HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-3-18, Page 7alter vel? DIY r nae about the arpriss works Aid cheap. , yu.rm.tf. IisKing int your CJ./I3 with le, Briggs Oral." Sons l•• img dashers. Ik for dna s investaeoL !IN RETURNS Wsuse PRIX Briggs Seat Co. sumo. O,rr. ENG MILL. IEI$ Infill as & Byes. rtnaorvma. OR and BLIND e b .11 Hods of LATH. SHINGLES anal sl orrery dem spies titure a SDecialtl. is ai Hand. u'ed to meet it with m Cap when it comes - ha stock all the Lteet ng ATS lity and price annot be stock are numerous as the latest m COLLARS. HOSIERY. CUFFS NIECKWER.R. SHANE & Co. t sod Furbishing BmpsfMm SAKE and It Pipes Ione dors. M . ► If FOR f li'rOtie RIO SEWER PIPE a :MAIM e. DH IaT. ETOIIOKI� e The only food that will build yup a weal cons- titution grad. - ice ally bill surely is artin's linal Food scientific and highly Ireparttion for ihfantt, hildhen and invalids rums A eo , s.erw.ese• ■os+wr•s Tae'81lad inePurs 11$04 ltigri awned, ail d 1.1vo. IltMew. MOW. RTONAL : (HnTYRRT('H niIT . TAM:DAY, MAR. 18 1947 • Tiik CHILDREN. yn. Mammo bel below will w Wer 1 tblmk d the prhs steep aM WW Whim •Phe Wel el She iter sate nest ger ; 010446•e1M.r .f aim lusgt0g ie'i Wm. Or the MOPS* et Mite Marine wild ; * I *MO SeddlI tl es earth belt es hely A. w IMMO, bows et saliL s -CRAMS Domain HOT CORN There are Mese Mr m..diae still Is • art et of faith tins tehg Into the ILs dam• AO(de0.17)-1'm • porton (right: g�1mdW(esseeh.R , l- No mortal is per. t -- They wars ,zamime her photograph taken W m. o•thodss proem presDo yoo think my skull is ea sitratg►t r' she lagoon .a- t aisd7. A. doctor. sighed Mr.. M•lap=vp, "1 ern el 'noted with Monde!jt seem en nen nacelles, and never Leven . metal lest to sleep.' Deotor-It's twee, sir. Yong H.sbs.d--1 might hove knows it; W. m wlimey wife's try shot two on lin as ds iiia j n ansa. Mr. darn -I mow you kiss my d..gb%sr sad I want you to sndentaod nkat I don't like it. Mr. Sterna --Well, 1 do. !r Wbmle --Ieath 't e emery bo•eti- hd miaaf NMt rood ! Ryder -Very ! I'm using court plaster sod armies on amount of shot .Oesefy. Mice Swage- Yee; one, whoa I was set am on • dark night, I maw . mon, and,sh• my goodness. be 1 ran ' Yoker - And did you Smogs On !rotten -Salm I hove boas worried 1 bays taught my basboed good taste. Another -Really ! It ie • good thin for you:th•t you did mol teach t before you were morn 'd. Tb. Bride -Kia me again, door ' The (.room -Bet, Madge. I bare done iothiug bat kiss you for she last three boon Tb. Rode (bursting into tens ) Trainer, you love mother ! Dunne (mond)-Tba$ your nolo! Why m•., you told one row .sole had both bis les carried .pray at &edea Jlmeos-So be did. He earned them away himself, pretty fest. I toll yoe. A little girl winked to prepare • mitt for her saintly g.admstker, sod woe allowed o do a .naenetod. It proved se be • cord- oard motto edaeMd by ba.e.11. and bon in 1 t womead : " Oo mad do no mare." -- "Then is m.aothiag preyor oo my mind. dosnherkoow," maid Aly Go.ho to Miss Beaky Sheep!m» "Deer e, replied the unlmpremisd. girl. "Mat • very M..WiIione diet it has mien - rid!' eanob lo, Mis "I say,do you think that B.aysr is • w to b. trusted !" '• Trusted ! Yes, rather ! Pd trust him win my Ids" Yes ; but with aythfag of valus, I peake{ Ms leasst improved X my woman, warsast.d be enable the e/ar•tar t era *roe* • ra•bel plonk, •' I mu redly." " When we you going. dear ? • asked kis wile " 1 r" he misdeed. M oiled es ..diem isle e.sktia-1 peskegu." 1avLT Aaromaatse.-Yin Amens N. Mee., I.umWe. dins., sop : . Ayer's (+1tery Play k baa ked�el Wiese r wring my brNite'a el • mon sed chaser.., sold. It r truly aatmoWieg hew speedily they feed relief atter taking this preparation," Thh prat, story Is SW d • dlsti•g.W- ed ssveWl He mod his wile were as • eosin g•Nstisg, when she monies was dis- armed " Who wend yes rather be if you were sol yourself r' His wd . asked Mia reg his reply to the g..elt05. He promp ly .eswerd : •: Yon ,rind husband. dear. As old lady. nvisg been told of the theory that the moon was inhabited. re- marked with amnions •' Nommen ! Whet b000ms@ of the peo- ple whom there is ..thing het • little streak of it left!" Gagnon Traveller: "Whet is your busi- ness. may I •.k!" Boorish .tenger : "I'm • geot imen, Mr. Qbat's my busisota." Garrulous Tr.votm : "Ah! Yong have tailed, I e..." Henry, you look very pale. What'. mune hmble '" " I was Mang to Oka quiok by an adder this •fterssom.' How did it M !" '• Why,1 despp.d 1. at the task, and the Walkman tom . my season was over- draws" Wm ICIdmrly (WINO PIAMMY-k y5 mot in • crowded waver )- little m... Yeu hen bees taught to be polite, 1 tea glad toes.. Did year mother tell you always to give up your sent to loth.. t" Polies Boy-N•'m, sot al1 ledhr--0517 old ladies" RHEUMATISM CURED. Eighteen Months trying 1e On Owed - Had ths Best DoeHePang whet He Wonted 1. D.dd's Yidssy Pi11.. Goderioh, Marsh lb (Speen)- per .1 wrest interne her. (.D ..w is Weird ter Al.z•sder J. Sharkey who for .em. time ►.s boos es extreme sufferer from rheua- tism. Hie ,tates..t to the correspondent fm as fellows: "For eighteen months 1 was • victim of rhwma'i.m sad Munn the whole of that limo_ was vying every amass to cure it. I Had the bent dowers i. toned. and took tkdr prescriptions with faith and pau.soe." " I got tired a. Wt for I fond the dfsa- ppoi.tm..t nearly as kitbag as the du - But one friend wiser than the others coo - viand me shot my di..... not be curd by way of the kidneys rad recommended Dodd'. Kidney Pills. 1 bovs used two boxes of thus pills to d- M* • perfect cur. sod 1 doot Dare who know it." Sane sensing correspondence recently took pl.o. Mann • Western Americas for- me armer mod • New York boiler firm. The far- mer wrote as follows : Dau Stas, -1 boy • 1,000 .kers of trees Wit 1 west 0.t. I'm pore, hot I'm willing to pay 200 dollars fes an sows that will do my work-'' And he wont on to .apl.w just what port of n swine he wtd. Th• boiler maker saw that the soros mermmery to aeoamtptbb the devastotn of him virginal forest would oo.t 1,500 dolts., . ted they I.hrtead him of tad, foot. A week passed, sod he d then tfollowing pilh) epistle cae from the Wisooreio weed. :-- ' Deas Star, -" What wed I wont of en nein or bilge d 1 hod 1,500 dollars ! " A HEALED HERALD. Thtak, Rb.um•tien as Born of the Lower Regions, but ProoMir South Amerion Rheumatic Cur. • H..... -S est Healer. Hairy Humphreys, East Losdos...ads kis oneohoned testimony : •' I was valved with pasta rheumatism is my left tone. I oo.ld not rest with it day or Dight, the min was se oaten. 1 tried may remedies, but Noy hod no mon effect on me than water on • d.ok'. book. 1 was persuaded to try *nth Americo° Rheumatic Cure. I follow- ed the direetione ole sly ond m • very short tier thin woodertul remedy dooigd • twat pleto ono, sod there has net bass the slightest hist of • reenrn of the dines.. It is • more remedy and I delight to ber.ld the goodoam all over the lad." Sold by J. F. Davis. Why M Md.% .Ween' •' Is the boom very quiet," be asked, es he in vost.d the room that bad been adver- tised " to I.K" "No," mid the landlady, wearily. "I can't truthfully say that it is. The (oar babies don't make so mush motes, for they never all cry at 05o.: sad the three place an gets mod to, •ted the parrot is quint sometimes : but the man with the amino and the hey Int', learning to play the flute do make it •eider Non I wish it was." ' Thet'e all right," .and the man, obese - folly ; " live and lot live is my motto. 111 take the room rad move in tomorrow. mod the little things you speak of will sever die- ter b ie- terb ow • particle. (,od•bye." And it was sot until he was morn 0. omd was settled that they learned his osoep•- tioa He played the t umbone in an or- chestra. Kim Posses (aged forty) -1 wish to on • Mosel French MUWse-Far yourself, mime ! Mime Posse -Yes. Frown Mi11Mot-Merle, run downstairs and get sees hats for se i•dies between 18 sod 26 yaws Bona geld- Pbnidaa (at the door et hoists a.ylem) -I h•n bro.tpkt you .m Mums peeler. when you will God perfectly hemline who among dulls bat he i end with mo rder- w homy M the prw.os d diadem Seperintg.d.at--Poor fellow 1 I promos Its hoe lived swot • booed saba.1. ,. Wall, Tommy." end the vkdter. " bow do yam like your laby 00.tbr 1" " O►. Imo sad irate-a.b 1 don't tbMk hs9 very bright." "Wee ..t r. " We've b.d him surly two weeks�eser and he hasn't mid • weed M:..ybdT. Hetb•ad (to wMs)-I ori/ senesive Mal is the maths with my wrath ; I *Mk M meet want elumht. &pent Child (br.•k0R t) -Oa. Father. 1 den% think b needs siesisimm Boot mod 1 W It wing b the host* for ever me Isms Ws .coming. " I hardly Wok." mond the lawyers "ter /we tem per a espartos from year Mb em season al Mr smokily; • proot•• of Ww- rR tLtpt N the deg. Dees" saki the =sebleak e. with the bfesprd leek god awswe ab Wm We 1 le .s.• tr ie Dineen Jelkus-De ye raiz iamb daWa/ d m1 hoe Ds.... Job....s+r 'Yaw ...s Mt mol Ti sihsa�mtt D.,,... Jdama-6b per' ether ems bee eht ohm melody erne wessYm' e t Jt. t . `ling am ahem.--" New. ghee te► skessiii the Mina like ktendr% WI kis WNW* Ofililld Mien 1111111 WONDERFUL. terms Ons """` Wb • neer k.utYbongag was ba lle 4.;-= M osenestle. with •m asylum i. Lannon', several el the Mattes were wild off 1e wheel the r.gulnto m•serMi M the rte. The esstsester tram seporintsedl.t the work. aid. noldsiss dist e.s of the lambing was wheeling his borrow wish the lets ep- isode. ' De rye Mow. y MO. yes Wm, iron year barrow wens way sp!" TM ma eyed ata with • vast stares mod drspP0t she borrow, mimed his hood seems Mia brow. and grid we•rily- • We're all soft hers." " 1 knew all shoot that," rented the on tse.Nr ; " host there w others oat el the nylon working hen, • ed they are wheel 154 their berme@ 1. the right woe." . Mebbo m." was she week -minded in dhtd.al'. rojeMdor. ,1 .on d my bor- row like shot yesterday, a' they pot Minis in it, n' I'm .ed. me MN es to de 1! egos" Paas Oared tri n Si 6 Ili hie -Inulol. Daren, Skim Dimas wed 1. sits Dr. Alnew's O1Na-t will me ail Gomm of i piles M Mea three to aiz Maids Oma -- -- bit.wi «.far►. Tar Hied mod Wean piles it h moles Also sem Mier. colt rheum, emeam. berbses H.k ..d all eruptions el she skim. Defines In • day. 36 emote. $.M by .1. E. Davis. As AdiustW. Pbyteism--Yes.. mint, 1 have ezambd your honest All he .reds to fresh mfr •.d edselm. Callow -(M, dear I He saver will take ezeedm..sd I new there M no nee vrgin his to. WHO ek•11 I d. ! PbydaM.-Move on el tow. late she wb.rb . Oen meas hew shot Is advertised as ' Five nouns from the mina' He'll hove plenty of noose them, for hell hove to trap • few mils every day or aim kis Wan.: A SUBTLE THIEF. any Trashier In Steal as an sidionely- K A Might (kid -Toon Comjeseion Tbso Iaflamation-Thea the Deadly Malady Bright's Dies... -.South Aserhss Kidney Core i. • Kidney Specific-ItRelieves M Sin Hours mid Ceres -Never Foils Mr. James MoRrina, of Jamestown. Chea, mays : " I belies. South American Kidray Core mond my lits. I was so severely .MIobd that my friends had to .hood me daily le Inks she mime Gem Ina" Mx. A. A diens,.. CLleeie Olfioer. twain. Iosn highly thb .piga sthe yreotoot el boons to medsriag humanity for all .4..4- 1... .f the bladder and kidney." Enid by J. L Davis EASY VICTIMS. A Large Perosat•ge ol members is the Denson Seder From Catarrh -The Hope of Firer Found in Dr. Agoew'. Catarrhal Powder -They Tel Their Own Story of Sucesshl Reeowery Throsgb This Resedy. Mr. W. H. Bsewtt, Member for East limos., end forty sine °noted she Hous d C.smone, bay.. over their owe stoma. torus told .i the good demo el Dr. Ag - ..w'. C•torrbal Powder. When the re- medy has done for Moos Parliamentarian it is doing ler tho sssds of others M pabibo and privts life the Dominion oyer. With cold in the head it give. immediate relief in side of b•If as boa:, sod • little pers.vsr- •sos quickly rids the bead of all enable. 11 is easy ..d pleasant to um mood Prean s@ se hurtlsl .(tor .leets. Sold by J. L Davis. (.ld.'t P10.re tr. A lady moved from • onside town to • oomtry village no for inlaid then many of ire tnbailt oto had never soon the emu. Engaging • domestic, tho lady got one who hod net boon out of beg native district. On hearing that her mietra•s had lived by the m., she was very eager to know what it was like. Th. lady gave her as realistic • dissrip tion as possible. mpeoi.11y doodling upon il. vastmem, and quite thought she hod made • deep impression, when the girl startled her byexamine - ' Dear me. it most be . big place ! And is shore r•ilioos round it, sem as there is rend the horn pond !" theirwore .p'4Mg • .eek is Leaden on tea, .ted were on day looking at the Mssemo.a this t,17 as "lime Is .oil., so high b t this, is tee, beat" she asked. with brlde- 11 si� "Y " es replied "there is." Wby. lova. I 4l&'t now it. WbM is b ! Take m to ma It, you d Y during. It b the board n oon it Mem ymay .m it a I gee the MIL AWFUL HEART DISEASE. Death Charmed Away Under the Spell of ir. A ..w'e Cure for the Hosrt-Mets Wcodertul Than A Fairy Tisn i. she Story of Mrs Road!ouse of Willeorott. ()tit Where disease hos .seated the heart tits remedy to be applied must be .goody in its dents. or all may be lost. Mn. Hoodlums, of W iUsroft, Out. says ' Cold sweet would sand out in great beads upon my few. be- muse of the intense suffering from boort disease. 1 okm felt that the dew* struggle ws) se hood. No medicine gave me bele until I used Dr. Agnew's Core for the Heart. In thirty ninnies the severe pain was removed, sad after taking little more than on bottle the trouble bad ros- ined. I knew nothing of it today. Sold by J. E. Davis. •ree..ted fee. An old countryman strolled into the law courts one day and was much struck by the way in whish two conned oostr•.dicted son other and wrangled, while .t the same tuns they frequently sed rho endearing term, • brother'. • There bsan't mush brotherly love be- tween them two," maid be at last to an old g.etl.san .winding sear. Yon don't quite eoderst•sd the oosi- tb., I ezpsot," said the odor ; " they are merely brothers in law." • •' Oh, shat be it. Wby, the., I epos. as they married two sisters. And it's an old saying whisk mays es relation are beat apart." BEAUTY AND H E LTH TO FAIR WOM mks Ansi. PpMaees. of &a.kville. N. B.. One w risen d NonouWSete ted 0iemerel DebiLty. Ulm es the &sal* et ilhdy Years. Bins r.u*dims •rs natkies tome Vas • leineen y stlsul.Mt, .ted the ee•rdea •g - ravage the therms. Where the myosin bas bassets res dew.. sea •srve0m &MIMI In the worst fermis hew shown themselves. sago. Amnon rono will gun. It mifrltem ?Orono n the own ssmit.'te. esd bids up the Grstmm.• t she eon ease of trwli Ulm i Amite ri_ . dBreit- MEN -lanswe be the MAIM Nevnib rss% snared trebly hum iadrgla.. had mre..mo+. end Mt teas 1nind lasesayg, *. •mmephed Rios* Aa. ahem Ila.ks ut0Msl kegs ihn N woe egg die l- 1 te ethi ssmdis ta bra be ir MOM *MDWoleb mg m yens limps lab era rs hi alk st .s+lr yma,st .era ober Oise ROWo s wee >o �y mei." ei " f Nolte • a0..w. A lady staying in Durham Met • young former who she knew, mod said to hies- "• I hoot, John, Chet you've lately worried_ who 1. year wile!" • Wel, Mks, 1 don't quite know." " How me ! Whore did yon men with herr' "• oral, miss you s 1 dist to the mar- ket, and as I was gong, 1 seed • essay Ins walking along t' rood..sd I .•y., • Will re git sop sad rid.!' ' Ay,' mays she. Ss ehs got o.p. and 1 asked het, ' Are ye ',swine to 1' market • Ay,' ten .he. • What for !' mays I ' To gin • pies,' says is. `lo 1 mat her down i' t' market .ad left her, •.d as 1 own' back i' t' evening there was this ems 1•.s working t' mane way cop kill. So I ink' to her .sono, and .zed bur, ' D'ye shirk my plaoe would volt y Y ' What pMm s. tint !' says .he. •Wby to be a► wife,' mays I. • I don't mind,' man she. S. wo rot w.1 : bot .he'. • perfect streamer to 0." THE DOOR TO GOOD HEALTH L Through the Kidneys -Like • Well Planned Sandman System 111ey Keep the Body Haman Healthy -Interest's, Story from Quebec. The kidneys here vopy appropriately been de.aribsd as oho monitory system of the hu- man body. • lot Ibsen become inopar 0M' and disease will quickly follow, •.d MIND the obstrwotisne ••re removed. death will be tire result. Mr. D. J. Looks, of Sher - beanie, P. Q., sabred for years from ma pinned kidney trouble,and spent over $100 to dotal to .sour. relief ; bot no relief came until b. mod South Amerle•o Kidney ante His statement oompletdy oared him, sod n sod today he bottles four M the ..tvyuesl of sound health- L the beat di tesDbg oases this remedy dues re- lief b mit hour.. Sold by J. P Davis. teak was wok •ppreeteted. A lady had • 000k who gave her suety satisfaction, sad .he was under the impres- sion that the cook was equally satisfied wish her pl.o.. But one morning, to the l.dy's inter.e surprise, the 000k gave her rho ..mol sonth'. sous.. ' Bus whatever do you want to leave for Jane!" asked the mistress. " 1 .m very pleased with you, and I thought you were qnts oomfort•ble hers" " Ys, mum, I'm comfortable enough in • way,but— " Tb. cook hesitated, sod aldgeted about. " But what !" rend the mistress " Weil. ram,' .he blurted out. " the fret is, the master don't .mm to 'predate my amatory, sad I 1.a5ot .top in • pl•o. .hers my efforts to pines are wasted : so I'd rather go, mum." ' But what mobile you think that your muster doemo't appreciate your cookery ! Has he .ver oomplalsd to you!" asked tb. lady. No, mom ; but my Iota master was al- ways baro' lad up through over -eating kb- v.ff : be .aid be oosida,t help dons' me, be- comes my cookery was so delicious ; but muster sin's 'sem Lid up onw .11 the three months I'vt hen bars'" A 'certain toter .as playing the loading port in • soledr•sa a was 'opposed to hove rhetbeoeir6 • fortune sod to 000101 - pi a aeidde no knocked .t the door of his yeneked garret He hastily pot his revolver into the drawer of the table •t which he mat. An old solicitor Informed him that an uncle had did rad lett him half • wil- lies. Half • million of money !" 'cried the would-be suicide, tbs. sudden) restrained. Will ill I do with it ! What non I do with it " " tool. Harry," said • gallery boy, " I should bey • pair of bosh --tint !" Lin amid tet Live. " You have ben working here ter • long Mame now, John," remarked the minister to the gravedigger one day. " Ay, mon, the bettor p•irt e' fifty nor or one," was the snows/. " And I suppose you have burled ass or more out of every family M the porirh ?" " Nearly, ter, but so •'tkegether," re- plied Jeb.. " Tim folk o' Toadbille ho'e rte neorly two Loks o' their Corm, an' they awns.' s. broken vr'uod yea" '• Indeed. that is very remarkable,' .z= claimed the minister. " And old To•dh11L looks bole mod hearty yet." " Hale an' hearty enough, ' granted the gravedigger. " Hale a' hearty, nos doo't, .n' Nokomis' his grup on the world every dry, but " (very .e•ppl.hly) " folk should Isom as' let neve, air -I my folk should Mai an' let leen." The minister thought John might with profit take the lesson to Unwell, but he pre- ferred not to pros the pdst. r'erpeo=Me• A farmer returning boas from morkei lots sus sight with hie wages mod bates felt very sleepy. Aa the Mier ked gra ea mann to the mama end, he often fsU asleep •1e•, the read, sod IN the borne go alone. Ho Md se doss this sights butes they passed tbr.mgb • small tem tm fellows et the preened joker isdim'tes mopped the wages ,r de.ly, leek en the Mmes end led theta away. The inner poemmlll awoke rather bo- nneted, rwildssed, ends. y she quite coaprehend• W the WM G[ alike. And the two Tseng resale •Moils, by beard his say •loed. to himself : "• ICI be Jeks Sean I've lest two hems -sod U i best Jebo Sane I've toed • mama" TERRORS OF RHEUMATISM. A Boody Wink is Iash.atee5.es sod Per - moon l0 11111m► --A Celery RofN•ot. Crippled for Titres Yawn. Mesita+ Berns as es musts. Ries and wssnmo agree That oocne ars toinful, but easily outod,and quits anima Mon sod worsen who have used Pulse's Cora Extractor unity that it is the best, sots without pain and °urea. Um Putnam's Painless Corn EKWIWID.r. UNTOLD , MISERY RHEUMATISM C.1 Meg, Water Talley, His., seri by Ayer's Sarsaparilla 'rte two yarn, I eugoted mon winery bens m/mm00r eteme".m. i tried every MONS 111111101010111106 i the beet pbyst- lkMIN Ilmek WNW stgtlbd 1lfatlgrlll .. Ark., three time., est eeekd Gpkr egg Iaagmary 'here; relief. My ash was WWI eau/ se that I welshed Gel/ M•MJ4111.M pineals; my lett arm sae IM were drsae erg M Mega. rite —tlu Wag twisted up d toots. I was unable so dress myself, except with assistance. and moon only bobble about by using a cane. I bad no appetite. and was assured, by rho doctors, that I could not live. The pains. at Mee, were so awful. that I could procure rape only by means of hypodermic tape - Cam of morphine. I had my limbs bandaged t. clay, In sulphur, In poultices; but these gave only temporary relief. After trying everything, and suffering the moot awful betaree. I began to take Ayer's Sarsaparlil•. Inane of two months, I w. ‘Mk' to walk without a cane. In three mon, ••y lobs began to strengthen, and in the course of a year, 1 was eared. My weight has increased te 1e5 pounds. and I am now able to do my tat day's work ass railroad blacksmith." AYER'S 1M Wofil's r* Sousepsulls. 4TIWS r1LL0 owe M..loris. Lumber for Sale! The (ioderieh Lumber ('o. ILtdi haslet sal •t tb. Harbor and at the 1'•rd on the B.T.R. track. IC.m. Ash sod Harwood and Hemlock and C der Lumber in all length= rad Cedar Poets. Alro Slabs In any quantity. AD_uptnwn office for the .ale .-f Millwood. ISlobs, tc.,i 1 as been established at the note d HARI'KR a; I.RI. who are .-mpowerei to accept ord-rs and receive payments for our uotewn trade in that Inns ser THR GIODR1UCH LUMBER ('O GEO. THOMPSON, Telephone o Lj, Manager. For TWEN I Y -SEVEN YEARS Rinsed Leer' For • very long Moo, law and low mai ha.e nem treated by the rbyusster. Wm. Asdrswe, in • reomotly pebksbsd book o. " The Lawyer in History, Lttor.ture and Hermit," minim thin probably the best - Jinni UfumirsMss Is the hUowMR : A bygone.elebrity. Jenne Pawls. had • habit of tngently .Mug the tths.s... " I nimbly o.me.ivs, .ed "Look. de yes..s!" On ems osmosis, during an 0terval. his lordship tared to Yoko, dementia Lord Hosdwieke, sod observed : Yr. York.. 1 uodermi..dayoukgmlayi to publish • pestvtrdae f T ' p- e Lyttla0a" Win yes laver tae with • mean= r ing banisher. sod preesedied greedy to re eM. . H. Wt hold* his lend M fee Ned sefthm he shako net to aldose. I humbly essesivs t for, leek, de yes mo t They me hie and Wm Mie' far ever r N. nubile se mysterbem him send M ase .0ueslemo le as Bisset them 1s Smith •m.riess ODs in •11 sow el IM.m.ltam. Jaws A. Ad..e.o. el Odom A. W. T., mote that sues Nems ems he be- aims eaims •*seed via sad hr Wee ywm N mods his • de that heWMMe•Milk Seget Is Ms eels weeds t "t mWei total Worm mit Om* t•wd Yy w Mat pkp'W. IS. epee ahone la ' 'pth' fee.vefy gn eelll a bL..deas the ' most. • MW Ogre. r•� snmeeid Bee* •mw- l�.a. On it min t Irmo meg my Me, fM*m 1 ma as shoat en IL + PAN w by PILL PRICE. The Lys se M moo a bee ler pills as. ManboroL - DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOICSBESTuw�w.FRIEND sou iw KOOTENAY CURES *RHF1,MATISM KIDNEY DISEASE LIVER COMPLAINT INDIGESTION ECZEMA CONTAINS THE (1* MORE DI Dri Er. I. I. M J•araee. Proprietor 1mw11 ■Gam•, eDnwa. Cared et Manes. MAP Of the aid.eys. Ammg reselling mem, members of Patio nen .sd Witmer or the Canadian Cappital, n. age Y MAW' known than Mr. r. X 9t thewpUeuMr proprleter rd the Russell Othaai•.oatly from wbo0twmorros. of the W keys In bop. hoped Whette.r • .ere he doctored resolorty, but onion mon During Ju be logos the se d Beeka•nb Esseseay win sea t Cure. but gn a tirriywl ~oa was Ills Oa medicine shoawords in t hie to ease athe proprietor..00 Wiry Meng. Be •5711: Or.aw•, Aigemi M. MIL L B. Rvewe.a. Ilse., K.P. Dass tint, i will gladly a0d mtr:trly ream' ✓ ood result tsult it has dnay os. me ito ii Mend. b c after per.md- Wishing ie every warms*. wb1'•h 11 m ori dn..rvee, I •a, daF f • trr JAOt*ie. Spring Suit or Overcoat 1t you need a Winter Over- coat or Suit, call upon Pa1DHAM, The Tailor. If you leave your order with him you may depend on getting goods that will suit in every way -in tit, workmanship and promptness in delivery. PRIDH11.112 TEi TALAR. 1L.)7.... hnnonacement. Dr. liven'% Liver PEW .t M. • Hol w mac oder and pbammitr le 1•ka ..d ern Aseg- elite titrs� r I. OmM4•yia, ri mai 1`�w ` Isr.lV "'a1.L.a"iB.li ate' w 0 g. $ Pavia New Goods and Best Values in the Tailoring line at the old -established and reliable Wert-st Eniporiuni. Satisfac- tion guaranteed in Quality Style and Price. HUGH DUNLOP. Stoves and Tinware e . . At. CATTi.E BROS. Now is the time to enquire about Heating or Cook Stoves. Whe have them— all kinds and sizes at lowest possi- ble cost prices. Also leave your orders for repairing and setting up of Stores. We handle the best Canadian and American Coal Oil. I11110LESLIE _ANTS ASYSTBOIO BROI1. & CO. Pump & Fannin bill Wort C3 4:1201:1H1RIOS, OIJT- rlur *firmer erT t aem� A stook d wry .Motes Pumps Del toot nred frGu sensed Munn* n une. Woo wing bents elst ed. These nae et.d In a ember d styles to am Ike .very Des Very 1e1T 111:r torp..bo&- /arse. 5eu . lrmp• N% ft+slag's e,r,ecal at MUS arN t reglw f.r sarytag trues wading Munn minim ones. lebisirPlrne *l a$ .matte. atve• to araw4' w.Mp Asp wrath • ewes,• bee. pumw Ire. •mid WmN irenNa wood -.eel, toe• .0401. h0sl er >»*4101 .1.160 rnesabWsj� .e. er'sa' fNNMs*r A *sA1. .LI C0A'"•g.. Pe44..1.Iee�bds All msmet wm�s.0�1,4.�momf�s.iu. i•eaHtb RHOS & Co CATTLE BR08., Homilies -et. Plumbers and Tinners. Oakes, Pies, Tarts. PUMPS Ready for the Rush. Call at D. CANT&LOlt'm, the leading bakery, for your Party Cake. and Puff Paste Tarts, Oyster Patties, Mince Pies, Short Broad. All kinds of Cakes kept on hand. Orders left by ten in the morning will be made and delivered the same day. Wedding Cake. -Ornamenting and decorating of the latest designs with a fancy assortment of Wedding Cake Ornaments. Almond Icing a specialty. Ca sz.telos . Tinware raiiitevare z = are necessary to mankind, then how much more mo are they to the better part, -woman 1 As they are so neces- sary epersary you shook! see that what you get are good, thus saving in .man and health. Tinware or Ornniteware bought from us in always good, and as the latent inventions are always added to our stock • better esleotioa easrrot b. found is Canada. STOVES •we FURUCES eesnplede lire of Reeves and Porn - ante in the (county. }WMt eft 1 111