HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-3-25, Page 8ommon Sense and THE' SIGNAL s 30D&RICH ONT.- THURSDAY MAR. 25. 1897. uron Wheels Now is the Time to get Your Wheel Overhauled pat in good shape for 1897 at our repair department. We cast a week and will make you anything in the iron n line. HENDERSON BICYCLE 00. Ltd. OUNDRY WILSON. Masson.. MILLINERY OPENING New Millinery Our first display of Spring Millinery will take place on THURSDAY EVE, April lst, and continue the fol- lowing Friday and Saturday. MISR('Io wisheseannounce that she has socurei the Newest Ifleets o Villa �ttryincluding the New Shapes In Fancy Straws. • All the New Shades inGreen: Also, the Geranium. c n oast atrsnaM. l again wOlici; their !AVori recl,uK Is thanking b. many u+tomtUla. for this season. e'a'dent that 1 tore ilio correct FIRE MISS CAMERON Hamilton -at, Ooderleb. OR NO Dress Goods Our Dress Goods Display for the season is now Com- plete, and will be found very attractive. We direct special attention to our range of BLACK GOODS, in plain and figured. Among the novelties we are showing this week in our window is a French Silk Crepon Dress Pattern, 6 yards, pric3 $25.40. FIRE I am not going to be undersold by any body. HARDWARE clean and bright will be sold at or below the prices of damaged goods elsewhere. R. W. MCKENZIE OF THE LOW PRICED IIARDWAItE kiTO1tE J. T. ACHESON. 4r Itigt Ira V' •i was hs 44 wa tia ZIP_Al .! 1 1 1 1 ..11-1-1111 3 1 1 1 1 1 A LITTLE PAINT will make an old tum wagon kook h'te new. If you keep your farm implements and tools well punted they will' last twice as long as if they were never touched after they left the shop. THE SNERMIN-MILUANS PAINTS are made fur every purpose. A paint fur houses, another for doors, another for barns, still another for furniture and decorative work. A paint for buggies, for shelves, for cupboards, lex farm tools, for bath tutu—each exactly uitel for the rurpose intended and not hir.g else. A paint that is recomment;ed as good for everything is prob- ably good for nothing. No two articles to be painted are exactly alike. U poa one you may desire a glossy tarnish surface, upon another an oil finish that can he washed. THE SNERMlN-M/LL/A/S SPECIAL FLOOR PAINT is made for floors. anti floors only. It dries quickly. It is made to e/alk on, and to stalld being walked on.valuable things about good booklet. "manyPabst Points." tells p'irtt and bad paint, how to paint and what to paint rainy -gay. or a f THEei- amps, apostal will do. For booklet, address SHERIFIN-MILUANS CO. CLEVELAND CN,CA90 NEW VORR IIONtREAL COLBORNE BROS. OWING 1. the Seat% of W. ♦. Ca roe. Aries tomber at the beta arta .t cO1,B(lHN! BROM.. the beeisese d tit. arta rout v wand the Mb oobaad. U..Moab doe the lose art: will re wowed 1 Msettled le re��v.a.eel� W t or Plow Apse that date Me MovW'as or 'kelt .arias slim brtat t as.ds 1. H. twLatt/N RI of ,rb sad wilt hs...i*s.ad W .1. H. Colberso seder the W rrno .. K! BROtb.". w4.a 4.will b.pima Vry to live hie eusssssese r veef berg vain a Cash 1Wtrksr oan afford. I All Winter Goods at Greaa y Reduced Praxes Printr, Dm" New Spring Goods to hand alrealreadyQossitliall Goods. rorPrints, Dress Goods, Shirt Waists, Tamale Cloths, Dreedis Printed Goode for Waists and Wrappers, a lot of Fast Color fancy Crinkles very new. Carpets! Carpets! Carpets! No such stock ever seen in Goderieb be - tore ' quantity and $tyle equal to Qty Stock. Brussels, Tapestry, 3 -Ply All Wools, 2 -Ply All Wools, Unions and Hemp'. Special attention is called to the New Axminster makes --the finest ever put on the Canadian market. Carpets made and laid. OOI BOP BROS PSR J. S- 001...901zLNIC. The Great Gospel Warehouse of the County. Seeds Seeds Seeds! CLOVER—All the best ' No. 1 TIMOTHY. SHIMS f the kitchen garden. NEW FIELD S6tI►ri. Our harvest of seeds is gathered from reliable growers only. As usual we shall have the : EST or FIELD tCoRN in in a few days—prepare for your silo. Store—Masonic Hall, East-st. J. T. VID THE RELIABL AN SEEOSMAN FINE GROCER ES! The depot for Fine Teas, Buglrs, Dried and Green Fruits, and all letceteras usually kept by first-class Grocery. A large assortment of ! Crockery and Glassware always in stock. The Square, (lotierich, Ont. STURDY BROS. 4CPpEN30D MARCH 22 A NEW CASX STORE 11.A OPEN A W sem-* "QCT Dry General Goods and Millinery BE=,IVING THAT DRY GOODS 801.D YOU ON TH E 40 A� 31HEtai lEM E the basis that has made the success f all the large business of the day ---BUY FOR CASH : SELL FOR CASH oAND lossesr the ONPRICby d � ALL which amount your o advantage as out's. Everyone knows that in doing business on the credit system the CASH Customer has pay as well we 11 on a Few Lines for one day at Half Price, that San dont require mach of, hoping to make it up on the Ba ce in a Purchase, but to sell you 111 lines at propose o sell of your= LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN Inspect our Stock, Compare our General Prices, and we can sell you Dry Goods. All Goods marked in Plain Figures. You should see these: no need quoting what they are worth regu- lar, as you would not beieve it 1 HosierY HOs1eryHosiery Towels We have a lot of about 700 pairs of Hosiery at leu than Wholesale Prices, comprising comprisi g Towels Ladies' Cottton and Cash Hoae a'Ribbed 1a1tHse. ten's Cotton and e Socks. These are new goods, and the prices w11hmonsoonMake your - Towels lection now. AR RANGE OF CHENILLE SPOT VEILING, 5c A YARD Dress Goods, Laces, etc. See our Blouse Silks,Organdies Muslins, CASH ANSA o1rr PRICE ONEX I All Linen Damask and Huck, 18236, 9c and 10c All Linen Damask and Huck, 20x40, 10 and 12c McLBIAN'S BLOCK, SMITH BROS. & CO.