HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-3-25, Page 4TSS SIGNAL : GODERIGE ONT.. THURSD &YI MAK 1897. ilu Jrignal, re -- EVERY THURSDAY MORNING BT w. m.apsaMunio1 as K Pailtra —s sad e.se Yt► Mreot Ositar eODelt1eB. THUftaDAT. MAR. SS. M. SNAP SNOTS- -After today, an•1 for the next two or three months the " love tape " will blt given at Ottawa. Peril/talent opens today —Sinop the li.luor men interviewed the Opposition, we have not been able to determine whether the esteemed Hamilton spectator is • prohibitionist or an anti. :—Lost week It was Bonaventure by 850, and on Tuesday it was Wright by 800 for Liberalism. It would al most appear that the Manitoba School Question is settled. —Now, then, Jtr CORHe.7T, you have a chance aht ad of you to become • decent man. You have proved that your day as a tighter has gone : try what you can do as a worker. — It is to be }toped that there is nothing in all this talk about a fresh crop of mushroom knights in Canada on the occasion of the Queen's Jabi- Iee. There are more than . enough here already. — Et..nge, Reeve of Stephen, has been chosen to contest South Huron for the Legislature. Emmett is the strongest candidate the Conserva- tives could have selected, and his nom• ination puts South Huron in the doubtful column. —The number of fool. in Canada and the Un ited States who lost half -a - day on the 1 i th inst. to bear how two brutes pounded each another until ossa of them was knocked senseless, shows that animalism is still to the fore at the end of the nineteenth ceo- tu ri. —The Ontario Legislature will close its present session in about three weeks, and the Opposition say that they will now put un a tug fight, with the intention of downing the Govern• ment. The late Hon. .Lim Comi ter kept talking that way until his wind was shut off at Carson City, Nevada. --Some friends of the Hon. Jowl COtfTI(:AY are endeavoring to boost that political luck number by men- tioning his name in connection with a place in the New lirunswi.k provin- cial cabinet, and in the same breath are fearful lest JOHN wotrld not con- descend to accept such an office, after havin_ been a Dominion Cabinet Min- ister for years. They need not be fearful of .liner's acceptance. Any job wit's a good salary and little work attached would suit him : good salary preferred. — — The news that Rev..lofiv. WAV NON—" ian Slaeleren -'—is to he sum mored before a church tribunal, charged with heresy will rather sur- prise the many admirers of that talented author on this aide of the Atlantic. When one rememters that the late 'Firmly DRuunoNI, the author of " The Natural Law in the Spiritual World," anti one of the grandest theologians of tate century, was subjected to a similar course of treatment, the belief arises that the pigmy preschers hate a great desire to drive the more brainy brethren " outside the breastworks." COMING AND GOING. -Mrs. Rote. Parks wanted in '.eatorth ast week. Bargain., Fridsy,'Mlarch ?hth, at I ot.ie- ten's. Dr. Tbomsoo was visiting in Howell on Tu.sda c. M. Bastes. of Barrie, was in i.odenra last Tberedsv. Mn. 11. O'Rriee, of Chalon, was in tows lest week. Alert. 1!. t.ibsoe, of Sarnia., was in t.o,Le. rich ea Friday. cher. Cameron. of Collinswood, was h town the pest week. Detective Rogers, of Termite, was in (:nderich eel T.Md•y. }'. Moir, banister. of Unwisely. was is the county town last week. aDtsis Walters Warmed freer a Omit to Ins bowie oe Friday last. Goo. F. Emerges, of (listen, was in the comity town en Teeeday. T Ber-owe sed Geo. hark etre verities in t 'IMoo the past wed. Davis. of (:lister. was visite' his brother 0. N. This we- k. R. i.t, Meters fete -eel last week haat • tsetse's trip to New York city. - 11r. bad Mrs. Jae. ReyseM.. o.1 Qisleel, ware Is (lderteh the peso week. Mrs lepet.wd. who retarget te fidorhl meetly. will within the seat week cove te tie ad k....h,Ctrb.re ale will 1. (.tare read.. Peas Oiee lsgseter Heykirk, ef Bigot - feed, wee 1. tows the past Felds!. Mum Mabel M.Kwmis M reverted est of deader and will sees be erased again. tlept. and Mrs. Jabs C. Nelms, of Part Hares, left tar their hems ?solidity lest. Mise M. Baker .ad Mn. Robt. Ceateie are venue, friesd. le Hempel the week. Capt. wed Mrs. Win. Mele se. et De- troit, were 1■ town during she past weak. Merges fiestas. of KIe..U, leaves this sorwiag es • lee( visit to Lactase, Ohio. Itebrnsua's sew dress geode are having • big sae. See bis drew !Meath ; nu two alike, J. ,.trierlsad, who had been goodie( the Winter in H•sdtos, returned to tows last week. Seward Jobsetoo, who bad beau venire( his pareate to tows. returned to Atlss Orate last week. J. H. Williams refereed last week frees • tons menthe' visit to his daughter, Mrs Alexander. Lassoo, (1. Mr. aid Mn. Oleo. Newsom. who were in d;oder(oh last week, returned to their home, Wi.gham, es Wedseedsy. John MoDssell. who had been spending the Winter in the vicinity of Wtartoo, ar- rived haste on Friday last. J Simpson arrived in Coder -Joh from Stratford on Moad.y to resume he duties es engineer of the tug Sea King. Mac. earache!! left as Thursday last for Toledo, Ubio, where he is to take obarge of • dredge for the film of J. C. ltrywaa & Cr, Joseph Book is representing the Chosen Friends of t:odrrich at tba meeting of the Grand Council now to session iu the city of Hamilton. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. The robin is here to stay. We are marline to measure the big egg. New kid gloves lust re.Mved at Rob n - .ons. The CIO/. IA matt fa reeelar thiel tonight. The rwtraetors for the town sewers are watching the we•thrr. Take your Better and eggs to 0. C. Whrtely'e on the Wluare. The Rase R I: Club is selling eeasoo tict- eta. Hive you bought one' There was early communion at St George's on q.uoday moraine. Robt MoL.au shipped a oar load of store cattle to Buffalo on Saturday. Thos. Sturdy bought the 0. -eon Rouse when offered for sale toe past week. Dag fights and dog oases in court bare bees rather interesting the past few weeks. The Keeeington Furniture Co. increased their shipments coosiderably the past week. Jess Blair was teaching in St. Patrick's ward school, Miss Skelton brier oil the sick list (Arvind and hie mea had possession of THe Si.' Ai. bo:ler room three days the past week. The i'rgao factory had a tutu time ship- ping organs, seate,stoole and tank. the past week. There will be special blueness .1 the meet- ing of Huron Lodge No. 62, 1.11.0.F. this evening. Rey. Mr Wright, of Norwich, preached in St_ George's on Wednesday evening of Wt week. Compare Rohineon'e prices with Battes's. and you will find Robinsons prices lower every time. Jamiesnn Reid is plastering the rooms is Horton's block occupied before the fire by S. Grierson. 1'. J. Videan has field and garden seeds for sale, as may be seen by referring to an- other oolum.. Bovine gold mining stock is going up, as prospecting members were seen In • garden the other night. Th. house being built next the Knitting taotory will be ready kr occupation to two or three wets. Without salt the earth will not rive forth fruit ; the p=etty -Jersey will not rive milk unless supplied with the same condiment, and there is so mese is batter geld abeam like tact predssed by she seed Rise% Pore Sal. A well-km/we aglow stye that • paha Vat ws.M advertise Gdeeiob la every gaertm et tae glebe. The O. T. It. .beater ler M. hoes lengthened. aad will he ready for the sea- see's work t. • taw days. R TWber a hes pet a sew reef en the h.whe es H•mlliea street r.os.tly ogee - pled by W. T. Pelle, ee . acww ry. A Isms reward r taws trees Manitoba es Friday .tedasas tie fen taws when the Matte wee pasted it wee d0" below aero. The rain es Friday sight did men to stake the streets passable, aad en Saturday they were Dreaded with people as • swat el the downfall. F. Pretty. w writing to • friend is God.. nob. says the' overrides m Kasslasd le exo.edisgly dear, so don't go without lets of leadaion scrip. The oyolia1s seem to thief& they ars en- titled to :meal rights with the bones*, for they are .,king the privilege of %Wag the sidewalks till the 24th of May. Oar atoms 8 Noses has pat twenty in- osedesseat lights ie h e seat dwelling, and the .(feat, as .ass frees the street, when they are all turned ea is rem•rkarb•bly pretty. Before the recast prss-fagot every penes one epo.e to seemed &heeled et the thought of it, bet when tt was over every man you at appeared to have read the whole se- a tint of the battle. We Dome loco ibis world, naked and here— Not Meg to wear, riot/nag to tear. We live, we die, we go we know not where. But if we act all right here. We'll be all right there. CUSTOMS OFFICERS. To the Editor of Tut 8uaat.. Asset the article whish appeared 1. last week's News• Record, wader the heed of nor reepoodeeoe, with refrenoe to the prepared change in the collectorship in Codicil& when the present sub -collector leu become (smi- ler wi:b the duties of the foe, the corres- pondent is apparently to marmite of the intee-trone of the (overnment. He even makes a bad guess. It is a well-known fact that as soon as our sub collector doss be. come proficient in the work that the cut - porta of Clinton and Seatortk are to b. atnit.hed and the work done by one of the officer. from hero, woo will attend at both ports daily, if necessary. and thus save the salary of two extra mea. This is to keep- ing with the economical priaotplas laid down by the Reform party and also in har- mony with the rule laid down by the lo. land Revenue Department which send. as officer from hers to do the work to the oat - porta. CHa.utt. AUCTION SALES. All parties getting their sale bills printed at this artist will have a free notice inserted In this list up to the time of sales. There will be a big sale of farm .took, farm implement., farm produce and house- hold furniture on the farm of 1) MoBrtee, Bayfield Road. on Tneedey, 30th March, .ommenctag at 1 e.tr. JOHN K,,,, . Asat. Oa Thursday. March 28, on the farm ef S. B. Pott•r, oe lot 8. oat. 10. W 1). Col- borne, .t 1 o'clock a tit., sale of horsey. :little and farm in.plementa, THos. (,t'31- I.RY, auctioneer. On Wednesday. ]larch 31.1. at 1 o'clock, at the residence of Jas. Doyle, Church -.t., sob of house and lot and household furni- ture including piano, parlor .cute, large mirror and excellent stores. See posters. THOS. GCNDRT, au,tioneer A GOOD Paooa,tt.—There was an excel- lent program promoted at the open meet- ing of the G. C. I Literary Society last Friday svestna. sad although tba attesd- awee was not as large as u.o►I, there was no lack of enthusiasm. The following was the hill provided : Instrumental deet, Millets Farr and Murray. recitation. Miss Gibson, roto, Mise Roberteoo, reading. Mies M. Dickson, to.trumeetal duet, Mises. Tye and Williams, reeding, Mr. Weber, question drawer, H. I. $treag, R.A., dwtrumental duet. Misses Holt and Dickens, reeitatios, Mian i.olborne, reutration. Miss R►yew, edition .election., Mw J. Dickies, Na- tional Astbem. R. B. SMITH, Direct Importers of MILLINERY I T We have much peasuie in announcing that OUR MILLINERY OPENING will take place on URSDAY EVENING,APRIL IST AND FOLLOWING DAYS. WP ehsll be pleased to see every member of every household in town Ani county. The Display will be greater and larger than ever before. R. B. SMITH. C. W. ANDREWS, Manager. J. P. BROWN AGENT FOR THE MASSEY - HARRI8 CO. Wide-open Binders, Blowers, Cultivators, Rakes, Dirk Har- rows, Diamond Harrow s, Ploughs, Scuillers. 'Oarriage% Buggies, Wagcns, Carts. Also, agent for Bradley's Fertiliser. A Full Line of Repairs for the above Machines and Ploughs always on hand. Remember the stand—neat to Buxton's Stables, HAMIL- TON -ST.. GODERICH. Goderlch Bargain Centre FRIDAY BARGAINS rlarch 26th DRESS GOODS Caehmerea, SOc for. Serge, 50c for Serge, 25c fur Tweed Effects, 25c for Tweed Effects, 20e for HID GLOVES Kid Gloves, 31.25 tor Kid Gloves, $1.00 for Kid Gloves, 75e for Kid Gloves, 50( for Tweeds, 23c for Tweeds, 40c for 40c 40c tOc 20c 121 $110 83c 63c 44c TWEEDS COTTONADE Cottonade, 25c for Cottonade, 20c for.. Cottonade, 1Sc for.. SHEETING Sheeting, 25e for Sheeting, 25c for PILLOW COTTON Circular, 48 inches, 25e for Circular, 44 inches, 20c for Circular, 40 inches, 15c for Plain, 46 inches, lbe for SAILOR HATS Girls' Sailor Hats, 15c for Girls Sailor Hats, 25c for Ladies' Sailor Hats. 25c for .. Ladies' Sailor Hata, .50c for .. Ladies Sailor Hats. $1.00 for TABLE OIL CLOTHS Table Oil Cloth, 1/, yds wide for.. Table Oil Cloth, 1 ! yds wide for. Floor Oil Cloth, 1 yard wide, 25c Boys' Caps, 20e .. Men's Caps, 50c for Men's Caps, tic for CAPS MEN'S TIES Bow Ties. 25c for Four -in -Hand 25c, 2 for 90e 25c 20c 15. 12i 1r•c 1.;c 17c 15c 1 l 9c 12c 19c 19e 35c 75c 25c 19c 20c 10e 25c 19c 19e 25e LACE CURTAINS Lee Curtains, 25c for Lace Curtains, 50c for 19e 40c Lace Curtains, 75c for 65r Lace Curtains, 31.00 for $5e Lace Curtains, $1.35 for $1,00 FACTORY COTTON 42 inches wide for.. 10e 1 yd wide for... 4c 1 yd wide Cotton, beat in town, for 5e MEN'S BRACES Men's Braces 15c for Men's Braces 20c for Men's Braces 25c for .... MEN'S SHIRTS Black Sateen, 50c for Black Sateen, 75e for Unlaundered Shirts, sizes 14, 16 sad 17 is 10e 15e 20e 40c 850 25e PINS AND NEEDLES Pins, per paper. Needles, 2 i'ack.ills fez TABLE LINENS 40c Pure Linen for tis 50e Pure Linen for *74 75c Pure Linen for 55c LADIES' HOSE 1' est Black, 25c for =pe Fast Black, 20e for Ise S5e See our line 5 pairs for ... TIO Ticking, 15c for.. 20c Ticking. 20c for.. 15e LINEN TOWELS 1$x36 inches 15c for ]4c 21 x39 inches 25c for.. the 18x3.1 inches 15c for.. 10e 18x36 inches 10e for.. $c COTTON TOWELS 12x40 inehes, 5c for le 16x30 inches, he for 5c 243E42 inches, l5c for 10c LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS Shirt Waists, t-xo collars, el5c for 4$e Shirt Waists, two collars, 75c for 65c Shirt W aiste, two collars, 31,00 for.. 75c DON'T YOO MISS THESE BARGAINS 1 REMEMBER THE DATE, MARCH 26th. JAMES ROBINSON, Corner Square and West - St., Goderich. RETIRING FRON BUSINESS Great C!eariii Saia ! DOUBLE and SINGLE Harness Trunks, Valises, Club -Bags of all razes. Carriage Rugs, Robes, Whips. Brushes, Fur Coats. The Harness Stock is largest West of Toronto. and the entire stock will be cleared out at less than cost of manufacturei am retaining no stock or interest, so coat or value of goods will be disregarded in this sale. A rare chance for Farmers and Horse teen aa every .at of Harness is gear - anteed hand made and the had of Union Oak Leather, while the Mount- ing--ails sr, brass or rubber --are of best quality. All book amounts inter be settled by Oasts or Note at treat. WM. ACHESON Com_ W- THO M PBoN Miele Dealer. has apla warned tie fres this ghee* Bic ors, and neo that M then:. Wiif 1e Spin 8.. hew !hg Improved an m r>ske it ew ser.tlsm gad eer! t O oauseet. misdealt owe vent he efe.. Mateo .f the Ob>rtanw (!!este MY OPENING DAYS FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Feb. 26 and 27, and Mar. 5 and 6 when 1 hope,Alt....; • 1earp.h.•e Mf tie r.....si elf Ott.eltar I will hove ' M Nhse rant. r� ee t�l ees risk •r estricstt tl t NORM PR1tAg Ie cry west , w. sterns Me'--pWeed ag he pe d eN tens i iletsl,y. TR0110110112 MUSIC =POT Wes t Ns el Ile mw N h Ask OIL -