HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-3-25, Page 3THE SIGNAL : OODERIOH ONT. TVRR$DAYr MAR 21 1107 HOT CORN. :j .. Nems,-" Why de yes gall her efii ibil parted ?" •' I/dl. she eon.a right to the pota*, ler o.. thing.' u we .gold only b try ..r awn db•pp.int- monis tenth • small boob.s of the equaled - whish w. hear the dlwppobt. •eats .1 others what • detlghau, world this mamba he 1. hep a! ties uvareame. -" Snpeeatl have oared adagios .f Me rapermities al kat." the peilewthroidas esd•tmod. How did you manage it • " .• I .feted to lead bis thirteen shakings" As Attempt r Doges-Jobney : " Papa what b asthma by ' • penes of s.mgaiee tpmpero.t.t ' ! " Papa : ' I s -ea-n- : gleans • Doreen epee eremite • goad mate, this's that do set hangs.' Ispmtwea'r LA -Tb.: " That alarm is from S -Mt rest, " Reseed Vhsman : •• Great ('ager 1 that's • Megrim 1.11 of fireproof b• ldt.p. Harry, er we elan have • ter eih1, gar. -up." Miasmal • T•iwa-().Noma.: •• Wb.t r year harry. Pat! Hsy.s'i yes ell day to whish be beige the yea ! " Poe : " Begeueo. Oral Moyle' to finish me job bdw tM paint glees ss." C.agdbtg.-" n.eegs. I ft ar yen ars m0rrybg ma just bosoms my pots lett me • Weems" '•lie, my pra•l•e•. 1'1 marry vee just the sem. It may ether ',mod bad left it to ya- .onetire,e many • man," my. • bembl. pblle eDber," that .ever wou'd have climb .d to means If bio wife hadn't stood by and lest • hand le steady the ladder " Brews-iiesuty lest •.•rvtbing in • wesss I'tarried Mn, V. became .b. was a women of r nee " Whit. -And yet .be married you. Feway. Isn't Sr' " I limo yea will be lenient with me, my lard,' said the thiot, •e be stood .p to be gsalss.ed : " 1 hove • geed many depend- ant ea .. for their "Ipp rt." "Children!" 'whorl the judge. " N.: d.boHvea Old Clerk (provosla* • reset to the hu keg of the day)- We enjoy the high privl- isms ef ed.brattag today. as we do every year. the twenty -Math btrtbd.yy of the re .pseted daughter of our esteemed employer. H...'s to her health." Agreed-" I have always maintained," said the hest. as be peered out • glee of sherry. " that a oert•ta enema of wine after dueler is good for the inner •tan.' . I quite three with yea.' .rid hie guest ple•ar.tly : , it is the a.srb•a quantity that doe the mi.oktet.' "I knew we are poor, d. ar paps,' said F.yelys, nestling her head ere .s his shoul- der." bat Charles ie brave rod hopeful, and be says that love will make • way " "I knew it will," .old the old baker. 'rtn.ly "It .nide awn with ewe tens of Weaseled d two peends' worth of gas last wister, and Actor• Mag will huhu again, I .apps•.' Rclub'Iy S.It•f I..-•' I don't think I west • Oyeiog;te lie," said tee west•• of the how, " bat if you hays got any nice book for • Great Jupiter ! tandem," exclaimed the oablu.hla1 beak oanea.spr. •' We goo NIe cyclopedia for • oh.ldrea's hook at oar house altogether. They sit .. it at the t•biw" " What do you make • week'" said• moatetrate to an Italian organ -Fonder, who charged • man with brash ing big metioel m•tram.nt the other day. " Veer pound, sed." " Mb -.bat ! fear pound• for grading so organ r No. sere, net for Fried -Yoe .hat .p sad go away I" A. • party of bicycle riders passed her wtad w she tassel br bead comt sptneus- ly rad •:Maimed- '• It is simply .►eakar • • You refer to the bicycle oosenms !" said the young man. " Yes ; It M painful le its unoigbNass " " I sappuse yes oiliest to it herons 1* makes the yens( wellies look so m•aabk r' No : what I dmltkm is the meaner is wheels it maks the young mea look Rtrlbk." Drew the Line.-'• You've get • fellow is then Net .hall not .rlt ea me again," said an ir.b eusto.or is be emerged trent the dieing-retm and threw his meaty down en the psy.dtsk. " I m so* stingy, oeataasd the costen,r. "and dea't mad giving tips ; bat wham a waiter bags .hast till • fellow has nearly finished sating and whistles ' De Not For- est M.,' I think de's about time.emibhg wee dame.' ruder tMtnesltt*s. It b mid that Jnpaneee disarm pm- ferareca•. Ilke everyt ins ems to that Mod, sae fast being rel.,.od otter hale parr modals. Until .e.prretively r.sosI- ly is was Illegal for .ds end barb Miters le •ppesr apes the stags at the sero Mo- ment. As Iver is the err gab */ a *VI la Iran, is elsewhere, this s.par•Nea ef the sial b hishr lie leve-m•kiag predaoed the amt Minder etsow to the untold a•.som _t .1 the there Iuropea. epods- rec A esrfo.ioa d Mee hs te Ire a•d% afMr the The Renee el Jeer .arae these era ithe •Ab, b.L..d Ye -IN -Pawl" when will yet 4.s . that 'Ms yes whit are the .west .Mss .l all .y psis r H. hies et l the rigK The J.f.t el Sagas entree hem the s/. Ana yes, h dear lima -T .Pahl. I ler. yea. 1 lean yea r Rhob. idl.ppera ... Reseines •gait ap- es " Ob. hs. joy. I ear yea the merges el • ;rhegm.d Neck. 1 Dat will you, .w... .ss, groat ate the Rest `vee width i new all ell yea J., atter r •se ring k.uslf that the sibs b ..pry, eases lerwa,a, .Sb/- " Oretaiat,-I premise N k.f..e I ask nine it t. r' Ia. withdraws. Reser esteem Will Sant my Saved. bb . Erse/ Nr yeal.wa%krMwmglrMorty.kir r Re Ws .f .qw,. Mir sprees. Thee ---raw yea have N r She rums a$ egoth near mhos wRis 111" sal°11/14/111 Merespes he epee. W sirs esd pt.M.. "'lypk ee w eft the melees t aw a rabti. Ir. wap lire OWN nag everybody b the. raiser Y .mfbg se wasplike. IT NOUNS TIS KILT. i akawiea•se •slags -Bat They litod ea one as . Thiel in the /Whs. &ad lore s.e k•. Tire be Wender wbas ails sitet he is in the firm liteep ef Dletaes -Sonar Amwtso. Miry C.. will Beek the Be.4.and Liberals. as Met- ter hew Ilia a the Cords. The therm& et ogres thee have hese helped .ad eared by the great Bee* Am - edema Kidney Cure M the hest res aeird - ef Its oerosNe gollUes. The reamed, Is • specific for all kidney Ireebles The female V ..mpoomd.d ea the very lets.* ..tenth. drw.ertes is tat medial world. Thu are thoa.esde t.dsy who de srutafeily any " I am Ilei. ted.y became I nand yes& Am - town Kl1..7 (`.r.." II relieves is ds beers. Said by J. I. 11•vts. Aaswered. An Irish Reams Catholic priest, she had Jett paid • Ail l the Stat.., tells Min "troy as hie own expense " I wee erre oat of °beroh • week er tete beteg* 1 start- ed. and directly in front of me were toe old women who did Got knew. that i was whi- le eaMot. A.d rid you kne., Mr Malik:.. that Father Bleak was gots' 1 .Amew1ky '" mid one se tits .1h.,• " 1nd•de, 1 elle not, thio, Mn. Ilo8wipe and whv'e t•k1.' hiss tore Y' woe the homedu,. gore. " My mere* and year .lxpre., Mea Mulligan, gad they. whet'e teat.' hiss aboard • ('ooader, let me tell yes!' t*pMed the internist/vs old dame with • MRsl t toes of ber grey head CURED OF SCIATICA - Left alp atrree.d- raapeeteel aided" wren. tee--aeltv.d and Perte•'e1y Caged by Redd's kidney lila. Tomato Jemmies, Ma 21 (Mp.el•I).- Mr. H. Play tor i o.1 • 4i111es1*..40 10 Bad is everybody bra kerma slim he is foreman as No. 1 Fin Hall. H. was the piotere .f health whoa called °pec by your oorrepes- deet sad told hi. .tory the • - " la April 18% 1 sabred Prem a even attack of emetics •1Hmting my left hip and leg to the tip of the tow I saepet..d that It ease filial some form of kidney weoble and as Obey had boon re.ommwded 1 pro- cured a hos of Dodd'. Kidney 1,111.. " At the sad of the fourth day I was es - tinily relieved, hot desiring • p.rmaoot cora 1 ooatioesd to o.. that gad :mother bog sad .m new perfeafiy oared sad as well as ever la my Irl. A brother ef mine living at Pute t irobard bas been oared by Dodd'. Klder y Pills. lee hens *thine Sabres Some yawn age (writes a doctor) I was attending • lady who had • very tressle some baby, and is mores of 000vers•ttos 1 told bar them my baby was also • very tire - 00100 Geo. Another of her children, about fear year" old, .airing by, seems to have beim 'erect wit* N* remark. for • taw days atter. •d- dresetrg her mother, she said- •• Mather, I should never have In. M. WeiW'hy'' asked her m.ther. '•'Caw be deem't keep filet quality babies. H. said kis wo bad, and I'. sure saes Is dreadful." mt.Aes... Follows. As everybody knows, the Pops every year proven the Golden Roe with hie blseag geaor lly to .Done pa -lames, 1* beerg destined this year ter the Princess of Bulgaria A smart s►adeof of history has pointed out that ti. (;olden Kae has been so ef..s fol - ..cd by manholes" that belief is almost warren, d t0 its fatality. For o-.aaoe, Pope Julius presented the t3olden Ross to Henry VIII. IS t.4,. . y• ar tele Pepe was deposed, sod the 'Mope's authority wee repudiated by Henry. Th. Pope promoted the sane emblem to King Bombs of Naples, when 'n leas than twelve months afterwards the King lot his crown and domtateo.. The Popo mot the Ree with his blessing to Fr.ocie Joseph. Emperor of Astoria, and waife the same sheet .pace of time the em• pps.nrorr we defeated •t Wows and lot his Cs.etlan poossssioco. After this the Pope seat the (:olden Reno rod hi. blender to Queen I.b.11• of Spain. Wilkin • year she lest both her Drown and domateas The Golden Rees and the bleating were then coot to I*•poleom III., or rather to the Empress Eugene, which is more significant shah, as the celled she war with (3ermay " her war '' I. less than • year France wag def..trl by Pretliiw* Germany : while the Emperor with his homily sed to fie for safety to Protestant Ragland, .hen N. pekes died 1s agile. Later, the recipient was Isabella, whilst Repot of $rail, and'epreoret•Nve ef the pwwetly party to that kiss/dem The mm* boeserable j.dgmeat followed. le 1889 Nen w • revelation. God the royal family heel to flea from the .oa.try fer .•tory. sad Inst both crews sod kingdom. Thrifty-Tbt titer story cf Getman " thrift " is told at the expense of the pro- prietor of • oirealettng library.ebo wh•rged ter wear and tear .fared by hie becks at the bands ef his wrote. One volume rape yak M bis sorotay. " Leak here." he .ioiaimed, '• there le • h ale se pyla 19 of my beautiful bsok, And l.olt" be weal ea. miring .ver *b. l.•i. "thee Y another en:p•ge twenty." A MIseemta '- *11. •1 tsetse 11.t if.. Eferieneree Ms& tet. s warp t Jori. 1 _egamt• faed Omer 19ssti•s-ween "rhe see esters• anima ear .r !kine year alp 111 trey Otheset an tea ba Ifadare► tl�sse lin cos ass was ~tog at the Orb i wag m erwhelaa h7 . bap_ este sem lithe harm MI stases Well. - e.oie•g to seed rem d fflw siggr ems sr tricks iia war et worth htnmgW Iltlawrimses amt best kr deriergoossa. I eaplNn.fi writ hell llyp ant sod 1s wow pttet*am in hie apes f- r els any 1i sr mat W &Mid he Ile roe ht a berry tie Regan 1110 �prearussneiti and wtdd••lf asWsf ditsMg thesnondoittaidad bated tthith r Jtam,. Wore. Weir tt bre di* tfhsta. mist se 1 •'.-.• R. -.ad➢tsd * + Witty t.. 11t!!s dime of mete mad kas*4ed e le ase, .e renes 'tllm.► Ilene i a tats bake hhd r �e apts ere swept far IMO slegr 1!r whl yes fres hese bets . mg esmig t..='sep R mad weer em• t' 1 Wilk this little plebes. 4..► prSA# efamn. thered it .end. terra el the rete:. 11111.rd em tee hggnen .astO. t - - - is seen. Wares esti Mai e-.--i.r-4Foo Tart Jin e.Daa therm i Deal Wallet a Ies'ett ..sl - 4 .4 beer and Ilbpeea twsehip. Med N the Irides •qtrs easwYy. le bis year. has she tervee el a e/ eta Ile W been es basee d time Sha fu 11 WWI. CRISP AND CASUAL Tires timet Mete Imerb-a are emeeri.d Ibsa any ether lite. Ivory pate.s tendm mosey -re meede telae bean root eel of the Sweaty -tear. TM excess mirk* oe bash notes, by wbbb hupe.les are detooted, aro 000staat ly bane . The a iwtien of erne a the doom Fritsch bp..try is so view diet an artist Garet medlar more Nae • quarter of • .Sera yard b • year. At Melbourne tae mbar bre Ewa aI •- est raised by maroon reed stesi oars, aid have eoaetlmee bees ,ilae. to ••sept threepenny Wes. As .oe•ged maple reesatly ra • ram. The Senna wears woe, whereupon she in rrailet.ly discarded her lover, asylum the* . M would never and as Inferior. In meets oases, doctors tell you to •pp'y het •pplloti.se also, over the "Quickoare" plaster, o.ertn, the back, °hest and meth well : S•aa.1 cloths wrong out of hot water will see wore " Quiekoen " but aid Its else* A well -k. ,ewe aeroa•ot worts that tt e vele. of • woman b audible ie • h.Ieose at the height of about two mil.., while that ar • man never re•oh.s higher than • mile. The longest lived people have veoerallt bees them who made breakfast the petrel - pal meal .f the day. Tb. .toanaeh see men vigour in the morning them et any time. Tumblers r.ssetbllne In ,begs sad dimes .lew these employed today have been feaad in gnat numbers In Pompeii. They were meds of gold, savor, gime, marble, agate, ✓ od of mon or lee precious .teas.. The Revd. S. Rioted, M.D., County Jacques -Cartier. write.: "i h•.s bad the - "adorable exp.rteaos with i» levan' 'Qulek cars, sad hays always found It sarptisintl, .festive, answering fully when directions wee observod, the several olalms of the author. It relieve pain in an looredtbly short time.' A ouriose ememeny, or rather. cembius- 'Cie took plane in Paris not long sroce when M Henry R.bot and Mile Neutrals were married. The patents ,f both beide and bridegroom celebrated their ulh er oeddlor, and the grandparents of M. Ribot oelebr►tod their olden wedding. "Sooner Is thes reward of merit'' not of wemptioa. Popular appreciation le what tells In the long rue. For fifty yeses. people ha.e been using Ayer's 8•r.•p•rilla, and to- day It I. the blood-porifer meat in favor with the public. Ayer's S•r..perllla cares. Drowning is a quicker death than mot people suppose s.easibthty 1s add to be- gin in one motets, sod fatal uaeeo.efose- sae to •bout two. Eves prnotLed divers menet rswt.in ardor water mon than a minute and a half, and It is almost taw to remain beneath the aortae, limiter. Spain hs sees the n•ws..lty for twibe- etlos her mountains. In order *o fosse" tem-pl.ntlo, the yoeev king rros.sly west to • vill.gs • Sew miles from Madrid and plated • sapling, atter which 2,000 Y.d• rid school children each plated • tree. Medals were distrlhnted •meog them with the tn.oription " First Arbor day rosette• ted is the reign of ?Moose XIII., 1896." If year child b attacked by Croup, • plaster made with "Qufokcore" spread with • warm knife (.lade es cantos flannel, Iles or oottoo, will give more prompt relief from croup et ay t.Meralloo "hon oemphorat. ed oil, or mst•rd. In .e- ere oases, deo- tors tell you to apply bot •pplrestie.s also, eye, the " Quickens*" plaster. °overuse the D eck and chest well. Some of the old homes to Holland have two doors which ars never used exoeps tor marriage or dead». By oat door the bride and groom ester, and tbre.gh the other door the bodies of the dead are car- ried out. In one of the Canary l.lods there i. • tree of the laurel family that eoosioo•Ily raise down la thee evening quite • opious shower of water drop. from Its tatted foil ate. The water comet out through :soo- merable little pores situated .t the edge of tit leave. The base of Ayer's Bair Vigor is • relined and delicate fluid, which doe not *oil or b. - corn. rancid by exposure to the air, and which ihi se pe:fe.t • substitute for the oil 'applied by mature to youth sed health .. modem chemistry can predate. People who are eu.optlbls to the oold 'boald make . pinto of wearing loses idea- ls( In cold weather. Losm garments are •lways warmer than tight fitting oats, set only became they allow nom dor Wreak - Hon, bat also becaa.e they permit a layer of .Ir betwses the skis and the srsid. old' An ..d..ver 1e now heir mode b Hos gory te utiles a . prenatal sad l .red eerier- ..I way the ..rtes internal best ler many years the stella& wells is that Ms. - try have supplied hot wager width ken bees need for • variety of pm-p..s, and by Mak Ing them to • depth .f 12,000 or 111,000 feet, water would be obbmb.d,3* 1. believed, capable of yeildiog Mers pewee se well se best for warming buildings. Ter Rkwlmmti.a. Pais in /he Bank, Hideo .r fleet, spread 'Qd.kamn' ea lines or Ora*.. as he Bawer end ..ver with erten Muir er pew. err width put • threes to keep all in p1•em and to preset the err- ing. Many pbyidbse wit; ees prescribe er anew as el ordinary pretere, s s any .f them ..stab liell.den.. and Aram, and iremereee than drags may be absorbed by the erten and amus set... disturb. .moss. Plosion mad. .1 "QuMkere" have been reeler eied. as berg entirely bee ben myNtteg whish amid peetbly a jure even • °Mid. sod me *lbw reveres gds se freely. teem as >e11he. Ne .meter bow est may be they, le is gulls pesn4Ue te always i.d lints 1. Nlsted be .se's belsa at ark. One their met drop ams'. elhNee, end tenable a▪ ha eeltM me'e self mer the .Mbhee .1U Melt atlea0Ywe im the assails, Saw pimp of M• -•ear est • deeh a ere is a. end .•y r s eboe.sgh bvieg.- 11. result • ts ea hear'♦ deep, Brush • ' ID rinser : will be gleesin n . k.r ler the tae bl., end year them oat to eneebs by the pre- sage. 11m. tam the rill is . ears gnus .sill litink • Mem el b* meth, wast sass , • ewes beg ware, easing • waler er a We d bar l yea inks. Whim the smell b fbfehed yea .10 be reedy b fir to simper rasa% soy Mer swim end in the aMesbg yea w/ .rhos r• ib h gas brae ?r�Cb-dest ,, ba r hie adder, w .theorem&Oho te•t7 •ts•ed by 11' Juana Pa..oe- tot. end Secretary O4sey, sod prised fa upon the •ktaezliom (t[ Ste. Oongram to the •t•cluroo of all ogler timekseus. President Krieger has arrived .t aoumlb.tets welts the .Sew or arrear fret lbw a Mower them b•.....n the Triumviri and (linage Pres Mate. Ile Need the Que. we a (,u. eaoets wo- moo and 31 was Obwe4.re osoaes.� to deal eolith de q'.. kin d urian w� ebe greseret cantina caams artp clilt[llwaLS. Ur. Oliver leiter. on aged hast', ■vitg alone at Warv1Es. N.S.. wr roar num: Bred to hie Donee on Sew dyer W. Be•r'ddg, an Ottawa Err- rant. tarr ant. wtso tsar disappeared. war eon - tanned to a year In MU by Jetdipe Hoan for fraud. An extra watatb bas been pinned woe Butler. the ricer Ateelevilan tiwedersr, owing to hie :beast to 001111- 111 I t uarmit etdeWe. Wllllrat loeriigan wee sltobwi -ed to sentry' Store In Ritramenon Pial...,. tory at tits Peortrete Aiming rem cranial a itant J,hr. Fireman of Harrttlton w aa.l►- bed Ire the tack by a Young man teeth Whom he hod a direr hes rho ....!!bane of IX Itisrtes The roar Wats Brain W bite ems ode be .deemed flown the perietew1lbwy In her days, banner been pardoned ager haunts !er'ved • year at ticte sueeewea A young ntan to IN.ntbeirg onegp7lieg • Mgh woad pasitsau fathomed watt teavPtg Innared bee wt ee. he. for a large sntrunt and then pot bee mem hype' 4k• .ogawetlortm suicide. A Coroner's Jury at Oshawa fe he- veettwating the otrcumerterstw attend- ing the death of M'r., Ilan or O edar- dale. who was found dead in her ltbt- .tt n with hpdh-setons of vkiertee to the shape of broken turwitare and ribber and bruises on ttie wvrneere face. Mrw. Ilertmend of KinggVINe wee an- noyed by whitecaps who turned a stream of water frown a hese Int* her boom and ordered her to teem, town. Onsets to tie inaction of the &mad con- stabulary the matter will be reported to the Attorney General. Rev. R. J. M*Riregton, motor of the. Fetdrrnrnt Baptist Cburrt at Network N.J.. has ooneee.e.d that he tnok Yrs. iw.n.thy Dlohereon, a gram willow, t. Montreal wt11b hese, wive.* the seriph lived as man and -Wife. Mks 1111f1eg- ton will we for a divorce. Jwderment wee delivered in 18sreir4l Os as a n ee owe. to wit** the pstset6al was 1151, sod tete fnterrat at 18.' rate Of 5 per Dent. per day amounted 1n INIS. he Judge regretted that tender the law, witd.>b did not prohibit slurry. be had b give lodgment Par the tan sanoost ensue arweee Ward aoeom. Insdca Pani 11 -The Atter eons t d Tit► Those telegraphs that hes ebeelae(' from the highest Netball, the ootttaee of a 'china which grace b willing to accept. pending 0 renal ei. ass of the Cretan quer h.0 The eat pmt et Ste .ahem• M that the Tur•k1.k traps be lmmedbtely withdrawn from the Wane; eeaendly. that the r etoradoe et order be 'stented to part of the Europese seat operating with the Greek are,. which ma art umber • e.wnena.der et the pont Mem .sot., to trot SAIWOL third. that the I. ea seer ore hmlt to OW pl •,{Gersh,: feeer N es Mat after ter.wales a ls heelde whether .neoome be eetahtsi.4 se the Island be annexed to Game. este Mb. that the powers hantedlately hedge Teckey re withdrew part ref her hens. oe tae (ieeeek benne", Orem" 15 wlihdraw bey troths In the •M .same utopt•g. :r area. [ ,,garde tDe rhlrf Mep►r era being-ng�r frostier Beth the Greek wary lead t!. 'r7•e.etteo peasantry are to eseit•d thee m outbreak may Greer at the ateme,t. DUTY ON TEA .. . err (Each, Him, Janis) We have bought heavily in an- ticipation of a duty being place.) on Teas, and are recommending our friends to lay in a stock. Our values are the best we ever of- fered. Get a sample and be con- vinte'i. C. A NAIRN. Cartage & Fuel Co. are prepared to handle Bag- gage Freight and Household of - facts with Dispatch at reasonable rates. Dealers in all grades of HARD CO SOFT and 18mithing Coal Wood and Iraindling sot to suit customers anti deter shed with promptness Order• ne,- liel led. Telephone Silt & P. Co. J, 1, Bare, D. 0. Remo/IAA, UMW* Seereesty CANCER CURED -AIID A - LIFE CAVED Sy the Pwvsi+bnt U.. e1 Ayer's Sarsaparilla "I was troubled for years with a pre on my knee, witch several physicians, who treated me, called a cancer, assuring me that nothing could be done to save my life. As a last resort, 1 was induced to try Ayer's Sarssapariila, and, after tak- ing a number of bottles. the gore began to disappear and my general health improve. i persisted in this treatment, until the sore was en- tirely healed. Since then, I use Ayer's Sarwtpariiia occasionally as a tonic and blood -purifier. and, in. deed, it seems as . r-ntgh I could not keep house without it." -Mrs. S. A. rumps, Bloomfield, Ia. AYER'S TM Only World's Fair Sea ' Ayer's Pills Regulate the Lhla.i. Lumber for Sale! The Ooderlcb Lumber Co. (Lill has for sal at the Harbor and lathe . Yard on the (1.7.11. track, Rim, Ash and Harwood .ad Pte., Hemlock and Cedar Lumber a all teagthe gad end cedar Poets. Alva Mall. In barqquantn77.I As uptown °Moe for the sale of Millwood nylah' rte ,I h.. b*su established at the sten of HARPtht & LEE, who are empowered to accept orders rod receive payments for our uobwn trade In that line. tett THE OOI)KRICH LUMBER co GEO. THOMPSON, Manager. Telephone No. 61. For TWEN IY-SEVEN YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER nHEnCseFstMENo KOOTENAY CURES RHF"'MATiSM KIDNEY DiSEASE LIVER GOMPLAIKT 1NDIGESTION ECZEMA CONTAINS THE taw neGaENlINT Me. F. E. at. Jes..sa re.Nts.ar 111 arms. Maws. !.reed ee also - ■hep et eM agstteaw Among navetnag mem, ..•^here at parte. meat, •ed ha3tame d tae Oae•da. Capital. se -ewe le baiter 10.. Sae lir. F. X 8& HB O**. mop,ep Wier of the Rama wer nit Illes k it�.Mgwtbs .bre sl ethers • etw�somi he riag bl. leen.. Iib "Ave atntftyed.aglb aetemityt.lasae week b wen IS i o wand. O. 1. whir M~Me&e ienprietlit rie tnaitot.. root WI Nall ..w ate few line .toy leas- Me ayes etrwewa. AMMO Ilk lea a a Rvm.11. Iia. IN -P. Dens Ort,-! .m gladly and maw Brta�ag► aprol t mend Rester„ Cate to trim& .wN It W Nim mrZ; •r•••r*•fp.1 Igo sri h *arrive. D • ma. doer *,P. M J WOOER ARMSTRONG BRUT. eZ CO. Pump & Fanning 111 Works 1307DICRIOE1, ONT_ ✓ 1wr mer•sy'.fTI A large .tort of cry ehohew Pumps, inane - 3.. Rood from selected Muskoka quartered Dila with hearts ran% one These Pump are m•aaf etered is a somber of Myna to 'hit •vtnybody and every plans. Very easy wnrslat Damp for deepells. irome•ppd Mooed tap po am tar tsh.d- yards, house erre. rte. •~team.' at•TRm aN'.a set t e p13.w ter •Drab washing Maes, w•tert. Prdem. ..tl.- Iss Imo e ntaiing grans. Its. Optical enmities gives te drawlsg wager from emit • Mass., from pumea ire. red wood ethnic weed, Imo .ereelata hoed er bean ''yrHndire : Drammen Rettig nay taw WIND fgaa. Imo er moment tpr�1l 551151/. SAW a"a•, Urd I.ate11 Pease; N oto, see. ��•npleerieg'.•.refit 111111111%111111111%1�ilI.IN�.1vel '`1 0 ala. _ - . Ali 1. .'ensu and 118111T1111ani air amen aeleall erten paeplb PUMPS ARMIIIIIIONG BMW 4 Co Spring SuiY or Overcoat If you need a Winter Over- coat or Suit, call upas PRIDRAM, The Tailor. If you leave yaw order with him you may depend on getting goods that will suit in every way -in tit., workmanship and promptness in delivery. PR I:DHABI T3>t TAILOZ. 1897.... 8nnonncement. New Goods and Best Values in the Tailoring line at the old -established and reliable West-st Emporium. Satisfac- tion gnaranteed in Quality Style and Price. HUGH DUNLOP Stoves and Tinware o . e At CATTLE BROS. Now is the time to enquire about Heating or Cook Stoves. W he have them - all kinds and sizes at lowest possi- ble cost prices. Also leave your orders for and setting up of Stoves. We the hes$ Canadian and American Coal OiL CATTLE BROS., Hamiltea-et. Plumbers and Tinners. Cakes, Pies, Tarts. Read] Tor the Rush. Call at D. Csirratolr'a, the leading bakery, for your Party Cakes and Puff Paste Tarte, Oyster Patties, Minot Pies, Short Bread. All kinds of Cakes kept on hand. Orden left by ten in the morning will be made and delivered the sante day. Wedding Cake. -Ornamenting and decorating of the latest designs with • fancy assortmentrnf Wedding Cake Ornament.. Almond icing s specialty. Cax .telos� Tinware Reitman are neoetosry to mankind, then how mach more so are they to the better part- woman f A. they are so neces- sary you should see that what you eat are good, Shp• saving in cask sod health. Tinware or Grandee:rare iosght from as is always good, and as the latest inventions .re always added to our stock a hitter .oisctiga marmot be fosnd in Canada. STOVES a*n FUMICES v;hart them ...pleats bre of Stoves and Put} ars is the County. HARPZH • Lei.