HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-3-18, Page 8t ) TSM SIGNAL : GODHBICIL ONT.. THIIRBDA!I MAR 18, 1811. Bargains Bargains at the Opening of the New Store I March 22nd. A J B LOT 700 - PAIRS HOSIERY - 700 AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. COMPRISING Ladies' Cotto 1 and Lisle Thread and Cashmere Hose, Children's Ribbed Hose, Men's Cotton and Cashmere Socks, ALSO A JOIt LOT Ladies' Cotton, Taffeta and Silk Gloves and Mitts. !tt F.HI'TNINO MAltK1tU :� PLAIN F101 ItF.% ,Cash and One Price. Only 1 SMITH BROS & CO. McLEAN'S BLOCH. NTS TU?I OV CEN i iNportant Events in Few Words For Busy Reatiors• IA..ar Wool/'s .apsealae carenitt7 t0.agl1o4 ant fan IAM .sad/ mad Attv+.uv. Samoa rev the ..saes• Or Osr Pap., -a Gelid Mar's..Irlesmas r rsr.PaNM iaMmaste•- SCICIDEa. T]aosctaa McAllister, a Sydenham !ewers/lip farmer, cut his threat with s lam knife and te dead. ` 7Ilk (DEAD� Bon- A. N. Richard* -Lieutenant - r ..t tirftise t't.mlfta, dyed at !gee Henry d, the author N 'statural Law the Spirituel 111/402," le decd- was 44 tears of visa CANADA AND DIAN REI-IEr. IlMMItoba's time to the India 1.1111hrie food to ft3,000 Time Canadian Indian t,rnln« fund se gtletrtbutions have resset•tile m of 114/5„000,114/5„000,. •t ,000, and hundred thousand st>pers will be/ ci ebted to (alcuttta to a law days, TM >t T1t1C artvoRtt- ' Beta" ! L.sckaYe boot and shoe Mere at It was damaged by Are ID the ext• t of $10,000. The An rf.aui 111.1 at i•'..rent ty7 bunted id the guests had a narrow •m«. of them saving any «f- Rst1a grass (1•ntrad Hotel at 111 bury are also burned. r IMTKRY.+T Jei FAitMFlt% rime mem awn metre antes ARU r Aa as these are in the new Irk-Hafirld weapon will be Lemuel to the different battalions. The entire staff of employes at the Uewoopa-t duck yard. numbering 1000, hate been ordered to work overtfnae d or lie purpose of hastentnE the c0m- p4etIon of the Mang out d vessels up- on which they are engaged. The rewldenee at Mr. Robert Macon. British Canted, in Havana, wee sense! - ed by the Spehleh pallor during ble ab- sence, but nothing was discovered. Up- on eomplaiM, the chief of police Tern o rdered the search was dJt,btat•ged. POLeTICe-CANAD/AN. Hon. W. S. Fielding df.-useled the coal duties w ith a, deputation of info - Jim men at Montreal. It is reported that the St. Bonlfeee ' election le to be protested, on the ground of intimidatlaa by the cterr�cyy.� Mr. Tarte wants to pot tip a WaUle- Ing in Ottawa at tate cost of a quarter of a million for the purpose of storing record,. Thee Dominion Department or Public W nrke has been notified that this pur- vey of the Fraser River, In British Co- lumbia. hail e.wnmeo 11. Before Mr. Alfred nry. the newty- aprpuinted tmmigratloh Commissioner, I. -eves for England// he will be sent ai thr.h to the Pacific by the Govern- ment to poet himself about the toun- tr). 1 One of the Thrift Commissioner* .gated In Ottawa that by the time the Hoene of Cahaw transacted ILA preeminary k the Tariff WUl will be breaght in byTMa r. Fielding- ' The Quebec/Government has grant°, =jdQ,ono to tf(e 'theme for building a b-tdge bet*eett Montreal and Lon- gueue nn riondltMrt that the Federal Govt•rnmeut and the city each eovtre bat.- a like amount. Casa ALTI Ka Atat. 1 rt Rills, brakeman on the & P. - Ratteray. verse killed MR kavas oam at iCMoho'. me frnh-grew *nR proviso e. Ra dowing have soaked ibis western r. Saunders,. the Lrir"etur of Expert- ital Farms, Ottawa., hat, gone ti i departmental block at 4 Pttaw a which too to deliver a ie,tur•• before the wee recently damaged 4y. tyre, Isnrhusetts Heti-cultural Society. on ,' Three young teillrir m of Mr. Freder- 'Huet4. ulture 1a Canada." + telt L.uxon .of UowmanvtUe ware found POLITIC% Ill-•Y-RIAJ-. i drowned in a triol lust outside libels* gird rn p►te Craig. Governen••nt Hortieultur- the course of a lecture inOita- spoke at sortie 1.sigth of Ontario O,. A. while .A MMAs. rn.eting of 20.000 persons wee bead M TY.tla)aitr Squaw. London. to eapren sympathy with Greece in tb' present ir•xihtts. The ltrltf.h imports from Canada r - Metalled lel per cent in February, and en per crit. 1n Ssae two month, of the wTWO t year, +rwblte British importa from frall countries only advanced ib,r per terns. RAILROAD itt'MltI. Dans A number of railway officials Inspect- ed the T. H. & B. at Hamlhnn. It 1s need the G.T.lt. will teamster .cant of their yard w..rt to the Putt Huron side of the tunnel Mr. Alfred Pttliette: of Montreal fell from the third Garrey balcony of bis bonne while engaged in adjusting a pulley for a cloth.wlfne, and was killed. Analarming rumor that the St3. t•)m- preen of t`htoa foundered in mht-Dema with 400 persons. on beard is disere.let- ed by thew c.1' -R. officials at Van- couver. Miss Lilian Ainley. aged twenty years. of Rrvsetels, es dead turn the auras ate received by a lamp explod- ing Kirile td►e was blowing it out a few days ago- Leaminct..n ist flooded. the electric nrer house in the miles. of Sturgeon The MC -R. MSleials viii make sa le inundated and the town is t)t.r..ugh htepertion ,t the T. H & it. in darkness.. The water surrounded Railway thin wee k to value loc.ere toes High Sebes, and the pirplb were Mid other roping p etek. The read win be taeten over by the M.C.R vrry tmprierxted for several hours. shortie. r Nt•LA5415I1,11:D. SCI11lsKwa. 1 An earthquake shote. was felt at The stamp mill in connection with Iiseailk m- ese lampoon Sch.tol of .Mining le nowA couple of Parts residents have srvsbing .ry fr.xrt dtRer♦mt places been fined $10 each for txnblB cancelled Wight and day. postage stanilxe. TLer..fmier -ial ?aflame In Ute United I A shrike of engineers is inmeading States, Ter the week Mat ended amount that threatens to paralyse the entire b 366. eompand with ?AO in the .erra I iii ai buildmg trade of Englam- stwt enpding week hist year. In the Bombay Presidency up to late The Ferniest, Line hue (hhe ded to "NA cases of bibonk: plague and 12, - build toter ton-thoueen.1 ten freighters, 104 deaths have been re't'rrdeed- len run between Great Britain, Mont re.l, Halifax and ib. John, N -B. 1'►e wheat market in t'hl -gn was droller on Saturday, May wheat Hoe- ing 3-4e higher at 73 l-te. Provisions citised k to 10c higher. Ontario wheat was weaker. and Manitotaa Routes ars order New York Monks clewed bleb - sr. Canadian seeuritiee were firmer PI'KP.LY Pf-R•ORAI.- Mr. Cecil Rhoden and Dr Jnme•aon Illave gone to Holland eat a yachting Fr'eg Ment Faure in laking Ramona In Iltuoden in view- of he expected vi.dt tin St P.•tereleirt. Prince 11'.ntar.•k continue, 1n poor }health. and he dreads tete excitement pe hie birthday nv*tt.ma. It in reported that the Duke of Man - • r Is Mgaged In the eidMt chug!` en of Mr William Weldor( Astor. 'lyse Quewi ortawnpani..l by the Prin- Nos It•etriee, lett Window last week ims route foe (*meet. near Nlos. T be drawing -room to be bead by the lovernnr General and Lady Aberdeen ela the Senate Chamber I. announced ?Or rite ttth trmt- The pretence of mind et the coach - Ingot Gavad the Queen omen boots aytrhed by a runaway horse on her 41107:e from the railway station to the lintel at Vitale*. The White Star Ilex nteewmer Tea /Debi.- which salted from Liverpool Putt ,reek had among her paewtenrere Mir ¢maid Smith, Mr R. C ii hmw rwm, the Orford mach, and Mrs Annie Reused_ von R Rw est► MAR. It IS stated In Berlin that Vice -Ad- ered von HMlrnaae, Secretary of the best tendered his rrigeatfno, hes .Iseepta.oe Is refuted by the Om - Owner • 1111 le mimed Sat tip Whaler saes or agtred pt loft, seder, there Apah So ION the Oil em ser at she., overt by t othe stag mR at en. the island al.agt�ar iaaa sthese hsued from the DeemmtgliNN seams to at1 the The first be.t etewk that ever reached Clr.de Ctty, Alaska, .std for forty- elght &+Rare a pound a few weeks mile. Prof. Koch's invewUgation ,bows that there are forty seven oases of leprosy 1n the Eastern I'rovtnrea of tleewsattY. The n'anariao Deep Waterways Com- m ;+amtonere are meeting 1n Ottawa to prepare their repast to Ibis (lovern- rneot- Th.• Queen's gets 'to the Manelon 1t,'ise fund for India ramble sufferers amounts, to £1000. The fund has re aeh.vl £ 411.00. The Norwegian elter•thing hay tirade handsome grants to rhe eaptatn and crew- of the Frani. rets. -fitly returned front the North Lb4r. Count Herbert Riemarok. In a recent epeeadr. (tampered the seven years spree his father's r•etttement to the given lean yosrw of Flgypt. 1'tesld•.nt Kruger, who 1s vtsltbg the Orange Free State, expressed boa twat-iotiinn that In the evert of war between the Treavaal Reptlbilt• and T tigtand the liners would he v1etQ- 1.1)1.11111' ivigr INN. The Gentian Padget Committee baa retuned to vote the naval credits, for fares seassia 7h 1.'Wird States Renate Cornrn11tee off t'.relen Reiatloaa expecte to finish it. work on the skeet rection treaty on .11011471a The Upper Howe of the Arts.wsa i,egfstahtre teas peened a Mil matting ieglslaUve stunione hereett rr to be at ten year,' laterval. The maw area bel of Life tlnttd Mates Is e piettr4 te be reedy lbw pub - matter Ode week. it Is a Milt low teepee nslst.gre rirve etttttr< The mitts samion d the United 1%10 ea Qoslrass began an Mendq. lee arbeirmaloa trial,' Is imprinted is be dee ttl1pp/ '44 if wtiiont lemberies 4r come The Tufted Meese Reess de.,ta0tise en Porelii Reintior agreed to remelt the Alembics ireamdarr ureas w= Dour IiznllderstaIld lls We a� givionloi*Caroll Ii that wore gra the oma we could not think ot offering our entire stock at the figurer looted Wow :- 300 yds All -Wool Carpet 14 quality :. , ... 72; c 100 yds Lll-Wool Carpet 2nd quality 6&c 200 yds Union Carpet 1st quality 48 c 200 yds Union Carpet 2nd quality 38 c 150 yds Best Brussels, regular $1.20, sale price 90 c 200 yds Best Tapestry, regular price 75c, sale price58 c 200 yds Tapestry, sold elsewhere at 60c, sale price43 c 100 yds Tapestry, sold elsewhere at 50c, sale price38 c 100 yds Tapestry, regular price 35c, sale price .. 27 c 50 yds Tapestry, regular puce 30c, sale price ... , 25 c 5-8 Tapestry Stair Carpet 33 c J. T. ACHESON. w' w: M 4' la; t+i' •tt tt t t f' t. i t s i- Z j t i• t t g l i IT IS FREE Our booklet. " Plot MOW well Yelp yore in deciding what is the proper paint to use tot zyour cuboards, baseboards, shelves, floors, • wagons, boats, farm implements, barns, fences, chairs, houses—in n Ise, aay- tkine that can be painted. There are green differences in paints. Some give • bright, glassy finish, others an oil finish that can be washed. The secret of painting lite -wow the right paint for your purpose, lien ase it The old sine bath tub is an eye pre. Yoe can make it look like porcelain. and wear him porcelain if you use THE SHEWIit-IILLA/S BATH MINE " FINN P lets" tells what you waat to know about paint. Tells he good and the bad points about good and bad paint. Tells about the 'chanes to use, and bow to take care of theta Tux SlflawtM-WILLIANS Perim are made forpurpose• not Doe paint far all purposes Seed for the booklet today—h is free, Far booklet, address ig St. Antoine Ferret. Montreal. S THE SHERWI/-WILIJA/S CO. ctivecAso CNICA00 NEW rosy DOOM 41 '4 4 1 1 1 1, 1 1 1 11 r 1 1 i l i i lA --- . Brig•. farligggigg astNsosewc sr The elections to the Austrian Re4eh.- rath last week were Reid for the tirsa time under universal auffr..n. The Sea tale -tea were badly defecated /n V t.- r: mt The Sheen of Charity. " e3refy Nuns." Guy strait, lfoatra•I,write " Having made w of your ' Quickoare' in our establish- ment, we are happy to add our testimony. elm, in its favor.' Nothing equate " Quu-k- oars " area dressing for burns, scalds. Date or wounds ; even toothache need ao more be dreaded. A letter trout Judge Armors, brother of the Ex -Lieut. -Governor of the Province of Quebec, has been written to the author of "Qmi^koare," saying : " It has always gives my child relief from tootbaohe ; its effect k weiderfaL I have also found it good for bursa and outs" Strood. C. PANS? A'tusrtx. Grey : Mies Belle Bethune hes secured • eiteobas •m teacher u • eohoel to the Nertheret sad leaves shortly to take charge. She will be a000mp•nied by her sister, Mrs. Warrior, who has been spending She winter with her parents hen. ince is to be adjeeast .t matey Testi la raft r Appare.tly it rests between Maier A. T. Patterson of the 85th Battalion of Moseraul sod the popular Major of the 8th .toy.l Mee et Quebec. who bee written to the author of " Pea-Baaam," saying : " Year •(1aLok.ar.' stops tootbaobe immediately. I have known of its merits for many Tars. As • psis rebel -tag and baling remedy It is fully worthy et coafidemo.." Signed, .1. S. Drowse Grey : Owing to illness is his father', bandy, Mr. Long, teacher in S.S. No. 4. tendered hie restinatios. Hie successor I. Mr. Th mpew, d Howick, whet Mean well raoome,add, sad who beam week bet M *today. Fasted I.Nree•s1. Fran • .rats$, a•a.t ' tomb readers mat month Mash... Marty of the many tooth p.wden ooataia coarse particles of grit, and essay of the waders eoetaio acid. Grin injures the me semi of the teeth, and oleo teems inlamm•- filen of the Bums : and the slightest said (iMMMines need in mouth washes to whites tie issthm will 'often the enamel after a ehoet time, and fieally destroy the taut- t mese wartime postale iagrediead ' • to harden the gutty ;" this is dartgar es, M 1t ecus the genie to recede from the leeN, wkiek Smelly become loose and are removed. It 1s well to be sore that what yea w is fres tum all theme evils. Grit. Add. Assring.ats --omek se Myrrh. clash M too soemedT *apposed te he hereMos. or (1.phre .whish Mods to make lawe brittle, sad will ase UMW as .alit mere readily). Ask year d ietk$ about this important matter and es will tell yea to ane the " Q. C. Liquid Tests- Powder-" 16 orme•tas the 4...t pr.elpIta*d powder ward. ,iteln.d, sad .gate re'lreeiMMbd, raodsrlag it se See that it resides ter helm meepontled In the Said t.rakai the mes0k oese.wbi.h i deligbtfelly nfraides M eseea.d geersakmd te he abaeki efy lie. freta Amid seer lajerieee 1s/,drk "Q C. Liquid Teeth -Powder" for Isle et all druggist., 25 mate per bottle Brussels : A lively otter woe chased at the rivor by the flex mill leer Saturday He eluded hie pursuers by minor a dive ander the io.- Grey : Misses Ella sad Lizzie, daughter. ot Tboa Enos*. left for Neepawa. M• snobs, on Tuesday of this week- The yeast/ladies have two brothers reading at Ne.p•wa osi £ud Me1 Litet W E.ST-ST- The oodereignrd has opened a Meat Market in the store on Neat et between ('antelone Bakery old the PORI (Mflee- where a Choi... Selection of Meats and 1'cnitry will ale 'e be found. Order* regularly called tarant de- in-erten e•inert n made promptly. OrLeave a trial cede: please, W. W. GREEN. EUPHEMIA A. MCLENNAN'9 Liniment For external see Dolt, le • pa$tive cars tar eptaai D stage Hie Mee..... ieflasmeterr Rheumatism. tame Beek, Lemhmga Sore Threat. Weak and sore these. Brehee. Sprains, dein J• inn. Rupture sad all bled - red drawees- it has been also toned a curs tar Throat AReotions in horses. None genuine elf heut memo the trade mark on labels a d wrappers ani " X. A. Mclee- aea's Liniment. Ooderieb, Oat." tamped ea was sal et each bottle. Msastaenired Defy by IwNz.Ne A. Mete.asis, eels pateatai p mead et}rietresa Sensate -et. Medloreele, Mai tattnef a�plkOeldfLr� Ws carry a targe suit stet is It shave rhe., sod are 11.47 lamintimates' warcheserg ' We stedde. mid you will mem and st prime WOW JAS. YATES Do Wwlt it Vow Dinner it yes de. go to the City Meat Market aid tea will lar that WE_ LEAD IN CNOICE MEATS! W e eau satisfy the mem tmetl�fees imam, sent our prime cell Kerr bode. we kava wary Odom h the Mess nee. Fresh Meats Spiced Meats Cooked Meats Curet' Meats Smoked Meats Prepared Meath midictal af flsealme mole. ills s `•aria i_ _ Tr s su . ii{ t e y Mea Mere M a_aMesm�Gmvl gt.e ertr trinraal Ia rem casae► :ma ANDREW/ SRO/. 00. COLBORNE BROS. 11_ :a .. t►s .gut. hirerete laaeba« tw�is/ k• d� the -ram Ikea will aelIw Ane, s1sN Mw4�l�� re - HMS w►rea M we lar► rens beet vale. a Gmh Markel e1a11 aR44to give kis.ueesmefs a�1/ All Winter Goods at Groatl/r Reduced Prices New Spring Goods to hand already 1 Consisting of teDram tents, D Goods- IMPrinta, Dregs Goods, Shirt Waists, Tomsk Cloths, Dresden Printed Goode for Waists and Wrappers, • lot of Fast Ooior fancy Crinkles very new. Carpets ! Carpets I Carpets! No such stock ever seen in Goderich 1*. fore' quantity and Style equal to City Stock. Bressdr, Tapestry, 3 -Pty All Wools, 2 -Ply All Wools, Unions and Helmpa Special attention is celled to the New Axminster makes --the timed ever put on the Canadian market Carpet* made and laid. COLBORNE BROS PBR J_ S. C1/0T-a3CiEttirMI., The Great Ca, pet Warehouse of the Comely. Common Sense and Huron Wheels Now is the Time to get Your Wheel Overhauled flat pit in good shape for 1 197 at our repair department. We east once s week and will make you anything in the iron line. HENDERSON BICYCLE 00. Ltd. and FOUNDRY. JAMES WILSON. Manager. FIRE OR NO FIRE I am not going to be undersold by any body. HARDWARE clean and bright will be sold at or below the prices of damaged goods elsewhere. R. W. MCKENZIE OF THE LOW PRICED HARDWIRE STORE. LANA OiL SOAP, UNEXCELLED FOR SOFTNESS AND PURITY HIGHLY PERFUMED. The best for infantile uses on the Continent. QEIT L Bog, • STU DY BROS. d_ W.yemTe1 OMPSCe1Es NT TMketee Dealer. hasseals benrodos eieeh erf ter wo 0111 >•w to i j�r t phsb(M ilea �astTnat. cad the Holton will M • Mse Meths of C MY OPENING DAYS FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Feb. 26 and 27, and Mar. 5 and 6 aintaler* " taef�st w ... tl` i mMo Iridaswr. THOMPSON'S MttSIO DEPOT West taw et Owe& ss1eeteb. Oris