HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-3-25, Page 6•
`� week sod
i. Twelve iguive draw ti sad ata
tasked as va *dash
A SPECIFIC '""".Two mess eines she bad
She tall edema s►. hosh end foamed
e drew Ugtle htseh heskM.e pocket et her
—�olh tl.okeeb. sad boneses. Setlitall 'hea eat.
Tee me he the
tomer Mak tW apNs►n'in in send the
Mw of beg book. ">s OM Paps hemI
b Grips, for Colds, Colt%
"Two yesn ego. 1 bad the grippe.
gad It left me with a cough which gave
Mie au rest night or day. My faintly
fleysician pre.crib•d for me, changing
lame medicine as often a he found the
adage I bad takes were nut hatpins
know mkt.'s as Agessfees ; 1 w eft it
MO tip M inn me to the tee el her Bods
bed. 1 auto, harm Were shat .sing was
nae .t the floe nems." d ►m maratsy. fin-
ishedall •ore. rshr to kir leek, nod.
Laud !teat d it, f 1.sareed� • wails. She
/mat admit, telt scream el the other s.•n
did rot know what oars Mat 4 o'Moeb
u of the OM Kot ruin meed
spy wee roused by homing tate mother of
the family sal : Woke up. Tithe ! wake
op ! w• get oat •s the seat •►•Mors"
'Lam looked about with • start 54
oche. hetero spite of his attendance, I got
so better. Finally. my husband,—rend'
Ing one day .•t a gentleman wbo had
had the grippe and was cured by taking
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,—procured, for
Mc* bottle of this metlieipe, and before
I had taken (*df of it. was cured. I
bate used the Pectoral for my children
and in my family. whenever we have
nee.lwl it, and hove found it a specific
for eone,s, and lune troubles."—
Exit r gown. N..rtti Si., Elkton, Md.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Highest Pinner* at World's Falr_
ibftM its *tea sal roes SkrtWarR<
October day daak•ata5 dem
Mpartybray bolos the
lied at when the tensity m tehe easms would
trate she lei o of the oamp•rta'ent•
be the only mem
maned a suss. Wag. Zopti
who bed toyer before felt • bar is travel-
ling, bWlda• to rash .11 beg mother's stories
with wbtoh she was wool to fortify bar
theories of the daag•r ot travelling is owe-
part®sat oats. with • mom! Zoom was � y by •
.• mime desire to arrear, f Tb• mat s
Moog *Hort controlled bend
the corner, wbo op to tin nate had not
,roved from his east all day, ilow il nes. and
walked to the other .red
trembled with !ear. H. reached wider reiedd«ea o
mat ohthat std took oat • wort ,
wine be o?osd. Wes he going to get •
revolves' ! No. it would be • knot.--• :e-
volver would make too much mem.e. lie took
wombed Mtn ori
with f•eated q
out soathiem mall and 'dipped it tato the
pocket of his coot. So ofthe mars Maio
saaat.r•d to the far
He lit
• taper. boot down std was engaged with
eorMthtne—what woo it!
Zoos pot bur bead to the window and
made • deeperete .Hort to omit it,
tbni else
The nus
might be ready to cell the goard-
h.•rd sod turned : he o.m• quietly forwent.
•• Allow me," he mid, politely.
" 0b. no, Umiak you'' said Zone, Metal.
ybot felt eon he had destan.d her purpoin se
drat. there wee • covert menace
H. settled down to the corner arse, lied
Zoos oast furtive glances at btm, and always
when doe looked be withdrew Ins gaze from
What • powerfully hello fellow M is '
went bar thoughts. " What • vt1 lanes
000ntetaao•. Use out sem be is • desperate
fellow How foolish 1 was to les say w•1oa
nod rang be seen ! 1 am sun he is looking
at me ring."
Now, the ring was • cry bmattfll dia-
tnood, given to Zino by tor mother, and
Zona. with • dur.gerd of oouve0UOOality,
wore tt on the finger which u u.aaily sue
•part to carry the signal of uagawe teat.
Therefore, his tbouaha were, • F-agagsd !
N ell, I don't wonder ; the surely u the
loveliest ctrl 1 ever saw. 1 wonder wine
the happy fellow i•. What use be the nes-
atter with her, though '• She doesn't look •
int like she did the tint part of the did.
I vs s cotton to speak to her : an American
girl isn't likely to be so squeamish as • as-
tin—bore gam,. oo, (r said aloud
" 1 beg your pard shah far-
ther• You loot wearied. Do you pats
! •wiltheat
" Aa I<agli mina wouldn't ii
.n introdaotioa,' thought Sent
hadn't soma design." mon the 9 dieseloa was
It wee come time
sits was mak tog • °stollen&
H. wave Miele tteeeiy demo se Mate
pN r'
The e•rrllo � ead warmly
to ths ►Ms frMadl Louisa. while R1hsy,
tawed eperned�q ' demo away.
The bas irif one. Innis looked
alma .
h�wa is Riley ! Didn't sends Jobe
gem! 1 loo
Imes p . L. to
w days
eeo.e thea tee ane wash me, only •
Ne. theme
Mary '—aa/ mesa hysterias again serest -
sued leer.
My dear lose,' said leaks, sedates
her asitatlsa. " lee o.• take yea is ; 7•a are
positively monthlies with mold."
•• (lk, y.., do let use g•► arcane awhile ;
1 bad • dreadful woe. I'U toll yea all
aloes it."
Asod Lesyu's rat room Me prasMnMve
bridesmaid r000ertied beat went. .d she
pas,. comforted, .mud mired
Mold sot be allowed to go hark aim
"Coma Jobs PiwrpoDI, wit* is imam to
be beet totes, is geese down sod be will am
you safely bank. Yoe know he 1e •m Am
• Yate la midiotao, and bas bees
EAtsbmrflk. lie M going to
spend the waster in the Lapdog' hospitals.
and I know you will like ham. 1 hear
ban now. 1 believe d w amid met"
hae Minn Will
moues me till I go
pf 000resZoo• would, end Leslie arra
ISO up said
Yes, ttube ; and now, dear. Master ie
Let m. help you."
re" Okdieser.
• Loa, dear! you mat .s s me
fromieser. I met ro down with obis
horrible black eye.,.
Tb.. Locus went doves done to dieser,
wb.n she rebid in full the sad lmoumy
wkiob bur she eked- ise the ?IBM, de rot
a" she dto1)rs who had
�' asked 1)r. Poerpass,
lamed with much interest to Lesiva'. ni-
1 dose know. indeed," sold Louise,
„ Site says b. www • tall, powerful taloa —
very stouter lookioel- at
You bad honor let ine see her s7.
all event.," said her cousin. • If yes don't
she will not be fit for duty tomorrow.'•
T Lens's nothing .o bad. the optimist
•• Bat It might be worse :" while the pes-
simist signs
Aad mess• and groans, In prow and in
'• Tvt ''s nothing so bad but it wtt.s. be
r p1fo Sheldon was waking the
tour ; bee education was finished,
Yid she nod her mother had spent the last
two years in travel
Zonaa mother was a wealthy widow, and
Zees M d only cbtld. Her g reading ivee zest to her
sedum travels, and
oolare bad
am had uudot.tood as well w awn.
The important subject under discussion ore
the October morning which brings the to:t
ear nett°. Is au t0vtten
ttoa to be at m
wedding is the North of Vineland.
But ben wee • dilemma. Mrs. Sheldon
was to indisposed as to be unfit for the
Prune. yet she d.d not wish Z..n• to stay
at home. Unhappily, among other ideas
perhaps • httl. ernneow, Mrs. Sheldon had
• firm belief t at n• oa • perilous
oUa u
Ina noderr-
tektng to t
lmse they were so many passengers that then
was no possible danger of assault
" 1 dent want von to oonrtdr tae at all,
Zona," said her mother. " I •m ..ot ill.
only just indupowci enough not to feel able
to take such • lnuroey- You know Mrs.
Usenet will take good care of me. If You
will only promise not to go tato an empty
oompartmeht, 1 think 1 o•n rest w►•"
•• Very well, mother, I will promise you
that,' said Zoe,.
Morning sew our heroine at the King's
Crow .cation anxiously so.pniog the o•r-
rises" to make sure of one well filled end at
least one or twc ladies to it. At last she
saw one that met her rego
irensents. and
dipping • coin into the Med of the guard,
she entered.
The train steamed out of the station. and
Zana took • survey of her fellow -travelers.
There was • family—father, mot
er and
throe children—an elderly lady, twos
lking men, and in nae moor • man
she did not partioalarly ootioe. mid a sheat
She ea
took out her fountain p
.1 paper. and 'from : " All safe ; oompart-
mmut full " At the first stopping place she
nice it to the guard, and the busy wires
osrried it to her mother, setting at rest her
fears • traveller,
And now Zona, wbo ba1f� dor eller,
. eetld down to enjoy
t he looked out of the wlodow. edmirtag the
flying lasdseape. Theo Gino prod.o•d
book earl began to read. within hot
Arena • new sieibttos .tined
snakes clothes
sweet, clean,
white, with
the least
1 sok. Ides Sholdo.. if there hi my pude.-
lar dgniae•aoe ie tar , .►.
• 1t wee give me by my mother:
acid, hee,' will ors give too the
en that 6sytet ~'
eight so pot it
«lout very retest, laded. Dr. Piet
pont," said WrsSMldso Leto In she eget&
as Me Mires eat in her parlor. " IbMsay
daughter boa had your ootopeay. sever
teal safe to have • lady travel is • eon -
Hers bug auditors 'Med •t emit other
sod barer fob unoosttodeile 1•ngitsr.
lire. Sheldon looki.d sawed.
Thereby basis • tab, mother." said
Zone, whoa she had recovered her voien.ead
Me related aha story. Nl," geld
• MI. oy
Zona has omitted the s
Dr. Elerpent. gravely, '• which is that 1
hays wee from her • evoisnt, teatime to
your approval.** Whim proMotor.•od yeses,
toe, loin the nowt of our li{via
To may tiles Yrs. Shedoa was astonished
would he patting it mildly, Let I am b ppt
to gay that ost►ber the nor they ever b104
roma se regret that they tAvellod i, the
mase oomp•rts Vut
" Zoo•," said Los:ee, as she Game in after
&soar, " Cousin Jobe thinks you bad bet-
dssageru . � ►s. your eye.
Brunn oWWI n,
and he thinks it will be quite well tomOr-
row, if you get it geed night's rest."
• Well, it idea wish it. I dent wsot to
spoil your wedding, after all."
Mies Sheldon. my 00004*. Dr. PI"eps+t,"
aid Louise. ea .M ab.red in the tweet.
Zoos. shoe vides whose viatica was moot
impaired by the sags eye, did not reeves*
him as the man in the corneal He merely
•• A oleo pookrt b•odkerobiet, Louis."
Ise tied Meetly.
At the sound of his winos Zoos looked op
quieltly. A twinkle shoe• is Job* Pier -
peat', blue eyes. t sed tt
•• Now, Mies Sheldon, nee moss*
is oat,' he said.
• What instant relief !" exclaimed Zoga.
•• nook yea deter." died
Yost ars quite welcome," h.
"By tomorrow I hope you will have quite
forgotten is " that night fee Z,oe.
There waslittlesleep
•• Whet • little idles 1 have bees ! Hew
ooald 1 have im•gsed .soh thi*m• of his
He is tall tad powsttai--that was debt.
not dark and murderous leeks* ! Why be
is fairer than I. What blue eyes, sad what
• pi0•sa*t smile 1 Ob, bow ma 1 most him
is tie morning ! I with Louise bad oot told
him.' But "Imp Dame at last. sod 7ne
always on hand. The Beet
and only Scraton Coal in this
market. Hard, Soft and Black-
smith Coal always on hand. All
Coal weighed on the market scales,
so that you are sure of Good
HAD Raft Rina Asir SWC$Ly MON ltiVA)ICT
—mimosa flume 1110* R/tltte
THOMAS? Salt woe LD *1715171-- Da.
vUL2JAtls rig* rune satrap an, Lara
—green to rimiest
whets sa. teat
fair tt she .h'-u1d tell him that her 1055 l web, r•dNot M wvart Jbe t
end waw
DMZ be would be likely to i tae out tato lbw perk• est tie 6ow she
able lasting
and cleansing
pervert ies make
epoownical and
Best forte
VitMe LEEa
I1TIfiL1.S MEs i%IL
Bichaiiaus & Rhyiias
. Harbor Qua•• BASS. DOOR and BLIND
Noris • iii='g Store-
Da�1 Tia�arc
From the Fergus News-Restotd.
deist, St.Y sd�.trooi Fortes Liss y
ratted to • r.present•tive of the News -Re -
nerd the sad story of the terrible .aE.rtag
nod netnews of his little matter Slit t s
wooly Mild, now • (strong 7
amides of ten years of age. As the time sf
Mt child's dines Mr. Post was • reddest
of Hamlltoo. His story b subst•attaUy es
follows : '• My dewiest hod been very do -
Licata trout obildheed until •bout threw
years ago, and;the sweep it Dost me for doo-
tot bile made tae poor as it was golden she
wag without a dootes'm care, and .t tunas
we have bad as many es three doctors is
atetsda*o• and lope of saving her dewp•ir-
ed el. The doctors .000ssded in keeping
her anew but she was gradually 'rowing
woase end we ell thought she was rots( t0
dia. Our rootlet physicists bad gives op
hope of .avis( bar life and remarked ot if
it were only warm weather,
Sit inter) there might be • obese•. Bot
seven aammters tad basad since bet birth
end (sine had 7t•duellr become feebler, gad
my wife sad I thought it was just • matter
ot time .sets the child would be o•1bd to a
bettor home. About this time Dr.
ham' Ptak PUN were prominently broo*b►
to ear se:Soo through a cure they wrought
s • neighbor's Mold. I thought I world
give them • trial and .o informed the dna
tar, but be ealy laughed at the ideaben atet helping bar. However 1 boeiri et
the Ptak Pills. and teem giving them
her. bas( • pill •t • tine. After • obeet
eat ttanet there wit each •a improvement
that *either her acether am I 000ld Mat
Ms Dr. Williams' Ptak Pills were tastI g
Iter. mad I deeded to id eatio0 tied •
services altogether. The Pink Pill treat-
ment was 000tisaed .•d •itboseb the pro-
gress towards 'neat!" and strength was re-
ome arily dow, it w nese the lees retain.
sad It wos esatinuod she we se well
sad somas as you ... her ltoday and l •m
*Wistful M my she has had so oo0ei►oa for
medical weemeat moot 1 am a .trent
believer tg the efficacy of Dr. Willem%'
Pink Pills forte anddede Otte
sad I arwtly
,hall saved my Mild."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ars ea all -read
year mediese sad are quite as *Sedan in
the ease el children a in adults. They re-
store to the blood its tektite 000.titemete
w ad make W riot. red and pure In this
way they •treOitbms eke system and drive
w e dimes. Theo tore many oases lake she
above ka whits this waad•rfal midlMse bas
n eared health and etr.ngtb ono, M. bot
aedliwl Ideas bad failed. The g.+dne
Pink Pills ore gold to boxes. the wrapper
rimed wields bears the tall trade mark,
" Dr. William' Ptak
beed pia Potpie."
mit' ere Vibe pills k, bat they
ere base Softness offered only beam.
they give the dealer • greater profit. They
should alway' be refused.
guest : •Ila._jober, of allmvit,., ea
Yeaday het. had tbe misfortune to dee
.t e� el We peat tees whole .plittias
woodThe m(ssb t w by 14e
wariesut sad K V exeseted will •tats waits.
Yr. Rehm hog Men nntertaa•t•, sere yeast
sp loaves lot one of hie arms while leafiest
a tkgeshtat aq•m•►se.
silty ■
make the y, OS of
heether 6e mtime a might perhaps
aba'Mack hot
his •lteg.skor. So fust.
..1. ba a porpoise an the un-
1 said. some time had elapsed
aao't know,
chi inty whoa she said,
sir " of the
Yon hove
he waled tentaer bee in tively.
. se erect in brief monosyllables to
this and other remark., sad he, perforce,
relapsed into Mime.
" He waste to maks me talk sad throw
caw off any waged," thought Zoos. again os -
wonting to open the window. and this time
with Gomm. Soon the darkness inorelos&
end the hollow rumbling told that the train
had metered • tunnel. With the echoes
thnnderioa in her ears, Zooms nerves were
trained to °etch any "mind of motion trade
by her oomp•ntoo. All at once .be had •
• b•rp "ting. and • shrok from bar, mingled
with the yell of the engine, as it gave vs*t
to its jay at emerging into the daylight
e ons. The mw was at her mode.
I beg perdoo for intruding : me you
hurt be asked, anxiously.
Zona thought Ins anxtetc was amused by
(ear lest the gourd might have heard her
smears. At the same time she bemuse ooa-
goious that the pain was in her rtabt eye.
A candor from the open window had lodged
in it. if you would let me," said
�i thstranger,stger, producing from his pocket
k.robief. taro h Zone's
Chloroform limbed ug
brain, •tad she shrieked out, " No : don't
come tsar me."
" Poor thin( !" tboaght the would-be
Samarium. " She must suffer drsadfullv."
The aloud, " I am sere it you would
Mould meet Dr. Pt ,post. Bat tt was sae'
pled for bar ; • madd.s turn of the path
brought her fare to hos with hintid bas
moot of oo.fusio° —a bash Md7
whole foot and turn she smile on his be-
came cont•*eO0• and the burst into • peal
of merry laughter, which h. mimed.
, lir. Purpoat.' .he said, • I hope yea
will be merciful end keep my seoriw"
., 1 am not likely to tell a anone en much
to my dim dvsetege. What was it ! V tl-
►iwous Please. doctor," she implored. " I did
not notion your looks at all. 1 hod parted
with Sty state-.' hesaid. •' It u •
• 'wry well. thea,
oompaot. let es go back to the hoose for
breakfast. and say no mors•bold itt " Mee ha -
find not the whole ttomeh intro have
sorbed in the wedding day they
seen that there vett • seotetunderstanding
between the oompatriota. w
ripened into intimacy. k to [uredos under
And Zoos is to goprovided
your escort, John." sold Loafer
she ie not afraid to travel with int, he mid
with a laughing bow to Z,.ua.
A "mile was her only answer.
en" ) o, I tell you." said Zona vehemently.
with • stamp of her toot.
The man eotuded tato his corner. and
Zoos. with bet eye fast swelliw, begorly
repented bet ii oirity in %•king the jour-
aa1 111 mese travel dose again : 05, dear
I don't suppose I'll ever travel as all atone
I have toothed at dear moment, sad thought
bar homy. I ought to b.ve ooedderod eb.t
she thew the world better thaw I."
Asa then came • lost whistle. The toss
fa the roomer rose. ..sorbing rep his gasohol.
the gated .sbok.d the deer--" Newcastle,
ma'am ; you're at year joasocy's end." and
he picked ap tar valise. know roes
wilt 7ese Sheldon ever again
• ems of relief, or will any other face ever DOD
ws go wideness te lj���/�
I have made up a large
assortment of Dairy Tin-
ware out of heavy Eng-
lish Tin : you will find
this something better than
is usually used in Tin-
ware. I hate Milk Pails
from 10c up, and Pane all
sizes. Dairy Tin-
ware repaired while you
Diatom la •ll toads of
had bonds" .,wtert•l of weary dee- Agana
School Furniture a Specialty.
Spring is at Hand.
They were seated—tin. sole 000sp•ata of
• ontoparsment
, Will you tell me roe thing v" said Zoos.
" What was it von took out of year gambol
sad put is your lode pocket !" „
• g. you dost wholly trust ase,ev.n yet.
he said with a sail.. " 1t was a mirror.
horrified foes
Yea looked at thought
we mustwith snob abe ..eat b R
trot t thous
wrong with my looks. Now, will yeti •m-
ower . • question ! Had you am& n,1
rear mod whet too do it wont ems es
wont Y'
• Yew,' .h. mid 1•ngbist. " I was wise
to take off goy watch sad riot mud seer
stem to you se well se my pares. I fatedd
you looked at my ring particularly."
I did, • he said,•ft you
wear It e. '
you knew, the Gage yes. May
During the Yens 1891.
her Ise that .f tae burly
geed. as he made this aw..aose met to
her' c}. was safely on the platform. sods
• oo,oka5 narrowly w•toinue the pnm.a-
petw stepped up to bar, .aylai. • Mr. Maw -
bray's .5mrlsee for Nis Sheldon."
" 1 as .be, she said In • voice that bur
.we t.d.•t would not have rootlet:ed.
l,t Oe have your valise, then.' aid
the eitaehassit. extending hoe stand.
Ho spatted the deer. and Zees. oto=
ipso the marriage. teak book ea the asoma'
.ad burls sin by.trieal tears
The mala who had been s the •mess.
..dist with be satchel in be heed. pv
a 1.w whistle as the sight mat bis poo
Mroagb the wieder. Wallets forward to
the essalie •a. be mold, •• Otte me • ISN.
Riley. I *ossa i'll tide with yea."
o, tette, up J
she amid. " doing
the ease-
f rem 34te5re• ha rlet tea dews •s
Nee directly, Elsey
the pin, and dent tell them I've •esu. I
west to have • Mt of a peke with them."
" H.ii right. dr."-
ooh. Is es be h.id" S. Mae is the tr.vellim y.
...M emosems..
trot ors ► [ I'.t the some taltsaM*,
die oil be let tee asolliko to stood age'.
renins }rushee r remest..m.r.rategMyr
am,,t t, • tori eta., MUM
The Practical Iiwafftif6.
So be prepay to meet
good Hat or Csp when it come.
We have put in stock all the latest
Styles of Spring
it with a
Pommes the ronewlsldl, salnetive Merit
Delicacy of Flavor,
$aperinot'►t� in Quality,
(lratettil and Comforting, WB MAKE
to the nerves it U,,p.ptic.
Nutritive Qualities Unrivalled
la elcegtergwisad Time AE$•
ata,.sessa►le Otev.ti • Masi.
of all Ideas Ot
Smoke Stacks, halt Pana. Meld LOP
Wo7ka, ego., eta.,
AthagDglah., Nsokisery comae, M.
StemgoAll dogs of Pipes sad TaletaI
(4.0* Vol
erases .Ares' u sad In,•
�1m.es"t.g.e.�ssiv Head at Lowed
A lite el Bud Wass sad Noe
Zyu fir tat of (germ' obi e1Mrs
•m oreos pses/w hie ndiel
g�4 f.•,Mca ..t it r
I had been troubled for several
years with Lumbago. I could
hardly stand ; until one day I
was advised to use Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills. I secured a box, and
I can safely saytI have Dyer
felt the pains since. 1 beheve
they ase an excellent pill, and 1
highly recommend them. You
may publish this if you ase fit,
so as to help others.
R. E. Joxxeou,
i6 Davenport Rd., Toronto.
Dodd's Kidney P111e
Always Cure Lumbagos.
which for quality and price •nnot be
equalled. In stock are Dumerw r
iortmenta tot the latest in
0. R. a�N1 & Co.
The rdsbin Hat .sol F.giYisa Itatp•r*M
Sewer and
JASON WWII` dl�'"'"'"" i Culvert Pipes
Ail Ness Irene issteolwes� sa batt. this
Tgametarer Tb loasraman PACVlmpgfeIIAILow T give f.at.
yobbo $ sir this .115 t.1, and pe,
is easopeetsce.
°0 t ins maeat 5* a bedew cottages, end to
tee !%seem if be woo
1t deeer1 de or every mega
fleet, � see elds ad wf..
lin liallesdelleaset Canada
OBee W Meseeta
Bat Leallesester OedeAab
•flub woa•Aioe • ppONTO
eartrnar *1 Hioot►
of Red
re cum
throat, etc..
mem 1.*T**t o a fiat., wu.n.ave...
Imetweaot. •
Khat ibait Oiir Clubbl.uff Hates? Tae'�iflll
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