HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-4-1, Page 1Hww. HUROTIIAIIS
11yea woes •\ Al Five
test Qum. smoke
NAJerenso7La wT
'sl"- _ LOOKS LIKE BURGLARY. he'd el robbers in our midst Eves the NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. lead P,,,„relo ttRh, . isneh ' A LEAP FOR LIBERTY.
lead siseitbe of our police force have been sb•.re of governmtet.
AU TION BALE OP FARM LANDSdrives to sheer wlta'..d and this fez have 1 Miss Hroadfoot of Ttlt*eresith is to
IN THE THE TOWNSHIP Or ASH guest of Mies Jack, Huron Road.
teem aOaWe b tercet oat rho eheev.a Orly as Farewell Makes His Nampa
mu). F. B. Line on the PlnowL From our own Coll►t'aepondeaM
Ae'.Tu[K oLD Sr7TL[K I.uyR l)0 Hun-
ble as last week genu! Joe Rogers of the
Ige.u.at to tbo psww rt sale 0001.10.4 I¢ • Jay moms", March 14th, there departed
Ontario Detective Department was is town,
airtime Mort.rwes l4 date the Mb day of Pwtmen this Zile another old .ad respected d sett ern
Aril. A.D. 11111. made W one John Mc Stores Had Cellan Saa*acted -100.01, but failed to pet a clue Mane of ottr mer- Wier, a lateen's/ma Sere T\M teamed ae About 65 years alto Mr. and Mrs. ('b•rlse
Lessen. sad em Assityament Meese( dated the Wolters carne to this pesatr from Devour
w dry of Aatil
00t A.U. t. aa/ Wblch will be nese la IM 11gt\t--T1s Rm sosser °haste frotime to time have been losers, , m Aayw\er,W
i-llowsef Mee 7
g oawed .t Ube [her of sele. • hen um below
more or lees, the gropers. The Dmt.11s p
I eserted shin, Farland, and settled on the farm sow
ublic section at TS.ld1[. a Hotel. Kintail, in Scatter at the Mooed, especially eena peeowned and occupied by then son H. O.
weTowaahip ot Asknt& la Ms County of et Caterwauls• thaws seem to be thoroughly goofed as to M The .luteal
Hires. by obs Koos. Austlw.n or. at 11 the movements of the store keepers, moso About two pare ago Mr. Walters died and
peace. noon. es than private reatdeato, where 0» possibility now his partner has followed in her 8116
1K)NirA\ THU Mb DAY 0V APRIL. A.D. of detection ea greater after nightfall, as the tear. 1).o.assd was a kind and loving
Too %Wqe fnHeir g values property.Thi tamely: THE nit] countytown of Huron, barking of doge would upset the thieves ASHFIEL D. mother, and was to return reapeotsd and
,w AWl'ot Hut of Lot ,ion.NumberN thh of Few, T loved not only byher own family but b all
tp +, t't, Ih1 t Oaae►ebo, Notts of Town (iodertch, acoordtnq to records, has always Perna' n dry re fort d clothing . rob•ats MONDAY. Matob 29. Y t )
R«, ,■ Me Weare. I)1vWos e1 I4... said
base been more fortunate. The robbers John Weisner, jr., 12!11 non., has sold Ns with whom she came in oontaer. Sbe esu
Tsersobi d AdiMtd roetalalss by tidiness -
t its own as • inset kw abiding and evidently wont nothing but food, as we pr. farm to Mr. Tiffin. a oonsutent member of the F.n4lieh church
rst ltfree &c
.. t. a sa IWe land. more orel peaceful town. and long may it oonilo•e s. sumo their stock of cloths is nom ten and up to • few years •go attended regular -
11.• with hes •tees. to the s t LIM 4.011 of W templets, Pate. Cob bas rested T. W. Gardner'. l) •t Ht. spbons. She leaves • family o1 5
t•s said Lot over and aerobe 11 Kw half of But very few of our commis are aware of the That' •re not profsaeiob.L, it b clear, be- house, 12th coo.
said I. sae the Mouth side thereof for •1i ver muse none of their kite committing jimmies, sons and 2 daughters and • large number of
etc., that comprise • burglar'so°tf{bave The Fall wheat i0 this vicinity hes sur -
t, grond-obildrss and great gran.i.ohildten
as yet been found by the poltoe, nor, do we vivid to Winter beets and looks well. to mourn her lose. The femoral took pl•oe
think will be, owing to the.low-poke meth- on Tuesday, and was followed to Maitland
ods followed m the attempt to capture the DUNLOP• cemetery by a Italie centaurs* of friends and
TrnuAT. March 30. relatives, wbiob showed that the loss was
visited to Port Alberttbu felt by the .stirs oommanity.
✓ ya. horsey. carriages. sagoneand other Ona- snot that for some brae put rumor. have
re aper. been afloat reger•:ing the operations of •
The ate. ve property M situate wtthia l mile*
of XWail. : f relies ot Gederlet. 1: miles from
writes and 14 miles from Larksow. The Dal
osgeod May loom. The buildings enselst of THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT.
• Freer done, it *tor?. J413K and Kltokr•n.
lids. • Hark Harp. with *lade uaderae•th. Yoosamn. March, 31. 1E97.
IMO. The property is w 11 fete d and is urn
will b • sold subject Ma re-
served hid.
T1:RIDE-Toa per neat down and the 6al Shorts. M ton _,.»..,..
•nes within aro moat 144. natter.
Owe.* hush '•"'
for further terne-ears spit) to the Auc Pwts.l bow,.....»...•..•» . O3R te 0 n
tieas.r ton en the Voda►'• Sttlle{to.. I °Id H•s, 1 tot• ..,,*.. T Sr. to 1 SO
JOHN KNOX. l'AMERI•N HOLT t Poiatos• ib..0...._....._•8 13 to 0 30
Auctioneer. tiol.ktro. Hotter. ...
1113 to • 13
Deed Mb Marek. IOFl. Veeotp'a teollcltors, . Wood
f fresh sapaeltet. 1 den.,-.. g M M 0 1s
AUCTION "ALE OF }'ALI'ARLF: Hlds •.••......•• «•- its/ se Ail
OF t'. 1.910111%E. Lamb -Skins O 1411,11 75
U711 Hoa* 4 OS le SO
Po quant to the power o- f eels caatained 'n Drsssed Howe
two ..•rt•in Mortgages. made to the \'enders. Haeon.. •-.•
bearing date respectively the Kb day of Ham, per Ib.. ....
north. 1110• and the 1111. day of Mach. Intl. (:gena, nista
aid which will be prolueed a the time of
sue. there will 6e sold by paM.c •urttoo at
Sundry • Auction Iteossi•. ow Hamtl'nm metro.
1• tr.:- Town of Ooderfeb. in 11:d. County of
Huron. oa
Ler at 12 o'clock. none, by Themes (leadry,
Au. tearer. the toinnies valuable progeny.
a• oils - The North Rat' (hurter of Lo. nom -
her Relit. s•6 the North Hall od 1.vi number lausea
New in 14.. Tblyd Comwsiwn. Eastern Invite
.or. r f the Town.h+p of . N\erne in the Com-
ty of Huron. and the Oro. loco of Oatarh, eon-
:elatea by admeasurewtebt. Set only Vire
tier.a. ,-tire or 1•-w.
This property if, .boat. sheet 7 mile. from
Oodenrh Th. an 1 11 a els? I s . There ie as
orchard of t sere.. 1 he h Idinliw canal's of
• story sad a half frame dwHeg 16.V. with
a !rhes. 16x1'. ted wood -.Iced : a frame bale.
relit • tram, .tah'e. 6.1 R. • small stable.
meas bootee and o•h.r' u.l ling.. The:and is
eilenamel sod le welt waerrd.
The Demon, wi11 be MId ..meet to so ea-
nuity, fell particulars of wh•.4 wlil be made --__ __
known on .ovlicetten'o the render'. Settee
ore sad et the time of sale
TERMA •- Ten percent down at the time of
saleand the balance in one month eher.ater.
Ft r further parrk:ul.r. ap ly to the Arc
tionr.r, or to the V..dor. Solicitors.
A um tomer. R HOLMR6.
listed 10 a Marek. Iter. Condor* 'siltation,
roll Wheat 101.11 0 71 to 073
Flow. tunny. Err cwt.......-0 m to t 01
flour, patent. per Owt p 95 to 2 tv
Bran, 1 ton .... /l m toll 00
13 00 toll Os
0 e to 0 10
0 10 to 0 1
$iwauoni Vaeant-
shout 16 f at tt 0p wanted to !Hain
ot Mode and Tlaly-experienced
dr▪ e• ier Lein .ad Wellesley *Proem Oode
For Sale.
1 for eat.. Will be .old fee 41111 If and at
none. Amorto ONO. H. CO
tow whip d
For sant or To Rent.
i am In.tr¢Med to offer for sale one of the
best 1101 Acre farms la the 4 nut) of Heron
aftoate1 within 7 mitre of Dont,, sine.
The farm has seta foot of waste land on it
aa4 tee well lea plat elay lesai free from all
obno nnu. weeny.
The beiidlike are nest -clew eonNating of a
frame hones with sown founds• lot and caller.
k:tebee. woodshed sad .11 srr►sasI ontbnlld
inga. A fame bars, ' .:tt, and cedar hare. 10
• n •11 In get' repair.
7 here are two sores et orchard. The farm
ha. been is grass for the past twelve years
•sad is situated within • mile of poet -o00..
e cho, I Lad ehurrh,
It is fenced by an almost sew board force
weed the foot and side, end the tialanea by
nib. A spring creek and wells supply abuse-
asoe of water.
No encumbrances now pe the property.
Price Si 000.
For terms sad further particulars applyt
Mar 1. lin. Oodertat. Out.
1 or to rent. Ilse dwelling on Nelson -R. at
P resent occupied by V. anee'h. It contains
L. room.. including drawtag room. dining
room. parlor and kitchen. sod has a 116. •
number of ciowt.. neutrals and • soO0 ce 11hr
Thris half an sere of head mete Iv pleated
with shrubs end trait uvw sod as et
Iswn, Apple te V. NM IL • tM p -
mts0& • _ Wt.
FOR wnE-um tet+ AND 10
HweAMlesa'e Purvey in the Town of
Ooderich, appm whets is erected • nice dwell -
Ing Louse.
els lots numbers IO ted 10 Riche Server.
OOderirh. containing s aces. epos w4.=
situate.! a comfortable hMoes, sled there
• good orchard.
Also the East half of the North 44.11.1)1*
!t, iwke Ranee ('ooeses{on of thee Townie,
of Ashfield. Western division.
Dated tth aeptetnber,1103.
mode -kit
-ensued he the ties budges* °.etre 1.
%derlee The prppsrty eompriw two
dwellings. one we17 eouipsed wooer stem.
ese up to due m•cblwe and blsekmnith step,
Reasons for selling leek d at
railway omen
modasios, ('leer title oar beeves. A oleo
did ohase. 4..r the right rasa. Apply MD, E•
MTRACHAN cm the ae.Ism. et-tt
F }In RM the tib con. of °edictal tsenesinp.
contender 10 sores, 3 mile. Prem Ooderich.
There i. as t/ro0rd sof 700 tree.,
all a rearing .nadltios et ogle. tn1t►-
•pplee, plum., leashes. .eats. a sad
d6.r •01.11 fruit. 1440 ten b wMerd
.Fluter. i et
with • ep• meek rtme
(mow give penereelw ret of April.
Apply to 11 :111320X. °edsrtm. i4 4
SALE --Te helot rietdwee
the river and take f.rm y es.f)A
hate AMlf
. aeerasett mo-, its .ton he
O.e of t4.• most valw.hlo end d
portion Wooer.
1. The to swore, trans* 4 went" how go
South street Imreedfatsll •djordwg the lett
W Ekoha.ige Hegel, at present nee eeeO bs
Mr. Audrey Waddel.
ll The d wines haw and s44.4. w womb
sear the 0. T. R. etatba. timelier eeeoped
bZtM las. Judos Tem
Prfees .. sad Nils ef .sn•s magpie. --
7S-tf AebwlMre, 0.6.e.t.
Mat1 MEOW t o eesbaim So
i twtrek
au names lathe ewwe. weft=
M every doss 0f werrtit im mgy Poo horn
w• ith
totems festoon.+ e0i
vn01s11 m IfOWf .m..r. •,
New Matilr' • Yampa.
11 of Repair Work done at R.asoaable
Prier.. Farming Implements for aide. Mach
leery. new and second band. boagbt and std.
Kasha* and Boilers for sale, Stand -Peaces
end wagon 'hon. toner voter -or and Tr.tagtsr
Streets. J. BA XTER Rl NCLMAN. 63-tf
Transfer ot License -
Nodes is hereby given est the usdersigned
hos t hr interest of Mn. t'aro.1 of
the 1 .100 Hotel, Saltford. and her applied to
the lessee (',osm'Mioners of wont Hares
sera rr00.Mr.1IMwur. JOHN HAMILTON.
S.1'tsrd..eMarreh64. 1_10■7.
To- nsorial ialit t.
e) , •Hot and cold baths on prembs. Sea
toamlag,ahampooing and every oder require -
meat carefully atteeded to. and see but oom
ppeN!nt htt.odsemployed. Williams' old Nand.
McLean'• new block. next door to British Ex
change Hotel $.tf
Agents Wanted.
with Reed education to whom Moo
aed menace for the Ont year would be an le
Anaemics. reit* with full particulate. THR
MANAGER. 19 Rloksoad-eL Wass 'Tomato.
MNI4 taa.eriel, gosh se
and • epe•1a11.
Ile4tek.Weir f1r -
F. iiR61'H.
to Made estate:abed trade 1
this crusty. Canadian stock
guano to live. Perman-
ent position. whole or pan
Liberal terms. Yru
ran m: ke ten dollars a wok
'w hotter wit • os for every week 700 *015.
No exponeace necessary.
Coattseetal Nurseries. TORONTO. ON T
ise carets " tenses Victoria, Her 1415
and Rolm'. tab every home. Person. who
never sold beaks take orders feat. Pensee
the roost eloquent of Lord Duthrb'a.rhem-
meets. No book se highly Dra•
Wen 50 Easy o t3 1. 010, m
Books on time. Prospectus
Le. to commosere. A trial willow* nettian,
and It mmlyF 5HMew a* empty peck t -600k. THE
Loan and Savinets NoeletY.
The brat real clue was discovered •
few eights ago by Mr. F. E Line, who was
returnfsg home at 1.10 hour from a mew -
stoat party to 7.1. Patrick's word, and while
paving •round the square near the barber's
shop beard blood curdling, 91.10104 shrieks,
which mule ha heir stand on end and al.
most *owed him out of hi. whiskers. He put
on steam to reach the prating from whence
0otecrrone.-ass0UU. Holt and HMmm
Dmmeree. Merest .very ell
mesas M fear per .east moa' set Owed
trema secs.01.r upwards. DepoDepositorst•will
n he Moir advn$mge to tined em we.
May be ire one time wlthswt
aes'e 144. '• gstf
- ant Hewson goled en North
Nene 01 Ogee J. H. 001.84.04
the sounds came but when treating
the spot the robbers, hearing the approach •
ing footateps,Ned through the oellar,m•king
their •x11 at the rear of the building. Mr.
F. E Line caught eight of the leader of
the gang and thinks be can identify him
should he be captured, which we hope ke will
be ere look. Some of the stores have electric
lights burning .11 Mgn1, but this does not
deter the robbers so their operations. V.
nope, for the good name of our peaoeful cit-
izens, that no bloodshed will occur dueler this
trying tin... but our advice is, "Keep up
your nerve and give the robbers • warm
reception should they invade your premises
With • kind remembrance that •coord•
ing to the date of this paper it is April the
First, l8(J7, and that the aforesaid gong of
burglere, robbers or thieves are none other
than the tenor of bike pests we always
have around tin. namely, " Rats
Your+ truly, Tom Krrres.
Bargain Friday :}pill 2nd at Robiaeoo'.
The river hu almost dropped to its nom!
Holy Communion at St George • next
I'urs white lead paints and oils .beep at
W orsen's.
There was .xoeileut skating at tb. West -
at. rink on Friday.
Th. Organ Co. took on four extra hands
I6e past ton+ weeks.
The O.T. K. skipped 53 loaded oars from
Goderioh the past week.
Today t. the " First of April. Be oore-
it.: shout picking uv p•roel..
Robert McLean shipped • car .need of
cattle to Ruffolo on a.;orday.
New wall papers at s'orter's Bookstore are
beteg sold .t great reduction..
It looks se though we should have white-
fish and trout for Good Friday.
'lb* public school board will meet for
buenases next Monday evening.
Newest laces, h•odkerchl• f., bosiery,cur-
taine, crimminrs at Robinson'..
Andrew. -Bros. & Co. shipped • car -load
of cattle to Toronto em Tuesday.
Wm Sharman. ie.; when to Toronto the
other day, purchased • strong stn.
Our able corre poedest J, G. Ward of
Dungannon gave us • 01111 yesterday.
Platt is calculating on rebuilding tbs oar
track from P1041's well to the harbor.
Ht. t'reeegi • Women's Auxiliary meet. 1n
t6e shoot room on Friday afternoon
T. Burrows sod Geo. imrie were in Clin-
ton tut week. --Clinton hews Record.
They are selling '►all paper at great re-
ductions at Porter's Bookstore. 4a. per
Goderioh township council insets for to
transaction of municiend business next Mos-
Prepare for the bother and cheese .won
by ordering • suf *oiesey of Rice's Pure
The promotion atomisation for the
000nty wore bold last Thursday .ad Fri-
Rev. Joseph Edge will small
• a.rmone in tie Ontario -et. Methodist
Church flintiest, next Soads7.
There i. nouestioning Robinson'.
store's .is to theqDitto el W.g pr.-.mia-
. etty the house for saeq.•lled bargain..
The next epos s-klrg of the Collegiate
institute Literary Ae11.17 w111 be held ea
Friday, April 9th. Mk will be the last be-
fore Easter.
!aim Quaid
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Horton of Goderioh
enjoyed • pie..ant treatment runt here Fri-
day of last week.
R, Summered recently from Stocktoo,
Mwttoba, who bought Gee. Maolauilln'e
(armoire the Rob Roy ,tors, moved mit
Monday of this week from Gasbraid, where
he and his iniad/ have been living the past
four months -
TtL-+Div, March 30.
John Hunter, who purchased i). Sulli-
van's farm last year, is moving to ft 1611
.Jame. Chisholm will put stonework under
hie bans •t the Lake Farm during the oom-
ing S.iiamer.
Hillery Horton, who. has served his time
with D. K. Strachan, of Goderioh, is home
for • short tome before 01011104 into burs
Tuesday of last week there was a swing
bee of bousewood •t James Chaholm'e at
which ever twenty hands took • pert.
Quite a number of oords were *awed, split
and pied, but oan't say the quantity excel,
the 181 oorde cut at Nile bee recorded in
THq SII!\AL last week.
SPRING Woks. -Spring work is now be-
fore us and the season of not much to do is
over and he and his household must be early
risers now for four er five months as all wt11
soon start the venae work with tree prun•
ing, seeding, ploughing ho.
MON to Creditors.
its the et/MT of Joffe MrNtyhten. of the
lWa.e// i. to the rawly1'
il ww,
!teeter. Seawater,
The .bsvereateed debtor hes mrde an s
simmi.et to as. wader the "emblems d ' A.
0e1m .soar M rte. bowel of
Or. i os t Mew. lb R.S•O- 1 4
moreems et its . the sob r1.\t-
er w10beMild d GreSI th..,g4N.asw
Pi.remesa the Teem iem.d•y sitit
of rusts.
f rim ofteetherh reg -.--.. a be
Suers the memo.
perms e1Mm1" N be e.sIthed b
• to mimes 1a revved to herwtsl 1.
! L raT .:::'Mssada'
TcwuAT, March 2018.
A very pretty but qu.et wedding took
place in Bluavle oa WVedtosday, March 24,
at the resile)°, of retry. Stowe, when Ser
yo0ageet daughter, Amok, -:..'sed to
Reinert King, • prosperous young former of
Rloev01.. The bride looked Fruitful in a
travelling drew of gray 'wed, trimmed
with mink tor, •¢d woe, • grows straw tur-
ban, trimmed with lace, ribb,n and violets
After the ceremony the quest,, who were
only the imaladfate friends et the Wide and
groom, eat down to a dainty luncheon pre-
pared by the bride's mothef' after which the
young couple lett for a short honeymoon to
Port Huron and other towns, followed by
the beet wishes of their m.nv friends.
Mrs. R. Soolte and f•slily, of Goderioh,
were is Bluevale last week attending t6,
wedding of Mr*. S•olu' sister, Mies Stowe.
Harry Stowe, of Goderioh, was in town
las* week.
Mrs. John Robertson is on the .ick list.
Mies Eliza Messer was visiting in Wrox-
The following are the emits for to dn.
forest young people'..edMlss whit* most
daring meat week :
North -et. Methodist aura LL et C.E.,
Friday e..ni" et 8 .'ele.k. Om April
2, Roll Clan sad Comemrstls.. with Quie-
tism Draw • Celomiene. L rad II. Thee.
Kae[ Muni Y.P.8.O.L, Twwday eves.
hg at 8 °'Week, Tepiee ter April 6th,
•• Lamer teem Christ's miracles," by Un
Vieerm-et. 1Mksdto4 thumb R L. et C.
R.. >i Ailey mesh* M 8 .'.leek. 0e April
2.d, W eines s Z.edmrr, Parble• 10 the
All are cordially invited he .hoed them
ts.stisgi, Mels are held is she keeemesb
.f the ddpesest 18.. o\es. Members from
ether .*.!sues are limited te be proses*,
e nd will he warmly 'rebooted.
between a'e0.ss and arse\tea Me Loaned
teem s 'Train G. •las 54 the Sate el
Fon? 111e. an near le
Y me 111 at Liberty,
K I NGSTON, Meech 1u. -_ Least Mc 12 -
day night while Bailiff t.uodry was braag-
Inq • prisoner named Farewell from (:nderto6 •
to the Kingston penitentiary for three ears
foe raising notes, Formrell leaped tree to
midnight express .rte mile ween of Brig\tea
The expres was running •e the speed of
forty miles an hour. One of the guards
leaped af'er the pneoner ue the darkness,
but he oould not find him. The train b.ok-
Nong.-The Wool agency In Dungannon
f r Tax Sweat. is at the °Aloe of J. O. Ward.
J.1'.. oonveyancer, ata. who will receive 01
den for subscrippttions„ advort'eing and job -
work. and Is authorized to give receipts for
amounts paid for the same
'1't-s.14aV, March 23.
tte•.V. Our medicos, in consequence of
many being ill, ars having a large practice
in their profession.
Mrs. J. Martis, of Detroit, who has been
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, left
tor home on Monday.
i4.1. -Mrs. Mary Wiggins, relict, of the
late Robt. Wiggins. we regret to state, to
very ill from pneumonia. and di.ordered
stomach. We hope the venerable lady will
soon be motored to health and her wonted
state of vigor.
Wm. McNally. summer to Stephen Stethers
in blackomithing etc., who has been inch
peed, from having contracted •severe cold,
is, we are plowed to state, gradually resov-
Feo..KTH L[Anrr„-The sul'ject for the
weekly meeting of the F. L. branch here i.
" Consecration and Roll 1'.11,- to be con-
ducted by W. L Hiles.
Cortes.: *Nn Gen(:. -M. J. Foley, as-
sistant vieto•ler, who has been rusticating
and elating at the home of his fatber io
Colborne for some two weeks. returned
home the latter port of last week after 4..v•
ing had • good time.
CoNval[se-n.:.-We, along with the
numerous friends of Hugh 4:Irvin. Ex
Reeve of Aahileld, lobo has been for some
date troubled with rheumatic pains, and in
000seque0oe, ot which was unable to leave
the house, aro pleased to know that be is
gradually getting better health, •iso Wm.
Riley, is still continuing to convalesce.
N teTTAl.s. --The I,ucknow Sentinel, in its
net week's wme, had it that • marriage
ceremony was performed on 1Vedneeday,the
24th, at the residence of James Edwards,
West W•wanoeh, the contending parties be
ing John H. Webster and Miss Elizabeth
['Award*, daughter of ,lames Edward'. W•
wit* the pew temple • happy. keg girl
enjoyable union.
Sioeuoy 01 Corsr•H_-On T0ee40y, the
23rd, the Municipal Council ot West Wa-
wanosh met in the township hail, all the
members present, when fence viewers,
p•thmeatera, and pound-brepees, wire duly
appointed for the year 1897. Other mus-
i.ipel business brought before them
was duly transacted. It was decided next
meeting wall be held on the 27th day of
May se • Court. of Revision, of the Asees-
meat Roll for 1897. All parties then take
sated will overs themselves accordingly.
TCL+DAT, Mar. 33.
A. Leitch is moving to Seekonk. He
has ,truck • snap down there.
There has been • great deal of sickness
bore lately 100!04104 some very severe owes
of ivassmatioa,bt under the eki111.1 ire. t-
enant of L)r. Jamieson ell are recovering.
The wedding bells that have hese ringing
load and frequently have ceased, ht we
expect to hear their cheerful sounds again.
Poultry thieves seem to be oft the mon
again ; they paid James Martin • visit and
relieved him c' a number of bees and L tur-
key. Jim says they will come ones too
often if they nom. again.
Hoary Phillip., of this plans, who be
be.e working in Miohives for the past
eighteen months is book again.
The meow has disappeared and the birds
itesiad us of spring by their oheerfel meg.
Our village .Mone Lige. of • boom this
sammo rajas there are large piles of .to. sad
lamer which .hews that there w111 be Deme
bslidhg for to ~peters sad memos.
1),ATw 01 A Prowls -Dee. 844,pnd,
sr.. died en B.slay, mod 78 years. Se wee
• wore typed sm.le.d, a abbe el Irehd&
and for seem pose a rapidest of Cli.isa
His emir Ilvtaii brother H Jelin, of the lbw
add Hs*, Owlerleh hew iship. and kb wally
est C.+rEa• of tetra. He ones well and he-
Meliy Immo 3..mly ell the elder reel -
et Nevem Te foemel leek glees le
1'ran*T. Marsh 30.
Mies Mvefs Olieaat is almost recovered.
Mn. Mugford is 111 from the ef... of 1a
ed up and they found Farewell's coat and
vet. He was shookird ween he jumped.
The guard was pretty badly bruised. Tbs
corsetry around is being thoroughly search-
ed, bus Farewell has not been recaptured.
M. MoHrurty, Government plumber, and
H. Ltnall, oommermal traveller, both of
Toronto, came from the Queen City last
night on the train from which the convict
Farewell jumped in his attempt to regain
his freedom. Roth were eye-witnetdds of
the occurrence, and both state that to. .11
who watched Farewell attentively it was
clearly apparent that he -wee watemng for •
chance to escape. He Bret went to the
toilet room et one end of the oar. A few
minutes later he went to the other. He
asked several times of pweneers " How
far are we from Kingston now' and at Co-
burg, where be was given a lunoh, he oom-
plaa0ed that, the manacles that bound his
legs at the knew were hurting him, and in-
duced the guard to remove them. He also
removed an extra overcoat he was wearing
on the ground that_ he war too warms
though to the other pamengen the temper-
ature was comfortable. He tried to appear
.t ease and sang hymns at intervals.
Mr. Ifolriarty is ooebdeot that Farewell
had a000mpltoes s. the train. Two moo
got aboard at Termite and repeatedly asked
the conductor ea she loartsey prngrtesad
" How fat are we from Kingston ' " How
long will it be till we reach Kingston !"
When the train backed to the spot at which
Farewell jumped these men got off, and
when the trip to Klegston was recommonoed
they were not on board. Mr McBriarty be-
lieves they bad arranged 'ne plan with the
0001,10t, and that after the Iran started
again they, by meane of prearranged signals
joined Farewell and wonted him to escape.
The oonviot ran • terrible risk in jumping
off the .ram, which was ging at the rate of
forty miles .n hour He was forced by the
efforts of these who had seized him to de-
tala him to jump straight from the oar and
not is the direction in which the train was
gone/. 1t was s Kingston man who seized
Farewell by his coat tail, and had net the
material of which the garment .was trade
been shoddy he would not have got away.
As it was quite • large portion of it was
left 10 the banns at the King,tonian. The
keeper who pluckily jumped atter Farewell
was sriouly hurt. He was lett .t Belle-
M07:THLY R[i'.)KT.-The result of tie
moatbly examination of Dungannon public
school tor the youth of February is as fol-
lows : Se. 5, 490 attainable -Mabel (Utley,
440 ; William Begley. 437. Jun. 5, 425 ob-
t•isable-Katie Swann, 348; David Smyth,
324: Edith Roberta. 296. 4th form, 455
marks obtaio•blw-W Ahem Glens, 372 :
Bert Treleaven, S62 : William Stothere, 309.
3rd form, 355 marks obtainable -Georgina
Sproul, 288: Lloyd Hiles, 276 ; Letitia
Derain. 259.
PI.t l'KT Bol. -- - During last week the
presseoe of mind and courage of o boy avert-
ed whet in all probablity might have re.
enited in • serious manner. Donng the ab-
sence from home of Mr. ..d tire. T. R.
Derain their little daughter, while o•rryiag
• lamp from one room to another, h.presed
to lot It fall, and the oil became ignited.
Rut for the prompt action of their res, Ed-
ward, in exttngueshiag the Bones the dwell.
tagwould very speedily have takes are.
He should make • rood freman when be
grows to manhood.
deeply regret to have to ohroatob the saes
permed decrease of Win. Wilma, whom we
n oted is our last as being very ill, whioh
took pleas .t his residence ea the 23rd tut.
aged 73 years. His remains were interred
is Du.g•a.on eetnetety on the 25tH, t)h-
s•(11111es Wale conducted by Rev V `wane,
H ad as be wan • mmilMer .t the !/range
grippe variety his remains were solemnly laid re
MisieVaesteee who has hear UI ter cover►) rest by the bre'hren ie the oilers* serves
weeks Ooderich bas reformed hems. of the Order. is the departure of the de-
moted (which was named by pneumonia
and disordered *tomsob to .8ialt he use•
wined after • very short illee.$) the be-
reaved widow bas lo.t an oRectiesate hos.
hasd, D.nitan.on an amiable cinema and
West Wawaneah one of 1te *Ideal and tweet
respoeted Dimmers, be having been ammo
MI* Brat settler, of the Meltable Had was
Moo his retrieval to i)...agsnace from
the farm (having retired from farm life souse
three yeah ago) much held fa esteem by .11
our eitl.esr, even the children of the vinage
.,tetd great reepeot for him and many of
Michael Pkrwssr, eon villain miller, them atteed.4 bis tumoral. Hie departure
km jug rssetved • fresh le* el Madheba will be sadly felt Ay his bereaved widow ..d
wheat he mitt with the native grows grab. the oammwsity se .len she oe.grsgasaas
The volume of bond..ms done se his mill te which he helnaged. The bereaved ergo.
aloes the adv.s* ef hie sew miller, Mr. sad relatives heels the Wooers sympathy of
Toastsee, is •..Nhisg well worth setieiow the entire eemsemity is this Isaality,as .as
sed speaks well far the •ppreeiaMen the .aimed by the torm ~tag, of relatives Had
bible ben fer ole abed 1em.Uler leer. .eq.detaser0 hem a distaste who woam-
meed the ..wMa teen hie M3. roddenee
000E10OIN TOWNSHIP. ee the 011111 0•017.
We 'securely regret that Rel. Mr. 011.
vast is W11 iedsspo•ed bat hope that he will
reeve be fully reoo.ered.
Inv. Mr. Seeker eoeapied the p.lplt at
Rssgdller on Sunday .vont.' tad the more
leg services at Bethel was meditated by
Moore Snyder.
We w sorry that our teacher. Mr.
Weeds. who has bowl w4erteg fer Deme
time from la0ase.sadon of the .Te,ip bot r.-
ovsrlag as gaickly as hie Meade weeld
likes •kkoagk be ie still toothier.
(has. de Pendry is off the sick list.
Aliso Eva Acheson returned to town last
Hayden Williams spent Sunday at the old
Mies Tillie (!'Loughlin is visiting Miss F',
Fred. and Bert. Roes, of Sarnia, are
visiting in tows.
Mrs. Kidd, of Meafortb, was visiting in
town the past week.
Mie Shennard, of Trinity flniversity, ie
at the family residence.
R. H. Collins, of F:xeter, was in the
wtaty town em Saturday.
Geo. Black returned from his Winghem
business trip on Tuesday.
Jno. Kerney. of Goderich, was in town on
Sunday. - Wingham Times.
Neil McKinnon, Nees -.t, has been seri•
manly ill the past four weeks.
A number of Goderich sports were in town
es .Sunday Clinton News Record.
Miss Mabel McKenzie has eo far recov-
ered as to be able to rise from her bed.
Mrs. D. McCormick and daughter return-
ed from the.r W iogh.m visit on Saturday.
Miss Potter. of Colborne township, has
joined tee turves' 'toff of a Chicago hos-
TT.may. Mast* 9A.
(von Lala sat War wast.
.heft. Had tog hems 11,10 s.sOrtut to
okMpmbs *.•s them dela They some
stem tlhket tee the robin. and Weelaye.
Then, le • MS t1-esd 1er .8 Nona tit gawk
Oa Thursday. April 8th. em the torn of
James 10.MYlsa, IM 14, .em. 4, Oeeai.k
tetlegel a *Moe b* of sews. heilwu,
stews *ogoi mrd pint. Jona Egez. still► (Awes -Reese Main
Mies Hume left yesterday for Waltham.
Mose., to eater the tr0ining school .t the
heapiest in that arty.
Mrs. (1h.) (eseid•y, .f Kirt•il, was the
g uest of her Arrests, ('apt. and Mrs.
Trenton. this week
1;. W. Holman an.l family, of Seaforth,
. pent Saturday ens Send. v in town, the
guests of Hebert fay. n
Pricey Sheppard, Toronto, was on town
this week on account of the illness and
death of hie grandfather.
Mrs. Gee Park, of Goderioh, woe visiting
Mee. A M. H.rtry and other !needs le
hewn. -Seaford' Esppeebr.
R O. McCeeh, of •h. II int of Commoreo,
(Jederlck. apse" Snnd.V nth friends in
lees--Ns•f.18 F•ron.ttor
Fred Mese, of t1'ar.rtawr, li } , spat •
few days ..ah his paten'. last week. )'rod
was on he way to M,rhfpo.
Joseph Reek ra+rned from 11 amines,
where he street. t ' n. (I ran l auneal of
the Obese Friend...o Fri lay.
Mrs (R -v ► ,IM, Wilms. ewe Sands, .f
Niagara ►alts, has he.. 'inning .1 the par -
meal resldwses, Soltlord, he past *0.44.
.1. D. haafwgr'•e, igsnapat o1 the Valley
Olty Stahel C..,Ow5Ae•.• termor 0.41456-
44., gave Tin Swam. • ell w Ss'.srday.
Mr Gundry, et 0n4eriai, was 1• the .11•
hg. the .eek, . snbtafee b..imen with •
vile along his heeds -Raman ser. Reedi-
er Times.
Jobe Creeks leaver for Garnett* in a law
days whore M hos a.oer5A a slt.Niw with
his ...I., John A.he..., to • der Rema