HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-3-25, Page 1S. Oki be re - bee Ne LE rw aa ata, prate its, Drell %Tos.te and otknch b.• eel to City 'niome sod -the fitters DS ieels We cast AY. IE Id 6 u L ELL0. BURONN8 Ll if yea we as Al Five Oast (Ygor, gook. TIIE A Y QUEEN' IIDMMeellreeTUti00 DT MI MADDOCKS aKINNRIUY i - OODERION. FIFTIETH YEAR. -6 1 1 nasal Sales. THF3 1\7EWBPAP131. OF ional HURON OOTTNTY. ONK DOLLAR WILL 1'A Y roll THE SIGNAL Fon Oita VIM. GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA THURSDAY MAR 23 1897. D. MoGILLICUDDY, EDITOR __ IS. S. A ND E. L. MEETING. (w tho.sbl ag nab. :..:o n I OVER THE HURON TRACT. LEEBURN. Tt ries AUUrION BALI OF FARM LANDS 1 IN THE THE TOWNSHIP Or ASH .,onset to the power of wile ceat•iaed 1e • wrists Marts•ao Weer an dose the Sem dal of April. A.D. tial. sad toads by one John Me IAae•a, sad o Assip mint thereof dated the wth tido, A A.D. lea. and which will b., pproduced as the fisc of eels. there w ill be weld to publlessotlws N Youngs Hotel, Kilda' 1. In the Towo.hlp of A•kleoll. In the (busty of throat b7 Jpba Knox. Auctioneer, at 12 o clock. noes. on ww,NI.AV THt St► DAY Or APRIL A.D. lee, the /*nowise rideable property. namely. The West Half of Lot Number Thirty -Pour. IW. i. WI, Prost Coses•slnn. North of Town Plot, .a the Wtessers [lemon of the eaM Teesside*, Ashfkld rootalnint by Mmes. - orpiment Eight -Two i�2) acres of land. more or lees edit tree aoewswfo the sale West half of the said Lot over sed stemma the east half of said lot. o0 the South .Ids thereof for all per .1 sots. hors. earriegetp, arose sod other son tol•ever TAe•btwr��.en property Y sltu,te wttbiu 1 mike of himself. ?I asthma Ooderich, 1" mile. from Ripley. Rud 14 mile. from Luekoow. The s .•1 s • good clay loom. The hut'diage mimeo of • risme Hoer. It .ton. Jttl:..rad Kitobca. :•tYr. a Hark Haro. with stable uaderne.th. uae0. The property is will feec.d aid is well watered. The p•eperty will to .01,1 subject to a re- served hid. tbKMS:-Tea per rent down and the tat ons Booth Lh. twfto. nartienlan apply to the Auo- 1 to the Vendor's tldreitor. JAN IX. CAMRHr1N. HOLT k DillisillaHOLM M14. Moaah.lwf. Vadat'', `Solicitor.. AUCTION RALE OF VALUABLE FARM LANDS IS TIM TOWNSHIP OF CUI.HORIi lt, i'ureuaot to the power of isle ooatwined 'a ten. retain Mortgage.. n•ade to the Vendor*. tearing date reepectrvrly the 10 b A47 of /lamb ISM and the 11'6 .bay of March. 19)1. Rod uhicb will be prn•fut-d at the rime of sale. ,hero w111 be •old by peblie •alto. at Uaadry a Auction linnet., on Hamilton etre., in the Town of Ooderich. i. the County of Herne. os. TUESDAY. THR rah DAY or APRIL. A.f.. I. et 13 o'aire k. tumor. by Thoma Oeindry. •uctiaseer. the followiq valu.ote prooe•tr. namely The North Mast cei•rtee of Lot nuts Mr Light. mil the North Half of Lw namts•r !Car in the 'third Cowtwsio.. Fsstern Dive - ,co of tier Township of Morrie i. the I' ,an ty of Hums. and the Prot ince of Ontario, .r.e- mining by admeasnr email'. Seventy. ri re scree. more or Ines. '•Ale reaper,y U stow'. •bon• 7 miles from noderrie h The soil is a chit Inas. Then ia.. orchard et l sores. the buildings cenai.t of a story sed w half Mme dwetliaa lair:. with t heme. Nati, sad w seehr l ; • fron'e hose. W+71t, a tram* stab:., 64x:6. a small ,tells, cant bo.we sad other ''iodine.. The load ie . 1) earned and is welt watered. The oro, est will be sold •u••,..' .o an sn- nu,ty full partienl.n of whleh 0111 be made know. on •ptlimtiom to the Vendor'. Solicit oro wed it the time of. ale 1 F:HMA -- Tee per erne down at the time of •ale. and rbc balance ie one month thereafter /or further partleulars &poly to the Auc tinneor. or to the Vendor•. Nnli.-Nme. IIIOMA4 OUNURY. CAMERON. HOLT. lotted l0 parr. R HOLISM!. Maw Irl. Voudor'e itolidwn For lithe or Ts Rest. FARM FOR MALI: 1 nem instructed to niter for mak me of the beet 100 acre farms In the Count, of Hums ..tutted within 7 miles of tioderich. lb* farm has sot • fnm of waste land on .1 and the roil tea rich clay loam foe from a" shoot lou. weeae. The buildings are first oleos consisting of a '•+ole house with some foundation and seller. kit. tree. woodeh.d as.1 s.'l a ussary outbuild ...es. A tram. bun. "til. and cedar barn. �I. e:'d). all in good repair. 1 here are two scree of orchard. 111e farm ha leen In gray for the past twelve dean ud is situated wittln • mile of post-odlce. wheel and church, It U fenced by an almost new beard fence around the front and side, and the beanie by nils. A spring creek and wools supply abuse mice of water. encn mbraac a now on the prepertv. I'rire $4 000. For terve and further particulate apply to Lori" C8 R. DANCEY. Mar I. 1907. Oodencb. On:, FOR SALE OK TO RENT -FOR SALE or se rent• toe dwelling no Nelson-.i..t Present occupied by r. .Moeeth. it sustain. Il rooms. Inoledh.g drawing note. thein. nodi Peeler and kitchen. and ham a literary. a number of abodes. pantries and a good cellar Then la half as acre of Med tastefully Netted with •brats and fruit trees, and an rxc,•Iteni lawn. Apply to F. SYEIiTH• oe the pre- mise. *tarn LIOR SALE -LOTS 60 AND 70 11' Hutehiaeoo'a Sorrel 1. the Town of Oodenrh• epos which is erected • ogee dwell Ing house. Also Iota numbers 1P sed 19 Rich's Peewee, Ooderieh. oosglning Y acres. upon which ie situated a comfortable house, and there Isaac • good orchard. Also the Beet eel of the Noah half of lot L. Iske Range Comew,ton of the Townahlp of Ashf old. Western dIvieloo. [Sled 4th ItePtereber. lt>• . Apply a CAMIRON. HOLT t HOLME8. _ fief VALUABLE PROPERTY TOR SALE -situated in time cwt Mama o•.tre Is Godencb. The property Mildri se 200 dwellings, one well -quipped eroerad Mew see op to.1•te tnsoblee end bl.ek.nitb thee. Reasons for ..ilial bet of railway mom sedation. ('ase Ute es. begivoo. A soba 414 Mane. Mr the right raw. Apply so 11 K. sTRACHAM es .be premlm.a 14.01 LRM FOR SALE OR RENT. -LOT 10 In the 4th neo. of Ooderich tewarhl , sestaninm M acres. 1 lanes from ftoderich 'chem is as Ore died of about 700 tress. $.1 :a beerlog asedltlee d ehe're fruits -- Nomo. pe.bes, cherries. peers tad mall emit. The farm 1e well watered with a sp•1ng creek running tausrmer and Water. Casa give p e melee dial of ARn- £1917 to JOHN KNoX, Odurisb. 1141! VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR the river end lake fee etuap od by M late A. MusI) , .tt tie., Maw is Cheaters One of 11:e meet valuable and dur(rehle pow 2. TTt la tows, 1 TM frame a welling Once. ea hail seaside, the Reit- .at piles{ treaded hr sad_ dtehl.g greeds formerly oecnpled MtNt 9. "nit seer tai i.the We Ju%na t lry'r+seass tors. q1 iamoost resat n*M.. ao »vA1LOOM t P,tOt7DFUOT Subeiterw. lotions*. Pubilo Notloe. NOTICR -TAE PUBLIC ARE HERE- ` a, »sesWd that •Y aTows .. f idertele epdaamtlbsa of the 'rMswm of t.ndenea siert. 1s. Baty w t order M the eat nosh Miter. dl ,era+. ed with ogna1 t tee by the Osla.fah• 17. 1t Tows Cleat. wanted. WANTI TOREIiT ND -RAND A buooessIuI Convention. • • arable 6.W et *pother area Cs lkaslam -Tse Lieetlea et Sr,,.- *lbMall Lai of the Serious %omelet*. mhea.sed. H E Sabbath School and Epworth • Asernuasioa of the Joderloh Die - Viet, held their an0uAl 000VOOGUOO to the Methodist ohurob, S.slorth, oo Tuesday, Marab 16th. This convention was • ds• tided success to every respect, all ut the rpeakere announoed being presto! with the ezooptioe of Rev. .A. l' Crews. Toronto, and M•a. (rev. Oaten, tl.vfi.ld, these two being de:.,' ed through illness. They,bow• ever, maai'e.ted their interest to this work by obWaiag able supplies, the work of Mrs. (fates being taken by Frank Hale, I:oderiob, and that of Rev. Mr, Trews, by Rev. Mr. Kerby, of St. Catharines. The morning mamma was devoted to Sun- day aheol work, the opening exerci11 he. ur ooadusted by the 1•reeldeot. Mr. Hclm.t of lto:on, a:ter watch H Foster, Canton, dealt with the subject, •• The De- velopment of S. S. teachers ' A lively discussion followed Chia. to wbion many uselul sutgsstiose were given. Addresses wets then gites 9y Rev. W. 1 o,Iwin, God. - nub and A .1 Contuse, Holmesvtlle. After moth -r lively discussion the audience was addressed by Key. .1. E.L'., of Goderich, who omducted the open parliament in the p'&oe of Kea Crews, during the motorog session. lir. Ede. is an able speaker and was listened to with great interest by the representatives of Se.forth Newell es sur- rounding country. The m.eIiog then .d• j .uroed until the afternoon The executive commutes met derma the noon hour and &poem • l officers for the ensuing year. The •'ternooa session opened with aiot- •ng sed prayer, these exercises beteg led by 'thy. A. 1'. Barton. Varna The •object Living up to the fledge' was then dwelt soh by A. T. Cooper, Clinton. Mr. Cooper took melt ciao.. of the pledge sod explained how snob member should ende•vcr in every p...ihle way to give up to vows he had taken. A diacoesioo then followed in which arenas' interested. The ooevention was i0 elver u4 •ocep'ing member of the church as s•socis'• members only when they could not he induce -1 to hecome active members but le have them become active members as soon se pts.Ibt1, It was also decided that it was boa. rte have associate member. liv. lag rap to the pledge them to have, as toms League• nave, etuvn momism who do not e ven hire op to the pledge of emaociat.e mem- bers. Mrs Prettied, of Dungannon, then dealt with the "Spiritual interests of the Lentos se effected 1 y the Literary. Social and Con- secration deterrent. ' This wr. then tak- en t0 .em -ions (.) Literary, Niue A. Rrioken- den, Clinton: (el Social, .1. B. Gobbles, Plates; lel (ooesotetion, W. Lynn. Lood.s• boro. The district roll oall was then read, daring whish time a report of each lineage was given by the delegates. Thee. reports were very interesting and helpful Toe rep.rts of em. Learns. showed such spiri- tual advancement in the joembttra that they ACROSS Wanted. WANTED - INTELLIGENT MEN with good education to whom 10100.a .ad envenom for the first year would he an in dneemmt. Write with full particular. THE MANAOMR. 49 Ric*womdet. 'Week Tomato. Out. WE WLT AGENTS to handl. eetabiebed trade t this county. (median stock guaranteed to lire. Perman- ent position. whole , part time. Liberal 1,.ma. Yee ran make len dollars a week or better with me for every week you work. No experi.see neeeeeery. DROWN BBOTBIiA.S 00X[PAITT. Costs.*W Nurseries. TORONTO. ONT 1,7m HER MAJESTY'S DiAMOND JURI- lee merles "Que.. Victoria. Her Ufa sad Reign -. into every borne. Pomona who never sold books take order'. feet. Preface the most dement of Lord Dufferf•'s achieve- ments. No book se highly preieed. W seed more canvasses. Rosy to make 91509 to 911000 • w Flooks a time. Prospectus free to can A 1,1.1 will cost nothing. end 11 qd 1 'Oa empty pocket book. THE BRADLEY-GARitli8TON CO, LTD..TORON- TO. ONT. Loan and Ravinflrs Moesets. If IS NOT WHAT YOU EARN. BUT WHAT YOU e� V=, MAKIN YOU RICH. THE HURON AND HT'7CI LOAN INVilTKINTOl'kPAKY eouctmrla-alien Heft sad Holmes Dareurya--later.N Oseepound every re months at feer per sial. eer'auam. ot *suss fres sus taller upwards. Depositors will dad dams meld beaga this. w�sill".l d bby 14*. Tl.e (7eetpmgl isswd se Neat Nome Ikewa •L Mae. DORADO $ORTON. J. H. 001.80��* MUM is Creditors. N oTTCE TO CREDITORS re eke .slier e1 Jo*. Mr Naapbtow. n/ Mer row. ,r! A, 4. two ('owe M Hares, Deafer, BAerma r. The aMN•e.metl deb er h toads an e- slmmmmst M me. NNW the pm telone et As wte ter the brawls of 11k RS.o., IML M. ef Me mad ilabt- le taw Court Na.e. M 11l e'etsut lo ►Ito Ara t or will be le tae Yews Feresess em .--.-�. rlmforil of hepeetareiN wMh r.i.remee to the AM pard of w MMB. every poem. e I 1 t M senIlisd amok =se the esSMe M seaweed te forso�ML/tt(o _me f�.mdd roved II ease mamas �of. p��p, so tk e. amiveh t#.1■r" BIM 1 Y advancmest. E.peially tatareetug were the reports of Junior leagues. The I banner won by the jewelers for the Lfraee1 The Grist per ceatage io Ontario was also shows dur- ing the day. Rev. Mr. Kerby nett took up '- System- atio Bible Study." He seed the book of Arte as • reference and the IIlustratios. used es the board were both interesting and 43 .truetive. The nominating committee thea read the names of the officers for the ease- ing year, namely : Pre , Andrew David - sou. t:oderich ; 1st .,o.-pree , Mn. Pmt- 1•ad, Duaganam ; 2nd vrca-pres., Mies M. Bond, `eaforth ; 3rd vee -pees, Miss Rriokeoden, Clinton ; 4th vice -pre.., Mm. Lyon, Loodesboro; 5th vice -pros, Frank Hale, l.odertoh ; may , C. L. Fisher, Holmssvilla ; tree., Mrs Hsrawell.Varna; diet. represeot.tivc, Ray. W. J. Ford, Clinton. Junior work was then taken up by Frank Hole, of Goderioh. Rev. i..Yestmao, Walton, &adress.id the audience on " What the League can do fur t .s C0.sroh - and Rev. 'iawyi r, Tooter - smith, on '• What the Logos me do for Mission." After this the collection was !.ken up hod the meeting adjourned until the evening. in the ermine the opening exercise. were conduotod by the president, A. T. Cooper of Clinton. read a resolution, thanking the Se.forth people for their hospitality and the their for the excellent music, they render- ed. Mr. Holmes then introduced the new president and alter • few brief remarks the stet interesting part of the mom -idiom was rendered, hetar • Polo "Two Lives" M Rev. Mr. Kerby. Mr. Kerby is not only an able speaker but auto an admirable siag- or. her. J. Edge, of Iioderich, gave an ad• dress oo •• Reepoo.ibility of the Parents, which was not only instructive bat boas- iag. If the remark, of Mr. E Igo are fol lowed by the parents there will doabttese be & great increase in numbers in the Dear fel urs The choir then rendered one of their choice anthems, after which Rev. Mr her- by rave en address no „ Cbatanoog•,. Mr. Kerby being • delegate t0 th. great Con- vention held there to 1895. To attemp' to give the detail. of the wonderful address wood be but to fail,a.d !hose who were not there missed a great treat. Thin address more then met the expectations of all pre- sent. We would have enjoyed listening to Mr. Kerby for a lee hours more but it was oornpuleere to cat the address short as • number of defective, and friends h.d to •' go west -- by the 10 10 train. Mr. Kerby was listened to with rapt attention by all and the Seaforth penple who would gladly weal. ohms him en fntare o-casion.. The choir then rendered another anthem while the collie !tom we being taken up,and after the doxol- ogy the meeting was close) with the bene- dictios DUNGANNON. Roam. -The local &coney in Dungannon for Tag SIGNAL 45 at the °ilioe of J. O. Ward. J.P.. convene:tom, Ro., who wUl receive or den for ,nh.criMione, .dverr!elog sad job - week. and is authorized U give receipts for amounts paid for tee same Tt'&.uta. March 23. Pt;oi,rrt, N F:‘ tit..-Prometioo ex•mina- tioae in our public school takes plume this week. Cost Airs. IN,. The nameroo. friends of James Hollmd, who has been vert- x11, will he pleased to know that he u imprc,•ing in health, and nothing preventing, will be able to he about as usual. OraN., or Sr-R*N... -In consequence of the caries of rooks, the warbling of spring birds, the husbandman making preparations for seeding, and the genial balmy braze., we presume Spring is rapidly approaching, and wbeu all mature, which has been deed for • season, is gradually coming to life. ErwoRTN Lt: t.: r t. --The entertainment which was held on Monday. the 15th, .,oder the auspices of the Epworth Latin. was in point of interest and attraction • e000ea Those who were &beast. mined • treat. On Monday evening, the 29th Inst , the sub - lode will be of • missionary and literary eth•r•ct r. A general invitation u extended to all. liewel.t_-Mies Veno,, assistant teacher in Dangesses public wheel, has in m000m- gessca of being troubled with inHamm•tory rbeutnatiem, been unable to teach Inc some days. Mies Maggie Wilson is, -however, fining 'loty iu her .teal. We hope Miss Young will be soon able to resume her duties. Also that Wiliiam Bale, who we regret to learn is unwell, will be soon re- stored to health Ixftwro,sp.-We sinosroly regret to have to .tete that William million, one of our most philanthropic Mei .e, and also an se - teemed pioneer of Was W&wano.h. is ref - tering from an attack of pleurisy, indsn.d by haviog contracted • severe cold. 5V. hos. that in our seat ws will be ale tonna the v.m.rahle gentleman'. partioL If not en- tire restoration to his former state of heath and vigor, whish is the 'tsars desire of his namere0 friends and as sofaterere. Coutxo AND Coll/O.-OS Tasaday of let week. `)quire Malleugh visited his daughter sad wee -in -low at Rlvth Wilson MO - LOIS. n( 8t. Thema, Dalt., and forserly of West W&wano,h, who bas hese yi.Iti.g his parents. brothers and sister 0t the old homestead and renewing former aegmimt. some and aseneiatinn., left here es Moseley, the 15th, vi. Lonknew, ter bome.. . Rev. R. Farbalra and .Mer D. Janke+, •treaded who mooting of the Maitland Presbytery, 'Sash ga.'held at Ripley .s Tuesday, the two 16th ult. AIO HIR Panne* Durango. - On Fri- day. the 19th. the remain* .f Resoled, tM beloved wife .t Jobs Stet/tom. township of Ashldd, were interred h D -g--- s Cem- etery. Mime ..sorted thither y ea unemal- ly large easels .f sorrowing relatives, .yut- pa bisieg fends sad .mi/jben. The ds- amosd leaves servivt.g her •.errewleg hew band, seven seas, W illus Nwehip deck, Aohasld ; O..rae sad Stspbmst.m. mess.; Theme. fanner. AekNld : Jobs and Jame*, &t bete. ; Robert, amber Is the Normal !shed at Ottawa ; scan daughter, Mrs. Ye. YIRan, is N.Ms.ka, apo • brother. Jeb. Hanle, sr., of W..t Womanish. N memo Mr &portara The dammed mks highly .shammed by all she team bar. Arm. 71 yeses end 6 me.th•t The ewer ensentenh sod senasnew be.111 sew w Ike ameba Y aWaselikes from the Looal •r. March 23 Mn. Hugh (:bldelm h.s been vetting is MW Godertcb the past forhsight. • Weekly *gees el Commie sews Memel sip to NIt Everybody - PMk ase Past sipped Rad C.0..ned From livery seettea. %V"INORLM : C. A. Campbell has bees demised te his room for the past week aurorae hie; knee 'rhumb he had dislocated came time ftp Mesaviey T. ankh, of Niagara Falls, yeteefraie last attendingaweek the funeral his akar. (Bey : 1). Tverman has moved from the Pollard farm to the one recently occupied by Jamb Wolfe. Lekelst : Robert Wood tattier D.kot• oe Moaday, 8:di let., where he will spend the summer with hie uncle Mare : 1Ya. Kohn, paving disposed of hie farm. purposes removing to Manitoba with his wife and family, Lee (bury : Muco Bros. have purchased lot 12, cos. 13, and ere busily engaged toro- th* umber ea it ism lumber. W. tt'swanosa : James Smith, of the 12th oonoession, Weot Wae•nesh, palmed sway e' the'ith tater , is the 76th year of his age. tee iotbam : L R Jobb, son of our towr- 0in, T. L Jobb. who Is now Weise in Tilliwosmd, Most., hue been appointed dopet ty-sborif of teat place. Lekelet : A ver- beautiful wedding took plume .t the residence of Mn bell, when her daughter Muni. was bound by the holy bends of wedlock to George logile, of the 17th ooucwioa. Exeter: Davie Mtl1* has purchased the farm of Dan. McColl, Ica Hay townsbtp.pay- ing therefore • good price. It might be s.id that Mr. Mills does not intend resum- ing farming operettas. IS tnsam . Many will hear with regret the mows of the death of Mrs. M. Kerr, mother • of John Ken, Charles street, wt the home of her dsngbter, lira David Greig• Huntsville Muekok•, is her 81st year. Monteith : An Expositor subscriber reeid- ae is Eases county says : 1 hope M. l . McLean•. bill will p.m and by t000rporated, as I am • bachelor and my beet gel firmh raises to go with nue to get • marriage Itogsse. Zurich : Mr. Baster. trom Manitoba, and Miss Lydia Rosenberry were last Moody arming united in holy motrtli nosy, Rev. D. H. Rrauod tied the knot. They will leave fgg, itrandon, Maa., where they dill [Tooke ct r future home. Morris : Wia Smith, who was home on • malt from H•rtney, Man , left for the West on Tuesday of last week. He has been in Manitoba for the put Berm yeses. Hu father died the Thursday after he left, hav- ing taken • bad turn after the son left. Sesforth : A happy event took pace at the reeidenco of the late Wm. T. [:nave, near Buffalo,. Dakota, on the evening of Wednesday. Feb 24th, heing the marriage of his daughter, Miss Maggie to dames Mar- shall, • worthy young man of that district. Howiok • The lecture which was given be !ties Crosthwaite, the rsturoed mlsslo0ary of Chin•, in the Orangebill church, was ID &very way • grand success. It was carried out ander the following heads : empire, rode of travelling, ouetoms, home life, diet and langnags. ttrnssel : Will Anima hands whish were .o severely burned in the reoeot lamp explosion, resulting in the death of Mew Ainley, are gr•duelly improving. The skin will all some off but the finger nails are in- tact. Mr. Maley will be laid aside for • good while yet owing to the accident. Tucteremith : One of those wonderful events, which have been • eooroe of joy in •11 ages to •• home. occurred at the Mum of Robt. lilgie, of Tuckoremitb. nn taw 14th dost. After a pend of sigh 10 years of wedlook, Mn. Elsie presented her h usband with the first child. • danghter. Morns : Jobe Hayes, 7th has. was taken So the emote; House of Refuge, .t Clinton, ea Thursday of last week. Deputy •Rare Kirkby and Don•Id McLean took him. Mrs. Hayes, who is of unsound mind. bas been an inmate of the above institution for the oast yea. Mr. Hays is betws's 66 sad 70 years of age sad is quite disabled with something BM paralysis. Or George Shale, jr., while working in Ro t Shale' bush, lot 26, cos. 16, Last weak, met with what might have been • very serious if not fgtal accident by the breaking of • .moll blank ash tree that was struck by another they had felled. Mr. Shia'. saved his lib, probably, by throwing ■ n hie tight arm whish received the weight of the blow which saved the caving in of the skull. tleaterth The following persons left this station on Tuesday on the Settlers' ezeor- siee to Manitoba : Wm. laidiew and wife, and Time. Sprott, to Baratta*, Meeiteh.: Mrs. Warner and children and Mies H. Ret - h..., to Whitewood, N. W. T. ; R. liar. wick, to Wio'll's(; Mies Brown, to High RIaf : R. McC.rtaey sad daughter and W. Simpson, to Moesejaw : T. Nefl•nd. and wife to Beektord. Mishima. 9enfert\ : A young fellow named George McMillin, whew home ie eta the South side of th. railway track, met with • most pats- fal .00ideat on Tuesday. He was driving eat of Joke Be•ttie's lase with • load of wood es the .big►, when the load upset sad he we jammed between the deigh and the este pet. A moll Maw was broken m ..o leg betwses the knee and the ankle wad she words et his low were badly tern, nook - leg 11 mesh seers pastel thea • severe brallar Brussel."i A. Reid left Brassie Int Ass• aridity for Iasedem, Dakota, ea • beeisem amid pleasure trip. Mr. Reid ism eM .ud highly esteemed realest of Brussels sad lew&lity, who took • deep Mtwara is Selma1 Beard and Seeley affairs and we ere sorry to less him fres tows. The Peet webs. him means la the West. MrM, Reid will Ir.. m Teresa* .rd hays .Nmr.ete removed Mmm her .syys+.e Before who Imves for Dakota. W. R. Mama formerly of ferwmals. M �.aw11.1a� law at Lan.bn. - We. Masseb k dmmgiM. sf Ws. $IM Mw Ada MacKay M l:odericb was tate reset of the Misses ytirl►ng lit week. Ooe of our residents nes .late five skunks within the pest three weeks. Thu hes meed quite • jubilee &mong the guidwine, and strong hopes are sow entertained that they will have a greed year with the feath- ered stock. and the party who was their ehampioo u looked on a • boo bewlaotor. DUNLOP. Tttsao.Y, Maro26. Miss Lily (.010101.9 4591S11104 •t Boblt.t. Willie Maoali.ter formerly of this burg, Is now • resident of .;hisago. Mrs. (:eor,. Rate. of (:odericb, was the goat of lin. Thos. Tlohhouroe last week. The recant big mooaoter at Carla City, Nev.da,which came off on St. P•triek's da). 1897, has been a long talked subject hen. and the local betting was mush divided among old and young as to who would sir. The reports of it in the city dailies were read with greeter interest than the Mani- toba school bill, the temperance debates, or •mendtaepts to the license law of Ontario. Un, 1kg' 5 .0 DU•Tt. --The postmaster, blacksmith, landlord, constable and several other forlorn hwband•, bad to do bachelor duties, enlarged by caring for the bails'. Friday evening, canoed by the &b*enoe of their better helves at a gnat bee at Mrs. Aliens. The ladies med. two,•nd were pa- pering for • jovial evening, when the rain• storm came, and thineing that grip might catch their dutiful husbands oomine for them, dispersed for their homes in the shade of the twilight. " Engineer Robt. Macdonald, 1 ('. l;. en - Rinser, of Truro, has been quite i11 with la gneve, but is now able to be out again. On the loth of nett April 34r. Macdonald will have seen 27 tears in the eervioe, and on Monday week, March 1et, will be . quarter of • oentu:v &0 engineer. lo •11 that time he has had but three holiday trips. Mr Macdonald is one of our very beet citizens, and The Headlight cotgratuletes and wishes him good (health and many years mon serv- ice, of the l.('. K ' The above is from The Headlight, of Truro, N.S., Feb. 20th. 31r. Macdonald enjoyed owe of these holiday tnpw ben last August, the guest of hie uncle, A. ('. Macdonald, having • moot pleasant time 'await ohj.ote of interest in and .bout 4od.eloh.d Dunlop during his sojourn. NILE. Tr-E.i.A*, Mar. 23. Colds are the order of the day. Roads are very muddy and weather mild. Ed. Jackman of i.oderioh, i. visiting ander the parental roof. N We are pleased to state that Mrs. Wm. Watson, Sr., is improving in heelth. Our :Missionary and Bible Society collect- or are mnvaming their different root,. Thos. Elliott has 'returned to Nil., after having, .fent about a year and • half in and around Wtart on. Miss Jennie Budd has r••arned to her home in tire/eels after speeding • while visiting at the parsonage. .Jn•i. Mcllwatn has loft for 1:raod Fork., N. I) , and Wm, 'lel:rattan, jr, for Rom - wain Man. Success to them. We are pleased to state that Rev. J. W• i'ring is able to telt.- his work tuna after hie long and seven sillotion. Albert Smith and family formerly of ('ar low, have teken up their abode in Nile. We welcome them t7 our community. ('has. Stewart had • wood -bee on ttatur. day. Thee boys' did a good days work hay • iag cat and upltt somewhere in the neigh- horhood of 181 cords. This will last a lag ('1 time. . 9p•h. -Wm itailie is at present very ill. W. hops soon to see him around amide . Mrs. Wm May is indisposed with • severe attack of I• Frappe Her daughter Irene is also very sick.. .... Wm. Ryan is oonbwed to the home. Fos Materroso.-Taos. Boyd and family left last week fur hinge. Mao. where the/ will in future reside. We an sorry to lose Mr. Boyd as he was • good neighbor. The best wishes of this community goes with him to his new home. On Sunday night the pastor Rev, J. W. Pring, preached a sermon on the famine io Inde.. He took as his text, Matt. 14-16 ,. They need not depart, give ye them to cat.' Hs preached an earnest sermon, alter whish • oolleotion amounting towboat $14. 50 Dents was taken up to be amt to the 101• teres OBITUARY. Fora Smits Yeses'. -There died at her residence Se. Andrew, Ward on Thursday, Mary. beloved wife of Moloolei Molests, at the advanced age of eighty ono, after • rather lone 111..sa. The dea'weed lady had suffered oonstderably for months past from severs attacks of a..ralgia, but bore them with • 4ortited• thea in the hour of death did stat fail her. The lets Mn. Molests was horn is iavernenehir• Sootla.d, and landed in Neva Sootia with her parents in the early thirties. in 1853 the family stored to l;odenok, where the deceased re- edited until she passed to the home beyned. The rehieet of this notice was married seem fifty *eves years elmoe, to her rather who survives, and who beereached the patri- amblel sae of R". years. Rendes her ben head, aka leaves to mess Iter lose twn ems. Oaptain William of Detroit. sad (betels 'Jahn of Port Huron, and five daughter,, Mn. Redford, Goderieh, Mn. Mercy Southampton; Mrs. Morris, Dakota; Mre. Oran. 1tektite; and Mos Maggie who re- sided at hems. The femoral took pleas es Monday afterma.a from the reselesos of de esmesre hes1al. the istarwremt 0,k1. pima is elle family pail i. aid Meitk+sd. Thera Inas, • wary lore. &Mesdames of rela- tives and meads. and the pall bearers were Messrs D. C. Shue►.., A. ileaaep: A. Mare. W. Walesa, Wit C•alr. aid Jae Rah. Rev. J. A. Aware.. R. A..sadmm- .d tb*t there* oerameny at the heave *ud at the grays. There waw a her* meths, et *.mottled goral Wirfr.w easel sot she The O. T. R. elevator at t*s deet i. he- lm lag Mended. the p•l.dsal pens d the shoo Meg altipped to Medea,. THE TOWN COUNCIL. Minutes of Last 211mitlair. airports et Cemtettttesa-istevesiing 4a.en- msnaratMa.- meeasing Park la Evidence - • Geed Med • alert. )RESENT The mayor, reeve, de- puty reeve, 244 deputy reeve, l;ooaoilloe 1:oode, 'dwell, Wilson. Nairn, Martis. Dunlop, Nicholson, Rud, ('anteloo,Craijie, Natal - Minutes of last regular meeting read, apt proved end signed. Report of enrtneer tor February showed !(tat 6,587,000 gallons of water was pump- ed, using 88 tone of coal. of this 36 tens was charged to electric light. The average ran of inc.ndesceat dynamo was 14 hours each 24. 1 /as of the boilers had given out, sad will need repairing at once. Tho opal in stock will last to May 15th, sad • lead should be bought as soon as con- veaieat. The following looandeecant servioss have been pot in Sherif Gibbons, 15 . 8. Sloane, 20; R. W. McKenzie, 8 ; M. O. Johnston, 2. Then are over 1300 touaodeeosot lights in- stalled to date. The report was referred to water and light committee. A oommunacatinn from the 11•11'1'ele?bose Co., &eking permeates to put to additional poles wee read. Moved by Reeve l'roudtoot, 'wooded by god- lbpy. Holmee,th•t the Bell Telephone Co. be permitted to make the changes and put in new poles as set forth in oommuntoatiun, except that no pole. be al- lowed on Elgin ,t., nor new ones on the Square, the poles to he put in under the .upervi.lon of the street inspeotor. Carried. A oomefunsestion from C. A. Humber was read asking if stet= fire estrum was for sale, amid the clerk was instructed to answer that It was not. A communication from E. Heaton, draw- ing the ettentioo of the ooanctl to the fact that the School Teacher', Home Aseooiauon, of Eureka 1priegs, Arkeneae, has offered to make this town one of the beadiluartere of the Association : that some forty acres of land adjoining \Imeeetung Park has been approved of as • site, and that Messrs. Hamltnk and A. Smith, the owners of the land, hare agreed to give their interest in the lend for nothing ; that the soot of con- strue -tog a pier will be several hundred dol- lars. and that Mr. Ham(mk ask. for • grant of $450 to aria to Its building, and that should the grant be made, Mr. Hambuk will guarantee that • steamboat will be brought here this summer for the accommodation of sumer sr visitors and excursion parties. The communication was sent to the special com- mittee to report at next meeting, on motion of Councillors Goode and ('antcloo. A communication from 14. Johnston, .ec- r.tery of the Recycle flub, asking permis- sion for cyolbts to use the sidewalks from now until the 24th of \lay-, was referred to public works committee to report. An application from IV. Passmore, secre- tary of the Godench Ita.e ,:all flub, •eking permission to nee the Agricultural Park grounds for practice and matches wee, on motion of 11. Nicholson and D. Holmes, granted. A oommunicatioo from the city clerk of Toronto, re. tax exemptions, was sent to special committee and clerk to communicate with .he writer to ascertain what ezemp- ttuns are proposed. A communication from the sexton of Mediated Cemetery noting needed repairs was sent to cemetery committee with power to sot. The finance committee reported in favor of paying the following accounts : A. S. Chryetaf... ..5139 03 The Caked• General Electric Co .. 7 75 The Canada Electric co 9 85 The Pickard Eleotrio Co . 29 25 St I:*e. Prise 11 40 Tee 13 00 Tee Star 30 75 The report was adopted. The harbor onmmittee presented the fol- lowing report 1. That the aro light at the dock be re- moved, and that three 32-.a.dle-power in- -nade•me% lamps bo placed in its stead, the Itght tee be plaited as directed by this men - 2. Thai the i;oll*rieh'Lumber ('o. he noti- fied to biota the logs in the harbor properly boomed anti all sunken lope raised on the opening of oavigatioo. 3. That the docks be cleaned off and the neoeee&ry repairs be done ander the direc- tion of the obairman and Councillor Craigia. M. Nt. u..i.-to., Chairman. The report was &doffed. A oommunio&tion was read from McKee, of Kerrie, rea•rdine the ringing of & curfew bell, was referred to special committee to T he ooaacil tam ad coursed. Co E. L. U. The following ars obs topics for the did. leant young people's societies which meet during next week North -.t Methodist church E. L. of C.E., Friday evening at 7:30 olook. Ile Maris 26th the topic "Giving and Recants( Praise" will he takes by Mien Wiktor. Koos ('harsh 1.P.M C E. Tuesday evsa- tog at 8 o'clock. Topa ter Maren 30. •• Whet Clriale. Hereupon is Amid Hoes," will he led by Miss Belie Wiper. Vietnrt•-.t Methodist ohuro* R_ L. of C. R.. )(delay eventing at R o'clock. (Iti March 96, • eewsseratine meeting. with gaieties drawer, ltd by M... Annie Clarke All are cordially netted to attend thuse weesti.ge, whish are held is the haseonwtho of the diffsreet ehsream. Members from ether .nel.ti.s ars invited to he pr.s.rt, Ned will be warmly w.lesmed. Farm RAI lm --A heater from an old oab.rHor, R. H. Masse, of Rey ('lids Mia*. N•am• tail hie wife has Awes sealed ►e aur land for there 'Heaths with Bases. B. •Mallen M earner, .cad eve deetssw who haws bees &t eelleg her stem that her saes is hopeless. The away fnesds et Mrs AAwws t.s this amain will be sorry is bear mesh r Meeh