HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-3-25, Page 5THB SIGNAL : GODRRICH ONT.. THURSDAY, MAR. 26 18V Spring Stock of Dry Goods and Clothing N early Complete Never so many attractive lines, and prices never so low ' Lovely patterns and coloring in Print. -all warranted fast colors. C}rum's Best Prints only 10c a yd. Dress Goods, all the newest things, from 25e to $1 per yd. Ready-to-wear Clothing in Meng and Boys' sizes at the same low Gash Prices of the other linea we carry. A pleasure to show goods. 4 Spools Best Thread for lOc. Coats', Herr's or Chadwick's JAMES A. REID 4t Jordan's block, 17th March, 1897. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS MAR 26 Scede-T. 1. Videos . } Fin. Groceries -Sturdy Bess 8 Notice- -Town Clerk 5 Saved Her Life Fenced k Co.. 6 Sexton Wasted -Jas. A. Reid ..... 5 M W bitty - Miss Cameros 8 A Victim- Devises t Ce 4 attsery *postai-J. T. Memos 8 Friday Bargease-.)a.. Rehiason 4 Down Attain --A. Melt. Ale. 5 Maher/47-MM Yates • Well Pep•r-Jas. Tates .. 5 Tab. Bicycle Livery -Jew Tole 8 Jerseys for Sale -G. A. Deadman 4 Mattson Opening -R B Smith..... . 4 Farm for Sale or Rest-J.o. Knox . 5 Wmde open Binders -J. P. Brews Trawler of Lio.D.e-Jae, H•mlltea 5 Opened March 22nd -Smith Bros. & Cu 8 Retiring from Business W. Aaissps. 4 Notice to Crediton R. 4:. Rey.olis . 5 BOHN. BARCHLKR la (,oderieh. os. March lath to Mr. and Mrs. \ bought*, Jr.. of • ,on. LTRAiTON On March 3rd. at Abbotsford. R.C.. to Mr.' and Mn. T. B, titration o daughter. MARRIED. PLUNKITT-Rt,'TLEIJOB--0a March lath. at the residence of the bride'. brother. Robert Rutledge. Roa.dary Naw, Wtsa Wawasnee. br Rev .1. N. Pries. Robert Jens I'tuaaltt. to Mlss Marts Adeltae Rutledge. Brun of West Wawancek. DIED. l eLiAN-Ie Gorse -rich. on flared'''. March 11. Mary licLeao. beloved wile ut Seal eeim McLesa. aged SI year.. l'HE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the Repor'ter's Notebook. Tea've • fele ta' i Ter Vesta. Te ts.$ 11 g a MMPs Aawaalt Take.' limes. u' taltb N ii trent 1t.' -Burt s. Toast Aveliasgg66 ; Russell, Shipmate Louie. Hs.a,Ploesdilly Paulo : Roberts', Aeadta. Romano*, &o. ko. 3000 vola, enly•$ year. Fun MARINER.. - Knox Miura' annual service for the Gallon and tiehermen will be held nett :mord'• Day svesang, when the pit for will preach an approrriga* sermon. 1'eonon.,ra Mousy/arm promotion etmml..tious for the County of Hefts . wi11 be held in the several school beams today, Thursday. and tomorrow, Felder. Ort Tilt Mot C. -1.1'. Brow*, the asMa.•- Harris agent, has been kept on the mo as the pt low days delivering two full oar bm loads of binders, mowers and other faring implements. 1• 7- r• Mn.t tatty. -Aa will be assn by adver- ttsement in another column Mise Cameron has opened out bier spring millinery. Miss Cameron does not have special opsslar days, end the emotion lest week of such a feature was erroneous. Wougy's At %n-t.tkv At a roasting of 8t. Geatetia Woeses'e Auxiliary en Friday afternoon Mrs. Turnbull and Mies }lava gave Interesting reports of the proceedings of the dlocs.SI soctsty held in London the prey Doe week. Tut Ct tet IN Ek WENN r..- least Satarday several bicycles were propelled through our streets .ad by Monday they wero name roux. At one time on the last named day hen wheels were counted on West -et., a rather good showing for March 22. Naii...irm.'.-So far as this port as cos- oerned competing' may be said to be open, for though there t• an ice most on t be harbor sod between the piers any tug could pass through it. 1)ff the harbor and as far ae eye can see then is free swims for any kind of vessel, the ice baring almost disap- peared. Herpurb:y Cagle, Botta, of Herpnrb.y M nursing a very sen arm He was work- ing at Car. R Co's pork packing house last week when he cat. gash to his left thumb It was dressed by a doctor, and was appar- ently healing nicely when blood poisoning set t., which has affected his hand and arm as high as the elbow. HAyr Org' anOrr.-Smith Bros. recent• ly of Toronto, hare opened out their now , tee general store business in McLean'. Rlook, Te wt side of Square. They have already de- moastrated that they are live bower. ares and believe to running business on business Leer by starting in on the cash system, and selling at " use prtoe. 1 heir advertise- ment speaks for itself. Jt t:uir A.n D,•'n' r.N -The circular of es. end hes. K. Allen, aeronauts, in pee - somata' of the town clerk, reminds us that • are within three munch. of Jubilee Lay, d three months and a week of the anniversary of Coafederatio.. We mention these facts so that those who should rawest themselves to these celebrations rimy move is time to get op a program worthy the day. Ute Ronin don (awake it Spring. but PRI». HAY makes It spring like by the artistic .1 nuts he favors us with. we have tin town. an the d -hen viewing heme Windo life likephotos w exhibited la MALLOWS window the past an week. W ut PArLH. - ('asadtsa and Americas, complete new stock. ('all tad iaspect be- fore pnroa•.iag. J. Yates' Rook Ston. I.r•.nta 8nireter- -N !)anent is tasking • ebipma.t of fifty oars of humor. • fob drat ba already .torted work tit the harbor. heard= -The 5esateurs who will take par: in Piasters have evidently got down to work, as at mob practice there is • notl0- able improvement. t1Nt Dtti, -Robt. McLean received not- ice on Tuesday that hie hones had reached i ed the Old Lead,me animal having dad out of the two oar loads dipped. A (arrant:. i.ttuRITE -Geo. W. Thom- son reports great moose' in the sale of the Common Sense Bicycles. The ladies' wheel in particular i. • beauty, and has a combin- ation of more god notate than any other wh el on the tnsrket. The way in which thew wheels are selling prove• cooe(Dsively that the public agpreoistes • god thing. Buy a Common Sense now and take the full vantare of the riding season. TUI LAN•:DoN DkAtiATl.' CO. -The Ltag- oD numeric ('a appeared in Victoria Opera How the past three sights. Lad had very rod •u4ienow tor Lent. The plays presented were well worth the admission fee charred, as they were reputable and Dimly pat on the stare. The side pieces put on bete/sou the seta were really good and kept rise audience in the best of humor while the stare was being prepared for the sucosedine some. TUN STAVILI' E•TATL -New Er. The rely Committee reosnUy submitted to e l.,vernmeot for Its apororel the proposi- es to erect • Stavely Memorial Roildnng d Library. A letter received from Mr M,i.u.u. ger -Heresies to be had at the Mime Yates old eta.d, as the goods have to be sold to make room for new stock com- tug in. Mise Yates, manager. Hy Wt1.L Bt T.Itn.-The use Farwell, ohsrged with maim' Dominion tills from *ase and twos to tens, will be tn.d this morning before His Honor sludge tlaesoa. 11 z• tt i c u n 11v.T(TrTR - -Thirty sew books ja•t received including: Roldr.wood,Stal- •kia ('leak : S••vea•os, Battle Imp : Ds leSanwa, S Sanwa Valle: Hardy, Milkmaid, Mad- 1 th ding Cc -nerd : Hatton. Cruel Le.doo ; Mu- ti m••. Belldog k (latterly ; Maarteos, 1 an Down Again !I NAILS have Wien another .Trop, and those contemplating building should purchase Now FARMERS ardware of every kind is my leading Sine.linen} BUILDERS , Supplies frtsh from manufacturer.. DAMAGE') GOODS Only a few left that I )clear out to the first CORIUM They elnsist if SAWS, XTtgRT, SiL- \' UW AIM SPE( Tat 'LIR A. McD. ALLAN. (leantw hitt week. says: -"I tiro pktessd say Mat the recluse re Seemly has beet complied • Itt. Mr Rem cage he l• delight. • 1 as year setw►le ottrl4es at • mod 15.000 ubrary bedding and a 15,000 endowment, AT Tug HAaswa -The he weather the pest week made things more lively wand the lumber. Beat badder Marlton W beim bringing the tea. tem .carer oompletten, bad e.glaeer Homilies bus bees spearing Muga about the now will tad his resides** ea Mantes Weed- The captain of the Sabine tags have bees eating sea .ad St- ump in order fee am early start, ..d the gettiag vont& have tot been neglected by their. owa.s., Masa•*Tt•rte Pim.-On Mosd.y evening Megan. Mol.,.. and (loldthorp. were •worded the oestraot to Mild • pier e/ llesesetene Palk, Use same to be completed by the tiro. Samar vest.,e oommo.ce to arrive is tow.. The pier will be at least ose hundred feet ley, and will be so Milt that the action of the ropiest Gab will not effect its stability. Mr. tiaesll.k, who is staking the improvement i, deserving .f every secearsgeme.t is kis efforts to mals Me.sestnng Park easily reachable and s perfect ..rosier resort. A Goo AD. -A g.m.v gentleman was the more employed lest ip'rtdey sad Rater. day to advertise the McCormick and Prid- b.m .took. Hb outfit of rd and white *Atom oould not fall to oapt.re the sum Von of passers hy, and his entice and fancy whistling inured for bim • rood audience •f the ewer present and irrepressible small boy.-Wineham Times. The above original advertiser, Prof. (:olden was in the employ of Jas. Robbers*, cor. West -et. and Square, the pest week, sod got ■p in wilts duck,be was the observed of all observers. WEAKLY SHOOT. -This following were the mores made .t the weekly shoot of the off Hand Rife ('lab e. Friday afteraow:- 100 200 Total. Ruts*. . e, 42 41-- 83 Aadrewe... . Wallace Davison. M 34 34 33 e11r'OND IAAT('H. Ration .... 47 Andrew. 28 Wallace . 39 Lantos 39 25---59 25-- --b9 40- 73 37--84 24-52 14-53 32--71 C'RIti INAI. CALENDAR.-Crimlael caleadrr for last six months of '96, indictment in county lodge's cetminal abort: assault, 2 ; theft, 5 : burelary, 1 ; false protector., 5 : forgery, 3 : seduction, 2 ; making a total of 18, out which 14 were found guilty, as fo:- lows : 7 sentences each of 23 month. b Cse- tral prison at Toronto ; 1 sentence of 6 months in Central primes : 1 mate.., of and 2 sentences of 3 months In county j ail : 3 •cntencee of 2 Boys in county jail. General sesdoo Forgery, 1 ; labs pre- tenses, '2 : indecent assault, 1 ; 3 000vie- !loan. HuaTl. I LT 11.11. -At the meetinr of the Horticultural tooiety last Thursday then was • lame attendance end McElwain, in- terest manifested to its proceedings ('has. Wells dealt with the question of poultry in the garde'', and strongly recommended that fowls be allowed the free run of the garden and farm in the early morning. As n.ay be supposed, Mr. toils was strongly in favor of the game breed. At the reauler mooting seat Thursday evening Wm. Warnock will lead In a discussion os fruit culture ea farm and garden. 'lbws of our citizens interest- ed in fruit culture oould Dot do better thaw attend the next meeting. Purta.t I,.: - Monday, ]larch 15, the Royal Templars of t.odericb were favor- ed with a visit from lisam111er lodge Sone of Temperance. Eighteen members drove over headed by Bros Heddel and Stewart. There was a fair turnout of •be members and friends of Eureka Council No. 133, R T. of T., and a pleasant evening was spent in tames of various kinds, short addressee by Meme. Heddel and Stewart, and an ex- cellent program, rendered by both the Ben miller and (;dericb trisects. During in- tormis.ioD refreshments were served, con- sisting of sandwiches, o•ke and coffee, to which .1! did ample justice. The Select Councillor of Eureka l'ouooil, Ilea Hugh A. Bain, had charge of ibe proceedioes trr the evening, and disobareed the duties de volving upon him in an able manner. After fraternal greetings had been exchanged, the gathering disperses', having spent • most sejovable evening. TH1. MAITLAND Enna. -Last week the Maitland0egao to free itself from its icy covering sed by Saturday it was elear for mase miles eastward. From Friday till Monday an immense quantity of water paved down it into Huron, and a ful' stream was runaiog on Tuesday. It is many years *:Doe yeah • quantity of water came down with the Spring freshet, but perhaps the extra commie was due to the heavy rain on Friday night. That the annual break -op did no; ,Hord the usual grand spectacle was because the ice was thin, thus ot course reducing the (sestity to be carried out to the lake. AttrilI's flats and the river Manes were submerged .t high tide, bat when the freshet .ut•ided the usual qae.- tity of to. had not been left en these porta. The eastern breaks in the breakwater were apparently left es tt.y were. but the west- ernmost one was .l.ghtly enlarged by the current that oroawd to it from the back channel. The water i. .till high, and until it subsides one ammo tell exantly what load has bees made or washed away, but Squaw Island has lost a consider•hIe shoe from its western end, and it seems as if mere would co before the stream u down to its Summer level. A Huth WOMAN. -Then are tet many of the "pioneer women" left, however few there ore of the sturdy penes men, but we have in this vioinit y • lady s ho is door, ing of mon than manna notice, and who is D,ost truly one of the noble pioneers of this county. We allude to Mrs. Molnar., after whose deceased husband, llolme.vitle takes its name. She is now in about bee 90t11 year, and enjoys a fair measure of holdall and etresrth. An aoeident .aetalsed some time aro compels her to keep to her bed moat of the time, bot her intellectual Neel - ties are not impaired in the least. Those who imagine that " work kill. " Hod • O. tradiction of their posities in the life of Mrs. Holmes, whose earlier years were ec. envied with all the labor iooide.t to the life of a settler, in oddities to the oars of • large family, and through it .he has enjoyed the beet of health. Amid all the evmtf.l ktetcer at the past, Ser life bas dose hr(ebt dith Christian erperioaes, tad may the great day of emend reekoaieg will .ver re- veal the may moa of brDevob.oe ad leve,. for which she hag bass .Nod. A mo.nhor of the Motbe.fhit *barb frees early girl- hood, she has given an its one the wort bet 'erring that hes teen in her power, ani she calmly nod happily await. the biNiag e1 the Master, who Ghoul yahoo= heir to that •' wet that rem•ie.sh for iho pap* •1 Gad.-- -Okays New Kra. At the wwalar weini.g of Mapkrd Temple 11.. 304, 1 0.0 T., holden Marsh Be►. M was renelve4 M pnt.Rely proem* against the pr p.sed Lim... Bill Istrod ted into *he Loral LapMLt.r by rho 114 •17 (beeeg.oese, es the poasd• that Is gNM to comely with the loot dmnoeb .1 tk. cam- pase• people ..di.' MM the ptra.eihm mak has .lm. So the *p..,.,.. tlgp s. til... /hall h4.t.In.d Ohm. SASSAFRAS BLOOD AND STOMACH BITTERS THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE. W. C. GOODE , DRUGGIST. Aca317 FOR MINING STOCKS ---It OsaLAND Div, CO., ]al' : AND GOLD HILLS Co.:15c, Hest IALLI• Rkco101=IAD. STOP THAT COUGH by using DUNHAM'S COUGH MIXTURE a pleasant and sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseuear, etc For sale only by F. N. DUNHAM Druggist. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. cootsum March. 21, 1007, rail Wheat folds. 0 :1 to 73 .patent, per •tet 1 `s W a �., 111 ... ..., 11 00 101 2) r'et , w tio•h .. ...... •••••�= . 10 (17 top 00 16 wpb. 0 17 b IR Old Hay, p ten'••«•••••••�••�•• o 0 to CO p, bomb 000 to CO Potatoes, •••• 0 15 to 1D Patter, sh ..`.... 11rto e &e..paek.4, a data..,. a s to 9 .. lmb se it nl to to Lamb -Mans 0 0 to ' Live dots b 0 1100 to 7 Dr+seed Her. ....•• 100 i0 ceo 00 too 10 Bs ••••••••.�� 0 (9 to 10 Hbtp. per lb.. ..................... 0 10 se 11 (:hoses. ser Ib, . 11Mm0111 TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left .t this OSoe not later than Saturday noon. The SPT, forL most be left not iat4rtt6an' Clay noon. Casual Advertiatehents accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. BETTER TI3�N EVER ♦HJ ertt.L Ilia Berm. LAD CFVI.ON TF A. Said 1. Lead Intelliete APIarnlneeri.y.Balk la Ik TPsysU g claire*. C=ARD TRURO MAILWAL. Milted �'� Rolland Imams Mixed Midland Izprees.... Mall had Kitimat poartT Mail and heptose Meat 10J, till 1.19pti r,Mp.m. 10.30 p,m, :.15 a.m. "30 p.m 11.15 o. m. SPRING MEDICINES Now Is the time to eatto take your Satan Medictoe. ssa e•partll.. of every an sable make end all blood and system M'ep•rat,.,ns on baod: Tr Witch hazelream for necklet' l (' les and Tan. 25e boa Wilsons Iron fill, for the oro lexlon, and Brown's Rel sem for ('olds and Grippe. Bring four doctoe'e prescriptions sod have them properly dispensed. No substituting. WILSON'S PRESCRIPTION STORE. Telephone tS. JERSEYS FOR BALE. $26 will bur Solid Color Heifer Calf. 3322 Solid Color Heifer. one year old this Spring. 11140 -$olid Color Helfer• two next Augri.t. dos tamales In full. $60 -So l4 Color Cow, costing two. fresh S60 --A beautiful Cow, t 'sore old : pest calved last Oct.: due to calve sex t October. Very rich milker . dam tested 7 per cent. butter tat. and cod for r pounds butter pnr week. This cow is dam of heifer at 153 and granddam of call at &LI. ALL lifLGISTICHED. ALSO Half -bred Jersey grade. with 3 4 bred Jersey Helfer Calf • few days old -both for 4'10. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Rtu:ser L.., ON7. A Victim Of what ? Rheuma- tism ' N o. Marriage Lleenaes. A rail road accident? WLANE, ISSUE* OF MARRIAGE . Lfoe.aa..Osdar4sk.Ont. 004.17 Muaio. MISS ANNA L. S)TAW, TRACKER of Moho end Theory-experiessed Comer Ries mid Wellesley Wrests, zBede- llf or dale- MHORu'BRED JERSEY BULL CALF A. for sale. Will be geld for l'0 if sold at too ewst•h'APO, t• •111/0.. 0 (0 . x, Ooderichtt No. A cy- clone No : he is the vic- tim of a poor BICYJLE, which was represented to being just as goal as ours. NOW IS THE TIME To Think of • SPRING TONIC There •re mans l(oai Daae, bus oars quite so good as Oar IRON TONIC BITTERS. The 1)•a•on for Colds M not Over yct. We expect to N1 more CHERRY PULMOWId. derby MAm-H and Arron. thea•11 the rest of the Winter. J. E. DAVIS. Phis. R. Medical Halt West Elld leal lariel W H, t3T-E T- Thc undersigned has openeei a Meat Market in the store on Weis et between t'otelan'• 'Bakery and the Post 0112,e. where a Choate Helection of Meets and 1'cultry will slay, be found. Ogden regularly called for. and de- liveries made promptly. /Leave a trial order please. W W. GREEN. EUPHEMIA A. McLENNAN'S Liniment For ex erne) use salt. is a pisitive cure for Spinal Disease. Hip Dismay.. latfammatory Rheumatl.m. lame Hack. Lumbago. Sone Throat, Weal- and bate Luna. Hrui•ev, Sprains, Mill Joint,. Rupture and all kind- red disea.ee. It has been also found • cure for Throat directions in horses. None nebulae without havior the trade mark on label. and wrappers and " K. A. MoLeo- aan's Liniment. Goderiob. Ont. stamped oa wan cal of each bottle. Manufactured only by r.phemsa A. Bele tin. sol. patentee .ad proprietress. Nowtate st. {:ederlrb. eat. OCTR him as Walled Yale Wheals Torfsortai Artist • are made by a brut who under- J. 7ONRc)RIAL ARTIST, • . Hot and cold baths en prosier.. Pea foeming.shampnging tad every ether require Meat carefully attendedtn, and Daae but coni- priest bends employed. Wfl'loma' old stand. M °Lean's stew block• next door to British Ex cine -k Rm.l 41.11 Situations Valmont. GOOD GENERAL SERVANT WANT - ed. MRS. L. E. DANCKY. Wtat 1 AGOOD CAPAf}LE GIRL WANTED to do house work. Pito* vamet on the 11th 01 Aori'. Apply to MRS, MttiILLICL'D- 1)Y. 77 West et. SEXTON WANTED FOR NORTH.ST. Methodist church. Oederieh. Apply by wader before Moeday eve.il..5�.� tete Marc sating salary expected. JA a1ie A. Rini. Sem. Teuseoe Road. It New IIMaohlne Mhops. NEW M4UHINESHOPS-ALL KIN t* K ltebair Werk M.. at Diagnosable flees. Icasing Implement* formic Hach - Mary. new and mooed head. boosit and sold. sea and Kollar for sale. Wand nates lion shoo. ooner %liner's sad?ratay.� •. J RANTRR RCNCIMA$. eltr Tenders Wanted. ►(t8NDER.4 GILL RE RRCF.IVED Al a. IMM ossa far the tamales nt Ofwa share. of 5.11 gee alnsk of the ilenderon Bi- cycle Company. Limped. *hares lino u) •ac h. Kamm for m•ltin Mr owg owner is enate+l In otber liaised= and 'metre* the mosey I he .acresean be divided tomtit , urc►tarn. 1 his ran finnan unity In momme rota of t he etoek at • goo l Moine Campsay •ppre.chin the asst eeaaas s bt.I..se. 12 3 Transfer ot Lleenes. APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF LirR01111. gorier M web/ gives hat the eadsrlgn km versional thebtss.st.f Mee. ('anal the'.l Imo Hotel. gahte d. Y/ hes emitted to no Lipman ('ommisY.a•rs et West Huron far • mramder N Ile..... JOHN 1I&MII•TOs. ea/Word, Morph 24. err, F. SMEETI'I'S PLARINO MILL BAAH. 1100* AND ELIND TAMMY, omit um attlU la tbagigge Mt an moan w the as.iregs end ass to V evert now of tswotto my Ilea trent nati o. Ma wish w set aiw... a a.asiseeregine m 'a' Crkeelb I/T/1s. Ito ]/. •MUT IL � Mand their business and give the customer the best value for his money every time. Buy a Wel- land Vale, and save a --repair bill this season. DAVISON & Co. 20 Days Left is March during which we Inked To Clean Out Everything In mock excepting Lenn1a' FAxey Goons N e are ruing out of all other 1ines and there- fore offer Bargains in Wall Papers Chinaware Toys . . Etc. Moo mode most go even at • 'actin° for tie Pett Twenty Legs. THE FAIR. Tie gemhriitire Co. LI. neStnroB.7 iN WANT OF DRY F.LM, BASS- WOOD. BLACK AAQ. FOR RALE LT A BARGAIN nvtvTT moa 6Awslu. Clash �ilam\O\1Qr\A We carry • large and assorted .tort in the shove lines. and are ready to show goods to Intending purchasers at any time. (all and see goods. and you will end them new, up to -date and at prices in harmony with the time.. Re- member our stand ne't to Davison• Hard ware Store -on The Square. JAS. YATES. 110 N- o\\ `N t\\A 1� or \T xi.e r " if you do. ro to the ('ity Meat Market, and you will rod that WE LEA* IN CHOICE •EATS! We sin satisfy the moat fastidious taste,, and our prices suit everybody. We het* every- thing in the Ment line. Fresh Meats Spiced Meats Cooked Meats Cured Meats Smoked Meats Prepared Meats. end hied of Renew made. See ea• Special Linos. It toe have not yet bees to the City Meat Market. do not fail to call and giro our speo.al Saturday dlerlaf /Our inepec- ANDREWS BROS. & CO. YuIe's Bicycle Livery. FOURTH SEASON After three years of .nccessful work we open our Bicycle Livery again this year, and trust we shall have a season equally succe..sful, if not in advance of those of the past. In addition to the larger num- ber of Bicycles for hire we have this year added a Tandem. which will no doubt be appreciated by those who desire til go in couples. Al kinds of repairing cart:fi'lly and rapidly attended to, and a vulcanizer has been secured for the rehabilitating of old tires. The Teaching Academy will also cbee maintained with its usual ef4i- Retnember the old and reliable place YULE'S BICYCLE . LIV r