HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-3-25, Page 29 -f)/ ilrf'9k. AT - OttlnrPtVV. nV'P, T11"WIP'1`1 MA& IS 1W.
)gals, Just so mucit on satlaakt are
Ywltable beings. and Ike eiatn0&b they
Sony show Irritability to varying dr
gree& 711nuo some plants assy Ire de-
scribed as mildly irritable. J,wY
p��d&��I. has W loop alter its tweding.
tireeo planta, furthernbere, have t,
week for a very lniyurtarrt part of their
good to the air, and this they take up
under the IaHue•nce of light. so that It
Is not surprising to Brad the uitluenew
at envirwimeir* Making iteelf telt •-n
every Want, and cussing the. plant In
Gov mal tar aootht to react to iia sur-
roundings. It is use post- ular res
arcane to SUMUS which wt tiny cal;
L 11- WLity. A platy le u t. table !w -
Cause It in "is to rtispand.
Hlgber plants ha. I.ms than sower an
Irr"blca Thrahtmxs of a tree n-olsond-
lag to the influesue of light, place the
leaves In the malt advant,ag""As Pap-
illon B)r the work they have to perfur:n.
mod the ruuai. in obedience to the ml-
aulus exert -t by gravltWinn. grow
bamward Into the earth. Tendrils are
sedsad leav,- or brands v.hi• n hav-!
basltate Lm toI,1, ta
to conct.
A YLUe p:..:,t, the tvy-lrali�ed toad
Aux• iAtu.d c %erintl him etuu • wall%,
aRurds an int.rMUDC lust til, a of irri-
tability. When is biussiAll the loud
Bower stalks of dile plant tuxn ' ,.twArd
and carry the n, wetruck underne
ns ath
the leavtm In ,Order that they may se-
cure• the- vlaits of toee-ots, which are
na•crssry for Meir ferr'tiliamiure The
walk of the seed veeopal I& fortunatelY
ger the welfare of the pliant. an irri-
table structure When 1,mering 1s
over It no longer seeks the plan* which
is most sir -,ugly lighted- t.ut rarri-•s
ter rtpentnot fruit behind the leaves to-
ad a little ,-runny in the wall Here
the seed ve,ma,•I bursts and diwchargow
Its ntnrents, not among coarser weeds.
wArno Its growth would be Inevitably
Checked. but upon the Poll which has
ooll.•cird In the cranny. Young weed"
fings nun make• their appearance. and,
me a result "f the M-urishing start in
IMO, the ivy -leaved toad -Bax is usually
full of abundantly In districts where it
In eland at all Here we have a dower
walk matsondlag to th.• stintalus of
fight, and a reversal of the Influence
Udseterent periods of development en-
ag the plant to accommodate itaW
to Iia enviuonMemt.
Ali plants only sucnted so long as
tbAr Irritability leads them to adapt
themselves to their surroundings The
felon. lowy organised, by reason a their
dipigsY+ structurv, show greats versa-
tdlty In this respect &ban their more
complex rsiaUveo. It is easy to un-
derstand how a mass of peotoplami can
mare readily adapt It%elf to varying
condition- thin . h•icimer plant with
Its exb•nith a diffe: , t,ation of tlsua
Bacteria are eiyt- i.i.l y sensitive train
this point of view. They car disttir
gudsh wfth very great nicety between
me relative mutability of two mutrleas
aseutkofaa Many of them am r ayable
at pre-fertly astounding dis"Iminatice
to this r-•speet to the same way the
vtbttn• bl,00.1 e`prpuscles are attracted
by nert&ln forHgn-4ttten paUwg'enie--
sabatanc.r to the spot Of the bnti'uabr
at bac t Orta into the blood Here u to
the husin••se of the white corpomdes, if
pamdt*. w deAmy the hacterla. This
attrac•thom Phowel by manly organisms
toward chemical substances is known
w cherabtaiis.
The opow" d ferns and mosses af-
ford a remarkable fiiustratfon. The
mole cells are discharged by the plant
end may be Peen sty imrting in all dt
rectlnrmP to water, when suddenly they
Will make & dash in the direction of
the fernoo.l. ,wiled Thin sudden rush
Is a chernlotac is pheri-wra on. In the
car, at ferns nlit• at1.?,.asd In the
las.• of rno mors a super. in the sub-
star.re wcrtAed by the fammale organ.
causing the Purprlslag wrtivtty of the
Inde swimming antheTair. Woo-
ilierfully dllut.• sodutlons are careful of
amusing the stimulus. Supposing for
strength ,A the solution N. gt-adualtp
hbcreased, the limit Is shortly .4 ow sg
beyowmd which the solution acts as &
tegwllent Inst -ad of an aktracth•e sti-
mulus, causinK the plaints to swim
away me far as they osn. It, leer
ewer. the plants tr compelled to live
In a strong solution, they will In time
gR acclimatised and wit swim vlgl,r-
newly toward a solution at the attract-
tne salt, altJhoush it nbay very much
eirrvrd the stxmal nuLaiaum of attract-
bw strength.
The following is an example of
drmkAaxts which a planet has duw ov-
end to secure Its own emds. Isnria is
a fungus whi--h infests silkworms and
other cat,ethlliara Melminowpora b an-
other fungus parasitic upon tsarW an
extremely IuteUlCPnt parasite. and unl-
ksu It haptens to meet with a Blament
at Isarta It entirely enlaosew Its vorAllon
Now melartrlh,ra apparently neer, tom
sett• substance which exetnclsas con-
IsAeralole atttactlorn for anuria nla-
memta for they seek out the apps eptly
harmless opo res a metannsporm and
grow freely over Nem. hti hen the
spore is surrounded by Jewels. ALsinenta,
R puts tont Its germ tube and proceeds
to teed Upon Ila host.
Not on ohvkously intelligent, although
It is to reality, is the life of the green
PlantAL 71W fact that the branches of
a tree grow upward into the air and
light, while the roots grew downward
Into the sill, shows that the different
parts orf endowed with edpeeW Irrito-
bility. Green plants aim) promise the
power "f adapus.g themsryvty, to air-
CUM*tancew A immato. who•n grown
in the Misr M the attempt to get its
kayo int,. the light [mots out ♦eerT•yy
murlh elnngnuN shooe% beam ng Pe 1
travel, for In the darknevis leaves are
is -aIle to perform the important fang
Cons of taking fond from the air. ThIP
bob"vlcr tit the ptlat.. plant Is. thee.
& Airw-t attempt to oVr-coms ,limed-
vmntagw,ts crmnditlong by puithhli, ail
OW strength fntn the work of islongat-
tug Its stern, If haply it may bring Its
laves to the fight.
RtwAP stow remarkable Intattlgenee
in the way In which they moves
4W to the groun,i It he nrrvrdmry
tet the pnfie performance of Its An -
ties that the rel b.- ",141oll with ozT
gra it halm no difficulty 1n ol.tafntng
this oxygen from a hvftUh,r Poil. in
ow tropical mangrove swamps the
am tv*rdsta of a BMWs at &M y"d
vowtaml"n, -ewer ♦ery little oxygen U
found anm,nor the putrefying oabwtanon
77ue tranrrr.ve accordingly adapts it.
M& to ern urnttarWew, its roots begin
4 growing b,lrlsosrfally In the normal
wW, but U ne►Rat d they proceed
Ss take a tit..Wvd, grow &Jong in
iav air for a short distance shove the
Zand then Rep dawn again A
riot MtY repeat this Pearson at Inter -
vale is the &Mal tests is hound a
tl,oree wekyt allows ot the
�w" circulation d air betwmon the
71s 4sam lwdlemwtar d m"On In InBIr
401ed by gmvftatlesif the Innuouge
d It"wltalkpw In a paritrular dirge.
Ike be damns ewer with. as by mffifto
n Smw&W anuflelit in -.same sad tP
t'ew" keit grawMmiffin samulto r Wn
stuping dlr,eotlon fur the vanlee►I An-
utbre iMlr►s►or of scat Ily taasdrtg a
member to grow pn a deflnitt dLe'twilses
making an angle with the v.rtk.10. is
afford. -d by the d&ft--dil. The do&-",
always hangs its head. This det.wOda
twat on the welsh, d the Clower. but
0o the mUnpWus of gravity. fur no mat'
ter bow the stalk may be piqued the
flower always maker an angle with
refervnee to the direction of 9ra11rlta-
\When a part at a pliant resp.omds
W an extn•rn&I stimulus the wbnle plant
need not new--arily kfrpw In which di
recuun the stimulus tends. In the
case of nmAp a certain part V I'wA'd W -
lag In length. and this is the portion in
which curvatura- takes places under the
action of Uwe SUMUIm of grmvitatka.
But this Is not the part which knows
which way Gravity is pulling. Near
the tip of the miul, Just behind the root -
cap. Is a very am" patch of tissue
which perceive, the stimulus, glut uQ
the Up of th.• root. and with It this lit-
tle patch of Irritable tbsue. and invert
the plant. and the root. wt&b is !bus
placed upwrnmost, grow'* vertically into
the air. A very Interesting expe,rlmesr
In illustratwu .d this tact, and vas
,astly tried Is me f01tQ`W♦ : Take & thin
glaw tutw shaped like a Boot, the We
being rs.ther at -on and more than two
mil;Jrrlstr•es long. All.,w the root of a
seedling to gn.w into this. fixing the
pbuit at the open end of she tube. The
rout grows vertically down the tube.
and wh••n It twucltes the toe It turmm
horizontally string It Tar, thele at
the tip of the root sends a message UP
the p,W)t that there Is something Pre'
venting it fr-m responding to the a"-
musus of gravity and growing vertl-
cxlly downwar4. and this is neod"-
tating Its he,rtsontal gro%%W In rt-
wpurse to this message the Woressung
portion curves at right angles in the
hod.- of thus i.."ting the tip of the -vol
round the opr,udng structure. But it
is unuonwci•-u+ that a trick in being
p;ayeri ul-ii it. that the toot is fixed
In the F.sats tube unable to move for-
ward, an,] that the curvatutrw. instead
of pushing the root horizontally for
ward. acts upon the *hoot. pushing this
borisc.ntally to the opposite direoth'n-
The I-rri,-s of some foreign species
of -nlstletoe show a rem&rka ,Ie bo-
havior in their endeavors to penetrate
the trunk of a tree. The sticky berrie
fastens Itself to a branch and seob
out a root. which. curving over. inerts
the branch again and forms a Puddie-
like mass of tbnue It attemuts at
this point to pierce the bark. If un-
able to do so the berrie is deposited a
little further on. The saddle now be-
comes detached, aed, by another head -
Ing of the rout. is placed once more 00
Me branch beyond the berrW If the
-lots can perpetrate in the new atatfpa
all Rote wed; but if root the plant
forms another somereaaull. Oue berrlw
that was mad., the object of continued
observation pemWlaed five Jumps to
two nights and three days. A number
of unfonutnatr berries were dice seen
hapeloody traveling along the t,-le-
Cr*A^ wtree In Ceylon, vainly tamde&v-
orieg to Bad a prostsbe resting M&M -
The unnolrWv plant and the Venu• BY
trap tarnish two Pxarnples among
many diems of restlessly Irritable
plants w•bMh reuct violently to the W-
mulus of contact It IN a carlotm and
little-known fact thst the Venus fly
trap only responds to the stimulus
when one of the hairs om the centre
of the "trap" is touched twice. No
effect is observed atter the first torch.
"u- meumelerful purpoorfulne w d these
habits and me,chaniciarns forever dis-
pel the Idea that hotany treats of inert,
objectlem planta. It Is Instead a act'
else of life and liths things, each one
of which Is enderwed with marvelous
acid dlffervnt roversn
s of aking the
best at life in the sphere in which It
Buds itself harneaeeuUdN Journal.
rb. a..aalee. of illi. Pea.
The largest steamship ever built -
greater even than the famous (}real
astern, until now the largest ship -will
be iauncti"i at Belfast next January.
It will By the Bag of the white Star
Line, and will he placed in the New
York and Liverpool service. The ship-
building film of Harlan ! Wolff has
been commumIloried to build this
modern giantess of the sea&. The
feminine form of the noun Is used to
designate the ship. because Rudyard
KlpHng. wh.. is an authority on all
such things, has said: "Me homer, she's
a lady -the man -r' -war's her husband."
and this ship. not being an engine of
destruction, but intended to carry pae-
aenttcers and the malls. why. she's &
lady. and a most colossal lady.
Over an eighth of a mile In length
will be this riatitere& Tb be exact she
wM have a l,•nrtb over all of 704 feet -
twenty -five feet longer than the Oreat
bstern, which after performing the
bistnric wervtne M laying the Atlantis
cable. rwelyd because its Proportions
rn&d► it unwieldy.
'Me ocaftnu --lhmt Is to be the name
d the new greatest ship -will be slxt-
five fe-Pt lane -•r than any vo wol now
aflo nt or to proreem of cnnstrvc'tion.
and. with the itnowledgP gained Knee
the !hest Pluwtrrn was built Phe will
not be anw-1 idy. Rho is in ho a twin
srrvw• ietearner. anti while Phe will he
fart eno"mgh a ovol Itself will be Pnh-
orvll-aced to the Comfort of passengers
mot wan the ll,p"r ra►L
111he is known sty one of the most
rharminx members of the literary arum
art chicles of New York Her charm
at manner to exerted among all classes
of people, and It was from this fact
that all.. "footed her level." as Phe trays
In telling the st.,.ry.
Even shmdlew require. once In a
while, the proask effu -ts of the arnnb-
lady to isese teem in a wondluon suit-
able for all occasions. and It was the
scrub lady who frankly undertook the
leveling process
Rho* was an arlatocratir individual.
and her conversatlen as she Ported
under the oan•ful supervislo n of the
ted is Of the setabllahment, turned
cnnttrnullY upon the r4eftaince of the
famngPa with whom she Ass samistnm-
ed to srociato---in a way of business
M mcruh-lad-ftwWri dew to Any "On
]Nth av,pnue." roiled from her tongue
In olrelling cadences on emny time
that her 11MPner Was at last tempted
to remark:
-ilut it 1- not an mach to It'we so
1s1fth Uvw"wP We llvw on iM tfe
avenrfe "
"Ah^ reell od the Der ih h". ands
"wre was A weAA cot Ptpramotnn in bw
=-bat ant on the leper part--
llfTwk 7uma
TW /= a Slagle !sr/
me tee owwdr al of Goes Is Pew
swtd, and ban Mbit for M0 room a
nen d 31toq -all * it in not true
111 �argued as mom ON
ka a am*. ma so dike M
IWhaaWA W .chef I r art tants Iles , TENN 'S SRX
TIL► l a WME RECOLLECTIONS OP 1 Duly knew be MM God's 100 no
_-Bewe an b bund &tied and
99d► WMr � TNfi E3LPOSITION 01Ir.D•
tum uv sad weft !br tied W r•
railed the aagtaaloas 0" :IMM M[ ALMOST CAMPLFTED.
Tho reaves Yee a 1msseLf and ale round.Drags" room the Dau
of t' M w -tae it o ve3leU
t's prtea ad ( With be""No I -'" -'
X%@ tkrsa►Aar1M reefs and aehbus Ara
tie DrammaNamuo■ Pt "TAlhy"- An- I CAW Ideals Pill"tee bfidoud tasaMalW lid" as-tg lPapaedswd-wire Antenna
bwered ba 1-.u.y. 11101064b-"Paeemoded DwyNn!", [a An
at the td,A wlteoet meamelaL Sias Lib ttf. ......-I.. oWa�
at seems Peculiarly appropriate, and
IS & OLU&factivtt to otic r sonar of the
Atnues of things. that One of the parts
in "1 ruby *b -old be play.-+ by & sun
of lis autbur. And Quaid du Maurtef.
the Zouaou of Mr. Tree's pinatuutu m.
uuw at the Kaicherburkee. says tri•
New York Tribune, to a ACU) the kind
of trunk. jivnial young tell-%% that nos
would expect to find In kir [Atha+'+
sun. He has a most attractive way e>tf
speaking. and a quiet, kc -91 reuse of
tumor which stungly suggests the
happy little touches in hl. father's
writings. 16 is only a few years since
young Mr. Du Mtaurler nrst went upon
the stage, but he bad play, dmany
other parts before he J -tried the• roars
of 'Trilby." In speaking of the way
in which be carte W do this. he 0114
last Werk.
-I was really under an mil"O Dent
at that time with Arthur Bourchler
and expected to play wIN his txoanPanY
fur some time. line any 1 met Mc.
Tree at the Barrick. in London. end
he maid at 0000-
Oh, Du Maurwr, I want You t" play
w lth me In -Trilby.- will Yo-! S. ,,,
& abort time I gut my rrlearx ti uID
liourchier, and it was settled that I
should take the part of L)4".,r in M
Trtr's company He wanted me to
play Little Billet at first but I am
much too tall for that part: It would
have been aboard. Besides, i irked the
part of Dodor Sor personal reasons
and nes did father. H • was v, ry 110-
x1ous that I should play It for a wblle
at any rate. Y,1u know Dodor wee
drawn -Tom lite pretty faithfully, fins
An uncle of mine who was fn the
French flragcoona Afterward. I .hang-
ed to Zousou, which is, of course, a
better part-
artFather never thought that 'Trllby'
w,•uld 1w a success as a play wtien be
was err turd that It was string t be
dramatized. However, he maid he
didn't care what was done with it so
bong as he Was not "Mimed to Der It.
He always hated the theatre. anyway.
and never went unlese, he haat to for
the sake of some one else. BW he
rather chaziced his rrdnd later about
Triib) That Is. he thought It was
ane full) clever to be able t„ mate a
play out of it at all, and was quite
In-aP.rt at the way In which several of
the scenes were reproduced He went
to the dreg rehearwal sa" several
Umew atter that.
'He had not the slightest ldea at
fashion, or what was the correct thing
in dress. Ptoplo, supposed that be no-
Uced those things, tit course• and g1r10
used to call upon o mother and Mc-
ters. got ftp beautifully. and expG,•t
that father would at least set some
Ideas f-vm there, But. dear nae, he
hadn't the leamt nottuem of what they
had on! My sisbeM looked W it that
he got the right thl 1n his picture&
He wotJd come home sernetierme-P and
sketch something which had attracted
him In a passerby on the street. Of-
ten It would be mane 1mp„seit4y queer
aI'M119 •meat, And my sisters would
protest: 'Why, father, you mustn't use
that to Punch. Nobody wears theme
things now; they're dreadfully ,Ad -
fashioned.' and he would give Jr. Iis-
medlately to what he recognized as
their superior Judgment -
"He was even putting poor Trilby In
those Latin Quarter scene@ of font
years ago into modern garmemW and
had to be brought before the family
tribunal for that My Metres had to
hump up some old-style alo4bew for him
to nese. He dM have models. you
know, for ttw p.eturve sad the clothes.
and so on. though the fuer at Trilby
Wan purely IdeaA. Little Bill".. sis-
ter, by the way, had Sweet Alice, wen
both taken from photographs, I fotnte•t
DOW of wham. which he had in the
'It was such a •landing Joke In the
family about fathers man-,rain0e on the
subject of dreas that I tried one day
to we Just how tar he could be de-
Mved- I put on a dram suit, a white
wWtcoat, a dart-ooton-d four -in -head
tie and high brown I„o4o 1n fact, g„t
myself up In as Ineongnvoos a fashion
as i could. He had wanted Doe W pose
for a smart Young mart in one of his
Punch sueclety sleftchea He looked e:
me when I carne in, and hesitated just
a mmgment me he took in the detai:s of
MY costumes
Is that righty he asked, a little
pussled, but patting the question in
perfect good faith. I assured him that
W fashionable young erten In Laoodon
were wearing that sdFt d- ov wusg
&roes; that it was the latest and only
proper thinks. He was ltfUrdy satls-
Bed, and was drawing away 4111genUy
when I couldn't keep in any loose-r.and
told him the Joke. Otherwise, h, would
most oertainly bat a sent the sketch to
"It must have been a tremendous
tae to supply Punch regularly with
Jokes and caritattues for eo many
ythelale. remarked the writer. thought-
.. Arh, indeed, you may well ay s,.."
returned Mr. du Maurer with anln-m-
Uo& "It's true, people used to a•nd
him Jokes from W over England. but
he didn't use so very many of them.
At least three-fourths of ail those that
appeared were his mean. it was a tax.
Sametlmes it war. ed him not a little,
and tar eve him walking up and down
the room trying to think of a joke,"
added the corp. smiling in spite at blm-
SPIr at the recollection, "oh. It was
awful I"
"Atter his Denko becarue so popular
he was quite overwhelmed wtti het-
ters from all pans of for world. A
good many cane from admiring wo-
men. especially American w-eovrben, amd
some of them were, vesUy amusing. I
have no doubt (many of taern thought
he was a young man. Well," roilPo-
lively, 'he teed to let his grandchil-
dren answer most of them. I tansy
the writers wens either dinppWqeAointtd
7%M there Wert am
nubeirs of irrtt"ro nes
lading to the drN ptfrt of 'Peter lb -
Dotson.' My father didn't believe in
any of that. of coursetMugh he -rote
it perttaew so If he didE But so many
people took it ab=4utaly seriously. i
don't knee► sow eanY lequfiti-a M
had about it. 1 hay. triP1 sleeping
on my Dark' sae wo,ild write, 'with
my feel roerseA, as yeo Ae-rril,P and
rut hands etsoped tender my head, but
i can't igtuneM in "dreaming trtw.
Ruch pl&ints used to wool* him
vev y much. He woo"wot to conorld-r
hypnotism on Inter mune aubjeet,
though be newer inveMinUed It par-
tkulaMy nor believed much in it."
now a eterse elPowa
llftnatc always point one ear Anwaer
WMIPd they 81erp. 1far4ly why this
to decor no baseman being ran toil, but
the lbrobal+tMtr V that the pppadlcw in
a Volk of the one IV they wore
weld a" nMlstsd M be a� t •,yr guard,
Woem when malerp Cattle. • , the ether
eamd. as appw r' ar tnAOT. -eat as 00
the pnettlrm of tbe& ram t Ila deep -
UK, but no adds what position they aft
Is both we &drop* pointed &hike. Ant
dame *bon-vtbmumem M ft in naw
ADM a 46" &= rrlrw M
me m sem! soft to �M.r►
Me Narked trumpot sewo&sd set his lama
to lived- he 4104-1 ds net knew ble Deas►
Ile tart• of Issues W me asrtW sfenes
Oso me the piano W60M at W n m w
Only a eaeottal city Meads,
IIIPibd by W baedeand laMr i
only tea thwumsnd 6emea
wMrr, every hey.
talo cheerful play
of love and hope and 006"W away
These are life awnnameut, and them &WW t
Wilson Is no farm of terlaae and mousse,
W aftow
And I I
Is there ser were w Penns pater.s, as
S here Thoa, Send God of aAgola, wit see/
m• 1
some ask ter we to rand : some maill.
Gema reek tar mor to break :
Dome bas4fal of Thy corn to tea
And seater tar a -reit,
71111 it Is tare @ball yield
Its knndredfW4
Of Cruise of geld.
To nerd the waiting amide0 at 4 Gas f
View me the desert• rather or as Pope-
eaie it Tbtar mm*rprbo ! oreat Go* mead
Aad Uloagf this body IM Pieter *even rolim,
etatber, Gaut me amonC ell falthht eoWb.
as Calk► snap " els canners as ra.
Weldon l:romad.
A aoaber at the WrLn Photographle
Bsdrty who waged a r,e&eetleme waiiare
against the dec own of Life Banagere
of the 1114poo,tlun, which probiwed the
Photographing of objeets orPossums
wttila the grounds of the . nus ova
without a permelt, which oouid he bad
only at Sr,&t expense and &ccumpan►-
ed by such restrictions UL&t even them
It was a duncult matter to obiaia
really said vlww& recently .bowed In
an illustrated lecture at the aoatetre
rooms bene OW a smatter u was to
elide this Prohibitive law. He desmim-
ad a number of case., when be had
taken pictures In the Immediate pre -
Sade tit the attesdrnts, a[attened there
to prevent the taking of pinture& Tle
Picture of the temple of Kadrs, tacos
In the Calvo street, was made right
never the shoulder of the gu&fd. 'Itis
matrarmoe of the pyranaid. wbkh be Ph♦
tograpbrd three time& was takm wt►
Owe by requesting politely the &heal& -
ant to step In Bret A picture of the
tower of the main building was ens"
with the guard looking straight In the
drlctlm Of the photographer, sad the
letters face in the foreground Is One
at the meat prnmtneW feature& on them
Plate. 7be lecturer was emoMt bat
once in the Ontoolej L'x10lbltion, when
a gmrdwhom be had not noticed. alo
mrst trurpriv-d hits to the act: bat. te-
rOverinot quickly, be all pPed his comers
into & oeat pocket• and the eager Cer-
bems had to tarn about empty -hander.
In obi Rovitn. where phut"grughing
was allowed to all. he did not take any
ldeturrit because he had no ebancr at
carry" rM bis illicit sport. Attempts
at obtatntnr Me'turw Aram the belieas
were also made. but the rewnito wen
rather rwww on aieenttnt of the vi feat
rocking M the balloon
An wMGtrbe mtevrlr L.P.
IM-trfe faenps for bicyrley haw. tb►
the mast part been dead failure& They
were too heavy or too inefficionc or too
troublesome. and the bbcyoflooL as a
rote. felt that he bad throwto the pur-
chase minney &WILY. The latest ries
trte wheel lamp, however. to of an en-
Urely different order. It Is a eleano
Powerful illuminator, which cannot be
blown out, Jarred out or ezUnguistud
by the ordinary aOeidents which at -
f -t other lights It consists of two
Porte. the battery. or source at power.
which L carried in a r-xnpart Mather
caw bung from the top oar net the dia-
mond frame rnachlnc 7%e tamp Preis,
Per is very smell, heavily plated with
Silver reflector. meanted an a cord with
the hatt"T. Wktdn Wide Is the waail
Incandeeerint lamp wltltyb gives the
Mehl 7be whole outfit L almost Y
u mew In a carriage an It Is om a bl-
eTc3& The most striking thing about
K is the power of the light, wtdch the
rider can instantly refiect in any de -
shred dlrecuon. It to more like a want-
atare meamb-light thms ea ordinary
lamp, and It thrvww a strong beam
ahead 7we tneswe" d the light of
A 1 -candle-power lamp to over 100 -
candle power damply by a scioutlfics y
trade reflector will prebawy suggest
to game thoughtful people that they
tray cut down that. bills fpr dectrie
light W per east, or more by Airing the
rlget way about R
79he battery wM tun for fight hemp
m one cearlin and may be recharged
at any hnamrtam=Wnt lamp atooksL or by
the apMal appliances which are Pro-
vided to awe trouble M Cir p1 otbBa
Many bicycle clubs now keep L charlp
ing dbtfit tar the toga d tbefr mor
berg-Plttshurg Deap&tcs
Divided latereetw.
8e traodtac i>ape'r>-King oorXo--
htnm-hum-Bower of GTonedW
She (also reading)-ritie beeiRro wase
identify wonberful-hum. hum
He --Sailed for Crete- bum, house
displayed all his decorations.
dlhe-Tett, the denoraume wen an►
vel"06 --Aum, hum.
Mr It loots as If the ermsequenosa
would be dirt.
Phe -Tea. Dyer IM the cotlllen.
H.• (dropping I aperh-- W hat are you
r-&Jlnor C ou• - -
Rhe /al- drop Ing parr )-Atoout the
Besot ivy Ms_ I - i, twill• of course. And
Hi -Why :he Cretan Pituatlon.
She -Rut ,,I..'%'
Me-IWt!-Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Tns.le of AI....n.lrr 11""a".A Paris corrreponolent writ'% The
m"mamenl Which the well kwn
tor M. de Raint 3t.►r-e:aux is Pxceuting
for the tomb of Alexandre Punter. Bla
and which b to be ebzhLDtted Nig
Wring. in likely to op a very flne work.
it enn*Ssts of a full- reellnfng
Blur* d Dn the 'l7me�t b TV-
in,yentM In the lona wlsidn be
b,bbituafiy www wham at rW Y
wag also his eaattwM With his toot
bard. T%. "ostal In simple and b
deeesatM with lasrehi enaM, s EdItA
i and panaMa 7tia wRaat of the whey
is eseelietnt.
A 4tehateore "Ad.-
0L4re to on aldvmtl on~ wtllr
ohodd bring ttrnda wen
/le heA �
to use a grindato
�ettejeetthrough thow shemo : -L ora[ the
ft cc twenttedx children I 1I�ge
twfib& I am aim a e ibbior sod riga
Art It M have sorted way
won t fa I When" that i will =ani
raw abates 410. One Spied tart[ draw -
J. �'I.retlmelyrlr .-knot aM ieP
i Selma onsaW LMdkxkU s tt missile
titrwaale than the 'Irsinaew
Oentsa&W agostuon wUl be in a M♦
as&rk&MO Grate of oumpleUutt torr the
pdy. Go Miry L
222 Mrs at the eiportkm ooltla art
&eve been neer* tbrWrWe. It two
known ar� the Old West tilde jtM to
wohltmb aajauma property "a been G4
den smoking • ttfr'as5t tit 300 earls In
AL W Is situate -4-a. Little loom thMM
two nibs Real ti -e Public Square. sad
north of Vandeoidit Uaiver-
Mir. Gomm&nds a beautiful view of
Som, its mt Nashville, and the plotarld-
SM MG7 &rand nod about the oW
It is dotted over with shade aces, with
a lux ure&nt growth of blur stress.
busatlAM by thousands at evengreeo&
PyinUa shingle and blooming flowers.
Artlstts&W terraced and divided by
MIt+Kal drives and walks and obars
is�&heat and Yet mads GOO Imre at-
tractive and enchanting by the memo -
am at buadtnew which am"feea9 we
sad history. science and education In
all thly worth knowing. U now be-
eomes a 0ttle city. that Dealing Ian-
suidly ain" haPpty amid the bBla--i
vegetable paradise.
1-alte Watauga dbd Lake Katherine
stings the the broad vista nt emerald
sr eet4 whlob Is &bo brought tato plese-
1nx earmarast try flue avow-w81te 10111114
lugs, which enbamne the beauty d the
eves4 -tae whale forming a picture of
I unequaled Interest
ItiotiwaadG of lamndowent &&Drys
-w4u send & gleam &crave the way,
from the eaves and drone+ and Aas-
oPmHe of the buildings Hundr,.ds at
arc lights will stood am mandrels
throughout late Dark. w'hlle the enwnst-
•r Asdistaff 3.M feet in height. will he
eur7iountool by a cheater of dr-'tr4e
hiphtw-a be&dx► /tint maw lie seen for
marry rrllees In every ak"tian--4iw
palling darkness from ave" nook &rid
earner. turning night Into glot4ws day.
74he c.arstroMlon of the main build -
Uwe cor rmonesed In January. 1ML are
nearly W conimplet.-A, and only here and
there to a few of :hem the sWutnIftdrrT M
ret to be Placed or the Aniahlow t" -*M
app! led
Among the completed dtruetuna ata
the following Minerals sod Forestry
Vkhading. 4ee b7 Ise fret and an an -
am aletfii0isher afflssdJn4r about h7.11M
m sars 1ket: the Rt&Itn of Venlow. Now,
d%himory Hall. as ter 12A flet. with
about .Seca wquasp fart: Aitrlaultsra)
Hmildlns Ma by 17S feet with 100.0M
ogave yet• 'I4susportAtlnn Rending.
sM by Is tw-t--44.M .noon. toot: Carlo,
reserve Building. wt by IN bet W
extemMsss 06UW SCSI* GWSAJV font:
Adm*Lbgratkma Dulkilog: Women's
suiding. Me by IS fent: Aadltortwo.
weft saMtlag abpsclty fur SIM: Psrta.--
nam (tile orb building) : 11 Y eemld d
Chosen (Mdsep,hls bumidloWL
ileo beauty of the groumds wO be
NWOIL JY egiwnned by rem& warts at art
attractive mind unique buildtum and
doowaUsr In Rut at the Parthenon
wt1J stand Mid. Taodeirs Sande statue
at Philoo Athene forth three feet hiss
A n,ptoduetfon die Vueettau Slal-
to will wpwn an aaso of tike Watauga,
csertmtn to he a favorite resort tar
lover" at the pec arsgee and d tato
rounatle T\o prtaltpal flagstaf now
stands M feet blab. under V*Jcs Is
the 10aW stand. to be ocvruplod by
same of tae floss atltia" en AM, or-
ganumnam in the world.
in the ewitre of the parlt_ and an rm
cbevated he rae& is the Partbmwa er
!lime Arts Bundling. As it is to contain
lowsJumbLe works dart. It WUI he ffse-
prted. with stone fioundathan, asooewte
Goer. brick wage mind gtem root In stoat
hard": the stertor being waatsmeated
in toted staff Be bwt&Uoo at the or-
Mina1 no fifly-olgmt Grated aeft &
end every dotall Possible. are true to
the artslniti in &align add Oder"
These to p a htrdeur at attser eon
opening -tom flee dsubh eboinnae 1
portloan. but r wtodreers -kraft bolus
Obtained tlhevagh the Jew root and
b om m3ecadr •t ksraodomm" lams&
Itis stead tart to be plecP4 an the
pediments, vastness, and frieze ase In
ladtw.km of the orWmLL and are In
molded staff. ksnIsbting me object lo -
me B elaate arlthtieetum not here-
tedonm dram In this copntry. In frust
oe the Partbwbm will be irectsd a
statue of Pa3iao Aeb.eai .*kk with
the pedestal, sea be torty teat hlgh,
Amon" the Parehencen all of We other
beemetrW •offices des aMstered So it
Ass when the original wan erlated by
the manorial Ietbas and decorated by
the unrivaled PhlWaa Am their crea-
tion waw the crowning glory of the
Acropolis, so Will thio. No a materp&M
erected twenty-btr deotvrten Later,
easel any in this eanWI&LAsm of bean-
tffvi bu iW"ga It r a nofabte onincid-
Pnce that Nashville. (mown as the
'.Athens of the l3out`l.- nbOUM be the
Beet to reproduce the awl~ Qreek
teertple in all Its artlertle ireauty.
The History Building will ba an
adaptation of the Fieoethenn that
Mood on the Acropolis. near bbe Par-
thenon a -A Mi, reproduction will be
aoppropMet iy located new the 11ne
Arta Budding. It will cmM rrllos
n -A r tk 1, P warn•dly pQren�erv�by the
'j'ehnevwee Historical soolety. the Uoi-
or-iRl gimmes, the ('onfMerate Veto -ram
and the Grand Army d the G:.
and it has Pe pornrd appr.tprt&tn. PI
as pt4mibl- or t lepedient to rept uce
for this purpose that venerable temole
of Athens. the "Dreclithettn."
rens of the moat rrnwjtamp %Rd
unlgw of the Cont-nnlal Ru"dings is
8" the city of Vit.-enph0t. hr'.rg a ee-
pnductYmn and adaptation of the Pym -
Mid of (3odVot erected SW years be -
tam the Christian era. and anted Pang
Nw Parthenon nntnP MAP years. ►e or i
about one♦ix th of t 1P o. l.-1-oa1 at..
befog Ile feet an Its hap* lilt-. 1f11
fist A tits angle and 100 feet on lir
peopertdllnnlar tine. 77ae ritwhAr :Ind
i of the portkucm are fnereas-J
Sane being ase m each 9ddP m.,AInr
a -mere fnpower effrg4. and adaptung
k in expnMtlnn pee pod►. ITP Int,-rpnr
II a vont belt ItS -Pet mo t•rur and fifty
t high, with dalton-•, all a-co.nA
i3 foot f M wtd!!. it Is the InteotI m !e
angry out the qualnt and hi& ~arty
selwndor of 11111syptle n are L!'r- ter - ?,-d
art• both an to cnForjbnd Aevirn T, Is
b tate Prowl the- sure th • ! Wild r p, ,f
Mm pyruidds by the Rryptiasa that
an aftnitpt by any we Sheol heo h►Pn
antis to rvprmdwec- then and It will
1llsB4AWP. noeodowgy attract attention.
I-4. '. V...".rwre.
hopner"conato-ty these Is nu area
town In fife nlviFhPd wnM that has
so M daily nuvrning eaeeml Y
nom. Than b doe to tine begs
tare Involved in stmrthmlp sol. Anyone
Moore -
ling pasor fit be teeffrIris SM-
ede to 3Mr M Parmissidl ap &a
tamn or these vAta
Igoe Twomomwoomr
Rhao -ar ftinm is able SW%O&
*to -4 mm I noun Batt
a «' �."l...'t
BirALwra Pv1M6dr AL&g
Wft b o. e. as denied be as t`
*now ieswamsue,
Ottawa. Mvvh 1f,-(lmeebai ►-Tile
Gevoram&wa hes lose advised that Iter
Majesty's C WVWENmmt has odwt--d
Tuesday. jwoe si. as the dal as Pluck
to hold the 0111ho al ee* - -tis d tbe
Dlemood Jubike, Sind the Ministers
are --Niw-may U N ttdvtsahle to sst�amid* this day
clot otfloW oMebrsthr In the 1).nola•
lou. or to hold k ua Moudy. list.
sonami gears N a4w&m aftwoL
Ottawa. carate ii.-O*ealaL).�ere
le sued .tang Ibr Op{y��tWap
tam 791110!'eatnnistas-Oaansl Pesume w
Panes. ae hir u bb dapartsset nes onus,
car -4d. to oPmeawate Misr mkdmy'e
akwo-d Jubilee by the isms. at a am
8 -sant poubm a saaagp. niis'oorlete to
00 oocsalmL It will have a Meltsil
otrctliafhts lady. pr'adaMY for a Period
Lc&bMA au14othe OoMtnff an m�
wtim the sale Is otaptped the present
mama wW he Illow In clntntbA)M
tae ratLfoeeas sebotihla.
March 14.-A 69spoich gr%mea
Manila..M�he ow tial of the P414pkq
idandsv to ?Isle ftnp-L&L sure the shite
a4len three Is very UDM&Lbs4akwy. mad
that It will be asoammWY for Spanlab
tromoo to oeeupe the entire ktland in
error to o*nWi66a7 croak the ntbMv
Sm. Tib rebels aro broondug holds
and titanv vtg- em in their Actlonis
and the appsaeaalut AsOr @Gua n Air
Sm hrtW iump@r am wagm ttnm .d
OesereJ PletoA,$k the Dove -mor of
tike Philippine LdWam will obwfdy re-
turn to !Sorin. Ma beahh having be -
safe* fmpalred sad him aidlamts great
be agi ravated by reason tot No bring
hampered In bio opemwtlms by the
It b feared at Manila that the nes
lin Cao r1bill o Islands is warn. than
that In Cubs,
Mss► war an Sheth ,Stolen.
Now Tont, March ll.-Tlte Sun's
lobo special erre. k Is announced
Sot-ol y that a menta hence tae 00311
tried Regalement. ane of the Boot t tired
to the OrMob now. wfhl eau flow South
AbSes. aairsry to tsuevr cenalm
troops Is Caps Otomy and Natal, bid
R is rosily to be a reentvrooment Tie
garrison Is already largely in tint'rsu ed
normal reeuhesmoota It may be add -
ad. &end the aamouncement In now
trade public her The Aiwa time, shat tie
ounnnardom of several BMW& rrgl-
rncets now In India have been anQet-
y warmed that their carps may be rm-
qulrel for @.dire servkv to ltmuth Al -
does betbi a this, Malar is far &dvaac-
"tests's roman spas"
Landes, tlardh /106 -At the dinner of the
A MWUt,4 Ub&abM d tls.utaPree beds
this •veuI14L lord faSs►ory 4011or.uw'! ss
0"98@0. V wbrb be retrrssd beivlLr to the
cub which W boos reached in the asols
at t;webw ever the Orwtae question. 1b
Loft" @0N K main be nmOmbnel that
tie Prithink Wversmmm sum" a" be gelled
In t. -Ar pules by personal ownpetkim ,s
retlawas prec vines am.f semumsoute. I"
Pose the trustees of a great natio&'• W
tamable tad ebrsaueee, wNrb they were
burl to aaalmtais above everything elm
If tbov wa&hily did their duty ever ebe
elreu .-tancwe It world prwmete. an me
her ,corse w nmdaci ruald du, frv+l as
W Ime.ILe, Dna, "Mee "11, Ah".ee.. Peet►
well hums mast depend. roP. industry W
somal■1 Trees With 116
Montroo. March IQ -A iltar special
moble [romp London aye: " 1tie BritUb
imports from Canada are showing s
remarkable espara/on. They Mmes
ad lis per coat in P%bruwy and IM
per cent. In the two months of 1W.
wbtle the Beldam iaworts ft a0
a tntreas oWy advanced 4 per aewt
OLna&xn chemae jumped Q'ose £ii,fW
in the some two Bonthe ort year r
910.0W thb Year; fish from £ IAR M to
tllt,000; butter from £2100to II&W.S
oxen from t21,M0 to £34,ts0: wbA
t7 LW to &94,000. The experts W CasM-
ada 4 --creased n per ant dor do
nontib mind 10 per amL for oke taro
t oonthL
amb maty on eareev.
Washington. March 14.-74" slaw W
ricultural schedule will affect wwWudr
many arulcias Larsely imported [tors
Gonad& If it does not altogether abet
oQ trade ft vm blanc oountry in om alet
linea Besides the duty a0 a tamDa►
of $2 per thousand het, the barley duty
will be put at the aimow-. prohibit Jay
rate of 30c per buobel, and barley malt
at &c. Butter. eggs. peak beans, putt
lova and In fact nearly everytkirriugg�elD
the schedule, go back to lific: ICI440
raters Hay WW be taxed M per tuA
amd gbeep and__assn $1.60 per k.ssd
The ams skilled Mob.
Welland. March 13.-(8peclsl.)--On
Thursday afternoon Mr James Mille%
who lives &t Wellindport, was stepping
tat d bills, boat on the Weiland IUver
at that ptan e, when the trig11e1 of s
dcmble-bsrreled 0„tgun which he iia&
in his b&n,l -aught and the wespou mos
dtachargeu, . contents bnrytng to W
bead and bee lie mos taken bons
mod medical 1.. made every Plsert is
ave him Rfe, b,. he died last el!r .
Decreased was an , id rwstdeint of wel,
Imlport, nod had been in the hold
bsuAneag for Foam He leaves a soon
wows Agdves rrewu"
Bowararvf0e, Out... March 26-710
mAdem flatailty that ever occur. Is
this town happened In WIUismar Aub
this afterwooW wiles the three atdmd
obAdren of Irradstick Buxon, or to f
etnploryM as deliverer of ice with IL
W. William, were drowned Just etr19"rle
their garden gate In & hole tlMt ms's
formed pan at & mlil raoa
The children www out for an &11`11111
in the warm sanoWnp, and no o0e 1•21
near bat Msa L.ttzco, their mother`
who to nurobW & baby only 10 118'9
lagm Jsma as"sePsa-
WlanNpe: waseh tAl 4f&leMaf)-Re-
peeser"uve (-Nnmwrvsmvws of all wo m}
tots dint rleta mot at Winnipeg feat
night wA►n Hon. Hugh John Ms•doa
aM was formally Nltdofwd weld Sed die
y aecepted the prvvlencial Moderabli
h to w►dwintood that at the d • st
rho PIN OF sodden Of the Ln�'te9fv
este at the inembevw of the Omean"
tyre Opposition will ev,llsn in maw
way for Huse Jokn In the Mlmw
W a Sonar Is Torus"
Deaden. tat.. MarAe11.- Dr J. W. ssitb
of DwaMa was railed to see 11i0ary ram
who sae lase working far a hraww =s
asiten of Nowt rtaobo m, Mf"s bed nT
tim a Monod vowssA &neo) 41-,1 to a olon"
wes fie Me so h4vads In thin adILW
ePa&ary bat ban a detse. a 11"O,1Ra um'. of Vnnew-.tart. Variatb.
arra aa.pm sme dmao"suL
la mdom March U,A an "o ld
7ti0 Tones tford Yebeftema fro0
Room now A allisi,ei:041 ig
Jrwboedard wwst_
me flee" Ailal, r�
b)w land�ts �+ tun 7;WWp6
amu at ty��t* new W '
dir*oruottis Z°,n"tl=a
gravftatiun h watt a way Peat it
grawa vrtiI7 duarnaard, wale la-
teral facia . thin soetatm of tam
Itarne sttmu;usw aha a v ery morb
more oblique ""�-" '' u now the
plant be Ulted, the growing end d the
tap rout turns vonkwly 4--awardd,
while the Werai reaxm curve ta Ouch
]wenn owns sprees sad Pea nowid be
a manner as to restore what tray be
lir v, am alseagses► the Bar-
oalhed theft norms! direction. It
any mischance the tap rout gels brok-
♦e8ees Powom at Liss Met. Ase
en oQ tar destroyed, the want is nip'
shown blow to Daaisemin.
plied by oelgbbortng loterral
which now buhave toward wravitAtiutl
s0 did the tap rout and ,,_Se their
)gals, Just so mucit on satlaakt are
Ywltable beings. and Ike eiatn0&b they
Sony show Irritability to varying dr
gree& 711nuo some plants assy Ire de-
scribed as mildly irritable. J,wY
p��d&��I. has W loop alter its tweding.
tireeo planta, furthernbere, have t,
week for a very lniyurtarrt part of their
good to the air, and this they take up
under the IaHue•nce of light. so that It
Is not surprising to Brad the uitluenew
at envirwimeir* Making iteelf telt •-n
every Want, and cussing the. plant In
Gov mal tar aootht to react to iia sur-
roundings. It is use post- ular res
arcane to SUMUS which wt tiny cal;
L 11- WLity. A platy le u t. table !w -
Cause It in "is to rtispand.
Hlgber plants ha. I.ms than sower an
Irr"blca Thrahtmxs of a tree n-olsond-
lag to the influesue of light, place the
leaves In the malt advant,ag""As Pap-
illon B)r the work they have to perfur:n.
mod the ruuai. in obedience to the ml-
aulus exert -t by gravltWinn. grow
bamward Into the earth. Tendrils are
sedsad leav,- or brands v.hi• n hav-!
basltate Lm toI,1, ta
to conct.
A YLUe p:..:,t, the tvy-lrali�ed toad
Aux• iAtu.d c %erintl him etuu • wall%,
aRurds an int.rMUDC lust til, a of irri-
tability. When is biussiAll the loud
Bower stalks of dile plant tuxn ' ,.twArd
and carry the n, wetruck underne
ns ath
the leavtm In ,Order that they may se-
cure• the- vlaits of toee-ots, which are
na•crssry for Meir ferr'tiliamiure The
walk of the seed veeopal I& fortunatelY
ger the welfare of the pliant. an irri-
table structure When 1,mering 1s
over It no longer seeks the plan* which
is most sir -,ugly lighted- t.ut rarri-•s
ter rtpentnot fruit behind the leaves to-
ad a little ,-runny in the wall Here
the seed ve,ma,•I bursts and diwchargow
Its ntnrents, not among coarser weeds.
wArno Its growth would be Inevitably
Checked. but upon the Poll which has
ooll.•cird In the cranny. Young weed"
fings nun make• their appearance. and,
me a result "f the M-urishing start in
IMO, the ivy -leaved toad -Bax is usually
full of abundantly In districts where it
In eland at all Here we have a dower
walk matsondlag to th.• stintalus of
fight, and a reversal of the Influence
Udseterent periods of development en-
ag the plant to accommodate itaW
to Iia enviuonMemt.
Ali plants only sucnted so long as
tbAr Irritability leads them to adapt
themselves to their surroundings The
felon. lowy organised, by reason a their
dipigsY+ structurv, show greats versa-
tdlty In this respect &ban their more
complex rsiaUveo. It is easy to un-
derstand how a mass of peotoplami can
mare readily adapt It%elf to varying
condition- thin . h•icimer plant with
Its exb•nith a diffe: , t,ation of tlsua
Bacteria are eiyt- i.i.l y sensitive train
this point of view. They car disttir
gudsh wfth very great nicety between
me relative mutability of two mutrleas
aseutkofaa Many of them am r ayable
at pre-fertly astounding dis"Iminatice
to this r-•speet to the same way the
vtbttn• bl,00.1 e`prpuscles are attracted
by nert&ln forHgn-4ttten paUwg'enie--
sabatanc.r to the spot Of the bnti'uabr
at bac t Orta into the blood Here u to
the husin••se of the white corpomdes, if
pamdt*. w deAmy the hacterla. This
attrac•thom Phowel by manly organisms
toward chemical substances is known
w cherabtaiis.
The opow" d ferns and mosses af-
ford a remarkable fiiustratfon. The
mole cells are discharged by the plant
end may be Peen sty imrting in all dt
rectlnrmP to water, when suddenly they
Will make & dash in the direction of
the fernoo.l. ,wiled Thin sudden rush
Is a chernlotac is pheri-wra on. In the
car, at ferns nlit• at1.?,.asd In the
las.• of rno mors a super. in the sub-
star.re wcrtAed by the fammale organ.
causing the Purprlslag wrtivtty of the
Inde swimming antheTair. Woo-
ilierfully dllut.• sodutlons are careful of
amusing the stimulus. Supposing for
strength ,A the solution N. gt-adualtp
hbcreased, the limit Is shortly .4 ow sg
beyowmd which the solution acts as &
tegwllent Inst -ad of an aktracth•e sti-
mulus, causinK the plaints to swim
away me far as they osn. It, leer
ewer. the plants tr compelled to live
In a strong solution, they will In time
gR acclimatised and wit swim vlgl,r-
newly toward a solution at the attract-
tne salt, altJhoush it nbay very much
eirrvrd the stxmal nuLaiaum of attract-
bw strength.
The following is an example of
drmkAaxts which a planet has duw ov-
end to secure Its own emds. Isnria is
a fungus whi--h infests silkworms and
other cat,ethlliara Melminowpora b an-
other fungus parasitic upon tsarW an
extremely IuteUlCPnt parasite. and unl-
ksu It haptens to meet with a Blament
at Isarta It entirely enlaosew Its vorAllon
Now melartrlh,ra apparently neer, tom
sett• substance which exetnclsas con-
IsAeralole atttactlorn for anuria nla-
memta for they seek out the apps eptly
harmless opo res a metannsporm and
grow freely over Nem. hti hen the
spore is surrounded by Jewels. ALsinenta,
R puts tont Its germ tube and proceeds
to teed Upon Ila host.
Not on ohvkously intelligent, although
It is to reality, is the life of the green
PlantAL 71W fact that the branches of
a tree grow upward into the air and
light, while the roots grew downward
Into the sill, shows that the different
parts orf endowed with edpeeW Irrito-
bility. Green plants aim) promise the
power "f adapus.g themsryvty, to air-
CUM*tancew A immato. who•n grown
in the Misr M the attempt to get its
kayo int,. the light [mots out ♦eerT•yy
murlh elnngnuN shooe% beam ng Pe 1
travel, for In the darknevis leaves are
is -aIle to perform the important fang
Cons of taking fond from the air. ThIP
bob"vlcr tit the ptlat.. plant Is. thee.
& Airw-t attempt to oVr-coms ,limed-
vmntagw,ts crmnditlong by puithhli, ail
OW strength fntn the work of islongat-
tug Its stern, If haply it may bring Its
laves to the fight.
RtwAP stow remarkable Intattlgenee
in the way In which they moves
4W to the groun,i It he nrrvrdmry
tet the pnfie performance of Its An -
ties that the rel b.- ",141oll with ozT
gra it halm no difficulty 1n ol.tafntng
this oxygen from a hvftUh,r Poil. in
ow tropical mangrove swamps the
am tv*rdsta of a BMWs at &M y"d
vowtaml"n, -ewer ♦ery little oxygen U
found anm,nor the putrefying oabwtanon
77ue tranrrr.ve accordingly adapts it.
M& to ern urnttarWew, its roots begin
4 growing b,lrlsosrfally In the normal
wW, but U ne►Rat d they proceed
Ss take a tit..Wvd, grow &Jong in
iav air for a short distance shove the
Zand then Rep dawn again A
riot MtY repeat this Pearson at Inter -
vale is the &Mal tests is hound a
tl,oree wekyt allows ot the
�w" circulation d air betwmon the
71s 4sam lwdlemwtar d m"On In InBIr
401ed by gmvftatlesif the Innuouge
d It"wltalkpw In a paritrular dirge.
Ike be damns ewer with. as by mffifto
n Smw&W anuflelit in -.same sad tP
t'ew" keit grawMmiffin samulto r Wn
stuping dlr,eotlon fur the vanlee►I An-
utbre iMlr►s►or of scat Ily taasdrtg a
member to grow pn a deflnitt dLe'twilses
making an angle with the v.rtk.10. is
afford. -d by the d&ft--dil. The do&-",
always hangs its head. This det.wOda
twat on the welsh, d the Clower. but
0o the mUnpWus of gravity. fur no mat'
ter bow the stalk may be piqued the
flower always maker an angle with
refervnee to the direction of 9ra11rlta-
\When a part at a pliant resp.omds
W an extn•rn&I stimulus the wbnle plant
need not new--arily kfrpw In which di
recuun the stimulus tends. In the
case of nmAp a certain part V I'wA'd W -
lag In length. and this is the portion in
which curvatura- takes places under the
action of Uwe SUMUIm of grmvitatka.
But this Is not the part which knows
which way Gravity is pulling. Near
the tip of the miul, Just behind the root -
cap. Is a very am" patch of tissue
which perceive, the stimulus, glut uQ
the Up of th.• root. and with It this lit-
tle patch of Irritable tbsue. and invert
the plant. and the root. wt&b is !bus
placed upwrnmost, grow'* vertically into
the air. A very Interesting expe,rlmesr
In illustratwu .d this tact, and vas
,astly tried Is me f01tQ`W♦ : Take & thin
glaw tutw shaped like a Boot, the We
being rs.ther at -on and more than two
mil;Jrrlstr•es long. All.,w the root of a
seedling to gn.w into this. fixing the
pbuit at the open end of she tube. The
rout grows vertically down the tube.
and wh••n It twucltes the toe It turmm
horizontally string It Tar, thele at
the tip of the root sends a message UP
the p,W)t that there Is something Pre'
venting it fr-m responding to the a"-
musus of gravity and growing vertl-
cxlly downwar4. and this is neod"-
tating Its he,rtsontal gro%%W In rt-
wpurse to this message the Woressung
portion curves at right angles in the
hod.- of thus i.."ting the tip of the -vol
round the opr,udng structure. But it
is unuonwci•-u+ that a trick in being
p;ayeri ul-ii it. that the toot is fixed
In the F.sats tube unable to move for-
ward, an,] that the curvatutrw. instead
of pushing the root horizontally for
ward. acts upon the *hoot. pushing this
borisc.ntally to the opposite direoth'n-
The I-rri,-s of some foreign species
of -nlstletoe show a rem&rka ,Ie bo-
havior in their endeavors to penetrate
the trunk of a tree. The sticky berrie
fastens Itself to a branch and seob
out a root. which. curving over. inerts
the branch again and forms a Puddie-
like mass of tbnue It attemuts at
this point to pierce the bark. If un-
able to do so the berrie is deposited a
little further on. The saddle now be-
comes detached, aed, by another head -
Ing of the rout. is placed once more 00
Me branch beyond the berrW If the
-lots can perpetrate in the new atatfpa
all Rote wed; but if root the plant
forms another somereaaull. Oue berrlw
that was mad., the object of continued
observation pemWlaed five Jumps to
two nights and three days. A number
of unfonutnatr berries were dice seen
hapeloody traveling along the t,-le-
Cr*A^ wtree In Ceylon, vainly tamde&v-
orieg to Bad a prostsbe resting M&M -
The unnolrWv plant and the Venu• BY
trap tarnish two Pxarnples among
many diems of restlessly Irritable
plants w•bMh reuct violently to the W-
mulus of contact It IN a carlotm and
little-known fact thst the Venus fly
trap only responds to the stimulus
when one of the hairs om the centre
of the "trap" is touched twice. No
effect is observed atter the first torch.
"u- meumelerful purpoorfulne w d these
habits and me,chaniciarns forever dis-
pel the Idea that hotany treats of inert,
objectlem planta. It Is Instead a act'
else of life and liths things, each one
of which Is enderwed with marvelous
acid dlffervnt roversn
s of aking the
best at life in the sphere in which It
Buds itself harneaeeuUdN Journal.
rb. a..aalee. of illi. Pea.
The largest steamship ever built -
greater even than the famous (}real
astern, until now the largest ship -will
be iauncti"i at Belfast next January.
It will By the Bag of the white Star
Line, and will he placed in the New
York and Liverpool service. The ship-
building film of Harlan ! Wolff has
been commumIloried to build this
modern giantess of the sea&. The
feminine form of the noun Is used to
designate the ship. because Rudyard
KlpHng. wh.. is an authority on all
such things, has said: "Me homer, she's
a lady -the man -r' -war's her husband."
and this ship. not being an engine of
destruction, but intended to carry pae-
aenttcers and the malls. why. she's &
lady. and a most colossal lady.
Over an eighth of a mile In length
will be this riatitere& Tb be exact she
wM have a l,•nrtb over all of 704 feet -
twenty -five feet longer than the Oreat
bstern, which after performing the
bistnric wervtne M laying the Atlantis
cable. rwelyd because its Proportions
rn&d► it unwieldy.
'Me ocaftnu --lhmt Is to be the name
d the new greatest ship -will be slxt-
five fe-Pt lane -•r than any vo wol now
aflo nt or to proreem of cnnstrvc'tion.
and. with the itnowledgP gained Knee
the !hest Pluwtrrn was built Phe will
not be anw-1 idy. Rho is in ho a twin
srrvw• ietearner. anti while Phe will he
fart eno"mgh a ovol Itself will be Pnh-
orvll-aced to the Comfort of passengers
mot wan the ll,p"r ra►L
111he is known sty one of the most
rharminx members of the literary arum
art chicles of New York Her charm
at manner to exerted among all classes
of people, and It was from this fact
that all.. "footed her level." as Phe trays
In telling the st.,.ry.
Even shmdlew require. once In a
while, the proask effu -ts of the arnnb-
lady to isese teem in a wondluon suit-
able for all occasions. and It was the
scrub lady who frankly undertook the
leveling process
Rho* was an arlatocratir individual.
and her conversatlen as she Ported
under the oan•ful supervislo n of the
ted is Of the setabllahment, turned
cnnttrnullY upon the r4eftaince of the
famngPa with whom she Ass samistnm-
ed to srociato---in a way of business
M mcruh-lad-ftwWri dew to Any "On
]Nth av,pnue." roiled from her tongue
In olrelling cadences on emny time
that her 11MPner Was at last tempted
to remark:
-ilut it 1- not an mach to It'we so
1s1fth Uvw"wP We llvw on iM tfe
avenrfe "
"Ah^ reell od the Der ih h". ands
"wre was A weAA cot Ptpramotnn in bw
=-bat ant on the leper part--
llfTwk 7uma
TW /= a Slagle !sr/
me tee owwdr al of Goes Is Pew
swtd, and ban Mbit for M0 room a
nen d 31toq -all * it in not true
111 �argued as mom ON
ka a am*. ma so dike M
IWhaaWA W .chef I r art tants Iles , TENN 'S SRX
TIL► l a WME RECOLLECTIONS OP 1 Duly knew be MM God's 100 no
_-Bewe an b bund &tied and
99d► WMr � TNfi E3LPOSITION 01Ir.D•
tum uv sad weft !br tied W r•
railed the aagtaaloas 0" :IMM M[ ALMOST CAMPLFTED.
Tho reaves Yee a 1msseLf and ale round.Drags" room the Dau
of t' M w -tae it o ve3leU
t's prtea ad ( With be""No I -'" -'
X%@ tkrsa►Aar1M reefs and aehbus Ara
tie DrammaNamuo■ Pt "TAlhy"- An- I CAW Ideals Pill"tee bfidoud tasaMalW lid" as-tg lPapaedswd-wire Antenna
bwered ba 1-.u.y. 11101064b-"Paeemoded DwyNn!", [a An
at the td,A wlteoet meamelaL Sias Lib ttf. ......-I.. oWa�
at seems Peculiarly appropriate, and
IS & OLU&factivtt to otic r sonar of the
Atnues of things. that One of the parts
in "1 ruby *b -old be play.-+ by & sun
of lis autbur. And Quaid du Maurtef.
the Zouaou of Mr. Tree's pinatuutu m.
uuw at the Kaicherburkee. says tri•
New York Tribune, to a ACU) the kind
of trunk. jivnial young tell-%% that nos
would expect to find In kir [Atha+'+
sun. He has a most attractive way e>tf
speaking. and a quiet, kc -91 reuse of
tumor which stungly suggests the
happy little touches in hl. father's
writings. 16 is only a few years since
young Mr. Du Mtaurler nrst went upon
the stage, but he bad play, dmany
other parts before he J -tried the• roars
of 'Trilby." In speaking of the way
in which be carte W do this. he 0114
last Werk.
-I was really under an mil"O Dent
at that time with Arthur Bourchler
and expected to play wIN his txoanPanY
fur some time. line any 1 met Mc.
Tree at the Barrick. in London. end
he maid at 0000-
Oh, Du Maurwr, I want You t" play
w lth me In -Trilby.- will Yo-! S. ,,,
& abort time I gut my rrlearx ti uID
liourchier, and it was settled that I
should take the part of L)4".,r in M
Trtr's company He wanted me to
play Little Billet at first but I am
much too tall for that part: It would
have been aboard. Besides, i irked the
part of Dodor Sor personal reasons
and nes did father. H • was v, ry 110-
x1ous that I should play It for a wblle
at any rate. Y,1u know Dodor wee
drawn -Tom lite pretty faithfully, fins
An uncle of mine who was fn the
French flragcoona Afterward. I .hang-
ed to Zousou, which is, of course, a
better part-
artFather never thought that 'Trllby'
w,•uld 1w a success as a play wtien be
was err turd that It was string t be
dramatized. However, he maid he
didn't care what was done with it so
bong as he Was not "Mimed to Der It.
He always hated the theatre. anyway.
and never went unlese, he haat to for
the sake of some one else. BW he
rather chaziced his rrdnd later about
Triib) That Is. he thought It was
ane full) clever to be able t„ mate a
play out of it at all, and was quite
In-aP.rt at the way In which several of
the scenes were reproduced He went
to the dreg rehearwal sa" several
Umew atter that.
'He had not the slightest ldea at
fashion, or what was the correct thing
in dress. Ptoplo, supposed that be no-
Uced those things, tit course• and g1r10
used to call upon o mother and Mc-
ters. got ftp beautifully. and expG,•t
that father would at least set some
Ideas f-vm there, But. dear nae, he
hadn't the leamt nottuem of what they
had on! My sisbeM looked W it that
he got the right thl 1n his picture&
He wotJd come home sernetierme-P and
sketch something which had attracted
him In a passerby on the street. Of-
ten It would be mane 1mp„seit4y queer
aI'M119 •meat, And my sisters would
protest: 'Why, father, you mustn't use
that to Punch. Nobody wears theme
things now; they're dreadfully ,Ad -
fashioned.' and he would give Jr. Iis-
medlately to what he recognized as
their superior Judgment -
"He was even putting poor Trilby In
those Latin Quarter scene@ of font
years ago into modern garmemW and
had to be brought before the family
tribunal for that My Metres had to
hump up some old-style alo4bew for him
to nese. He dM have models. you
know, for ttw p.eturve sad the clothes.
and so on. though the fuer at Trilby
Wan purely IdeaA. Little Bill".. sis-
ter, by the way, had Sweet Alice, wen
both taken from photographs, I fotnte•t
DOW of wham. which he had in the
'It was such a •landing Joke In the
family about fathers man-,rain0e on the
subject of dreas that I tried one day
to we Just how tar he could be de-
Mved- I put on a dram suit, a white
wWtcoat, a dart-ooton-d four -in -head
tie and high brown I„o4o 1n fact, g„t
myself up In as Ineongnvoos a fashion
as i could. He had wanted Doe W pose
for a smart Young mart in one of his
Punch sueclety sleftchea He looked e:
me when I carne in, and hesitated just
a mmgment me he took in the detai:s of
MY costumes
Is that righty he asked, a little
pussled, but patting the question in
perfect good faith. I assured him that
W fashionable young erten In Laoodon
were wearing that sdFt d- ov wusg
&roes; that it was the latest and only
proper thinks. He was ltfUrdy satls-
Bed, and was drawing away 4111genUy
when I couldn't keep in any loose-r.and
told him the Joke. Otherwise, h, would
most oertainly bat a sent the sketch to
"It must have been a tremendous
tae to supply Punch regularly with
Jokes and caritattues for eo many
ythelale. remarked the writer. thought-
.. Arh, indeed, you may well ay s,.."
returned Mr. du Maurer with anln-m-
Uo& "It's true, people used to a•nd
him Jokes from W over England. but
he didn't use so very many of them.
At least three-fourths of ail those that
appeared were his mean. it was a tax.
Sametlmes it war. ed him not a little,
and tar eve him walking up and down
the room trying to think of a joke,"
added the corp. smiling in spite at blm-
SPIr at the recollection, "oh. It was
awful I"
"Atter his Denko becarue so popular
he was quite overwhelmed wtti het-
ters from all pans of for world. A
good many cane from admiring wo-
men. especially American w-eovrben, amd
some of them were, vesUy amusing. I
have no doubt (many of taern thought
he was a young man. Well," roilPo-
lively, 'he teed to let his grandchil-
dren answer most of them. I tansy
the writers wens either dinppWqeAointtd
7%M there Wert am
nubeirs of irrtt"ro nes
lading to the drN ptfrt of 'Peter lb -
Dotson.' My father didn't believe in
any of that. of coursetMugh he -rote
it perttaew so If he didE But so many
people took it ab=4utaly seriously. i
don't knee► sow eanY lequfiti-a M
had about it. 1 hay. triP1 sleeping
on my Dark' sae wo,ild write, 'with
my feel roerseA, as yeo Ae-rril,P and
rut hands etsoped tender my head, but
i can't igtuneM in "dreaming trtw.
Ruch pl&ints used to wool* him
vev y much. He woo"wot to conorld-r
hypnotism on Inter mune aubjeet,
though be newer inveMinUed It par-
tkulaMy nor believed much in it."
now a eterse elPowa
llftnatc always point one ear Anwaer
WMIPd they 81erp. 1far4ly why this
to decor no baseman being ran toil, but
the lbrobal+tMtr V that the pppadlcw in
a Volk of the one IV they wore
weld a" nMlstsd M be a� t •,yr guard,
Woem when malerp Cattle. • , the ether
eamd. as appw r' ar tnAOT. -eat as 00
the pnettlrm of tbe& ram t Ila deep -
UK, but no adds what position they aft
Is both we &drop* pointed &hike. Ant
dame *bon-vtbmumem M ft in naw
ADM a 46" &= rrlrw M
me m sem! soft to �M.r►
Me Narked trumpot sewo&sd set his lama
to lived- he 4104-1 ds net knew ble Deas►
Ile tart• of Issues W me asrtW sfenes
Oso me the piano W60M at W n m w
Only a eaeottal city Meads,
IIIPibd by W baedeand laMr i
only tea thwumsnd 6emea
wMrr, every hey.
talo cheerful play
of love and hope and 006"W away
These are life awnnameut, and them &WW t
Wilson Is no farm of terlaae and mousse,
W aftow
And I I
Is there ser were w Penns pater.s, as
S here Thoa, Send God of aAgola, wit see/
m• 1
some ask ter we to rand : some maill.
Gema reek tar mor to break :
Dome bas4fal of Thy corn to tea
And seater tar a -reit,
71111 it Is tare @ball yield
Its knndredfW4
Of Cruise of geld.
To nerd the waiting amide0 at 4 Gas f
View me the desert• rather or as Pope-
eaie it Tbtar mm*rprbo ! oreat Go* mead
Aad Uloagf this body IM Pieter *even rolim,
etatber, Gaut me amonC ell falthht eoWb.
as Calk► snap " els canners as ra.
Weldon l:romad.
A aoaber at the WrLn Photographle
Bsdrty who waged a r,e&eetleme waiiare
against the dec own of Life Banagere
of the 1114poo,tlun, which probiwed the
Photographing of objeets orPossums
wttila the grounds of the . nus ova
without a permelt, which oouid he bad
only at Sr,&t expense and &ccumpan►-
ed by such restrictions UL&t even them
It was a duncult matter to obiaia
really said vlww& recently .bowed In
an illustrated lecture at the aoatetre
rooms bene OW a smatter u was to
elide this Prohibitive law. He desmim-
ad a number of case., when be had
taken pictures In the Immediate pre -
Sade tit the attesdrnts, a[attened there
to prevent the taking of pinture& Tle
Picture of the temple of Kadrs, tacos
In the Calvo street, was made right
never the shoulder of the gu&fd. 'Itis
matrarmoe of the pyranaid. wbkh be Ph♦
tograpbrd three time& was takm wt►
Owe by requesting politely the &heal& -
ant to step In Bret A picture of the
tower of the main building was ens"
with the guard looking straight In the
drlctlm Of the photographer, sad the
letters face in the foreground Is One
at the meat prnmtneW feature& on them
Plate. 7be lecturer was emoMt bat
once in the Ontoolej L'x10lbltion, when
a gmrdwhom be had not noticed. alo
mrst trurpriv-d hits to the act: bat. te-
rOverinot quickly, be all pPed his comers
into & oeat pocket• and the eager Cer-
bems had to tarn about empty -hander.
In obi Rovitn. where phut"grughing
was allowed to all. he did not take any
ldeturrit because he had no ebancr at
carry" rM bis illicit sport. Attempts
at obtatntnr Me'turw Aram the belieas
were also made. but the rewnito wen
rather rwww on aieenttnt of the vi feat
rocking M the balloon
An wMGtrbe mtevrlr L.P.
IM-trfe faenps for bicyrley haw. tb►
the mast part been dead failure& They
were too heavy or too inefficionc or too
troublesome. and the bbcyoflooL as a
rote. felt that he bad throwto the pur-
chase minney &WILY. The latest ries
trte wheel lamp, however. to of an en-
Urely different order. It Is a eleano
Powerful illuminator, which cannot be
blown out, Jarred out or ezUnguistud
by the ordinary aOeidents which at -
f -t other lights It consists of two
Porte. the battery. or source at power.
which L carried in a r-xnpart Mather
caw bung from the top oar net the dia-
mond frame rnachlnc 7%e tamp Preis,
Per is very smell, heavily plated with
Silver reflector. meanted an a cord with
the hatt"T. Wktdn Wide Is the waail
Incandeeerint lamp wltltyb gives the
Mehl 7be whole outfit L almost Y
u mew In a carriage an It Is om a bl-
eTc3& The most striking thing about
K is the power of the light, wtdch the
rider can instantly refiect in any de -
shred dlrecuon. It to more like a want-
atare meamb-light thms ea ordinary
lamp, and It thrvww a strong beam
ahead 7we tneswe" d the light of
A 1 -candle-power lamp to over 100 -
candle power damply by a scioutlfics y
trade reflector will prebawy suggest
to game thoughtful people that they
tray cut down that. bills fpr dectrie
light W per east, or more by Airing the
rlget way about R
79he battery wM tun for fight hemp
m one cearlin and may be recharged
at any hnamrtam=Wnt lamp atooksL or by
the apMal appliances which are Pro-
vided to awe trouble M Cir p1 otbBa
Many bicycle clubs now keep L charlp
ing dbtfit tar the toga d tbefr mor
berg-Plttshurg Deap&tcs
Divided latereetw.
8e traodtac i>ape'r>-King oorXo--
htnm-hum-Bower of GTonedW
She (also reading)-ritie beeiRro wase
identify wonberful-hum. hum
He --Sailed for Crete- bum, house
displayed all his decorations.
dlhe-Tett, the denoraume wen an►
vel"06 --Aum, hum.
Mr It loots as If the ermsequenosa
would be dirt.
Phe -Tea. Dyer IM the cotlllen.
H.• (dropping I aperh-- W hat are you
r-&Jlnor C ou• - -
Rhe /al- drop Ing parr )-Atoout the
Besot ivy Ms_ I - i, twill• of course. And
Hi -Why :he Cretan Pituatlon.
She -Rut ,,I..'%'
Me-IWt!-Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Tns.le of AI....n.lrr 11""a".A Paris corrreponolent writ'% The
m"mamenl Which the well kwn
tor M. de Raint 3t.►r-e:aux is Pxceuting
for the tomb of Alexandre Punter. Bla
and which b to be ebzhLDtted Nig
Wring. in likely to op a very flne work.
it enn*Ssts of a full- reellnfng
Blur* d Dn the 'l7me�t b TV-
in,yentM In the lona wlsidn be
b,bbituafiy www wham at rW Y
wag also his eaattwM With his toot
bard. T%. "ostal In simple and b
deeesatM with lasrehi enaM, s EdItA
i and panaMa 7tia wRaat of the whey
is eseelietnt.
A 4tehateore "Ad.-
0L4re to on aldvmtl on~ wtllr
ohodd bring ttrnda wen
/le heA �
to use a grindato
�ettejeetthrough thow shemo : -L ora[ the
ft cc twenttedx children I 1I�ge
twfib& I am aim a e ibbior sod riga
Art It M have sorted way
won t fa I When" that i will =ani
raw abates 410. One Spied tart[ draw -
J. �'I.retlmelyrlr .-knot aM ieP
i Selma onsaW LMdkxkU s tt missile
titrwaale than the 'Irsinaew
Oentsa&W agostuon wUl be in a M♦
as&rk&MO Grate of oumpleUutt torr the
pdy. Go Miry L
222 Mrs at the eiportkm ooltla art
&eve been neer* tbrWrWe. It two
known ar� the Old West tilde jtM to
wohltmb aajauma property "a been G4
den smoking • ttfr'as5t tit 300 earls In
AL W Is situate -4-a. Little loom thMM
two nibs Real ti -e Public Square. sad
north of Vandeoidit Uaiver-
Mir. Gomm&nds a beautiful view of
Som, its mt Nashville, and the plotarld-
SM MG7 &rand nod about the oW
It is dotted over with shade aces, with
a lux ure&nt growth of blur stress.
busatlAM by thousands at evengreeo&
PyinUa shingle and blooming flowers.
Artlstts&W terraced and divided by
MIt+Kal drives and walks and obars
is�&heat and Yet mads GOO Imre at-
tractive and enchanting by the memo -
am at buadtnew which am"feea9 we
sad history. science and education In
all thly worth knowing. U now be-
eomes a 0ttle city. that Dealing Ian-
suidly ain" haPpty amid the bBla--i
vegetable paradise.
1-alte Watauga dbd Lake Katherine
stings the the broad vista nt emerald
sr eet4 whlob Is &bo brought tato plese-
1nx earmarast try flue avow-w81te 10111114
lugs, which enbamne the beauty d the
eves4 -tae whale forming a picture of
I unequaled Interest
ItiotiwaadG of lamndowent &&Drys
-w4u send & gleam &crave the way,
from the eaves and drone+ and Aas-
oPmHe of the buildings Hundr,.ds at
arc lights will stood am mandrels
throughout late Dark. w'hlle the enwnst-
•r Asdistaff 3.M feet in height. will he
eur7iountool by a cheater of dr-'tr4e
hiphtw-a be&dx► /tint maw lie seen for
marry rrllees In every ak"tian--4iw
palling darkness from ave" nook &rid
earner. turning night Into glot4ws day.
74he c.arstroMlon of the main build -
Uwe cor rmonesed In January. 1ML are
nearly W conimplet.-A, and only here and
there to a few of :hem the sWutnIftdrrT M
ret to be Placed or the Aniahlow t" -*M
app! led
Among the completed dtruetuna ata
the following Minerals sod Forestry
Vkhading. 4ee b7 Ise fret and an an -
am aletfii0isher afflssdJn4r about h7.11M
m sars 1ket: the Rt&Itn of Venlow. Now,
d%himory Hall. as ter 12A flet. with
about .Seca wquasp fart: Aitrlaultsra)
Hmildlns Ma by 17S feet with 100.0M
ogave yet• 'I4susportAtlnn Rending.
sM by Is tw-t--44.M .noon. toot: Carlo,
reserve Building. wt by IN bet W
extemMsss 06UW SCSI* GWSAJV font:
Adm*Lbgratkma Dulkilog: Women's
suiding. Me by IS fent: Aadltortwo.
weft saMtlag abpsclty fur SIM: Psrta.--
nam (tile orb building) : 11 Y eemld d
Chosen (Mdsep,hls bumidloWL
ileo beauty of the groumds wO be
NWOIL JY egiwnned by rem& warts at art
attractive mind unique buildtum and
doowaUsr In Rut at the Parthenon
wt1J stand Mid. Taodeirs Sande statue
at Philoo Athene forth three feet hiss
A n,ptoduetfon die Vueettau Slal-
to will wpwn an aaso of tike Watauga,
csertmtn to he a favorite resort tar
lover" at the pec arsgee and d tato
rounatle T\o prtaltpal flagstaf now
stands M feet blab. under V*Jcs Is
the 10aW stand. to be ocvruplod by
same of tae floss atltia" en AM, or-
ganumnam in the world.
in the ewitre of the parlt_ and an rm
cbevated he rae& is the Partbmwa er
!lime Arts Bundling. As it is to contain
lowsJumbLe works dart. It WUI he ffse-
prted. with stone fioundathan, asooewte
Goer. brick wage mind gtem root In stoat
hard": the stertor being waatsmeated
in toted staff Be bwt&Uoo at the or-
Mina1 no fifly-olgmt Grated aeft &
end every dotall Possible. are true to
the artslniti in &align add Oder"
These to p a htrdeur at attser eon
opening -tom flee dsubh eboinnae 1
portloan. but r wtodreers -kraft bolus
Obtained tlhevagh the Jew root and
b om m3ecadr •t ksraodomm" lams&
Itis stead tart to be plecP4 an the
pediments, vastness, and frieze ase In
ladtw.km of the orWmLL and are In
molded staff. ksnIsbting me object lo -
me B elaate arlthtieetum not here-
tedonm dram In this copntry. In frust
oe the Partbwbm will be irectsd a
statue of Pa3iao Aeb.eai .*kk with
the pedestal, sea be torty teat hlgh,
Amon" the Parehencen all of We other
beemetrW •offices des aMstered So it
Ass when the original wan erlated by
the manorial Ietbas and decorated by
the unrivaled PhlWaa Am their crea-
tion waw the crowning glory of the
Acropolis, so Will thio. No a materp&M
erected twenty-btr deotvrten Later,
easel any in this eanWI&LAsm of bean-
tffvi bu iW"ga It r a nofabte onincid-
Pnce that Nashville. (mown as the
'.Athens of the l3out`l.- nbOUM be the
Beet to reproduce the awl~ Qreek
teertple in all Its artlertle ireauty.
The History Building will ba an
adaptation of the Fieoethenn that
Mood on the Acropolis. near bbe Par-
thenon a -A Mi, reproduction will be
aoppropMet iy located new the 11ne
Arta Budding. It will cmM rrllos
n -A r tk 1, P warn•dly pQren�erv�by the
'j'ehnevwee Historical soolety. the Uoi-
or-iRl gimmes, the ('onfMerate Veto -ram
and the Grand Army d the G:.
and it has Pe pornrd appr.tprt&tn. PI
as pt4mibl- or t lepedient to rept uce
for this purpose that venerable temole
of Athens. the "Dreclithettn."
rens of the moat rrnwjtamp %Rd
unlgw of the Cont-nnlal Ru"dings is
8" the city of Vit.-enph0t. hr'.rg a ee-
pnductYmn and adaptation of the Pym -
Mid of (3odVot erected SW years be -
tam the Christian era. and anted Pang
Nw Parthenon nntnP MAP years. ►e or i
about one♦ix th of t 1P o. l.-1-oa1 at..
befog Ile feet an Its hap* lilt-. 1f11
fist A tits angle and 100 feet on lir
peopertdllnnlar tine. 77ae ritwhAr :Ind
i of the portkucm are fnereas-J
Sane being ase m each 9ddP m.,AInr
a -mere fnpower effrg4. and adaptung
k in expnMtlnn pee pod►. ITP Int,-rpnr
II a vont belt ItS -Pet mo t•rur and fifty
t high, with dalton-•, all a-co.nA
i3 foot f M wtd!!. it Is the InteotI m !e
angry out the qualnt and hi& ~arty
selwndor of 11111syptle n are L!'r- ter - ?,-d
art• both an to cnForjbnd Aevirn T, Is
b tate Prowl the- sure th • ! Wild r p, ,f
Mm pyruidds by the Rryptiasa that
an aftnitpt by any we Sheol heo h►Pn
antis to rvprmdwec- then and It will
1llsB4AWP. noeodowgy attract attention.
I-4. '. V...".rwre.
hopner"conato-ty these Is nu area
town In fife nlviFhPd wnM that has
so M daily nuvrning eaeeml Y
nom. Than b doe to tine begs
tare Involved in stmrthmlp sol. Anyone
Moore -
ling pasor fit be teeffrIris SM-
ede to 3Mr M Parmissidl ap &a
tamn or these vAta
Igoe Twomomwoomr
Rhao -ar ftinm is able SW%O&
*to -4 mm I noun Batt
a «' �."l...'t
BirALwra Pv1M6dr AL&g
Wft b o. e. as denied be as t`
*now ieswamsue,
Ottawa. Mvvh 1f,-(lmeebai ►-Tile
Gevoram&wa hes lose advised that Iter
Majesty's C WVWENmmt has odwt--d
Tuesday. jwoe si. as the dal as Pluck
to hold the 0111ho al ee* - -tis d tbe
Dlemood Jubike, Sind the Ministers
are --Niw-may U N ttdvtsahle to sst�amid* this day
clot otfloW oMebrsthr In the 1).nola•
lou. or to hold k ua Moudy. list.
sonami gears N a4w&m aftwoL
Ottawa. carate ii.-O*ealaL).�ere
le sued .tang Ibr Op{y��tWap
tam 791110!'eatnnistas-Oaansl Pesume w
Panes. ae hir u bb dapartsset nes onus,
car -4d. to oPmeawate Misr mkdmy'e
akwo-d Jubilee by the isms. at a am
8 -sant poubm a saaagp. niis'oorlete to
00 oocsalmL It will have a Meltsil
otrctliafhts lady. pr'adaMY for a Period
Lc&bMA au14othe OoMtnff an m�
wtim the sale Is otaptped the present
mama wW he Illow In clntntbA)M
tae ratLfoeeas sebotihla.
March 14.-A 69spoich gr%mea
Manila..M�he ow tial of the P414pkq
idandsv to ?Isle ftnp-L&L sure the shite
a4len three Is very UDM&Lbs4akwy. mad
that It will be asoammWY for Spanlab
tromoo to oeeupe the entire ktland in
error to o*nWi66a7 croak the ntbMv
Sm. Tib rebels aro broondug holds
and titanv vtg- em in their Actlonis
and the appsaeaalut AsOr @Gua n Air
Sm hrtW iump@r am wagm ttnm .d
OesereJ PletoA,$k the Dove -mor of
tike Philippine LdWam will obwfdy re-
turn to !Sorin. Ma beahh having be -
safe* fmpalred sad him aidlamts great
be agi ravated by reason tot No bring
hampered In bio opemwtlms by the
It b feared at Manila that the nes
lin Cao r1bill o Islands is warn. than
that In Cubs,
Mss► war an Sheth ,Stolen.
Now Tont, March ll.-Tlte Sun's
lobo special erre. k Is announced
Sot-ol y that a menta hence tae 00311
tried Regalement. ane of the Boot t tired
to the OrMob now. wfhl eau flow South
AbSes. aairsry to tsuevr cenalm
troops Is Caps Otomy and Natal, bid
R is rosily to be a reentvrooment Tie
garrison Is already largely in tint'rsu ed
normal reeuhesmoota It may be add -
ad. &end the aamouncement In now
trade public her The Aiwa time, shat tie
ounnnardom of several BMW& rrgl-
rncets now In India have been anQet-
y warmed that their carps may be rm-
qulrel for @.dire servkv to ltmuth Al -
does betbi a this, Malar is far &dvaac-
"tests's roman spas"
Landes, tlardh /106 -At the dinner of the
A MWUt,4 Ub&abM d tls.utaPree beds
this •veuI14L lord faSs►ory 4011or.uw'! ss
0"98@0. V wbrb be retrrssd beivlLr to the
cub which W boos reached in the asols
at t;webw ever the Orwtae question. 1b
Loft" @0N K main be nmOmbnel that
tie Prithink Wversmmm sum" a" be gelled
In t. -Ar pules by personal ownpetkim ,s
retlawas prec vines am.f semumsoute. I"
Pose the trustees of a great natio&'• W
tamable tad ebrsaueee, wNrb they were
burl to aaalmtais above everything elm
If tbov wa&hily did their duty ever ebe
elreu .-tancwe It world prwmete. an me
her ,corse w nmdaci ruald du, frv+l as
W Ime.ILe, Dna, "Mee "11, Ah".ee.. Peet►
well hums mast depend. roP. industry W
somal■1 Trees With 116
Montroo. March IQ -A iltar special
moble [romp London aye: " 1tie BritUb
imports from Canada are showing s
remarkable espara/on. They Mmes
ad lis per coat in P%bruwy and IM
per cent. In the two months of 1W.
wbtle the Beldam iaworts ft a0
a tntreas oWy advanced 4 per aewt
OLna&xn chemae jumped Q'ose £ii,fW
in the some two Bonthe ort year r
910.0W thb Year; fish from £ IAR M to
tllt,000; butter from £2100to II&W.S
oxen from t21,M0 to £34,ts0: wbA
t7 LW to &94,000. The experts W CasM-
ada 4 --creased n per ant dor do
nontib mind 10 per amL for oke taro
t oonthL
amb maty on eareev.
Washington. March 14.-74" slaw W
ricultural schedule will affect wwWudr
many arulcias Larsely imported [tors
Gonad& If it does not altogether abet
oQ trade ft vm blanc oountry in om alet
linea Besides the duty a0 a tamDa►
of $2 per thousand het, the barley duty
will be put at the aimow-. prohibit Jay
rate of 30c per buobel, and barley malt
at &c. Butter. eggs. peak beans, putt
lova and In fact nearly everytkirriugg�elD
the schedule, go back to lific: ICI440
raters Hay WW be taxed M per tuA
amd gbeep and__assn $1.60 per k.ssd
The ams skilled Mob.
Welland. March 13.-(8peclsl.)--On
Thursday afternoon Mr James Mille%
who lives &t Wellindport, was stepping
tat d bills, boat on the Weiland IUver
at that ptan e, when the trig11e1 of s
dcmble-bsrreled 0„tgun which he iia&
in his b&n,l -aught and the wespou mos
dtachargeu, . contents bnrytng to W
bead and bee lie mos taken bons
mod medical 1.. made every Plsert is
ave him Rfe, b,. he died last el!r .
Decreased was an , id rwstdeint of wel,
Imlport, nod had been in the hold
bsuAneag for Foam He leaves a soon
wows Agdves rrewu"
Bowararvf0e, Out... March 26-710
mAdem flatailty that ever occur. Is
this town happened In WIUismar Aub
this afterwooW wiles the three atdmd
obAdren of Irradstick Buxon, or to f
etnploryM as deliverer of ice with IL
W. William, were drowned Just etr19"rle
their garden gate In & hole tlMt ms's
formed pan at & mlil raoa
The children www out for an &11`11111
in the warm sanoWnp, and no o0e 1•21
near bat Msa L.ttzco, their mother`
who to nurobW & baby only 10 118'9
lagm Jsma as"sePsa-
WlanNpe: waseh tAl 4f&leMaf)-Re-
peeser"uve (-Nnmwrvsmvws of all wo m}
tots dint rleta mot at Winnipeg feat
night wA►n Hon. Hugh John Ms•doa
aM was formally Nltdofwd weld Sed die
y aecepted the prvvlencial Moderabli
h to w►dwintood that at the d • st
rho PIN OF sodden Of the Ln�'te9fv
este at the inembevw of the Omean"
tyre Opposition will ev,llsn in maw
way for Huse Jokn In the Mlmw
W a Sonar Is Torus"
Deaden. tat.. MarAe11.- Dr J. W. ssitb
of DwaMa was railed to see 11i0ary ram
who sae lase working far a hraww =s
asiten of Nowt rtaobo m, Mf"s bed nT
tim a Monod vowssA &neo) 41-,1 to a olon"
wes fie Me so h4vads In thin adILW
ePa&ary bat ban a detse. a 11"O,1Ra um'. of Vnnew-.tart. Variatb.
arra aa.pm sme dmao"suL
la mdom March U,A an "o ld
7ti0 Tones tford Yebeftema fro0
Room now A allisi,ei:041 ig
Jrwboedard wwst_
me flee" Ailal, r�
b)w land�ts �+ tun 7;WWp6
amu at ty��t* new W '