr(eh-- irectQ3 ull- Government will be well paid tor the 008 extent, and yet it is eo.sdelably smeller cession China u the only country which can oom- .1 Tat • ul:r,'.. pee with it to popoiarioo. Rut it is very I woolen .tdvertieer : Hon. G. E. Foster' donbtlal it Chloa populous" es she un- speakioe at Wakefield, in Wright county doabtedly t•. supports es many people 1r Iwo week, mud that the Manitoba school the Briash Empire. question ws. dead and buries. The trouble Bat ii toe growth of the Empire in size le that the Tupper". the Carom .0d other and pnpul•tioo lou bolo pheootnenal, it u .wnoiat« of the ez-Finamce Mmuur• keep net nearly so etrtkieg a the manner in kicking the oorose, an the hope of making which it bee been welded together by the party eapit.l by stirring up religious nn inv10tioce of the •go. Previous t o 1837 OK. none of the great railways had been eons plated, while now the railways of the Umt• EXPERIMENTS IN AGRICULTURE. ed Kingdom alone have • mileage of twisty Owossod mile.. The capital inverted ez• .aerie • rIessl.ral asd t%perlt«.Ial coeds one billion pounds sterling. and cise rsloe- 4reggrerarqe at perinatal.. hundred million p.re.eorer, are carried Upwards of 1000 varieties of farm crop. annually. have been tested in the Experimental de- Q:raking as has been the .dvaooe of loco parimeas of the Ontario Agncultural Col 1... Guelph, within the page *levee years, sad nix hundred of them Wee beat grew for at teat five yeah In suoossein. Near' •11 tee t:soadsn sorts and several hundred new varieties imported by the Ezperimeet•1 1lbpartmeet from different parts of Europe, Atte. Africa, Australia and the United States have been included to there carefully conducted exr-riments. Some of the Dew varieties have done exoepttoually well, died have already been distributed over Ontario. through the medium of the Experiments Polon, with very gratifying reedits. The Siberian Oats, Mwdoehenn Barley. Harr" eon Bearded Spring Wheat, lied the Cloud Early Yellow Dept, Mammoth Calms, Wig csa.i* Karl et Wbtu (tent, arid Seism North Dalt its varieties of Corn, which sow becoming so popular in Oaten°, we imported by the A:penmen's) D.p•rtmen sad after being thoroughly Costed were d tribated in small quantities. The prevent Bynum of co-operative ezper bleated work in agriculture wasstarted 1886 with 60 plots. which wesituated twelve different farms in Ontario. Sm that date, however, the work has toors.sed from yr.r to year and in 1896 there were 11,124 plots, which were situated on 2, farms. We are again pren.red to distri ute material for co-operative experimeo with fertil:ren, fodder crops. roots, grains t graer, and cloven. l.tsrssld perilous in Ontario who win to jerkin the work, may select any one the experiments for 18.97 and inform the d tt raer at once of the choice made All m serial will be furnished entirely free deryto each applicant, but he will be e peeled to oonduct the test a000rdiag to ymods, gent with the ede, end to port the results ot his teat as goon as poempo ible after harvest. trier Or 1xrg&ly*NTv 7701 1897. ptottoo on land, the advance os sea has bees even more remak•ble. Vary few stsamuse bo•te were h e bef ore the Weunlsg • of the rows, and cos'egaenrly it ores took y s11 m oothe or more to ge trout London to th las, • journey that use now be .eaomp lathed in about three weeks. are n t, L - to on as AtaWtat• 260 b - u THOMAS OUWDRT, AIIOTIONEER Aaemt�r w int the "`Tse tl.y wet et . eea aiatit�.. wust- Avo" :roam 1.101, . Mtn AL (ter. W il► L.•d .lwef. he R...wnee ..'+.`teed., helm' Is - aelimisew oedw+ehSorrbes' TP S "•m.Md1► ""g =110X Csosty AuJMlu.M 1. Testing nitrate of cod.. superphas pbsu, muriate of potash, mixture, and m•anre with Dorn. 2. Testing nitrate of sod•,uuperphoephe muriate of poach, mixture, and no mos with m•00eIs. 3. Testing six leading varieties of fodder Dors. 4. Growing three i.egaminous crop greets fodder. 5. Growing three mixtures of grain green fodder. 6. resting four varieties of gramme hey. 7. Teethes four varieties of cloven has. 8. Tines urge varieties of bockwhea 9. T.stlag four varieties d String w 10. Tanks four varieties .t barley. fivA varieties of eats m Do ea m PWWAwia�l er- E O. arrzaut Stout bag astrtaiely drawn the venous England, us • prebend of one of the Engl;•h o oantrise of the world , tether, bet it ba osthdrtl.. Chertas l sort. 166" .1"11 hesdruM d It is poor economy to buy cheap Tea, and use twice as much, and � hese, end sheald be la *stogy hems where w there yoeeg uhildres. get half as much satisfaction aft from a good one J. L Teel.. the ..ler, .oe. that • pack. sae el ebeooletee to • thele buy who int us • Mx .ad dutwrbloR him with los atonl- agly load hoer. The •ttesidast de leered the pec lief, W iib Mr Tuol: e eemplitttt.•te. and would the yeeng Nestle.6 6 LuDELLA 5 I visa who loathed so heartily kindly wt thaw darks, t rta psrfe•aoe. An ietereetisg Iso' about assess of the late Jolla Ilrigbl is that they have leased the art of weaving by hard practical it•. peri.. 1t was • rigid principle with their Illustrious father that they should rn leahow to work at the loom, a be had done before them ; and for years they went r.401•r17 to the mill at Rochdale, hke or- dinary factory bleeds '1'b. Prince of Wales is veru food of ani•1.. m•Amongst the hags oolleouoo of rete at Saadringbaw u train little vrn parrot, which talks splendidly. Ho is located to the hall and to every visitor sells out : Now, thee, alp, bip, hurrah for the Quese Hi. Royal Higbee"' be-ame pas per.oa•Ily bought aof • email boy in i'ra Niger Square whilst crossing it with his e.iuerry one day. A notable instance .f teltnt rna..sg in • lousily, both among oto women and it. men, u furnished by she appraise.* of the none of Mir Ramsay, of Novelists, in the fret clam claof Part -l1. of the Moral Sommence Tri pre as l'asehridve I.at year sbe figured in the first class of Part 1. She u the daughter .•f the dietiarruished Professor •t (.leagow University, while her cousin, now wife ot the Master oft Trinity, will .Iws)s he re- membered an the lint women who ever sew came out at the head of the Caseates' Trip list as Cambridge. messed of the bar la • peculiar way. b•' to,i ea The t•plaot the Camellia. Of the natives in India, about 2,000,000 can now reed F.uglieb. the e .. bemitter-+ath at • emitter betybt Doan seven miles free-' the earth. About twice a mach power 10 required to m tram a stop an etpreato siert one. (•oy pound o1 cork is amply sufficient to support • man of ordinary size to tea water. In Europe at this time some 27,000,000 men are ready to take the field to n fort - e ight. The fees u Great Britain for letters patent for titles are : Duke, (350 ; Marquis, 3.300 ; Earl, £250 ; Vieasunt, 1.200: Koros, 11 iJ ; Baronet, ( 100. se There are 138 oyolist otiose attached toWidowvolunteer regiment, in England anWidowsepee- e ase31 In Sootl•.d. inland doe, not volunteer regiments. There are now more than 250,000 words in the English language, or about 70,000n an mothen in the german, French, Spaniels and Italian languages combined. The Queen is • colonel of one of the Ger- man regtmeet. of Dragoon Guards, nod. m oddities to being the heed of the Chord" of USUAL. AND SUAL. ie mod .to be • variety of a h, • rg bdly done as mo u a el.otrtoity. It requires so effort ot the mind to realise that when the Queen cense to the throw so electric telegraph roasted to the Uoited Kingdom. The first expertmeeul win wag erected in the year our Queen was crow .d. Now Britain is connected by telegraph and cable with .11 civilized and many partly en- oi.ilizad portions of the earth, and the inhab- itants min learn to • tow minutes what is takiog places on the other aide of the plebe. Then have been many internal reforms rely,doriog the res, bat petb•p ono of the moat important was the remodelling of the pieta! service The Dost of seeding letters has been greatly reduced, and a • result whereto at the beginning of the reign cooly one hundred million letters were postedan- nually in the United Kingdom, then are now one billion right hundred millions. The volume of trade has increased almost a rapidly a bathe foreign and home cor• respondence. In 1837, the total velem elp exort• and Imports amounted to £150.000,- 000. In IFF-4theyexceeded the 100101000 sum of (680.00 ,000. The «edition ot the poorer rimless has al- so bees greatly improved. 1n the largen tows and cities much ha been done to im- prove them and their serrou.ding,. Work- houses have bets established for those who hays become really unable to support them- selves. In 1842.outof • population of sixtiethssillioas one person out of every .levee was a pauper. Now, although the populetion has more than doubled. there are only two a paupers for every two in 1837. At the oom- men00snt of the reign. many people were unable to secure week because ot the intro- duction of machinery with which they were totally unaogosintd. and which dad the work of away uses. At the present time, all hough the number of unemployed is still largo, it u not nearly so large a at the W- eaning of the reign. Thus, whether we look at the expose/too the Empir.,the growth of the population, the rapidity And ea" of our oemmuniatioe, es the inorein trade, the Internal reforms, cor the improved condition of Me poor. we Mire the thane story of unexampled progress to relate and repeat. Surely •om.tbint ought to be dose to oelebr•t5 in • 6ttieg manner the sixtieth year of the Qneee'e mtge. or, a the I'ri.oe of W•1m aptly ez- pr.me• it, " the Queen's diamond wedding eilla the nation.' Yung R. Mess*,L fee for for far t. beat. 11. Tech, . 12. Teeing four varieties of pons. l3. Tali* three varieties of bears. 14. Tagalog Gm varieties of carrots. 1b. Tutting five varieties el mermen. 16. Talbot feu varieties of turnips. Malarial for either Ns. 1 se No. 2.zpmr- beset wi11 be Nei by express. said for each of the eaten N will be forwards" by moil. Alt (stillborn end seeds will he mall in geed time for sprtag mmeding, presiding she •pai- eatiose are r«1lvd at se .ulb �deeq�lea. The supply of material being thiol. these who .pply first will he serest of eflsering the desired °stet. It edg1S M woes for Gaols ambient to make . emend Modes for fear the first ovoid tint be greeted. Particular varieties weed not be mention ed as .11 the kindle to be distributed •n these whish have dame ezeapti.n•ny wen epee the trial pleb t. a. Kgpwiesaal Dep.rtesest C. A. Zavrrx. Dimmer * i..U.mal College, !Sarah 22nd, 1897. .awl {/eenlertee DOL Lir erseerom.• A. a roam, tee. 'I.R.. agtatme.111111at• o114e-4+4g, inlIdlelleSii411011141111611► VICTORIA'S REIGN. • Au Iseelte.Il Paver by U Collegiate tma- IS Y Masud ielpsmibr fee Mae presses gmmee0Mw be fere aur eemarM. Idea of the Areas moral mid MMr1aI program whish has hem made erAos the sixty Mea of vie- mela'. edge. Is se .item dully yews -I magi* elms* mg ie so .M pfd rose• d the .•ibis wary logy 81110,161.60 loos weds Lee um W7 t• ramp /' of tko Is nest tRribfmM Vittorio m the �1 11117. there rpt Si Ib. MVO Mos ppmlNrlel .Ir..a'I1mr. it taw • pspnrelss In ]3'ROlbd A The expression " Cool re a cucumber " u found to be scientifically correct. Even when grown in hot-houe, the cucumber u some degrees lower in temperature than the outride atmosphere. The proportion of order -age marriage• in England 15 steadily on the decline. In the year 1874 they stood at 84 in 1,0(0 for men mtaw and 226 to 1.000 for women. Last yethe figures stood at 69 for the males and 190 for females. There .ase in the entire world 61,000 breweries. Germany really beads the lint with 26,210 ; sort carnes England with 12.• 874 ; thee the Untied Susie with 2,30d. Austria has 1.942 breweries ; Belgium, 1,- 270 ; had Frames, 1,044. CEYLON TEA a good one ant. .ort' to plea.ie. 'cote. 25c, 40e, 50c. or 60c., per lb. El L.BIADINC.* Li- ROQ>EI;RY BTO14$3S tclicure • rhe Great Modern Remedy for Tootnn Ache and All Pain 'Has received more honest, unsoli- cited nsolicited testimonials from reputable people, than any other remedy of the age. Note the etatem5Ne hem well Poem peep% pubYshed Is the sews celam5$ el tdW lm... • OLDEST SHOE HOUSE Itl TOWN. We are showing a lull Line of Boots Shoes Slippers Rubbers which we are prepared to sell at prices that defy compe- tition. In Men's lines we have just received some excep- tionally good value in Ox Blood, Chocolate, and Dong. Bala., that we are sure will suit the Eye, Feet and Pocket. Our stock of Ladies', Misses and Children's is up to date in Style and Quality. Call, and see our Gents' Fancy Slippers. We have a tew Boys' Long Bolts that you can have at Cost. It may save yen time land money to be In- formed that, when you need • blood purifier, Ayar'e Sarsaparilla is the kind most in favor with the medical profeasiou. It to the stan- dard and, a snob. the only blood -purifier admitted at the Chioago World's Far. The oldest church in the country ro whiob weekly servioss are still held is at Canterbury. where. in St Martin's Church, then are still weekly services. The oban- eel of the present obnrch was founded dur- ing the 000up.tton of Canterbury by the Romans. Io England, of course, members of Parlia- ment receive no eatery, but in New Zealand they recety. annual) £100 ; Japer t160: South Australia, ( ; Viotori., (300 ; Frets, £360: Qneenelaed, £400: Gtseda, £2^0 ; Breed £600 ; lie:too, £60') : United Steles, (1.000. In Vineland and Wales the porportlon of women who remain unmarried is one in six. Is Leedom it is me in five. The oh.noee of marriage are greatest in Lite poorer elaime, .ad lo5.1 among the rioh or servant. keeping ohm, which iooludes persons with (150 • Tear of bongo and upwards. Thea are in the United Kingdom snarly 2,000,000 heroes. about 10,000,000 cattle, more than 32.000,000 sheep, and something like 4.000,000 pup. As regards the first Item, this was the number used he agricul- turist. alone. The value of this property is estimated at at.00t 0250.000.000. PEOPLE WE HEAR ABOUT. U Haug Cbarg, the Chimes state macs, of humble origin. Rh father was am grior- ent wood.obopper, and Me mother meet her girlhood to).srvaat. The l.rgeot sheep owser la the world te mid to be 8. Md =ughey, of the ('oolong Station at ,lerildorit, New Mouth Wales. He has 3,000,000 •ores of land, •.4 last year cheered 1,000,000 sheep. The Dusheos of Portland tuneless all the wiaaiege of the Doki c reoeh.sa.s, and she has for several year devoted ths targe soot ef money shee aogetred to the sseet- lag sad esist•i.isg of alm.-bou..s es the family outages. The Bishop of Redford 1s us* only Bishop in Ragland during this oemtsry who bee ere•obed is the street Dr. Billing beg es several oocaeiens bold genies is the .pee air bareheaded le •ease .t the wont part. of Kast End Londe.. • hap ibis arty time as sa angpb d the h* SHARMAN, JR, Sole Agent for the Slater Shoe. The Square A. B. CORNELL next to Hotel Bedford ! Ilamilton-st next to Colborne Hotel 2 Stores 2 Stores LARGEST STCCK In Undertak'ng it Is • oommon experience amongst moantatn olimbere to find butterflies lying frozen ea the sew, and es brittle that they break unless they are very carefully heed - led. seek frowns butterflies ea Ming taken b • warmer dames recover themselves sad dy away. Six .peones of butterflies have bees foetid within • few hundred miles of Me North POI& There aro some bores working is cities who 6..e aster bean soon to he down la their lives. _Theo ee.t4s• to work for years, and always sleep standing : bat their rest le said to e. ieont.tplst.e, and their Aisle sad *sinews stiffen. Your' 1 Drees from the otm.try Des liable to refuse to Ile dews when fires platted in a stash• in rows, •.d the baht: may booms* oonfirmed ..less special pains are mhos to prevent it. 3resthing is an art. We ought to take in feertsee pieta of air per tt0ou. At the cheat rate of breathing we d• se. But if we get late • nit -shed atmosphere. we take ie at the usual nu of breathing, lees than the fourteen pines. Sed10Mry morphs roe get all the advantages to •ealth of • leas walk or ether egevelee by simply hnoreaetsg the rots of bins big during use or two bean • day, th fielding to the amount of armee that ea the 1.•/e The way eve will preys Ib•t they haus rewired North Pd. lelse *ma. will take e.1pl•ii.tl hempenl le hest • Orissa 5. bb.I)ste • 1 oast • ehndew, 1• ear lanteds the bullet orwY r a day'. she* dseeribe es eelipea At the North Pole the ehtidew would mak• • pthat► lh!� l will Me Moleh the sha-eotdseeS t d.y. The pregaat (r•.r of Remelt Is . see of moderate habits of sett./. To provide for his maple wanh be hag • remelt chef, wire risk. as «losl is floe racy. TM' laee- hear♦ ie profusely d.eor.li 4. sad hea es. der lei. eemut•Sd .t Oemi lemma .beet 1,900 este dteame. Is the eighteen years el leas XIII 'a veep the mmrWlrT •sees the mmmbmn m1 the [leered (edema hem hues messelt bl.. One ems was. shesas moy 1m drd r thea be s"e"er le berm leek salt a •n If 1 pct of drat. V .day M hesandl .ad Arras U11lh.r base Md r Cornice Window LOWFST PRICES in _, Furniture Pokes Shades Everything at Factory Pricl: s the Polo aft the m Pestlgts of plea I Y lid lo mieally Mins Lower than Ever 1 A. B. CORNELL Here lime fit Perfect In any climate B. Eddy' Matches Used every day the year Matche The Mahle b on every box kap .B. Ed Match Telegraph Tek . hone Good enough for a prince .B•Eddy's Matches for than Asir for thein . .1. Eddy's Matches y have the and fame Cheap enough f a ilper M •e Hull B. Eddy's etches ulphur, Safety, Parlor, W 7.115 at mc.tb• regi H w.. pe T The sapldig viSb whish omwp d•+•rm• Dlbr m /st • prhw ml the psrtm•s dr.t► I i I, C DAV Iso Aq piens of is. h•ww•e wanld M smsmN tmfte ler !meant t1..S...t i ..d 1;: rip heJIM • 1 sasbelds age prorated Its vibes As Se .wattles • telosiM tare I W tseehd al.i- 0- ray let Ines doss. 1s Armes Ns NMI Pel.